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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La ausencia de imparcialidad en las entrevistas políticas televisivas durante las campañas electorales en Perú / The lack of impartiality in televisión political interviews during electoral campaigns in Peru

Reyes Muñoz, Martin Rodrigo 07 July 2021 (has links)
Los medios de comunicación conforman una pieza indispensable en el desarrollo de la opinión pública en las campañas presidenciales. La presente investigación se rige sobre los factores que perjudican la imparcialidad en el ejercicio profesional de la prensa en las entrevistas durante el proceso de las campañas políticas. Esto con la finalidad de identificar cómo la prensa logra construir la realidad en base a los siguientes conceptos: Imparcialidad en la información periodística, periodismo especializado, entrevista periodística y periodismo en campañas electorales. / The mass media are an indispensable piece in the development of public opinion in presidential campaigns. This research is governed by the problem of the factors that harm the existence of impartiality in the professional exercise of the press in interviews during the political campaign process. This in order to identify how the press manages to build reality based on the following concepts: Impartiality in journalistic information, specialized journalism, journalistic interview and journalism in electoral campaigns. / Trabajo de investigación

Relación entre clima laboral y liderazgo transformacional en las gerencias de servicios financieros y créditos y cobranzas de la empresa Banco Azteca del Perú S.A. / The relationship between work environment and transformational leadership in the financial services and credits and collections management of Banco Azteca del Perú S.A.

Torres Santiago, Paola Ángela 14 October 2019 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar la relación entre clima laboral y liderazgo transformacional, así como identificar el nivel de clima laboral y liderazgo transformacional en la empresa Banco Azteca del Perú, delimitándonos en la zona geográfica: gerencias de servicios financieros (GSF) y gerencias de créditos y cobranzas (GCC) de mayor y menor rotación. La presente investigación es de tipo descriptivo correlacional, se especifica las dimensiones y características de la variable clima laboral y liderazgo transformacional y su relación. Así mismo el diseño de la investigación es no experimental con un enfoque mixto. Participaron 300 colaboradores, a quienes se aplicó dos instrumentos: encuesta de Clima Laboral según modelo GPTW y el cuestionario multifactorial de liderazgo Transformacional MLQ 5X 4s de B. Bass y B. Avolio adaptado al objetivo de la presente la investigación. Los resultados arrojaron que existen correlaciones significativas y positivas entre Clima Laboral y Liderazgo Transformacional. Se identificó que en las GSF y GCC de menor rotación el nivel de clima laboral es mayor, a diferencia de GSF y GCC de menor rotación, el clima laboral es menor. Así también se identificó que el nivel de liderazgo transformacional es mayor en las GSF y GCC de menor rotación que en las GSF y GCC de mayor rotación. En cuanto a las recomendaciones se sugiere realizar un taller de coaching ejecutivo para los líderes, así como el diseño y aplicación de programas y talleres para reforzar el clima laboral y el liderazgo transformacional. Palabras claves: clima laboral, liderazgo transformacional, respeto, credibilidad, imparcialidad, orgullo, compañerismo, influencia idealizada, motivación inspiracional, estimulación intelectual, consideración individualizada. / The objective of the present research was to analyze the relationship between the work environment and the transformational leadership, as well as identify the level of work environment and transformational leadership in the company Banco Azteca del Perú, delimiting us in the geographical area: financial services management (FSM) and credits and collections management (CCM) of greater and lesser rotation. The present research is of a descriptive correlational type, specifying the dimensions and characteristics of the variable work environment and transformational leadership and their relationship. Likewise, the research design is non-experimental with a mixed approach. 300 collaborators participated, to whom two instruments were applied: Work environment survey according to the GPTW model and the multifactorial questionnaire of transformational leadership MLQ 5X 4s of B. Bass and B. Avolio adapted to the objective of the present investigation. The results showed that there are significant and positive correlations between work environment and transformational leadership. It was identified that in the FSM and CCM with lower rotation the level of work environment is higher, unlike FSM and CCM with lower rotation, the work environment is lower. Thus, it was also identified that the level of transformational leadership is higher in the FSM and CCM with less rotation than in the FSM and CCM with greater rotation. As for the recommendations, it is suggested to conduct an executive coaching workshop for leaders, as well as the design and implementation of programs and workshops to reinforce the work environment and transformational leadership. Keywords: work environment, transformational leadership, respect, credibility, impartiality, pride, companionship, idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration. / Trabajo de investigación

