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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Donald Trumps definition av COVID-19 via Twitter : En studie som undersöker hur Donald Trump definierar en pandemi på Twitter.

Bergstedt, Sophie, Bäcklin Neijnes, Cajsalisa January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine Donald Trump's political communication regarding COVID-19 on Twitter during the time period 01-01-2020 to 30-09-2020. This study is motivated by the importance of analyzing Trump's power of definition regarding the situation surrounding the national crisis caused by COVID-19. The research questions include aspects of identifying frequent problem definitions, who is responsible for various crisis and whether Trump is motivating it, all provided through Trump’s tweets during the time period of the study.  The theoretical framework is constructed based on Entman (1993) as well as Matthes and Kohring (2008) to fulfill the purpose of the study and answer the research questions. The method is based on quantitative content analysis with qualitative elements. The method provided the ability to focus on the most frequent themes and topics. The analytical categories that have been used are: problem identification, problem definition, treatment recommendation, distribution of responsibility and whether it is motivated or not.  Findings of the most frequent societal crises were: Health crisis, Invisible Enemy-crisis and Information-crisis. Based on these three frames were identified: China is responsible for causing a Health crisis in the USA, China is responsible for causing the Invisible enemy-crisis in the USA and The spreading of disinformation by certain actors is harmful for the USA. With support of previous research of Donald Trump's political communication and usage of Twitter, this study highlights the importance of critically analyzing Trump, belonging to the political elite, how he uses his power to define COVID-19.

Skogsbränderna 2018: Lokala hjältar och ett nationellt problem : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av gestaltningar i rapporteringen av skogsbränderna 2018 i nationell- och lokal press.

Nordberg, Nadja, Isaksson, Clara January 2020 (has links)
The summer of 2018 has gone down in history as one of the hottest summers in Sweden of all time. The forest was on fire in several places around the country and in retrospect, the fires have been described as the most extensive forest fires in Sweden in modern times. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the framing of the forest fires in both local and national press. The method we chose to conduct the survey was a quantitative content analysis of a total of 116 articles about the forest fires, 74 from the local newspapers Ljusdals-Posten and Mora Tidning, and 41 from the national newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet.The results of the study showed that there were major differences in the reporting and framing of the forest fires between the local newspapers and the national newspapers. The local newspapers had a much greater focus on proximity in their reporting compared to the nationwide newspapers which focused much more on threats and conflicts. The result also showed that the local newspapers had a much more positive tonality in their reporting, unlike the nationwide newspapers which were predominantly negative. / Sommaren 2018 har gått till historien som en av de varmaste somrarna i Sverige genom tiderna. Det brann i skogarna på flera platser runt om i landet och i efterhand så har bränderna beskrivits som de mest omfattande skogsbränderna i Sverige i modern tid.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur gestaltningen av skogsbränderna såg ut i både lokalpress och rikstäckande press. Metoden vi valde för att genomföra undersökningen var en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Totalt analyserades 115 artiklar som handlade om skogsbränderna. 74 från lokaltidningarna Ljusdals-Posten och Mora Tidning samt 41 från de rikstäckande tidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet.Resultatet av studien visade att det fanns stora skillnader i rapporteringen om och gestaltningen av skogsbränderna mellan de lokala tidningarna och de rikstäckande tidningarna. De lokala tidningarna hade ett mycket större fokus på närhet i sin rapportering jämfört med de rikstäckande tidningarna som i mycket högre grad fokuserade på hot och konflikter. Resultatet visade även att de lokala tidningarna hade en mycket mer positiv tonalitet i sin rapportering till skillnad från de rikstäckande tidningarna som var övervägande negativa.

Motivet bakom frivillig redovisning : En kvantitativ studie om samvariationen mellanägarkoncentration och hållbarhetsredovisning / The incentive behind voluntary reporting: A quantitative study of thecovariance between ownership concentration and sustainabilityreporting

