Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3dimension."" "subject:"1dimension.""
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La réforme des retraites en France entre répartition et capitalisation : analyse économique de deux dilemnes / The pension reform in France from pay-as-you-go to funded system : economic analysis of two dilemnasGbenyo, Kodzo-Kuma 05 September 2008 (has links)
La thèse cherche à travers des critères économiques, sociaux et financiers à définir pour laFrance un système de retraite optimal. Elle procède à l’analyse critique de l’ensemble desréformes entreprises depuis la parution du Livre Blanc sur les retraites (1991), et engage despistes de mesures complémentaires pour les améliorer. Elle s’articule autour de deux idéesprincipales : d’une part, les principales réformes (Balladur, 1993 et Fillon, 2003) sont d’ordreparamétrique et entendent préserver la logique de solidarité intergénérationnelle ; d’autre part,sous certaines conditions, elles peuvent être améliorées par l’adjonction de mesuresstructurelles sous forme d’introduction d’une dose de capitalisation obligatoire.L’argumentation s’appuie à la fois sur une réflexion théorique, fondée notamment sur lesmodèles à générations imbriquées, la notion de taxe sur la poursuite d’activité aux âgesavancés, et sur une étude empirique internationale mesurant l’impact d’une capitalisationsupplémentaire sur l’épargne nationale. Globalement, l’objectif de la thèse est de montrerl’existence de deux dilemmes auxquels font face les pouvoirs publics dans la recherche desolutions à la crise des retraites: (1) garder le système de retraite actuel qui offre peud’incitations à la poursuite de toute activité professionnelle aux âges avancés ou aller versplus d’individualisation des droits au risque de sacrifier la solidarité intergénérationnelle ; (2)quelle dose, quelle(s) forme(s) et quelle réglementation de la capitalisation qui permettentd’augmenter l’épargne nationale au lieu de la réduire ? / This dissertation tries to define an optimal retirement system for France based on economic,social and financial criteria. It reviews the reforms that have been undertaken since thepublication of the Livre Blanc sur les retraites in 1991, and highlights additional measuresthat could be implemented to enhance these reforms. The dissertation is structured around twomain ideas: on the one hand, the main reforms (Balladur, 1993 and Fillon, 2003) are ofparametric nature and intend to preserve intergenerational solidarity; on the other hand, undercertain conditions, they can be improved by incorporating a funded system. The analysis relyon both a theoretical framework, notably overlapping generations models, and anempirical approach to assess the impact of additional capitalization on national saving.Overall, the dissertation aims to show that the authorities face two main dilemma whendealing with the retirement crisis: (1) keep the current retirement system, which does notencourage the elderly to remain in the workforce, or move toward a funded system at the riskof giving up intergenerational solidarity; (2) what dose, forms and regulations of fundingcould stimulate national savings?
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Důchodové zabezpečení horníků v České republice / Pension security of miners in the Czech RepublicHolečková, Romana January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of the pension security of miners in the Czech Republic from its historical beginnings to the present day, with the main focus on the legislation de lege lata. The selected range of employees in mining industry is in Czech law of pension insurance in comparison with other insured persons favoured in determination of retirement age and the determination of amount of the old-age pension. These benefits are limited for the time being; however, currently the preferences are enforced to be listed in the public pension system permanently. The main focus of work is therefore an analysis of the legislation relating to the entitlement of miners to an old-age pension, taking into account the specific retirement age and the determination of the amount of this pension. The work also touches other pension benefits paid out of the Czech pension system, i.e. disabled pension and survivors' pensions. Mentioned are also some of the claims arising from compensation legislation and the selected topics of international legal issues that may have an effect on the performance of paid to the miners from the Czech pension system (particularly the top-up allowance).
