Spelling suggestions: "subject:"professionalization"" "subject:"rofessionalization""
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Approche par compétence dans la formation des enseignants de français langue étrangère : le cas du Vietnam / Competency-based approach in the training of teachers of French as a foreign language : the case of VietnamTrinh, Thuy Duong 14 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’étudier la (les) compétence(s) d’enseignants de FLE lors de la formation initiale dans le contexte vietnamien, lequel, en pleine rénovation, exige la conception et la construction de nouveaux dispositifs de formation de qualité. Elle débute par une analyse de l’état des lieux de la formation actuelle des enseignants au Vietnam qui permet de repérer des éléments pertinents pouvant inspirer la conception d’un référentiel de compétences pour les futurs enseignants. Pour ce faire, il est fait appel aux notions de compétence disciplinaires contenues dans le CECRL (version 2001), de compétences professionnelles de l’enseignant et de l’enseignant compétent dans le contexte déterminé. Plus particulièrement, deux enquêtes par questionnaire auprès des enseignants et des étudiants-futurs enseignants, des entretiens avec des enseignants formateurs et des observations de classe ont effectués comme méthode de constitution des données. L’analyse des résultats confirme d’une part la problématique relative aux lacunes de la formation et d’autre part les domaines de compétences à développer pour une formation initiale d’un enseignant de FLE au contexte vietnamien. La construction d’un référentiel de compétences accompagné des standards et indicateurs est le fruit de la recherche dont la perspective immédiate est de pouvoir mettre en oeuvre des formations appuyées sur la (les) compétence(s) de l’enseignant. / This dissertation aims to investigate teacher’s competences in the face of various contextual changes in the Vietnamese tertiary education which require new perspectives and approaches in curriculum development. These competences are analyzed in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR, 2001) on teachers’ professional competences and competent teachers. Data were collected from distributing survey questionnaires to in-service and pre-service teachers, interviews with university instructors. Data analysis reveals limitations in the current curriculum and helps to identify areas of competences that teachers of French in Vietnam need to develop. The research results consist of a competence framework with detailed descriptions for competence-based teacher training programs to be implemented.
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Eine Klassifizierung von mediendidaktischen Unterstützungsangeboten als Ansatz für die Fokussierung von Austausch und ProfessionalisierungLilienthal, Jonas, Matthé, Frederic, Mersch, André, Rottmeier, Stephanie, Schumann, Marlen 29 October 2020 (has links)
An vier unterschiedlich ausgerichteten Hochschulen in Deutschland wurden im Zuge der Förderprogramme der letzten Jahre Maßnahmen rund um die Digitalisierung der Lehre entwickelt. Alle verfolgten das Ziel, die mediendidaktischen Kompetenzen der Lehrenden weiterzuentwickeln. In einem ersten Schritt wurden aufgrund vergleichbarer Ausgangslagen unabhängig voneinander Unterstützungsangebote mit einem Fokus auf toolorientierte Workshops und E-Teaching Programme entwickelt. Eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit den bisherigen Erfahrungen und den Bedarfen der Lehrenden führte zu einer Weiterentwicklung mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunktsetzungen. Wesentlich waren dabei sowohl die gewählte Sozialform (Gruppe versus Individuum) als auch die inhaltliche Ausrichtung (Informationsvermittlung versus Begleitung von Entwicklungsvorhaben Lehrender). Aus Perspektive der hochschul- und mediendidaktisch Beratenden beschreibt jedes der vier – durch die Kombination dieser beiden Dimensionen – definierten Felder einer Matrix eine spezifische Rolle und damit auch ein Bündel relevanter Anforderungen und zu entwickelnder Kompetenzen. Diese wurden in zwei Workshops genutzt, um den kollegialen Austausch im Sinne einer Community of Practice zu fokussieren.
