Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lived"" "subject:"dived""
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It Is Not Good That Man Should Be Alone: What Adam and Eve Can Teach Us About Relationships in Learning CommunitiesBassett, Julene 15 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Human existence (or be-ing) is profoundly relational. Yet educational environments often assume that learning happens individually. Though many educators are trying to rectify this problem by introducing community into the learning process, these efforts are too often simply overlaid onto a system that works through competition and rewards individual achievement. Therefore, an alternative perspective for who we are as humans and how we should be together is needed. In this dissertation, I examine what it means to be fundamentally related and show how such an understanding might impact learning. We often think of “community” as a place, but I also use it to embody an alternative understanding of human be-ing: how we are and should be related and the process by which we can learn to embrace our ethical responsibilities. This second way of understanding community addresses a mode of be-ing that describes how we should come together: with (or “com”) unity. I use religious narratives to explore what a non-modern understanding of relational be-ing might mean for education. Looking at community in a religious context is helpful because it offers a different framework for understanding human be-ing. Using three stories found in Genesis—(a) the Creation of the world including the introduction of Adam and Eve, (b) their Fall, and (c) their Expulsion from Eden—I argue that they reveal the importance of three aspects of community: (a) diversity, a deep appreciation for our and others' enduring individuality, (b) unity, a willingness to be responsible both to and for others in a particular, ethical way, and (c) work, the catalyst for coming together and making relationships purposeful. Understanding how the aspects of diversity, unity, and work strengthen supportive relationships is an important way to understand community, including learning communities. It suggests that the purpose of education should be to help learners realize their moral responsibilities to others and teach them how to respond to that obligation. Moral learning communities can generate experiences that speak more authentically to human be-ing. They enhance education so that learning becomes not only more meaningful but truly life-changing.
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Så är vi, fastän många, en enda kropp : – en studie av anställda medarbetares attityder till ideellt arbete i barn- och ungdomsverksamhet i Svenska kyrkan.Sörner, Christine January 2022 (has links)
This is a study on the attitudes towards voluntarism and non-profit work, as expressed by employees in the Church of Sweden's children and youth activities. The study has had a mixed methods design, reflecting in the fact that the study at large is two-part, a quantitative part and a qualitative part that complement each other's results. The quantitative part had access to an empirical survey from the project “Av fri vilja på fritid 2021”, run by the Church of Sweden's unit for research and analysis, while the qualitative material is based on two focus group interviews, conducted in two different parishes in Skara diocese. The purpose of the study has been to, among employees, find indicators of attitudes towards voluntarism and non-profit work in the Church of Sweden's children and youth activities and to examine differences in attitudes within the parishes. The study is based on the theoretical concept of lived ecclesiology to identify the expressions that relates to attitudes towards voluntarism, as well as the perspectives ‘Church as community’ and ‘Church as service provider’ to shed light on the differences between parishes. Conclusively, the quantitative analyses show an overall picture of employees' attitudes towards voluntarism and non-profit work. The reduction of variables through factor analyses gave four indicators for attitudes towards voluntarism could be identified: cooperation, competition, complement and tradition. The qualitative analyses illustrated the different attitudes found among employees from two different parishes, via the perspectives of Church as community and Church as service provider. The first is characterized by unpretentious activities where everyone is welcome as they are, the employees try to ensure that the non-profit work is meaningful and that the volunteers, based on their own will and experience, take an active part in both planning, teaching and community. The latter is characterized by primarily being a place to learn about God and Jesus, a place that is something more than a "regular after-school centre", and where the employees plan and carry out any activities to maintain a high level of education while the volunteer are given simpler tasks to help and support the employee. In addition, the study shows how important the organizational choices are for how parishes work with voluntarism; by providing the volunteer with trust and development, they will take greater responsibilities and become an important part of the parish's activities.