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Tributação do seguro, do resseguro e dos planos de previdência privada, das seguradoras, resseguradoras e entidades de previdência complementar, sob a óptica do constructivismológico-semânticoNogueira, Julia de Menezes 04 August 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-04 / The goal of this thesis is to analyze, from the perspective of Logical-Semantic Constructivism, all the tax norms incident on insurance, reinsurance and pension plans. We also went through the tax rules applicable to revenues and profits (or surplus) of the entities that are necessary parties to those contracts: insurers, reinsurers, open and closed private pension entities. The analysis of these normative sets under a single point of view is justified, since the contracts on focus and the activities of these entities have a common goal of ensuring risks. In the case of insurance risks, the risks must only be lawful and subject to the categories of damage insurance and personal insurance. In the case of private pension, it protects primarily the social risk of old age. Regarding the taxation of the entities, identity is shown in many aspects, especially the requirement for establishment of technical provisions to meet the future obligations, providence that must necessarily be observed by the Tax Law. In the last chapter, we concentrate on the system built in Brazil, during the last two decades, regarding the taxation of private pension plans. We analyzed each of its stages, to conclude that currently a scheme called "EET" (exemption/exemption/taxation) is adopted, according to which in the first step exemption and deductibility of contributions are granted, in the second step there is also income tax exemption during the accumulation of resources in the plan, with taxation only in the third stage, when the perception of benefits or redemption by the beneficiary occurs, privileging the long-term savings as opposed to the immediate consumption of the income / Nosso objetivo, neste trabalho, é analisar, sob a perspectiva do Constructivismo Lógico-Semântico, as normas tributárias incidentes sobre o seguro, o resseguro e os planos de previdência privada. Também nos ocupamos da tributação incidente sobre as receitas e lucros (ou superávit) das entidades que são partes necessárias nesses contratos: seguradoras, resseguradoras, entidades abertas e fechadas de previdência complementar. A análise desses conjuntos normativos sob ponto de vista único se justifica, pois os contratos em foco e as atividades desenvolvidas pelas referidas entidades têm como objetivo comum garantir cobertura de riscos. No caso do seguro, riscos de qualquer natureza, bastando que sejam lícitos e submetidos às categorias de seguro de dano e seguro de pessoas. No caso da previdência privada, protege-se primordialmente o risco social da velhice. No último capítulo, nos concentramos sobre o sistema construído no País, nas últimas duas décadas, voltado à tributação dos planos de previdência privada. Analisamos cada uma de suas etapas, para concluir que atualmente se adota regime denominado IIT , segundo o qual há isenção e dedutibilidade na etapa das contribuições, isenção na etapa da acumulação dos recursos no plano, havendo tributação somente por ocasião da percepção dos benefícios, ou resgate, pelo beneficiário, privilegiando-se a poupança de longo prazo em detrimento do consumo imediato
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政府在勞工退休金計劃管制中角色扮演之探討郭俊甫, Kuo Chin-fu Unknown Date (has links)
傳統由家庭負責的老年經濟安全在老年人口日益增加,子女數目的減少及產業結構改變的衝擊下已漸漸的暴露出問題的嚴重性。其責任也漸漸地由家庭轉移到整體社會。世界各國政府多將如何確保老年經濟安全列為主要的施政內容,我國自然也不例外。證諸已開發國家的實際情況,大多以多層次的年金體系(multi-tier pension system)提供老年經濟安全完整的保障。近年來也有多位學者發表文章以探討如何利用這種多層次的年金架構達成各種社會及經濟目標。
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的---------------------------------------1
第二節 研究範圍與研究限制---------------------------------------3
第三節 研究大綱-------------------------------------------------4
第二章 職業退休(年)金計劃的必要性--------------------------6
第一節 老人福利需求與經濟安全保障的重要性-----------------------6
第二節 現階段老年經濟安全所面臨的威脅---------------------------7
第三節 老年年金的功能與性質------------------------------------12
第四節 職業退休(年)金制度應該扮演的角色----------------------14
第三章 職業退休(年)金計劃的歷史演進及種類----------------21
第一節 職業退休金的歷史演進與發展-------------------------------21
第二節 職業退休金計劃的種類-------------------------------------22
第三節 確定給付計劃與確定提撥計劃-------------------------------25
第四節 選樣OECD國家之職業退休金現況----------------------------39
第四章 政府對退休金計劃在資產方面的管制--------------------47
第一節 政府對退休金基金加以管制的必要性-------------------------47
第二節 政府在提撥基金方面的管制措施-----------------------------48
第三節 政府對賸餘資產所有權歸屬的管制---------------------------68
第四節 政府對投資組合的管制-------------------------------------70
第五章 政府對退休金計劃在負債及其他方面之管制-------------76
第一節 政府對計劃清償退休金債務的能力保險之管制-----------------76
第二節 政府對退休金計劃在賦益權及可攜性方面之管制---------------85
第三節 政府對退休金給付的指數化之管制---------------------------92
第四節 其他與政府管制有關的問題---------------------------------93
第六章 我國勞工退休(年)金管制問題之檢討-------------------103
第一節 我國勞工退休所得保障制度之沿格-------------------------103
第二節 我國現行勞工退休金制度所面臨之問題---------------------106
第三節 勞工退休金條例草案內容分析-----------------------------121
第七章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------125
附表二 每年薪資增加率---------------------------------------