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Lärare - en diskurs i förändring : Perspektiv på lärarbrist och profession / Teachers - a Discourse in Transition : Perspectives on Teacher Shortage and ProfessionMånsson, Roger January 2020 (has links)
Abstract From a Foucault-inspired, poststructuralistic approach this study reviews the problem of teacher shortage. Its purpose is to leave a contribution of alternative perspectives on teacher shortage, and relate them to the professionalization of the teacher occupation. The study examines how schools’ competency supply in Sweden can be seen from alternative perspectives than those put forward in thirteen debate articles published in 2019, and the summary of the final report from the state investigation on better schools through more attractive school professions. Applied method is Carol Bacchi’s What’s the problem represented to be? The results describe a volatile current situation that entails that other stakeholders’ agendas in addressing the teacher shortage strongly limits the possibilities of professionalizing the teacher occupation. A fear is highlighted that unilateral focus on solving the students’ situation in relation to the teacher shortage may shroud aspects of the teachers’ perspectives, which could result in the implementation of counter-productive measures. / Sammanfattning Studien granskar utifrån en Foucault-inspirerad, poststrukturalistisk ansats problemet med lärarbrist. Dess syfte är att bidra med alternativa perspektiv till diskursen kring lösningar på lärarbristen, och att sätta dem i relation till yrkets professionalisering. Studien undersöker hur skolans kompetensförsörjning i Sverige kan ses ur alternativa perspektiv till de som skrivs fram i tretton debattartiklar som berör lärarbristen publicerade under 2019, samt sammanfattningen av slutbetänkandet för den statliga utredningen om en bättre skola genom mer attraktiva skolprofessioner. Som metod används Carol Bacchis What’s the problem represented to be? Resultatet beskriver ett föränderligt nuläge som innebär att läraryrkets möjligheter till professionalisering starkt begränsas av andra aktörers agendor i arbetet med att åtgärda lärarbristen. En farhåga lyfts om att ett ensidigt fokus på att lösa elevernas situation i lärarbristen riskerar att dölja aspekter av lärarnas perspektiv, vilket kan medföra att det genomförs kontraproduktiva åtgärder.
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From Shaky Self-Held Cameras to Professional Camera Teams -A Thematic Analysis of How YouTube Audiences Perceive the Professionalization of Vlog Production StylesDalmer, Nathalia January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide insight into how YouTube audiences perceive the professionalization of vlog production styles and what happens to the parasocial relationship between viewer and vlogger, especially in relation to authenticity, in relation to this. This is done by a thematic analysis of comments on Valeria Lipovetsky’s YouTube video “We Need To Talk”, which serves as a case study. The analysis is done in background to theories of professionalization of influencers, parasocial relationships and authenticity. The results show that there is a tension between the perceived authenticity of the vlogger and the professionalization of vlog production style that is affecting the parasocial relationship between viewer and vlogger negatively. The distinguished themes point to vlogs filmed by a camera team being perceived to resemble reality television which is making the viewers feel disconnected with the vlogger. It is revealed that the audience prefers vlogs where the vlogger is holding the camera themselves, asthat is perceived as more personal and authentic.
