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When narratives create community: standing with children against stealingMorkel, Elizabeth 30 November 2002 (has links)
At a Muslim school a group of boys with a reputation for stealing got the opportunity to share stories with communities of concern. Honesty meetings, honesty tests, honesty certificates and honesty celebrations formed part of narrative therapy ways of working together to try and
regain reputations for honesty.
As an outsider researcher/therapist I was confronted by stories of slavery, racism, unemployment, poverty, crime and violence. Through collaboration with a cultural consultant it became possible to do theology and pastoral care as a Christian in a Muslim community in a respectful and ethical way. The sharing of stories of pain and resistance contributed to the mutual care and community amongst participants from communities separated by racism and apartheid legislation as well as differences of culture and religion. Reflections on this journey mark a migration of identity for me as researcher, therapist, Christian and white South African practical theologian. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Theology)
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Toward reestablishing a Christian worldview in a postmodern ageMathews, Ned Lee, 1934- 11 1900 (has links)
This work is comprised of an Introduction and two Parts. Part One treats, by way of
historical review and evaluation, the disestablishment of the Christian worldview in a postmodern
age. Part Two proposes the means by whichthe Christian worldview might be reestablished. The
reestablishment includes the use of some of the benefits of postmodernism by Christians as well as
a return to the responsible reading of texts, especially the biblical text.
Part One, The Disestablishment of the Christian Worldview, is composed ofthree chapters.
Chapter 1chronicles the change that has occurred in Western culture because of the ascendency of
postmodernism. It isbest described as a change in authorityfrom the logocentric metanarrative which
has characterized Christianity to the deconstructionist rejection of worldviews by postmodern
literary critics. Chapter 2 reviews the paradigm shifts that have occurred in belief
systemsthat have occurred in the West as a result of this change,and Chapter 3 shows the effects of
all this in the culture's principal institutions.
Part Two, The Reestablishment of the Christian Worldview, is also composed of three chapters.
Chapter 4 shows the impact that postmodernity has had on the efforts now being made on behalf of
reestablishing the Christian worldview as a viable intellectual position in Western culture.
Chapter 5 is occupied with the negative and positive responses of certain Christian
scholars to the challenge of postmodernism, and Chapter 6 closes the study with an extended
treatment of the factors that must be in play for a reestablishment of the Christian worldview to
occur in Western civilization. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Theology)
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A practical theological study of multicultural youth work in Pretoria, South AfricaStrecker, Alexander 02 1900 (has links)
Multicultural youth ministry is increasingly becoming an important reality concerning ministering to adolescents within a Christian community. A holistic focus was used to analyse the practices concerning ministering to diverse adolescents within a local youth ministry context. The study was exploratory in nature and made use of a qualitative case study approach using semi-structured interviews and focus group interviews via Skype. The data was analysed within a descriptive-interpretive framework using content analysis. Findings mainly related to five themes that emerged during the research, namely: multicultural understanding, purposeful program, relationship centeredness, transforming spirituality, and the youth leader’s realm. The data also reflected underlining contextual ministry realities namely, authenticity, inclusiveness, intentionality and limited diversity. This research provides meaningful insight within the practical theological realm as the current South African literature regarding multicultural youth ministry is limited. Similarly, this study is focused on the theological conversation within a culturally diverse youth ministry context. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Toward reestablishing a Christian worldview in a postmodern ageMathews, Ned Lee, 1934- 11 1900 (has links)
This work is comprised of an Introduction and two Parts. Part One treats, by way of
historical review and evaluation, the disestablishment of the Christian worldview in a postmodern
age. Part Two proposes the means by whichthe Christian worldview might be reestablished. The
reestablishment includes the use of some of the benefits of postmodernism by Christians as well as
a return to the responsible reading of texts, especially the biblical text.
Part One, The Disestablishment of the Christian Worldview, is composed ofthree chapters.
