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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O direito e a transição: a forma jurídica na passagem do capitalismo ao socialismo / The law and the transition: the legal form in passage from capitalism to socialism

Vinícius Gomes Casalino 26 April 2013 (has links)
A tese tem como objeto de estudo o que se convencionou denominar teoria da transição. Trata-se, grosso modo, do conjunto de análises teóricas inseridas na tradição do marxismo e que buscam compreender os principais aspectos de uma eventual passagem do capitalismo ao socialismo. O trabalho inicia-se com o estudo dos sentidos conceituais da forma jurídica tal como apresentados por Karl Marx em O capital. Com o auxílio das importantes análises de Evgeny Pachukanis, o direito é apresentado como a forma específica das relações sociais por meio das quais se dá a troca de mercadorias equivalentes. Uma vez que a adequada compreensão da forma jurídica depende da apreensão categorial da forma do Estado, pesquisa-se esta última com fundamento naquilo que se denominou de exposição implícita do conceito de Estado presente na obra de maturidade de Marx. A forma estatal não se resume, pois, a mero aparelho ou simples instrumento de dominação de classes. O Estado, tal como o direito e o capital, é apresentado como relação social estrutural essencialmente conservadora das relações de produção, distribuição e circulação capitalistas. Ultrapassadas essas questões fundamentais, trata-se de pesquisar as formas concretas de transição, tais como a relação entre democracia e ditadura do proletariado, a crítica e defesa dos direitos humanos, os sentidos atuais de uma revolução socialista, o caráter central da classe trabalhadora e suas manifestações particulares como reivindicações de gênero, cor e defesa do meio ambiente, além da análise da extinção do direito e do fenecimento do Estado à luz da apresentação parcial do socialismo elaborada por Marx em sua Crítica do programa de Gotha. Conclui-se assinalando o importante papel estratégico que cumprem as lutas jurídicas e políticas quotidianas, vulgarmente denominadas reformistas, para a criação de um ambiente estrutural propício à reivindicação de modificações substanciais que têm por objetivo a conquista de uma sociedade mais justa, solidária e orientada por princípios socialistas. / The subject of the present thesis relies on what has been nominated as theory of transition. Roughly, this theory verses about a set of theoretical analysis inserted on Marxism tradition and which seeks to understand the main aspects of an eventual transition from capitalism to socialism. This work starts with the study of the conceptual senses of the legal form as was presented on Karl Marxs Capital. Assisted with the important analysis of Evgeny Pachukanis, law is presented here as a specific form of social relation trough which the exchange of goods occurs. Once that the correct comprehension of the legal form depends on the categorical understanding of the State form, this second form is studied based in what was denominated as the implicit exposure of the concept of state, present in Marxs mature work. Though, the State form is not limited as a mere apparatus or a simple instrument of class domination. The State, as law and capital, is presented as a structural social relation, essentially as a preserver of the production, distribution and circulation on capitalism. Once overcome these fundamental issues, the focus becomes searching concrete forms of transition, as the relation between democracy and the dictatorship of the proletariat, the criticism and defense of human rights, the current directions of a socialist revolution, as the centrality of the working class and its demands on gender, ethnical issues and environmental protection. Besides, this work presents the analysis of the extinction of law and the withering of the State, under the partial presentation of socialism elaborated by Marx on its Critique of the Gotha Program. The thesis is concluded pointing the important strategic role that legal struggles and the daily life state policies, vulgarly referred as reformist policies, complies to the creation of an environment propitious to claim for substantial changes that aims the achievement of a more just, compassionate and oriented by socialist principles society.

The Political Nature of the Paris Commune of 1871 and Manifestations of Marxist Ideology in the Official Publications of the Central Committee

Jones, Emily M 01 January 2018 (has links)
Historians originally claimed that the 1871 Paris Commune was inspired by Karl Marx. Since the 1960s, however, this assertion has been rejected by scholars who either claim that Marx had no influence over the Paris Communards or do not address the possibility that this influence existed. Many scholars have also claimed that the Commune was not political in any way, but was a rebellion inspired by patriotism, bitterness for the Versailles government’s capitulation of Paris to Prussia, or a spontaneous reaction to hostility from the national army’s attempt to disarm the indignant, rapidly organizing Parisian workers who called for municipal authority under their own socialist government. This thesis analyzes the official publications of the governing body of the Paris Commune and argues that these sources demonstrate that this movement was political in nature, and that Marxist ideology helped to shape the political minds of the revolutionary working class in Paris.

