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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vzorce institucionalizace politických stran v České republice / Patterns of Institutionalization of Political Parties in the Czech Republic

Stauber, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
Research on political parties and their organizational stability presents one of the most important research agendas in modern comparative politics. Especially among newly democratized countries of the Central and Eastern Europe, the consolidation of democratic political institutions used to be considered as a key factor for the successful finishing of the whole transitional process. Despite the fact that most of the transitologists optimistically perceived the consolidation of the new democracies as a one-way process, the most of party systems in the eastern countries experienced serious changes and periods of instability within the last ten years. The most notable change was definitely the unexpected electoral success of genuinely new political parties and movements usually led by a political entrepreneur and formed without solid organizational background or solid ties to society. This tendency further turned into a new wave of unpredictability even within the party systems commonly perceived as fully stabilized and consolidated. Based on such new conditions, the contemporary party researchers turn their attention towards possible interpretations of this unprecedented phenomenon. This dissertation contributes to this discussion by the attempt to operationalize and explain the level of...

SiS ungdomar- offer och förövare : En diskursanalys av hur ungdomar placerade inom Statens institutionsstyrelse framställs i svensk media. / SiS youths- victims or perpetrators : A discourse analysis of how young people placed within the State Board of Institutions is prsented in Swedish media.

Kling, Anna, Hallinder, Ann-Christin January 2020 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i tidningsartiklar är syftet med denna studie att finna framträdande diskurser kring ungdomar som är placerade inom Statens institutionsstyrelse särskilda ungdomshem, SiS. Tidningsartiklarna som användes i studien är hämtade från dagstidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet samt kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen. Med hjälp av den foucauldianska diskursanalysen har 38 tidningsartiklar från åren 2015 till 2019 analyserats. I analysen har makt, subjektpositioner, det underförstådda och utestängningsprocedurer varit i fokus och två framträdande diskurser har identifierats. Den ena är ”Offer för samhällsvård” som framställer SiS ungdomar som offer och att vården är otillräcklig. Den andra är ”SiS ungdomar som farliga förövare” som framställer att SiS ungdomar är farliga förövare både inom institutionsvården och i samhället. Hur vi talar om och vilka diskurser som får företräde i samhället är viktig kunskap för alla verksamma som arbetar inom socialt arbete, både för att öka den kritiska medvetenheten men också utöka kunskapen om den makt språket besitter. / Based on nationwide newspapers, the aim of this study is to find predominant discourses about young people who are placed within the State Institutional Board's special youth homes. The newspaper articles used in the study are taken from the newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet as well as the evening newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. By using a Foucauldian discourse analysis, 38 newspaper articles from the years 2015 to 2019 were analyzed. In the analysis, power, subject positions, the implicit and rules of exclusion have been explored and discovered. Two prominent discourses have been identified. The first one is “Victims of community care” which states that SiS care is insufficient. The second is “SiS youths as dangerous perpetrators”, which states that SiS youths are dangerous perpetrators both in institutional care and in society. To have knowledge about how we talk about a phenomenon, and which discourses that take precedence in society, are important for professionals in social work, since this can raise critical awareness and increase the understandings of the power of language.

Exploring the Potential of an IT Capability in its Bootstrap Phase from a Task Driven Onboarding Perspective : Insights toward Information Infrastructure in Healthcare

