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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Vi förväntas vara dom här lekpojkarna” : En kvalitativ studie om mäns upplevelser av att vara i minoritet i en kvinnodominerad förskoleverksamhet

Nordsten, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka männens upplevelse av att arbeta på en kvinnodominerad arbetsplats. Empiriinsamlingen har skett utifrån sex enskilda intervjuer med män som arbetar på förskola. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna har varit sociala genusmönster, könsprocesser i organisationer och minoriteter i organisationer, vilka har använts för att analysera det insamlade materialet. Materialet visade att de flesta av intervjupersonerna tyckte att kön har betydelse i förskolan, bland annat för att det inte förväntas att män ska arbeta i förskola. Intervjupersonerna upplevde de tre tendenser som kännetecknar minoriteter på arbetsplatser, synlighet, kontrast och assimilering. Männen upplever stereotypiska föreställningar om män i förskolan av de kvinnliga förskolpedagogerna, bland annat att de blir tilldelade specifika arbetsuppgifter och stereotypiska könsroller, som upprätthåller sociala genusmönster. Materialet visade även hur männen konstant tänker på hur de agerar med barnen i förskolan för att inte riskera att bli misstänkliggjord för sexuella övergrepp mot barn. Resultatet analyserades utifrån två huvudteman, genusmönster och konsekvenser samt erfarenheter av att vara i minoritet, som redogör männens upplevelse av att arbeta som minoritet på en kvinnodominerad arbetsplats. För vidare forskning hade det varit intresserat att gå ännu djupare i minoritetsproblematiken på både kvinno- och mansdominerade arbetsplatser. / The aim of the study was to investigate men's experience of working in a women-dominated workplace. The collection of data has been based on six individual interviews with men who work in preschool. The theoretical starting points have been social gender patterns, gender processes in organizations and minorities in organizations, which have been used to analyze the material from the interviews. The material showed that most of the interviewees thought that gender is important in preschool, partly because men are not expected to work in preschool. The interviewees experienced the three tendencies that characterize minorities in the workplace: visibility, contrast and assimilation. The men experience stereotypical conceptions about men in preschool by the female preschool educators, among other things that they are assigned specific tasks and stereotypical gender roles, which maintain social gender patterns. The material also showed how the men constantly think about how they interact with the children in the preschool so as not to risk being suspected of sexual assault against children. The result was analyzed based on two main themes, gender patterns and consequences and experiences of being a minority, that describe the men's experience of working as a minority in a women-dominated workplace. For further research, it would have been interesting to go even deeper into the minority problem in both women and male-dominated workplaces.

Robotar som svär eller har läppglansfingrar : Genusgestaltningar i två skönlitterära verk för mellanåldern och deras anpassning i svenskundervisningen / Robots that swear or have lip gloss fingers : Gender portraits in two literary works for middle-aged children and their adaptation in Swedish teaching

Lejon, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine, from a gender perspective, fictional books self-selected by middle-aged children. The aim of this is to test how these books function in Swedish studies to promote equality between students. In order to help investigate the purpose, two issues have been formulated: “Which fictional books do middle-aged children read today?” and “How do these books portray gender?” The method that is used is a quantitative survey where students in year 5 answered which fiction book is their favorite. Based on the answer from the survey a top-three list of the books girls, and boys, has named as their favorite have been compiled. The book that ended up at the top of each list has been reviewed and analyzed from a gender perspective, which is the theory that is infusing the entire study. The results of the study showed that gender patterns and gender stereotypes are a common occurrence in the books. The gender patterns that emerge are a division between the sexes where men are over-represented. The same type of gender patterns also appeared in the areas of activities and qualities where boys are portrayed as active, violent and rational, while girls are portrayed as passive, emotional and caring. In conclusion, this study urges that it is important for teachers to have an idea of how the most self-selected fiction books portray gender, because the books middle-aged children prefer to read do not brake traditional gender patterns. The books that have been analyzed in this study are Glasbarnen by Kristina Ohlsson and Dagbok för alla mina fans: Gregs bravader by Jeff Kinney.

