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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

HR-transformationens inverkan på HR-personal

Vestergård Nielsen, Maja, Bard, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om HR-personal upplever stress i förhållande till en HR-transformation. De frågeställningar som applicerades på uppsatsen innefattade; resultatet av HR-transformationen, vilka svårigheter den kunde medföra HR-personalen samt hur HRtransformationen inverkade på deras psykosociala arbetsmiljö med fokus på stress. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av sex respondenter som arbetar på HR-avdelningar och som i någon mån varit med om en HR-transformation. Insamling av data utgick från semi-strukturerade intervjuer och analyserades genom tematisk analys. Det som framkommit av resultatet är att hälften av respondenterna upplevde stress i relation till HR-transformationen. Resultatet av HR-transformationen blev ett verksamhetsnära stöd, synlighet i verksamheten, ett bra kollegialt stöd och att HR-perspektivet fanns med i strategiska beslut. Svårigheterna som uppstod var otydlighet i förändringsprocessen, att det var tidskrävande och att arbeta enligt de nya kraven. Förvirringen kring nya arbetssätt, otydlig arbetsfördelning vid implementeringen och ett outtalat krav att ständigt vara tillgänglig för verksamheten var faktorer som bidrog till upplevd stress. / This study´s purpose is to investigate whether HR staff experience stress relating to an HR transformation. The issues applied to the essay included; the result of the HR transformation, what kind of difficulties it could cause the HR staff, along with how the transformation affects their psychosocial working environment with focus on stress. The study was performed with the help of six informants, who is currently working in an HR department and have in some form participated in an HR-transformation. Data collection was based on semistructured interviews and analyzed with a thematic method. The result showed that half of the informants experienced stress relating to the HR transformation. The HR-transformation resulted in close operational support, visibility in the business, good collegial support and that the HR perspective was included in strategic decisions. Difficulties that arose were ambiguity in the process of change and that the process was time-consuming and working with the new requirements. Confusions about new working methods, unclear division of labor at implementation and an unspoken requirement for constant availability for the business were factors that contributed to perceived stress.

Atteinte osseuse et minérale chez l’enfant insuffisant rénal chronique : from bedside to bench / Mineral and bone disorders associated with pediatric chronic kidney disease : from bedside to bench

Bacchetta, Justine 04 October 2011 (has links)
La maladie rénale chronique (MRC) induit des anomalies du métabolisme phosphocalcique, avec des conséquences à la fois osseuses, vasculaires et biologiques. La prise en charge optimale de ces désordres représente un challenge quotidien pour le néphrologue pédiatre, à la fois sur le court terme (équilibre biologique) et sur le long terme (prévention des fractures, optimisation de la croissance et limitation de l’apparition des calcifications vasculaires). Peu d’outils sont actuellement disponibles pour évaluer ces atteintes, et de nouveaux outils prometteurs, à la fois biologiques (FGF23) et radiologiques (HR-pQCT) apparaissent. Néanmoins, les données pédiatriques sur ces outils restent rares. Cette thèse de doctorat a permis d’évaluer ces nouveaux moyens chez ces enfants MRC, notamment en évaluant l’HR-pQCT dans cette population, et en déterminant des valeurs de référence du FGF23 en fonction de l’âge, du sexe et de la fonction rénale. Nous avons pu aussi montrer que les concentrations circulantes de FGF23 ne sont pas dépendantes du sexe dans une population pédiatrique, mais qu’elles augmentent avec l’âge et l’indice de masse corporelle, mais aussi en cas d’antécédent de transplantation d’organe solide ou de traitement par corticostéroïdes. D’un point de vue plus fondamental, nous avons pu montrer que dans des monocytes issus de donneurs sains, une exposition au FGF23 induit une diminution de l’expression des 2 enzymes principales impliquées dans le métabolisme de la vitamine D (1α hydroxylase et 24 hydroxylase), en induisant également une diminution du peptide antimicrobien cathélicidine. Ces résultats permettent donc de décrire un nouveau rôle pour le FGF23 dans la régulation de l’immunité innée / Chronic kidney disease can induce mineral and bone disorders (CKD-MBD), with deleterious consequences for bone and vessels. The management of such abnormalities can be challenging, from the daily biological balance between calcium, phosphorus and PTH levels, to the long-term prevention of morbidities such as fractures, growth impairment and vascular calcifications. Some tools can help to accurately assess CKD-MBD, e.g., new bone imaging techniques (HR-pQCT) and FGF23, but they are rarely used in pediatric populations. In addition to evaluating HR-pQCT in CKD children and healthy controls, this PhD thesis allowed us to determine reference values for circulating FGF23 levels depending on age, gender and renal function; we also showed that FGF23 levels increased not only with age and BMI, but also in cases of solid organ transplant or corticosteroids therapy. We have also showed in vitro that FGF23 could inhibit the two key enzymes of vitamin D metabolism (1α hydroxylase et 24 hydroxylase) in monocytes issued from healthy donors, with in turn a decreased synthesis of the antimicrobial cathelicidin. These later results highlight a new role for FGF23 in innate immunity, and may bring new insights in the understanding of FGF23 deregulation during CKD