Konrad, Isak, Saidizand, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Digitalization is changing most organizations and businesses in order to increase efficiency and improve safety. Within healthcare, different departments have specialized needs and therefore a myriad of different systems have been created, which has compromised interoperability. openEHR is a potential solution to this issue. It facilitates standardization of both data and clinical models which provides interoperability. This paper discusses the task of evaluating a new formbuilder based on openEHR, and the process of developing in this formbuilder. The perspectives of onboarding and information infrastructure are used in order to give insight into the challenges of such a new system. An autoethnographic method was conducted, which found three themes in the data: the formbuilder’s maturity, the uncertainties regarding the task and what sources of knowledge were used to complete the task. In the analysis, it was found that the formbuilder was in a deficiency of functionality, that the task’s objectives were often modified due to uncertainty and also the role of knowledge sources such as documentation and mentors was highlighted. In the discussion, a challenge found was having to gain users without functionality, but still provide enough functionality to show the formbuilder’s potential. A relationship between openEHR and the formbuilder was found, where the formbuilder has a potential to contribute with a positive network effect as new products adopt openEHR standards and gain users to their coherent solutions. The paper concludes that the onboarding process is resource-intense and it is important to facilitate learning as efficiently as possible in order to gain users. In the scope of the task, both onboarding and information infrastructure gave answers about the challenges of a system in a bootstrap phase, and worked well together in order to evaluate the formbuilder. / Digitaliseringen påverkar de flesta organisationer att öka sin effektivitet och förbättra dess säkerhet. Inom sjukvården har olika avdelningar specialiserade behov och därav har mängder av olika system skapats, vilket i sin tur påverkat deras interoperabilitet. openEHR är en potentiell lösning på det problemet. Det främjar standardisering av både data och kliniska modeller vilket leder till interoperabilitet. Denna uppsats diskuterar uppgiften av att utvärdera en ny formulärbyggare baserad på openEHR och processen av att utveckla inom formulärbyggaren. Onboarding och informations infrastruktur är två koncept som används för att ge insikter i utmaningarna som ett sådant system befinner sig i. En autoetnografisk metod användes, där tre teman identifierades i datan: formulärbyggarens mognad, osäkerheten kring uppgiften och kunskapskällorna som användes för att sluföra uppgiften. I analysen upptäcktes att formulärbyggaren saknade funktionalitet, att uppgiften ofta blev omskriven på grund av oklarheter och även kunskapskällor som dokumentation och mentorers roll belystes. I diskussionen påvisades att en utmaning var att få fler användare utan funktionalitet, men fortfarande ha tillräckligt för att påvisa systemets potential. En relation mellan openEHR och formulärbyggaren upptäcktes, där formulärbyggaren har en potential att bidra med positiva nätverkseffekter när nya produkter antar openEHR standarden och genererar användare till deras sammanhängande lösningar. Uppsatsen konstaterar att onboarding kräver mycket resurser och att det därför är viktigt att främja lärande så effektivt som möjligt för att locka användare. Inom ramen av uppgiften gav både onboarding och information infrastruktur svar om utmaningarna för ett nytt system i bootstrap fasen, och dessa koncept fungerade bra för att tillsammans utvärdera formulärbyggaren.

"Vem är jag i den här verksamheten?" : - En intervjustudie om psykologers erfarenheter av att arbeta vid särskilda ungdomshem / ”Who am I in this occupation” : - An interview-based study about psychologists' experiences of working at special youth homes

Jojic, Elgor, Sara, Nilsson January 2022 (has links)
Psykologer har ett brett uppdrag vid särskilda ungdomshem. Trots det saknas det i nuläget forskning som undersöker särskilda ungdomshem utifrån psykologernas perspektiv. Syftet med förevarande studie var att öka kunskapen och förståelsen för psykologers erfarenheter av att arbeta vid särskilda ungdomshem samt vilka möjligheter och svårigheter som följer med yrkesrollen. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades utifrån tematisk analys. Analysen resulterade i tre huvudteman: Psykolog vid särskilda ungdomshem - en mångfacetterad roll, Ett utmanande vård- och behandlingsuppdrag samt Spänningar inom ramen för tvångsvård. Resultatet visade att deltagarna beskrev att psykologrollen kan variera mellan olika institutioner och att det inte finns en enhetlig mall för vad det innebär att arbeta som psykolog vid särskilda ungdomshem. Deltagarna i studien uppgav att psykologerna har en unik kompetens som behövs vid särskilda ungdomshem för att skapa förståelse för ungdomarna och underlätta för övrig personal i deras arbete. Resultatet visade att de utmaningar deltagarna beskrev i vård- och behandlingsarbetet kunde förklaras utifrån den svårbehandlade målgruppen, tvångsvårdkontexten- och institutionsmiljön, brister i själva behandlingsarbetet men även yttre faktorer så som avsaknaden av andra vårdformer samt problem i samverkan med barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin eller socialtjänsten. Svårigheterna i vård- och behandlingsarbetet samt tvångsvårdkontexten beskrevs som etiskt utmanande av deltagarna. Arbetet med ungdomarna sågs samtidigt som positivt och meningsfullt. / Psychologists have a broad mission in special youth homes. Research regarding psychologists working in special youth homes is lacking. The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge and understanding of psychologists' experiences of working at special youth homes and the opportunities and difficulties that are included in the professional role. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted and analyzed based on thematic analysis. The analysis resulted in three main themes: Psychologist in special youth homes – a multifaceted role, A challenging care- and treatment assignment and Tensions within the framework of compulsory care. The results showed that the participants description of the professional role of psychologist can vary between different institutions and that there is no homogeneous template for what it means to work as a psychologist at special youth homes. The participants in the study stated that psychologists have a unique competence that is needed to benefit both adolescents and other staff. The challenges within care and treatment described by the participants were linked to the difficult target group, the compulsory care context and the institutional environment, but also external factors such as lack of other forms of care and difficulties in collaboration with child psychiatry and social services. The caregiving context was seen as ethically challenging by the participants, as it involves a major intervention in young people's lives. The work involving the adolescents was seen as positive and meaningful, which the participants emphasized.