Jämställdhet i klassrummet med hjälp av lärandemålen inom de samhällsorienterande ämnena / Gender equality in the classroom with the help of the learning objectives in the socially oriented subjects

Stepanovic, Stefani, Grahovac, Anna January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to answer one question: How can teachers work with gender equality in teaching with the help of socially oriented subjects? To be able to achieve the purpose of this study a search was made in several databases with some keywords in restriction. There are various scientific texts selected for our research. To get the most useful scientific texts we used English while searching to get a successful finding of relevant texts. The texts have different perspectives to problematize and dispute the issue. A review of the data also illustrates the complexity and lack of clear answers to the key question. The results show many different approaches but a certain denominator is the teacher- student relationship. It really requires an understanding of gender equality and teachers´ commitment for change.    The study showed that Swedish teachers and schools have a completely different approach to equality   compared to other countries such as New Zealand and England. In Sweden, the teacher saw the gender   equality task as very important, but also considered that we have some way to go and much to improve   as it is not completely equal. In New Zealand and England they described that girls were one way and   boys another and described how a girl should be and also how a boy should be. Another study   showed that by having surveys and themes, it contributed to a learning environment where gender    equality came up more and was discussed with the students. Sweden is one of the top countries that   works based on gender equality in its education.

Kvinnors politiska representation - En undersökning om könsmönster i kommunalpolitiken i Borås stad / Women's political representation - A survey on gender patterns in local politics in the city of Borås

Areskoug, Linda, Lidman, Tobias January 2016 (has links)
Studien undersöker kvinnors representation, samt om det existerar några könsmönster inom kommunalpolitiken. Studien illustrerar hur könsfördelningen ser ut i Borås stad. En kartläggning utav kvinnliga förtroendevalda kommunpolitiker har genomförts för att åskådliggöra hur situationen angående könsmönster ser ut i dagsläget. Utöver detta har vi även utfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från de olika partierna som är verksamma inom kommunalpolitiken i Borås stad för att få förståelse för hur situationen ser ut för de kvinnliga politikerna. Intervjuerna konstruerade vi utifrån referensramen, som vi därefter kopplat ihop med våra respondenters personliga upplevelser med hjälp utav vår analysmodell.De områden vi undersökt är kvinnorepresentation, vilka hinder de möter inom politiken, samt horisontell- och vertikal könsarbetsdelning. Vår undersökning visar att det finns en brist på kvinnlig representation inom kommunalpolitiken i Borås stad till viss del, samt vilken betydelse detta har. Dessutom visar undersökningen att både en horisontell- och vertikal könsarbetsdelning existerar i Borås stads kommun. Studien är skriven på svenska. / The study examines the representation of women, and the existence of any gender patterns in municipal politics. The study also illustrates gender distribution in the city of Borås. A survey of the female elected local councilors has been conducted to illustrate how the situation regarding gender patterns look like in the current situation. In addition, we also conducted semi-structured interviews with respondents from the various parties active in local politics in the city of Borås to get a comprehension in the situation of female politicians. We constructed the interviews on the basis of the reference framework, and then coupled with our respondents' personal experiences with our analysis model.The areas that we have examined are the representation of women, the barriers they face in politics, as well as horizontal and vertical gender division of labor. Our survey shows that there is a lack of female representation in local politics in the city of Borås, to some extent, and also what impact this has in the political situation that exists. Moreover, the survey shows that both a horizontal and vertical gender division of labor exists in the municipality of Borås.The study is written in Swedish.

Säg är det möjligt för studie- och yrkesvägledare att motverka traditionella könsmönster?

Keynemo, Monica January 2011 (has links)
Säg är det möjligt att motverka traditionella könsmönster,trots strukturer som formar oss så att vi omedvetet styrs att väljautbildningar som leder till könstraditionella yrkesval? Att få kunskaper om ochge redskap för ett praktikorienterat jämställdhetsarbete i studie- ochyrkesvägledning är syftet med denna aktionsforskningsstudie. De vägledare som deltar har intresseför och kunskap om genusvetenskapliga perspektiv och kan ses som goda exempel. Vägledarnadeltar genom två intervjutillfällen och en månads fokusering på uppdraget attmotverka traditionella könsmönster. De använder olika metoder och berättar ompositiva, neutrala, obekväma, häftiga och negativa reaktioner från sökande. Resultatetbeskriver hur vägledarna ser på sitt uppdrag och hur de omsätter sina kunskaperi pedagogisk praktik och hur de bemöter och tolkar reaktioner som de får frånsökande. Under arbetets gång ökar den självinsikt som följer av att förstå hursvårt det är att inte göra kön. Metodutvecklinghar betydelse för att omvandla förhållningssätt till aktiv handling, men detavgörande är attityden till uppdraget. Slutsatser som dras är att uppdraget attmotverka traditionella könsmönster kan innebära att upptäcka dessa könsmönsteri vardagen, att vägra kategorisera utifrån kön och att inse att vi med hjälp avförändrade förväntningar tillsammans kan ändra det som ses som normalt. / Say is it possible to counteract traditional gender patterns, even if structures shape us so that we unconsciously are guided to choose courses that lead to gender-traditional career choices? To learn about and provide tools for a practice-oriented work with gender equality in educational and vocational guidance is the purpose of this action research. The counselors involved have an interest in and knowledge of gender perspectives and can be seen as good examples. They participate through two interview sessions and a monthly focus on the mission to counteract traditional gender patterns. They use different methods and reports of positive, neutral, awkward, violent and negative reactions from applicants. The results describe how counselors view their mission and how they apply their knowledge in pedagogical practice. It also shows how they respond to and interpret the reactions they receive from applicants. In the process they increase their self-awareness resulting from the understanding of how hard it is not to construct the gender stereotypes. Method development is important to transform attitudes to positive action, but what matters is the attitude towards the mission. Conclusions drawn are that the mission to counteract traditional gender patterns may mean to detect these gender patterns in everyday life, refuse to categorize on the basis of gender and realize that if we are changing expectations, together we can change what is seen as normal.

