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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da sala de aula à gestão escolar : professores de Educação Física em equipes diretivas de escolas públicas da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre (RMEPOA)

Lopes, Andressa Ceni January 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetivou compreender como docentes de Educação Física que estão na posição funcional de direção ou vice-direção assumem, significam e experienciam a gestão escolar na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre (RMEPOA). Para tal, optei pela pesquisa narrativa, realizada com três docentes de Educação Física entre os meses de agosto e dezembro de 2015. A pesquisa narrativa possibilitou reflexões e aprendizados a partir do protagonismo dos colaboradores com suas experiências que compõe suas histórias de vida singulares e o seu entrelaçamento com a história social da referida rede. Foi possível identificar que a conjuntura da cultura escolar influencia os professores de Educação Física a assumirem sua posição funcional atual, a partir de elementos como: mudanças da estrutura político educacional do contexto da RMEPOA; contexto histórico da comunidade e da escola; prática docente pautada por posicionamento político; demandas pedagógicas, econômicas e políticas da escola; identificação e valorização da comunidade; tempo que o docente trabalha na RMEPOA; eventos escolares dentro e fora da escola; experiências prévias dentro da equipe diretiva, e o próprio processo eleitoral. Os movimentos que resultaram nesta troca de posição funcional são atravessados pela formação pessoal, formação escolar, influenciada pela identificação com a disciplina de Educação Física e com seus respectivos professores, assim como experiências vividas em espaços políticos como o Grêmio Estudantil. Na formação acadêmica outros elementos agregaram a compreensão deste movimento interno, como a participação em espaços políticos com o Diretório Acadêmico e o Diretório Central de Estudantes, e a participação em outros espaços formativos extracurriculares como: monitoria, grupos de pesquisa e extensão. Foi identificado que os colaboradores seguem aprendendo em sua prática diária artesanal nas escolas. É desta prática em seus diferentes contextos educacionais, que emergem as situações formativas onde são constantemente convidados a se posicionarem político e pedagogicamente. Cada colaborador enuncia um legado, uma prioridade para sua gestão, pois conferem à sua posição funcional estilos singulares, mobilizados por diferentes premissas e marcas pessoais. Um dos docentes objetiva deixar como legado a criação de uma identidade escolar a partir do esporte e da cultura, como possibilidade pedagógica para a escola. Outra docente tem como prioridade a formação de uma identidade coletiva docente, onde existam novas lideranças, além de outras questões relacionadas à segurança e ao nível de aprendizado dos alunos. A terceira docente tem como foco a sensibilização das relações internas entre os componentes da comunidade escolar, voltadas para as necessidades dos alunos. Os três colaboradores objetivam a emancipação dos alunos. A pesquisa narrativa possibilitou a valorização das experiências dos sujeitos, sendo estas o “motor” do aprendizado gerado ao longo deste processo para a escrita deste trabalho. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que proporcionou reflexões e produção de conhecimentos para a área de pesquisa de formação de professores. Ao mesmo tempo, esta pesquisa concretizou-se em oportunidade formativa tanto para a pesquisadora quanto para os colaboradores, possibilitando-me ampliar a compreensão sobre possibilidades de trabalho dentro da escola, apurar um olhar mais sensível às relações políticas e aprender que ao escrever a história do outro, também resignifico e reescrevo a minha. / This research aimed to understand how physical education teachers who are in the head teacher assumes, means and experiences the school management in the Municipal Network of Porto Alegre Schools (RMEPOA). To this end, I opted for narrative research, carried out with three teachers of Physical Education between August and December 2015. The narrative research enabled reflections and learnings from the role of teachers with their experiences that make up their unique life stories and its relationship with the social history of the schools. It was possible that the school culture environment influences the physical education teachers to take their current functional position from elements such as: changes in the educational structure of political context of RMEPOA; historical context of the community and the school; teaching practice guided by political positioning; educational demands, economic and school policies; identification and community recovery; time experience teachers working in RMEPOA; school events inside and outside; previous experience within the management team, and the electoral process itself. The internal movements that led to this exchange functional position are crossed by staff training, school formation, influenced by identification with the discipline of Physical Education and their teachers, as well as experiences in political spaces such as the Student Government. In academic background other elements added understanding of this internal movement, such as participation in political with the Academic Board and the Student Center Directory, and participation in other extracurricular training areas such as monitoring, research groups and extension activities. It was identified that head teacher follow in learning their craft daily practice in schools. It is this practice in their different educational contexts, emerging formative situations which are constantly invited to position themselves politically and pedagogically. Each head teacher sets out a legacy, a priority for its management, as give to their functional position unique styles, mobilized by different assumptions and personal branding. One of them aims leave as a legacy to create a school identity from the sport and culture as pedagogical possibility to school. To another one, priority is the formation of a teacher collective identity, where there are new leaders, as well as other issues related to safety and student learning level. The third is focused on the awareness of internal relations between the components of the school community, focused on the needs of students. The three teachers aim the emancipation of students. The narrative research furthered the valuation of the subjects experiences, which are the "engine" of the learning generated throughout this process for writing this work. This is a research that provided reflection and production of knowledge in the area of teacher education. At the same time, this research become in training opportunity for both the researcher and for head teachers, enabling me to expand the understanding of teacher‟s work opp. within the school, establishing a more sensitive eye to political issues and learn to write history it the other, also rewrite my self. / Esta investigación tenía el objetivo de comprender cómo los profesores de educación física que están en la posición de dirección o vice dirección suponen, los medios y la experiencia de la dirección del centro en la Red Municipal de Enseñanza de Porto Alegre (RMEPOA). Con este fin, he optado por la investigación narrativa, llevado a cabo con tres profesores de Educación Física entre agosto y diciembre de 2015. La investigación narrativa activar reflexiones y aprendizajes del papel de los empleados con sus experiencias que conforman sus historias de vida únicas y su relación con la historia social de la red. Era posible que el medio ambiente influye en la cultura escolar los profesores de educación física a tomar su posición funcional actual a partir de elementos tales como: cambios en la estructura educativa del contexto político de RMEPOA; contexto histórico de la comunidad y la escuela; la enseñanza de la práctica guiada por el posicionamiento político; demandas educativas, económicas y políticas de la escuela; identificación y recuperación de la comunidad; profesores de tiempo de trabajo en RMEPOA; eventos escolares dentro y fuera de la escuela; experiencia previa en el equipo de dirección, y el propio proceso electoral. Los movimientos internos que llevaron a esta posición funcional de intercambio son atravesados por la formación del personal, la educación escolar, influenciado por la identificación con la disciplina de Educación Física y sus profesores, así como las experiencias en los espacios políticos como el gobierno del estudiante. En la formación académica añaden otros elementos comprensión de este movimiento interno, como la participación en política con la Dirección Académica y el Directorio del Centro de Estudiantes, y la participación en otras áreas de formación extracurriculares tales como monitoreo, grupos de investigación y extensión. Se identificó que los empleados sigan en el aprendizaje de su práctica diaria en las escuelas de artesanía. Es esta práctica en sus diferentes contextos educativos, formativos situaciones que se invita constantemente a posicionarse políticamente y pedagógicamente emergente. Cada empleado establece un legado, una prioridad para su gestión, como dar a sus estilos únicos posición funcional, movilizados por diferentes supuestos y la marca personal. Uno de los objetivos docentes dejan como legado para crear una identidad de la escuela del deporte y la cultura como posibilidad pedagógica a la escuela. La prioridad de otro maestro es la formación de una identidad colectiva maestro, donde hay nuevos líderes, así como otras cuestiones relacionadas con el nivel de seguridad y el aprendizaje del estudiante. La tercera enseñanza se centra en el conocimiento de las relaciones internas entre los componentes de la comunidad escolar, nos centramos en las necesidades de los estudiantes. Los tres empleados tienen como objetivo la emancipación de los estudiantes. La investigación narrativa posibilitó la valorización de las experiencias de los sujetos, que son el "motor" del aprendizaje generado a lo largo de este proceso para escribir este trabajo. Esta es una encuesta que proporciona la rEducação Físicalexión y la producción de conocimiento en el ámbito de la investigación pedagógica. Al mismo tiempo, esta investigación se materializó en oportunidad de capacitación tanto para el investigador como para los empleados, lo que me permite ampliar la comprensión de las oportunidades de trabajo dentro de la escuela, establecer un ojo más sensible a la política y aprender a escribir la historia por otro, también ressignifico y volver a escribirme.

