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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


FERNANDO RODRIGO DOS SANTOS SILVA 11 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese investiga os diferentes sentidos atribuídos à educação nas ideias e práticas correcionais para menores, entre 1890 e 1927. A aproximação das noções de correção e educação é dada pela compreensão de que ambas são modalidades socializadoras através das quais se opera um trabalho institucional sobre o outro com a intenção de transformá-lo (DUBET, 2010). Nas ideias e práticas pesquisadas, o objetivo foi transformar menores pervertidos pela hereditariedade e pelos meios sociais em futuros homens úteis a si e a pátria. A pesquisa iniciou em 1890 porque nesta década se materializou um conjunto de mudanças que alcançaram status legal com as legislações para menores nas primeiras décadas do século XX. No Brasil, o Código de Menores (1927) cumpriu esta finalidade. A realização do doutorado sanduíche, em Portugal, levou à ampliação da delimitação espacial da pesquisa ao incorporar a perspectiva portuguesa neste processo. A Lei de Proteção à Infância promulgada, em 1911, neste país, foi fortemente marcada pelos aspectos pedagógicos e foram uma das referências do código brasileiro. Pensar a circulação de ideias foi o caminho adotado, com este intento elegeu-se como referência a categoria representação trabalhada por Chartier (1990; 2002) que a compreende como uma operação de inteligibilidade que produz modos de estar no mundo, impõe uma autoridade à custa de outras, legitima reformas e justifica as suas escolhas para os indivíduos. As representações são o real encarnado em práticas. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise documental das fontes consultadas em diferentes instituições de guarda do Brasil e de Portugal, com destaque para o Arquivo Nacional, o Arquivo Geral da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro e a Biblioteca Nacional, no Brasil, e o Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, a Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal e Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, além da legislação dos dois países sobre a temática estudada. Através da análise das fontes consultadas foi possível perceber que a lógica de apreensão dos menores, em ambos os países, teve como particularidade o reconhecimento das características que enquadrariam os menores no conceito de vadios; nas casas de correção as atividades oficinais ocuparam a quase totalidade da rotina dos presos, contudo, cada país variou na ênfase que deu ao trabalho, no Brasil, as oficinas eram lugares do aprendizado de um ofício e da formação do hábito do trabalho, enquanto que em Portugal, as oficinas eram o lugar da aprendizagem, a correção viria pela reflexão no isolamento absoluto; a emergência dos institutos disciplinares esteve ligado ao debate sobre a importância da educação no combate à hereditariedade; a comunicação entre os dois países efetivou-se após a década de 1910, com a publicação da lei portuguesa, porém, foi na década de 1920, que as legislações estabeleceram as medidas de uma pedagogia corretiva como linguagem jurídica. / [en] This research investigates the different meanings of education on correctional ideas and practices between the years 1890 and 1927. The approximation of correction s and education s significances takes part at comprehension that they are both socializing modalities through which an institutional work takes part over the other, with the purpose of transforming him (Dubet, 2010). On the ideas and practices investigated, the purpose was to transform minors perverted by heredity and social environments in future citizens, useful to themselves and to the nation. The research starts on 1890 because this decade embodies a number of significant changes that achieved legal status on minors legislation, at 20th century early decades. Part of this investigation -- held in Portugal -- led to the expansion of researche s spatial delimitation, incorporating Portuguese. Childhood protection law (Lei de Proteção à Infância), passed in Portugal in 1911, was strongly influenced by pedagogical aspects, and it is a reference for Brazilian codes. The investigation s strategy was to focus on ideas circulation, based on Chartier s concept of representation, comprising an intangibility operation that produces ways of being in the world, imposes one authority at the expense of others, legitimates reforms and justifies their choices to individuals (1990; 2002). Representations are the real incarnated in practices. The methodology used was documentary analysis from the sources accessed in brazilian and portuguese institutions, in particular Biblioteca Nacional, Arquivo Nacional and Arquivo da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, and Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal and Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, in Portugal. In addition, the legislation of both countries on the studied subject. The documentary analysis revealed that minors impounding logic, in both countries – Brazil and Portugal --, has the peculiarity of classifying minors as strays; at correctional facilities workshops activities occupied almost all interns routines, however, each country varied the emphasis on work, in Brazil, workshops were environments of professional and working habits learning, and in Portugal workshops were places of learning, and correction would come through reflection in absolute isolation; the emergency of disciplinary facilities was linked to the debate about education importance on heredity combat; communication between Brazil and Portugal became effective after 1910 decade, when Childhood protection passed in Portugal, however, was in the 1920 s, as legislation established corrective pedagogical measures as a juridical language.