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ATT LEVA MED BORDERLINE PERSONLIGHETSSTÖRNINGWirten Sjöholm, Felicia January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Borderline personlighetsstörning (BPS) har en bred symtombild som främst karaktäriseras av en känslomässig instabilitet hos individen. Flertalet förklaringar till uppkomsten finns men de allra flesta grundar sig i en otrygg uppväxt. Inom patientgruppen är det vanligt med suicidala handlingar samt ett aktivt självskadebeteende utan avsikt att avlida. Syfte: Denna studie siktade till en ökad insyn och förståelse för hur patientgruppen upplevde det att leva med diagnosen BPS samt hur de upplevde att de blir bemötta inom vården.Metod: Litteraturstudien genomfördes med en kvalitativ ansats. Åtta stycken vetenskapliga artiklar svarade mot underliggande studies syfte. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i följande kategorier: Att få diagnosen BPS, ett liv i utanförskap, att sträva efter hälsa och värdighet, att ha städig kontakt med vården, att uppleva sig stämplad, att ha relationer till specifika andra samt att önska sig specialiserad vård, delaktighet, tid, tillgång och kontinuitet. Slutsats: För att kunna ge patientgruppen adekvat vård samt bygga goda vårdrelationer är det av yttersta vikt att vårdpersonalen har kunskap kring patientgruppens livsvärld. Genom en ökad kunskap och förståelse är förhoppningen att minska missförstånd, bristande kommunikation samt känslan av maktlöshet i relationen mellan vårdpersonalen samt patientgruppen, vilket i sin tur kan reducera patientgruppens upplevelse av att vara stämplad. / Background: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) has a broad symptomatology mainly characterized by emotional instability. There is several explanations for the rise but the vast majority are based in an insecure upbringing. Within the patient group it is common with suicidal acts and active self-injury without the intent to die.Objective: This study aimed to greater transparency and understanding of how the patient group experienced it to live with a diagnosis of BPD and how they felt that they were treated within the care system.Method: The literature review was conducted with a qualitative approach. Eight scientific papers responded to the underlying studies purpose.Results: The analysis resulted in the following categories: Getting diagnosed with BPD, a life of alienation, to strive for health and dignity, to have steady contact with health care, to experience themselves as stamped, to have relationships with specific others and also to wish for specialized care, participation, time, availability and continuity.Conclusion: In order to give the patient group adequate care and build good relationships it is of the utmost importance that health professionals have knowledge of the patient groups life world. Through increased knowledge and understanding, the hope is to reduce misunderstandings, lack of communication and the sense of powerlessness in the relationship between the nursing staff and the patient group, which in turn may reduce the patient group experience of being stamped.
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Gömda och glömda medborgare : En kritisk idéanalys om tidigare våldsutsatta kvinnor med skyddade personuppgifters medborgarskapNordfeldt, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka hur tidigare våldsutsatta kvinnor med skyddade personuppgifterupplever sitt medborgarskap och om det finns någon kongruens mellan idén om medborgarskap och kvinnornas egna upplevelser. Utifrån medborgarskapsteori har två dimensioner identifierats: deltagande och känslor. Materialet utgörs av sekundärdata baserad påJämställdmyndighetens rapport 86 gömda kvinnor och deras 128 barn samt berättelser publicerade på organisationen Gömda kvinnors Instagramkonto @gomda.kvinnor. Studiedesignen utgörs av en tvärsnittsstudie där fler än ett fall undersöks över tid för att avslöja mönster i verkligheten. Materialet analyseras med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys, mer specifikt en kritisk idéanalys. Resultaten visar att kvinnorna ställs inför många problematiska situationer till följd av skyddet och upplever att samtliga medborgerliga dimensioner i någon mån påverkas av att leva med skyddade personuppgifter. Kvinnornas upplevelser tyder därmed på att det inte finns kongruens mellan idén om medborgarskap och deras egen upplevelse.Inkongruensen tolkas däremot vara störst i en i av subdimensionerna.
