Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hypnosis"" "subject:"sypnosis""
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Présentation foetale en siège en fin de grossesse : effet des interventions et des attitudes professionnelles sur le vécu des femmes / Term breech presentation : effect of interventions and professional attitudes on women's experiencesGuittier, Marie-Julia 06 November 2013 (has links)
Contexte : Le management de la présentation foetale en siège est complexe car la littérature scientifique est contrastée. Objectif : Mettre en évidence les effets des attitudes et des interventions professionnelles sur le vécu des femmes. Méthodes : Cinq recherches quantitatives et qualitatives, incluant 311 participantes, ont été menées à la maternité des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève. Résultats : Les femmes doivent souvent faire un deuil par anticipation de l'accouchement idéalisé. Elles sont très motivées à tenter de corriger la malposition foetale. 69% des participantes ont recours aux médecines alternatives et complémentaires pour se soigner. 68% des participantes ont qualifié la tentative de version céphalique externe (VCE) de « forte à insupportable. Un accompagnement par hypnose ne réduit pas l'intensité de la douleur, comparé à un accompagnement par une sage-femme (échelle visuelle analogique : 6,0 vs 6,3 /10 respectivement, p=0.25). Pour le choix du mode d'accouchement les femmes ont rapporté des conflits décisionnels majeurs. L'information médicale est souvent perçue en faveur de la césarienne élective. Le sentiment de contrôle, les émotions et les premiers instants avec le nouveau-né sont perçus différemment selon le mode d'accouchement, en défaveur de la césarienne en urgence. Conclusion : Un processus émotionnel et décisionnel inattendu et souvent difficile est associé au diagnostic de siège. Développer des outils d'aide à la décision pour la femme, et des techniques de relation d'aide pour les professionnels faciliteraient ces processus. La prise en charge de la douleur durant la tentative de VCE est indispensable / Context: Management of breech remains complex due to divergence of practices and recommendations reported in the literature. Objective: To highlight the effects of health professionals' interventions on women's experiences. Methods: Five research studies qualitative were conducted at the University Hospitals of Geneva, including a total of 311 participants. Two studies used a method with interviews and thematic analysis, two used a quantitative method with a statistical analysis, and one used a mixed methods' design. Results: Breech diagnosis often requires anticipating a disappointment of an idealized childbirth. Women demonstrate a strong motivation to try to turn their fetus. 69% of women use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for their treatment. 68% of participants qualified external cephalic version (ECV) as "strong to unbearable". An accompaniment by a hypnotist compared to a midwife did not decrease pain intensity (visual analogic scale: 6.0 vs 6.3/10, respectively; p=.25). For the choice of breech delivery mode, women reported strong decisional conflicts. Medical information is often perceived in favour of a planned caesarean. Feelings of control, emotions and the first moments with the newborn are perceived differently and, notably, negatively in the case of emergency ceasarean section. Conclusion: A difficult emotional and decision-making process is associated with term breech. Use of CAM should be considered by professionals. Developing tools to assist women, and relationship techniques for professionals could facilitate these processes. Reduction of pain during ECV is necessary
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The Toronto blessing : an expression of Christian spirituality in the charismatic movementPretorius, Stephanus Petrus 12 1900 (has links)
Spirituality is a word in frequent use in contemporary society. In a broad sense it refers to the 'raison d'etre' of our existence, the meaning and values to which we ascribe. Everyone embodies a spirituality in this wider sense, whether it be nihilistic, materialistic, humanistic or religious.
The present study evaluates the phenomenon of the Toronto Blessing in the light of spirituality in general and Christian spirituality in particular. By means of a broadly-based phenomenological methodology, the manifestations accompanying the Toronto Blessing are evaluated firstly, with respect to the Bible; secondly, with respect to the Hindu experience of 'Kundalini awakening';
and thirdly, in terms of neuroscience and certain psychological processes, such as hypnosis, mass hysteria, and the role of body and mind in creating spiritual
Although Charismatics claim that the Toronto Blessing has a sound biblical foundation, no evidence to support this claim has been found. However, striking similarities are found between the manifestations of the Toronto Blessing and the techniques used in the 'Kundalini awakening' for the transference of energy.