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La réglementation des risques associés à la gouvernance des régimes complémentaires de retraiteMignault, Patrick 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Itinerários da primeira previdência privada no Brasil: de uma iniciativa eclesial (1864) à consolidação de uma entidade aberta de previdência complementar, sem fins lucrativos (1993)Everson Oppermann 24 February 2014 (has links)
Itinerários da Primeira Previdência Privada no Brasil, de uma iniciativa eclesial (1864) à consolidação de uma entidade aberta de previdência complementar (1993) é uma narrativa histórico-interpretativa da saga previdenciária de uma instituição eclesiástica de confissão luterana oriunda da imigração alemã no Brasil. Desde 1864, pastores alemães enviados ao Brasil, possuidores de cultura previdenciária, inspirados no associativismo que fundamentam o mutualismo, buscaram resolver seus problemas de desamparo previdenciário num ambiente em que sua religião era apenas tolerada pelo Império brasileiro e num contexto em que vigia ainda a escravidão, e onde as soluções previdenciárias oficiais eram patrocinadas e proporcionadas apenas pelos montepios. Sem nenhum apoio estatal, financeiro ou legal, por iniciativa privada e associativa, fundaram discretamente em 1 de março de 1883, no Rio Grande do Sul, o que a história maior deve laurear como a primeira previdência privada no Brasil. Característica desse modelo organizacional e do conceito moderno de previdência complementar é que se tratava de uma organização de pessoas físicas, de capital privado e gestionada pelos próprios associados que visava o pagamento de renda mensal vitalícia a clérigos inválidos, suas viúvas e órfãos, uma verdadeira previdência privada. Ao longo desses 130 anos de história as iniciativas e as soluções, ora foram dadas pelos próprios associados, ora pela Igreja Territorial da Prússia (Alemanha), alternando-se os patrocínios dos modelos, no Brasil e na Alemanha, quando das Primeira e Segunda Guerras Mundiais, até o encaminhamento final a partir de 1952, depois 1974, quando foi possível aos religiosos filiarem-se ao sistema oficial de previdência social no Brasil, para, por fim, consolidar-se como a última entidade aberta de previdência privada, sem fins lucrativos, a ser autorizada a funcionar no Brasil, com o nome de Luterprev, em 1993, atual etapa desse processo histórico previdenciário que se apresenta como cíclico e evolutivo. Essa singular história da previdência privada é representativa não apenas no âmbito da Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana no Brasil, cuja confissão teológica está presente no País desde 1824, como também significativa no bojo da história maior da previdência privada no Brasil, pois inaugura, de forma inédita, a temática na historiografia eclesiástica brasileira, contribuindo igualmente, do específico para o geral, para a historiografia previdenciária no Brasil. Do ponto de vista da ciência administrativa é proposta uma discussão, aplicável a vários tipos de organizações humanas, eixos questionadores às fases históricas estabelecidos como eticização, profissionalização e capitalização, como sendo um diálogo entre a teoria das organizações e a teologia. Na perspectiva histórica, deve-se ainda registrar esse feito como uma nova contribuição da imigração alemã no País quando em 2014 se comemora 190 anos dessa imigração ao Brasil. / Itineraries of the First Private Pension Plan in Brazil, from an ecclesial initiative (1864) to the consolidation of an open entity for complementary pension funds (1993) is an interpretative historical narrative of the pension plan saga of an ecclesiastical institution of Lutheran confession originating with the German immigration in Brazil. As of 1864, German pastors sent to Brazil, having a pension plan culture, inspired in the associativism which gives foundation to mutualism, sought to resolve their problems of the lack of pension support in an environment in which their religion was only tolerated by the Brazilian Empire and in a context in which slavery still existed and where the official pension solutions were sponsored and granted only by the montepios (private social pension associations).Without any state financial or legal support, through a private and associative initiative, they discreetly founded, on March 1st of 1883, in Rio Grande do Sul, what the broader history should honor as the first private pension plan in Brazil. Characteristic of this organizational model and of the modern complementary pension plan, this was an organization of physical persons, with private capital and managed by the members themselves which aimed at paying a life time monthly income to invalid clergy, their widows and orphans, a true private pension plan. Throughout these 130 years of history the initiatives and the solutions were sometimes taken by the members themselves, sometimes by the Territorial Church of Prussia (Germany), the sponsorship of the models alternating between Brazil and Germany, due to the First and Second World Wars, until finally, as of 1952, and later 1974, it was possible for these religious people to join the official social security system in Brazil, and in the end they were able to consolidate the last open private pension plan non-profit entity, to be authorized to work in Brazil with