Hellsten, Maria, Strand, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Motivet bakom frivillig redovisning: En kvantitativ studie om samvariationen mellanägarkoncentration och hållbarhetsredovisning.Författare: Maria Hellsten och Lina StrandBakgrund: Under de två senaste decennierna har stort fokus och ansvar riktats mot företagavseende deras agerande för att främja en hållbar utveckling. Vissa bolag är förpliktigade attrapportera om dess miljömässiga, sociala och ekonomiska påverkan på samhället i en årligenutgiven hållbarhetsredovisning. Till viss del innehåller regleringen avseendehållbarhetsredovisning stort utrymme för fria redovisningsval. Bland annat saknas regleringavseende hur mycket information som skall kommuniceras till bolagets intressenter, ochdärmed varierar innehållet i bolagens hållbarhetsredovisningar. Frågan blir då, vilka är bolagensmotiv till att rapportera mer information i en hållbarhetsredovisning än vad som är lagstadgat?Syfte: Denna studie ägnas åt att studera möjliga förklarande faktorer som bidrar till rapporteringav hållbarhetsredovisning. Vidare är syftet med denna studie att undersöka om det föreliggeren samvariation mellan svenska bolags rapporterade hållbarhetsredovisning och dessägarkoncentration.Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte har kvantitativ innehållsanalys tillämpats för att analyseraoch kvantifiera den rapporterade informationen i bolagens hållbarhetsredovisningar. Enupprättad kodmall, som baserats på Global Reporting Initiatives standarder förhållbarhetsredovisning, samt ett binärt poängsättningssystem har använts för att ta framstudiens empiriska data. För att analysera den empiriska datan har tre olika statistiskaanalysmetoder använts; Pearsons korrelationskoefficient, oberoende t-test samt upprättandet avett spridningsdiagram.Slutsats: Baserat på studiens resultat, som påvisat en samvariation mellanhållbarhetsredovisning och ägarkoncentration, har vi funnit att frivillig redovisning kanförklaras och förstås utifrån behovet av att hantera informationsasymmetri mellan bolagetsledning och dess aktieägare. / Title: The incentive behind voluntary reporting: A quantitative study of the covariance betweenownership concentration and sustainability reporting.Authors: Maria Hellsten and Lina StrandBackground: During the last two decades a major focus and responsibility has been directedtowards companies regarding their measures to support sustainable development. Somecompanies are required to report about their environment, social and economic impacts in anannual sustainability report. Partially, the regulation regarding sustainability accountingcontains a lot of voluntary accounting choices. For instance, there is no regulation regardinghow much information that should be communicated to the companies’ stakeholders, thus thecontent of the companies’ sustainability reports varies. Therefore we ask, what are thecompanies’ motives for reporting voluntary disclosures in a sustainability report in addition towhat is required by law?Purpose: This study is dedicated to study possible explanatory factors that contributes to thereporting of sustainability disclosures. Furthermore, the aim of this study is to examine if thereexist a covariance between the ownership concentration of Swedish enterprises and theirsustainability reports.Method: In order to answer the purpose of this study we have applied a quantitative contentanalysis. A coding template, based on the Global Reporting Initiatives standards, wasestablished and used along a binary scoring system to produce the empirical data of the study.Three different statistical analysis methods have been used (Pearson’s correlation coefficient,independent t-test and a scatterplot diagram) in order to analyze the empirical data.Conclusion: Based on the results of the survey, which showed a covariance betweensustainability reporting and ownership concentration, we have found that voluntary reportingcan be explained and understood based on the need to manage information asymmetry betweenthe company’s management and it’s shareholders.

Miljö - så mycket mer än bara klimat : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur Dagens Nyheter rapporterar om Sveriges miljömål. / Environment – so much more than climate : A quantitative content analysis about how Dagens Nyheter reports about the Swedish environment goals.

Lorensson, Hulda, Nilsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reports about the environment. Through a quantitative content analysis 335 news articles from the first half of 2018 and 2021 have been examined, with the Swedish environmental goals as base. The Swedish environmental goals were agreed on by the Swedish government in 1999 and have been a part of the sustainability work ever since. Only one of the 16 goals have been achieved so far. This study examines what environmental goals Dagens Nyheter prioritizes in their agenda and shows how the articles are presented and contextualized. Climate impact is a dominant topic during both time periods, based on several aspects. At the same time, several of the other environmental goals receive minimal reporting even though they have not been fulfilled yet. With the agenda setting as a theoretical framework this will affect the citizens' image of the reality, which they later will act upon. The readers will believe that the climate is the most important topic to put effort into, at the same time as many of the other goals don't need their attention. To contribute to the field, the study’s focus on the environmental goals brings new aspects to the discussion about environmental journalism, in comparison to earlier studies that mostly focus on the climate alone.

AI – banbrytande möjlighet, eller hotfull fara? : En studie av den svenska nyhetsrapporteringen av AI efter lansering av Chat GPT-3.