Underrepresentation i kvinnodominerade organisationer : En studie om chefsposter i Göteborgs Stad / Underrepresentation in women dominated organizations : A study of the executive posts in Gothenburg City

Smilevska, Aneta, Pettersson, Jennifer January 2015 (has links)
Studien undersöker om och i så fall hur rekryteringsprocessen är en bidragande mekanism till fortlevnad av vertikal- och horisontell segregering. Studien genomförs i fem av Göteborgs Stads stadsdelsförvaltningar och belyser hur könsfördelningen och rekryteringen ser ut vid chefsrekrytering i kommunen. Vi har även intervjuat respondenter från den fackliga organisationen Vision Göteborg och processledaren för rekryteringsprocessen från Stadsledningskontoret.Vi utgår från forskningsfrågor om könsfördelningen, regler och policys, och bidragande faktorer till könsmönster. I referensramen behandlas teorier om homosocialitet, psykometriska- och sociala ansatsen, glastak, manliga- och kvinnliga egenskaper, könskodade yrken, positiv särbehandling samt Svenska lagar om diskriminering. Vi har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju respondenter. Med hjälp av vår referensram skapar vi intervjufrågor där vi sedan i analysen kopplar respondenternas svar till teorier som vi presenterat tidigare, vi jämför teorin med praktiken.Studien visar att det finns skilda meningar bland respondenterna om det förekommer könsmönster eller inte i Göteborgs Stad. Vår kvantitativa forskning visar att andelen kvinnor på chefsposter inte är tillräcklig för att bidra till representativitet. / The study investigates whether, and if so, how the recruitment process is a contributing mechanism for the survival of vertical and horizontal segregation. The study is conducted in five of the City of Gothenburgs administrations districts and highlights how gender distribution in the recruitment of executives appears in the municipality. We also interviewed respondents from the trade union organization Vision Gothenburg and the process manager for the recruitment process from the City Executive Office.Our research questions are about gender balance, the framework addressed theories of homosociality, psycometric and social approach, glass roof, male- and female characteristics, gender-coded professions, affirmative action and Swedish laws about discrimination. We conducted semi-structured interviews with seven respondents. Using our framework, we create interview questions where we in the analysis linking the respondents' answers to the theories that we presented earlier, we compare theory with practice.The study shows that there are different opinions among the respondents if there are gender patterns or not the City of Gothenburg. Our quantitative research shows that the proportion of women in executive posts is not enough to contribute to representativeness.

Flicka, pojke och transpersoner : En textanalys av tre läseböcker ur ett genusperspektiv för grundskolans mellanår

Akboga, Dilan, Hanna, Maryam January 2017 (has links)
Primary school in Sweden has an important task to counteract traditional gender patterns and promote equality. The purpose of this study is to investigate how three fiction books portray girls and women as well as boys and men. The three chosen books are Rodrick regerar Dagbok för alla mina fans (2009), Glasbarnen (2012) and Det är jag som är Mickan (2015). This thesis will review whether the books were compatible with the national curriculum for Swedish school for the grade 1-9. To support our investigation, we have used Hirdman’s gender theory as a framework. Hirdman’s gender theory concerns the intersection of the gender and the hierarchy where the male is displayed as the norm. The study was executed with a qualitative text analysis. The results show that only two of the three chosen books correspond to the current curriculum requirements of counteracting traditional gender patterns. The third book promotes rather than counteracts traditional gender patterns as it still assigns more traditional characteristics and actions to boys, men, girls and women depending on gender. These results are evidence of and suggest that it is important to review the material we use for educational purposes because there are books that describe boys and girls in an unfair behavior, therefore this requires discussing the norms that is conveyed in the students’ fiction books.

