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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Discrimination on the ground of citizenship under the constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Skosana, Jacob 06 1900 (has links)
Prior to 1994, citizenship was one of the pillars upon which the erstwhile government's policy of separate development rested. The concepts of citizenship and nationality were manipulated by the apartheid government to justify the denationalisation of black people and the creation of different classes of citizenship. Race, colour and language were the distinguishing features used to classify people into the different classes of citizenship. With the advent of the new constitutional order in 1994, common citizenship and the rights associated with it were restored to all South Africans. This discussion shows how in the post-1994 constitutional order citizenship has become an element of nation-building, while on the other hand it continues to perpetuate discrimination against non-citizens. The study aims to further the debate regarding the ill treatment of non-citizens with a view of influencing legislative and policy reform to replace the existing laws which are biased against no-citizens. / Law / LL.M.


林孟楠, LIN, MENG-NAN Unknown Date (has links)
我國憲法學者多數認為外國人雖為基本權主體,但依照權利性質說,並不享有國際遷徙自由,從而國家可任意地拒絕其入境、居留或驅逐出境。最主要的理由在於,依照國際法,主權可自由決定是否允許外國人入境及課予入境條件。從而,主權也可自由設計入出境管理制度,那麼藉此箝制外國人言論、宗教或學術自由等基本權利,並非不可想像,甚至我國亦有實例發生。雖然,憲法學者也指出國家應儘量尊重外國人的入出境,亦不得任意藉此任意侵害其他基本權利。不過,既然外國人沒有作為憲法權利的國際遷徙自由,即難以對抗立法者藉由入管制度造成的侵害,更抹滅全球化時代下外國人國際遷徙活動本身具有的各種意義與功能。 有鑑於此,本文一方面嘗試跨足國際法,檢視現行國際人權法對外國人國際遷徙的保障程度,並回溯國際法古典著作探尋主權與國際遷徙自由的軌跡;另一方面,分析現行憲法學說之不足,藉由與國際法的對話成果,嘗試重新構築憲法保障外國人國際遷徙自由的體系。之後探討國家於限制外國人的國際遷徙自由時,應如何遵循法律保留原則、比例原則與正當法律程序,並提供救濟管道,始合乎憲法第23條之意旨。經由憲法基本權保障機制的確立,最後進一步檢討現行入出國及移民法,提出建言。 / The study is intended for elaborating on the freedom of international movement for aliens. First of all, the author examines the protected area of international movement for aliens under current international law and explores the classics of international law in order to research into the entangling relationship between sovereignty and freedom of international movement. In addition, the author analyzes constitutional doctrines at the present times and their inadequacy by applying international law. Meanwhile, what this article does attempt to do is to provide a new framework of the protected area of freedom of international movement for aliens under constitutional law. Also, in an effort to protect the freedom of international movement for aliens, the author discusses how to apply principles of non-delegation and proportionality and due process of law appropriately to prevent state power from violating it. Finally, the author examines immigration law and offers suggestions.

Sport et droit du travail : entre droit commun et droit spécial / Sports and labour law : between common law and special law

