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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tidsresenärerna : En narratologisk analys av reportage om historiska händelser

Wahlfeldt, Adam January 2018 (has links)
Det litterära reportaget skiljer sig från nyhetsjournalistiken i att det använder en litterär narrativ form för att återge ett verkligt innehåll. Till skillnad från skönlitteratur gör det litterära reportaget ett dokumentärt anspråk som förbinder reportageförfattaren med historien som berättas, och det som berättas måste förutom att vara sant också berättas på ett sätt som hedrar det dokumentära anspråket. Det dokumentära anspråket ger upphov till narrativa begränsningar och i reportage om historiska händelser framträder dessa narrativa begränsningar tydligt eftersom reporterns tidsmässiga och rumsliga belägenhet begränsar möjligheten att införskaffa erfarenheter av den historia som berättas. Den här uppsatsen undersöker de narrativa formbegränsningar som det dokumentära anspråket ger upphov till. Syftet är att genom en narratologisk analys av historiska reportage undersöka de narrativa strategier författarna använder sig av för att dramatisera ett verklighetsbaserat innehåll. Den narratologiska analysen operationaliseras genom att Gérard Genettes narratologiska kategorier appliceras som analytiska kategorier i en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av tio stycken historiska reportage. Analysen visar att de narratologiska begränsningarna framträder tydligt med avseende på kategorierna modus och röst. Medan berättarens möjligheter att laborerar med berättelsens tempus påverkades i mindre utsträckning. För att motverka de narratologiska begränsningarna använder sig författarna av ett antal strategier för att återskapa sinnesintryck. I analysen framkommer också att författarna använder skriftliga källor dels för att skapa mindre distans mellan berättare och historia, men också för att stärka den dokumentära läsupplevelsen.

Vägen mot en avvecklad jämställdhetspolitik i EU? : En fallstudie av EU:s jämställdhetsstrategier mellan 2006-2019 med historisk institutionalism / The road towards a dismantled gender equality in the EU? : A case study of the European Unions´gender equality strategies between 2006-2019 with historical institutionalism

Olsson, Lovisa January 2019 (has links)
This study is a case study that observes the development of equality strategies in the European Union. After the former strategy for equality ended in 2015 there has been expectations that the European Commission would present a new strategy for equality. Therefore, the new strategy for equality was a disappointment for several actors and institutions of the European Union. The new strategy for equality is a work document and has a lower status in comparison with former strategies for equality in the EU. As a result, several actors and institutions are worried about the development of equality without a complete strategy.   To examine the development of strategies for equality in the EU historical institutionalism and a process called historic process tracing is used in this case study. The current strategy for equality 2016-2019 is going to be compared to the former strategies for 2006-2010 and 2010-2015. Are there any indications that the new work document represents a critical juncture or is it the result of path dependency and the way that EU equality strategies follows? To observe this case Hall and Taylors´ four distinct features of historical institutionalism has been the theoretical vantage point in this study.   To summarize the results of this study there has not been many substantial changes between the different equality strategies. However, changes has been identified through the way the commission presents their strategies. The new strategy for equality has also been criticised for the way the Commission has presented the document.  There are signs of a conflict in the union where different institutions rely on different patterns and structures. While the Commission presents a work document other actors and institutions in the EU are currently debating for a concise and formal strategy.

Väst möter Transsylvanien i svenska reseskildringar : <em>Med fokus på befolkning och omgivning, 1930–2000-talet</em>

Paatere, Heidi January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Om dödens betydelse eller icke-betydelse : – En läsning av epikurismens förhållande till döden, utifrån Lucretius <em>Om tingens natur</em> / About Deaths being or not being : - a reading of Lucretius <em>De rerum natura</em>

Tollstedt, Mia January 2008 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen tar upp frågan om döden inom den epikureiska filosofin. Det visar sig att frågan kan delas upp i flera frågor. Dessa delfrågor kring döden är kopplade till olika rädslor. Uppsatsen tar även upp hur frågan kring döden blir bron mellan metafysiken och etiken inom den epikureiska filosofin. Uppsatsens huvudpunkt är utredningen av Lucretius, <em>De rerum natura</em>. Uppsatsen följer Lucretius argumentation kring naturen, världen och universums uppbyggnad , gudarnas förehavanden och till slut döden som en icke-händelse och därför inget att frukta.</p><p>För att förstå Lucretius bör man även studera Epikuros originaltexter.</p><p>Frågan är om<em> </em>Lucretius argument tillför någonting nytt inom den epikureiska filosofin, eller om Lucretius endast omformulerar och ger nya liknelser kring det som redan står att finna i Epikuros originaltexter.</p><p>Uppsatsens slutsats blir att Lucretius egentligen inte tillför någonting nytt och att Epikuros argument om döden som en icke-händelse står sig bra.</p> / <p>The purpose of this essay is to examine the question of death within the epicurean philosophy. The main question can be divided into part questions. These part questions are connected to different fears. The essay also discusses how the question of death becomes the bridge between metaphysics and ethics within the epicurean philosophy. The essay’s main focus is the examination of Lucretius, <em>De rerum natura.</em> The essay follows Lucretius argumentation about the construction of nature, the word and universe, the whereabouts of the gods and finally death as a non-event and therefore nothing to fear.</p><p>To understand Lucretius one also has to study the original texts written by Epicurus. The question is if Lucretius argument adds anything new to the epicurean philosophy, or if Lucretius only rephrases and comes up with new metaphores about what already is found in the original texts by Epicurus.</p><p>The essay’s conclusions are that Lucretius doesn’t add anything new, and that Epicurus original argumentation about death as a non-event is strong.</p>