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Att auktorisera sig eller inte - det är frågan : Auktorisationens betydelse för teckenspråkstolkars yrkesverksamhet i Sverige / To authorize or not – that is the questionBrännberg Fogelström, Liv January 2023 (has links)
Enligt Kammarkollegiet visar auktorisation i teckenspråkstolkning på tolkens gedigna kunskaper och färdigheter, samt tolkens lämplighet för tolkyrket. Auktorisation för teckenspråkstolkar har erbjudits i Sverige sedan 1 juli 2003. Idag saknas information kring auktorisationens betydelse för teckenspråkspråkstolkens yrkesverksamhet. Den här forskningen syftar till att utifrån teckenspråkstolkars perspektiv belysa deras inställning till auktorisation och dess betydelse för yrkeslivet, samt undersöka om en relation kan bindas till tolkens arbetsplats om tolken har en auktorisation eller inte. Studien bygger på en digital enkät till yrkesverksamma teckenspråkstolkar om deras inställning till auktorisation för teckenspråkstolkar. Majoriteten av de auktoriserade tolkarna ansåg att auktorisation har liten till ingen betydelse för deras yrkesliv. Nästan hälften av de auktoriserade tolkarna uttryckte att deras arbetsgivare önskat att anställda ska auktorisera sig. Vidare angav drygt en tredjedel av de icke-auktoriserade tolkarna att deras arbetsgivare samt de själva inte upplevt något behov av auktorisation i yrkeslivet. Studien visar också på att det fanns en relation mellan tolkens arbetsplats och om tolken har en auktorisation eller ej. Forskningen visar på en del meningsskiljaktigheter kring auktorisationens betydelse för teckenspråkstolkens yrkesverksamhet beroende på om tolken är auktoriserad eller icke-auktoriserad. / Authorization in sign language interpreting demonstrates the interpreter's knowledge and skills, as well as their suitability for the interpreting profession according to Kammarkollegiet. Authorization for sign language interpreters has existed in Sweden since July 1, 2003. There is a lack of information about the meaningfulness of authorization. This study aims to highlight, from the perspective of sign language interpreters, their attitude towards authorization and its importance for their careers. It also examines whether the interpreter’s workplace has an impact on them being authorized or not. The study is based on a digital survey of professional sign language interpreters and their attitudes towards authorization for sign language interpreters. Most of the responding authorized interpreters thought that authorization has little or no importance in their careers. Almost half of the authorized interpreters expressed that their employer wanted employees to authorize themselves. Furthermore, just over a third of the non-authorized interpreters indicated that neither their employers nor they themselves had experienced a need for authorization within their profession. The study also shows that there is a statistically significant difference in the interpreters' workplace depending on whether the interpreter has an authorization or not. The study shows that there are differing opinions regarding the importance of authorization for sign language interpreters and their careers, depending on whether the interpreter is authorized or not.
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Förskolerektorers reflektioner kring förutsättningar och stöd för skolutvecklingsuppdraget / Pre-school principals’ reflections of conditions and support for the mission of school developmentJönsson, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Abstract As written in the pre-school's governing documents, principals are responsible for the work with school development and systematic quality work in the organization. In previous studies and in reports from the Swedish National Agency for Education, criticism has been given regarding, among other things, the lack of prerequisites and support for principals in carrying out school development. This study has sought knowledge on preschool principals' experiences and reflections of working conditions and subsequent support for the developmental part of their work docket, as well as which support structures principals believe should facilitate the work geared towards school development. This study reveals that principals, due to a relatively widespread lack of understanding of the pre-school's mission, confirm a lack of suitable conditions and support for their work. The need for increased resources both to educate uneducated staff and to create opportunity for school development and systematic quality work is analysed. The study also mentions the impact of school culture on and that of conditions concerning school development. In accordance with Abbott's profession theory, signs are shown in the principals' experiences that increased governance and control of professions can lead to de-professionalization and that competition for jurisdiction (the field with exclusive tasks linked to a profession) can lead to a change in the status of an entire professional group. A strong and clear profession with autonomy and control over its tasks and jurisdiction can, through these distinguishing characteristics, exclude competing professions or groups fighting for the same tasks. / Sammanfattning Rektorer har genom förskolans styrdokument, ansvar för arbetet med skolutveckling och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i organisationen. I forskning samt i rapporter från Skolverket finns återkommande kritik mot bland annat bristande förutsättningar och stöd för rektorer att bedriva skolutveckling. Föreliggande studie undersöker förskolerektorers reflektioner och erfarenheter av förutsättningar och stöd från huvudman och personal för skolutveckling samt vilka stödstrukturer som rektorerna anser bör underlätta arbetet med skolutveckling. Resultatet visar att rektorer ofta upplever en utbredd brist på förståelse för förskolans uppdrag samt att de saknar förutsättningar och stöd i sitt arbete. Det finns behov av ökade resurser både för utbildning av outbildad personal och för att frigöra tid i verksamheten för skolutveckling och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete. I resultatet framkommer också att skolkulturen påverkar förutsättningar för skolutveckling. Rektorerna uttrycker, i enlighet med Abbotts professionsteori, att ökad styrning och kontroll av professioner leder till avprofessionalisering samt att konkurrens om jurisdiktion (fältet med exklusiva arbetsuppgifter knutna till en profession) kan leda till förändring av status för en hel yrkesgrupp. En stark och tydlig profession med autonomi och kontroll över sina arbetsuppgifter och jurisdiktion, kan genom dessa utmärkande egenskaper, exkludera konkurrerande professioner eller grupper som konkurrerar om samma arbetsuppgifter i syfte att stärka sin profession.
