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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det dolda förhållningssättet till barns självkänsla : En studie av förskolepedagogers intryck och uppfattningar kring barns självkänsla / The hidden attitude to children's self-esteem : A study of preschool pedagogues impressions and perceptions of children's self-esteem

Berg, Lisa January 2011 (has links)
The pre-school is seen by many as the place where children get equipped for the future and the challenges there of. One of the most important aims according of the curriculum for Swedish preschools is that children get the opportunity, in interaction with the pedagogues, to develop their identity and to feel secure and satisfied with themself. Although, in the curriculum of the Swedish preschool system there is a comprehensive focus on the children’s competencies and learning, the importance that the children feel secure is not that prominent. Consequently a paradox occurs between the focus on children’s competencies and their need for care. The focus of this study is to investigate how this effects the pedagogues work with the children’s self-esteem.   The study investigates the pedagogues views on self-esteem and how they work to strengthen and develop the childrens self-esteem. A qualitative method was used, based on interviews and observations, in order to get a verified picture of the pedagogues views on the above questions. The interviews took place in a pre-school in the south part of Stockholm. The study is based on the perspective sociology of childhood.  The result shows that the pedagogues child perspective is based on the ’competent child’ where the development of the children’s self-esteem developed with confirmation of the childrens competencies and performances. The childrens self-esteem is according to the pedagogues a concept they take for granted as a ’silent perspective’, instead of something outspoken and something they discuss between one another. In conclusion, to work with children's self-esteem and to make the work as meaningful as possible, it is important that the pedagogues are aware that there are several ways to it’s development both an inner subjective and outer, which they display. The result shows that much focus is placed on developing the outer performance-based self-esteem. As a consequence little focus is laid on the emotional acknowledgment necessary for the development of the subjective or the inner self-esteem.

Hur ser utbudet av mångfald ut inom barnlitteratur? : Hur påverkar samhällets normer utbudet av mångfald i barnlitteratur? / What is the range of diversity in children's literature? : How does the norms of society influencens the supply of diversity in children ́s literature?

Haraldsson, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to provide an idea of the diversity of available children's literature in pre-school and pre-school class. The study was conducted by visiting three preschools and two preschool classes to summarize the range of diversity in their reading corners. During these visits, conversations with the staff also took place to gain their perspective on literature and how they experience collaboration with the libraries. To see the perspective from the other side, there will also be a longer interview with a children's librarian. The result showed that the male main characters were dominant in all departments except one, and that there was only one type of ethnicity that was represented. It also showed that the cooperation between preschool and library was found to be on average positive, while pre-school classes did not have the same opportunity for cooperation. / Syftet med var studien att skapa en uppfattning om hur stor mångfald det finns i den tillgängliga barnlitteraturen i förskolan och förskoleklass. Studien utfördes genom besök av tre förskolor och två förskoleklasser för att summera utbudet av mångfalden i deras läshörnor. Under dessa besök skedde det även samtal med personalen för att få deras perspektiv på litteratur och hur de upplever samarbetet med biblioteken. För att få se perspektivet från andra sidan kommer skedde det även en längre intervju med en barnbibliotekarie. Resultatet visade på att de manliga huvudkaraktärerna var dominerande på alla avdelningar förutom en, samt att det enbart var en typ av etnicitet som fanns representerad. Det visade även på att samarbetet mellan förskolan och biblioteket uppleddes genomsnittligt positivt medan förskoleklasserna inte alls hade samma möjlighet till samarbete.

"Sluta! Du får inte vara med!" : En normkritisk essä om pedagogens inflytande på barns fria lek i förskolan

