Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pathdependency"" "subject:"thedependency""
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Ambition och praktisk tillämpning : två skilda världar. Kollektivtrafikförsörjning till och från externa handelsområden i två svenska kommuner / Ambition and planning practice : two different worlds. Case study of public transport to out-of-town shopping areas in two Swedish municipalitiesSköldqvist, Amanda, Andersson, Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
Sverige står idag inför utmaningar för att minska koldioxidutsläppen inom transportsektorn. Bilen har länge varit en planeringsnorm i Sverige. Till följd av satsningar för hållbar utveckling har en omställning till mer hållbara transporter som kollektivtrafik blivit aktuell. Örebro och Västerås är två medelstora kommuner som har uttryckt ambitioner om att utveckla den lokala kollektivtrafiken. Respektive kommun har ett externt handelsområde som är viktigt både för den kommunala och regionala handeln. Arbetet syftar till att analysera planering och effektivisering av kollektivtrafik till och från externa handelsområden. I studien har kvalitativa intervjuer med planerare och politiker, samt dokumentanalys av olika plandokument genomförts. Vidare har planeringshandboken Kol-TRAST och teorier om Stigberoende använts som verktyg i analysen. Resultatet visar på att externa handelsområden ofta bortprioriteras i planering för kollektivtrafik, dels på grund av stigberoende, dels på grund av bristande politisk förankring. Trots goda ambitioner i plandokument finns det ofta en brist på praktiskt initiativtagande inom planeringen. / Today Sweden is facing challenges in reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the transport sector. Planning for car traffic has long been a norm in Sweden. As a result of initiatives for sustainable development, a shift to more sustainable transport such as public transport has become necessary. Örebro and Västerås are two medium-sized Swedish municipalities that have expressed ambitions to develop public transport on a local level. Each municipality has an out-of-town shopping area that is considered important for both municipal and regional trade. This study is based on qualitative interviews, as well as document analysis. The planning manual Kol-TRAST and theories of path dependency have been used to analyze the results. The results show that out-of-town shopping areas often are de-prioritized in planning for public transport, partly due to path dependence and partly due to a lack of political support. Despite ambitious planning documents, there is often a lack of practical initiative in planning.
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How can a hostile environment empower the creation of a hi-tech cluster?Rozen, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
The intention of this paper is to analyze the impact of a threat environment in the creation of a hi-tech cluster through the development of an independent defense industry. In order to conclude the implications of a military industry in the development of a hi-tech cluster, it was studied the case of the evolution of Israel’s defense industry into a diverse hi – tech industry (Silicon Wadi). This work emerges from a personal concern in order to understand if there are some benefits or positive side effects in developing an indigenous military industry. Coming from a country in the developing process that has no military forces (Costa Rica) and at the same time has been struggling to create a hi-tech cluster, I wanted to learn what are the implications in the hi-tech sector for lacking an indigenous defense industry and a threat environment. As it will be presented in this study, the major implication of having an independent defense industry is that it creates a path dependency in the military sector and if it’s handled correctly through the cooperation between academia, military forces and business sectors it will be possible to create transitions of this technologies into civilian applications, diversifying the entrance of resources and creating an entrepreneur environment.
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The Endurance of an Asymmetrical Alliance - A Case Study of the U.S.-Saudi AllianceEllersgaard Holm, Kathrine January 2019 (has links)
Despite that alliance formation commonly happen when states share mutual interests and like-mindedness, it is possible to find alliances, where the states promote radically different political, normative, and cultural characteristics. Such an alliance is observed in the case of Saudi Arabia and the United States, which subsequently have endured. The following research will thus elaborate on how the Saudi-American alliance have endured throughout, despite their radical differences. To examine the endurance of the Saudi-American alliance, this research has conducted a case study and used Walter Carlsnaes Foreign Policy model. The research has concludingly found that the alliance has endured due to a variety of factors such as economic trade, regional instability, and security, that consistently has persisted throughout. Despite the American role as a hegemon and the changing administrations throughout the endurance, it has been argued that the longevity of the relation has contributed to the consistency of the factors mentioned above. This is evident in the unpredictability in terms of the region, instability, and insecurity that opposes threats to the U.S., and economic trade relations which have discouraged the U.S. from leaving the alliance.
