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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta para avaliação de melhores práticas em gerenciamento de projetos de desenvolvimento de produto / Proposal for evaluation of best practices in management of product development projects

Cerqueira, Sônia Cristina da Silva Pedreira de, 1974- 17 December 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Olivio Novaski / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T18:53:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cerqueira_SoniaCristinadaSilvaPedreirade_D.pdf: 3997193 bytes, checksum: c7816fe053cff9290f501d41daa343d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A busca pela excelência nos resultados dos projetos de desenvolvimento de produto em organizações de P&D torna cada vez mais primordial o conhecimento e implementação das melhores práticas na área. Desta forma, a implementação da melhores têm se constituído em importantes instrumentos para mudanças e desenvolvimento de propostas de valor que asseguram a rotina adequada ao sucesso futuro dos negócios das empresas. Assim o estudo das melhores práticas em projetos de desenvolvimento de produto e o conhecimento da percepção destas práticas pelas pessoas que trabalham com desenvolvimento de produto torna-se fundamental devido à necessidade de melhoria da gestão dos processos de P&D, impulsionada pela competitividade no lançamento de produtos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a percepção das pessoas que trabalham nos centros de P&D quanto às melhores práticas em desenvolvimento de produto. Tal avaliação mostra que é relevante tratar as melhores práticas do ponto de vista da percepção das pessoas que trabalham com o desenvolvimento de produtos, pois os resultados dependem das pessoas que aderem, se mobilizam e percebem o que deve ser feito para o sucesso dos projetos de desenvolvimento de produto / Abstract: In R&D organizations the search for excellence status regarding the results from product projects development is hindered by the use of the proper knowledge and best practices. As a reality the of the best practices implementation are indeed relevant tool to the changement e development value proposals that assure the proper routine to the success of the business in the future. As a consequence it is basic to study of the product development project best practices and assure that the people working with product development have the proper perception knowledge about these practices. This is justified by the processes management improvement need oriented by the competitivity when launched the product. So, this work has the main objective focused in the people perception that have jobs relating with product development best practices in the R&D centers. This way used show that is basic to consider the best practices of the view point of the people that are engaged in the product development, because the results measured depends upon of the people that give adhesion, and that go through to the mobilization phase and so have the proper perception of what have be done to generate product development project success / Doutorado / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Doutora em Engenharia Mecânica

Adoption of effective improved cookstoves in sub-Sahara Africa: case study in the Arua District

Bubendorfer, Alwin January 2012 (has links)
In rural areas of least developed countries, the preparation of meals remains the predominant energy consuming activity. Cooking is mostly performed with firewood – using the ancient “technology” of the 3-stone fire. This practice results in numerous challenges that hinder the transformation envisioned by the Millennium Development Goals and it therefore contributes towards slowing the development of rural areas. Activities focussing on amending this status-quo can be termed insufficient in scope- and sustainability. The main deficiencies of most projects are that the prime focus of the mainstream of these endeavours has been on demand side management, mainly performed by disseminating cookstoves, and that there has been little innovation in respect to raising stove adoption rates. As the strict efficiency focus obviously only captures one side of the problem – merely focussing on treating symptoms rather than providing an effective solution, this thesis stresses the need for a paradigm shift towards more holistic interventions. This work very much focuses on the topic of stove adoption. This is a complex topic - very much linked to attaining behavioural change. Deliberations concluded that the identification of enabling factors for adoption, which can be termed a prerequisite for developing sustainable methods for stove projects, requires a mix of instruments. To suffice the required data demand the initial literature review was complemented by a thorough assessment of the kitchen environment and the cooking behaviour of stove owners. The fieldwork concentrated on 210 beneficiaries of an efficient cookstove project. The applied methods included interviews, observations and pictorial documentation. As a remedy to the challenges and current shortcomings identified during field work and literature review, the author herein develops a novel and more holistic implementation strategy for stove projects – the so- called 3-Step approach. This is based on the simultaneous implementation of availing cookstoves, building capacity in respect to kitchen management, as well as performing small-scale household level tree planting. The research, which further encompassed the piloting of the 3-Step approach, led to the overall conclusion that the proposed increase in project scope holds a multitude of opportunities for improving the livelihoods of the rural target groups. The main impact of this innovative strategy lies in a decrease of average transaction costs as well as in a considerable increase in project sustainability. As will be extensively elaborated, the former is achieved by a more effective utilisation of the extensive infrastructure of trained artisans. The latter refers to the expected income increase on household level, as well as to improvements in environmental- and human health. In combination these enable rural communities to better adapt to climate change.