Förälderns århundrade : Synen på praktisk kunskap hos psykoanalytikern Donald Winnicott / The Century of the Parent

Majuri, Humlan January 2023 (has links)
In this study I discuss the forms of practical knowledge inherent in parent-child-relation, as described by the british pediatrician and psychoanalytic DonaldWinnicott. Winnicott was a successful broadcaster for the BBC during and after thesecond world war, he spoke on subjects concerning child rearing, psychology andfamily dynamics. The material of this study is the written versions of Winnicott’sbroadcasting, published as parental guiding books aimed specifically at mothers butalso addressing a wider public. The method consist of identifying and naming the twodifferent kinds of practical knowledge that Winnicott discuss, which I have calledintuitive knowledge and instructional knowledge. The results show that Winnicott’sview of knowledge influences the way he adresses his subjects, and that it is anintegrated part of his social criticism. In the study I show that the division betweenintuitive knowledge and instructional knowledge is crucial for a deeper understandingof Winnicott’s view’s on parenthood and society, as well as for the wider historicalunderstanding of the inter- and after-war periods in Great Britain.

Frihetens nattväktare : tidningen Nyliberalen, Frihetsfronten och det libertarianska nätverket i Sverige 1983–2000

Bäckman, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en idéhistorisk undersökning av libertarianismens utveckling i Sverige 1983–2000. Utgångspunkten för undersökningen är en ny forskningsdiskussion som rest frågor om libertarianismens många former i transnationella kontexter, i synnerhet den nordiska, som ett svar på en tidigare amerikaniserad förståelse av ideologins utveckling. Jag ansluter mig till denna diskussion och med min undersökning ifrågasätter jag dels tidigare forsknings inskrivande av libertarianismen i den så kallade ”högervågen” och nyliberalismens historia i Sverige, dels de svenska libertarianernas skrivande av sin egen historia.  Jag kartlägger i undersökningen ett specifikt aktörsnätverk som i en svensk kontext haft en central betydelse för ideologins utveckling. I centrum för detta nätverk stod tidningen Nyliberalen och organisationen Frihetsfronten. I min analys förstår jag ideologin som en föränderlig samverkan mellan detta nätverks materiella praktiker och en uppsättning idéer, vilken givit upphov till först en kanonisering av idéerna, sedan en popularisering av dem och slutligen en fragmentering av ideologin. Min undersökning visar hur aktörernas användning av populärkultur och artefakter samt deras strategiska bruk av medietekniker, som tidningen Nyliberalen, och särskilda platser, som Frihetsfrontens svartklubb Tritnaha, var viktiga i denna samverkan. Vidare pekar jag på hur denna samverkan karaktäriserades av ständig intern splittring inom nätverket som också formade ideologins utveckling. Kanoniseringen bestod i att en uppsättning idéer från framför allt Ayn Rand introducerades inom nätverket under 1980-talet och därinom tillskrevs ett radikalt språk om individens naturgivna rätt till frihet. Populariseringen innebar att dessa idéer knöts till en populistisk retorik och performativ aktivism med drag av ungdoms- och motkultur under 1990-talets första hälft. Ideologins fragmentering innebar tentativt en ny form för denna samverkan i samband med nätverkets digitalisering vid 1990-talets slut. Digitaliseringen medförde ett förändrat medietekniskt bruk hos aktörerna, men också en ny nätverksstruktur i en pluralisering av knutpunkterna för svenska libertarianer. I min diskussion om ideologins fragmentering uppmärksammar jag också vissa libertarianers engagemang i miljöer som senare kommit att förknippas med den så kallade alternativhögern. Min tolkning av ideologins utveckling mot en fragmenterad form visar på ett annat händelseförlopp än det tidigare forskning presenterat. Denna forskning har i stället förklarat libertarianismens utveckling i Sverige antingen som en del av eller som upplöst i ett nyliberalt och marknadsekonomiskt projekt, något som jag visar inte var fallet.