Deiters, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Title: "Stop! You can't play with me!" A norm-critical essay on how the teacher influences children's free play at preschool Abstract This essay is based on two cases describing two children in a few different situations at preschool. These cases form the basis of a dilemma, discussing how involved the teacher should be in children's free play. The dilemma poses questions regarding the teacher’s actions when a child does not want to play with other children, as well as a child that seems incapable of playing with other children. The cases help highlight the implicit idea that children should play with other children. My purpose is to investigate what implicit normative ideas exists about children playing at preschool and to what extent they form my own notion about the necessity for children to be able to play. The method used in this paper is a reflective essay. This enables it possible for me to reflect on my role as a teacher and how I act in the different cases. The reflective part of the essay focuses on answering posed questions, with the basis of discussion being the Swedish curriculum for preschool and its influences. Further, the essay discusses the origin of my own ideas about how children should play originate from. The focus then moves to a sociocultural perspective, specially how children learn and develop when they interact with each other. This section of the essay also discusses norms at preschool, developed from an interpretation of the curriculum, as well as existing ideas about children playing and children as competent learners. Finally, the essay also discusses current research on children and how they play, as well as current research on the importance of involved teachers, put in relation to the two children portrayed in the presented cases. My conclusion is that the teacher is subject to the curriculum, and needs to act according to its content. A significant part of the work is creating a safe environment for the children. The curriculum of the Swedish preschool, and the implicit theories that help shape it, act as a guide to the teacher’s actions. It states that children should explore the world around them; hence there are norms about how a child should play. Keywords: preschool, free play, social interaction, norms, involved teachers, curriculum

Yoga i förskolan : En studie av förskolebarns upplevelse av yoga i förskolan / Yoga in preschool : A study of preschool children´s experience of yoga in preschool

Österlund, Sonja January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this survey is to gain an insight into preschool children´s experience of yoga at the preschool. To investigate this semistructured interviews with seven children in one and the same preschool have been conducted. The result shows that the children´s perception of yoga is that yoga is something you do with your body and that yoga is good for your body. The result also shows that the children experience yoga as both a physical experience and as a sensational experience. / Syftet med denna studie var att få en inblick i förskolebarns upplevelse av yoga på förskolan. För att undersöka detta har semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju barn på en och samma förskola genomförts. Resultatet visar att barnens uppfattning av yoga är att yoga är något man gör med kroppen och att yoga är bra för kroppen. Resultatet visar också att barnen upplever yoga både som en fysisk upplevelse och som en sinnesupplevelse.

Barns väg till en adekvat digital kompetens : Förskollärarnas konstruktioner av den digitala undervisningen / Children's path to adequate digital competence : Preschool teachers' constructions of digital teaching

Dahlström, Belinda, Fransson, Malina January 2022 (has links)
Regeringen har tagit fram en digitaliseringsstrategi med syfte att utveckla den digitala undervisningen i förskolan och reducera den rådande digitala klyftan i samhället. Det framgår att förskolan är en viktig utgångspunkt för barns adekvata digitala kompetens. Digitalisering har i och med den reviderade läroplanen för förskolan fått en mer framträdande roll i undervisningen. Eftersom digitaliseringen i förskolan är ett relativt nytt arbetsområde har det uppmärksammats att det finns bristande kunskaper hos förskollärarna om hur den digitala undervisningen ska genomföras. I och med att förskollärarna har huvudansvaret för den undervisningen som bedrivs är det viktigt att de håller sina kunskaper och metoder uppdaterade. För att barn ska kunna möta de behov som finns i samhället måste förskolan skapa förutsättningar för dem att utveckla nya kompetenser. Barnen växer upp i en digitaliserad värld och behöver därmed få förutsättningar att utveckla specifika förmågor för att kunna möta 2000- talets utmaningar. Förskollärarnas erfarenheter och konstruktioner av den digitala undervisningen är därmed av stor relevans. Studien har som syfte att beskriva och diskutera hur förskolläraren i sin undervisning konstruerar adekvat digital kompetens i arbetet med barnen och hur den uppfattas av barnen. I studien användes en kvalitativ metod med sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer varav tre förskollärare och tre förskolebarn från tre olika kommuner. Barnens del i studien är att påvisa validiteten i förskollärarnas svar samt vilka digitala kompetenser barnen fått förutsättningar att utveckla. Det har varit framträdande i studiens resultat att förskollärares erfarenheter samt syn på barn och digital teknik har varit aspekter som påverkat deras konstruktioner. I och med att det inte framgår i läroplanen hur arbetet med digitaliseringen specifikt ska bedrivas framkommer förskollärares varierade kunskaper och erfarenheter vara påverkansfaktorer. Men hur kan förskolan skapa en likvärdig utbildning när förskollärarnas konstruktioner av den digitala undervisningen skiljs åt? I diskussionsdelen ställs därmed förskollärarnas förutsättningar samt inställning till att bedriva den digitala undervisningen i relation till barns utveckling av en adekvat digital kompetens. / The government has developed a digitalisation strategy with the aim of developing digital teaching in preschools and reducing the prevailing digital divide in society. They show that preschool is an important starting point for children's adequate digital competence. Digitization has thus, with the revised curriculum for preschool Lpfö 18, been given a more prominent role in teaching. As digitalisation in preschool is a relatively new area of work, it has been noted that there is a lack of knowledge among preschool teachers about how digital teaching should be implemented. As preschool teachers have the main responsibility for the teaching that is conducted, it is important that they keep their knowledge and methods up to date. In order for children to be able to meet the needs that exist in society, the preschool must create conditions for them to develop new skills. Children grow up in a digitalized world and thus need the conditions to develop specific abilities to be able to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The preschool teachers' experiences and constructions of digital teaching are thus of great relevance. The purpose of the study is to describe and discuss how the preschool teacher’s construct adequate digital competence in the work with the children and how it is perceived by the children. The study used a qualitative method with six semi-structured interviews, of which three were preschool teachers and three were preschool children from three different communities. The children's part of the study is to investigate the validity of the preschool teachers' answers and what digital skills the children have been given the conditions to develop. It has been prominent in the results of the study that preschool teachers' experiences and views on children and digital technology have been aspects that have influenced their constructions. As it does not appear in the curriculum how the work with digitalisation is to be conducted specifically, the preschool teachers' varied knowledge and experiences appear to be influencing factors. But how can the preschool create an equivalent education when the preschool teachers' constructions of the digital teaching are separated? The discussion section thus sets out the preschool teachers' prerequisites and attitude towards conducting digital teaching in relation to children's development of adequate digital competence.