HR-chefer : Hur relateras deras ledarskapsstil till det etiska ledarskapet? / HR-managers : How does their leadership style relate to the ethical leadership?

Ljung, Fredrik, Lundvold, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
Ethical issues have taken an ever greater place in the social debate over recent years, and it has become increasingly important for today's organizations to follow the public's view of ethical justice. This affects HR-manager to a greater extent than many other managers, as the HR-manager is exposed to ethical problems and situations that involve the entire organization's personal. The leadership theory that primarily handles the ethical aspect of leadership is the ethical leadership. Ethical leadership does this without discussing what is considered ethical or unethical. On the other hand the focus is on how leaders should use different parts of their leadership to create conditions for being able to act in a way that is seen as ethically correct by the outside world. The study is based on whether HR-managers are a higher degree of task- or relationship-oriented in their leadership. It studies in accordance with the purpose of the study and problem definition if HR-managers in Skaraborg are a higher degree of task- or relationship-oriented in their leadership and how it relates to their ethical leadership.   To be able to fulfill the purpose of the study and answer the problem definition of the study, the study is based on interviews conducted with eight different HR-managers, all of whom are active in government controlled businesses in Skaraborg. The study's theoretical frame is based on previous research on the role of HR Manager, Managerial Grid, task- and relationship-oriented leadership and ethical leadership. The study's authors have chosen to use a qualitative method and it is designed according to a case study. The eight different HR-managers each represent a separate case and the interviews together with the facts collected from, among other things, the websites of the organizations are the basis for the study's empirical data. The study's empirical data is presented in relation to the theoretical frame in the analysis. In the analysis, the study's authors have found that there are two groups among current HR-managers, one that is a higher degree of task-oriented and one that is a higher degree of relational-oriented. The study's authors also present that there is a relationship between to which group the HR-managers belong and their ethical leadership. The final conclusion is that HR-managers who are a higher degree of relational-oriented correspond more closely with the theoretical reference framework of the study regarding ethical leadership. / Etiska frågor har tagit en allt större plats i samhällsdiskussionen under de senaste åren och det har blivit allt viktigare för dagens organisationer att följa det allmänheten anser är etiskt rätt. Detta drabbar HR-chefer i en högre utsträckning än många andra chefer, då HR-chefen utsätts för etiska problem och situationer som involverar hela organisationens personal. Den ledarskapsteori som främst involverar den etiska aspekten av ledarskapet är det etiska ledarskapet. Det etiska ledarskapet gör detta utan att gå in på diskussionen angående vad som anses vara etiskt eller oetiskt. Å andra sidan fokuserar det på hur ledare ska använda sig av olika delar av ledarskapet för att skapa förutsättningar för att ledaren sedan ska kunna agera på ett sätt som ses som etiskt korrekt av omvärlden. Studien utgår ifrån om HR-chefer i högre grad är uppgift- eller relationsorienterade i sitt ledarskap. Den studerar i enlighet med studiens syfte och problemformulering om HR-chefer i Skaraborg i högre grad är uppgift- eller relationsorienterade i sitt ledarskap och hur det relateras till deras etiska ledarskap.   För att kunna uppfylla studiens syfte och svara på studiens problemformulering utgår studien i första hand från intervjuer som genomfördes med åtta olika HR-chefer, som alla är verksamma inom offentliga verksamheter i Skaraborg. Studiens teoretiska referensram är uppbyggd utifrån tidigare forskning angående rollen som HR-chef, Managerial grid, uppgift- och relationsorienterat ledarskap samt etiskt ledarskap. Studiens författare har valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie och den är utformad i enlighet med en fallstudie. De åtta olika HR-cheferna representerar var sitt fall och intervjuerna med dessa tillsammans med fakta som är insamlad från bland annat organisationernas hemsidor är grunden för studiens empiri. Studiens empiri ställs i relation till den teoretiska referensramen i studiens analys. Under analysen har studiens författare funnit att det finns två grupper bland de aktuella HR-cheferna, en som i en högre grad är uppgiftsorienterade och en som i en högre grad är relationsorienterade. Studiens författare ser även att det finns en relation mellan vilken grupp HR-cheferna tillhör och deras etiska ledarskap. Den slutgiltiga slutsatsen som presenteras är att HR-chefer som i högre grad är relationsorienterade i högre grad överensstämmer med studiens teoretiska referensram angående det etiska ledarskapet.