Att skapa en dynamisk struktur : Framtagandet av en projektmodell för att främja en innovativ landsbygdsutveckling / To create a dynamic structure : The development of a project model to stimulate innovative rural development

Eriksson, Anna-Maria January 2022 (has links)
Denna deduktiva fallstudie har genomförts på företaget Duveds Framtid AB som arbetar med hållbar och innovativ landsbygdsutveckling. Företaget arbetar i projektform utan en specifik projektmodell. I nuläget är processen för projekt förankrat i två individer i stället för i en projektmodell. Studien avsåg att undersöka hur projekt drivs i verksamheten samt hur förbättringar som underlättar för att nå verksamhetens mål kan tas fram. Det övergripande syftet med studien var att ta fram en projektmodell som kan förbättra processen för projekt. Den förbättrade projektmodellen har som syfte att hjälpa verksamheten att bli delbara.     Studien har tillämpat lämpliga metoder anpassade efter syftet och verktyg relevanta för institutionen för kvalitetsteknik. Datainhämtning har skett genom intervjuer och dokumentinsamling. Ett nu och nyläge har fastställts för att definiera var verksamheten är i dagsläget samt konkretisera hur en optimal process för projekt kan se ut. Slutsatser visar att det finns delar i det nuvarande sättet att driva projekt på som inte tillåter verksamheten att utvecklas i den mån det finns möjlighet för. Studiens slutsats, den teoretiska referensramen samt tidigare studier tyder på att en anpassad projektmodell med tydliga faser och rutiner som tar hänsyn till hörnstensmodellens värderingar kan förenkla och effektivisera den nuvarande projektprocessen. Analysen visar att nyläget kan förenkla vägen till verksamhetens mål. / This deductive case study has been implemented at the company Duveds Framtid AB, which works with sustainable and innovative rural development. The company works in project form without a specific project model. At present, the process for projects is anchored in two individuals instead of in a project model. The study was intended to investigate how projects are run in the business and how improvements that facilitate the achievement of the business' goals can be developed. The overall purpose of the study was to develop a project model that can improve the process for projects. The purpose of the improved project model is to help the business become divisible.   The study has applied appropriate methods adapted to the purpose and relevant tools for the department of quality technology. Data collection has taken place through interviews and document collection. A current and new situation has been established to define where the business is at present and to specify what an optimal process for projects could look like. The conclusion shows that there are parts of the current way of running projects that doesn’t work optimally which decrease the companies development potential. The conclusion of the study, the theoretical frame of reference and previous studies indicate that an adapted project model with clear phases and routines that includes the cornerstone model's values ​​can simplify and streamline the current project process. The analysis shows that the new situation can simplify the path to the business's goals.

Complexidade e metodologia de projetos: melhorando a pratica docente em cursos de graduação tecnológica