Pagani, Krys 05 May 2012 (has links)
Parce que la singularité du sport s’est estompée au fur et à mesure qu’il développait sa dimension économique et que certains de ses acteurs adoptaient un comportement économique rationnel, le droit commun du travail et les normes forgées par l’Union européenne ne pouvaient que trouver application dans ce secteur d’activité. Des particularités du sport la conclusion est parfois tirée qu’une « exception » doit être reconnue et qu’un droit spécial du travail d’origine étatique doit être élaboré. Si leur pertinence n’est pas avérée, celle d’un droit professionnel largement bâti par ses acteurs via la négociation collective nationale ou européenne (dans les limites fixées par la norme étatique) l’est davantage. L’exclusion du droit commun du travail ou de celui de l’Union européenne n’est admissible que si des éléments objectifs et concrets la justifient. Elle ne peut légitimement reposer sur l’existence d’une « coutume ». Si les contraintes liées à l’aléa sportif, à l’équité sportive ou à la brièveté de la carrière de certains de ses acteurs peuvent en relever, encore faut-il les apprécier avec rigueur et mesurer strictement leurs effets sur les conditions d’emploi et de travail. Le particularisme résiduel d’une activité économique ne saurait justifier de l’exclure du droit commun du travail ou du droit de l’Union. L’application de certaines règles étatiques dans le sport pose des problèmes d’articulation normative, notamment en raison d’interférences avec des règles sportives. Mais de ce jeu-là, le droit commun du travail ou le droit de l’Union sort souvent vainqueur. Neutralisant les frontières tracées par le mouvement sportif, notamment entre le sport amateur et le sport professionnel, il obtient, via son juge, que ses impératifs l’emportent. / As sport specificity has been fading away while developing its economic dimension and adopting a rational economic behaviour, common labour laws and European law have inevitably applied to this sector of activity. Admitting sport special features sometimes leads to the conclusion that an “exception” has to be recognised and that special labour laws emanating from the state must be developed. While such a conclusion is not relevant, a professional law implemented by its actors through national or European collective bargaining (within the state legal frame set up) is, to a large extent, more appropriate. The exclusion of common labour laws or European law is acceptable only if justified by objective and concrete elements. It cannot legitimately be based on “customs”. If the constraints related to sports hazards, sporting fairness or sporting career shortness can be justified by such customs, it is necessary to rigorously appreciate and strictly measure their effects on employment and working conditions. The residual distinctive identity of an economic activity provides no justification for excluding it from the application of common labour laws or European law. The application of certain state rules and laws to sport reveals some normative articulation issues, in particular in relation to conflicts arising with sporting rules. However, in such a game, common labour laws and European law often win. Neutralizing the boundaries drawn by the sports community, in particular between amateur and professional sports, they succeed, through their judges, in having their requirements prevailing.

Las penas restrictivas de la libertad ambulatoria en la Codificación española

Gómez de Maya, Julián 24 May 2011 (has links)
Dentro de las penas de libertad se han distinguido tradicionalmente aquéllas que privan de ella en su mayor parte de aquéllas que sólo intervienen la facultad locomotiva o ambulatoria, con frecuencia referidas científica o legislativamente a la libertad de residencia, pero de concepto en realidad mucho más amplio, por prohibir la permanencia y aun el mero acceso al territorio vedado. En España, con atención tanto a los textos legales como a los proyectos legislativos, cabe reconocer ese componente restrictivo de la libertad ambulatoria en las penas de deportación o relegación, de extrañamiento, de confinamiento y de destierro; otra figura penal, la sujeción a la vigilancia de la autoridad, ha sido inicialmente medio punitivo y después medida de seguridad; por fin, la expulsión de extranjeros, que apenas ha tenido consideración de pena, completa el cuadro de consecuencias jurídicas del delito encuadrables en esta categoría. / Within the ambit of the penalisation of liberty there have traditionally been those penalties that remove liberty almost entirely and those that only restrict freedom of movement. These latter are frequently referred to, technically or legally, as concerning right of residence, but which are in fact of far greater compass, since they prohibit the possibility of staying in, or even entry to, the proscribed territory. In Spain, in both legal texts and in proposed legislation, one may notice this component of restriction of movement in the penalties of deportation, banishments and exile. Another penal measure, that of subjection to surveillance by the authorities, was initially a punitive measure and then became a matter of security. Finally, the expulsion of foreigners, which has scarcely been regarded as a punishment, completes the stock of legal measures used against the offences brought together in this category.

Discrimination on the ground of citizenship under the constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Skosana, Jacob 06 1900 (has links)
Prior to 1994, citizenship was one of the pillars upon which the erstwhile government's policy of separate development rested. The concepts of citizenship and nationality were manipulated by the apartheid government to justify the denationalisation of black people and the creation of different classes of citizenship. Race, colour and language were the distinguishing features used to classify people into the different classes of citizenship. With the advent of the new constitutional order in 1994, common citizenship and the rights associated with it were restored to all South Africans. This discussion shows how in the post-1994 constitutional order citizenship has become an element of nation-building, while on the other hand it continues to perpetuate discrimination against non-citizens. The study aims to further the debate regarding the ill treatment of non-citizens with a view of influencing legislative and policy reform to replace the existing laws which are biased against no-citizens. / Law / LL.M.

