Spelling suggestions: "subject:"problematic"" "subject:"roblematic""
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Att förebygga att unga hamnar i ett "hemmasittande" : En kvalitativ studie om elevhälsans arbete med tidiga insatser för att förebygga frånvaro i skolan / To prevent young people from becoming acute social withdrawan : A qualitative study of student health´s work with early interventions to prevent absenteeism in schoolEdestedt, Linnea, Angelis Lind, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
In step with the development of society, new social phenomena develop where ”acute social withdrawl” is one of them. Acute social withdrawl is a phenomenon that is about individuals ending up in a social isolation where they withdraw from different relationships and contexts, such as school. Problematic school absenteeism is something that student health works withdaily so students don´t become acute social withdrawn. Based on previous research, we find that early coordinated interventions are significant for the preventive work towards individuals who are at risk for becoming acute social withdrawn. However, we see a knowledge gap in how this type of work should be performed. Through a qualitativ studie in the form of semistructured interviews, we interviewed six people who work actively in a student health team to gain deeper understanding of their work with early interventions. The theories we used to analyze the empirical meterial are Collaboration, Systems theory and Empowerment. Based on our study, we could see several conclusions. For example, we saw that the different interviewees had different functioning processes to draw attention to the students needs, and that collaboration with external organisations worked differently in different municipalities. This is due to the availability, resorurces and willinggness. That it´s not only being meetings and meetings without any results. Based on this, we can se that student health´s work with early coordinated interventions is limited and instead we saw that the interviewees themselves, in their professional role had to find their own 3(64)strategies. In Conclusion, we can see that a group perspective is lacking inte work, as there is a lot of individual focus.
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Elevhälsans beskrivning av insatser som främjar närvaro och förebygger frånvaro hos eleverYiangou, Irini, Bergström, Nina January 2024 (has links)
Problematisk skolfrånvaro är ett växande problem i många länder och har allvarliga konsekvenser för både eleven, elevens familj men också samhället på sikt. Denna studie syftar till att bidra med kunskap om skolors arbete med insatser som främjar elevers närvaro och förebygger frånvaro. För att besvara syftet genomfördes fokusgruppsintervjuer med elevhälsan på två olika skolor; en i mellersta och en i norra Sverige. Studiens resultat visar att insatserna som görs sker i samverkan inom elevhälsan men också mellan elevhälsan och vårdnadshavare, elever, pedagoger samt externa kontakter, som till exempel socialtjänst. Styrkor som identifierades i arbetet med frånvaroförebyggande och närvarofrämjande insatser inkluderar tidiga insatser, uppföljning av frånvarostatistik, samsyn, lärmiljö, ett salutogent synsätt i skolan, ett tydligt ledarskap samt en god samverkan med elev, vårdnadshavare och externa kontakter. Några hinder som identifierades är en icke fungerande samverkan med externa aktörer och vårdnadshavare, brist på samsyn mellan skolan och vårdnadshavare och mellan personalen på skolan. Utvecklingsområden som identifierades var samverkan med externa kontakter, samsyn och systematiken på skolan. För att kunna arbeta med frånvaroförebyggande och närvarofrämjande insatser nämns tid och samsyn som viktiga förutsättningar. I studien dras slutsatsen att det är av stor vikt hur skolan organiserar sina insatser, där ett aktivt ledarskap på olika nivåer med tydliga förväntningar på personalen kan bidra till ett framgångsrikt arbetssätt. Ett “tillsammansarbete” nämns även som betydelsefullt där det är viktigt med samsyn och samverkan mellan personalen på skolan, mellan elevhälsa och vårdnadshavare, samt mellan elevhälsa och externa kontakter. / Problematic school absenteeism is a growing problem in many countries and can have serious consequences for the student, the student's family, and society in the long run. This study aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on how schools work with initiatives that promote student attendance and prevent absenteeism. To collect data, focus group interviews were conducted with student health services at two different schools: one in central and one in northern Sweden. The results of the study show that interventions are carried out in collaboration within the student health service, as well as between the student health services and guardians, students, educators, and external contacts, such as social services. The strengths identified in the work to promote attendance and prevent absenteeism include early interventions, shared perspectives, following up on absentee statistics, the school’s learning environment, a salutogenic approach in the school, clear leadership, and good collaboration with students, guardians, and external contacts. Obstacles identified include non-functioning collaboration with external agencies and guardians and a lack of shared perspectives by the school and guardians, and among the school staff. Developmental areas identified include collaboration, shared perspectives, and the systematics within the school. To be able to work with absenteeism prevention and attendance-promoting efforts, time and shared perspectives are mentioned as important prerequisites. The study concludes that active leadership at various levels with clear expectations for staff is essential. Additionally, it is important to have a shared perspective and collaboration among school staff, between student health services and guardians, and between student health services and external contacts.
