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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Data mining historical insights for a software keyword from GitHub and Libraries.io; GraphQL / Datautvinning av historiska insikter för ett mjukvara nyckelord från GitHub och Libraries.io; GraphQL

Bodemar, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
This paper explores an approach to extracting historical insights into a software keyword by data mining GitHub and Libraries.io. We test our method using the keyword GraphQL to see what insights we can gain. We managed to plot several timelines of how repositories and software libraries related to our keyword were created over time. We could also do a rudimentary analysis of how active said items were. We also extracted programing language data associated with each repository and library from GitHub and Libraries.io. With this data, we could, at worst, correlate which programming languages were associated with each item or, in the best case, predict what implementations of GraphQL they used. We found through our attempt many problems and caveats that needed to be dealt with but still concluded that extracting historical insights by data mining GitHub and Libraries.io is worthwhile.

''Om det bara fanns mer tid...'' : Gymnasielärares förhållningssätt till historieundervisning om krigen i forna Jugoslavien, med hänsyn till elever med koppling till forna Jugoslavien. / ''If there were more time...'' : Upper secondary teachers' approach towards the war in former Yugoslavia in history teaching, with regard to students with connections to the former Yugoslavia.

Smajli, Trendelina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate history teachers’ various approaches towards the wars in former Yugoslavia during the 90s, in their history teaching in upper secondary school. Furthermore, another aspect to the study is to investigate how the history teachers approach potential students that might have roots from the former Yugoslavia. Since the Swedish society is multicultural with immigrants from former Yugoslavia, the topic could be viewed as sensitive. However, previous studies show that students with a multicultural background such as former Yugoslavia want to take part of their history in the history classroom. This leads to the next question, whether teachers fulfill their students’ needs when it comes to history. Furthermore, another aim of the study is to also investigate what possibilities and difficulties the teachers might experience with teaching about the wars in former Yugoslavia.  Five history teachers with experience from history teaching in upper secondary school were interviewed. The result is thenceforth analyzed with the following theoretical framework: Kitson’s and McCully’s (2005) model of sensitive topics in the history classroom, multicultural classroom, and historical empathy. The findings of the study are that only two out of five history teachers included the wars in former Yugoslavia continuously in their history teaching. The third teacher included the topic if the students were interested, and the fourth teacher taught the students about some events occasionally in relation to other topics, such as use of history. The last teacher did not include the wars in former Yugoslavia at all. Four out of five teachers wanted the students to contribute with their own history culture and family history. The possibilities and the difficulties were intertwined, according to the teachers. The students could contribute and thusly offer perspective on the topic. However, it could also mean that the teachers had to be careful with their words since they could not fully know what experiences the students have. The teachers’ answers were analyzed in accordance with Kitsons and McCullys model, together with the concepts ‘multicultural classroom’ and historical empathy. The conclusion of the research is that the majority of the history teachers used historical empathy in connection with the wars in former Yugoslavia. The teachers tried doing so by bringing the teaching to life with the help from, for instance, life stories and interviews. The teachers’ attitudes towards a multicultural classroom, which is enriched by students with different history cultures, were mostly positive.

En interventionsstudie i historieämnet för elever i årskurs 2 / An Intervention Study in History for Pupils in Second Grade

Akhlaqi, Mansoora, Hassoun, Intissar January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker effekten av två olika undervisningsmetoder, interaktion under högläsning och interaktion efter högläsning, på elevers förståelse av och intresse för historieundervisning. Med utgångspunkt från tidigare forskning om historieundervisning och fördelarna med högläsning, syftar studien till att belysa metodernas roll i elevers lärande och intresse för historia. Genom att analysera och jämföra de två undervisningsmetodernas påverkan på elevers förståelse av historieämnet och deras intresse för ämnet, bidrar studien till förståelsen av hur olika undervisningsmetoder kan påverka elevers lärande och utveckling. Tidigare forskning har betonat vikten av att anpassa historieundervisningen för att möta elevers behov och intressen samt stödja lärare i deras roll som handledare. Genom en interventionsstudie deltog två grupper av elever i högläsningspass om vikingatiden, där en grupp upplevde interaktion under högläsningen och den andra efter. Tester och intervjuer genomfördes för att utvärdera elevernas historiska förståelse och intresse. Resultatet indikerar att eleverna i den interaktiva högläsningsgruppen presterade bättre på tester och visade större intresse för ämnet jämfört med den traditionella högläsningsgruppen. Studien understryker därmed betydelsen av interaktiva undervisningsmetoder för att främja elevers förståelse och intresse för historieundervisning. Slutsatsen är att interaktiv högläsning kan vara en gynnsam metod för att främja elevers förståelse och intresse för historieundervisning.