Inomhusgatan : Affektpolitik och den rumsliga naturaliseringen av gående shopping i Gallerian i Stockholm

Sjödin, Arvid January 2023 (has links)
This thesis is a historical examination of the shopping space Gallerian in Stockholm, which opened in October of 1976. The text analyzes how Gallerian’s affective environment was staged. I show how the developers sought to use Gallerian to shape the space of the inner city to increasingly provide for movements through which spontaneous consumption arose as a natural affective response. By analyzing this ambition, I point to the relevance of studying this specific form of consumption space, an indoor street, as a space that differs from a department store or a shopping center outside of the city. The indoor street was motivated by historical actors precisely because it offered possibilities of affect-governance that a department store or a shopping center outside of the city could not. Furthermore, the text examines the affective culture created in the interior space of Gallerian. I show how escalators, vegetation embellishments and air- and temperature regulation became relevant in Gallerian’s ambition to create a certain affective pull into its space. This affective pull is similar to what Walter Benjamin examined in 19th Century Paris, but, as shown in the thesis, the affective pull of Gallerian was aiming to capture a broader crowd of flaneurs. Gallerian was marketed as an enabler of an inclusive and democratic flaneurship. Gallerian also worked on dissociating itself from consumption, by incorporating symbols and places into the shopping space which read as non-commercial, and by framing the space as a non-commercial experience in public discourse. I argue that Gallerian’s affective environment provided for a consumer subjectivity that was potential, by staging an indoor street that naturalized shopping as part of the walk-about through the city as well as providing an interior environment with a certain affective pull. Lastly, I analyze how Gallerian achieved symbolic meaning as a place in the city. It became a “thing- world”, in Adorno’s and Benjamin’s sense, in that it was filled with desire for commodities, but also through a voyeuristic experience of other people as a conjurer of fantasies. I also argue that Gallerian, as a lived place-based experience, became a place where historical consciousness could be conjured and a longing for a city of the past could be enacted in the space.

Kasta ut chintzen : En diskurshistorisk analys av IKEAs reklam ochnationell förnyelse i Storbritannien på 1990-talet / Chuck out your chintz : A discourse-historical analysis of IKEAsadvertisement and national renewal in Britainin the 1990s

Steneholt, Nilla January 2023 (has links)
Storbritannien präglades på 1990-talet av politiskt och kulturellt nytänkande med New Labour och kulturfenomenet Cool Britannia samtidigt som IKEA försökte etablera sig i landet. Min diskurshistoriska analys undersöker hur IKEAs reklamkampanjer “Chuck out your chintz” och “Stop being so English” anpassades till framväxande föreställningar om ett nytt Storbritannien. Studien motiveras av att det finns ett forskningsgap när det gäller IKEAs reklamanpassning i nationella marknader och utgår från Douglas B. Holts kulturella varumärkesteori om hur varumärken blir ikoniska genom identitetsmyter som riktar sig till kulturella motsättningar. Resultaten pekar på interdiskursivitet i New Labours och IKEAs kommunikation med ett ideologiskt narrativ om ett modernt och klasslöst samhälle. I “Stop being so English” framträder även en ideologi om sexuell liberalism som kopplas ihop med IKEAs svenska betoning i sin marknadsföring. Analysen indikerar att IKEA konstruerade en identitetsmyt som jämnade ut kulturella motsättningar om social klass och nationell identitet där människor kunde delta i det nya Storbritannien som konsumenter. Då företag som IKEA använder kulturell marknadsföring kan reklam tillämpas i idéhistoriska undersökningar för att belysa samhällsförändringar. Reklam kan vara ett kulturellt uttryck som är bärare av föreställningar och genom att identifiera identitetsmyter i reklamen kan man urskilja de ideologier som verkar i en kultur.