Rogström, Sanna, Nilsson, Ann-Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur AI framställs i de två största kvällstidningarnadå ChatGPT-3 lanserades i november 2022 fram till mars 2023. Studien syftar till att ta reda på om framställningen av ämnet AI har varit övervägande negativt eller positivt genom att undersöka 50 publicerade artiklar från vardera tidning samt vidare analys av två artiklar.  Som metod har vi utgått från kvantitativ innehållsanalys samt Faircloughs tredimensionella kritiska diskursanalys där fokus har varit på textanalys. Som huvudresultat har vi kommit fram till att majoriteten av de analyserade artiklarna har övervägande negativ framställning och att tidningarnas rubriker, genom starka ordval tenderar att vara kraftfulla. I många av artiklarna förekom ord som var djupt förknippade med negativa associationer såsom dödlig, kriminella, risk mot mänskligheten som exempel.

Gör media skillnad på mördare och mördare? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur Expressen gestaltar Wilma- och Tova-fallet. / Is there a difference in how the media frames murderers? : A quantitative content analysis of how Expressen frames the Wilma and Tova case.

Synnelius, Ella, Thulin, David January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the difference in Expressen’s portrayal of two similar murder cases in Sweden with the key difference being the ethnicity of the perpetrators. The main purpose is to determine if the media is using a discriminatory rhetoric in their covering of crime and if they are upholding a “we and them” view of the world. Former research shows signs of othering in the media around discourse of crime and immigrants and discusses medias’ cementing of a post-colonial worldview. This study uses framing theory and othering theory as a theoretical framework and is conducted through a quantitative content analysis of the written articles, about the murder cases of Wilma Andersson and Tova Moberg, across the time period of them going missing, to the point where the murderer is sentenced. The results show no signs of othering or discrimination in the Expressen articles and both the perpetrators and victims are framed equally in almost every aspect. Furthermore there is no significant connection between the sources cited and the framing in those articles, which could indicate an awareness in Expressens news process and how they influence the public.

"Ingen tror på Åkesson" : En jämförande studie om kvällspressens och public service rapportering om Sverigedemokraterna inför valet 2014 / "No one believes in Åkesson" : A comparative study on the evening press and the public service reporting on the Swedish Democrats before the 2014 election

Nordenhem, Susanna, Laurila, Malin January 2015 (has links)
No one believes in Åkesson - a comparative study on the evening press and the public service reporting on the Swedish Democrats before the 2014 election. The purpose of this essay was to study how Aftonbladet and Ekot reports about the Swedish Democrats before the election 2014, as well as comparing the two medias and reasoning about their agendas towards the party. The tabloid, Aftonbladet, is one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden, which depends on counter sales and commercials. Ekot, which is a part of public service, is state-funded and regulated by certain guidelines. Using a quantitative method we studied 80 articles, and through a qualitative method, six of the articles were analyzed to reach a deeper understanding. The theories primary used in this study were agenda-setting and framing, to stress the power of media. As well as political communication, to examine whether the Swedish Democrats are portrayed according to the democratics ideals of what kind of information journalism should provide citizens before an election. The result showed that the politics of the Swedish Democrats was rarely applied in the news articles. It also showed that both Aftonbladet and Ekot tended to portray the political party with a primary negative agenda. The Swedish Democrats were often described as racists, ignorant and irresponsible. Although Ekot proved to be a bit more restrict in their reporting, there were little differences in how both media presented the politcal party. Although the Swedish Democrats has taken on costumes instead of bomber jackets, and has an office in the Swedish Parliament, they still in 2014 aren’t neutralised or portraid as a serious political alternative, in either Aftonbladet nor Ekot.

Hälsa, vad är det? : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning av inlägg på Instagram under #hälsa / Health, what is that? : A quantitative and qualitative survey of posts on Instagram with #hälsa

