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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emotional display in argument, storytelling and teasing:a multimodal analysis

Yu, C. (Changrong) 01 June 2012 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation studies emotional displays in talk-in-interaction, especially focusing on conversational argument, storytelling and teasing. The aim is to understand how verbal expressions, prosodic cues, and embodied actions interact with each other in emotional expression. The main analytic approach and methodology is conversation analysis and multimodal interaction analysis, applied to interactional sequences from everyday conversations. The research data comes from three different video recordings and their transcripts. First, the dissertation reveals two broad types of frustration in conversational argument. The findings suggest that combined verbal and nonverbal expression of frustration involves a complex interplay of prosodic cues and embodied actions. Nonverbal expression of frustration is displayed by embodied actions alone. Second, the dissertation shows how shared joy is conveyed between storytellers and recipients in storytelling. They can achieve shared joy because the recipients express willing participation and active recipiency in two main ways: they display verbal appreciation of the story, or they join in the storytelling through laughter, smiles, head nods, and gaze exchanges. The recipients may also offer summaries or interpretations of events in the story by comparing their own experiences to events in the story. Third, the dissertation analyzes playful teasing activity, showing how teasing activity can bring about a shared experience of amusement for both teasers and their “targets.” The study argues that recipients of teasing are active contributors in the social interaction. The transient embarrassment felt by the teased participants does not prevent the exchange from reaching a shared experience of amusement. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirja tutkii tunteiden osoittamista arkisissa keskustelutilanteissa ja erityisesti väittelyn, tarinankerronnan ja kiusoittelun kuluessa. Tutkimusmetodi on pääasiassa keskustelunanalyysi, jonka avulla tutkitaan, miten kielelliset ilmaukset, prosodiset vihjeet sekä keholliset toiminnot yhdessä tuottavat tunneilmauksia. Tutkimusaineiston muodostaa kolme videoitua keskustelua ja niiden litteraatiot. Tutkimus osoittaa arkikeskusteluissa esiintyvissä väittelyissä ilmenevän kahtalaista turhautumisen tyyppiä. Ensimmäisessä puhujat tuottavat rinnan kielellisiä ja ei-kielellisiä turhautumisen ilmauksia, toisessa turhautumista osoitetaan vain ei-kielellisin keinoin. Tuloksien mukaan edellisessä tyypissä prosodia ja keholliset toiminnot ovat monimutkaisessa vuorovaikutuksessa keskenään. Jälkimmäisessä tyypissä turhautumista ilmaistaan pelkästään keholla. Toiseksi väitöskirja osoittaa, miten jaettu ilon tunne syntyy puhujien ja vastaanottajien välisenä toimintana. Tarinankerronnassa saavutetaan ilon hetkiä, koska vastaanottajat ovat halukkaasti mukana kerronnassa ja osoittavat aktiivista vastaanottoa kahdella tavalla: he osoittavat arvostusta kertomusta kohtaan verbaalisin keinoin, tai he liittyvät kerrontaan mukaan nauramalla, hymyilemällä, nyökkäilemällä, vaihtamalla katseita keskenään, referoimalla ja tulkitsemalla kertojan aiempaa puhetta formulaatioillaan ja vertailemalla omia kokemuksiaan tarinan tilanteeseen. Kolmanneksi tutkimus analysoi leikkisää kiusoittelua, joka saadaan aikaan liioittelevilla kielellisillä ilmauksilla sekä liioittelevilla prosodisilla vihjeillä ja eleillä. Tutkimus näyttää, että kiusoittelun kohteet aktiivisesti myötävaikuttavat kiusoittelutoimintaan. He voivat olla siinä mukana liioittelevilla vastausvuoroilla, nauramalla tai toimimalla mukana pelkästään eleiden avulla. Empiirinen analyysi näyttää, että kiusoittelutoiminta tuottaa yhteisen huvittuneisuuden kokemuksen keskustelun kuluessa. Kiusoittelijan ja kiusoittelun kohteen kokema ohimenevä nolous tai kiusaantuneisuus ei estä tämän yhteisen huvittuneisuuden kokemuksen saavuttamista.