Gränsdragningar och ritualiserade praktiker : Förhållandet mellan religion, naturfilosofi och magi i 1500- talets Danmark / Boundaries in and across ritualized practices : The relationship between religion, natural philosophy, and magic in 16th century Denmark

Kindström, Naomi January 2023 (has links)
The prime focus of this dissertation is the relationship between natural philosophy, magic and religion. This is studied through an emphasis on ritual and ritualising practices centred on predicting and causing effect through ritual action. A focus therefore follows on astrological, healing and Christian practices, studied through almanacks and healing texts. The analysis is limited geographically to Denmark, and more specifically to Copenhagen and Scania. Conclusions drawn include the need to emphasise a continuity in ideas throughout the early modern period. This is demonstrated by showing a gradual shift in ritualised practices from the catholic era to and throughout the protestant era during the 1500s. Furthermore, astrologyis seen as an important ritualised practice that spans the spheres of both natural philosophy, magic and religion. Astrology as a ritualised practice is also shown to have been used foracademic, theological and agricultural purposes. The ritualised astrological practices within these spheres are confirmed to vary in execution but also show many similarities in regards to underlying ideas. Such ideas include sympathetic links between nature and the body and between the celestial spheres and earth. Christian ideas are also demonstrated to permeate ritual practices in the astrological, magical and medicinal fields. Re-ritualisation of healing and astrological practices are also concluded to have been used as a tool for implementing reformation ideals

MODERATERNA OCH ENERGIÖVERENSKOMMELSEN – VAD HÄNDE? : The Swedish Moderate party and The energy agreement. What happened?

Eriksson, Johan, Wikgren, Carl January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate if and how the Swedish Moderate party´s views and ideas regarding nuclear energy, within the energy production has changed in the timeframe of 2010 - 2021. This has been investigated through an idea analysis.The study's research question was asked as follows: Have the Swedish Moderate party´s views and ideas regarding nuclear energy within energy production changed within the timeframe 2010 - 2021? And if that is the case, how have the views and ideas changed?The material that this study used to maintain its purpose contained motions from the Swedish Moderate party within the time frame 2010 - 2021. The motions involved nuclear energy.The conclusion of this study is that the Swedish Moderate party has changed its views and ideas concerning energy politics focusing on nuclear energy. The changes are marginal. However, the Energiöverenskommelsen is an anomaly regarding this case. Energiöverenskommelsen does not match the views and ideas presented by the Swedish Moderate party within the study´s timeframe.

Den smittsamma brottsligheten : Om svenska läkares framställning av lagstiftningen Lex Veneris år 1924–32

Runeby, Hannes January 2022 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om lagstiftningen Lex Veneris som trädde i kraft 1 januari 1919, vilket gjorde det straffbart att sprida vidare veneriska sjukdomar samt att man var tvungen att underkasta sig sjukvård om man var smittad. Syftet är att undersöka hur läkare har argumenterar att berättat om denna lagstiftning under 1900-talets första hälft. För att på så vis synliggöra om de fanns maktförhållanden och auktoritära strukturer mellan individen, samhället och den medicinska sfären. Genom att studera tre böcker skrivna av läkare för en bredare publik, ska jag svara på mina frågeställningar, Hur argumenterar man för Lex Veneris? Hur beskrivs individens roll? I vems intresse beskrivs lagstiftningen, individens eller samhällets? De anledningar som läkarna lägger fram bakom Lex Veneris är få, i två av böckerna legitimerar man den nya lagen genom att konstatera att de veneriska smittorna existerade, i en av böckerna beskrivs dock det första världskriget som en anledning, då det var en faktor till ökad spridning, på grund av fler tillfälliga sexuella relationer. Individens och samhällets roll är dubbel. Individens rättigheter kommer enbart i ett utbyte mot skyldigheter. Läkarna påtalar samhällsmedborgarens plikter mot samhället och att individens hälsa är en samhällsangelägenhet. Lex Veneris beskrivs som en intressefråga för både samhället och individen. Individen får en kostnadsfri sjukvård i utbyte mot underkastelse och inskränka på sin frihet, samhället får underkastelse och instiftande av normer och regler i utbyte mot att erbjuda kostnadsfri sjukvård.