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Genom skärmen : En kvantitativ undersökning om sociala mediers relation till självkänsla och subjektivt välbefinnande / Through the screen : A quantitative study on the relationship of social media to self-esteem and subjective well-beingBallovara, Elise, Dahl, Denice January 2024 (has links)
Social interaktion och kommunikation sker till stor del på sociala medier i dagens samhälle. Tidigare forskning har visat på kopplingar mellan problematisk användning av sociala medier (PSMU) till faktorer som låg självkänsla och subjektivt välbefinnande (SWB). Uppsatsens syfte var att studera sambandet mellan PSMU med självkänsla och SWB, samt studera eventuella könsskillnader inom dem. En enkät innehållande 21 frågor genomfördes, där 183 personer mellan 18–76 år deltog (n = 183; 75,9 % kvinnor, 23,5 % män, 0,6 % annat; Målder = 34 år gammal). Faktorerna studerades genom självskattningsskalor, där PSMU mättes med Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale, självkänsla mättes med Rosenbergs Self-Esteem Scale och SWB mättes genom WHO-5. Enligt Pearsons korrelationsanalys fanns signifikanta negativa samband mellan PSMU och självkänsla, samt mellan PSMU och SWB. Det fanns även en signifikant skillnad mellan kvinnor och mäns PSMU, men dessa skillnader återfanns inte gällande självkänsla och SWB. Sammanfattningsvis är det svårt att generalisera resultatet eftersom enkäten genomfördes i Sverige samt att könsfördelningen var ojämn. Uppsatsen vill trots detta, uppmärksamma problemet som uppstår när användningen sociala medier blir till en dysfunktionell copingstrategi. I framtida forskning kan faktorer som kultur, civilstånd och sysselsättning vara intressant att studera. / Social interaction and communication take place largely on social media in today's society. Previous research has shown links between problematic social media use (PSMU) and factors such as low self-esteem and subjective well-being (SWB). The aim of this paper was to study the relationship between PSMU with self-esteem and SWB, and to study possible gender differences within them. A questionnaire containing 21 questions was conducted, in which 183 people aged 18-76 years participated (n = 183; 75.9% women, 23.5% men, 0.6% other; Mage = 34 years). The factors were studied through self-report scales, where PSMU was measured by the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale, self-esteem was measured by the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and SWB was measured by the WHO-5. According to Pearson's correlation analysis, there were significant negative correlations between PSMU and self-esteem, and between PSMU and SWB. There was also a significant difference between women's and men's PSMU, but these differences were not found for self-esteem and SWB. In conclusion, it is difficult to generalize the results because the survey was conducted in Sweden and the gender distribution was uneven. Regardless, it highlights the problem that arises when social media use becomes a dysfunctional coping strategy. In future research, factors such as culture, marital status and occupation may be of interest to study.