Le procès équitable devant la Cour pénale internationale / Fair trial before the International Criminal Court

Pineau, Carine 24 January 2014 (has links)
Si le respect du droit à un procès équitable devrait occuper une place éminente au sein de toute société démocratique, cette exigence revêt un caractère axiomatique au sein d'une juridiction tournée vers la lutte contre l'impunité et la protection des droits de l'homme, telle que la Cour pénale internationale. Le peu de jugements rendus depuis plus de dix ans par la Cour permanente pourrait laisser penser qu'une telle étude est encore prématurée. Cette analyse met au contraire en exergue la densité de son activité et la singularité de ses procédures. Sacralisé par la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, le droit à un procès équitable se décline en règles qui régissent non seulement les relations entre les parties mais aussi les rapports des individus avec la juridiction. Si la notion de droit à un procès équitable est familière des juristes, son interprétation pose un certain nombre de difficultés nouvelles. L'hybridité structurelle et normative de la Cour pénale internationale influencera nécessairement la réception que celle-ci réservera au principe, mais également l'interprétation unique qu'il conviendra de donner à ce droit fondamental. Prenant acte du caractère novateur de cette juridiction, cette thèse n'omettra pas d'envisager le droit à un procès équitable sous le prisme singulier de la victime, nouveau visage du procès. Souvent exclue du débat judiciaire relatif à l'équité des procédures, cette analyse s'attèle à replacer cet acteur au coeur des préoccupations régissant la conduite équitable du procès. / While the right to a fair trial should be at the heart of any democratic society, this requirement has an axiomatic significance in a court dedicated to the fight against impunity and the protection of human rights, such as the International Criminal Court. In view of the few judgments rendered in over ten years of this permanent Court's existence, this study might seem somewhat premature.Rather, this analysis purports to shed light on the diverse nature of the Court's activities and the unique character of its procedures. Enshrined by the European Court of Human Rights, the right to a fair trial is expressed in the form of regulations that govern not only the relationships between the parties, but also the interaction of individuals with the Court. The concept of the right to a fair trial may be familiar to legal experts trained in different legal traditions. Still its interpretation is fraught with challenges that are new and specific to this permanent Court. The structural and normative hybridity of the ICC will inevitably influence not only the treatment of this concept, but also the unique interpretation that this fundamental right deserves. Against the backdrop of the innovative nature of this Court, it would be remiss of the author of this thesis not to consider the right to a fair trial through the unique prism of the victim, the new face in the trial. Often excluded from the judicial debate on the fairness of the proceedings, this analysis will nevertheless endeavour to place this stakeholder back in the heart of the concerns over the conduct of a fair trial.

L'impartialité de la justice : recherche sur la circulation d'un principe entre le droit interne et le droit international