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Klimatanpassad skog, ett långsiktigt men lokalt ansvar? : En analys av skogsägares syn på sin roll i klimatanpassning / Climate adapted forests, a long-term but local responsibility? : An analysis of forest owners’ view of their role in climate change adaptationJohansson, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
The climate means a number of different challenges for the forest, which can both suffer large-scale negative consequences, and at the same time create the conditions for more growth, depending on regional conditions. The Swedish forest industry has contributed to the development of Swedish welfare, which historically has also been supported by the government through laws and regulations that made this development possible. The historically strong support for the forest industry is argued in this work to have led to a path dependency in how Swedish forests should be managed in order to optimize growth in the way that the forest industry wants it. Furthermore, it is described how the path-dependent management methods were able to continue, and how today it creates problems when forest management methods need to be adapted in order to be resistant to a changing climate in the long term. A reluctance to adapt the industry's management methods instead puts great trust for climate adaptation in Sweden's large proportion of private forest owners and their local knowledge. This paper aims to investigate how the important local conditions affect forestry climate adaptation efforts, by collecting mixed quantitative and qualitative data with a survey, and using descriptive statistics and a thematic analysis to analyze the survey responses. The result shows that local forest owners have been given a role as forestry climate adaptation agents as a result of a deep-rooted path dependency in Swedish forestry methods, and that information about management methods and climate change affects the forest owners' knowledge of climate adaptation of forestry at the local level.
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Linköpings badmecka : En fallstudie om Tinnerbäcksbadet, en plats med många avlagringar och starka relationer / Linköping's Bathing Mecca : A Case Study on Tinnerbäcksbadet, a Place with Historical Remnants and Strong RelationshipsRylander, Ida, Mansfeld, Emy January 2023 (has links)
Kulturarv är en aspekt som måste beaktas i planeringen av framtidens städer. Tinnerbäcksbadet är en plats som många Linköpingsbor har en stark koppling till på grund av dess långa historia. Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med en ökad förståelse av invånares relation till Tinnis samt hur historiska avlagringar beaktas i planeringen av platsens nya utformning. Platsanknytning och stigberoende har tillsammans genom sina teoretiska utgångspunkter format studiens analys. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie där åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstepersoner och Linköpingsbor har legat till grund för empiriinsamlingen. Anknytning till en plats är individuell och vissa respondenter har en starkare anknytning till Tinnis än andra, det kan påverka deras inställning till förändringen av platsen. Förändringsprocessen har varit lång och utdragen bland annat på grund av de många intressen som finns kopplade till platsen. Planerare måste ta hänsyn till många olika aspekter vilket kan leda till att aspekter gällande kulturarv förminskas. / Cultural heritage is one aspect which urban planning needs to consider. Many of Linköping’s residents have a strong connection to Tinnerbäcksbadet because of its long history. The purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding of the residents’ relationship to Tinnis and how historical remnants are taken into account in the planning of the site’s new design. The essay is a qualitative case study where eight semi-structured interviews have been the basis for the empirical collection. The empirical material was analyzed using the theories place attachment and patch dependency. Attachment to a place is highly individual and some respondents have a stronger attachment to Tinnis than others which may affect their attitude towards the change of Tinnis. The planning process has been protracted, mainly due to the many interests that intersect in this place. Planners need to consider many aspects, which might lead to diminish of cultural heritage aspects.
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Planning for Slow Growth and Decline in Mid-Sized U.S. Cities / Planering för svag tillväxt och nedgång i mellanstora städer i USAMcKeag, Alex January 2019 (has links)
While many major cities in the United States are once again gaining population, growing their economies, and attracting talent, many small and mid-sized cities are in decline. The reasons for this growing disparity are multi-faceted. A growing body of research has been exploring planning challenges in declining cities and towns. This body of research—often called “shrinking cities” and “urban shrinkage” research—is premised on the belief that many declining places will continue to shed population, jobs, and industries, and planning smartly for this decline is the only sensible path forward. So far, research in the U.S. has focused primarily on Northeast and Midwest cities where population and industrial decline has been the most severe. Less scholarship has studied places that have declined more slowly and more recently. This thesis examines the current trends impacting the decline of mid-sized cities in the Midwestern United States, focusing on four cities in the State of Illinois. It also explores whether these cities are ready to consider the possibility that population decline is not temporary and change their planning strategies accordingly. Finally, this thesis will introduce an emerging paradigm in contemporary urban planning practice that fuses growth and decline strategies, to prepare mid-sized cities for an uncertain demographic and economic future.