Sentidos atribuídos à docência no contexto escolar : narrativas de estudantes de educação física da ESEFID/UFRGS

Silva, Marlon André da January 2016 (has links)
Nesta tese procuro identificar e compreender de que modo os estudantes de Educação Física (EF) da Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia e Dança da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (ESEFID/UFRGS) atribuem sentidos à docência, e como o estágio curricular supervisionado influencia a produção/alteração desses sentidos. A escolha da temática ocorre a partir de um “olhar” lançado sobre meu próprio processo formativo. Especificamente, ao reconhecimento do lugar que ocuparam determinados eventos, experiências e pessoas, a partir dos quais foi possível compreender a docência por outros sentidos: prioritariamente em seu sentido formativo, procurando superar a exclusividade do sentido pautado por uma racionalidade técnica e instrumental. Assim, partindo do pressuposto de que os sentidos que atribuímos a determinados fenômenos no mundo estão, de algum modo, relacionados à maneira com que experienciamos e interpretamos esses fenômenos; e que, no interior da Formação Inicial (FI) em EF, o estágio se constitui em espaço/tempo privilegiado quanto à apresentação de outras possibilidades de leitura da docência, formulei o problema de pesquisa: que sentidos são atribuídos à docência pelos estudantes de Educação Física da ESEFID/UFRGS e como o estágio curricular supervisionado influencia a produção/alteração desses sentidos? Servindo-me de observações participantes, de registros em diário de campo, de entrevistas e de análise de documentos como opções teórico-metodológicas, desenvolvi uma pesquisa narrativa com a qual construí e aprofundei conhecimentos sobre as interpretações e sentidos conferidos à docência em EF na perspectiva de oito estudantes de EF da ESEFID/UFRGS – colaboradores O processo analítico e interpretativo dos argumentos e das narrativas dos colaboradores apontou para determinados eventos que, no percurso formativo dos estudantes, podem ser entendidos como aqueles com potencial para influenciar a produção de sentidos à docência em EF. Constituí três blocos interpretativos para olhar para esses eventos: a) O potencial das experiências anteriores à FI na produção de sentidos sobre a docência em EF; b) O potencial do estágio na produção de sentidos à docência em EF; c) Os limites e possibilidades do estágio na produção de sentidos à docência em EF: nexos com a produção curricular. No interior de cada bloco interpretativo foi possível perceber que são múltiplos os sentidos atribuídos à docência, e também são múltiplos os eventos e experiências que, no decorrer do processo formativo, possuem capacidade para influenciar a produção e/ou alteração de sentidos para a docência em EF. As narrativas dos colaboradores apontam para algumas experiências que parecem ter sido mais significativas: as experiências discentes, com distintas possibilidades de docência em EF à época da Educação Básica, e a influência das ideias e sentidos atribuídos por grupos de referência no âmbito da cultura; a experiência docente propiciada pelo estágio, assumindo este uma posição “luciferiana”, no ensejo de elucidar as possibilidades e os limites da docência enquanto criação humana; e a organização curricular do curso em EF experienciada, pela qual parece-me que a produção de sentidos à docência está relacionada à capacidade das disciplinas curriculares em apontar respostas às demandas e limites que cada estudante vai identificando na experiência docente propiciada pelo estágio É possível pensar que a organização curricular, ao destinar espaços e tempos para eventos que favorecem a apresentação e discussão de outras (novas) formas de enxergar a docência em EF, possibilita aos estudantes dessa instituição formadora desvelar outros sentidos em relação a esse ofício. / In this thesis, I try to identify and to understand how Physical Education (PE) students from the Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Dance School of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (ESEFID/UFRGS) attribute senses to teaching and how the supervised academic training affect the production and alteration of such senses. The choice of the theme takes place from a “review” on my own educational process, more specifically speaking, by recognizing the place that certain events, experiences and persons have occupied and through which it was possible to understand teaching from other senses: as a priority, from its educational sense, in the search to overcome the exclusivity of the sense that features a technical and instrumental rationality. Therefore, considering that the senses we assign to certain phenomena in the world are somehow related to the way how we experience and interpret such phenomena; and, that within the Initial Education (IE) in PE, the practice comprises a privileged space/time as to the presentation of other possibilities of viewing teaching, I have formulated the research problem as follows: which senses are attributed to teaching by the Physical Education students of ESEFID/UFRGS and how the supervised academic training affect the production/alteration of these senses? Guided by participative observations, records in field diary, interviews and analysis of documents as theoretical and methodological options, I have developed a narrative research that allowed me to build and to deepen the knowledge about the interpretations and senses assigned to PE teaching in the perspective of eight PE students from ESEFID/UFRGS – collaborators The analytical and interpretative process of the collaborators` arguments and narratives drew the attention to certain events that, over the students` educational path, can be understood as