Finally, the major findings of this study support the conclusion that the Toronto Blessing is largely the result of psychological techniques. The possibility of Godly intervention is not totally excluded, but caution is urged, so as to be aware of extraneous factors that create similar manifestations. While it is agreed that the Toronto Blessing can be seen as an expression of spirituality in a broad sense,
nevertheless it cannot be viewed as an expression of Christian spirituality in the Charismatic Movement. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Christian Spirituality)
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La perception des infirmières quant à l’intégration d’une intervention innovatrice inspirée de l’hypnose médicale durant les traitements de chimiothérapie à la clinique externe d’oncologieHjeij, Danny 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction: Les propriétés apaisantes de l’hypnose conversationnelle (HC) - une intervention brève inspirée de l’hypnose médicale - pour optimiser la gestion de symptômes liés aux traitements antinéoplasiques sont reconnues depuis plusieurs années. Toutefois, la perception des infirmières qui ont eu à intégrer cette pratique innovante dans leurs soins entourant l’administration de chimiothérapie à la clinique externe d’oncologie n’a jamais été documentée.
Méthode: Une étude qualitative descriptive a été conduite auprès de 6 infirmières avec une expérience préalable avec l’HC durant l’administration de chimiothérapie à la clinique externe d’oncologie. Des entretiens individuels et une analyse de contenu ont été réalisés selon les méthodes de Miles et al. (2014). Le cadre de référence sur les soins fondamentaux centrés sur la personne de Kitson et al. (2013) a servi d’assise théorique à l’étude.
Résultats: L’analyse des données a révélé cinq grands thèmes : deux adressant l’importance de l’environnement de soins et d’une bonne planification dans l’application de l’HC ; et trois portant sur la valeur ajoutée de l’HC en clinique, notamment pour la gestion de la douleur du patient, ainsi que la gestion du stress de l’infirmière et son besoin d’offrir des soins holistiques pendant la chimiothérapie.
Conclusions: Pour une première fois, ces résultats révèlent le point de vue des infirmières en oncologie sur les défis logistiques et les avantages cliniques/personnels de l'intégration de l’HC dans les soins entourant la chimiothérapie. De tels résultats serviront à informer les activités de transfert de connaissances portant sur l’HC en soins infirmiers oncologiques. / Introduction: The soothing properties of conversational hypnosis (CH) - a brief intervention inspired by medical hypnosis - to optimize the management of symptoms associated with antineoplastic treatments have been recognized for several years. However, the perception of nurses who had to integrate this innovative practice into their care regarding the safe administration of chemotherapy at the outpatient oncology clinic has never been documented.
Methods: A descriptive qualitative study was conducted with 6 nurses with prior experience with CH during chemotherapy administration at the outpatient oncology clinic. Individual interviews and content analysis were carried out using the methods of Miles et al. (2014). The framework Reclaiming and redefining the fundamentals of care (Kitson et al., 2013) served as the theoretical foundation for this study.
Results: Data analysis revealed five broad themes: two addressing the importance of the health care environment and good planning in the application of CH; and three focusing on the added value of CH at the oncology clinic, particularly for the management of patients with pain, the reduction of nursing stress, and the need to provide holistic care during chemotherapy.
Conclusions: For the first time, these results reveal the perspective of oncology nurses on the logistical challenges as well as the clinical / personal benefits of integrating HC into their routine care. Such results will be used to inform future knowledge transfer activities related to HC in oncology nursing.
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Élaboration, faisabilité et effets d’une formation aux techniques de communication dérivées de l’hypnose pour prévenir la douleur et la détresse procédurales en pédiatrieAramideh, Jennifer 07 1900 (has links)
Que ce soit pour soigner une blessure, faire des examens médicaux, ou pour recevoir des traitements, les enfants subissent plusieurs procédures médicales qui sont associées à des niveaux importants de douleur et de détresse. Plusieurs interventions pharmacologiques et non-pharmacologiques sont utilisées dans les milieux de soins pédiatriques dans un contexte de gestion de la douleur et de la détresse procédurales. Parmi les interventions non-pharmacologiques soutenues empiriquement, la communication dérivée de l’hypnose consiste à utiliser des techniques de communication hypnotique sans induction d’une transe. Bien que la littérature fasse état de l’efficacité des interventions hypnotiques, la majorité des recherches en pédiatrie étudie l’efficacité d’une intervention menée par un spécialiste de l’hypnose accompagnant le soignant qui effectue la procédure. Or, cette façon de faire est très dispendieuse et n’est pas organisable dans les milieux hospitaliers pédiatriques. Il est donc primordial d’élaborer des formations pour ceux qui prodiguent les soins, comme les infirmiers(ères), afin de leur permettre d’utiliser des techniques de communication hypnotique simples dans leur pratique clinique quotidienne. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’élaborer une formation aux techniques de communication dérivées de l’hypnose clinique pour le personnel infirmier pédiatrique afin de réduire la douleur et la détresse de jeunes patients lors de procédures médicales douloureuses et anxiogènes.