Corpo escrito : um estudo psicanalítico sobre nomeações e marcas corporais / teses; psicologia clínica; escarificação (marcas corporais); gozo; marcas corporais; psicanálise

Siqueira, Elizabete Regina Almeida de 24 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:29:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 elizabete_regina_almeida_siqueira.pdf: 1377339 bytes, checksum: 8771e6f9b85d905a49ce043412a0e0d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-24 / A subject has another name besides those who were given by their parents or by the lineage to which it belongs. He is also bearer of an unknown name that is more own and unique for him, which marks himself on the real of the body and talks about how he enjoys the brands of debris seen and heard, recorded in his unconscious. Using the brand of the case as a methodology, we conducted a clinical reading from the psychoanalysis assumptions, of the testimonials of a subject that has the peculiarity of anchoring his self on his body modifications, in order to show that they are his attempted response for the traumatic excess that was for him the meeting with a joy without phallic ordering. Recognize the name that responds joy, to know what do with him, is essential to the reordering of joy economy, mostly mortifying, as in the case object of this study. The result points to unexpected issues with which contemporary clinic has encountered, especially the psychoses ones, in the sense of unique inventions that subjects seek to stabilize or build a mode of social bond. It advances the debate about the clinic of the joy, at stake in the construction of each particular subject. / Um sujeito tem outro nome além dos que lhe foram destinados pelos seus pais ou pela linhagem a que pertence. É portador também de um nome desconhecido que lhe é mais próprio e singular, que o marca no real do corpo e fala do modo como goza das marcas dos restos vistos ou ouvidos, registradas no seu inconsciente. Utilizando a metodologia da marca do caso, realizamos uma leitura clínica, a partir dos pressupostos da psicanálise, dos depoimentos de um sujeito, que apresenta a peculiaridade de ancorar seu ser em suas alterações corporais, a fim de mostrar que elas são sua tentativa de resposta ao excesso traumático que foi para ele o encontro com um gozo sem ordenamento fálico. Reconhecer o nome a que responde o gozo, para saber o que fazer com ele, é essencial ao reordenamento da economia de gozo, na maioria das vezes mortificante, como no caso objeto deste estudo. O resultado obtido aponta para questões inesperadas com as quais a clínica contemporânea tem se deparado, especialmente a das psicoses, no sentido das invenções singulares com que os sujeitos buscam se estabilizar ou construir um modo de laço social. Faz avançar o debate sobre a clínica do gozo, em jogo, nas construções de cada sujeito em particular.

Arbete ger livet mening : Studier av en förbättringsprocess på ett större livsmedelsföretag

Vogel, Kjerstin January 2004 (has links)
The aim of the study was to analyse what may enhance joy in work and to estimate the effects on experienced health and good life and joy in work by load ergonomic measures that were realized in a larger food manufacturing company. Ergonomics is here defined in an entirety. Man is a complex being and is observed in the context of his work and work organization. A project group, recruited from a working team at the studied company, created an objective for the work of the group and the company. Thereafter improvement and change areas were analysed and suggestions for changes were presented and carried out to some extent. The question at issue was: What defines a work that promotes experienced health and a good life? It has been evaluated in terms of the key words of the objective: meaningful, joy, comfort, health, personal development, work environment. Methods used were questionnaires and interviews before and after ergonomic improvements with a one-year interval. A correlation matrix was calculated to analyse how the questionnaire variables describing joy of work covariate. 136 persons (drop-out rate 5,2 %) answered the questionnaire. The year before 121 persons within the same production area had answered the same questionnaire. The questionnaire addressed experienced musculoskeletal pain from work and estimated need for sick leave. It also addressed attitudes to work, fellow workers and company management. Further more, attitude to life and health as well as data to calculate BMI were collected. The result shows no significant change in either health, pain or joy in work. The pain levels were in general high to very high. The need for sick leave due to pain had increased. Many subjects showed overweight. Seven persons, operators and company management, were interviewed regarding their attitudes to joy of work. Great similarities in views on how joy of work can be promoted as well as their personal role in this were found. The correlation matrix gives further support to other studies showing that democratic processes, information and opportunity to develop give higher commitment and higher degree of joy of work. A significant relation between support from the foreman and perception of good health and a good life was another finding. A possible explanation for the lack of influence from the ergonomic interventions is a too short follow up time. / Syftet med uppsatsen var att analysera vad som kan ge arbetsglädje samt utvärdera effekter på upplevd hälsa, gott liv och arbetsglädje av de ergonomiska åtgärder som vidtagits på ett större livsmedelsföretag. Ergonomi är här definierat ur ett helhetsperspektiv: Människan ses som en komplex varelse och hon granskades i den kontext som arbetet och arbetsorganisationen utgjorde. En projektgrupp, rekryterad ur en arbetsgrupp vid det studerade företaget, arbetade fram en målbild för sitt och företagets arbete. Därefter analyserades förbättringsområden samt presenterades förändringsförslag som delvis genomfördes. Frågeställningen för arbetet var: Vad definierar ett arbete som främjar upplevelsen av god hälsa och ett gott liv? Denna utvärderades i termer av målbildens nyckelord: meningsfull, glädje, trivsel, hälsa, personlig utveckling, arbetsklimat. Lönsamheten studerades inte. De metoder som användes var enkät och intervju med ett års mellanrum före och efter genomförandet av ovan nämnda förändringar. En korrelationsmatris beräknades för att analysera hur variablerna som beskriver arbetsglädje samvarierade. Enkäten besvarades av 136 personer (bortfall 5,2 %). Året innan hade enkäten besvarats av 121 personer inom samma produktionsområde. Enkäten behandlade upplevda muskuloskeletala besvär av arbetet samt skattade behov av sjukfrånvaro. Den behandlade också attityder till arbetet, arbetsledningen och arbetskamraterna. Dessutom efterfrågandes inställning till livet och hälsan samt data för BMI-beräkning. Resultatet visar ingen markant förändring av vare sig hälsa, besvär eller arbetsglädje. Besvärsnivåerna var genomgående höga till mycket höga. Behovet av sjukskrivning pga. besvären hade ökat. Många var överviktiga. Sju personer, operatörer samt personer från ledningen på företaget, intervjuades djupare angående sina attityder till arbetsglädje. Här fann vi stora likheter i hur de ansåg att arbetsglädje främjas samt sin egen roll i detta. De korrelationer som uppmättes ger ytterligare stöd för vad andra studier visat: demokratiska processer, information och utvecklingsmöjligheter ger ökat engagemang och högre grad av arbetsglädje. Signifikanta samband mellan stöd från arbetsledningen och upplevelse av god hälsa och ett gott liv var ytterligare ett fynd. En möjlig förklaring till bristen av påverkan av de ergonomiska förändringarna är en alltför kort studietid.