those with potential to influence the production of senses to PE teaching. I have built three interpretative blocks in order to look at these events: a) The potential of experiences previous to the IE in the production of senses about PE teaching; b) The practice potential in the production of senses to PE teaching; c) The practice limits and possibilities in the production of senses to PE teaching: links with the academic production. Within each interpretative block, it was possible to perceive that the senses assigned to teaching are multiple and that events and experiences over the path of the education process that have the capacity to influence the production and/or alteration of senses for PE teaching are also multiple. The collaborators` narratives point to some experiences that seem to have been more significant: learning experiences with distinct teaching possibilities in PE at the time of the Basic Education as well as the influence of ideas and senses assigned by reference groups in the realm of culture; the teaching experience provided by the practice which takes over a “luciferian” position with the objective of clarifying the possibilities and the limits of teaching as a human creation; and the academic organization of the PE experienced course whereby it seems to me that the production of senses to teaching is related to the capacity of the academic disciplines to provide responses to the demands and limits that each student identify in the teaching experience provided by the practice When the academic organization allocates spaces and time for events that benefit the presentation, discussion and other (new) forms of viewing PE teaching, one can think that it renders possible to the students of this educational institution to unveil other senses regarding this professional activity. / En esta tesis busco identificar y comprender cómo los estudiantes de Educación Física (EF) de la Escuela de Educación Física, Fisioterapia y Danza de la Universidad Federal del Rio Grande do Sul (ESEFID/UFRGS) atribuyen sentidos a la docencia y cómo la práctica académica supervisada influye en la producción y en la alteración de estos sentidos. La escogencia de la temática ocurre desde una “mirada” sobre mi propio proceso de formación y más específicamente al reconocimiento del lugar que ocuparon determinados sucesos, experimentos y personas a partir de los cuales fue posible comprender la docencia a través de otros sentidos: prioritariamente en su sentido de formación, buscando superar la exclusividad del sentido enmarcado por la racionalidad técnica e instrumental. Así, suponiendo que los sentidos que atribuimos a determinados fenómenos en el mundo están, de algún modo, relacionados a la manera con que experimentamos e interpretamos estos fenómenos; y que, al interior de la Formación Inicial (FI) en EF, la práctica se constituye en espacio/tiempo privilegiado en cuanto a la presentación de otras posibilidades de lectura de la docencia, he formulado el problema de investigación: ¿qué sentidos atribuyen, a la docencia, los estudiantes de Educación Física de la ESEFID/UFRGS y cómo la práctica académica supervisada influye en la producción y alteración de estos sentidos? Sirviéndome de observaciones participantes, de registros en diario de campo, de entrevistas y de análisis de documentos como opciones teóricas y metodológicas, desarrollé una investigación narrativa con la cual construí y profundicé conocimientos acerca de las interpretaciones y los sentidos conferidos a la docencia en EF desde el punto de vista de ocho estudiantes de EF de la ESEFID/UFRGS – colaboradores El proceso analítico e interpretativo de los argumentos y de las narrativas de los colaboradores apuntó para determinados sucesos que, en el recorrido de la formación de los estudiantes, pueden ser entendidos como aquellos con potencial para influir en la producción de sentidos a la docencia en EF. He constituido tres bloques interpretativos para darle una mirada a estos sucesos: a) El potencial de los experimentos anteriores a la FI en la producción de sentidos acerca de la docencia en EF; b) El potencial de la práctica en la producción de sentidos a la docencia en EF; c) Los límites y posibilidades de la práctica en la producción de sentidos a la docencia en EF: nexos con la producción curricular. Al interior de cada bloque interpretativo fue posible percibir que son múltiples los sentidos atribuidos a la docencia, así como son múltiples los sucesos y experimentos que, en el curso del proceso de formación, tienen capacidad de influir en la producción y/o alteración de sentidos para la docencia en EF. Las narrativas de los colaboradores apuntan para algunos experimentos que parecen haber sido los más significativos: los experimentos discentes, con distintas posibilidades de docencia en EF a la época de la Educación Básica, y la influencia de las ideas y sentidos atribuidos por grupos de referencia en el ámbito de la cultura; el experimento docente propiciado por la práctica, asumiendo ésta una posición “luciferiana”, con el objetivo de aclarar las posibilidades y los límites de la docencia como creación humana; y la experimentada organización curricular del curso en EF por la cual, paréceme, que la producción de sentidos a la docencia está relacionada con la capacidad de las disciplinas curriculares en apuntar respuestas a las demandas y a los límites que cada estudiante identifica en el experimento docente ofrecido por la práctica Es posible pensar que la organización curricular, al destinar espacios y tiempos para sucesos que favorecen la presentación y discusión de otras (nuevas) formas de ver la docencia en EF, posibilita a los estudiantes de esa institución formadora desvelar otros sentidos en relación con este ofi