La présente thèse est composée de trois articles. Les deux premiers articles découlent d’une étude de test de concept et de faisabilité. Le premier article a comme objectifs d’élaborer une formation aux techniques de communication dévirées de l’hypnose pour les infirmiers(ères) pédiatriques, d’évaluer leur maîtrise des compétences de communication hypnotique suite à la formation et d’évaluer leur expérience en ce qui a trait au programme de formation. L’étude de test de concept et de faisabilité pré-post-suivi, réalisée auprès de 6 infirmières pédiatriques et 33 de leurs patients atteints d’un cancer, a montré que, suite à une brève formation, les infirmières maîtrisent les compétences relationnelles et techniques de communication hypnotique et que ces compétences sont maintenues dans le temps. Les résultats ont également révélé que deux infirmières ont augmenté leurs compétences de communication hypnotique de manière plus importante que les autres infirmières. Lors des entretiens individuels, les infirmières ont identifié des composantes positives et négatives de la formation et ont proposé des suggestions d’amélioration.
Le second article a comme objectif d’évaluer les effets d’une telle formation aux techniques de communication dérivées de l’hypnose sur la douleur et la détresse procédurales de patients pédiatriques d’une clinique de jour d’Hématologie-Oncologie. Pour l’ensemble de l’échantillon (88 interactions infirmière-patient chez 22 patients), aucune différence significative n’a été observée au niveau de la douleur et la détresse, à l’exception d’une diminution significative de la détresse perçue par le parent en post-formation. En explorant l’hétérogénéité des compétences des infirmières au niveau de la douleur et de la détresse des patients, des améliorations significatives ont été observées suite à la formation pour la douleur auto-rapportée par le patient, la douleur et la détresse perçues par le parent et la douleur observée chez les patients des infirmières avec une maîtrise supérieure des compétences. Bien que ces changements observés au niveau de la douleur et la détresse n’ont pas été maintenus au suivi, ces derniers peuvent être attribués à des changements des compétences chez les infirmières.
Finalement, sur la base de cette étude de test de concept et de faisabilité, une nouvelle formation a été élaborée. Le troisième article, découlant d’une étude de développement-raffinement, a comme objectifs d’élaborer une formation manualisée à la communication dérivée de l’hypnose à destination du personnel infirmier pédiatrique, de pré-tester cette formation auprès d’infirmiers(ères) d’oncologie pédiatrique et de raffiner la formation en fonction des suggestions d’amélioration des infirmières. La formation manualisée Rel@x est constituée de deux séances de 4h : une séance sur les aspects relationnels et une autre, présentant une des deux techniques de communication hypnotique proposées, l’« endroit agréable » ou le « gant magique ». Lors du pré-test, cinq infirmières ont pris part à l’ensemble des séances. Les évaluations quantitatives et qualitatives ont révélé que les infirmières ont apprécié la formation. Les infirmières ont proposé des suggestions d’amélioration par rapport au contenu, à la forme et au matériel de la formation, et ces suggestions ont été intégrées à la version finale de la formation. Cette formation Rel@x est maintenant prête à être testée dans une étude pilote. / Whether it is to treat an injury, undergo a medical exam, or receive treatment, children go through many medical procedures that are associated with significant levels of pain and distress. Several pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions are used in pediatric care settings in the context of procedural pain and distress management. Among the empirically supported non-pharmacological interventions, hypnosis-derived communication consists of using hypnotic communication techniques without the induction of a trance. Although the literature shows the efficacy of hypnotic interventions, the majority of research in pediatrics studies the efficacy of an intervention conducted by a hypnosis specialist accompanying the healthcare professional performing the procedure. However, this way of doing is very expensive and cannot be organized in pediatric hospital settings. It is therefore essential to develop training for those who provide care, such as nurses, to enable them to use simple hypnotic communication techniques in their daily clinical practice. This thesis's main objective is to develop a training in communication techniques derived from clinical hypnosis for pediatric nursing personnel to reduce young patients' pain and distress during painful and anxiety-provoking medical procedures.