Lazarova, Guergana 28 November 2012 (has links)
Le principe d'impartialité est essentiellement traité par les juristes français sous l'angle de l'imposante jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme. Néanmoins, l'origine internationale de ce principe restait inexplorée. Cette étude montre que l'impartialité est une exigence récurrente dans les discours sur la justice, et ce depuis l'Antiquité. Malgré son évidence philosophique, la juridicisation du principe d'impartialité s'est révélée sinueuse et inégale à travers l'histoire et les cultures juridiques (Common law/Civil law). Les particularités du régime politique du Royaume-Uni expliquent ainsi l'applicabilité directe du principe dans le trial dès les origines de la Common law. En revanche, en droit français, sa consécration explicite fut tardive et provoquée par l'article 6 CEDH, même si le juge national avait su contourner le silence des textes pour lui procurer une protection indirecte. À coté de ces décalages entre les États, une brève analyse de l'histoire du droit international suffit à constater la présence du principe dans l'ordre juridique international dès le début du XXe siècle. L'étude du principe d'impartialité de la justice illustre alors parfaitement la problématique des rapports de systèmes. Plusieurs interactions importantes peuvent être signalées. Dans un premier temps, le droit international a eu besoin du principe d'impartialité afin de légitimer la construction de son propre ordre, qui passait inévitablement par la juridictionnalisation. Dans un deuxième temps, après avoir accompli sa fonction structurante, il est devenu partie intégrante du droit international substantiel tout en voyant son objet modifié / The principle of impartiality is essentially treate by the French jurists under the angle of the impressive jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. Nevertheless, the international origin of this principle remained unexplored. This study shows that the impartiality is a recurring requirement in the speeches on the justice, and it since the Antiquit. In spite of its philosophic obvious fact, the juridicisation of the principle of impartiality showed itself sinuous and uneven through the history and the legal cultures (Civilian /Common law). The peculiarities of the political system of the United Kingdom so explain the direct applicability of the principle in the motocross from the origins of Common law. On the other hand, in French law, its explicit consecration was late and provoked by the article 6 EHCR

Quality Assurance in the Review Process of the Swedish EIA System / Kvalitetssäkring av granskningsprocessen i det svenska MKB-systemet

Mällberg, Camilla January 2015 (has links)
By 2050, the world population is projected to exceed nine billion and sustainable development measures are therefore critical. There has been a clear consensus internationally regarding the importance of assessing projects’ environmental impacts as a mean to promote sustainable development. The environmental impact assessment (EIA) system has a fundamental role of being a tool for reaching sustainable development. Therefore, continuously enhancing its quality by evaluating the system is important. This study focused on the quality of the review process in the Swedish EIA system, as it is the last step of quality assurance before the final decision-making. Currently, various authorities are responsible for assessing the quality of the environmental impact statement (EIS), something that can naturally lead to varied review qualities. The purpose of this Master Thesis was to question the quality of the current review process in Sweden’s EIA system and raise awareness as to how it possibly can be improved. An approach to promote consistency in the review process exists in the Dutch EIA system, where a national independent authority built up of experts is set to critically review EISs of complex proposed projects. Objectives of this study were to contribute with research on whether or not Sweden should implement an independent national commission to review the quality of EISs, to identify participants’ views and attitudes regarding the subject and to analyze whether or not it is favorable and possible to change the current system. A comparison with the Dutch review process along with eight semi-structured interviews were completed, and results showed that it is likely that the Swedish review process can improve by implementing a national independent review authority and thus increase the current quality and uniformity. The study also found that it would not lead to any major losses to the current system. By using a national authority, standardized working procedures can be developed and independence can be reached through utilizing impartial reviewers. However, feasible problems include funding regulations and having to modify Swedish EIA legislation. It is also estimated that a national commission would not have sufficient resources to review all incoming EISs, hence, restrictions are required. / År 2050 förväntas världens befolkning överstiga nio miljarder och det är mycket viktigt att vidta åtgärder mot en hållbar utveckling. Det har skett en tydlig internationell enighet om vikten av att bedöma projekts miljöpåverkan som ett medel för att främja en hållbar utveckling. Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningssystemet har en grundläggande roll som verktyg för att nå en hållbar utveckling. Därför är det viktigt att kontinuerligt förbättra dess kvalitet genom att utvärdera systemet. Denna studie fokuserar på kvaliteten av granskningsprocessen i det svenska MKB-systemet, eftersom det är det sista steget i kvalitetssäkringen innan det slutliga beslutsfattandet. För närvarande har olika myndigheter ansvaret för att bedöma kvaliteten på miljökonsekvensbeskrivningen (MKB), vilket naturligtvis kan leda till varierande kvalitet på handläggningen. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att ifrågasätta kvaliteten av den pågående granskningen i det svenska MKB-systemet och öka medvetenheten om hur det möjligen kan förbättras. En strategi för att främja likvärdighet i granskningen finns i det nederländska MKB-systemet, där en oberoende nationell myndighet uppbyggd av experter är satt till att kritiskt granska miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar av komplexa föreslagna projekt. Målet för denna studie var att bidra med forskning om huruvida Sverige bör införa en oberoende nationell kommission för att granska kvaliteten på miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar, att identifiera deltagarnas åsikter och attityder kring ämnet och att analysera om det är fördelaktigt och möjligt att modifiera det nuvarande systemet. En jämförelse med den nederländska granskningsprocessen tillsammans med åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes, och resultaten visade att det är troligt att den svenska granskningsprocessen kan förbättras genom att införa en nationell oberoende granskningsmyndighet och därmed öka den nuvarande standarden och enhetligheten. Studien visade också att det inte skulle leda till några större förluster av det nuvarande systemet. Genom att använda en nationell myndighet, kan standardiserade arbetsmetoder utvecklas och självständighet kan nås genom att utnyttja objektiva granskare. Möjliga problem är finansieringsbestämmelser och behovet av att ändra svensk miljölagstiftning. Det är också sannolikt att en nationell kommission inte skulle ha tillräckliga resurser för att granska alla inkommande miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar, i och med det krävs begränsningar.