the name of Luterprev, in 1993. This is the current stage of this pension plan historical process which presents itself as ciclical and evolutionary. This unique history of the private pension plan is representative not only in the area of the Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil, the theological confession of which has been present in the country since 1824, but is also significant in the midst of the broader history of private pension systems in Brazil, since it inaugurates, in an unprecedented way, the theme within the Brazilian ecclesiastical historiography, equally contributing, from the specific to the general, to the pension historiography in Brazil. From the administrative science point of view a discussion is proposed, which is applicable to various types of human organizations, about questioning axes related to the established historical phases such as ethicization, professionalization and (financial) capitalization as being a dialog between the theory of organizations and theology. From the historical perspective, this accomplishment should also be registered as a new contribution of the German immigration in the country when in 2014 190 years of this immigration to the country is commemorated.
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Nositelé hospodářské politiky na regionální úrovni, jejich role a možnosti v optimálním nastavení důchodového zabezpečení / Holders of economical politics on the regional level, their role and possibilities in the optimal adjustment of old age pensions schemeBEDNÁŘ, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Ph.D. thesis called "Holders of economical politics on the regional level, their role and possibilities in the optimal adjustment of old age pensions scheme" deals with the possibilities of a general solution for pension insurance in the scope of the region. The possibilities of the regional pension insurance system in the real conditions of the Czech Republic are described and analyzed, as it is difficult to transfer pension insurance systems from one country to another as a whole. Possible roles and possibilities of the region when dealing with the problem of old age pension insurance were defined on the basis of performed analyses. A specific outcome of this project represents the definition of conditions which must be satisfied if the public fund of Regional old age pension system should function. Its operation in the framework of second pillar of pension system seems like the optimal solution. The specific solution contains also the mathematical model of functioning of the regional pension scheme under defined conditions, which simulates possible development of the fund and the amount of old age pension received by the contributor provided he satisfies the defined requirements for entitlement to old age pension.
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Finální zhodnocení peněz vložených do penzijního připojištění vzhledem k věku klienta / Final evaluation of the money invested in pension insurance due to the client's ageHANŽLÍKOVÁ, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to highlight the final evaluation of the money invested in pension insurance due to the client's age and to develop model examples for various types of participants in pension plans. This aim of the study was achieved through the data collection, analysis, calculation and deduction of results.The performed analysis allowed to assess the profitability of pension. It enabled insight into the situation III. pillar pension system. It referred to the total amount saved after the end of the savings and to the number of percentage return the savings bring.It was concluded that pension schemes are only worth it for a short term. After some time, profitability is greatly reduced.
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Důchodový systém ČR,jeho problémy a možnosti reformy / The Czech pension system, its problems and possibilities of the reformMachalová, Silvie January 2007 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to give a complex view of the Czech pension system to the reader. In recent years pensions and their associated problems have been the main theme of many discussions. We often hear politicians and experts speaking about the financial problems of the Czech pension system and its unavoidable reform. The preamble of this thesis deals with different situations in the Czech pension system, the rules under which it operates and its history. The body of this work is focused on the analysis of fundamental problems and their effects on the contemporary pension system in the Czech Republic. The emphases in the thesis are on demographic trends; the ageing process; receipts and expenditures of the Czech pension system; the political situation and public opinion in the Czech Republic. The conclusion of this thesis describes various reforms for the Czech pension system and mentions basic information about the Slovak pension system.
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勞工保險與國民年金保險之保險效力與給付整合之研究 / A Study on the Insurance Effect and Payment Integration of Labor Insurance and National Pension Insurance楊宗儀, Yang, Tsung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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