Styrspänningar när nytt möter gammalt : En kvalitativ studie om spänningar mellan formell och informell verksamhetsstyrning / Management control tensions in the intersection of the new and the old : A qualitative study on tensions between formal and informal management control

Davidsson, Ebba, Paulsson, Emil January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Tidigare forskning har riktat fokus mot samspelet mellan formelloch informell styrning. Mindre uppmärksamhet har riktats åt när formell och informellstyrning inte samspelar, således när det finns spänningar. Förutom att detta synliggörs genomatt det finns färre studier vars konkreta fokus är spänningar mellan formell och informellstyrning, blir det även tydligt genom att studierna inte explicit fokuserar på de konsekvensersom spänningar kan få. På ett liknande sätt tenderar tidigare studier att fokusera på antingencheferna eller medarbetarna. Således inkluderas inte hur spänningar uppfattas av olikaorganisatoriska nivåer. Därav hade studien sin utgångspunkt från detta. Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med studien är att fördjupa förståelsen för spänningarmellan formell och informell styrning. Frågeställningarna som studien har utgått ifrån är därförvilka spänningar som föreligger mellan formell och informell styrning och vad som utmärkerdem, hur uppfattningen av dessa spänningar skiljer sig mellan organisatoriska nivåer och vilkakonsekvenser som uppkommer till följd av spänningarna. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och ett abduktivt angreppssätt. För attuppfylla studiens syfte genomfördes en enfallsstudie där fallföretaget var anonymt och kallasför Stocken i denna studie. Insamlingen av det empiriska materialet byggde huvudsakligen påsemistrukturerade intervjuer med Stockens anställda. Urvalet av respondenterna representeradeföretagets alla avdelningar samt organisatoriska nivåer. Detta bidrog till en förståelse förspänningar och vad som utmärker dem men även hur uppfattningen av dem varierar mellanolika organisatoriska nivåer samt vilka konsekvenserna blir. Slutsats: Spänningar mellan formell och informell styrning kan ses ur en historisk dimensionsom har sitt ursprung i förändring. Hur spänningar uppfattas på olika organisatoriska nivåervarierar mellan olika spänningar och de skiljer sig huvudsakligen genom att en spänning istyrningen uppfattas av en organisatorisk nivå medan en annan organisatorisk nivå inteupplever samma styrning som motstridig. För de spänningar som uppmärksammas identifierastre huvudsakliga konsekvenser: arbetsmiljö påverkas, flexibilitet försämras och ett behov avhantering uppstår. / Background and problem: Previous research has focused on the interplay between formaland informal control. Less attention has been paid to instances when formal and informalcontrol do not interplay harmoniously, particularly when tensions arise. This is evident notonly from the limited number of studies specifically addressing the tensions between formaland informal control but also from the studie’s lack of explicit focus on the potentialconsequences of these tensions. Additionally, earlier studies tend to concentrate either onmanagers or employees, thus failing to include how tensions are perceived across differentorganizational levels. This study aims to address these gaps. Purpose and research questions: The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding ofthe tensions between formal and informal control. The research questions guiding the studyare: What tensions exist between formal and informal control and what characterizes them?How do perceptions of these tensions differ across organizations levels? What are theconsequences resulting from these tensions? Method: This study adopts a qualitative research approach and an abductive reasoningstrategy. To achieve the study’s purpose, a single-case study was conducted, with the casecompany being anonymized and referred to as “Stocken”. Data collection primarily involvedsemi-structured interviews with Stocken’s employees. The selection of respondentsrepresented all departments and organizational levels within the company. This approachfacilitated an understanding of the tensions and their characteristics, how these tensions areperceived across different organizational levels, and the resulting consequences. Conclusion: Tensions between formal and informal control can be viewed from a historicalperspective, originating from organizational changes. Perceptions of these tensions vary acrossdifferent organizational levels, with some levels perceiving a particular tension in controlwhile others do not experience the same tension as contradictory. Three main consequences ofthese identified tensions are: an impact on the work environment, reduced flexibility, and aneed for management intervention

"Ett snäpp högre" : En studie av historielärares hanterande av tankeredskap.