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Systerstädernas cykelsatsningar: En analys av möjligheterna för ökad cykeltrafik i en sydskandinavisk kontextRoth, Andreas, Nilsson, André January 2015 (has links)
I det hållbara planeringsidealet anses cykeln vara en viktig del av en fungerande trafiklösning, trots detta tenderar många städer ha problem att uppnå deras egna mål för ökad cykeltrafik. Studien analyserar Malmös och Köpenhamns cykelplanering och cykelvägsstruktur utifrån aktuell cykeltrafikforskning, i syfte att undersöka vilka strategier och förutsättningar som städerna har gemensamt, och vad som skiljer dem åt. Målet för studien är att få svar på hur, och i vilken mån Malmös cykeltrafikandel kan öka utifrån Köpenhamns exempel, och att få en vidare förståelse för de utmaningar som den framtida cykelplaneringen står inför. Studiens metod tar ansats ur fältstudier av fyra cykelfrämjande städer i Europa. Sammanställningen av fältstudierna resulterar i att tre cykelstrategier identifieras som gemensamma för de fyra cykelfrämjande städerna. Därefter analyseras Köpenhamns och Malmös cykelprogram utifrån de tidigare nämnda cykelstrategierna. Analysen fastslår att Köpenhamn borde ses som en framstående cykelstad och möjliggör för en jämförande analys mellan Köpenhamns och Malmös cykelsatsningar. Den jämförande analysen mellan Köpenhamns och Malmös cykelsatsningar avslutas med en redovisning och tolkning av resultaten från analysen.För att kunna förstå cykelprogrammens spatiala relation till städerna de är tänkta att implementeras i används en space syntax-analys. Genom att undersöka satsningarnas rumsliga kontext i förhållande till det befintliga cykelvägsystemet kan en djupare förståelse för cykelsatsningarnas omfattning och orsak uppnås.Studiens resultat identifierar tre strategier som är direkt kopplade till andelen cykeltrafik i städer. Den fastställer även att trots cykelsatsningarnas övergripande likheter, skiljer implementeringen och omfattningen av dessa satsningar sig åt mellan Köpenhamn och Malmö. Infrastrukturens stora påverkan på cykelutvecklingen i stort framgår även det i studiens resultat. Studien visar även på hur de båda städernas cykelprogram förhåller sig till cykelns socialt utjämnande egenskaper. Resultatet visar att det finns indikationer från båda städernas framtida cykelplanering på att dessa utjämnande egenskaper har fått en lägre prioritering allt efter cykeltrafiken anpassas till starkare samhällsgrupper. / In the sustainable planning paradigm, the bicycle is seen as playing an important role of combining effective, environmentally friendly, and space conserving transport to the compact city. Despite its overall positive effect on city life, many cities seem to struggle to achieve the goal of increased bicycle traffic. This study studies the similar strategies and efforts used by bicycle friendly European cities through current research literature, in order to analyze Malmö’s and Copenhagen’s efforts to increase their bicycle traffic. The goal of the study is to examine Malmö’s potential for increased bicycle traffic through Copenhagen’s bicycle planning strategies, and to get a deeper understanding of the challenge’s that may face the future field of bicycle planning. The study’s method starts in field studies of four bicycle friendly European cities. The compilation of the field studies identifies three bicycle planning strategies as mutual for all four cities. The mutual bicycle strategies are then used as a tool and benchmark for the analysis of Copenhagen´s and Malmoe´s municipal bicycle program. To understand the spatial relation between the cities bicycle strategies and the street network that they are supposed to be implemented in, a space syntax-analysis is performed. The results from the comparative analysis of the cities bicycle programs and the space syntax-analysis is then summarized and discussed. The result of the study identifies three crucial criteria’s that according to the study has a high possibility of affecting a city’s bicycle share. It also points to the importance of a well-developed bicycle infrastructure to achieve a higher level of competitiveness for the bicycle as a mode of transport. The study also highlights the socially balancing properties of the bicycle as a mode of transport, and the concern of losing these properties due to bicycle planning strategies that is starting to be adapted in order to attract people from more affluent social groups.