Lasten tiedon äärellä:äidin ja lasten kerronnallisia kohtaamisia kotona

Viljamaa, E. (Elina) 20 November 2012 (has links)
Abstract Children’s narrating has been studied very little from the viewpoint of what narration means to children. Based on research material gathered in domestic circumstances, the current study discusses how narration can function as a tool for children for understanding the world and themselves. This study is situated in the fields of narrative research and childhood research and is part of the TelLis project (134825) funded by the Academy of Finland, in which children’s welfare is studied as narrated by the children themselves. The research question is: What is children’s narrative knowing like? The study is not so much targeted at what the children narrate, but how they narrate and make the world meaningful to themselves through narration. The place in which the study was carried out was the home of the author and her children. Other children visiting their home also contributed to knowledge formation. This setup is a source of both richness and challenge in this work, and necessitates consideration of ethical and methodological issues. The research material was gathered over a period of nearly ten years, but mostly in the years 2002–2005. A total of 21 children of different ages (0 to 15 years) contributed to knowledge construction, some of them at many ages. In most of the material the children are 1 to 8 years old. The material includes stories written of children’s play, their drawings, stories narrated or written by them, dialogic episodes, video material, photographs and a research diary. Stratification and construction between an adult and children is typical of the material. After thematisation, core material was selected for closer examination. It was subjected to the method of dialogic re-reading and re-narration. In their forms of narrative knowing, children sometimes occupy areas that are hard to identify for adults. One of the most familiar forms is imaginary play, which is discussed in this study in parallel with the child’s other doings, activities, speech and thinking. Children’s narration should be examined as a part of human relationships, narrative practices and concrete environment. Issues typical of the child’s narrative knowing include the intertwining of many ingredients with the child’s own experiences, imagination, future orientation, embodiment and aesthetics. Children narrate close to their own experiences and, so to speak, live in their own knowledge. Through narration, children add to their awareness of others, the world and themselves in the world. / Tiivistelmä Lasten kertomista on tutkittu hyvin vähän siitä näkökulmasta, mitä kertominen merkitsee lapsille. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kotona kerätyn aineiston pohjalta, miten kertominen toimii lapsilla maailman ja itsensä ymmärtämisen välineenä. Työ sijoittuu kerronnallisen tutkimuksen ja lapsuudentutkimuksen alueille ja on osa Suomen Akatemian rahoittamaa TelLis-hanketta (134825), jossa tutkitaan lasten hyvinvointia heidän itsensä kertomana. Tutkimuksessa kysytään: Millaista on lasten kerronnallinen tietäminen? Tarkastelun kohteena ei ole niinkään se mitä lapset kertovat, vaan ennemmin miten he kertovat ja kertomalla merkityksellistävät maailmaa itselleen. Tutkimuksen tekemisen paikkana on tutkijan ja tutkimuksessa mukana olevien lasten koti. Tiedon muodostumiseen osallistuu myös kodissa vierailevia lapsia. Asetelma on tutkimuksen rikkaus ja haaste ja pakottaa pohtimaan eettisiä ja metodologisia kysymyksiä. Aineisto on koottu lähes kymmenen vuoden aikana, pääasiassa kuitenkin vuosina 2002–2005. Yhteensä 21 eri-ikäistä (0–15-vuotiasta) lasta osallistuu tiedon rakentumiseen, osa monenikäisenä. Suurimmassa osassa aineistoa lapset ovat 1–8-vuotiaita. Aineistossa on leikeistä kirjoitettuja tarinoita, lasten piirustuksia, lasten kertomia tai kirjoittamia tarinoita, keskusteluepisodeja, videoaineistoa, valokuvia ja tutkimuspäiväkirja. Aineistolle on ominaista kerroksellisuus ja rakentuminen aikuisen ja lasten kesken. Teemoittelun jälkeen laajasta aineistosta valittiin ydinaineisto tarkemmin tarkasteltavaksi. Siihen sovellettiin dialogista uudelleenluennan ja -kerronnan menetelmää. Lapset liikkuvat kerronnallisessa tietämisessään aikuiselle joskus vaikeasti tunnistettavissa muodoissa. Yksi tutuimmista kuitenkin on mielikuvitusleikki, jota tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan lapsen muun tekemisen, toiminnan, puheen ja ajattelun kanssa rinnakkain. Lasten kertomista pitää tarkastella osana ihmissuhteita, kerronnallisia käytänteitä ja konkreettista ympäristöä. Lasten kerronnalliselle tietämiselle on tunnusomaista monien ainesten kietoutuminen omiin kokemuksiin, kuvittelu, tulevaisuuteen suuntautuminen, ruumiillisuus ja esteettisyys. Lapsi kertoo läheltä kokemustaan ja ikään kuin asuu omassa tiedossaan. Kertoessaan lapsi tulee tietoisemmaksi toisista, maailmasta ja itsestään maailmassa.

”Ihan vaan perusasiat pitää osata hyvin”:ammattikorkeakoulujen insinööriopiskelijoille lukion kokemusten pohjalta rakentunut matematiikkakuva

Sulkakoski, M. (Marjut) 16 August 2016 (has links)
Abstract This study explores the degree of preparedness for studying at Universities of Applied Sciences that is provided by the content of mathematics curricula in upper secondary schools from the viewpoint of engineering students. The theoretical framework is based on learning objectives and a view of mathematics. I categorized mathematical contents in upper secondary school from the point of view of engineering studies. Students defined important knowledge and skills as learning objectives and evaluated how well they were achieved in upper secondary schools from the standpoint of engineering studies. The view of mathematics is based on students’ descriptions of their experiences with mathematics and of themselves as students of mathematics in upper secondary school with respect to engineering studies. The empirical data consist of surveys (N = 222), initial mapping of attitudes (N = 65) and thematic interviews (N = 14). The research problem was approached through mixed research methods. The quantitative data were analyzed with basic statistical methods and students’ accounts of their experiences were examined using a qualitative narrative research method. The narratives were analyzed holistically and categorically focusing on content. According to the engineering students, they felt they should learn how to apply basic algebra and geometry, differential calculus and also equations - the so-called key components of upper secondary school syllabi. These learning objectives were accomplished well in compulsory mathematics courses in the advanced syllabus, but not as well in the basic syllabus. Students experienced mathematics in upper secondary school as instrumentalist and formal. The advanced mathematics syllabus demanded more work with numerous procedures, whereas the basic syllabus required a better understanding of word problems. Even a portion of advanced mathematics provided a good foundation for engineering studies. Supplementing compulsory courses in the basic syllabus with specialized or applied courses created an opportunity to succeed. By combining the advanced and basic syllabi and adding more practical problems, upper secondary school mathematics could provide an even better base for engineering studies. This study can be used for expanding the curricula, designing students’ high school learning paths and supporting teachers’ pedagogical work. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, millaista osaamista lukion matematiikan oppisisältöjen pohjalta rakentuu ammattikorkeakoulujen insinööriopiskelijoille. Teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu oppimistavoitteista ja matematiikkakuvasta. Luokittelin lukion matematiikan oppisisältöjä ammattikorkeakoulujen tekniikan ja liikenteen alan matematiikan opetussuunnitelmien kautta. Insinööriopiskelijat määrittivät kokemustensa perusteella ammattikorkeakouluopintojen kannalta tärkeitä matematiikan tietoja ja taitoja – oppimistavoitteita – sekä arvioivat niiden toteutumista lukiossa. Insinööriopiskelijat kertoivat lukion matematiikkakokemuksistaan sekä arvioivat itseään matematiikan oppijana lukiossa ja osaajana ammattikorkeakoulussa. Näiden pohjalta rakentui insinööriopiskelijan matematiikkakuva. Empiirinen aineisto koostuu insinööriopiskelijoille suunnatusta survey-tutkimuksesta (N = 222), asenteiden alkukartoituksesta (N = 65) sekä teemahaastatteluista (N = 14). Sovelsin mixed methods -tutkimusta. Analysoin kvantitatiivisen aineiston tilastollisten perusmenetelmien avulla. Sovelsin opiskelijoiden kokemuksiin liittyvien kertomusten tarkastelussa narratiivista tutkimusmetodia. Tarkastelin narratiiveja holistisesti sekä kategorisesti keskittymällä sisältöön. Insinööriopiskelijoiden mukaan lukion matematiikassa pitäisi oppia soveltamaan avainsisältöjä (perusalgebra ja -geometria, differentiaalilaskenta sekä yhtälöoppi). Lukion matematiikassa tunnistettiin instrumentalistis-formaalin oppiaineen piirteitä. Pitkä oppimäärä koettiin työläänä proseduurien muistamisena. Lyhyessä oppimäärässä tarvittiin paljon sanallisten tehtävien ratkaisemista, mistä oli hyötyä insinööriopinnoissa. Pitkän oppimäärän osittainenkin suorittaminen näytti muodostavan hyvän pohjan insinööriopintoihin, mutta myös täydentämällä lyhyen oppimäärän pakollisia kursseja syventävillä tai soveltavilla kursseilla oli mahdollista onnistua. Käytännönläheisyyttä lisäämällä ja molempia oppimääriä yhdistämällä oppisisällöistä muodostuisi vieläkin parempi pohja insinööriopintoihin. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää opetussuunnitelmia kehitettäessä, opiskelijan matemaattisen lukiopolun suunnittelussa sekä opettajan pedagogisen työn tukena.