Chapter 1chronicles the change that has occurred in Western culture because of the ascendency of
postmodernism. It isbest described as a change in authorityfrom the logocentric metanarrative which
has characterized Christianity to the deconstructionist rejection of worldviews by postmodern
literary critics. Chapter 2 reviews the paradigm shifts that have occurred in belief
systemsthat have occurred in the West as a result of this change,and Chapter 3 shows the effects of
all this in the culture's principal institutions.
Part Two, The Reestablishment of the Christian Worldview, is also composed of three chapters.
Chapter 4 shows the impact that postmodernity has had on the efforts now being made on behalf of
reestablishing the Christian worldview as a viable intellectual position in Western culture.
Chapter 5 is occupied with the negative and positive responses of certain Christian
scholars to the challenge of postmodernism, and Chapter 6 closes the study with an extended
treatment of the factors that must be in play for a reestablishment of the Christian worldview to
occur in Western civilization. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Theology)
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Quêtes de soins au féminin. Une ethnographie des « maux de femmes » et du pluralisme thérapeutique en Médoc (France) / Searching for care, searching for the self. Women’s health problems and therapeutic pluralism in Médoc (France)Lemonnier, Clara 10 June 2016 (has links)
A la croisée de l’anthropologie de la maladie et de l’anthropologie de la santé, cette thèse explore la diversité des savoirs et des pratiques de soins dédiés à la prévention ainsi qu’au traitement des problèmes de santé considérés comme spécifiquement féminins en France rurale. L’ethnographie a été menée sur la presqu’île du Médoc, territoire où l’imaginaire lié à la nature fait naître des représentations sur la population entre fantasmes et stigmates, et où se pose régulièrement la question de la désertification médicale, à l’instar d’autres campagnes françaises. Dans ce contexte, des observations et des entretiens qualitatifs ont été réalisés auprès d’une soixantaine de femmes et d’une quarantaine d’acteurs du soin aux profils variés, afin de dessiner les contours et les dynamiques du pluralisme thérapeutique local consacré aux « maux de femmes ». Cette catégorie opératoire regroupe l’ensemble des malaises, mal-être et maladies, souvent sensibles et tabous, qui m’ont été confiés par mes interlocutrices. La thèse éclaire les diverses logiques de recours aux soins qu’elles développent au cours de ces itinéraires thérapeutiques particuliers, constitués de soins biomédicaux, spécialisés ou non dans le domaine de la « santé sexuelle et reproductive », de soins non conventionnels et de soins domestiques. La réflexion globale porte sur la complémentarité des soins façonnée par les usagères du pluralisme thérapeutique au fil de leurs quêtes de soins efficaces, en même temps qu’elle questionne les quêtes de soi suscitées chez les femmes selon que les soins normalisent ou non leurs conduites, les rendent ou non actrices de leur santé, ou qu’ils réifient ou réinventent les normes de genre. / This thesis in medical anthropology explores the diversity of knowledge and care practices dedicated to prevention and treatment of health problems considered as specifically feminine in rural France. The ethnography was conducted in the Medoc peninsula, an area where nature related imaginary leads to representations between fantasy and stigmas from the local population. It is also an area discussed for its medical desertification alike other French rural areas. In this context, observations and qualitative interviews were conducted with about sixty women and forty care actors with various profiles in order to understand and present the contours and dynamics of local therapeutic pluralism dedicated to “women health issues”. This operational category stands for all illness, sickness and diseases, often sensitive, taboo and revealed to me in confidence. This thesis enlightens women’s diverse uses of healthcare in their singular therapeutic itineraries, made of biomedical care, specialized or not in the sexual and reproductive health sector, of non-conventional or alternative medicines and of domestic cares. The overall reflection addresses the complementarity of treatments developed by users of therapeutic pluralism in their quest for health, and questions women’s personal quest according to the way treatments normalize or not their practices, make them actor of their own health or not, or re-invent or re-conduct gender norms.
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When narratives create community: standing with children against stealingMorkel, Elizabeth 30 November 2002 (has links)
At a Muslim school a group of boys with a reputation for stealing got the opportunity to share stories with communities of concern. Honesty meetings, honesty tests, honesty certificates and honesty celebrations formed part of narrative therapy ways of working together to try and
regain reputations for honesty.