"En människa ute i livet" : Synen på äldres deltagande i aktiviteter bland verksamhetschef, personal och brukare på särskilt boende / "A person out and about" : The view towards elders' participation in activities based on the view of the manager, employees and elders at a nursing home

Jansson, Emma, Telo, Emina January 2019 (has links)
This qualitative study’s purpose was to investigate and compare the view towards activities for elders among the manager, employees and the elders at a nursing home. One manager, two employees and three elders participated in interviews. These interviews showed that the view towards activities among elders was generally positive. The informants stated that the activities contributed with several positive effects. Among them were the elders’ subjectively reported well-being. This indicated correlation between the results and activity theory, implying that activities are a vital part of elders’ well-being. When the informants were asked about the possibilities as well as obstacles of elders engaging in activities, economy and disease were, directly and indirectly, brought up as obstacles. Regarding the economy, the HR perspective but also new public management could serve as explanations. The largest possibility presented however was the employees; if they were passionate about activities, as would the elders also become. / Studien hade som syfte att undersöka och jämföra synen på aktiviteter för äldre bland verksamhetschef, personal och brukare på ett särskilt boende. En verksamhetschef, två personal samt tre brukare deltog som informanter i denna kvalitativa studie bestående av intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer visade att synen på aktiviteter är generellt positiv. Samtliga informanter uppgav aktiviteters positiva effekter, till exempel ett ökat välbefinnande för den äldre. Detta indikerar en korrelation mellan resultaten och aktivitetsteorin, vilken tyder på att aktiviteter är en viktig komponent i den äldres välbefinnande. När informanterna blev tillfrågade vilka möjligheter och hinder som fanns angående brukarnas deltagande i aktiviteter angavs ekonomi och sjukdom, både direkt och indirekt, som hinder av samtliga informanter. Vi tolkar dessa ekonomiska aspekter genom att använda oss av ett HR- samt new public management-perspektiv. Den största möjligheten som de alla uppgav var personalen; om de ansågs engagerade till aktiviteter, blev också de äldre det.

Bortsorterad? : Två professioners syn på konsekvenserna av automatisk klassificering inom rekrytering / Sorted out? : Two professions’ views on the consequences of automatic classification within recruitment

Klingborg, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
To classify is human. Whether intentionally or not, we classify the world around us, though not all classification has the same level of impact. Throughout history and well into modern day, classification of people, from the apartheid regime in South Africa to gender classification of trans people, has had significant and sometimes devastating impact on individuals. This bachelor thesis examines the views of developers and recruiters regarding automatic classification of CVs within recruitment, and how these differ. Nine interviews with twelve informants – three developers and nine recruiters – form the empirical base of the thesis. A thematical analysis is applied and the results are presented in relation to the everyday consequences in Geoffrey C. Bowker and Susan Leigh Star’s (1999) theoretical perspective. Three main topics are discerned as common themes in the interviews: time saving, precision, and reliability. The differing focus on each theme in the respective professions is further discussed. The width of the study does not allow for a generalised view of the opinions of each profession but provides an interesting starting point for further studies within the field.

Caracterização química, física e isotópica de U3Si2 para fins forenses nucleares / Chemical, physical and isotopic characterization of U3Si2, for nuclear forensics purposes