Linn, Johansson, Julia, Lindberg January 2016 (has links)
The popular photo sharing app, Instagram, was founded six years ago and is now one of the largest and fastest growing social media-apps in Sweden. A few years ago a health trend blossomed on Instagram and almost everyone wants to share and show their healthy lifestyle today. Previous studies show that a lot of people feel stressed over this constant exposure to other peoples health-related topics. But what is health? What does it mean to be healthy? Who decides that? The purpose of this thesis is to explore Instagram messages (picture and text) with hashtag (#)hälsa (health) to see which topics that dominate and the norms that govern what these messages should look like to be accepted. The study builds on social constructionism and proceeds into the world of discourse analysis with Faircloughs critical discourse analysis as main focus. It is also supplemented with Foucault's theories of power and self-control, and Goffman's theory of the presentation of self. At first a quantitative content analysis where made so the material would be easier to handle and overview. Then a critical discourse analysis where made to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the material. The main results of the study concluded that there is no single definition of health, the definition depends on the context. Further the analysis revealed four dominant discourses with #hälsa: food, fitness, body change and well-being, and all these discourses produced different meanings of health. The study also discovered norms that influence the content with #hälsa on Instagram and shows how users, based on these norms, shape and create there identity. Finally the study revealed that it does not really matter if users are healthy, as long as they produce an image of them self of being healthy, they will be healthy in the eyes of others. / Bildmediet Instagram har funnits i sex år och är ett av de största och snabbast växande sociala mediet i Sverige. För några år sedan började en hälsotrend att växa fram på Instagram och nu vill de flesta dela med sig av och visa upp sin hälsosamma livsstil. Tidigare studier visar att många svenskar känner sig stressade över denna ständiga exponering för andras hälsorelaterade inlägg. Men vad är hälsa? Vad innebär det egentligen att vara hälsosam? Vem bestämmer det? Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka Instagram-inlägg (bild och text) under #hälsa för att se vilka ämnen som dominerar och vilka normer som styr hur dessa inlägg ska se ut för att accepteras. Studien tar avstamp i socialkonstruktionismen och går vidare in i diskursanalysen med Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys som huvudfokus. Den kompletteras även med Foucaults teorier om makt och självstyrning samt Goffmans teori om framställningen av jaget. Till en början genomfördes en kvantitativ innehållsanalys för att lättare kunna hantera och överblicka materialet. Därefter gjordes en kritisk diskursanalys för att få en djupare förståelse av materialet. De huvudresultat som studien kom fram till var att det inte finns någon entydig definition på hälsa utan det är sammanhanget som avgör. I analysen framkom det fyra dominerande diskurser under #hälsa: mat, träning, kroppsförändring och välmående, och inom dessa diskurser framställs hälsa på olika sätt. Studiens resultat visar även på vilka normer som präglar innehållet under #hälsa på Instagram och hur aktörerna formar och skapar sin identitet utifrån dessa. Slutligen konstateras att det spelar egentligen ingen roll om aktörerna är hälsosamma, bara de visar upp en fasad av att vara det så blir de hälsosamma i andras ögon.

En aktuell studie för den lilla människan : Kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Lilla Aktuellt då och nu

Valberg, Linus, Frank-Logue, Molly January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the representation of interviewees according to apperance and time of apperance in the Swedish children’s news programme Lilla Aktuellt, 1994 and 2014 set out from an intersectional perspective. The thesis therefore examines whom of the interviewees that is over-and underrepresented in the programme, when it comes to the collaboration of the chosen categories: Sex, Age and Ethnicity. As researchers point out that a high frequency in appearance in media means domination and a conception of representing the norm in society this thesis therefore also does examine the superiority and inferiority that occures in the programme both years.   The result of this thesis show that there has been changes in the representation over time. All groups of children have been given a larger amout of space while the representation of all groups of people that don’t follow the ethnical norm, basically hasn’t changed at all. Amongst the different sexes there has been a fairly more even representation over time. The overall results show that there has been a slightly more balanced distribution over time between all of the groups appearances and time of appearances. Therefore not said that there isn’t room for improvement, on the contrary there are still things to be done for a greater representation according to multiplicity and equality in Lilla Aktuellt.   Of all the groups of interviewees in Lilla Aktuellt the people that are “male and not children who follow the ethnical norm” have decreased their visability most over time and are therefore the ones that have decreased their power most. The people that are “female children who don’t follow the ethnical norm” are the ones that have increased their visability most over time thus this means that they are the ones that have increased their power most over time.

Nya Slussen i dagspressen : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters, Svenska Dagbladets, Expressens och Aftonbladets rapportering om Nya Slussen

Landstedt, Christopher January 2012 (has links)
The reconstruction of a central area in Stockholm named Slussen (The sluice) has frequently been portrayed and debated in media over the last few years, escalating around December 2011 when the major decision regarding Slussen was to be made by the city council. The area serves as a traffic node connecting the areas of Södermalm and Gamla Stan (Old town) together. The last major change of Slussen was completed in 1935, best described as a modernistic traffic and architectural piece of work. It is indisputably an area of importance for the city of Stockholm, its citizens and visitors. How has media reported the development of the New Slussen project? The analysis, and the conclusions drawn from it, will be based upon and performed with a quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis. Articles from four of the largest daily newspapers in Sweden have been selected based upon the release date of Stockholm City’s official newsletters regarding the reconstruction project. The quantitative content analysis showed that words within the field and discourses of traffic were most common. That quantitative result shows interesting similarities with the result of the critical discourse analysis, most visible in the case of subject and discourse representation. Variations in use of language, subject representation and discourse recontextualization, between those who are campaigning for the new sluice and those who are against it were noticeable. In some cases it was more evident than in others.

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