En ny kvinna eller en dubbel slavinna : En studie om arbetarkvinnan under mellankrigstiden ur ett kommunistiskt perspektiv / A new woman or a double female slave : A studie of the working woman during the interwar years from a Communist perpective

Berntsson, Susanne January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay is about the Swedish working woman in the early 1930s. The empirical data consists mainly of Arbetarkvinnornas Tidning (AKT), a Swedish Communist magazine which was launched in December 1929. A qualitative discourse method has been used. Texts, articles, letters to the editor and reports about social conditions in Sweden and Soviet during the years 1929-1932 has been examined. Soviet women models and ideal types are compared with the image of the Swedish working woman. How was the Swedish working woman and her everyday life presented out of a Communist perspective? How was the Soviet woman ideal imaged? Was the Soviet ideal determinative for the Swedish communism?</p> / <p>Denna uppsats handlar om den svenska arbetarkvinnan under det tidiga 1930-talet. Empiriska materialet består huvudsakligen av Arbetarkvinnornas Tidning (AKT), en svensk kommunistisk tidskrift som startades i december 1929. En kvalitativ diskursiv metod har använts. Texter, artiklar, insändare och reportage som handlar om svenska och sovjetiska förhållanden under åren 1929-1932 har undersökts. Kvinnliga sovjetiska förebilder och idealtyper jämförs med bilden av den svenska arbetarkvinnan. Hur framställdes den svenska arbetarkvinnan och hur såg hennes vardagsliv ut ur ett kommunistiskt perspektiv? Hur såg den kvinnliga sovjetiska idealbilden ut? Var de sovjetiska idealen styrande för den svenska kommunismen?</p>

En undersökning av VaR-modeller med Kupiecs Backtest

Runer, Carl-Johan, Linzander, Martin January 2009 (has links)
<p>SAMMANDRAG</p><p>Historisk Simulation, Delta-Normal och RiskMetrics prestation utvärderas med hjälp av Kupiecs Backtest. Value at Risk (VaR) beräknas med tre olika konfidensnivåer utifrån Affärsvärldens Generalindex och HSBC kopparindex. Utifrån överträdelser från verkligt utfall undersöks vilken VaR-modell som estimerar marknadsrisken bäst. VaR-modellernas prestation jämförs, och i analysen utreds hur konfidensnivå och tillgångars egenskaper påverkar VaR-modellernas prestation. Resultaten visar att Historisk Simulation presterar bättre än Delta-Normal och RiskMetrics på den högsta konfidensnivån vilket troligtvis beror på att RiskMetrics och Delta-Normal antar normalfördelning. RiskMetrics och Delta-Normal presterar dock bättre än Historisk Simulation på den lägsta konfidensnivån vilket sannolikt är en följd av att Historisk Simulation anpassar sig långsammare till volatilitetsförändringar. Undersökningen tyder även på att avtagningsfaktorn som RiskMetrics använder får minskad effekt vid högre konfidensnivåer varför skillnaden mellan Delta-Normals och RiskMetrics prestation är marginell på dessa nivåer.</p>

Arkiverande studenter : Om arkivhanteringen vid studentnationerna i Uppsala / Archiving students : On the archival management at the Student Nations in Uppsala

Larsson, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study has been to examine the archival management at the 14 Student Nations in Uppsala. This may be relevant to study to extend the research in the field that Berndt Frediksson calls “empirical archival science”. Another reason is that the Student Nations hold a unique position as organisations and their archivists holds a unique position from a professional point of view as they mostly consist of students without professional archivist training. I have mainly focused on why the archival management at the Nations looked as they did. The main method that was used in the study was semi-structured interviews where I interviewed the archivists at all of the Nations.</p><p>The functions of the archives of the Nations were the same as for other societies, with the exception that these archives also were used by officials and other members as a support for finding ideas about how to run the Nation today in several ways. The archival regulations and practices that were generally followed by the Nations were the same as for societies in general, that is, among other things, the use of “Allmänna arkivschemat” (the Swedish standard archival finding aid subject heading system) and other Swedish archival standards. Many Nations also had articles specifying the tasks of their archivists. The methods used in the archival management varied to some degree between different Nations. Concerning how well the archives was being managed they were generally managed a little defectively, even if this varied between the Nations. This was because the archivists were not professionals, and this was probably inevitable because the Nations like many other societies probably cannot afford to consult skilled professionals for this. Despite this there were a few things that could be made better. The unique position held by the Nations as organisations could generate new perspectives on archival management, and not only concerning societies.</p><p>This is a one year master’s thesis in archival science.</p>