韓國公共電視工會運動發展-以2012年MBC罷工為例 / The Development of Korea Public TV Union Movement: The Case Study of MBC Strike in 2012

田育志, Tian, Yu Jhih Unknown Date (has links)
韓國公共電視之一的MBC,因新聞報導立場不公、社長金在哲利用人事權力不當解雇批判執政黨的製作人與記者,造成MBC喪失公正放送的意義,員工為捍衛公共電視的價值,在工會的帶領下,於2012年1月底展開長達170天的罷工。為了解這場罷工的前因後果,以及對台韓媒體工會運動帶來的意義,本研究透過深度訪談與次級資料分析,檢視2012年MBC罷工的事前、事中與事後經過。   研究發現,導致MBC工會發起罷工的事前原因,來自於MBC政治朋黨化下親執政黨立場的管理階層,與李明博政府欲將MBC私有化而影響MBC節目內容走向的舉動,破壞了MBC身為公共電視應保有的「公正放送」價值。而罷工當時,MBC工會成員的高度參與,社會大眾與其他媒體工會的聲援,促使這場罷工得以延續長達170天。可惜的是,罷工結束後,MBC不僅無力保障公正放送,阻止MBC的政治朋黨化與私有化,更造成勞資間原有的團體協約中斷;MBC工會認為,短期之內可藉由社長選任制度的改革著手,而長期則要仰賴執政者對公共電視獨立地位的認可,才有希望達到公正放送的目標。   另外,這場為捍衛「公正放送」而展開的罷工行動,也可發現除了薪資與福利之外,媒體工作者的「專業價值」也是工會在意的勞動條件;這就是本研究在分析2012年MBC罷工後,所觀察到工會在「民主性功能」的展現。同時,民主性功能也是未來台灣學術研究上,可以用以分析媒體工會的另一觀點。 / As one of the public TV networks in Korea, MBC has lost the impartiality of broadcasting for its biased news reports and the unfair dismissal by the MBC’s president, Kim Jae-Chul, of producers and journalists who criticized the government. For protecting the value as a public TV, MBC employees ,led by the MBC union, started a 170-day strike in January, 2012. In order to realize the causes and effects of this strike, and the implications for the media union movement both in Taiwan and Korea, this study will examine the causes, the processes and the effects of the strike by using in-depth interview and secondary data analysis. According to the research data, the causes of the strike were due to political factions of MBC’s executive management and the ruling party, and the privatization of the MBC by Lee Myeong-Bak Administration; those two causes destroyed the impartiality of broadcasting, which was the central value that the public TV was supposed to protect. The strike had continued for 170 days with a high degree of participation from the MBC union and the supports from other media unions and the citizens. Unfortunately, after the strike, MBC was still neither able to protect the impartiality of broadcasting nor to maintain the organizational contract between the union and the management. Talking about the protecting of the impartiality of broadcasting, the MBC union considered that it could be a short-term target to reform the election system of president in MBC, but in the long-term, it needs the ruler to take the public TV as an independent media. Besides, through the strike which was started by protecting “the impartiality of broadcasting”, we can find out that not only the wage and welfare, but the professional values of media workers is the working condition that a union will be concerned about. And it’s so-called “the function of democracy” of the union which is a research finding by analyzing the MBC strike in 2012. Furthermore, the academic circle in Taiwan can also take the function of democracy as another viewpoint to analyze the media union.