Vem tar ordet? : En enkätstudie om hur gymnasieelever upplever sitt muntliga deltagande i ämnet samhällskunskap / Who takes the floor? : A survey of how high school students experience their oral participation in the subject of social studies.

Bengtsson, Anton January 2021 (has links)
Det finns få studier som har undersökt gymnasielevers muntliga deltagande i ämnet samhällskunskap. Den här uppsatsens syfte är således att undersöka gymnasieelevers upplevelse av att svara på samhällskunskapslärares frågor. I tidigare forskning har främst observationer och elevintervjuer använts som metod för att undersöka gymnasielevers muntliga deltagande. Den här undersökningen kommer istället att genomföras med hjälp av enkäter med både flervalsfrågor och fritextfrågor. De 80 deltagande eleverna fick svara på totalt sju frågor om deras muntliga deltagande i ämnet samhällskunskap. Resultatet visade tydliga skillnader mellan könen, generellt anser sig pojkar vara mer muntligt aktiva i jämförelse med hur flickorna upplever sitt muntliga deltagande. Det finns också skillnader mellan könen när det gäller bakomliggande faktorer till varför man inte svarar på lärarens frågor. Flickornas vanligaste anledning till att de inte svarar på lärarens frågor är obehaget kring att prata inför grupp. Pojkarna uppger att ork och motivation är den vanligaste anledningen till uteblivna svar. Resultaten visar också att fler faktorer än kön spelar roll, såsom betyg och trygghet i gruppen. Slutsatsen är därför att kön och dess könsmönster är en avgörande faktor till elevers muntliga deltagande, men det finns fler orsaker till att elever väljer att vara tysta på samhällslektionerna. / There are few studies exploring high school students’ oral participation in the classroom. This essay aims to cover these gaps by exploring why high school students do not answer their teacher’s questions in class. In previous studies, observations and student interviews have mainly been used as method to explore high school students’ oral participation in the classroom. Thus, this essay will instead be based on surveys including both multiple choice questions and free text questions. The 80 students who participated in the survey were asked to answer seven questions in total regarding their oral participation during lectures of society knowledge. The result showed significant differences between the sexes, in general do boys perceive themselves as more orally active in the classroom compared to how girls perceive themselves. Further, there are differences between the sex regarding the reasons to why the students are not answering the teacher’s questions. The most common reason for why girls do not answer the teacher’s questions is a perceived discomfort when talking in front of a group. The most common reason why boys are not answering the teacher’s questions is due to lack of commitment and motivation. The result also shows more factors than just the sex affects the oral participation, for example the grades and the perceived level of trust within the group. Finally, the conclusion is made that sex and gender stereotypes is a crucial factor to the quantity of students’ oral participation in classroom, however there are more reasons as well to why students stay silent.

Gender equality in the subject of English in Swedish schools

Hörnebrant Bengtsson, Marie January 2013 (has links)
The National Agency for Education (Skolverket) and The Swedish National Curriculum have stated that equality between female and male students is important. The present study investigates students in the subject English in Swedish upper secondary school and municipal school for adult education from the perspective of gender dominance in English conversation with a teacher present, with the focus on turn-taking. Two separate observations were made in three classes in adult education and two classes in upper secondary school. The research questions of this investigation are; which gender dominates the on-going conversation in English with a teacher present, how the turns were allocated, given or taken, and if the gender patterns differ between a municipal school for adults and an upper secondary school. The potential impact of the teacher’s sex on the patterns of domination is also taken into consideration. Female dominance as well as male dominance is revealed in the result of the investigated classes’ gender patterns. The results also reveal that the teacher’s sex could have an impact on the patterns of domination.

Gender equality in the subject of English in Swedish schools

Bengtsson, Marie January 2013 (has links)
The National Agency for Education (Skolverket) and The Swedish National Curriculum have stated that equality between female and male students is important. The present study investigates students in the subject English in Swedish upper secondary school and municipal school for adult education from the perspective of gender dominance in English conversation with a teacher present, with the focus on turn-taking. Two separate observations were made in three classes in adult education and two classes in upper secondary school. The research questions of this investigation are; which gender dominates the on-going conversation in English with a teacher present, how the turns were allocated, given or taken, and if the gender patterns differ between a municipal school for adults and an upper secondary school. The potential impact of the teacher’s sex on the patterns of domination is also taken into consideration. Female dominance as well as male dominance is revealed in the result of the investigated classes’ gender patterns. The results also reveal that the teacher’s sex could have an impact on the patterns of domination.

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