L'intérêt général en économie de marché : perspective de droit de l'Union européenne / The general interest in a market economy framework : european law aspects

Ioannidou, Aimilia 29 September 2017 (has links)
Le droit de l’Union européenne induit de très importantes transformations du concept d’intérêt général dont notamment les deux suivantes Premièrement, dans le cadre du système juridique de l’Union l’intérêt général se décline désormais à deux niveaux, à savoir celui de l’Union et celui de ses Etats membres. Deuxièmement, le caractère principalement économique de l’Union européenne et de son droit, bien que quelque peu atténué, fait de la conception de l’intérêt général retenue au sein de l’ordre juridique européen une approche ancrée dans une perspective économique d’orientation libérale. Cela entraîne des conséquences significatives quant à l’agencement de la puissance publique et du marché dans les processus de définition ainsi que de mise en oeuvre de l’intérêt général, tant au niveau des Etats membres qu’au niveau de l’Union. Il en va d’ailleurs ainsi pour ce qui est des fonctions de l’intérêt général. L’objet de la présente thèse consiste en l’étude de ces transformations. / The legal concept of general interest is significantly transformed under EU law. The most important transformations consist in the double-level (national and European) development of the concept and in the fact that the primarily economic character of EU law as well as its liberal orientation influence at a great extent the relation between public authority and the market as far as both the definition and the realization of the general interest, as well as its functions, are concerned. The object of the present thesis consists in a study of the aforementioned transformations.

Équilibre concurrentiel et sport professionnel : l'exemple du football européen / Competitive balance and professional sport : the example of the european football

Messina, Frédéric 12 December 2011 (has links)
L'analyse concurrentielle du marché pertinent du football professionnel européen fait ressortir le saisissant contraste présent entre la force de l'exigence d'une concurrence "libre" et "non faussée" et la relativité de son existence sur le marché. Depuis l'arrêt "Bosman" et la reconnaissance par la Cour de justice de la liberté de circulation des sportifs professionnels, l'économie concurrentielle du marché en cause est inégalitaire et le sort de la compétition économique prévisible. En supprimant les clauses de nationalité, qui limitaient les flux transnationaux de joueurs et l'impact de l'hétérogénéité des systèmes fiscaux sur le processus concurrentiel, les juges de Luxembourg ont structurellement remis en cause les conditions de concurrence du marché. En effet, les clubs au "coin socio-fiscal du travail" élevé ont vu leur liberté concurrentielle être affectée et leur chance de réussir, dans la compétition économique, considérablement se réduire. Leur incapacité fiscale à proposer, à coût égal, des rémunérations attractives et compétitives aux facteurs de concurrence que sont les joueurs, s'est traduite, dans le contexte de la libéralisation du marché, par un "état d'infériorité structurelle". Cette situation immédiatement contraire aux objectifs des Traités a engendré une allocation inefficace des richesses du marché et une qualité disparate de l'offre de spectacle sportif au sein de la Communauté. / The competitive analysis of the relevant market of the European professional football highlights the striking contrast between the strength of the requirement of a “free” and “undistorted” competition and the relativity of its existence on the market.Since the “Bosman” decision and the recognition by the European Court of Justice of the freedom of movement for professional sportsmen, the competitive economy of the relevant market is non-egalitarian and the result of economic competition is predictable. By suppressing the nationality clauses which limited the transnational flows of the players and the impact of heterogeneity of tax systems on the competitive process, the judges of Luxembourg structurally altered the competitive conditions into the market. Indeed, football clubs at “the wedge between labour costs and net wages” saw their competitive freedom being affected and their chance to succeed in the economic competition considerably reduced. Their tax incapacity to propose, at equal cost, attractive and competitive payments to the competition factors that are the players, has translated, in the context of the liberalization of the market, by a “structural inferiority state”. This situation at once went against the objectives of the Treaties causing an inefficient allowance of the wealth in the market, as well as an ill-assorted quality of the sport entertainment offer within the Common Market.

Proměny a vývojové tendence v judikatuře Soudního dvora EU v oblasti vnitřního trhu po roce 2004 / Transformations and trends in the case law of the court of justice of the EU in the field of the internal market after 2004

Petrlík, David January 2016 (has links)
There have been three main sets of trends in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the field of the internal market after 2004. The first set of trends concerned the criteria of legal analysis, i.e. the scope of EU rules on free movement, the concept of the restriction of free movement and the justification of such restrictions. The second set of trends in the case law is related to the fact that the Court completes its legal analysis by considerations linked to its value orientation of the Court, i.e. its liberalism, social tendencies, protection of fundamental rights, pragmatism and proactivity. The third trend in the case law of the internal market consisted in changing the focus of case law in the sense that the Court has begun to deal with more and more cases from sectoral fields, i.e. fields covered by secondary law.

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