This thesis is composed of three articles. The first two articles stem from a test of concept and feasibility study. The first article aims to develop a training in communication techniques derived from hypnosis for pediatric nurses, to evaluate their mastery of hypnotic communication skills following the training, and to evaluate their experience with the training program. The pre-post follow-up test of concept and feasibility study, conducted with 6 pediatric nurses and 33 of their cancer patients, showed that, following brief training, nurses master the relational and technical hypnotic communication skills and that these skills are maintained over time. Results also revealed that two nurses increased their hypnotic communication skills more importantly than the other nurses. In the individual interviews, nurses identified both positive and negative components of the training and offered suggestions for improvement.
The second article aims to evaluate the effects of such hypnosis-derived communication training on pediatric patients' procedural pain and distress in a Hematology-Oncology daycare clinic. For the whole sample (88 nurse-patient interactions among 22 patients), no significant differences were observed for pain and distress, except for a significant decrease in distress perceived by the parent in the post-training. When exploring the heterogeneity of nurses' skills in regard to patient pain and distress, significant improvements were observed following the training for patient's self-reported pain, pain and distress perceived by the parent, and observed pain in patients of nurses with a higher skill mastery. Although these observed changes in pain and distress were not maintained at follow-up, they can be attributed to changes in nurses' skills.
Finally, on the basis of this test of concept and feasibility study, a new training was developed. The third article, stemming from a development-refinement study, aims to develop a manualized hypnosis-derived communication training for pediatric nurses, pre-test the training with pediatric oncology nurses, and refine the training based on nurses' suggestions for improvement. The manualized Rel@x training consists of two 4-hour sessions: one session on relational aspects and another, presenting one of the two hypnotic communication techniques proposed, the “pleasant place” or the “magic glove”. During the pre-test, five nurses took part in all the sessions. The quantitative and qualitative evaluations revealed that the nurses appreciated the training. Nurses proposed suggestions for improvement in regards to the training’s content, format and materials, and these suggestions were integrated into the final version of the training. This Rel@x training is now ready to be tested in a pilot study.
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A Hypnotic Digital ArtefactCederlund, Micaela January 2023 (has links)
This essay investigates what may constitute a hypnotic digital artefact from a design standpoint. This essay is meant to help designers who want to create hypnotic digital artefacts in the shape of a game, or researchers who wants to further this field. With a case study analysing the game Cultist Simulator, this essay observes applications from this essay’s frameworks: NLP, Procedural Rhetorics, Flow, Trance, and Ericksonian Hypnosis. The case study serves to demonstrate how a larger scale reflection of intrinsic cross over points between hypnosis and the video game medium may take place within state-of-the-art discourse. This essay fulfils its design-aid purpose by charting factors that can be put in place to facilitate a trance and a hypnosis in a game, in a design table summarising design methods discussed. The means that may put a player’s mind in abeyance are posited here regarding how this may influence the game experience, including induction techniques, where suggestions are provided in how these might translate to a game format. Through its frameworks and case study, hypnotic content generation is put in focus, where this essay finds that games utilising metaphors and depicting inner spaces carry significance in this pursuit. It also finds that mirroring communication of the unconscious, such as adhering to rules of a dream state, and acknowledging the unconscious’ uses and capacities, has potential in this pursuit. Importantly, the essay includes a discussion on Cultist Simulator’s decadent aesthetics and its role in leading a player towards an alternate state of consciousness.
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L'efecte hipnòtic en el cinema postmodernFerret Fortuny, Jordi 22 October 2010 (has links)
L'efecte hipnòtic en el cinema postmodern desenvolupa una aproximació al discurs postmodern a través de la categoria estètica d'allò sinistre (das unheimliche), com el camí que senyala l'ombra i el fantasma, el desplaçament del subjecte i la representació de l'inconscient, el real del desig, per mitjà de la metàfora de la hipnosi aplicada al cinema.Hypnotic effect in postmodern cinema develops an approach to postmoden theories throught the sinister aesthetic category (das unheimliche), understood as the way that shows the shadow and the ghost, the subject displacement and the unconsciousness representation, the real of the desire, by the metaphor of hypnosis applied to cinema.