Prado, Fernando Leme do 09 November 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:32:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Leme do Prado.pdf: 563768 bytes, checksum: dc9f75a0e842b29815957f5fcec4ac87 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-11-09 / The focus of the present work is project methodology specifically, the methodology of integrating projects such as practiced by the College of Technology Professor Luiz Rosa , in Jundiaí, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Its objective is to reflect about the teaching practices adopted in the undergraduate programs in technology offered by that institution. Reflection is conducted in the light of the guiding principles of action research, in one of its variants, known as Investigación-Acción (Carr e Kemmis,1988; MacTaggart, 1988; e Latorre 2003). The strategies of this variant are non-cartesian, and, therefore, better applicable to non-linear systems. The question of which pedagogical practices are most appropriate to the programs in technology offered by the institution, given the competencies and skills that the social and productive environment requires today, is the starting-point of this reflection. It is proposed, in answer to this question, that an analysis of the procedures adopted by the actors involved in the projects (students, professors and coordinators of different academic areas and disciplines) can, when guided by theoretical frameworks open to uncertainty, unveil the principles of a complex methodology that can be applied, with good results, to any programs of technology. The present study, based on the tools of action research and on the theoretical assumptions of the General Systems Theory (Bunge and Vieira), of the eco-systemic paradigm (Moraes) and of the theory of complex thought (Morin), has shown that project methodologies evolved from interdisciplinary projects (first phase) into integrating projects (second phase), and, presently, show a tendency to move into a third phase, still under construction, named bureau of integrating projects. The present phase has shown a significant increase in the organization and complexity, both of the institution offering the projects and of the methodology used, when and if open, non-linear systems are considered / Este trabalho enfoca a metodologia de projetos e, mais especificamente, os projetos integradores praticados pela Faculdade de Tecnologia Professor Luiz Rosa, Jundiaí, Estado de São Paulo, com a finalidade de reflexionar sobre as práticas docentes levadas a efeito nos cursos de graduação tecnológica ali oferecidos à luz dos princípios norteadores da pesquisa-ação, em uma de suas variantes, conhecida como Investigación-Acción (Carr e Kemmis,1988; MacTaggart, 1988; e Latorre 2003), cujas estratégias não cartesianas são mais adequadas à aplicação em sistemas não lineares. Partindo da indagação de quais práticas pedagógicas seriam mais apropriadas aos cursos tecnológicos oferecidos pela instituição face às habilidades e competências hoje requeridas pelos sistemas social e produtivo, considero que a análise dos procedimentos dos atores envolvidos nos projetos, ou seja, de alunos, coordenadores e professores de diferentes áreas e disciplinas, quando orientados por referenciais abertos à incerteza, pode desvelar princípios de uma metodologia complexa capaz de se aplicar a quaisquer cursos tecnológicos com bons resultados. O estudo se embasou nos instrumentais da pesquisa-ação e nos pressupostos teóricos da Teoria Geral de Sistemas (Bunge e Vieira), paradigma eco-sistêmico (Moraes) e pensamento complexo (Morin). A pesquisa até aqui mostra que a metodologia de projetos evoluiu de projetos interdisciplinares, em uma primeira etapa, para projetos integradores, em uma segunda etapa e, atualmente, para uma instância ainda em construção denominada escritório de projetos integradores, que caracterizaria uma terceira etapa da pesquisa-ação, demonstrando ter havido até a presente data um significativo aumento da organização e complexidade, seja da instituição ofertante, seja da metodologia, quando e se considerados sistemas não lineares abertos

Tid- och resursplanering : En utvärdering av verktyg för projektplanering. / Time and resource planning : An evaluation of tools for project planning.

Luomala, Anssi January 2010 (has links)
Den projektbaserade arbetsformen blir allt mer vanligt förekommande inom alla nivåer i samhället. Projekt kräver planering, bland annat tid- och resursplanering. Tid är en av de viktigaste beståndsdelarna i projekt, och tidsaspekten är av avgörande betydelse om projektet kommer att lyckas i sin helhet. Resurser är en annan viktig beståndsdel som också har en avgörande betydelse om projekt kommer att nå målen. Samtidigt som projektet som arbetssätt tilltar, tenderar projekten att växa i storlek. Statistiken gör gällande att stora projekt ofta misslyckas ett problem som inte har minskat, trots mångåriga erfarenheter från projekt. Även om utbudet av metoder, tekniker och programverktyg är tämligen omfattande idag, kvarstår problemet med misslyckade projekt, trots mer erfarenhet och fler verktyg. Det råder ett generellt problem med att projekttiden minskar, i kombination av att komplexiteten ökar i alla former av projekt. Omständigheter som medfört större krav på projektplanering, särskilt tid- och resursplanering. Det kan antas att det finns ett behov av datoriserade projektplaneringsprogram, och antagandet att det är svårt att tid- och resursplanera utan stöd av olika metoder, tekniker och datorverktyg.Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur projektplanering i allmänhet och tid- och resursplanering i synnerhet bedrivs idag, och hur de olika metoderna, teknikerna och programverktygen kan förbättra, och underlätta projektplaneringen.