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Vad gör egentligen en socionom? : En kvalitativ studie om professionell status och yrkeslegitimation för socionomer. / What does a social worker even do? : A qualitative study on the professional status and professional credentials of social workers.Dahl Thörnström, Clara, Bäckstöm, Madelene January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study has been to explore how professionals in the field of social work view professional licensure. Through semi-structured interviews, we have explored their reflections and opinions on the potential of professional licensure, their perceptions of their work, and how they believe licensure could affect their area of work in relation to professional status. The results are presented based on a qualitative content analysis, and the responses indicate that professional licensure is expected to raise the status of social workers in society. The study presents the complexity of the social work profession’s field, where boundaries are often seen as diffuse externally. This is demonstrated from the study's results and previous research around the difficulties of implementing uniform professional licenses. The interviewees also emphasize the importance of social work education for the exclusivity of the profession, where a stronger connection between practice and theory may be suggested to strengthen the profession’s legitimacy. Another significant finding is the central role of social workers for the welfare and well-being of society. Although the social work profession can sometimes be perceived negatively by the public, partly due to media portrayal, the study points out that there is a need for the public to gain an improved understanding of social workers’ roles and competences. The study's findings indicate that this could strengthen the profession's legitimacy and status. Even though there is strong support for professional licensure for social workers, challenges also emerged regarding its implementation. Some interviewees felt that licensure should be limited to specific work roles and tasks, especially those involving the exercise of authority. Others expressed concern that the introduction of licensure could lead to even more fragmented professional identities. In conclusion, the study shows the collective support for professional licensure for social workers yet emphasizes the challenges that must be addressed in such a process for the implementation of licenses.
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Understanding the Floodplain Administrator: Measuring and Analyzing Perceived Competence with Implications for TrainingKeys, Chad A 08 1900 (has links)
Utilizing survey data gathered from local local level floodplain administrators (FPAs) operating within Federal Emergency Management Agency Region 6, this study provides a more nuanced understanding of perceived competency among FPAs across key floodplain management topics through the use of a principal component analysis (PCA). PCA identified six distinct components related to perceived competency among FPAs including; Modification and Update Process, General Knowledge, Grants and Programs, Analysis, Development and Real Estate, and Administration and Outreach. The study then employed regression analyses to identify organizational and individual level characteristics that predict perceived competency. Data analyses identified several organizational variables as significant positive predictors of perceived competency including working within an urban community, full-time job status and overall workload percentage dedicated to floodplain management. Additionally, several individual characteristics such as educational attainment, professional certification, previous disaster experience, and years of experience working as an FPA were also identified as significant positive predictors of perceived competency. Based on these findings the study makes several recommendations about improvements to training and educational materials for practitioners and students.
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Vasaloppet - resan från skidtävling och skidlöpare till produkter och kunder : En studie om kommersialisering och professionaliseringLarsson von Garaguly, Joacim January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Étude comparée de la formation initiale des enseignants du primaire au Québec et en FinlandeMorales Perlaza, Adriana 07 1900 (has links)
Depuis les années 1980, la formation des enseignants a fait l’objet de réformes majeures dans la plupart des sociétés développées, souvent en étant directement articulée à un processus de «professionnalisation» (Tardif, Lessard & Gauthier, 1998). La professionnalisation de l’enseignement est aujourd’hui considérée comme un mouvement international (OCDE, 2005). Dans cette recherche de maîtrise, nous analysons la mise en œuvre de la professionnalisation et son articulation à l’organisation des programmes de formation des enseignants du primaire dans deux contextes : Finlande et Québec.