Judging in the Public Realm : A Kantian Approach to the Deliberative Concept of Ethico-Political Judgment and an Inquiry into Public Discourse on Prenatal Diagnosis / Att bedöma i den offentliga sfären : Ett kantianskt perspektiv på etisk-politisk bedömning och en undersökning av det offentliga samtalet om fosterdiagnostik

Dekker, Cornelis January 2009 (has links)
This thesis discusses how to enhance the public discussion of moral and political questions. Enhancing public ‘deliberation’ is desirable since it provides citizens with influence, it enables coming to an understanding, and it ensures legitimacy. The concept of ethico-political judgment, with its two conditions, is elaborated on as an ideal that suggests how we should deliberate. In order to understand how we actually deliberate, an empirical inquiry into the public discourse on prenatal diagnosis and screening in the Netherlands and Sweden is conducted. On the basis of Kant’s ethics and his theory of the faculty of judgment, the two conditions for public deliberation are developed. These conditions are the giving of and asking for normative reasons as well as aiming at impartiality of judgment. Normative reasons are prescriptive, universal, and internal and these are related to Kant’s ethics. Impartiality is related to Kant’s ‘enlarged thought’, to think from the standpoint of others, as well as Kant’s practical philosophy. We need to think from the standpoints of others in order to consider whether or not the principle of our action applies to all. Four thematic foci in the public discourse on prenatal diagnosis are investigated – the unborn life, attitudes toward the disabled, implications of new choices, and the limits of medicine. The conclusion is that – if we wish to enhance public deliberation on the basis of the two conditions of ethico-political judgment – we should deal with both interpretive differences over universal principles (such as respect for autonomy and human dignity) and varying representations of ‘the other’ (such as the fetus, disabled persons, mothers-to-be, and future parents). / I denna avhandling diskuteras hur offentlig diskussion kring moraliska och politiska frågor kan intensifieras. Att intensifiera offentlig diskussion är önskvärt för att ge medborgare inflytande, för att främja förståelse och för att skapa legitimitet. Begreppet etisk-politisk bedömning utvecklas som ett ideal för hur vi bör diskutera. För att undersöka hur vi faktiskt diskuterar görs en empirisk undersökning av det offentliga samtalet om fosterdiagnostik i Nederländerna och Sverige. Med utgångspunkt i Kants etik och hans teori om omdömesförmågan utvecklas två villkor för offentlig diskussion. Dessa villkor är att ge och efterfråga normativa skäl och att sträva efter opartiskhet av omdömesförmågan. Normativa skäl är preskriptiva, universella och interna. Begreppet utvecklas utifrån Kants etik. Opartiskhet baseras på Kants ’utvidgade tänkande’: att tänka utifrån andras perspektiv. Denna idé relateras till Kants praktiska filosofi. Det ’utvidgade tänkandet’ innebär att vi tar ställning till om principen som vi väljer för en handling gäller alla. Fyra teman i det offentliga samtalet om fosterdiagnostik analyseras – det ofödda livet, attityder gentemot handikappade, implikationer av nya val och den medicinska praktikens gränser. Slutsatsen är att om vi önskar intensifiera offentlig diskussion med utgångspunkt i de två villkor som utvecklas, bör vi ta itu med tolkningsskillnader när det gäller universella principer (som respekt för autonomi och människovärde) samt olika representationer av ’den andra’ (som fostret, handikappade, gravida kvinnor och blivande föräldrar).