Teologie hry ve dvacátém století - Hugo Rahner a Jürgen Moltmann: slepá cesta? / 20th Century Theologies of Play - Hugo Rahner and Jurgen Moltmann: Blind Alley

Lamser, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the present text is play and playing along all respective forms from the perspective of systematic theology. Two most comprehensive play theologiesas presented in the books Der Spielende Mensch by Hugo Rahner and Die Ersten Freigelassenen der Schöpfung by Jürgen Moltmann and connected writings are analysed. The analysis expands on the understanding of play as play and ensuing theological interpretations, as portrayed by both authors, in the context of their theological legacy, professional endeavours and historical circumstances relating to the time of inception of their respective play theologies. Such play theologies are outlined both on the general level and presented inparticular details and points of emphasis in terms of systematic theology. Sources of inspiration, direct motivations to engage in play theologies arepresented from the perspective of both respective theologians as well as thereception and impact of their writings. Consequently, a comparison of both play theologies is presented. Their compatibility is argued both on the level of key eschatological and soteriological conclusions as well as foundations emphasising freedom, joy and creativity as fundamental theological qualities of play. Attention is given to the theological understanding of human identity and human understanding...

Elevers bokval och skapandet av läslust : En empirisk studie om lärare och skolbibliotekariers arbete med litteratur i skolan / Students' choice of books and developing a joy of reading : An empirical study on literature in schools and the collaboration between a school librarian and teachers

Rydkvist, Julia, Nilsson, Max January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur elevers bokval påverkar lärares arbete med litteratur i klassrummet och vilka möjligheter det finns att skapa läslust i samarbetet mellan skolbibliotekarie och lärare. Resultatet bygger på intervjuer med två lärare i årskurs 2 och en skolbibliotekarie. Elevers val av böcker har synliggjorts genom en insamling av titlar som lånats under två biblioteksbesök. Tidigare forskning visar att det är fördelaktigt att låta elever göraegna bokval för att skapa läslust och utveckla läsandet. Forskning belyser ävenatt skönlitterära böcker är vanligast i klassrummen och på skolbibliotek, och att många barn tycker att icke-skönlitterära texter är svårare att läsa, än skön-litteratur. Studiens resultat visar att lärarna är medvetna om vilka genreroch teman som eleverna föredrar, men att det inte påverkar undervisningen.Resultatet visar att elever bör få tillfällen att läsa olika sorters texter och attvarierade arbetssätt är nödvändigt för att skapa läslust. Resultatet visar ävenatt samarbetet mellan skolbibliotekarie och lärare måste få ta tid för att utfalletav samarbetet ska bli lyckat.