Estenberg, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The aim with this study is to examine how practicing history teachers in upper secondary school deal with historical thinking concepts. The three main questions are: which concepts do teachers use in their courses and when do they use them? How can teachers’ use of different historical thinking concepts be described in terms of reconstruction and construction? What factors influence teachers when they work with historical thinking concepts?   To answer these questions, the material, for example tests, lesson plans and notes of seven teachers has been analyzed. These analysis were followed by interviews with the teachers.   The empirical data have been handled in two steps. The first step is a survey of what historical thinking concepts teachers use and when they use them. The survey was done as a detailed reading of the teachers’ material. In this survey two historical thinking concepts, evidence and cause and consequence, have been selected for further analysis, which is the second step.   The results show that when teachers deal with the historical thinking concept of evidence they show their students models and ways to handle evidence. This is not the case when teachers handle the historical thinking concept of cause and consequence. Models are shown here as well but not to the same extent. The result also shows that the teachers’ handling of evidence in a greater extent leads to construction compared with their handling of cause and consequence.   The explanations provided in the study also point to the different character between the two concepts and what form of test the teachers’ use and what words are used to communicate for example cause and consequence. Furthermore, the explanations also indicate that the teachers’ view of what historical knowledge contains of, together with what kind of students and what other subject they teach play some part in their dealing with historical thinking concepts. / Vilka tankeredskap hanterar historielärare i sin undervisning och när framkommer dessa i de kurser lärare undervisar i? Hur hanterar lärare tankeredskap i termer av rekonstruktion och konstruktion? Dessa frågor ställs i denna studie som bygger på en analys av sju lärares undervisningsmaterial och på uppföljande intervjuer med lärarna. I den första delen kartläggs de tankeredskap som lärare hanterar i hela kurser som de undervisar i. Ett resultat av denna del är att orsak och konsekvens är det dominerande tankeredskapet som lärare hanterar. Ett annat resultat är att tankeredskapens förekomst i lärarnas kurser uppvisar stora variationer. I den andra delen sker en fördjupad analys av två tankeredskap, källor och källkritik samt orsak och konsekvens. I denna analys framkommer att lärarnas hanterande av källor och källkritik i större utsträckning kan beskrivas i termer av konstruktion, jämfört med lärarnas hanterande av orsak och konsekvens. I analysen framkommer också att lärare kan hantera tankeredskap i två steg; det som i studien kallas tankeredskap som modell respektive tankeredskap som process. / <p>Ingår i CSD-serien.</p> / Ingår i CSD-serien

Sanningskommission för Sveriges samer : en studie om förväntningar och andra urfolks erfarenheter på väg mot upprättelse

Hall, Charlotta January 2016 (has links)
In recent years the field of reparations for indigenous peoples has increased remarkably. Past wrongs made by states in the distant past has become more important to highlight, not only because of the memories of historical injustice, but because of how the past impacts the future, and not least, still appears as structures of discrimination remaining from the past.   As an indigenous people the Saami people living in Sweden have experiences of both historical injustices as well as todays struggle with discrimination on different levels. Mostly regarding their right to be a part of decisions concerning them and the right of culture, language, identity, land and nature resources, fundamental for them as a people. In order to change their situation and to search for redress the Saami people in Sweden have announced their need of a truth commission. The Saami people are not the first indigenous people whom search for redress through a truth commission, but is it possible to learn from others?   With this in mind, my study aim to look at practical experiences of truth commissions in Canada and New Zealand and further, examine what the Saami people in Sweden hope to achieve with a truth commission. Thereafter, I weight other indigenous peoples experiences of a truth commission with the Saami peoples expectations to find out what keys need to be considered to increase the outcome of a truth commission. Where theory, practical experience and Saami expectations connects is where the key issues can be found. Given this, my study suggests that five different key issues must be thought through and shall not be underestimated as they may have an effect on the ongoing process as well as on the results and the aftermaths. The key issues that is suggested is as follows: 1) political will, 2) the role and engagement of Civil Society, 3) the Saami´s own involvement 4) the problem of what focus the commission should have, and 5) the awareness of “tough” questions coming up.