Droits de la défense et enquête policière / Rights of defense and police investigation

Thiam, Sangoné 02 July 2018 (has links)
La personne qui a osé porter atteinte à une valeur pénalement protégée par la société mérite-t-elle, de la part de celle-ci une quelconque défense? Pendant longtemps, cette défense a fait l'objet de controverses, si certains y étaient favorables, d'autres y étaient résolument hostiles. Le compromis a consisté à refuser les droits de la défense dans l'enquête policière en adoptant un système inquisitoire et à les consacrer largement dans la phase de jugement avec un système accusatoire. Cette mixité de la procédure semble a priori répondre aux intérêts antagonistes au cœur de la procédure pénale. Mais, à l’aune des droits fondamentaux et sous l’influence des dispositions internationales et européennes, cette conception de la procédure devient inadaptée. Les droits de la défense, droits du procès équitable, ne doivent plus faire l’objet de limitations, ils doivent gouverner toute la procédure, de l’enquête policière jusqu’à la phase de jugement. Comment des droits qui ne s’appliquaient initialement que devant une juridiction indépendante et impartiale vont-ils faire irruption dans l’enquête policière sans l’existence d’un juge présentant des garanties équivalentes à celles de la juridiction de jugement ?Si le législateur a d’abord introduit les droits de la défense dans la phase de l’instruction pénale, le déclin de cette dernière au profit de l’enquête policière devrait le pousser à procéder à leur extension. C’est ce qu’il a d’ailleurs commencé à faire, mais de manière timorée. L’effectivité des droits de la défense dans l’enquête policière nécessite non seulement de procéder à leur élargissement, mais aussi de mettre en place un juge indépendant et impartial chargé de garantir leur pleine application comme dans la phase de jugement. Une juridictionnalisation de l’enquête policière est aujourd’hui un impératif. / Did the person who dared to infringe a value criminally protected by the society deserve any defense from that latter? This defence has been controversial for a long time, while some have been in favor, others have been resolutely hostile. The compromise consisted in refusing the rights of the defense in the police investigation by adopting an inquisitorial system and devoting them largely in the judgment phase with an adversarial system. This diversity of the procedure seems a priori to answer the conflicting interests at the heart of the criminal proceedings. But in the light of fundamental rights and under the influence of international and European provisions, this conception of procedure becomes inappropriate. The rights of the defense, as well as the rights to fair trial must no longer be limited, they must govern the entire procedure from the police investigation to the trial stage. How would rights that initially applied only before an independent and impartial jurisdiction break into the police investigation without the existence of a judge providing guarantees equivalent to those of the trial court? If the legislator first introduced the rights of defense in the criminal investigation phase, the decline of the latter in favor of the police investigation should push him to extend them. In fact, this is what he has started to do, but in a timorous way. Not only does the effectiveness of the rights of the defense in the police investigation require to be enlarged, but it also allows putting in place an independent and impartial judge responsible for ensuring their full implementation as in the trial stage. A jurisdictionalization of the police investigation is now a requirement.

Etické aspekty odborného sociálního poradenství v občanské poradně / Ethical aspects of the professional social counselling in citizens advice centres

MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with social counseling in citizen advice bureau in Czech Republic. It deals with its origin, legislation surrounding it, goals, principles and counseling process. This aim of the thesis will support research. Its goal was to find out if the social workers in civil counseling encounter ethical dilemmas and other problems connected to power, independence of the client and impartiality of the social worker.

Tlumočnická neutralita při tlumočení na vysoké úrovni. / The interpreter's neutrality during interpreting for high-level officials.

Shyianok, Krystsina January 2018 (has links)
(in English): The diploma thesis "The interpreter's neutrality when interpreting for high-level officials" is a theoretical and empirical work and consists of two parts. The theoretical part tries to look into the concepts of neutrality, impartiality and bias and to point out the multidimensional nature of interpreter's neutrality. It also provides an overview of existing approaches to interpreter's neutrality and highlights the essence of high-level interpreting. The empirical part is a research probe that maps how professional conference interpreters who interpret for high-level officials in the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation view the concept of absolute interpreter's neutrality. At the same time it inquires whether they sometimes face the absence of interpreter's neutrality. Lastly, it outlines factors that can influence interpreter's neutrality and examines possible impacts of neutrality absence on interpreting performance. The results of empirical part may become a springboard for further research in interpreter's neutrality.

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