Digitaliseringens möjligheter och utmaningar i organisationer : En kvalitativ studie utifrån ett ledningsperspektiv

Elias, Miranda, Mahamad Taufk, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning   Datum - 2022-06-01   Nivå - Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15hp  Akademi - Akademi för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik  Författare - Miranda Elias           Sara Mahamad Taufk                       (99/07/24)                         (99/11/12)     Titel – Digitaliseringens möjligheter och utmaningar i organisationer   Handledare - Lennart Haglund    Nyckelord – Digitalisering, Digital transformation, Institutionalisering, Organisationsförändring, Organisationsstruktur, Isomorfism och Legitimitet. Frågeställningar – På vilket sätt har implementeringen av digitala tekniker förändrat organisationer?-Vilka möjligheter och utmaningar har uppstått i och med digitaliseringen som i sin tur påverkat organisationsstrukturer och arbetsprocesser? Syfte - Syftet med denna undersökning är att studera digitaliseringens påverkan på organisationsstruktur och arbetsprocesser, utifrån ett ledningsperspektiv.  Metod – Undersökningen genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod och en abduktiv ansats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer.  Slutsats – Studien visar att organisationer är beroende av digitala tekniker i stor utsträckning och använder digitala verktyg och system för att driva verksamheten framåt. Detta har lett till förändringar i organisationsstruktur och arbetsprocesser. Möjligheterna handlar bland annat om att arbetsprocesserna blivit mer effektiva och flexibla till följd av digitaliseringen, genom automatisering och kommunikationsverktyg. I takt med digitaliseringen har arbetsfördelningen förändrats då förskjutning av ansvar har ökat, detta har förändrat organisationsstrukturen i respektive bransch. Studien har identifierat utmaningar kopplat till snabba förändringar i samhället. Digitaliseringen har skapat ett institutionellt tryck och krav på organisationer till att vara mer snabbfotade och förändringsbenägna för att hålla sig legitima och relevanta på marknaden. / Abstract   Date- 2022-06-01 Level - Bachelor’s thesis in business economics, 15cr Institution - School of Business, Society and Engineering    Authors - Miranda Elias        Sara Mahamad Taufk                    (99/07/24)                     (99/11/12) Title - The opportunities and challenges of digitalization in organizations   Advisor - Lennart Haglund  Keywords - Digitalization, Digital transformation, Institutionalization, Organizational change, Organizational structure, Isomorphism and Legitimacy. Research questions – How has the implementation of digital technologies changed organizations?- What opportunities and challenges have arisen because of digitalization, which has affected organizational structures and work processes? Purpose - The purpose of this thesis s to examine the impact of digitalization on organizational structure and work processes, from a management perspective.   Method - The thesis was conducted using a qualitative method and an abductive approach through semi-structured interviews. Conclusion - The thesis shows that organizations are dependent on digital technology to a large extent and use digital tools and systems to run their business. This has led to changes in organizational structure and work processes. The opportunities include the fact that the work processes have become more efficient and flexible because of digitalization, through automation and communication tools. The division of labor has changed as the shift of responsibilities has increased; this has changed the organizational structure in each industry. The thesis has identified challenges linked to rapid change in society. Digitalization has created institutional pressure and demands on organizations to be fast-paced and prone to change to stay legitimate and relevant in the market.