Tensions in the relationships:exploring Japanese beginning teachers’ stories

Lassila, E. T. (Erkki T.) 17 January 2017 (has links)
Abstract This research examines stories told by beginning teachers’ and asks what kinds of tensions characterise their work? In earlier research tensions have been seen as personal, but here the emphasis is on how they are embedded and born in the interaction between the teachers and the relational and micropolitical environments of their schools. Tensions refer to situations, where teachers do not know how to act correctly, when two or more values or views conflict and several possible justifiable courses for action exist. Tensions are not emotions, but they are often accompanied by a strong emotional experiences. Tensions are often seen just as problems, but they can also contribute to professional growth. The empirical part is based on the basic view in narrative research, where telling stories is understood as a means through which people make sense of themselves and the world around them. The main research material are stories produced in interviews with sixteen (16) Japanese beginning teachers. For one sub-study, interviews with seven (7) senior teachers and field notes in one junior high school were also produced. In the analysis, holistic reading of individual stories, multi-voiced analysis of one narrative environment and a more traditional thematic analysis were utilised. The results show how the tensions in beginning teachers’ work are connected to their ideals on being a good teacher conflicting with expectations in the micropolitical environment of the schools. As a junior, the beginning teacher is expected to assume an obedient position with their seniors. The results also show how the views on being a good teacher emphasize putting common interests and responsibilities over personal matters. By acting against the expectations, the beginning teacher may risk harming the very important collegial relationships and therefore often decides to give up his or her ideals. The tensions are therefore born from the teacher having to give up his or her ideals and assuming opposing views. Learning how to deal and live with these relational and micropolitical tensions is connected to teacher well-being and attrition. Therefore, it is recommendable that tensions are paid sufficient attention to in both teacher education and in the schools. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimukseni tarkastelee aloittelevien opettajien tarinoita ja vastaa kysymykseen: millaiset jännitteet luonnehtivat heidän työtään? Aiemmassa tutkimuksessa jännitteitä on pidetty henkilökohtaisina, mutta tässä tutkimuksessa painotetaan sitä, kuinka ne kietoutuvat ja syntyvät opettajien ja heidän koulujensa sosiaalisen ja mikropoliittisen ympäristön välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Jännitteet viittaavat tilanteisiin, joissa opettajat eivät tiedä miten toimia, kun erilaiset arvot ja näkemykset ovat ristiriidassa ja perusteltuja toimintatapoja on useita. Jännitteet eivät ole tunteita, mutta niihin liittyy usein voimakkaita tunnekokemuksia. Usein niitä pidetään vain ongelmina, mutta ne voivat myös olla lähtökohtana ammatilliselle kasvulle. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa rakentuu kerronnallisen tutkimuksen perusajatukselle tarinoiden kerronnasta kertojan tapana rakentaa ymmärrystä itsestä ja ympäröivästä maailmasta. Pääaineistona ovat kuudentoista (16) japanilaisen aloittelevan opettajan kanssa haastatteluissa tuotetut tarinat. Yhtä osatutkimusta varten myös haastateltiin seitsemää (7) kokenutta opettajaa sekä tuotettiin kenttämuistiinpanoja eräällä yläasteella. Analyysissä käytettiin niin holistista lukutapaa, moniäänistä kerronnallisen ympäristön analyysia kuin perinteistä temaattista sisällönanalyysiäkin. Tulokset osoittavat aloittelevien opettajien työn jännitteiden liittyvän siihen, kuinka heidän ihanteensa hyvästä opettajuudesta kohtaavat koulun mikropoliittisessa ympäristössä näiden ihanteiden kanssa vastakkaisia odotuksia. Aloittelevan opettajan oletetaan ottavan juniorina alisteisen aseman suhteessa senioreihin. Tulokset osoittavat myös, että näkemyksissä hyvästä opettajasta korostuu yhteisten velvoitteiden asettaminen opettajan henkilökohtaisten näkemysten edelle. Toimimalla näitä odotuksia vastaan aloitteleva opettaja saattaisi vaarantaa työn kannalta tärkeitä kollegasuhteita ja päätyy siksi usein luopumaan ihanteistaan. Tällöin jännite syntyy siitä, että aloitteleva opettaja joutuu ihanteidensa sijaan omaksumaan niiden vastaisia näkemyksiä. Näiden jännitteiden kanssa eläminen ja käsitteleminen kietoutuvat niin opettajien hyvinvointiin kuin työssä pysymiseen. Tämän vuoksi niihin tulisi kiinnittää riittävästi huomiota sekä opettajankoulutuksessa että työelämässä.