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Då blir mina tankar klarare och förnimmelser djupare : En fältstudie om deltagares erfarenheter av endagsretreat / Then my thoughts become clearer and perceptions deeper : A field study of participants' experiences of one-day retreatsUnghammar, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna etnografiska fältstudie är att utforska, förstå och skildra hur deltagare upplever de återkommande retreatdagarna i en svenskkyrklig församling utanför Stockholm. Centralt är att ta del av människors egna berättelser, hur de tolkar, förstår och ger mening till det de är med om. Studien befinner sig inom forskningsfältet levd religion. Här ligger tonvikten på hur religion och andlighet praktiseras, upplevs och uttrycks av vanliga människor, snarare än officiella företrädare. Meredith McGuires forskning om levd religion samt Nancy Ammermans forskning kring vardagsreligiositet och andliga landskap har fungerat som teoretisk resurs. Inom fältet levd religion har jag särskilt fokuserat på tre dimensioner: relationer, religiös praktik och berättelser. Efter transkribering och kodning av fältanteckningar samt intervjuer med åtta retreatdeltagare, framträdde sju teman som strukturerar resultatredovisningen i uppsatsen. Temana rubriceras som: Gudsrelation, inre bilder och drömmar, Att uthärda svårigheter och få nytt hopp, Gemenskap och egentid, Ansvar och handling, Blandning av religiösa traditioner, Rum, symboler och artefakter samt Vila i Gud. Eftersom en stor del av empirin bygger på respondenters berättelser görs också en narrativ analys för att förstå livsberättelsens dramaturgi i vår samtid. I konklusionen konstateras att relationer, både till andra människor och Gud, var centrala för respondenternas meningsskapande. Möten med andra troende nyckelpersoner var avgörande när retreatdeltagarna återgav milstolpar i sina livsberättelser. Relationen till den kristna treenige guden framträder som levande och vänskaplig, det är en gud som man både kan anförtro sig till och ifrågasätta. Endagsretreater är en kyrklig praktik som visade sig kunna bidra till en transformativ process när det gäller människors meningsskapande och livstolkning.
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Levande bilder i läroböcker : En bildanalys av förekomsten av ortodoxi, ortopraxi, och levd religion i bilder i religionskunskapsläroböcker för högstadiet / Living images in textbooks : An image analysis of the presence of orthodoxy, orthopraxy, and lived religion in images in religion textbooks aimed at secondary schoolOlsén, Kristoffer January 2023 (has links)
Levd religion är ett växande forskningsområde inom religionsforskningen. Det svenska skolsystemet ska bygga på forskning och därför bör det enbart vara en tidsfråga innan lärare kommer bli ombedda att inkludera och undervisa elever i levd religion. Syftet med studien är, genom att utföra en bildanalys, att undersöka användandet av bilder i moderna religionsläroböcker för högstadiet, samt utifrån resultatet diskutera ifall man via lärobokens bilder som befintligt redskap kan inkludera levd religion i undervisningen samt visa på skillnader i ortodoxi och ortopraxi. Bildanalysen tog sin bas i systemteori och didaktisk potential för att undersöka två olika traditioner, en baserad ur ortodoxi och en ur ortopraxi. Resultatet visade att bildanvändningen i de undersökta läroböckerna ger exempel på religiositet baserad ur både ortodoxi och ortopraxi och att dimensioner av levd religion kunde ses i tre fjärdedelar av de analyserade bilderna. Studien hjälper aktiva och blivande lärare med att förklara levd religion och ger exempel på hur man kan introducera det i undervisningen genom bilder och därigenom höja elevernas förståelse och kunskap kring religion och religiositet. / Lived religion is a growing field of research within the study of religion. The Swedish educational system is based on scientific research and therefore it should only be a matter of time before Swedish teachers are going to be asked to include and teach pupils about lived religion. The aim of the study is, by the means of conducting an image analysis, to investigate the usage of images in modern religion textbooks aimed at secondary school, and from this result discuss if it is possible by using the images of the textbook as an existing tool to include lived religion in the education of today, as well as illustrate differences between orthodoxy and orthopraxy. The image analysis was based on systems theory and didactic potential to analyse two different traditions, one based in orthodoxy and one in orthopraxy. The result showed that the use of images in the investigated textbooks gave examples of both orthodox and orthopractic religiosity and that dimensions of lived religion could be seen in three fourths of the images analysed. The study helps practicing and studying teachers by explaining lived religion and giving examples on to how introduce it in their teaching by using images and thereby increase the pupils’ religious understanding of religion and religiosity.