L’institutionnalisation du Street Art : l’exposition d’Os Gemeos à l’ICA de Boston

Champagne, Linakim 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Traveling and Meeting in a Pandemic World / Att Resa och Mötas i en Pandemivärld

Sundman, Lina January 2023 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the world by changing and affecting the social practices when millions of employees were forced to stay at home and work in the digital context.The aim with this study is to investigate how business travel patterns have changed over time due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, and to investigate what patterns, policies, and behaviors are expected to look like in the future. To investigate this an embedded case study of organizations in Sweden has been conducted. The organizations operate in different sectors which gives a broad view of the case. A qualitative approach was chosen where data was collected from semi-structured interviews as well as from internal documents from the organizations. By using two different data sources together with theory, triangulation was possible. On 13 March 2020, the Swedish government announced restrictions specifying that everyone who could work from home should do so. It is also clearly shown that both domestic and international trips drastically decreased during the pandemic. All the organizations had a decrease in business related travel and only unavoidable trips were made. Habits, patterns, and policies regarding business travel changed during, and after the pandemic, as an effect of institutional processes and an increased awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It is also clear that organizations in Sweden have realized the benefits of working in a digital context, but still want to meet face-to-face when it is considered necessary. Policies, patterns, and habits have clearly changed as an effect of the pandemic and resulted in increased awareness of sustainability and especially CSR. People require more flexible working methods and organizations prioritize working both cost- and time efficient. In the future business traveling will most likely continue to decrease due to increased awareness of sustainability and development of digital tools that fulfill the requirements and needs of organizations. Also, the development of more sustainable travel options will affect and change travel patterns and behaviors. However, future investigations of organizations in Sweden could include more organizations from other sectors and of different sizes which would give an even broader view of the case. / COVID-19 pandemin rubbade världen genom att förändra och påverka de sociala metoderna när miljontals anställda tvingades att stanna hemma och börja jobba digitalt. Målet med denna studie är att undersöka hur mönster för affärsresande har förändrats över tid till följd av den globala COVID-19 pandemin, men också att undersöka hur mönster, policys och beteenden är förväntade att se ut i framtiden. För att undersöka detta så har en inbäddad fallstudie av organisationer i Sverige genomförts. Organisationerna är verksamma inom olika sektorer för att ge en bred bild av situationen. En kvalitativ metod har använts där data har samlats in från semistrukturerade intervjuer och interna dokument från de olika organisationerna. Två typer av data tillsammans med teori har gjort triangulering möjlig. Den 13 mars 2020 så presenterade Sveriges regering restriktioner som specificerade att alla som kunde arbeta hemifrån skulle göra detta. Det går också tydligt att se att både inrikes- och utrikes resande dramatiskt minskade under pandemin. Samtliga organisationer hade drastiskt minskat resande och endast nödvändiga resor genomfördes. Vanor, mönster och policyer för affärsresor förändrades både under och efter pandemin som en effekt av institutionella processer och en ökad medvetenhet för Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Det är också tydligt att organisationer i Sverige har insett fördelarna med att jobba i en digital miljö, men att de samtidigt vill mötas fysiskt när det är nödvändigt.  Policyer, mönster och beteenden har tydligt förändrats till följd av pandemin samt av ökad medvetenhet kring hållbarhet och mer specifikt CSR. Fler flexibla arbetsmetoder efterfrågas och organisationer prioriterar att arbeta både kost- och tidseffektivt. Affärsresande kommer förmodligen att minska i framtiden till följd av ökad medvetenhet kring hållbarhet samt som en effekt av att digitala verktyg blir alltmer utvecklade och därigenom kan uppfylla krav och önskemål från organisationer. Även utvecklingen av mer hållbara resealternativ kommer att påverka framtida resmönster och beteenden. Framtida studier om organisationer i Sverige bör inkludera fler företag från andra sektorer och av fler storlekar för att ge en ännu bredare bild av situationen.