Katkokset, jatkuvuudet ja sairausselitykset kainuulaisnaisten sepelvaltimotautikertomuksissa

Taivalantti, M. (Marjo) 20 March 2012 (has links)
Abstract This study explores women’s conceptions and experiences of heart disease in Kainuu, Finland through illness narratives. Conventionally, coronary heart disease has been considered a male disease. However, many women suffer from heart disease, but their illness experiences have called relatively little attention. This PhD study, which falls under the field of medical anthropology, looks at experiences and illness conceptions women attach to heart disease. The research material consists of 15 women’s narrative interviews collected during 2004–2005. The theoretical–methodological framework in this study employed cognitive anthropology and narrative research, and the two main concepts of the study are biographical disruption and cultural model. The analysis was performed by applying two reading methods: a holistically-oriented and a content-oriented method. The holistic exploration focused on biographical disruption and its effects. The disruption experienced due to illness varied between interviewees depending on the stage of their illness and their life situation. The content-oriented reading method was utilized to explore the conceptions and explanations of heart disease and to identify cultural explanatory models present in the research material. Four main cultural explanatory models were identified, which were titled “the inheritance model”, “the mental model”, “the food model” and “the character model”. The inheritance model presented genetic and hereditary explanations, while the mental model introduced different mental factors, such as pressure and stress. The food model emphasized factors related to food and eating and finally, the character model introduced characterizations of heart disease. The present study increases our understanding of heart disease experience from women’s point of view. / Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kainuulaisnaisten sepelvaltimotautikokemuksia ja -käsityksiä heidän kertomuksistaan käsin. Sepelvaltimotauti on pitkään mielletty miesten sairaudeksi. Useat naiset kuitenkin sairastavat sepelvaltimotautia, mutta heidän sairauskokemuksensa ovat saaneet vain vähän huomiota. Lääketieteellisen antropologian erityisalaan kuuluvan tutkimuksen pääasiallinen aineisto koostuu 15 kainuulaisnaisen kerronnallisesta haastattelusta, jotka tehtiin vuosina 2004–2005. Haastatteluaineiston avulla selvitettiin sepelvaltimotautiin liittyviä sairauskokemuksia ja -käsityksiä. Tutkimuksen teoreettismetodologisessa viitekehyksessä hyödynnettiin kognitiivista antropologiaa ja narratiivitutkimusta. Tutkimuksen kaksi keskeisintä käsitettä ovat kulttuurimalli ja elämäkerrallinen katkos. Aineiston käsittelyssä ja analysoinnissa sovellettiin kahta lukutapaa, joista toisessa keskityttiin kertomuksiin kokonaisuuksina ja toisessa tarkemmin haastattelukertomusten sisältöön. Kertomusten holistisessa tarkastelussa keskityttiin sairastumiseen ja sen vaikutuksiin elämäkerrallisen katkoksen käsitettä käyttäen. Sairauden aikaansaama katkos ilmeni eri tavoin tutkimukseen osallistuneen sairauden vaiheesta ja elämäntilanteesta riippuen. Sepelvaltimotautikäsitysten ja -selitysten tarkastelussa käytettiin sisältöön keskittyvää lukutapaa, jonka avulla hahmoteltiin sepelvaltimotaudin kulttuurisia selitysmalleja. Sepelvaltimotaudin pääasiallisia kulttuurisia selitysmalleja nousi esiin neljä, jotka nimettiin periytyvyysmalliksi, henkiseksi malliksi, ravitsemusmalliksi ja luonnemalliksi. Periytyvyysmallissa sepelvaltimotautia ja siihen sairastumista selitettiin taudin periytyvyydellä ja geneettisillä tekijöillä. Henkisen mallin yhteydessä korostuivat erilaiset mentaaliset tautiin vaikuttaneet tekijät, kuten henkiset paineet ja stressi. Ravitsemusmallin yhteydessä korostuivat erilaiset ruokaan ja syömiseen liittyvät tekijät. Luonnemallin yhteydessä esille nousivat erilaiset sepelvaltimotautia luonnehtivat selitykset. Tutkimuksessa tuotetaan naisnäkökulmaista tietoa ja ymmärrystä sepelvaltimotaudin sairauskokemuksista.