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Le culte de Liber Pater en Italie : identité divine et pratiques rituellesGuénette, Maxime 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’articule autour de trois sections distinctes : dans la première, nous examinons la figure divine de Liber Pater et la perception de cette divinité dans l’Italie romaine. Liber ne cesse de surprendre les chercheurs entre autres grâce à son association avec Dionysos, c’est pourquoi il est nécessaire de s’attarder à une question simple, mais cruciale : qui est Liber Pater? Nous soulignons à travers cette section que Liber est une divinité agraire reconnue au sein du panthéon de Rome et recevant ainsi un culte public à travers les Liberalia et la triade qu’il forme avec Cérès et Libera. La pérennité de Liber sur la libertas y est aussi remise en jeu : plutôt que de concevoir une liberté politique, il faut s’attarder à une liberté physique et mentale. Dans la deuxième section, nous établissons une connexion sur le territoire italien entre Liber et Dionysos-Bacchus grâce au processus d’acculturation qui s’est concrétisé avec l’arrivée de Dionysos en Grande-Grèce au VIIIe et VIIe siècle av. J.-C. Nous explorons par la suite, à travers la tutelle de Liber et Bacchus sur le vin ainsi que la répression des Bacchanales, les formes hétérogènes qu’ont pu prendre les rituels et les cultes dédiés à ces divinités. Finalement, notre dernière section se penche sur le culte de Liber en Italie au Haut-Empire. Pour y parvenir, nous utilisons le cadre méthodologique de la lived ancient religion qui s’intéresse au spectre des stratégies religieuses pouvant être mises en place pour communiquer avec Liber, que ce soit à travers le don, la prière, le geste, le sacrifice, etc. Ce modèle d’analyse nous donne l’opportunité de nous intéresser au culte vécu de Liber, nous rapprochant ainsi de l’expérience religieuse des individus. Nous démontrons, grâce à un corpus épigraphique comportant plusieurs types d’inscriptions, que de nombreuses stratégies de communication étaient utilisées, notamment les rituels du votum, de la dedicatio, et de la consecratio à travers le don d’objets tels des autels et des statues. En groupe, ces stratégies se complexifient puisque le phénomène associatif produit une diversification cultuelle significative : plusieurs associations romaines, toutes différentes les unes des autre dans leurs pratiques et leur composition, honoraient Liber et ses bienfaits. / This dissertation is structured in three distinct sections: in the first one, we examine the divine figure of Liber Pater and the perception of this divinity in Roman Italy. Liber never ceases to surprise scholars, mostly because of his association with Dionysus, so it is necessary to address a simple but crucial question: who is Liber Pater? We emphasize in this section that Liber is an agrarian deity recognized within the pantheon of Rome and thus receives a public cult through the Liberalia and the triad that he forms with Ceres and Libera. The tutelage of Liber on libertas is also questioned: rather than understanding it in terms of political freedom, we must rather focus on a physical and mental freedom. In the second section, we establish a connection on the Italian territory between Liber and Dionysus-Bacchus thanks to the process of acculturation that took place with the arrival of Dionysus in Magna Graecia in the 8th and 7th century BC. We then explore, through the tutelage of Liber and Bacchus over wine as well as the repression of the Bacchanalia, the heterogeneous forms that the rituals and cults dedicated to these deities may have taken. Finally, our last section dives into the cult of Liber in Italy in the Early Empire. To do so, we use the methodological framework of lived ancient religion, which focuses on the spectrum of religious strategies that can be put in place to communicate with Liber, be it through donation, prayer, gesture, sacrifice, etc. This model of analysis gives us the opportunity to focus on the lived worship of Liber, therefore bringing us closer to the religious experience of individuals. We demonstrate, through an epigraphic corpus comprising several types of inscriptions, that numerous communication strategies were used, notably the rituals of votum, dedicatio, and consecratio through the donation of objects such as altars and statues. In groups, these strategies become more complex since the associative phenomenon produces a significant cult diversification: several Roman associations, all different from one other in their practices and composition, honored Liber and his benefits.
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Alternative Spiritualities: Lived Experience, Identity, and CommunityDoty, Gabrielle 03 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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At the Heart of the Classroom: Teachers' Experience of the Suffering and Success of Students for Whom They CareBartlett, Randall Kenyon, Jr. 12 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The Influence of Female Leaders’ Perceptions of Peace and Globality on Leadership Styles and Organizational Development Practices in Voluntary Organizations: A Qualitative Case Study of YWCA-Japan and YWCA-TokyoTanaka, Aki 20 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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