KARLA GALAL SCHWARTZ 25 April 2022 (has links)
[pt] A possibilidade de aproximação entre a prática da arte e a prática do design decorre do fato de que todas as ações do Homem relativas ao seu entorno natural ou aos demais seres humanos são formas de trabalho, ou práticas sociais. Assim, compartilham semelhanças. Desde o Renascimento, certos artefatos ganharam uma aura de superioridade em relação aos demais artigos manufaturados. Nascia o conceito de arte e neste contexto emergiria a figura do artista. O Humanismo transfigurou os habitus do período. A utilização da técnica do desenho, etapa intelectual prévia à materialização da produção artística ou criativa, serviu como pedra angular para justificar a diferenciação entre artesanato e arte. Seguiu-se a institucionalização do ensino da teoria do desenho pelas Academias de Arte e a concomitante legitimação da maior hierarquia da atividade intelectual comparada à manual. Aos poucos, tais instituições, inicialmente criadas para libertar o artista das guildas medievais, as superaram em restrições, regulamentando em pormenores a atividade da arte e julgando a boa e a má prática criativa. O desgaste e a revolta da classe artística conduziram ao enfraquecimento ou mesmo ao ocaso das referidas Academias, a partir do século XVIII. A compreensão das transformações do contexto sócio-econômico é essencial para a análise das mudanças na produção criativa. A passagem para uma economia monetária e urbana foi determinante para o início da Idade Moderna ocidental e mercantilista. A seguir, a Revolução Industrial principiada na GrãBretanha setecentista foi o motor para a implementação do sistema capitalista de produção em massa, que introduziu um novo padrão de consumo. Neste contexto, os empresários da indústria convidaram os artistas para trabalhar em parceria, a fim de tornar a forma e a aparência dos produtos industriais mais atrativas comercialmente. Escolas de artes e ofícios foram criadas a partir do século XIX, na Europa, e formavam profissionais criativos para o trabalho na indústria. A fusão que se deu entre escolas de belas artes e escolas de artes e ofícios, na Saxônia e em Moscou, deu origem a Bauhaus e Vkhutemas, respectivamente. Tais instituições do século XX legitimaram a noção construída da autonomia da prática hoje chamada design em relação à prática da arte. O design emergiu como um suposto novo Campo de conhecimento. A afirmação de que a prática do design é herdeira da prática da arte se confirma: pelo passado em comum que compartilham e pela similitude dos caminhos de luta percorridos em busca de autonomia. Posto também que a prática do design ainda não logrou êxito em definir seu objeto e seus princípios, o Design poderia ser percebido como uma espécie, atividade integrante de um gênero mais amplo, o Campo da Arte. A asserção expressa não reivindica para si qualquer sorte de infalibilidade, antes deseja servir como uma hipótese de trabalho a ser considerada no esforço de se pensar a ontologia e a epistemologia do Design. Bibliografia crítica e oficial sobre o tema informou a presente pesquisa. / [en] The possibility of a semblance between art and design practices stems from the fact that all human interactions with their natural surroundings or with other human beings are forms of work or social practices. Therefore, they do have similarities. Since the Renaissance, some artifacts have gained an aura of superiority over other manufactured articles. The concept of art was born, and within this context the figure of the artist emerged. Humanism transformed the habits of the period. The use of pre-project drawings as the intellectual stage for art, prior to the materialization of artistic or creative production, served as the cornerstone to justify the differentiation between craft and art. This was followed by the institutionalization of the teaching of drawing theory by the Academies of Art and the concurrent legitimization of the higher hierarchy of intellectual activity compared to manual work. Gradually, these institutions which were initially created to free the artist from the medieval guilds, surpassed them in restrictions by regulating in detail Art and judging the good and the bad creative practice. The wear and tear of the artistic class led to the weakening or even to the demise of the said Academies starting from the eighteenth century. Understanding the transformations of the socioeconomic context is essential for the analysis of the changes in creative production. The transition to a monetary and urban economy was decisive for the early modern Western and mercantilist age. Then, the Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 18th century as the engine for the implementation of the capitalist system of mass production, which introduced a new consumption pattern. In this context, industrial entrepreneurs invited artists to work in partnership to make the shape and appearance of industrial products more commercially attractive. Schools of arts and crafts were created during the nineteenth century in Europe to train creative professionals to work in the industry. The merger between fine arts schools and arts and crafts schools, in Saxony and Moscow, gave rise to Bauhaus and Vkhutemas, respectively. These twentieth century institutions legitimized the notion of the autonomy of what is called design today in relation to the practice of art. Design emerged as a supposedly new field of knowledge. The statement that the practice of design is heir to the practice of art is confirmed: by the common past they share and by the similarity of their struggle to search for autonomy. Additionaly, since the practice of design has not yet succeeded in defining its objectives and its principles, Design can be perceived as a species, part of a broader genus, the Field of Art. This statement is not immune to constructive criticism, but aims to serve as a working hypothesis to be considered in the effort to think about the ontology and epistemology of Design. Critical and official bibliography on the subject informed the present research.