How To: Use Craft as an Everyday Intervention of Joy

Neufeldt, Ciara January 2023 (has links)
This paper questioned how we could utilise feelings of joy, specifically those within a craft context, as a tool of intervention in everyday life. I explored using craft, both in its making and experiencing, as a means for carrying joy into the daily life of the public, thereby increasing well-being and potentially acting as a catalyst for change. I argued the importance of joy in our lives, as well as the need for public accessibility to art and craft. I wanted to use this paper to draw focus on the value I place upon somatic engagement of the body, specifically when we engage with craft, art and our everyday lives. I believe that by centring the experience of the body and educating about the importance of somatics, we can explore a different methodology for engaging with our everyday environments. I argued somatic understanding is critical, as it allows us to move from a purely cognitive understanding to one that is experiential, thereby creating a more accessible and inclusive framework for creating and understanding art and craft.

The Intersections of Gender and Age Across Feminist Art Educators: A Study on the Meaning of Feminism in Art Education

Sherman, Carly Lauren 23 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Valfrihet I Musikundervisningen : En studie i hur lärare och elever reflekterar kring hur elevens valfrihet motiverar i musikämnet

Hanberg, Manfred January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap kring hur lärare och elever reflekterar kring elevernas valfrihet i musikundervisningen.  Tidigare studier visar att elevers delaktighet i den generella undervisningen främjar deras motivation. Motivation kan delas in i inre och yttre motivation där den inre tenderar vara starkast i längden och främja individens välmående.  Data har insamlats genom fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med två lärare och två elever. Relevant material har kategoriserats och analyserats ur ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv.  Resultatet visar att en musikelevs starkaste motivatorer är nöje och nytta. Att en elev får vara delaktig i valet av arbetsuppgifter, låtar att spela eller liknande, hänger ihop både med nöje och nytta, då elever tendera välja sådant som antingen är roligt eller nyttigt för dem. Om eleverna får välja alltför fritt så finns risken att de väljer olämpliga uppgifter, av till exempel musik av för hög svårighetsgrad, vilket påverkar utbildningens kvalitet negativt.  Detta forskningsresultat kan med fördel användas av lärare och elever för att närmare förstå och effektivare arbeta med att avväga mängden valfrihet för eleverna i musikämnet. / The purpose of this study is to contribute to the knowledge about what teachers and students say about students' freedom of choice in music education. Previous studies show that students' participation in general education promotes their motivation. Motivation can be divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, where the intrinsic tends to be strongest in the long run and promotes the individual's well-being. Data has been collected through four qualitative interviews with two teachers and two students. Relevant material has been categorized from and analyzed through a discourse analytical perspective. The result shows that a music student's strongest motivators are joy and benefit. The fact that a student is allowed to participate in the selection of tasks, songs to play or the like, is related to both joy and benefit, as students tend to choose things that are either fun or useful for them. However, too much freedom of choice may lead to students picking too difficult songs to play, which badly affects the education quality. This research result can be used by teachers and students to better understand and to work more effectively with balancing the amount of freedom of choice for the students in the music subject.

A Phenomenological Study of Aesthetic Experience Within an Arts Council's Events and Programs: Finding Joy, Expression, Connection, and Public Good in the Arts

Smith, Katherine K. 21 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The Language of Ethical Encounter: Levinas, Otherness, and Contemporary Poetry

Schwartz, Melissa Rachel 18 July 2017 (has links)
According to philosopher, Emmanuel Levinas, alterity can exist only in its infinite and fluid nature in which the aspects of it that exceed the human ability to fully understand it remain unthematized in language. Levinas sees the encounter between self and other as the moment that instigates ethical responsibility, a moment so vital to avoiding mastering what is external to oneself that it should replace Western philosophy’s traditional emphasis on being as philosophy’s basis, or “First Philosophy.” Levinas’s conceptualization of language as a fluid, non-mastering saying, which one must continually re-enliven against a congealing and mastering said, is at the heart of his ethical project of relating to the other of alterity with ethical responsibility, or proximity. The imaginative poetic language that some contemporary poetry enacts, resonates with Levinas’s ethical motivations and methods for responding to alterity. The following project investigates facets of this question in relation to Levinas: how do the contemporary poets Peter Blue Cloud, Jorie Graham, Joy Harjo, and Robert Hass use poetic language uniquely to engage with alterity in an ethical way, thus allowing it to retain its mystery and infinite nature? I argue that by keeping language alive in a way similar to a Levinasian saying, which avoids mastering otherness by attending to its uniqueness and imaginatively engaging with it, they enact an ethical response to alterity. As a way of unpacking these ideas, this inquiry will investigate the compelling, if unsettled, convergence in the work of Levinas and that of Blue Cloud, Graham, Harjo, and Hass by unfolding a number of Levinasian-informed close readings of major poems by these writers as foregrounding various forms of Levinasian saying. / Ph. D.

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