Johannes Scottus Eriugena om skapelseberättelserna : En receptionshistorisk studie av Genesis 1-3

Johansson, Marie January 2019 (has links)
Irländskfödda Johannes Scottus Eriugena (c. 810-877) verkade som teolog vid Karl II:s hov i det västfrankiska riket. Unikt för honom var att han kunde både grekiska och latin och ägnade sig åt att sammanföra grekiska och latinska kyrkofäders tänkande. I sitt filosofiska, exegetiska och teologiska verk Periphyseon kartlägger han varats ursprung och mål med hjälp av Augustinus, Ambrosius, Dionysius Areopagita, Gregorios av Nyssa, Gregorius av Nazianzus och Maximus Bekännaren. Eriugena är också en självständig tänkare. Den här uppsatsen lyfter fram några aspekter av hans tolkningar av Genesis 1-3 som ger honom hans särprägel som exeget. Kännetecknande för Eriugena är bl.a. att han hävdar att Bibeln ska tolkas allegoriskt. I uppsatsen belyses att hans allegoriska metod leder honom till en tolkning av paradiset som en framtidsvision. Han tar avstånd från den historiska tolkningen av Bibeln som Augustinus gör i De Genesi ad litteram. Kännetecknande för Eriugenas tänkande är också att det utgår från en systematisk nyplatonism. Uppsatsen visar hur detta kommer till uttryck i hans tolkning av Genesis 1-3. Ett övergripande syfte med uppsatsen är att väcka intresse för det teologiska tänkandet som föregick renässansen och för tidig medeltid i synnerhet. Genom det här arbetet hoppas jag inspirera till ett ökat intresse för tidig medeltid som en källa till intellektuell fördjupning.

Riskpremien, vad ska man tro? : En studie med facit i hand

Lindén, Markus, Särnblom, Stellan January 2005 (has links)
<p>The market risk premium is one of the most important parameters in finance. Its value and the ways to calculate a risk premium for the market is a widely debated subject. This thesis examines numerous ways of calculating a risk premium for the Swedish market with regard to how good an estimation they make of a real risk premium. Estimations based on historical periods ranging from 20 to 85 years is calculated as well as a premium based on forward-looking estimates. The real risk premium is solved out for a selection of companies and an index with the help of CAPM. An examination of these estimates leads to the conclusion that historical estimates of a risk premium may be outdated. The implication of this is that more effort should be put into examining a risk premium based on forward-looking estimates. In this context a thorough analysis of fundamentals should be added into the calculation.</p>

Riskpremien, vad ska man tro? : En studie med facit i hand

Lindén, Markus, Särnblom, Stellan January 2005 (has links)
The market risk premium is one of the most important parameters in finance. Its value and the ways to calculate a risk premium for the market is a widely debated subject. This thesis examines numerous ways of calculating a risk premium for the Swedish market with regard to how good an estimation they make of a real risk premium. Estimations based on historical periods ranging from 20 to 85 years is calculated as well as a premium based on forward-looking estimates. The real risk premium is solved out for a selection of companies and an index with the help of CAPM. An examination of these estimates leads to the conclusion that historical estimates of a risk premium may be outdated. The implication of this is that more effort should be put into examining a risk premium based on forward-looking estimates. In this context a thorough analysis of fundamentals should be added into the calculation.

Hemmet, kvinnan och moralen : I Malmö stads barnavårdsutredningar 1930-1936 / The home, the woman and the moral : In Malmö city's child welfare investigations 1930-1936

Carlson, Tim, Teljas, Camilla January 2011 (has links)
This study, a narrative analysis of it, deals with the term, home, its importance and the use of it by Child welfare investigators in the city of Malmö between the years 1930-1936. Commonly used and acknowledged, home stood for security and order while the term, street, had just the opposite meaning. Living in the countryside symbolized health and sensibility, while city life was considered to be cramped, dirty and immoral. The responsibility of achieving the liberals and conservatives ideal of a sunny, clean and orderly home was given to the woman of the house, as was the task of keeping the home morally correct, and providing the necessary atmosphere for proper upbringing of the children. Consequently, the basis of theory, using Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in regards to the conflicts between the upper and lower classes, and even theories of Jane Lewis of woman´s connection to home and family, have been the grounds for the study. The very detailed results show that home and morals play a major role in the investigations and prove above all, the intimacy between the home and woman.

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