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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Otokar Březina a Charles Baudelaire: Metafora světla a duše / Otokar Březina and Charles Baudelaire: The metaphor of the light and the soul

Podhorská, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis deals with the topic of the light and the soul in Charles Baudelaire and Otokar Březina in general. Then it concentrates on the particular motifs of the light and the soul and their metaphors. The main point of the Thesis is the poetic texts of both of the writers. The method used in this part is the literary and aesthetic analysis of the texts. Respect to the fact that it is focused on the comparative research, the following method used is the method of comparison which includes the charts with the frequency of the keywords in both of the authors and the enumerations which illustrate the issue of the present chapter. The aim of the Diploma Thesis is not only the comparison in the form and the interpretation but especially the determination of the similarities and the differences of the two poetic types within the framework of the present theme and the literary and historical context. Keywords Charles Baudelaire, Otokar Březina, metaphor, light, soul


SABRINA ALVERNAZ SILVA CABRAL 10 June 2011 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação analisa o ensaio Las kenningar, de Jorge Luis Borges. Debruçando-nos sobre suas reflexões acerca desse recurso próprio dos poemas medievais islandeses, encontramos vez para discutir a linguagem, em geral, e a metáfora, em particular. Mostraremos mais especificamente que certo ângulo aberto pelo texto de Borges permite pensá-las de uma forma que é surpreendentemente próxima do tipo de perspectivismo descrito pelo antropólogo Eduardo Viveiros de Castro em suas reflexões sobre a vida e o pensamento ameríndio. Tal afinidade é fomentada por inusitados encontros: se o sangue, por exemplo, nas kenningar, pode ser a cerveja dos corvos; para os ameríndios, pode ser o cauim do jaguar. Destaca-se nos dois casos, conforme mostraremos, o privilégio de uma perspectiva e a predominância das relações em devir – e isso de um modo que promete subverter de forma especialmente radical o pendor logocêntrico, que tende a permanecer como matéria velha em percepções contemporâneas ocidentais sobre a palavra, mesmo entre os mais perseverantes críticos da visão representacionista da linguagem. Busca-se mostrar também como o ensaio de Borges, na contraluz do perspectivismo ameríndio, abre espaços para se repensar o jogo entre metáfora e alteridade. / [en] This dissertation analyses Jorge Luis Borges’ essay Las kenningar. Looking on his reflexions about the kenningar - a resource typical to the icelandic medieval poetry -, a discussion on language, in general, and on metaphor, in particular, arises. It is shown specifically that an angle explored by Borges allows to think metaphor in a very close way to anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro’s perspectivism definition as found in his works on Amerindian people life and mind. Such an affinity is fomented by amusing encouters, e.g. if blood in the kenningar can be crows’ beer, to Amerindian people it can be jaguar’s cauim. In both cases, it will be shown that a certain perspective is privileged and that becoming relationships are dominant. All this ocurrs in a specially radical way that promises to subvert the logocentric penchant - which becomes “old stuff” in the contemporary western perceptions about language. It also tries to show how Borges’ essay along with Amerindian perspectivism call for a rethinking of the metaphor/alterity game.