Daniele Scarpim Rosa 29 August 2011 (has links)
No início dos anos 90, os primeiros indícios do tráfico ilícito de materiais nucleares e radioativos foram observados principalmente na região européia. Uma década marcada por inúmeros casos de apreensão desse tipo de material. Como resultado, esses atos passaram a ser alvo de investigações criminais forenses, desenvolvendo-se a partir daí, a ciência forense nuclear. No Brasil não há registros oficiais do tráfico ilícito de material nuclear, entretanto, é amplamente conhecida a extração e o transporte ilegal de materiais geológicos radioativos, assim como a apreensão de fragmentos de materiais utilizados como blindagem de fontes radioativas. Uma das principais ferramentas utilizadas na ciência forense nuclear consiste no estabelecimento de bancos de dados de materiais nucleares. Esses documentos devem conter o maior número possível de informações sobre as características físicas, químicas e nucleares do material apreendido, permitindo a identificação de sua origem, processo de fabricação ou mesmo a idade (age). Assim, se estabelecem padrões de composição característicos de cada material, denominados assinaturas químicas (chemical finger print). Nesse trabalho foi adotado o protocolo forense nuclear seguindo as três etapas de avaliação sugeridas pela Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica (AIEA) na identificação da origem de Siliceto de urânio (U3Si2). Realizaram-se ensaios de caracterização física, química e isotópica dos materiais em estudo e compararam-se os dados com aqueles obtidos para outros compostos de urânio (Tetrafluoreto de urânio, UF4; óxidos de urânio, UO2 e U3O8; tricarbonato de amônio e uranila, TCAU) estabelecendo-se uma assinatura característica para cada um. A partir dos resultados foi possível classificar os compostos por grupos de origem, uma vez que são provenientes de diferentes processos de fabricação e/ ou origem. Demonstrou-se também a importância da criação e manutenção de um banco de dados nuclear na investigação de um evento forense nuclear. / In the early 1990´s, the first illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials was observed mainly in Europe. A decade marked by numerous cases of seizures of these materials. As a result, these events have become the subject of criminal forensic investigations and develop from there, nuclear forensics. In Brazil there are no illicit trafficking official records of nuclear material, however, is widely known the extraction and illegal transportation of radioactive geological materials, and the materials pieces attachment used as shielding for radioactive sources. One of the main tools used in nuclear forensics is the nuclear materials databases establishment. These documents must contain the most information as possible about the physical, chemical and nuclear material seized, allowing the identification of their origin, manufacturing process or age. Thus, it sets characteristic composition standards of each material, called \"chemical signatures (chemical finger print). In this work nuclear forensic protocol was adopted as well as the three stages of assessment suggested by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in identifying the origin of uranium silicide (U3Si2). Assays were performed in order to make physical, chemical and isotopic characterization of the studied materials and compared the data with those obtained for other uranium compounds (Uranium tetrafluoride, UF4; uranium oxide, UO2 and U3O8; Yellow cake) by establishing a characteristic signature for each one. Through the assays the uranium compounds were classify by origin groups, as far as they are from different manufactured process and/ or origin. It was also possible to show the importance of a nuclear forensic database during an investigation of a nuclear forensic event.

Caracterização química, física e isotópica de U3Si2 para fins forenses nucleares / Chemical, physical and isotopic characterization of U3Si2, for nuclear forensics purposes

Rosa, Daniele Scarpim 29 August 2011 (has links)
No início dos anos 90, os primeiros indícios do tráfico ilícito de materiais nucleares e radioativos foram observados principalmente na região européia. Uma década marcada por inúmeros casos de apreensão desse tipo de material. Como resultado, esses atos passaram a ser alvo de investigações criminais forenses, desenvolvendo-se a partir daí, a ciência forense nuclear. No Brasil não há registros oficiais do tráfico ilícito de material nuclear, entretanto, é amplamente conhecida a extração e o transporte ilegal de materiais geológicos radioativos, assim como a apreensão de fragmentos de materiais utilizados como blindagem de fontes radioativas. Uma das principais ferramentas utilizadas na ciência forense nuclear consiste no estabelecimento de bancos de dados de materiais nucleares. Esses documentos devem conter o maior número possível de informações sobre as características físicas, químicas e nucleares do material apreendido, permitindo a identificação de sua origem, processo de fabricação ou mesmo a idade (age). Assim, se estabelecem padrões de composição característicos de cada material, denominados assinaturas químicas (chemical finger print). Nesse trabalho foi adotado o protocolo forense nuclear seguindo as três etapas de avaliação sugeridas pela Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica (AIEA) na identificação da origem de Siliceto de urânio (U3Si2). Realizaram-se ensaios de caracterização física, química e isotópica dos materiais em estudo e compararam-se os dados com aqueles obtidos para outros compostos de urânio (Tetrafluoreto de urânio, UF4; óxidos de urânio, UO2 e U3O8; tricarbonato de amônio e uranila, TCAU) estabelecendo-se uma assinatura característica para cada um. A partir dos resultados foi possível classificar os compostos por grupos de origem, uma vez que são provenientes de diferentes processos de fabricação e/ ou origem. Demonstrou-se também a importância da criação e manutenção de um banco de dados nuclear na investigação de um evento forense nuclear. / In the early 1990´s, the first illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials was observed mainly in Europe. A decade marked by numerous cases of seizures of these materials. As a result, these events have become the subject of criminal forensic investigations and develop from there, nuclear forensics. In Brazil there are no illicit trafficking official records of nuclear material, however, is widely known the extraction and illegal transportation of radioactive geological materials, and the materials pieces attachment used as shielding for radioactive sources. One of the main tools used in nuclear forensics is the nuclear materials databases establishment. These documents must contain the most information as possible about the physical, chemical and nuclear material seized, allowing the identification of their origin, manufacturing process or age. Thus, it sets characteristic composition standards of each material, called \"chemical signatures (chemical finger print). In this work nuclear forensic protocol was adopted as well as the three stages of assessment suggested by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in identifying the origin of uranium silicide (U3Si2). Assays were performed in order to make physical, chemical and isotopic characterization of the studied materials and compared the data with those obtained for other uranium compounds (Uranium tetrafluoride, UF4; uranium oxide, UO2 and U3O8; Yellow cake) by establishing a characteristic signature for each one. Through the assays the uranium compounds were classify by origin groups, as far as they are from different manufactured process and/ or origin. It was also possible to show the importance of a nuclear forensic database during an investigation of a nuclear forensic event.