Ex Contingente Necessarium Or A Philosophical Analysis Of The Connection Between Weber And Marx

Kundakci, Deniz 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Max Weber and Karl Marx have been compared in various ways, especially since Weber&rsquo / s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism was first published in the beginning of 20th century. The general claim was that their perspectives are completely different from each other. With the analysis of Protestant Ethic, they claim, Weber came up with a negative answer to Marx in terms of his analysis of the relationship between society and economy. However, in this study it is indicated that Weber&rsquo / s analyses were in close proximity with those of Marx&rsquo / s and these similarities can be seen in Weber&rsquo / s both early and late period works such as &ldquo / The Social Causes of the Decline of Ancient Civilization&rdquo / , Economy and Society and General Economic History. Weber&rsquo / s approach in this all corpus can be considered to be &ldquo / a quasi Marxist perspective&rdquo / . In these texts, he refers widely to Marx and elaborates the factors which he thought Marx had excluded from his analysis. Although he accused Marx of using a one-sided causal interpretation of history, Weber&rsquo / s approach in relation to Marx has close parallels with historical materialism

An Inquiry On Bourgeois Conception Of Social Housing Program For Working-class: Karl Marx Hof In Vienna

Sudas, Ilknur 01 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the architectural production of Red Vienna in 1920s to examine the bourgeois conception of social housing program in a governmental socialist understanding of housing. Having a structural transformation through the First World War, Vienna became the enclave of Socialist Democrat Party and thereafter underwent radical housing and cultural transformative programs. Within these programs, it was intended to give the working-class the accurate social position by means of provided accessibility to their own private and public spheres. Among a wide range of housing examples built during the governance of the party, Karl Marx Hof, one of the largest projects, has been chosen to examine the reflections of bourgeois conception of culture. Based on the contradictory discourse and practices in political, architectural and cultural realms, the aim of the research is to redefine the privacy of the dwellings and the public qualities of the common spaces and thereafter to situate the proletarian housing in relation to bourgeois spatial values within the history of domestic space in Vienna.

A sociedade civil- burguesa em Karl Max

Maciel, Amélia Coelho Rodrigues January 2016 (has links)
MACIEL, Amélia Coelho Rodrigues. A sociedade civil- burguesa em Karl Max. 2016. 131f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2016-11-03T17:32:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_acrmaciel.pdf: 659771 bytes, checksum: 6cc558b591593208a85bd512299c1c70 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-11-07T11:25:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_acrmaciel.pdf: 659771 bytes, checksum: 6cc558b591593208a85bd512299c1c70 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-07T11:25:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_acrmaciel.pdf: 659771 bytes, checksum: 6cc558b591593208a85bd512299c1c70 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / A pesquisa desenvolvida nesta dissertação tem por objetivo fundamental analisar a sociedade civil-burguesa no pensamento de Karl Marx. Desta forma, perpassaremos por diversas obras de Marx pertinentes a esta temática, desde o juvenil ensaio de 1843, conhecida por Crítica da Filosofia do Direito de Hegel, até sua madura obra O Capital, de 1867. Delineia-se, então, que a metodologia privilegiada é a pesquisa bibliográfica, eminentemente teórica. Reconhecendo que Marx passou por um profundo processo de influência e revisão filosófica, especialmente das filosofias de Hegel e Feuerbach, a primeira problemática a enfrentar versará sobre os pressupostos teóricos do desenvolvimento marxiano do conceito de sociedade civil-burguesa. Sendo assim, preliminarmente, perpassaremos pela filosofia de Hegel, por meio da obra Princípios da Filosofia do Direito, de 1820. Em seguida, abordaremos a filosofia materialista de Feuerbach, detidamente nas obras Princípios da Filosofia do Futuro (1843) e Para a Crítica da Filosofia de Hegel (1839). Em seguida, passaremos pelas obras filosóficas de Marx conhecidas como de juventude. Essas obras serão a Crítica da Filosofia do Direito de Hegel, Introdução à Crítica da Filosofia do Direito de Hegel (1844) e Sobre a Questão Judaica (1843). Será importante abordar a problemática sobre as influências das filosofias de Hegel e Feuerbach, pois no próximo momento, ou seja, no segundo capítulo, será abordada a crítica de Marx à especulação neohegeliana, vinculando-a ao posicionamento marxiano acerca da sociedade civil-burguesa, utilizando a obra de Marx A Sagrada Família ou A Crítica da Crítica Crítica: Contra Bruno Bauer e Consortes, de 1845. Dando prosseguimento, a pesquisa dissertativa enfrentará a problemática histórica e econômica de Marx relacionada à sociedade civil-burguesa por meio dos Manuscritos Econômico-Filosóficos, escritos em 1844. Nesta mesma perspectiva, a próxima obra a ser explorada será A Ideologia Alemã. Nesta obra, escrita entre 1845 e 1846, em conjunto com Engels, encontraremos a conceituação acabada da sociedade civil-burguesa em Marx, considerada na concretude da esfera de produção. Por fim, encerraremos este estudo problematizando a sociedade civil-burguesa em seu funcionamento. Conforme esclarece Marx no prefácio da Contribuição à Crítica da Economia Política (1859), a anatomia da sociedade civil-burguesa é encontrada na economia política. Então, encerrando a pesquisa, estudaremos O Capital, obra onde é possível levantar a hipótese de que a análise crítica de Marx sobre a economia política reafirma sua concepção filosófica de que a sociedade civil-burguesa como a matriz ontológica do todo social.