MARIANA REIS BARCELLOS 12 June 2012 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem como foco central a investigação de metáforas que conceituam o casamento. Para tanto, são revistos aspectos do casamento contemporâneo, sobretudo as questões de gênero abordadas nas pesquisas sobre casais, e apresentadas as principais formulações teóricas e estudos sobre a metáfora conceitual à luz da Linguística Cognitiva. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo na qual utilizou-se entrevista semi-estruturada, visando a indagar sobre temas importantes acerca da relação conjugal dos participantes. A amostra de conveniência foi composta por três homens e três mulheres, com idades entre trinta e cinco e cinquenta anos, pertencentes às camadas médias urbanas, heterossexuais, coabitantes e que se autodenominaram casados há, no mínimo, dez anos. Para a análise dos resultados, utilizou-se o método de análise de conteúdo proposto por Bardin (1997) e o método de análise do discurso usado por Quinn (1987). Os resultados encontrados apontam para diferenças de gênero no que diz respeito à concepção e à experiência do casamento. Também pôde-se perceber que os sujeitos vivem as metáforas presentes em seu discurso, ressaltando a relevância da perspectiva cognitivista desse construto. / [en] This paper has the main objective of investigating metaphors which conceptualize marriage. For this, we reviewed aspects of contemporary marriage, especially gender questions discussed in researches about couples. We also presented the main theoretical findings and studies about this conceptual metaphor, according to Cognitive Linguistics. There was a field study, with a semi-structured interview, aimed at questioning about important issues related to the marital relationship of the participants. The convenience sample was composed by three men and three women, among 35-50 years old, who belonged to the urban middle class. They were heterosexual, cohabitants, and they describe themselves as being married for at least ten years. For the analysis of the results, we used the content analysis method proposed by Bardin (1997) and the discourse analysis method used by Quinn (1987). Our findings point to gender differences in the conceptualization and marriage experience. We could also notice that the participants live the metaphors present in their discourse, which highlights the relevance of the cognitive perspective of this construct.


MARCELO NEVES ALMEIDA 07 November 2012 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho examina a tematização da escrita em ensaios, contos e poemas de Jorge Luis Borges. Busca situar as perspectivas ali oferecidas com relação a teorias da escrita, por um lado, e às reflexões mais gerais sobre a linguagem que se depreendem do próprio corpus borgiano, por outro. Neste último caso, confere-se atenção especial à obsessão de Borges pelo tema da metáfora e afins (símbolo, alegoria e assim por diante). O estudo mostra em primeiro lugar que, ainda que estejam longe de permitir o reconhecimento de uma teoria consistente sobre a escrita, os textos de Borges tendem a desestabilizar a percepção teoricamente disseminada da escrita sob os princípios da arbitrariedade do signo e da inferioridade ontológica do escrito em relação ao falado. Mostra-se, além disso, sobretudo nos textos em que Borges se debruça sobre as escrituras sagradas e a cabala, como convergem em larga medida as perspectivas borgianas da escrita e da metáfora: ao interessar-se por pensar a escrita em sua dimensão simbólica, figurativa, Borges se afasta, como em seus textos sobre o metafórico, de uma concepção representacionista objetificante. O estudo revela por fim o modo como Borges valoriza, nos dois casos, mais os processos do que os resultados: o autor ressalta o interesse paradoxal dos procedimentos hermenêuticos mesmo em face da impossibilidade de levarem a pontos de chegada, de conduzirem a regiões conceituais estáveis. / [en] This dissertation brings forth the theme of writing in essays, short stories and poems by Jorge Luis Borges. Our aim is to relate the perspectives therein with the theories of writing, on the one hand, and with more general reflections on language that can be brought about by the Borges’ corpus itself, on the other hand. The latter shows especially Borges’ obsession for the metaphor and related concepts (symbol, allegory and so forth). First, the study shows that, although Borges’ texts do not allow us to recognize a consistent theory about writing, they tend to destabilize a theoretically disseminated perception of writing, which emphasizes the principles of arbitrariness of sign and the ontological inferiority of written in relation to spoken language. Besides that, it shows, especially in texts in which Borges writes about the holy scriptures and the kabbalah, how the perspectives of writing and metaphor in Borges largely converge: as the author shows his interest in thinking of the writing process in its symbolic, figurative dimension, he keeps distance from the representationist, objectifying conception shown in his texts about the metaphor. Ultimately, the study shows the way Borges, in both cases, prioritizes the processes over the results: the author emphasizes the paradoxical interest on the hermeneutical procedures in spite of their impossibility of coming to a point where these could lead to stable conceptual realms.