Beprövad erfarenhet i förskolans verksamhet : Hur uppfattar förskollärare arbetet med beprövad erfarenhet? / Proven experience in preschool occupation : How do preschool teachers perceive the work with proven experience?

Damberg, Johanna, Fredin, Ellen January 2021 (has links)
Problematiken med begreppet beprövad erfarenhet är att det inte finns några konkreta riktlinjer eller förklaringar kring hur arbetet ska ske utifrån beprövad erfarenhet. Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för hur förskollärare uppfattar arbetet med beprövad erfarenhet i förskolans verksamhet. För att få svar på frågeställningarna i syftet har en kvalitativ studie gjorts med utgångspunkt i det fenomenografiska perspektivet. Metoden som använts i studien är en kvalitativ webbenkät, som 18 förskollärare valde att delta i. I resultatet framkom det flera olika uppfattningar kring hur arbetet med beprövad erfarenhet sker i förskolans verksamhet. Det framkom att det finns likheter och skillnader i hur förskollärarna uppfattar arbetet med beprövad erfarenhet. Utifrån fenomenografi finns det inga rätt eller fel i hur enskilda individer uppfattar ett fenomen och studiens syfte är inte att finna svar på så vida något är rätt eller fel. Utan som tidigare nämns görs studien i syfte för att få en förståelse för hur förskollärare uppfattar arbetet med beprövad erfarenhet. I resultatet framkom det uppfattningar om vilken betydelse beprövad erfarenhet har, vilka hjälpmedel som används samt vilka utvecklingsmöjligheter som finns i relation till beprövad erfarenhet. Studien kan inte dra några generella slutsatser men resultatet visar att det finns en stor variation på arbetssätt i relation till beprövad erfarenhet. Slutligen diskuteras resultatet i förhållande till tidigare forskning, litteratur samt i relation till fenomenografi. / The problem with the concept of proven experience is that there are no concrete guidelines or explanations about how the work should be done based on proven experience. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of how preschool teachers perceive the work with proven experience in the preschool's activities. In order to get answers to the questions for the studies purpose, a qualitative study has been made based on the phenomenographic perspective. The method used in the study is a qualitative online survey, which 18 preschool teachers chose to participate in. The result revealed several different perceptions about how the work with proven experience takes place in the preschool's activities. It emerged that there are similarities and differences in how preschool teachers perceive the work with proven experience. Based on phenomenography, there is no right or wrong in how individuals perceive a phenomenon and the purpose of the study isn´t to find answers to the extent that something is right or wrong. But as previously mentioned, the study is made in order to gain an understanding of how preschool teachers perceive the work with proven experience. The results revealed perceptions of the significance of proven experience, what tools are used and what development opportunities there is in relation to proven experience. The study can´t draw any general conclusions, but the results show that there is a great variety of working methods in relation to proven experience. Finally, the results are discussed in relation to previous research, literature and in relation to phenomenography.

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