Von der Kgl. Gewerbschule zur Technischen Universität : Die Entwicklung der höheren technischen Bildung in Chemnitz 1836 - 2003

Hermes, Hans-Joachim, Lambrecht, Wolfgang, Luther, Stephan 26 May 2005 (has links)
Der Bogen der vorliegenden Darstellung spannt sich von der Gründung der Königlichen Gewerbschule in Chemnitz im Jahre 1836 bis in die Gegenwart der Technischen Universität Chemnitz. Trotz der Beteiligung mehrerer Wissenschaftler als Autoren ist versucht worden, die Kohärenz zwischen den einzelnen Kapiteln zu wahren. Die Kapitel sind dementsprechend möglichst gleichartig aufgebaut und sachlich strukturiert. Die chronologische Gliederung wird jeweils durch eine, auf vier thematische Komplexe konzentrierte inhaltliche Schwerpunktsetzung ergänzt. Diese beziehen sich auf die Entwicklung der Strukturen, der hier beheimateten Wissenschaftsdisziplinen, der Baulichkeiten und schließlich auf den Kreis der Akteure, die das Ganze als Lehrende oder Lernende mit Leben erfüllen. Darüber hinaus wurde der allgemeine politische und gesellschaftliche Kontext zu berücksichtigen versucht, ohne den viele inneruniversitäre Ereignisse und Abläufe nicht erklärbar gewesen wären. Personen oder wissenschaftliche Leistungen an der Einrichtung werden im Buch nur exemplarisch genannt. Eine umfassendere bzw. auch spezielle Darstellung muss einer späteren Arbeit vorbehalten bleiben. Die im Anhang vorgelegten Übersichten zu Strukturen, Personal- und Studentenstatistiken sind vollständig neu erarbeitet worden. An einigen Stellen mussten der Übersichtlichkeit halber bestimmte Verknappungen in Kauf genommen werden. So sind bei den Schüler- bzw. Studentenstatistiken nur die Direktstudenten aufgenommen worden. Die vielen anderen, manchmal nur für einen kurzen Zeitraum praktizierten Studienformen konnten so keine Berücksichtigung finden. Ein Personenregister erfasst alle im Text genannten Personen. Dabei wurden - wo immer möglich - die Lebensdaten sowie Angaben zur Tätigkeit hinzugefügt. Bei hiesigen Professoren wurde die Hochschulbezeichnung nicht gesondert genannt. Nicht erschließbare Todesdaten von Personen, die vor 1900 geboren wurden, sind mit einem Fragezeichen gekennzeichnet. Auf ein Sachregister musste aus Kapazitätsgründen leider verzichtet werden. Die Quellenangaben in den Endnoten wurden bewusst etwas umfangreicher gehalten, um die Nachnutzung zu erleichtern, während die Literaturangaben nur in Kurzform aufgeführt sind. Die vollständigen Angaben können dem Literaturverzeichnis entnommen werden. Dort fanden auch einige Überblickswerke Eingang, die zwar benutzt wurden, aber in den Endnoten keinen Niederschlag gefunden haben. Die Bildauswahl erfolgte im Wesentlichen aus dem Bestand der Fotosammlung des Universitätsarchivs. Stephan Luther, November 2003

Cultural Studies und Geschlecht

Geimer, Alexander 25 April 2017 (has links)
In den Anfängen der Cultural Studies in der Birmingham School spielte Geschlecht eine eher untergeordnete Rolle. Bald wurden jedoch auch feministische Positionen herangezogen, um Ungleichheiten der Alltagspraxis zu erklären, die nicht klassentheoretisch zu fassen waren. In den Arbeiten von Rubin und Mulvey beispielsweise werden Geschlecht bzw. Geschlechtsunterscheidungen und -ungleichheiten durch makrosoziale Wissensstrukturen und kollektive Praktiken reproduziert.