Mirties konceptas lietuvių poezijoje / Concept of death in the lithuaninan poetry

Jankutė, Vaida 08 September 2009 (has links)
Darbo objektas — konceptai, lietuvių kalboje reprezentuojami žodžiais mirtis ir mirti. Siekiama aprašyti kalba išreikštą dalį konceptų, lietuvių kalboje reprezentuojamų žodžiais mirtis, mirti. Šiam tikslui pasiekti keliami tokie uždaviniai: 1) aptarti tradicinės ir konceptualiosios metaforų sampratą; 2) pagal konceptualizavimo sritį suskirstyti visus metaforinius pasakymus su daiktavardžiu mirtis; 3) aptarti veiksmažodžio mirti metaforizaciją; 4) ištirti daiktavardžio mirtis sinoniminę raišką; 5) ištirti veiksmažodžio mirti sinoniminę raišką; 6) apibrėžti žodžius, kurie turi potencialiuosius reikšmės komponentus mirtis, mirti; 7) aptarti mirtį nusakančius frazeologizmus. Nurodytiems darbo tikslams įgyvendinti taikomi aprašomasis, kontekstinės analizės ir konceptualiųjų metaforų analizės metodai. Darbo pagrindas — tiesiogiai ir netiesiogiai mirtį įvardijančių žodžių vartojimo pavyzdžiai. Pasitelkiami tik tie žodžių junginiai, sakiniai, į kuriuos įeina daiktavardis mirtis, veiksmažodis mirti, būdvardis mirtinas, taip pat šiems žodžiams sinonimiški frazeologizmai, gyvenimo nutrūkimą žymintys sinonimai bei žodžiai, turintys potencialiąją mirties semą. Remiamasi daugiau nei 600 pavyzdžių, kurie rinkti iš V. Kubiliaus knygos „Dvidešimto amžiaus lietuvių poezija“ pirmosios ir antrosios dalies. Šios knygos pasirinkimą lėmė tai, kad joje surinkti ne vieno autoriaus ar žanro eilėraščiai, kuriuose atsispindi lietuvių poezijos raidos tradicijos. Darbo aktualumas ir naujumas: abstrakčios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this paper work is to describe a part of the concepts, represented in Lithuanian language by the words mirtis (death) and mirti (to die). The objectives to achieve the aim of the paper work are: 1) to define conception of the terms of traditional methaphor and conceptual metaphor; 2) divide to conceptual metaphors all methaphorical expressions with the noun death; 3) to discuss conceptualization of the verb die; 4) to investigate synonyms of the noun death and the verb die; 5) to discuss phraseological units, which signify the decline of life. The analysis is based on more than 600 examples taken from the book „Dvidešimto amžiaus lietuvių poezija“ (I, II parts). Having analysed a number of ways of representing the concept of death in the Lithuanian poetry, we can point out the basic tendencies of realizing the concept: DEATH as a PERSON, DEATH as a ENEMY, DEATH as a THING, DEATH as an ABSTRACT, DEATH as a NATURAL CALAMITY, DEATH as a PLACE / RECEPTACLE, DEATH as a LIVING BEING, DEATH as a WORK OF ART, DEATH as a MATERIAL, DEATH as an ANIMAL, DEATH as a PLANT, DEATH as a SOUND, DEATH as a TIME and other. The results of the paper work showed that the death is comprehensible as an evil, decline of life. Only sometimes we describe death as a step to a new world, which is unknown.