As an outsider researcher/therapist I was confronted by stories of slavery, racism, unemployment, poverty, crime and violence. Through collaboration with a cultural consultant it became possible to do theology and pastoral care as a Christian in a Muslim community in a respectful and ethical way. The sharing of stories of pain and resistance contributed to the mutual care and community amongst participants from communities separated by racism and apartheid legislation as well as differences of culture and religion. Reflections on this journey mark a migration of identity for me as researcher, therapist, Christian and white South African practical theologian. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Theology)
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Etablerade partiers agerande efter populismens intåg i Sverige : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av kommunikationsstrategin hos tre svenska partier / The behaviour of established parties after the entrance of populism in Sweden : - A qualitative content analysis of the communication strategy of three Swedish partiesJohansson, Alvina January 2023 (has links)
Populism as a phenomenon is increasing in Europe. This study is therefore centred on howpopulist parties affect mainstream parties when entering the parliament. Moreover this studyresearches how party behaviour theories such as the median voter theorem and cartel partytheory explains mainstream parties' transition on the political and ideological scale when apopulist party is included in the parliament. This study aims to identify populistic discourse in Swedish parties election manifestos. Additionally, examine if the degree of populisticdiscourse differs from the year 2010 when the populist party entered the parliament, the yearof 2018 and the year of 2022 when the populist party entered an alliance with the government.The methodical approach for this research has been a qualitative content analysis. The categories for populist communication strategy attempts to contribute with an operationalization, a measuring instrument of populism in the empirical material. Moreoverthe categories is based on Jan Jagers and Steffan Walgraves theory surrounding populism as a political communication-style. The eight units of analysis are the election manifestos of the Swedish parties: The christ democratic party, the moderate party and the sweden democrats. The empirical research shows that populism as a communication style appears within the election manifestos and that the degree of populist rhetoric differs within the mainstream parties from when the populist party entered the parliament in 2010 and government alliancein 2022.
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”När [barn] möter en dragartist möter de en sagofigur” : Sagostunder med dragartister på folkbibliotek. / ”When [children] encounter a dragqueen they see a fictional character” : Drag storytimes in public libraries.Landgren, Rebecka, Nykänen, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to acquire knowledge about the concept of drag storytimes in public libraries. It addresses research questions regarding their relation to the libraries' mission, as well as associated experiences with and perceptions of these events. The study adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing interviews with different stakeholders, alongside non-participatory observation, as well as media and social media analysis. The theoretical frameworks of agonistic pluralism and visibility are employed. Findings show that drag storytimes promote accessibility, representation, and acceptance of diversity, aligning with libraries' democratic mission. They also bridge the gap between the art form drag and literature, serving as a means for libraries to encourage and facilitate children's reading. Findings also highlight misconceptions and misrepresentations of drag storytimes in media and public discourse. While libraries have encountered challenges and resistance when hosting drag storytimes, they have also received significant appreciation and support. Resistance is based on concerns about sexualization, indoctrination and unsuitability for children. These concerns are addressed with observations and interviews, which refute these notions. This study finds that the purpose of drag storytimes lies in promoting reading and providing entertaining experiences for children, emphasizing their child-centric nature. Opinions and perceptions influenced by adults' perspectives, biases, and fears impact the power dynamics among libraries, the public, and politics. This study underscores the challenges faced by libraries in this dynamic and emphasizes their resilience. It underlines the importance of information dissemination, communication, and destigmatization of drag and drag storytimes. By engaging in open conversations, librarians can address misconceptions, confront prejudices, and broaden perspectives.