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O fantasma no castelo do materialismo: uma história do inconsciente Freudiano / The ghost in materialisms’ castle: a history of Freudian uncounsciousPINHEIRO, Heráclito Aragão January 2009 (has links)
PINHEIRO , Heráclito Aragão. O fantasma no castelo do materialismo: uma história do inconsciente Freudiano. 2009. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Fortaleza-CE, 2009. / Submitted by moises gomes (celtinha_malvado@hotmail.com) on 2012-01-17T12:22:11Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / This research has the goal of understanding the path of Freud in his elaboration of the notion of unconscious, to realize the ways by which he got to this crucial notion to the foundation of the psychoanalytical knowing. To reach this goal I decided to deal with the models and references of Freud. The principal results were that the models which had more weight in the development of his idea of unconscious were his clinical work with the hysterics, as well as his divergence with the conventional ideas about this affection, his contact with the hypnosis and the interlocution he established with Charcot, Breuer and Fliess. And the principal references were the agnosticism and the physicalism,in relation to what it concerns the form by which he finally distanced himself. / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo compreender o percurso de Freud em sua elaboração da noção de inconsciente, perceber de que maneira ele chega até essa noção crucial para a fundação do saber psicanalítico. Para alcançar esse objetivo decidi abordar os modelos e os referentes de Freud. Os principais achados com relação aos modelos que tiveram maior peso em sua elaboração do inconsciente foram sua clínica com as histéricas, bem como seu confronto com as idéias vigentes sobre essa afecção, seu contato com a hipnose e a interlocução que estabeleceu com Charcot, Breuer e Flies. E os principais referentes foram o agnosticismo e o fisicalismo, no que concerne à forma como ele findou se afastando deste.
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The power of suggestion: placebo, hypnosis, imaginative suggestion and attentionMagalhaes De Saldanha D, Pedro 13 December 2014 (has links)
People have always been fascinated by the extent to which belief or will may influence<p>behavior. Proverbs, like “we tend to get what we expect,” and concepts, such as optimistic<p>thinking or self-fulfilling prophecy, reflect this intuition of an important link between one’s<p>dispositions and subsequent behavior. In other words, one’s predictions directly or<p>indirectly cause them to become true. In a similar manner, every culture, country or<p>religion has their own words for ‘expectation,’ ‘belief,’ ‘disappointment,’ ‘surprise,’ and<p>generally all have the same meaning: under uncertainty, what one expects or believes is the<p>most likely to happen. This relation between what caused a reaction in the past will<p>probably cause it again in the future might not be realistic. If the expected outcome is not<p>confirmed, it may result in a personal ‘disappointment’, and if the outcome fits no<p>expectations, it will be a ‘surprise’. Our brain is hardwired with this heuristic capacity of<p>learning the cause-effect relationship and to project its probability as the basis for much of<p>our behavior, as well as cognitions. This experience-based expectation is a form of<p>learning that helps the brain to bypass an exhaustive search in finding a satisfactory<p>solution. Expectations may thus be considered an innate theory of causality; that is, a set of<p>factors (causes) generating a given phenomenon (effects) influence the way we treat<p>incoming information but also the way we retrieve the stored information. These<p>expectancy templates may well represent one of the basic rules of how the brain processes<p>information, affecting the way we perceive the world, direct our attention and deal with<p>conflicting information. In fact, expectations have been shown to influence our judgments<p>and social interactions, along with our volition to individually decide and commit to a<p>particular course of action. However, people’s expectations may elicit the anticipation of<p>their own automatic reactions to various situations and behaviors cues, and can explain that<p>expecting to feel an increase in alertness after coffee consumption leads to experiencing<p>the consequent physiologic and behavioral states. We call this behavior-response<p>expectancy. This non-volitional form of expectation has been shown to influence<p>cognitions such as memory, pain, visual awareness, implicit learning and attention, through<p>the mediation of phenomena like placebo effects and hypnotic behaviors. Importantly,when talking about expectations, placebo and hypnosis, it is important to note that we are<p>also talking about suggestion and its modulating capability. In other words, suggestion has<p>the power to create response expectancies that activate automatic responses, which will, in<p>turn, influence cognition and behavior so as to shape them congruently