Daugiakultūriškumas ir Europos viešoji erdvė: Europos Parlamento diskurso analizė / Cultural pluralism and the european public sphere: analysis of the european parliament discourse

Jasilionytė, Milda 23 June 2014 (has links)
Literatūroje išsiskiria dvi teorijų apie Europos viešąją erdvę grupės: 1) viršnacionalinės Europos viešosios erdvės teorijos ir 2) europeizuotų nacionalinių viešųjų erdvių teorijos. Šias grupes atstovaujantys autoriai pateikia skirtingus požiūrius apie daugiakultūriškumo ir Europos viešosios erdvės santykį. Viršnacionalinės Europos viešosios erdvės teorijos atstovai teigia, kad daugiakalbiškumas ir daugiakultūriškumas sukuria neįveikiamas problemas viršnacionalinei viešajai erdvei atsirasti ir funkcionuoti. Viršnacionalinėje viešojoje erdvėje lingvistiniai ir kultūriniai skirtumai tarp diskusijos dalyvių apriboja galimybes suprasti ir interpretuoti perduodamą pranešimą. Kultūrinis homogeniškumas yra traktuojamas kaip būtina sąlyga susiformuoti ir funkcionuoti Europos viešajai erdvei. Kita vertus, autoriai, vystantys europeizuotų nacionalinių viešųjų erdvių teorijas, mano, kad daugiakultūriškumas neturi didelės įtakos Europos viešajai erdvei. Jie atmeta prielaidą, jog kultūrinis homogeniškumas yra būtinas Europos viešajai erdvei. Taigi kyla klausimas, kokią įtaką daugiakultūriškumas turi viešajai erdvei: ar jis užkerta kelią formuotis viešajai erdvei, kurioje vyktų suprantanti komunikacija, ar vis dėlto supratimo ir susikalbėjimo galimybė išlieka, ir kultūrinis homogeniškumas nėra būtina sąlyga viešajai erdvei. Šiame darbe yra siekiama atsakyti į klausimą, ar įmanomas susikalbėjimas ir supratimas daugiakultūrinėje viešojoje erdvėje tarp skirtingų valstybių atstovų. Šio darbo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There are two dominant groups of theories that try to explain possibilities of the emergence of the European public sphere. The first group of authors are advocates of the supranational European public sphere. They claim that three key conditions have to be satisfied that European public sphere could emerge: there should be common language and culture, supranational media and common European identity. These theories argue that it is impossible to satisfy the conditions; so supranational European public sphere is non-existent. Cultural pluralism is seen as a key obstacle. The second set of theories is looking for the Europeanised national public spheres. Scholars assert that cultural pluralism is not a barrier, some of them even speak about the existence of Europeanised public spheres. To summarise, theories of the European public sphere give different answers to the question how cultural pluralism influences public discussions, whether it is a major impediment to the emergence of European public sphere or not. The paper aims to analyse if understanding is possible and achievable in multicultural public sphere between representatives of different cultures. This question is not widely developed in literature; moreover, there is a lack of empirical research in this domain. So, the paper seeks to fill this gap. The paper uses Habermasian definition of the public sphere: it is a sphere produced through the communicative action. Rational and critical discussions take place in the... [to full text]

MEILĖS kognityvinis modelis asmeniniuose Balio Sruogos laiškuose / The cognitive model of love in balys sruoga’s personal letters