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KG Hammar och Rowan Williams : en studie av två ärkebiskopar ur ett postmodernt teologiskt perspektivMadfors, Ingela January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats består av en jämförande studie av två ärkebiskopar – KG Hammar (Svenska kyrkan) och Rowan Williams (Church of England) - ur ett postmodernt teologiskt perspektiv. Syftet var att söka finna postmoderna influenser hos de båda ärkebiskoparna i såväl teori som praktik och undersöka konsekvenserna av ett postmodernt teologiskt agerande. Undersökningen visade att båda ärkebiskoparna influerades av postmodern teologi i teorin. Hammar förde också som ärkebiskop fram sina personliga postmoderna insikter, medan Williams av olika anledningar generellt valde att endast föra fram kyrkans åsikt. Båda handlingsalternativen medförde såväl kritik som uppskattning. Båda ärkebiskoparna tog fasta på den postmoderna teologins framhållande av dialog som metod: Dialog kännetecknade allt deras handlande, såväl inomkyrkligt som mot andra religiösa och samhälleliga grupper. Trots dialogen kunde dock inte vissa splittringar undvikas. Samhällsengagemanget visade sig däremot till största delen framgångsrikt och visade en postmodern insikt om kyrkans roll i en sekulär värld. Trots att ett postmodernt förhållningssätt inte helt accepterades, medverkade ärkebiskoparnas agerande till att skapa intresse för framför allt religiös dialog bland många olika grupper. / This essay is a comparative study of two archbishops - KG Hammar (Church of Sweden) and Rowan Williams (Church of England) - from a postmodern theological perspective. The aim was to discover postmodern influences for the archbishops in theory and practice, and to investigate the consequences of acting from a postmodern theological perspective. The study revealed postmodern influences in both archbishops' theory. Hammar chose to act according to his personal postmodern convictions also as archbishop whereas, for various reasons, Williams generally chose to speak only for the whole church. Both strategies were criticized as well as appreciated. Both archbishops were committed to dialogue as described by postmodern theology. This influenced all their actions, within the church as well as with other religious denominations and various groups in society. However, even with dialogue certain schisms proved to be unavoidable. The engagement in society proved more successful and showed a postmodern understanding of the church in a secular world. Even though a postmodern course of action was not totally accepted, the archbishops managed to promote a wide interest especially for religious dialogue.
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Managing cultural diversity in the South African police service (Gauteng province): the role of a chaplainMofamere, Thabo Joseph 30 June 2003 (has links)
Chapter 1 discusses the research proposal of the study. In this proposal the problem statement was identified and described, for example it is shown how the diverse religious work-force is being managed and ministered to by a traditional chaplain as if it shared a religion similar to that of the chaplain. Further this chapter discusses the research methodology, which clearly indicates the path that would be followed in this research.
Chapter 2 looks at the profile of the South African Police Service (SAPS) in general. It has been shown that the SAPS forms a critical component of the criminal justice system. The objectives, mission and vision of the SAPS has been clearly outlined as aspiring to create a crime free society for all the inhabitants of South Africa. The SAPS would only acquire this vision through executing its tasks within the framework of the Human Rights Act.
Chapter 3 focusses on the historical development of the chaplaincy in the SAPS since its inception during the year 1952 until the democratic dispensation in 1994. The pioneers behind the formation of the chaplains' corps are discussed. Lastly, the appointment procedure, the functions and the characteristics (qualities) of chaplains are looked at.
Chapter 4 considers the various perspectives of culture and cultural particulars as a basic theory of the study. The latter has clearly indicated that people's views and understanding of certain things differ completely. Hence the need for proper cognisance of cultural diversity by the chaplain.
Chapter 5 examines the concept of stress in the context of the SAPS. The stress-inducing factors, the impact of stress on SAPS members as well as the role of the chaplain in the management of stress levels is discussed.
Chapter 6 explores the theology of death and the bereavement process (stages) to be followed generally. The role of the chaplain in this regard is shown.
Chapter 7 is the quantitative investigation, whereby questionnaires elicited the views of both the policemen and women about the Chaplain Service ministry.
Chapter 8 discusses the conclusions of chapters: 4, 5, 6 and 7 and synthesises them into one comprehensive idea. The reason behind this is that this study has to provide a model to be developed, which would better enable the chaplain to function across both cultural and religious lines. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Litt et Phil.(Religious Studies)
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