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Kommunal beredskap inför mikrobiologiska spridningar i dricksvattenförsörjningen : En kvalitativ studie om beredskap inför framtida dricksvattenutbrott inom svenska kommuner / Municipal preparedness for microbiological spread in the drinking water supply : A qualitative study on future outbreak preparedness in Swedish municipalitiesLiljebjörn, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
Dricksvatten utgör en förutsättning för liv, det är därmed viktigt att goda tillgångar till säkert dricksvatten upprätthålls. Människors kontinuerliga behov av rent dricksvatten skapar en sårbarhet för smittspridningar i dricksvattenförsörjningen. Cryptosporidiumutbrotten i Östersund och Skellefteå kommun år 2010–2011 belyste dricksvattenförsörjningens bristande beredskap och behovet av säkerhetsåtgärder. Utmaningarna med att upprätthålla rent dricksvatten förväntas förvärras på grund av klimatförändringar, ökad urbanisering, befolkningstillväxt och förändrade världsförhållanden. Dessa utmaningar kan leda till en högre risk för spridningar av patogener i dricksvattenförsörjningen, vilket potentiellt kan orsaka hälsorisker om beredskapen och medvetenheten är otillräcklig. Syftet med studien är att utforska kommuners riskuppfattningar, riskprioriteringar och beredskap inför framtida utbrott. Studien syftar också till att identifiera skillnader i uppfattningar, prioriteringar och beredskap mellan kommuner som tidigare har, respektive inte har drabbats av ett kritiskt dricksvattenburet smittutbrott. Tre kommuner, Östersund, Piteå och Sandviken har inkluderats i studien. Totalt fem personer intervjuades. Dessa intervjuer har bearbetats och analyserats med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Studiens resultat belyser hur riskuppfattningar formas genom osäkra framtidsförhållanden, riskfaktorer och tidigare händelser. Utbrotten av cryptosporidium i Östersund och Skellefteå 2010–2011 ökade medvetenheten om mikrobiologiska dricksvattenutbrott. Som ett resultat av detta förbättrades kommunernas beredskap genom investeringar, ökad provtagning och förbättrad vattenbehandling. Utbrottet i Östersund ledde till ett förlorat konsumentförtroende, vilket arbetas med att åtgärda. Trots detta anses utbrottet ha lett till en ökad förståelse för detaljer inom framtidens krisberedskap, vilket utgör en osäkerhetsfaktor bland icke drabbade kommuner. Kommunerna säkerställer en säker dricksvattenförsörjning genom lagkrav. De utvecklar och implementerar dokument för beredskapshantering och säkerhetsåtgärder baserat på dessa lagbestämmelser. Det framgår att prioriteringar och ekonomiska begränsningar påverkar beredskapen inför kritiska dricksvattenburna utbrott, vilket påverkar möjligheten till att rusta dricksvattensäkerheten. / Drinking water is a prerequisite for life, it is therefore important that good supplies of safe drinking water are maintained. People's continuous need for clean drinking water creates a vulnerability to the spread of infection in the drinking water supply. The cryptosporidium outbreaks in Östersund and Skellefteå in 2010–2011 highlighted the lack of preparedness and the need for safety measures. The challenges of maintaining clean drinking water are expected to worsen due to climate change, increased urbanization, population growth, and changing world conditions. These challenges could lead to a higher risk of pathogen spread in drinking water supplies, potentially causing health risks in case of insufficient preparedness and awareness. The study aims to explore municipalities' perception of risks, prioritization of risks, and preparedness for future outbreaks. The study also seeks to identify differences in perceptions, prioritization and preparedness between municipalities that have and have not experienced a previous critical drinking water outbreak. Three municipalities, Östersund, Piteå, and Sandviken, were included in the study. Five people were interviewed. These interviews were processed and analysed using a qualitative content analysis The study's results highlight how risk perceptions are shaped by uncertain future conditions, risk factors and past events. Specifically, the cryptosporidium outbreaks in Östersund and Skellefteå in 2010-2011 increased awareness of microbiological drinking water outbreaks. As a result, municipal preparedness improved through investments, increased sampling, and improved water treatment. The outbreak in Östersund resulted in a loss of consumer confidence, which is still being addressed. Despite this, the outbreak is considered to have led to an increased understanding of the details of emergency management for the future, which is an uncertainty among unaffected municipalities. Municipalities ensure a safe drinking water supply through legal requirements. They develop and implement preparedness management documents and safety measures based on these legal provisions. It appears that priorities and financial constraints affect preparedness for critical drinking water outbreaks, which affects the ability to equip for drinking water safety.