Šiaučiulytė, Sandra 23 June 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti meilės kognityvinį modelį, kuris egzistuoja asmeniniuose B. Sruogos laiškuose. Iškeliami šie uždaviniai: 1) susipažinti su B. Sruogos biografija; 2) aptarti analizei reikalingas kognityvinės lingvistikos sąvokas (konceptas, kognityvinis modelis, geštaltas, konceptualioji metafora ir kt.); 3) surinkti konteksto pavyzdžius, kuriuose vartojami tiesiogiai meilę įvardijantys žodžiai; 4) surinkti konteksto pavyzdžius, kuriuose vartojami netiesiogiai meilę įvardijantys žodžiai; 5) suklasifikuoti surinktuosius pavydžius pagal bendrąsias ir potencialiąsias semas; 6) sudaryti B. Sruogos laiškuose aktualizuojamą meilės kognityvinį modelį. Darbe analizuojami 142 asmeninai laiškai, kurie buvo renkami Balio Sruogos memorialiniame muziejuje. Surinkta medžiaga nagrinėjama remiantis deskriptyviniu, leksinės semantinės, komponentinės analizės metodais. Žmonės bendraudami vieni su kitais savo kalbinėje sąmonėje sukuria įvairius kognityvinius modelius. Šie modeliai veikiami asmeninės bei kultūrinės patirties. Laikantis prielaidos, kad kognityvinis modelis – tai individo žinių apie tam tikrą konceptą ir su juo susijusios patirties visuma galima būtų skirti tokį B. Sruogos meilės kognityvinį modelį. Meilė – tai MEILĖ, MYLIU, NUMYLĖTAS, NUMYLĖTA, MYLIMAS, MYLIMA, VARDAS, SAULĖ, PASAKA, DAINA, SESUO, MERGUŽĖLĖ, KARALAITĖ, LELIJA, SNAIGĖS, DŪŠIA / SIELA, SVAJONĖ / VIZIJA, MINTIS, VILTIS, PALAIMA, MALDA, AUKA, RŪPINTOJĖLIS, SAPNAS, LAUKIMAS, GĖLA, BUČINYS, ŠIRDIS /... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this paper work is to analyse the cognitive model of love which exists in B. Sruoga’s personal letters. The objectives to achieve the aim of the paper work are: 1) to introduce the B. Sruoga’s biography; 2) to write about the terms of cognitive linguistic (concept, cognitive model, gestalt, conceptual metaphor and others); 3) to pick the context examples in which there are directly named words of love; 4) to pick the context examples in which there are indirectly named words of love; 5) to make the groups by common and potential significances; 6) to compose the cognitive model of love. The analysis is based on 142 letters taken from The Memorial Museum of Balys Sruoga. The work is based on the method of descriptive, lexical semantics and component analysis. People when they socialize with each other, they create various meaningful models. Those cognitve models are influenced by personal and native experience. So, the conceptual analysis formalizes what exists in collective subconcciousness and is expresses in speech. Having analysed a number of ways of representing the cognitive model of love which exists in B. Sruoga’s personal letters, we can point out the basic tendencies of realizing the concept: LOVE as a NAME, LOVE as a SUN, LOVE as a FAIRY-TAIL, LOVE as a SONG, LOVE as a SISTER, LOVE as a GIRL, LOVE as a QUEEN, LOVE as a LILY, LOVE as a SNOWFLAKE, LOVE as a SPIRIT, LOVE as a DESIRE, LOVE as a MIND, LOVE as a HOPE, LOVE as a BLESSING, LOVE as a PRAYER, LOVE... [to full text]

Gamtiškumas Antano Kalanavičiaus poezijoje / Natural elements in antanas kalanavičius’ poetry

Prieskienienė, Aušra 26 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojamas gamtos patyrimas Antano Kalanavičiaus poezijoje. Aptariama Kalanavičiaus vieta XX a. lietuvių literatūros kontekste. Kalanavičiaus poezija yra archajiška, primena raudos, sakmės poetiką. Kalba kūryboje išryškėja kaip kūno analogas. Kalanavičiaus poetinei metaforai būdingas kelių skirtingų patirčių sujungimas, ryški tapybos, kalvystės ir kalbos sintezė. Formuluojamos fenomenologinės įžvalgos, aptariama sąvokos percepcija sklaida, lemianti darbo specifiką. Subjekto asmeninės patirties sampratai analizuojamas poetinių tekstų prigimtinės erdvės modelis. Aprašomas Kalanavičiaus poringių ir progiesmių gamtiškumas. Analizuojamos metaforos, kylančios iš kalvystės patirties. Aprašomos buvimo Kitame metaforos ir žvilgsnio gamtiškumo fenomenas. Temos aktualumo klausimą įrodo gausa publikacijų, kuriose gamtos ir žmogaus sąmonės santykis vis dar yra aktualus filosofiniuose disputuose; Kalanavičiaus poezijoje kuriamas unikalus kalbėjimo būdas, be to, kūryba yra dar beveik netyrinėta. / In this study it was analyzed the perception of the nature in A. Kalanavičius poetry. First of all it was introduced A. Kalanavičius’ importance in Lithuanian literature context of XX century. Kalanavičius’ poetry is archaic, reminds the poetic of lament or folk-story. His poetry expresses the method of existence.For Kalanavičius’ poetry it is typical to join different experiences.The poetic technique is based on word’s drawing, whittling, chiseling, flexing, smelting and etc.There were formulated the phenomenological acumens, it was discussed the dispersion of the term of perception, which settled the specific of this study. It is important to know that the natural space helps to understand the lyric subject’s experiences and the poetic speeches, which come from those experiences. It was described the perception of the nature of poringės and progiesmės in A. Kalavavičius poetry. This study discussed the metaphors, which described the speaker’s perception of the smithery. Also it was described the phenomenon of metaphor of Being Other and the sight of the nature. In many publications one may find various philosophical disputes about the sense relations of the human being and the nature. It shows that this item-problem is very important in world literature context. Moreover, in Kalanavičius’ poetry is created the unique speaking method, which point to his oneness. Besides, his poetry haven’t been studied so deeply yet.