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Vägen tillbaka: Behandlingstrohet och dess roll i att motverka problematisk skolfrånvaro : En kvantitativ studie med beräkning av behandlingstrohet och dess samband med behandlingsresultat. / The way back: Treatment fidelity and its roll in counteracting problematic school absenteeism : A quantitative study that calculates treatment fidelity and its relation to treatment outcomes.Dahlberg, Annika, Vásquez, Virgilio January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att beräkna graden av behandlingstrohet för en intervention mot problematisk skolfrånvaro och undersöka dess samband med utfallet, med avseende på skolnärvaro och psykisk ohälsa (ångest och depression). Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativ longitudinell studie baserad på befintliga data. Implementeringsteorin och det konceptuella ramverket Evidens tillämpades. Det visade sig att 73.5 % av behandlingen genomfördes som avsett, vilket indikerar hög behandlingstrohet. Resultaten visade förbättringar i både skolnärvaro och minskad psykisk ohälsa. Däremot observerades en negativ korrelation mellan behandlingstrohet och skolnärvaro, i motsats till studiens hypotes. Sambandet mellan behandlingstrohet och psykisk ohälsa överensstämde dock med förväntningarna, då en ökad behandlingstrohet ledde till minskad psykisk ohälsa. Dessa resultat tyder på behovet av ytterligare forskning om sambandet mellan behandlingstrohet och behandlingsresultat i interventioner mot problematisk skolfrånvaro, samt på behovet av att utvärdera metoder för att mäta behandlingstrohet. / This study aimed to measure treatment fidelity for an intervention targeting problematic school absenteeism and examine its correlation with school attendance and mental health outcomes (anxiety and depression). It was conducted as a quantitative longitudinal study using existing data, and applied implementation theory and the Evidence conceptual framework. It found that 73.5% of the treatment was completed as intended, indicating high fidelity. Results showed improvements in both school attendance and reduced mental health issues. However, a negative correlation was observed between treatment fidelity and school attendance, contrary to the hypothesis. The relationship between treatment fidelity and mental health issues, on the other hand, was in line with expectations, as increased treatment fidelity led to reduced mental health issues. These findings highlight the need for further research on the correlation between treatment fidelity and intervention outcomes for problematic school absenteeism, as well as the need to improve methods for measuring treatment fidelity.
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The concept of sin in the theologies of Ellen G White and Leonardo Boff : a comparative studyZvandasara, Nkosiyabo, 1961- 03 1900 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare the concept of sin in the theologies of
Ellen G. White and Leonardo Boff. Chapter 1 examines Ellen G. White's concept
of sin. White's historical and theological backgrounds coupled with her use of the
"great controversy" motif provide a better grasp of her understanding of sin. White
defines sin as the transgression of God's Law. She views sin to comprise at least
two dimensions, namely, the individual and the social. White regards these two
aspects of sin to have equal significance. White's detailed treatment of the
sanctuary teaching also highlights the two dimensions of sin.
In Chapter 2 Boff' s idea of sin is investigated. Boff' s historical background,
which exposed him to the poor, influenced his perception of sin. Boff's theological
background together with his familiarity with Karl Marx's social analysis prompted
Boff to define sin as the negation of God's love in a human history bedevilled by
class conflict. Boff views sin to have the individual and social dimensions. Yet, in
terms of importance, Boff believes that the social dimension of sin is more
consequential than the individual one.
In Chapter 3 White's and Boff s views on sin are compared. From this
comparison it is evident that both White and Boff recognize the bipolarity of sin.
Both seem to agree that christians should take an active role in correcting social
evils because love for God is manifested by how we relate to our neighbor. Boff
devotes less space to the individual aspect of sin than White.