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Avloppsvatten som resurs inom cirkulär vattenanvändning : Hinder och drivkrafter för vattenåtervinning i Skåne / Wastewater as a resource for circular water-usage : Barriers and drivers for water recycling in ScaniaBentell, Mathilda, Eriksson, Lisa January 2024 (has links)
Sverige har historiskt sett haft en god tillgång till sötvatten. Under de senaste åren har dock problematiken kring torka och vattenbrist ökat och periodvis blivit ett problem i vissa regioner. Torka och vattenbrist förväntas bli mer förekommande till följd av klimatförändringar, vilket i bland annat Skåne blir problematiskt eftersom tillgången till sötvatten redan är begränsad. Problematiken ökar i kombination med att det finns ett stort vattenbehov, eftersom det är en folktät region med mycket verksamheter och jordbruk. Som följd har intresset för alternativa vattenkällor ökat, såsom återvinning av avloppsvatten. Syftet med studien var att undersöka utvecklingen av vattenåtervinning i Skåne. Mer specifikt ämnade studien att ta reda på vad skånska aktörer som initierat och påbörjat projekt kring återvinning av vatten stött på för hinder och drivkrafter. Ett kriteriestyrt urval samt snöbollsurval användes för att hitta lämpliga respondenter för de semistrukturerade intervjuerna. Respondenterna bestod av kommunala och regionala tjänstepersoner samt forskare som varit involverade i lokala projekt kring vattenåtervinning i Skåne. Genom induktiv kvalitativ kodning visade resultaten att de främsta drivkrafterna för att utveckla vattenåtervinning i Skåne var vattenbrist, engagemang hos olika aktörer samt tillgång till finansiella och tekniska resurser. Följande visade resultaten att lagstiftning och andra juridiska aspekter, ekonomiska aspekter och infrastruktur utgör de främsta hindren för utvecklingen av vattenåtervinning i Skåne. Slutsatsen visade att VA-systemet och utvecklingen av återvinning av vatten i Skåne befinner sig i en sorts lock-in, på grund av path dependency, där olika system såsom lagstiftning, infrastruktur och ekonomi hämmar utvecklingsmöjligheter. Dock framkom också slutsatsen att engagerade nyckelaktörer såsom VA-organisationer, myndigheter och politiker eller stora kriser såsom torka och vattenbrist harförmågan att agera som focusing events eller path break-outs och bryta den lock-in som finnsoch därmed driva utvecklingen framåt inom vattenåtervinning. Det etiska perspektivet av intergenerationell rättvisa bör integreras vid planeringen av ny VA-infrastruktur. / Sweden has historically had sufficient access to freshwater. However, during the last years drought and water scarcity has increased and periodically become a problem in some regions. Drought and water scarcity is expected to occur more often due to climate change, which in Scania becomes problematic as the access to freshwater is already limited. Combined with thelarge need for water, the issue increases due to how the region is densely populated with numerous industries and agriculture. Consequently, alternative water sources, such as the recycling of wastewater, have gotten more interest. The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of water recycling in Scania, Sweden. More specifically, the aim was to determine what barriers and drivers actors in Scania, who have initiated or participated in projects related to water recycling, have encountered. A criteria-driven selection and snowball selection was used to find appropriate respondents for the semi-structured interviews. The respondents consisted of municipal and regional public-officials as well as researchers who have been involved in local water recycling projects in Scania. Through inductive qualitative coding, results showed that the major drivers of water recycling were water shortage, dedication of different actors and availability of financial and technical resources. Furthermore, the results showed that laws and other juridical aspects, economic aspects and infrastructure were the major barriers of the development of water recycling in Scania. In conclusion, the water and wastewater system and development of water recycling in Scania is in a lock-in face, in accordance with path dependency theory. The study revealed how several systems have contributed to this lock-in, and how legislation, infrastructure and economy therefore prevent development possibilities. However, another conclusion is that dedicated key-actors such as wastewater organisations, government agencies and politicians or major crises like drought or water shortage have the ability to act as focusing events or pathbreak-outs. They have the capability to break the lock-in and therefore act as drivers for further development of water recycling. The ethical perspective of intergenerational justice should be integrated in the planning of new wastewater infrastructure.
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Formal Institutions in Irish Planning: Europeanization Before and after the Celtic TigerFearon, Kyle January 2012 (has links)
Many economies throughout the world were devastated by the global financial crisis of 2007-2008. Ireland in particular experienced a severe collapse in its housing market. Despite the progression of European-influenced planning policy that was meant to promote balanced regional development in Ireland, the country's housing market vastly overbuilt, exacerbating a housing market crash that ended the Celtic Tiger era. Drawing on Europeanization and historical institutionalism as theoretical frameworks, this thesis argues that the link between these EU-influenced policy principles and local Irish planning practice was weak during an important phase of Ireland's economic growth. This conclusion is demonstrated through the analysis of a case study, McEvoy and Smith v. Meath County Council. The findings show that while Ireland's national government created an ambitious National Spatial Strategy modeled on EU principles, non-binding Regional Planning Guidelines allowed local authorities to continue granting zoning changes and permissions. These decisions were therefore uninhibited by the constraints of population projections, consideration for infrastructure provision, and overall good planning practice. This research calls into question the effectiveness of transferring policy principles from the EU to Member States. It suggests more generally that to implement policy and law successfully, policy makers must appreciate the societal and economic context in which these rules will operate.
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