Quem não tem cão, caça com gato

Legroski, Marina Chiara, 1985- 07 April 2011 (has links)
Resum: Neste trabalho, objetivamos investigar se os ditados populares podem ser tratados dentro das teorias da semântica e da pragmática da mesma forma que as expressões metafóricas. Assim, apresentamos um breve panorama dos pressupostos teóricos e dos tratamentos dispensados à metáfora pela semântica e pela pragmática, com o objetivo de verificar a nossa hipótese. Além disso, apresentamos uma pequena caracterização do que são os ditados populares e quais são as suas diferenças mais aparentes das expressões idiomáticas. Ao final, apresentamos a semântica dinâmica como uma terceira via para o tratamento desse fenômeno e uma breve análise dessas expressões dentro de duas teorias dinâmicas.

A Metáfora situacional na HQ Mafalda

Souto, Marina Ubeda 25 October 2012 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, Florianópolis, 2011 / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-25T16:13:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 288268.pdf: 6838934 bytes, checksum: 652d49ba84bb6a71245950a41ac751f5 (MD5) / Neste estudo, investiga-se a relevância do contexto em que uma determinada obra foi produzida no reconhecimento e no processo de compreensão de metáforas e de suas respectivas traduções. A pesquisa consiste na análise e discussão de metáforas situacionais presentes em 38 histórias em quadrinhos da obra argentina Mafalda em espanhol e em sua tradução ao português. As características do objeto de análise requerem abordagem interdisciplinar. Para isso, são apresentadas teorias sobre: contexto e tradução; metáfora; tradução e metáforas; semiótica; quadrinhos. Na sequência, são realizadas as análises e a discussão das metáforas situacionais e suas traduções, fundamentadas a partir da literatura acerca da História da Argentina. Pôde-se constatar, nesta pesquisa, que o conhecimento do contexto e as condições de produção da obra Mafalda auxiliam no reconhecimento e no processo de compreensão das metáforas situacionais e, por consequência, interferem diretamente no processo tradutório e em seu produto. / This study investigates the relevance of the work#s context of production in order to identify and understand metaphors and their translations. This piece of research analyses and discusses situational metaphors from 38 comic strips selected from Mafalda, an Argentine comic book. The analysis deals with the Spanish version and its Brazilian Portuguese translation. Due to the fact that the object of study characteristics require an interdisciplinary approach, the following theories are presented: translation and context, metaphor, translation and metaphor, semiotics, comics. Next, analyses and discussion of situational metaphors and their translation are carried out based on the literature about Argentine History. The research allowed to conclude that being aware of the context and production conditions of Mafalda can help to identify and understand situational metaphors. As a result, it interferes directly in the translation process and its product.

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