Gå var sin väg - Att leva med demenssjukdom inom familjen : Ett anhörigperspektiv / Going separate ways : Informal Caregivers Perspectives of Living with a close Family Member with Dementia disease after nursing home admission

Olsson, Jonas, Kristiansen, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Demens förekommer i många former och yttras på olika sätt i ett degenerativt förlopp. Globalt lider 55 miljoner människor av denna sjukdom. En majoritet av befolkningen blir alltmer äldre och behovet av omsorg ökar med avsaknad av tillräckligt med platser på särskilda boenden. Omsorgen sköts mer i det ordinära boendet med involvering av anhöriga vars tillvaro belastas och välbefinnande successivt försämras. Syfte: Belysa anhörigas upplevelser tiden efter att deras demenssjuke familjemedlem flyttat till särskilt boende. Metod: En litteraturöversikt av enbart kvalitativ forskning. Sökning av artiklar genomfördes i databaserna Cinahl och MedLine. En manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys valdes av de 13 artiklar som ingick. Det analyserade materialet baserades på intervjuer. Resultat: Analysen av de anhörigas upplevelser resulterade i 3 teman. ”Emotionell belastning”, ”En ökad finansiell utmaning” och ”En harmonisk tillvaro”. I dessa teman framkommer ökad ensamhet, sorg, skuldkänslor, oroat samvete samt ekonomiska svårigheter. Slutsats: Tiden efter den närstående residerat i ny boendeform befinner sig anhöriga i en omvälvande fas i livet med stor omställning. En ofta redan tumult och svårt belastad tillvaro, övergår i ett skede med nya emotionellasvårigheter. / Background: Dementia manifests itself in different ways in the degenerative process. Globally, 55 million people suffer from this disease. A majority of the population is getting older and the need for care increases with the lack of nursing home facilities. Homebased care of dementia is more prevalent. Informal caregivers are commonly involved in care which gradually decreases their well-being. Aim: Elucidate informal caregivers’ experiences after nursing home admission of their relative with dementia. Method: A literature review of qualitative research. Articles were searched in the databases Cinahl and MedLine. A manifest qualitative content analysis was selected of the 13 articles that were included. The analyzed data was based on interviews. Results: The analysis of the relatives' experiences resulted in 3 themes. "Emotional burden", "An increased financial challenge" and "A harmonious existence". These themes identified increased loneliness, grief, guilt, troubled conscience and financial difficulties. Conclusion: Relatives are in an upheaval phase in life with major adjustment after their family member with dementia resides in the nursing home. An often already tumultuous and heavily burdened existence transitions into a stage with new emotional difficulties.

“If We Stop, the World Stops” – A study on the viability of the strike as a tool of feminist resistance in São Paulo

Kiel, Alina January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates how the feminist movement in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, relates to the International Women’s Strike – a transnational feminist mass strike launched by the Argentinian feminist collective Ni Una Menos in 2017. Based on a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with representatives of 10 feminist organizations in São Paulo, this text explores the feasibility of a feminist strike in the context of São Paulo and highlights the structural challenges in its implementation. In addition, the text employs a qualitative literature review to examine the ways in which women in São Paulo have resorted to the strike as an instrument of their resistance since the early 20th century. Theoretically drawing on the theories of direct action and institutionalization of social movements, this work constitutes a synthesis of previous debates and sheds light on the implications that the institutionalization of the Brazilian feminist movement has had on the viability of direct actions such as the feminist strike. A central finding indicates a relative consensus that the feminist movement in São Paulo must first build a massive and popular feminist movement, before an inclusive and intersectional feminist strike can be carried out.

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