L’intérêt d’une comparaison du Québec avec la Finlande découle des enquêtes PISA 2000, 2003, et 2006, qui ont permis de faire reconnaître le système éducatif finlandais comme l’exemple d’un système performant qui combine avec succès la qualité, l’équité et la cohésion sociale (Sahlberg, 2007). Or, parmi les nombreuses raisons présentées pour expliquer ce succès, une des plus importantes serait la formation des enseignants. En Finlande les enseignants réalisent une formation initiale de 5 ans. Mais au Québec les enseignants sont aussi hautement éduqués : ils réalisent une formation universitaire de 4 ans après deux années d’études pré-universitaires. Dans les deux contextes, les enseignants complètent 17 ans de scolarité. Quelles sont les similitudes et les différences entre les programmes de formation des enseignants du primaire en Finlande et au Québec? Comment et en quoi ce processus de professionnalisation, comme tendance internationale, a-t-il marqué les systèmes de formation d’enseignants finlandais et québécois ? Peut-on dégager, à partir de cette comparaison, des éléments d’un système de formation à l’enseignement de meilleure qualité pour le Québec? / Since the 1980s, teacher education has undergone major reforms in most developed societies, often directly connected to a process of "professionalization" (Tardif, Lessard & Gauthier, 1998). The professionalization of teaching is now considered an international movement (OECD, 2005). In this MA research thesis, we analyze the implementation of professionalization and its connection to the organization of primary school teachers training programs in two contexts: Finland and Quebec.
The interest of such a comparison between Finland and Quebec comes from the PISA 2000, 2003 and 2006 results, which brought to light the recognition of the Finnish education system as an example of a well-performing system that successfully combines quality, equity and social cohesion (Sahlberg, 2007). Among the many reasons presented to explain this success, one of the most important would be highly educated teachers. In Finland, teachers complete a 5 years initial training program. But in Quebec teachers are also highly educated: they take a 4 years initial training program, after 2 years of pre-university studies. In both contexts, teachers complete 17 years of schooling. What are the similarities and differences between the primary school teachers training programs in Finland and Quebec? How and in what way has this process of professionalization, as an international trend, influenced the teacher training systems in Finland and Quebec? Can we identify, from this comparison, the elements of a teacher training system of greater quality for Quebec? / Desde los años 1980, la formación de docentes ha sido objeto de importantes reformas en la mayoría de sociedades desarrolladas, reformas a menudo directamente ligadas a un proceso de “profesionalización” (Tardif, Lessard & Gauthier, 1998). La profesionalización de la docencia es hoy en día considerada como un movimiento internacional (OCDE, 2005). En esta investigación de maestría, analizamos la implementación de la profesionalización y su relación con la organización de programas de formación de docentes de primaria en dos contextos: Finlandia y Quebec.
El interés de una comparación de Quebec con Finlandia surge a partir de las encuestas PISA 2000, 2003, y 2006, cuyos resultados permitieron el reconocimiento del sistema educativo finlandés como ejemplo de un sistema de buen funcionamiento que combina exitosamente la calidad, la equidad y la cohesión social (Sahlberg, 2007). Entre las múltiples razones presentadas para explicar el éxito finlandés, una de las más importantes sería que los docentes son altamente preparados. En Finlandia, los docentes realizan una formación inicial de 5 años. Pero en Quebec los docentes también son altamente preparados: éstos realizan una formación de 4 años, luego de completar dos años de estudios pre-universitarios. En los dos contextos, los docentes completan 17 años de escolaridad. ¿Cuáles son las similitudes y diferencias entre los programas de formación de docentes de primaria en Finlandia y Quebec? ¿Cómo y en qué este proceso de profesionalización, como tendencia internacional, marcó los sistemas de formación de docentes en Finlandia y Quebec? ¿Se pueden identificar, a partir de esta comparación, los elementos de un sistema de formación docente de mejor calidad para Quebec?
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