Strategies for Using Analytics to Improve Human Resource Management

Etukudo, Rosaline Uduak 01 January 2019 (has links)
The use of analytics in human resource (HR) management has proven successful in improving company performance by reducing workforce costs, improving the quality of recruitment, improving talent management and employee engagement, and generally improving productivity. The purpose of this qualitative, multiple-case study was to explore how HR managers use analytics to improve company performance using the contextually based human resource theory as the conceptual framework. The target population comprised a purposeful sample of 5 HR managers in Washington DC; the United States; and Lagos, Nigeria, who had experience using analytics for HR management. Data were collected through semistructured interviews using face-to-face, telephone, and Internet communications and a review of company documents and websites. Data analysis included content and thematic analysis. Four themes emerged from data analysis: the need for HR analytics to align with organizational strategy, the need for understanding HR metrics and how insights derived from HR analytics improve company performance, influencers of HR analytics adoption, and the barriers to HR analytics adoption. The findings and recommendations of this study can assist HR managers in implementing HR analytics successfully. The implications for positive social change include the potential for increased employee satisfaction, improved productivity, and enhanced prosperity in local communities, leading to positive socioeconomic indicators.

Skillnader i fysisk prestation inomhus och utomhus : En randomiserad kontrollerad experimentell cross-over studie

Martinsson, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Träning i naturliga miljöer har hälsofrämjande effekter och ökar välbefinnandet i jämförelse med träning som sker i inomhusmiljöer. Individer som utför träning i utomhusmiljöer visar sig ha högre hastighet, hjärtfrekvens och blodlaktatkoncentration, i jämförelse med individer som tränar inomhus vilket påverkar den fysiska prestationen.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka mätbara skillnader i fysisk prestation inomhus och utomhus genom ett maxpulstest.Metod: Studien genomfördes med en randomiserad kontrollerad cross- over design där åtta män och fem kvinnor (medelålder 26 ± 3.67), fysiskt aktiva, genomförde ett beeptest vid två tillfällen. Testet utfördes av samma person vid ett tillfälle inomhus och ett tillfälle utomhus. Analysen utgick från uppskattat VO2 max genom protokoll av beeptest, objektiv mätning och kontroll av puls direkt före tester och direkt efter genomförda tester.Resultat: Resultaten visade en signifikant skillnad i VO2 max (O2ml/kg/min) (p= 0.047), genom en högre fysisk prestation inomhus i jämförelse med utomhus (46.08 ± 8.76 och 44.73 ± 8.84). Puls (slag/min) efter genomförda tester visade ett högre medelvärde inomhus i jämförelse med utomhus (192.36 ± 10.13 och 190.45 ± 9.11), men ingen signifikant skillnad (p=0.11). Puls före tester visade ingen signifikant skillnad (p=0.898) mellan inomhusmiljön och utomhusmiljön (107.16 ± 18.78 och 107. 75 ± 18.49).Slutsats: Resultaten indikerar på att det är skillnader i fysisk prestation i olika miljöer. VO2 max var signifikant högre i inomhusmiljön i jämförelse med utomhusmiljön. Medel-maxpulsen tenderade ha ett högre medelvärde inomhus i jämförelse med utomhus. / Background: Exercise performed in natural environments produces health-promoting effects and increases well-being, in comparison with exercises performed in indoors-environments. Individuals who exercise outdoors has higher velocity, heartrate and blood lactate concentration compared to individuals who exercise indoors, which affects the physical performance.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate measurable differences in physical performance indoors and outdoors through a maximum heartrate test.Method: The study was conducted with a randomized controlled cross over design where five women and eight men, physical active, in the middle age of 26 ± 3.67 years, performed a shuttle run test at two times. The test was repeated by the same individual one time indoors and one time outdoors. The analysis was made by estimated VO2 max using a protocol from the performed shuttle run test, and controlled objective measurements of pulse levels, directly before the test started and directly after finished test.Results: Significant differences were found between indoors and outdoors, where VO2 max (O2ml/lbs/min) (p= 0.047) was higher indoors than outdoors (46.08 ± 8.76 and 44.73 ± 8.84). Pulse levels (beats/min) was higher indoors than outdoors (192.36 ± 10.13 and 190.45 ± 9.11) after finished test, but significant differences were not found (p=0.11). Significant differences were not found in pulse levels before the test (p=0.898), between the different environments (107.16 ± 18.78 and 107. 75 ± 18.49).Conclusion: The results in this study show that there are differences in physical performance between different environments. VO2 max was significantly higher in the indoor environment compared to the outdoor environment. The average maximum pulse tended to have a higher average indoors compared to outdoors.