Musana och Sundi-Lutete missionsstationer : - Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete / The Mission stations of Musana and Sundi-Lutete : - the work of arranging and cataloging archives

Karabay, Joanna January 2010 (has links)
<p>I have for my one year master's thesis worked on arranging and cataloging the archives from the missions stations of Musana, Congo-Brazzaville and Sundi-Lutete, Congo-Kinshasa, belonging to the Swedish Missions Church (Svenska Missionskyrkan). The archives contained records written in Swedish, French and Kikongo, from primarily the years 1910 until 1961. Records have though been found that adhere from both prior to and after these years. These archives are deposited at the Swedish National Archive and it was therefore important to take the opinions and regulations of both parties into consideration, as well as relying onto archival theory.</p><p>The archives were initially scattered and had in some parts been organized by an archivist without formal schooling. The major difficulties in this work has therefore been to establish the provenance – to which creator the documents belonged to, and also to decide to which degree the principle of the original order should play a part. After considering different theories, I decided to respect the secondary order for the correspondence, since rearranging it would disrupt the concordance in the work already done by researchers.</p><p>To still make the archives accessible for the users in its existing order it required me to be aware of whom the user of the archive is, probable areas of research and how these archives are used. This information was then used when writing the archival description and the scope notes in the inventory. I have also taken decisions based on what is practically possible; it has because of regulations not been possible to physically bring the archive to one unit. Also, the circumstances of a shared custody of the archives also determined, in practice, how the inventory could be written.</p><p>This is a one year master's thesis in Archival Science, at the university of Uppsala, Spring semester of 2010.</p>

Governor Ralph Carr : An Archival Research Handbook to a Colorado Governor's Collection / Guvernörens papper – Ralph Carr. En arkivvägledning för ett guvernörsarkiv i Colorado

Elenton, Ivona January 2010 (has links)
<p>The governor collections at the Colorado State Archives are a rich source for research and information about social science and the history of the state, but they are not always easy to research due to their differences in taxonomy through different eras. In my work with creating an archival research handbook for a governor collection I chose governor Ralph Carr to both illustrate the challenges as well as the thrills with historical research in a collection from the office of the governor.</p><p>Ralph Carr's collection takes patience to research. Some series will have inconsistent taxonomy and other series lack sub-series, and if a researcher is not familiar with the terminology of state affairs, many documents can pose a challenge. It is my hope that this handbook will be of use for both amateur researchers as well as provide a few short-cuts for more seasoned scholars. Governor Carr's collection covers some of the most dramatic years in Colorado history, the first part of WWII, and it is frequently requested for research, but many researchers get stuck between the vast amount of documents only sorted by dates, for instance in the series marked "Council of Defense", which contains many interesting documents about the Japanese-Americans who were to be deported to the Granada Relocation camp, or Camp Amache, as it was popularly called. It is my hope that the guide will not only provide such researchers some relief, but also to get the reader a sense for Colorado History, The Colorado State Archives and for the Governor collections in general.</p>

Bebisgeniet och den gode föräldern : En diskursanalys om böcker för bebisar inom bibliotek och bokklubbar

Zisser, Miritt January 2010 (has links)
<p>In recent years there has been an upsurge in products and activities designed for infants, what is known as baby culture. The essay is a discourse analysis covering the part of baby culture which is concerned with infants and books. The essay studies texts from libraries and children’s bookclubs in order to understand what it is they communicate, to whom and the conceivable consequences of the communicated message. One of the main purposes of the study is to determine what view of infants as social and cultural beings it  is that arises from the texts. The essay also focuses on the different discourse types used in the discourse on infants and books and to what extent the libraries’ and the bookclubs’ way of reasoning on the subject is differing. The theoretical basis of the study is inspired by Norman Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis and concentrates on the communicative event. The method used is detailed textual analysis rooted in Fairclough’s three- dimensional model of discursive practice, text and social practice. The empirical material consists of texts from information folders, websites etc. The result of the analysis shows that the discourse on infants and books is very similar in the two domains and derives from a wider market- oriented discourse. The discourse constitutes infants as primarily early learners with the inherent potential of becoming a baby genius. The discourse also constitutes a good reading parent who invests in his/her child’s future by stimulating their brain development from a very early age. An examination of the baby market discourse shows that it is a hybrid discourse consisting of various discourse types from diverse (knowledge) domains such as medicine, psychology and pedagogy. The analysis shows how market discourses have infiltrated the discourses of public institutions such as the library and how it affects the way subject entities are constructed.</p>

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