L’évolution du concept de contradiction dans l’œuvre de Karl Marx (1845-1867)

Gagnon-Richard, Christophe 12 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire retrace l’évolution du concept de contradiction dans l’œuvre de Karl Marx de la rédaction de L’Idéologie allemande (1845-1846) à la publication du Capital (1867). Il se concentre sur le rôle de la contradiction dans l’explication du processus par lequel un mode de production peut produire les conditions de son propre dépassement. Au-delà de la formule générale selon laquelle les forces productives entrent en contradiction avec les rapports de production au sein desquels elles se développent, nous verrons une transformation de l’appareil conceptuel marxien qui modifie la manière dont est pensée la contradiction. Cette transformation, déterminée principalement par la construction de sa critique de l’économie politique, conduit Marx à penser la contradiction du capital à partir de catégories lui étant spécifiques et non seulement à partir de catégories applicables à l’ensemble des modes de production. Ce changement de perspective centre le caractère contradictoire d’un rapport donné sur ses modalités de reproduction le rendant intenable et pousse à interroger les conséquences tirées des premières utilisations marxiennes du concept de contradiction. En suivant une pensée en constante évolution, ce mémoire permet de situer les origines d’un concept clé autant dans l’œuvre de Marx que dans les traditions s’inspirant de celle-ci. / This master’s thesis follows the evolution of Karl Marx’s concept of contradiction from the German Ideology (1845-1846) to the publication of the Capital (1867). It focuses on the role of contradiction in explaining how a mode of production can produce the conditions of its own overcoming. Beyond the general view according to which the development of the forces of production ‘‘contradicts’’ the actual relations of production, we will also examine how this contradiction is conceived at different points in Marx’s intellectual trajectory. We will see how this evolution is essentially a result of the development of Marx’s critique of political economy. In particular, progress at the level of theory leads him to conceive the contradiction of capital in terms of categories specific to this mode of production, instead of categories applicable to all modes of production. With this shift and from that point forward, the contradiction is based on the modes of reproduction of given relations of production which prevent their sustainability. By following a theoretical production in constant evolution, this master’s thesis specifies the origins of a key concept both in Marx’s work and in the traditions inspired by it.

Conditionalizing Conduct: Political Economy and the Limits to Governance in European Union Enlargement

Shelton, Joel Trent 21 May 2012 (has links)
This dissertation argues that European Union membership conditionality operates as a modality of political-economic governance directed at securing the conditions of possibility for a harmoniously functioning political economy of Europe. I argue that conditionality can best be understood not as a series of requirements for EU membership, a set of incentives for rule adoption, or a vehicle for the transmission of European norms to candidate states, but as an ensemble of discursive and material practices – fragile, dispersed circuits of governmental activity directed at a particular strategic ambition. I argue that existing accounts of EU membership conditionality are informed by predominantly rationalist understandings of political economy which work to conceal various cultural, social, and subjective sources of disharmony in political-economic life. Thinking about the political economy of conditionality through rationalist lenses privileges the study of bargaining and negotiation and institutional reform and overlooks the ways that conditionality targets the transformation of problematic socio-cultural and subjective elements of political economy – among them particular habits of culture, patterns of sociality, and subjective qualities and capacities of the person deemed essential to securing order and abundance. Re-reading canonical works in classical and critical traditions of political economy by James Steuart, Adam Smith, and Karl Marx makes clear that political economy as a field of knowledge and practice has long been concerned with understanding the political, legislative-legal, institutional, socio-cultural, and subjective conditions of possibility for securing order and abundance and has long reflected on the potential and limits of governance to secure these conditions in a world of shifting circumstance. I argue that a political economy of EU membership conditionality concerned with disharmony should investigate the ways that particular socio-cultural and subjective features of political-economic life are problematized in the discourse of conditionality and subsequently targeted for transformation through the work of instruments and agents of conditionality operating in a variety of institutional contexts. On this basis, I analyze conditionality as practice – tracing the emergence of instruments of conditionality currently at work in the Republic of Macedonia through official documents produced by the EU and the Republic of Macedonia from 2001-2011. I then examine the ambitions and limits of the Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 (OP-HRD) – a program tasked with translating the aims of conditionality on paper into concrete activities for implementation in the fields of employment, education and training, and social inclusion. I outline some limits to the program derived from personal interviews with officials of the EU and the Republic of Macedonia who work to implement the OP-HRD "on the ground." In reflecting on these limitations, I return to the political economy of disharmony, concluding that constraints on the operation of conditionality in practice are not merely the product of technical and political impediments but are also derived from inherent limits to the old dream of political-economic harmony to which the ambitions of conditionality are ultimately directed. / Ph. D.

Geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen - Demokratisierung, De-Konstruktion oder Reproduktion des sexistischen Geschlechterverhältnisse?

Schulze, Detlef Georgia 13 December 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Studie zum Thema „geschlechternormen–inkonforme Körperinszenierungen“ ist die theoretisch fundierte, empirische Überprüfung der These von Judith Butler, daß eine mögliche Verbindung zwischen queer Praxen und der Subversion der herrschenden Geschlechterordnung bestehe. Die Arbeit untersucht die Beziehung zwischen Körperpraxen und anderen Praxen, insbesondere Arbeit und politischer Praxis. Der Begriff „geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen“ bezieht sich auf drei Praktiken bzw. drei Arten des Verhaltens von Personen in Bezug auf deren eigenen Körper: Er bezieht sich erstens auf Transsexuelle, die ihren Körper mit medizinischen Mitteln haben verändern lassen; zweitens auf transgender Personen, die zeitweise oder permanent cross dressing praktizieren ohne physische Veränderungen an ihrem Körper vorgenommen zu haben; und drittens auf drag kings und drag queens, die auf der Bühne ein anderes Geschlecht als im Alltag darstellen. Alle Personen inszenieren eine geschlechternormen-inkonforme Geschlechtlichkeit, d. h. eine Geschlechtlichkeit, die nach hegemonialen Kriterien nicht mit dem ‚wahren’ oder ‚ursprünglichen’ Geschlecht dieser Person übereinstimmt. Die Methode des empirischen Teils der Studie besteht aus der Datengewinnung durch das „Problemzentrierte Interview“ nach Witzel und der Datenanalyse durch die „Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse“ nach Mayring. Die Studie geht davon, daß die Überwindung der Herrschaft das Verschwinden der sozialen Gruppen (hier: Männer und Frauen), zwischen denen eine Herrschaftsbeziehung besteht, einschließt, denn diese Gruppen sind die Produkte der Praktizierung von Herrschaft. Die Studie zeigt, daß im interviewten sample – statt einer Subversion von Herrschaft – eine kontinuierliche Reproduktion von Geschlechtern und Geschlechterhierarchien stattfindet. Die .pdf-Datei mit der vollständigen Arbeit enthält Zusammenfassungen in englischer, französischer, kastilischer und deutscher Sprache, die länger als das vorliegende abstract sind. / The present study dealing with the topic ‘geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen’ (approximately: body styling / body formation which is contrary to the hegemonic gender rules) is a theoretically based, empirical scrutiny of Judith Butler’s thesis, that there exists a possible connection between queer practices and the subversion of existing gender hierarchy. The thesis explores the relationship between body practices and other practices, especially labour and political practice. The term ‘geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen’ refers to three practices or three different ways of a person’s behaviour towards his or her own body: it refers firstly to transsexuals, who changed their body physically; secondly it refers to transgender people, who occasionally or permanently do cross dressing in everyday life without having changed their bodies physically; and thirdly on drag kings and drag queens who show a different sex on stage than in everyday life. All people stage a ‘geschlechternormen-inkonforme Geschlechtlichkeit’, that means a gender that doesn’t coincides with their “true” or “natural” sex due to hegemonic criteria. The method of the empirical part of the study consists of obtaining data through the ‘Problemzentriertes Interview’ (problem-focussed interview) invented by Witzel, and the analysis of the data through the ‘Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse’ (qualitative content analysis) invented by Mayring. The study assumes that the deconstruction of domination includes the disappearance of the social groups (in the case at issue: men and women), between whom exists a relation of domination, because that groups are products of the practices of domination. The study shows, that – far from this – there happens within the interviewed sample a permanent reproduction of genders and gender hierarchies. The .pdf-file of the entire thesis consists summaries in English, French, Castilian, and German language longer than the present abstract.

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