Talent Management : Beyond the concept of Talent Management

Bexell, Anders, Olofsson, Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
Författarna till denna uppsats har under de senaste åren kunnat följa en explosionsartad snabb utveckling av böcker och artiklar publicerade kring konceptet Talent Management. Dessa böcker och artiklar har gemensamt att de betonar vikten av att företag adopterar konceptet och de ödesdigra följderna om de låter bli. Talent Management är enligt många ett utav det största och senaste begreppen inom personaladministration. Under personaladministrationens historia har emellertid en mängd olika begrepp kommit och gått ur tiden såsom Personnel Management, Human Resource Management och Strategisk Human Resource Management och många forskare har hävdat att dessa begrepp inte skiljer sig nämnvärt åt, utan snarare kan karaktäriseras som ett kontinuerligt strävande efter legitimitet och status av personalansvariga. Det huvudsakliga temat i detta strävande har varit att ett företags personal utgör en viktig och betydande del av organisationen och därigenom kan utgöra skillnaden mellan framgångsrika och icke framgångsrika företag. Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att ta reda på de bakomliggande faktorerna och motiven till varför företag implementerar Talent Management, samt att undersöka i vilken utsträckning konceptet kan sägas karaktäriseras av ny och värdefull kunskap. Genom att jämföra teorier om HRM och personalutveckling med normativ litteratur och intervjuer kring Talent Management har författarna kommit fram till att Talent Management inte kan sägas karaktäriseras av ny och värdefull kunskap, utan snarare som ett försök att paketera om gamla idéer och tekniker under en ny etikett. Förfat-tarna till den här uppsatsen tror att konceptet kan sägas känneteckna ännu ett försök av personalansvariga att stärka sin legitimitet och status i sina respektive organisationer. / The authors of this thesis have found that, during the last years, the world has witnessed a dramatic explosion of articles and books about the concept Talent Management. These books and articles, all emphasise the urgency for companies to adopt the concept and the devastating consequences if they don’t. The concept is by many re-searchers seen to be the top issue and, the latest trend within Human Resource Management. Nevertheless, throughout the history of the personnel profession the world has witnessed several different concepts such as Personnel Management, Human Resource Management, and Strategic Human Resource Management and several researches have claimed that these concepts describes the same thing. Some researchers have argued that the different concept instead represent a continuous rhetoric struggle by HR professionals to enhance their legitimacy and status by becoming more business oriented and demonstrate that employees indeed can make a difference in distinguish-ing successful organizations from others. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the underlying reasoning and logic to why companies adopt talent management and explore what the concept represents in terms of new knowledge. By comparing traditional theories of HRM and HR planning with normative literature and interviews on Talent Management the authors have found that the concept does not represent any new and distinctive knowledge, but rather can be considered as an effort to repackage old ideas and techniques with a new label. The authors of this thesis believe that Talent Management is another illustration of the struggle by HR professionals to enhance their legitimacy and status in their organization.

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