with the expected<p>outcome. Accordingly, hypnotic inductions are a systematic manipulation of expectancy,<p>similar to placebo, and therefore they both work in a similar way. Considering such<p>assumptions, the major question we address in this PhD thesis is to know if these<p>expectancy-based mechanisms are capable of modulating more high-level information<p>processing such as cognitive conflict resolution, as is present in the well-known Stroop<p>task. In fact, in a recent series of studies, reduction or elimination of Stroop congruency<p>effects was obtained through suggestion and hypnotic induction. In this PhD thesis, it is<p>asked whether a suggestion reinforced by placebos, operating through response-expectancy<p>mechanisms, is able to induce a top-down cognitive modulation to overcome cognitive<p>conflict in the Stroop task, similar to those results found using suggestion and hypnosis<p>manipulation. / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Hypnotic Suggestions: Their Nature and Applicability in Studying Executive FunctionsZahedi, Anoushiravan 30 July 2021 (has links)
Exekutive Funktionen (EF) sind eine Gruppe von Top-Down-Prozessen, die in neuartigen Situationen eingesetzt werden, um neue Trigger-Response-Assoziationen herzustellen oder vorhandene Handlungsoptionen an neue Situationen anzupassen. Obwohl EF erschöpfend untersucht wurden, bleiben wichtige Fragen offen. Beispiele dafür sind (a) Sind Exekutivfunktionen vollständig trennbar oder beruhen sie auf einem gemeinsamen neurokognitiven System? (b) Was messen verschiedene Versionen der Stroop-Aufgabe, einer der meist-verwendeten Aufgaben zur Prüfung der Inhibitionsfunktion? (c) Muss Inhibition immer Ressourcen-fordernd sein, oder gibt es eine Form der Inhibition, die mühelos implementiert werden kann? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen, habe ich neurokognitive Korrelate von EF und ihrer Verbesserung mithilfe posthypnotischer Suggestionen (PHS) und Ereigniskorrelierter Hirnpotentiale (EKP) untersucht. Zusammenfassend ergaben sich folgende Antworten: (a) Psychometrische und EKP-Daten aus den Studien zur Gedächtnisaktualisierung und Inhibition sowie deren Verbesserung anhand PHS zeigten sowohl funktionsspezifische als auch gemeinsame neurokognitive Prozesse der Inhibition und Aktualisierung. (b) Obwohl sowohl die vokale als auch die manuelle Version der Stroop-Aufgabe Inhibitionsfunktionen erfordern, ist die vokale Version Ressourcen-fordernder, da sie mindestens einen zusätzlichen Lokus der Interferenz im Antwort-Produktionsprozess aufweist, der nicht mit PHS beeinflussbar ist und der in der manuellen Version fehlt. (c) Unter Verwendung PHS zur Erhöhung der Präferenzen für kalorienarme Lebensmittel untersuchte ich die Auflösung von Konflikten. Die EKP-Ergebnisse zeigten, dass auch Konflikt-Auflösung, ähnlich wie Inhibition, Ressourcen konsumiert. Insgesamt zeigt dieses Projekt, dass die Verwendung Aufgaben-bezogener PHS in Kombination mit Neuroimaging-Techniken einen fruchtbaren Ansatz für die Untersuchung ungeklärter Fragen über Exekutivfunktionen darstellt. / Executive functions (EF) are a group of top-down processes used in novel situations to develop or adapt existing responses to the task at hand. Even though EFs are studied exhaustively, several important questions remain unanswered: (a) Are EFs entirely separated, or do they rely on a common system? (b) What do different versions of the Stroop task measure? (c) Does inhibition always need to be effortful? To address these questions, I investigated neurocognitive correlates of EFs and their enhancements by means of posthypnotic suggestions (PHS) and event-related potentials (ERP). However, before one can use PHSs, it must be elucidated whether and how they affect EFs. Although PHSs are used repeatedly for improving inhibition, it is unclear whether their effects are mediated by bottom-up or top-down processes. By using an updating task, I showed that effects of PHSs can be attributed to top-down processes. Accordingly, a new theory of hypnosis was proposed and empirically tested by modeling hypnotizability scores with structural equation modeling. In short, the simulation-adaption theory suggests that several top-down processes are employed for responding to suggestions. After elucidating the driving mechanism of PHSs is mentally practicing a novel strategy, PHSs were used for addressing the questions regarding EFs. Summarizing (a) the psychometric and ERP results from several studies indicated that different EFs rely on both function-specific and shared neurocognitive processes. (b) Even though different versions of the Stroop task are tapping into inhibition, the vocal compared to the manual version has at least an extra response-production-related locus of interference. (c) Using PHSs for increasing preferences for low-calorie food items, it is shown that resolve is effortful to implement, as indicated by increased P300 amplitudes. Together, this project shows how PHSs, along with neuroimaging techniques, can provide a novel approach for investigating EFs.
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