Kuulluksi tulemisen pedagogiikka kaikille yhteisessä koululiikunnassa

Louhela, V. (Virpi) 21 November 2012 (has links)
Abstract The current study discusses the pedagogical development work of two teachers from the viewpoint of listening and being heard. The study was implemented using the methods of narrative action research, and the data consist mainly of the teachers’ professional biographies, video materials, and shared pedagogical diary. The data was gathered in the course of a single school year as part of the inclusive physical education. In this context, inclusion refers to the merger of the groups of children in special and mainstream education. The studied group of pupils was taught simultaneously by a primary teacher and a special teacher. The study is theoretically based on the ethic of pedagogical love. In the data, moments of being heard were encouraged by a commitment to ethical core values as teachers’ practical morality, respect for students’ freedom of choice, sufficient availability of time, the possibility to anticipate teaching, assessment of the interfacing of privacy and closeness, as well as giving individual attention. Based on the individual moments of being heard emerging from the data, a conscious manner of teaching and supervision was developed and subsequently named the pedagogy of being heard. This study describes the development of the pedagogy of being heard in the context of physical education. First the study discusses the elements of interaction that allowed for moments of being heard, second the supporting of students in physical education by means of the pedagogy of being heard, and third the fulfillment of being heard in the relationship between the teachers contributing to the research process. At the core of the pedagogy of being heard are relations of caring and interaction between all the group members both in teacher-student relationships and in peer relationships between students, as well as in relationships between the adults in the group. Central to the pedagogy of being heard is every individual’s right to be respected and accepted as him- or herself. The quality of interaction and relationships is seen as a core factor in supporting students in physical education. Teachers employing the pedagogy of being heard need constantly to redirect their pedagogical implementation by way of active listening. / Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kahden opettajan pedagogista kehittämistyötä kuuntelemisen ja kuulluksi tulemisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimus on toteutettu narratiivisena toimintatutkimuksena, ja aineisto koostuu pääasiassa opettajien ammatillisista elämäkerroista, videomateriaalista ja yhteisesti tuotetusta pedagogisesta päiväkirjasta. Aineisto on tuotettu yhden lukuvuoden aikana osana inklusiivisen opetusryhmän liikunnanopetusta. Tässä yhteydessä inklusiivisuudella tarkoitetaan erityisopetuksen ja yleisopetuksen opetusryhmien yhteensulauttamista. Opetusryhmää opetettiin luokanopettajan ja erityisluokanopettajan samanaikaisopettajuutena. Tutkimus nojaa teoreettisesti pedagogisen rakkauden etiikkaan. Eettiseen arvopohjaan sitoutuminen opettajien käytännön moraalina, oppilaiden valinnanvapauden kunnioittaminen, kiireettömyys, mahdollisuus ennakoida opetusta, yksityisyyden ja läheisyyden rajapintojen arvioiminen sekä yksilöllisen huomion antaminen synnyttivät aineistoon kuulluksi tulemisen hetkiä. Aineistosta nostetuista yksittäisistä kuulluksi tulemisen hetkistä kehitettiin tietoinen opettamisen ja ohjaamisen tapa, joka on nimetty kuulluksi tulemisen pedagogiikaksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa kuvataan kuulluksi tulemisen pedagogiikan kehittämistä koululiikunnan kontekstissa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan 1. niitä vuorovaikutuksen elementtejä, jotka mahdollistivat kuulluksi tulemisen hetken syntymisen, 2. oppilaan tukemista koululiikunnassa kuulluksi tulemisen pedagogiikan keinoin, ja 3. kuuntelemista tutkimuksessa mukana olleiden opettajien välisessä suhteessa. Kuulluksi tulemisen pedagogiikan ytimessä ovat välittävät ja vastavuoroiset vuorovaikutussuhteet kaikkien ryhmän jäsenten välillä niin opettaja–oppilassuhteissa kuin oppilaiden välisissä vertaissuhteissa ja ryhmän aikuisten välisissä suhteissa. Kuulluksi tulemisen pedagogiikassa keskeistä on jokaisen yksilön oikeus olla arvostettu ja hyväksytty omana itsenään. Vuorovaikutussuhteiden laatu nähdään keskeisenä tekijänä oppilaan tukemisessa koululiikunnassa. Kuulluksi tulemisen pedagogiikkaa toteuttavien opettajien tulee jatkuvasti suunnata pedagogista toteutustaan aktiivisen kuuntelemisen avulla.

Mentorship narratives in a local congregation : a postfoundational practical theological study

Van der Westhuizen, Zander 07 April 2009 (has links)
In this study narratives of mentorship are listened to and described from the local context of the Dutch Reformed Church Lynnwood. These narratives originate from the mentorship programme in the youth ministry of the congregation. The research approach in this study flows from an epistemology based on narrative theory, social constructionism and a postfoundational approach. It is a practical theological study that aims to come to a greater understanding of these narratives. Based on the epistemology discussed here, I position myself within the framework of a postfoundational practical theology. Within this framework the praxis is the starting point of this research. This is local knowledge, interpreted and described by a community of co-researchers as informed by traditions of interpretation. The in-context experiences are interpreted and thickened through interdisciplinary investigation. This is done through a study of relevant literature as well as interdisciplinary discussion based on the theory of transversal rationality. At the end of this research process, alternative interpretations and suggestions are made that point beyond this local context and contribute to the larger field of mentorship. The research process in this study is developed from the postfoundational practical theological positioning. Seven movements are used to listen to the narratives of the eight co-researchers participating in this study. The narratives of the co-researchers lead to the identification of certain themes from their experiences that resonate with themes available to us in literature. The same themes also emerge from the interdisciplinary conversation in this study. These themes are critically discussed and certain questions are raised with regards to mentorship and the way mentorship is understood in different contexts. The issue of language and how the various fields concerned with mentorship use language is discussed. It is clear from this study that the local context of mentorship in this study differs in certain aspects from other contexts where mentorship is practiced. The difference between coaching and mentorship is investigated and reflected upon. I argue in the concluding chapter that from this context three basic foundation blocks for mentorship emerge. Firstly, the relationship forms the first basic building block of mentorship. Secondly, growth is the second basic building block and also the aim of mentorship. Although the way growth is understood may vary from context to context, it still forms one of the basic building blocks of mentoring relationships. The third basic building block is the fact that the mentorship relationship is reciprocal. I suggest an approach to mentorship that emerged from the narratives of the local praxis studied. This approach is based on values. The following values are suggested as necessary in a meaningful mentorship programme or relationship: clarity, context, the ordinary, relationship, listening, adding value, reflection and ethics. I conclude that mentorship is a landscape with many voices. The values suggested in this study can be used to construct the understanding of mentorship in a specific, local context. This is done with the aim to facilitate a meaningful mentorship programme or relationship. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Vyf dogters van Eva skilder ‘n engel : die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns in die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit by die jong volwasse vrou (Afrikaans)