Chapter 4 shows that White's theological tradition has a lot to learn from
Boff and his tradition and also vice versa. An awareness of the current priestly
ministry of Christ evident in White's theology could help Boff to bring some
balance to his stance on the social and the individual dimension of sin. Boff' s use
of Marx's social analysis should also help Seventh-day Adventists, the inheritors of
White's theology, not to interpret White's theology of sin only along individualistic
lines while overlooking its social dimension. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Constances et spécificités des dysfonctionnements interactionnels dans le genre "débat politique télévisé" : une application au débat de l'entre-deux tours de l'élection présidentielle de 2007 / Turn-taking dysfunctions in TV political debates : an analysis of the second-round debate of the 2007 French presidential electionSandré, Marion 26 November 2010 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit en sciences du langage, dans le champ de l’analyse du discours, et utilise les outils de l’analyse conversationnelle et interactionnelle. L’objectif est de montrer la corrélation entre l’objet d’étude – le dysfonctionnement interactionnel – et le genre du discours – le débat politique télévisé. Le corpus choisi est le débat de l’entredeuxtours de l’élection présidentielle de 2007, entre Ségolène Royal et Nicolas Sarkozy. La transcription intégrale de cette interaction permet de recenser l’ensemble des dysfonctionnements et de les classer. Il existe ainsi deux types de dysfonctionnement : les ratés du système des tours (interruption, chevauchement, silence prolongé entre deuxtours) et la non-pertinence de l'enchaînement (échange tronqué, seconde partie de paire non pertinente). Chacun de ces dysfonctionnements est étudié en fonction des visées auxquelles il obéit (coopérer, polémique, gérer l’interaction…), et par rapport à la stratégie globale à laquelle il participe. L’analyse précise de chaque catégorie de dysfonctionnement interactionnel permet de montrer les constantes et les spécificités de ces phénomènes discursifs. En outre, cette analyse porte sur la relation interpersonnelle et mobilise les notions de face et d’ethos, l’image des candidats locuteurs s’élaborantaussi au travers de ces dysfonctionnements. Plus largement, le but de cette étude est d’esquisser une cartographie des dysfonctionnements interactionnels pouvant servir de modèle à d’autres analyses. Les études futures pourront porter sur d’autres débats ou d’autres genres du discours, afin de mener une étude comparative, en utilisant les outils mis en évidence dans ce travail. / The second-round debate of presidential elections has been a significant event in French politics since 1974. The final TV debate of 2007, during which presidential candidates Ségolène Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy confronted each other, constitutes the corpus of the present study. The analysis focuses on turn-taking dysfunctions : interruption, overlapand problematic sequence. The aim of this study is to understand the function of these discursive devices in this TV political debate. First, the detailed transcription shows many turn-taking dysfunctions. Second, the analysis of the data reveals different types of interruption (intentional or not, with or without simultaneous speech, isolated or with others interruptions), different types of overlap (when two speakers begin together, when the current speaker continues speaking after the overlap or when he lets the next speaker talk) and different types of problematic sequence (when the next speaker does not answer at all or does not answer well to the first speaker). Third, each type is precisely examined. The discourse analysis demonstrates how the debater uses them to defend himself or to criticize the other person. Furthermore, as turn-taking dysfunctions are conversational insults, the discourse surrounding them is analysed as a way to save face and to build the discursive ethos. The results of this study may help the field of linguistics to understand the discursive strategies of politicians. More generally, it presents a model to analyse every type of turn-taking dysfunction. Future research might focus on other TV political debates and other discursive genres (interviews, TV programmes with politicians) so as to carry out a comparative analysis.
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Zobcová flétna jako terapeutický prostředek u dětí s výchovnými problémy / Recorder as a Therapeutic Agent in Children With Symptoms of Problem BehaviorIbriqi, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is to use descant recorders (hereinafter recorder) as a therapeutic agent in children with behavioral difficulties. The main aim of the study is to analyze the impact of activities with the recorder on the problem phenomena in the behavior of selected individuals and further explore the views of preschool teachers of their own readiness to manage problem behavior in their classrooms. The theoretical part is mainly engaged in the therapeutic use of recorders and characteristics of problematic behavior. Considerable space is devoted to the review of options to promote desirable behavior in pre school children and areas of music therapy. With regard to the desired objectives mixed research is chosen in the practical part. Using a questionnaire opinions of preschool teachers on the issue of educational difficulties in children are collected and also the possibility to use the recorder for therapeutic purposes. The case studies demonstrate the impact of the recorder on the manifestations of problematic behavior. The conclusion summarizes the findings of the study. KEYWORDS descant recorder, manifestations of problematic behavior, behavior disorders, promoting the desired behavior, music therapy, supporting procedures, morning circle, therapeutic - formative methods
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Prevalência de dependência de internet e fatores associados em universitários da cidade de Pelotas, RSMULLER, Rosângela Mattos 27 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane Chim (cristiane.chim@ucpel.edu.br) on 2018-07-20T12:30:29Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Rosangela de Mattos Muller.pdf: 962789 bytes, checksum: 383c73cf4eacc5fb95ef62f66d865c8f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-20T12:30:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Rosangela de Mattos Muller.pdf: 962789 bytes, checksum: 383c73cf4eacc5fb95ef62f66d865c8f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-27 / Introduction: The internet has many features and is fully integrated with modern society.