Main Determinants of Patent Transfers in Sweden : An Empirical Study of the Market for Ideas

GUSTAFSSON, JOHANNA, LODÉN, SARA January 2018 (has links)
What patents are traded and who trades them? This research aims to determine the main factors affecting a patent's propensity to be traded on the Swedish Market for Ideas, and to what extent. Theories of the Economics of Intellectual Property Transfers constitute the foundation of the research focus, in combination with earlier research. The factors being studied are divided into patent characteristics and firm characteristics. To the extent of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to provide empirical evidence of determinants of the Swedish market for patent transfers. Data is triangulated from three data sources (legal data from EPO, patent data from PATSTAT and firm data from Serrano Database). Hence, a combined data set with extensive information is analyzed by both descriptive statistics and regression analysis to approach four Hypothesis. Through the use of Logit regression model the binary outcome of whether a patent is traded or not is assessed. Furthermore, Negative Binomial estimators and Poisson model address the likelihood of the number of times a patent is being traded. The main findings are; (1a) patents of higher value, indicated by the number of citations, have a higher likelihood to be transferred, (1b) patents of a younger age are more frequently traded. Additionally, (2a) larger firms, to a higher extent, engage in patent transfers. The results are however mixed concerning the effect on firm size on the propensity to change owner. Lastly (2b), transferred patents are mainly within information technologies. In a competitive environment where the share of intangible assets is increasing and a large fraction of patents remain unused, there are efficiency gains to be realized by a developed Market for Ideas. This research, therefore, provides a contribution to a novel research area, with implications for both policy makers and managers, regarding the increased importance of the strategic use of intellectual property.

Styrdokument om miljöhistoria

Ahlberg, Victoria January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka huruvida historieundervisningen för grundskolans senare år ska inkludera miljöhistoria. För denna bedömning gjordes en textanalys av vad sex styrdokument på nationell och internationell nivå föreskriver. Skollagen, läroplanen och kursplanen för historia analyserades. Utöver dessa granskades tre internationella dokument som ligger till grund för läroplanen. Undersökningen utgick från ett perspektiv där historiemedvetande, i bemärkelsen handlingsberedskap inför framtiden, stod i centrum. Den genomfördes i form av en idéanalys där förekomsten av två idéer granskades, dels att miljöhistoria/miljöperspektiv ska finnas med i historieundervisningen, och dels att undervisningen ska skapa handlingsberedskap inför framtiden. Vidare gjordes en jämförelse mellan vad styrdokumenten på de olika nivåerna föreskriver. Resultatet visade att styrdokumenten för grundskolans senare år föreskriver att historieundervisningen ska innehålla ett miljöperspektiv. Det skrivs tydligt fram att undervisningen ska skapa handlingsberedskap inför framtiden, och det uttrycks också att miljöperspektiv kan skapa detta. Det föreskrivs inte att miljöhistoria ska finnas med i historieundervisningen. Två av dokumenten skriver inte fram idéerna alls. Jämförelsen av styrdokumenten på de olika nivåerna visade att de nationella styrdokumenten är föreskrivande och att de internationella styrdokumenten är uppmanande och rekommenderande. Läroplanen har dock fångat upp intentionerna i de internationella styrdokumenten. / The purpose of the essay was to investigate whether the teaching of history in compulsory school should include environmental history. For this assessment an analysis was compiled researching six national and international steering documents. The school law, curriculum and course syllabus for history was analyzed. Also three international documents that form the basis for the curriculum were analyzed. The analysis was made from a perspective where history consciousness , in the context of preparedness for the future, was in the centre. The analysis was conducted in a shape of ideas analysis, where the occurrence of two ideas were investigated, partly if environmental history/environmental perspective should be a part of history teaching, and partly if teaching creates preparedness of action for the future. Furthermore, a comparison between the different level steering documents was made. The results showed that two documents don’t accentuate the ideas at all. The collected evaluation is that the steering documents for the later years of compulsory school prescribe that the teaching of history should contain an environmental perspective. It is clearly stated that teaching should create preparedness for the future, and it is expressed that an environmental perspective can create preparedness for the future. It is not prescribed that environmental history should be included in the teaching. The comparison between the steering documents at the different levels showed that the national steering documents are prescriptive and the international steering documents are requesting and recommending. The curriculum has however captured the intentions of the international governing documents.

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