Strydom, Marina 28 April 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In die tyd waarin ons leef is daar 'n wêreldwye oplewing in spiritualiteit. Mense raak al meer bewus van die feit dat hulle ook spirituele wesens is. Desnieteenstaande vind baie mense, veral Christene, dit moeilik om hul spiritualiteit uit te leef, aangesien tradisionele geestelike dissiplines nie noodwendig hul behoefte genoegsaam aanspreek nie. In hierdie studie is daar ondersoek ingestel na die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns as geestelike dissipline in die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit by die jong volwasse vrou. Terapeutiese kuns, wat as 'n hibried van tradisionele kunsterapie beskou kan word, het anders as kunsterapie 'n estetiese eindproduk ten doel nie, maar sou ook terapeuties van waarde kon wees. Die effek van 'n estetiese eindproduk op die skepper van die werk kan nie onderskat word nie. Estetika kan 'n belangrike element wees in die ervaring van God. Die estetiese aard van terapeutiese kuns staan daarom in diens van die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit. Dit is juis hierdie blootstelling aan skoonheid en ander estetiese ervarings wat 'n persoon se emosies kan transendeer en blootstel aan die groter, aangrypende realiteit van God. Die teologiese vertrekpunt waarvan hierdie navorsing uitgaan is gegrond in postfundamentele teologie met klem op bemagtigende, profeties-bevrydende, feministies-kontekstuele praktiese teologie. Die werkswyse wat die navorsing onderlê is die narratiewe benadering wat tuiskom binne sosiaal konstruksionisme. Daar word spesifiek gefokus op kwalitatiewe, feministiese, deelnemende navorsingsmetodologie. Die navorsing handel oor die verhaal van die Vyf Dogters van Eva, ek en vier mede-navorsers, wat deur die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns gesoek het na 'n manier om kuns in te span in die uitlewing van ons spirituele identiteit. Die waarde van hierdie navorsing is veral geleë in die feit dat dit gehandel het oor die werklike lewensverhale van vyf vroue en hul belewenis van terapeutiese kuns in die uitlewing van hul spiritualiteit. Die uitkoms van die navorsing is dus allesbehalwe 'n blote hipotese. Dit is "ervaarde werklikheid", wat hopelik ook vir ander van waarde sal kan wees. Alhoewel dit in hierdie studie duidelik word dat kuns en spirituele identiteit allesbehalwe onversoenbare terme is, bestaan daar steeds die persepsie in die kerk dat daar spanning tussen die kerk en kuns bestaan. Om hierdie rede word daar aandag gegee aan die verhaal van kuns in die kerk sedert die vroegste tyd, om sodoende te probeer verstaan waar hierdie spanning vandaan kom. Daar word ook gesoek na nuwe maniere om die verhouding tussen kuns en die kerk te beskou. Die veld van kunsterapie word ondersoek en daar word ondersoek ingestel na die treffende verband tussen kunsterapie en die narratiewe benadering. Daar word ook aandag gegee aan die vrou se unieke belewenis van haar spiritualiteit en geloofsontwikkeling, asook na spirituele identiteit, om sodoende verdere Iig te werp op die potensiele verhouding tussen kuns en geloof. Die belang van die ontwikkeling van 'n unieke simboolsisteem vir elke individu bestaande uit simbool, metafoor en ritueel in die beoefening van kuns as geloofsdissipline geniet ook aandag. ENGLISH: Recently there has been a worldwide revival in spirituality. People increasingly perceive themselves as spiritual beings. Yet lots of people, especially Christians, find it difficult to realise their spirituality. Traditional spiritual disciplines do not address this need sufficiently. In this research the use of therapeutic art as spiritual discipline in the realisation of spirituality in the young adult woman has been investigated. Therapeutic art, which can be seen as a hybrid of traditional art therapy, differs from art therapy in that it aims to achieve an aesthetic end product - yet it can be experienced as therapeutic. Although therapeutic art underlines the importance of aesthetics, it does not undermine the therapeutic process. The effect of an aesthetic end product on its creator can not be under estimated. Therapeutic art enhances the realisation of spiritual identity as its aesthetic quality serves as a means of experiencing God. It is this exposure to beauty and other aesthetic experiences that transcends an individual's emotions and exposes him/her to the greater, poignant reality of God. The theological basis of the research is grounded in postfoundational theology, focusing on empowering, prophetic-liberating, feministic-contextual practical theology. The research method is rooted in the narrative approach as found in social constructionism. Specific emphasis is placed on qualitative, feministic and participatory action research methodology. The research tells the story of the Five Daughters of Eve, myself and four co¬researchers, who use therapeutic art in search of the realisation of our spiritual identity. The research is not aimed at generalising outcomes. The outcome of the research is of specific value, due the fact that the true life stories of five women and their experience of therapeutic art in the realisation of their spirituality is highlighted. The outcome of the research is not only a hypothesis - it is based on 'experienced reality' that aims to serve as a contextual framework for others in search of the realisation of their spiritual identity. Research findings clearly support the fact that art and spiritual identity are not irreconcilable ideas. The relationship between the church and art are often perceived as strenuous. As point of departure, it is attempted to create an understanding for the narrative of the church and art. A common basis of understanding is required to fully comprehend the reason for this tension. As far as the relationship between the church and art is concerned, a search is undertaken towards new ways of understanding. The art therapy field is examined and used as basis for explanation. Research focuses on the connection between art therapy and the narrative approach. The unique experience of women's spirituality and faith development, as well as spiritual identity in relation to the potential relationship between art and faith are exposed. Inquiry is conducted in the importance of a unique system of symbols, consisting of symbol, metaphor and ritual in the pursuit of art as spiritual discipline. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Narratives of pastoral care, healing and transformation in a community of laity a practical theological narrative study

Jonas, Ruth 23 October 2010 (has links)
This study’s research approach shows the foundation of an epistemology that is taken from a postmodern, postfoundationalist theology. The research method is embedded in the narrative approach as established in social constructionism. The research method is also further upheld by the Seven Movements Model of doing research, which in this research also accommodates a participatory action research methodology. This research is a study of the narratives of lay people in a local context. It shows and explores the actions of these people in a situation of care and support. Their local context expresses the journey of people who belong to the same church called the Family Trinity Church in Valhalla, Pretoria. Their backgrounds go back to areas like the Western Cape, Northern Cape and Eastern Cape and are not originally from Pretoria. Their social relationships and church affiliation are compiled from a military background. Their narratives that relate to this research originate from a journey of care and support. The narratives of my co-researchers discovered and recognized different themes as divulged from their stories in conjunction with their experiences. Some of these themes were related to the literature studies as part of the dialogues between interdisciplinary conversations in the process of research. Apart from the telling and re-telling of the stories, literature studies were used to open up a process of a deeper understanding of these narratives. Literature was used to critically discuss the narratives as to give more clarity on the actions of the co-researchers. This research shows an open process of discussions and the input of other thoughts of beliefs and reason as presented by the involvement of the scientific community. The in depth discussions helped to clarify the aim and objectives as proved by the outcomes of this research. The outcome of this research is based on the experiences and the real situation that demonstrates a contextual framework. The narratives and the unique research outcomes clearly support the fact that ordinary laypeople can lead and manage a church without the leadership of a fulltime minister. It shows the important relationship of care and support that transpired in a deepened spirituality, which brought about healing and transformation. The uniqueness of this research is based on the eagerness of people who journeyed with one another in a group and who also directed this kindness to others who did not belong to this group. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

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