Studies show that some individuals are losing control of time, neglecting their basic hygiene
care, social interaction, causing significant losses in their relationships, academic and
professional activities. Objectives: The objective of the study was to verify the prevalence of
Internet addiction in undergraduate students from two public and private universities and a
Federal Institute in the city of Pelotas and to investigate associated factors. Methods: A crosssectional
and randomized study was performed using the following instruments: International
Addiction Test, International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory,
Epworth Sleepiness Scale and Games Dependency Questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of
internet addiction was 41.7%, being inversely proportional to age. There was a significant
correlation with depression, those who presented changes in screening tests for depression had
a prevalence of internet addiction 83% higher. Three out of ten university students presented
daytime somnolence and 3% of the sample were classified as at risk for gambling
dependence. There is a correlation between consumption of hypercaloric foods, alcohol use
and sedentary lifestyle, and dependence on the internet. Conclusion: The dependence of
internet on university students is a reality that needs to be approached in an interdisciplinary
way, since it compromises the physical and mental health of these young people. / Introdução: A internet apresenta inúmeras funcionalidades e está totalmente integrada à
sociedade moderna. Estudos evidenciam que alguns indivíduos estariam perdendo o controle
do tempo, negligenciando seus cuidados básicos de higiene, convívio social, acarretando
prejuízos significativos em seus relacionamentos, atividades acadêmicas e profissionais.
Objetivos: O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a prevalência de dependência de internet em
estudantes universitários dos cursos de graduação de duas universidades, pública e privada, e
de um Instituto Federal na cidade de Pelotas e investigar fatores associados. Métodos: Foi
realizado estudo transversal e randomizado, sendo utilizados os seguintes instrumentos:
International Addiction Test, International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Beck Depression
Inventory, Epworth sleepness scale e Game Addiction Scale. Resultados: A prevalência de
dependência de internet foi de 41,7%, sendo inversamente proporcional à idade. Verificou-se
uma correlação significativa com depressão, aqueles que apresentaram alterações nos testes
de triagem para depressão tiveram uma prevalência de dependência de internet 83% maior.
Três em cada dez universitários apresentaram sonolência diurna e 3% da amostra foram
classificados como em risco para dependência de jogos. Existe uma correlação entre o
consumo de alimentos hipercalóricos, uso de álcool e sedentarismo e dependência de internet.
Conclusão: A dependência de internet em universitários é uma realidade que precisa ser
abordada de uma maneira interdisciplinar, visto que compromete a saúde física e mental
desses jovens.
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Problémové chování žáků s autismem a střední mentální retardací / Problematic behavior of pupils with autism and moderate mental retardationJarošová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the topic of problematic behaviour of pupils with autism and medium mental retardation in an educational process. The main aim of this work is to learn about and describe teaching staff's experience with the occurrence and ways of handling problematic behaviour of these pupils. The theoretical part describes the basic terms related to autism, mental retardation and it also outlines a historical context of autism, etilogy, its classification and characteristic symptoms. The thesis also focuses on the diagnostic process in the psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, an overview of basic obligatory diagnostic tools is provided. It deals with the legislative framework of the education of pupils with autism and medium mental retardation, it describes the most common educational methods and therapeutic approaches in special schools. Next chapter defines the term problematic behaviour, outlines the diagnostic evaluations and some specific approaches to correcting such behaviour. The practical research part is based on the qualitatively-oriented methodology and it works with data gained from 11 semi-structured interviews with the school deputy directors, special pedagogues - teachers, assistant teachers - educators from three elementary schools separately established for...
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Tvångsvård på grund av problematiskt datorspelande : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av <em>annat socialt nedbrytande beteend</em>e i 3 § LVUGustavsson, Cecilia, Lundqvist, Petra January 2010 (has links)
<p>This paper has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 3rd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the prerequisite <em>other social destructive behaviour</em> in four cases where youths has been under compulsory institutional care because of their computer gaming. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method and a legal sociologist perspective. The legal dogmatic method implies to examine the law and its elaboration, the legal sociologist perspective focus on the consequences and causes of the court of law. The study shows that problematic computer gaming is an increasing problem in society and that <em>other social destructive behaviour</em> is a wide prerequisite that need new amendment in order to ensure citizens certainty.</p>
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