Produção textual e ensino : os aspectos lógico-semântico-cognitivos da linguagem e o desempenho discursivo escolar /

Lima, Maria Conceição Alves de. January 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Jeane Mari Sant'Ana Spera / Banca: Elvira Lopes do Nascimento / Banca: Maria José de Toledo Gomes / Banca: Odilon Helou Fleury Curado / Banca: Rony Farto Pereira / Resumo: A partir do pressuposto de que a habilidade de produção textual envolve necessariamente um tripé, constituído pela dimensão lingüística ou gramatical, dimensão interativa e dimensão ideativa da linguagem (dimensão esta que se alarga à medida que o indivíduo avança em escolaridade), este trabalho tem por objetivo caracterizar o desempenho discursivo de alunos do terceiro grau, através da análise de suas produções escritas, concluindo que o fracasso escolar da aprendizagem da produção de textos pode estar ligado basicamente à omissão ou à falência do ensino sistematizado da dimensão ideativa (aqui representada pelos aspectos lógico-semântico-cognitivos da linguagem). Da mesma forma, coloca também em evidência a premente necessidade de que o processo escolar de ensino-aprendizagem da produção de texto como um todo (e da sua dimensão ideativa em particular) seja efetivado dentro do enfoque sócio-histórico, articulando-se a perspectiva enunciativa bakhtiniana com os construtos vygotskianos, sob a égide de uma efetiva mediação docente, centrada na pedagogia dos projetos e na conseqüente intertransdisciplinaridade, de modo a permitir ao educando construir, dialógica e dialeticamente, não somente o seu conhecimento de mundo, mas, principalmente, a sua consciência crítica (os seus valores) e a sua forma de atuar no mundo (as suas atitudes). / Abstract: On starting from the assumption that textual production abilities must necessarily involve a three-legged language support that are linguistic or grammatical dimension, interactive dimension and mental one (such a dimension that enlarges itself proportionately people increment their school time) this research define his goals on characterizing students textual performance by analyzing their wrote productions. As a conclusion, we have found that failure of school textual production learning is due to the omission or failure of a systematic mental dimension language teaching. In the same way, it puts in evidence that full textual production teaching-learning process (and mental dimension in particular) be done in according to historical-social theories, by connecting the bakhtinian enunciatively perspective with vygotskian theoretical constructs, both perspectives realized under effective docent intermediations focused in Project Methodology and in its derivate intertransdisciplinarity principles in order to allowing students to achieve, in a dialogical and dialectical way, not only their knowledge but also their critical conscience and their proper manner of acting in life. / Doutor

Projektové metodiky a psychologické aspekty řízení lidských zdrojů / Project methodologies and psychological aspects of human resource management

Svoboda, Jiří January 2006 (has links)
Although there is a growing influence of psychology and human resources in modern management, this area is being often neglected in theory and particularly in praxis of project management. This area offers a big potential for improvement of performance of project teams and increase of teamwork efficiency. Therefore this thesis is focused on human factor in project management and the opportunity for using psychology, especially the theory of motivation and teamwork. There were set more main goals of thesis they can be split in two groups. In the first group there are research goals aimed on teamwork in project teams managed by agile or traditional methods, establishment of project teams, characteristics of projects suitable for agile approach and implementation of agile methods in a company. The proposal of solution of identified problem areas belongs to the second group of goals. According to the research results agile project teams are closer to psychological concept of team, whilst traditional project teams are closer to work groups. Therefore agile project teams have better potential for being more efficient and performing higher than the project teams managed by traditional methods. Another finding in this thesis is regarding setting up the project teams and their daily work. Although agile methods seem to be more efficient from the teamwork perspective, they don't offer general solution for all problems in project management and their usage is not necessary suitable for all kinds of projects and company environment. That's why the characteristics of appropriate projects for being managed by agile methods were also investigated. Successful implementation and application of agile methods is strongly influenced by company environment and other factors that were identified in theoretical part of the thesis and subsequently verified by the research. The thesis brings a lot of verified information regarding work in project teams and emphasizes the significance of management, motivation and development of project teams. For identified problem areas with significant potential for improvement were prepared two solution proposals included in final parts of the thesis. The first solution is a model for implementation of project methodology in a company; the second one is a model aimed on project team performance increase. Both proposed solutions offers specific tools and techniques ready for application in company environment.

Проектная методика при обучении говорению на иностранном языке учащихся начальных классов с использованием цифровых технологий : магистерская диссертация / Project Methodology for Teaching Primary School Students to Speak a Foreign Language Using Digital Technologies

Доценко, А. В., Dotsenko, A. V. January 2021 (has links)
Данная работа посвящена исследованию цифровой технологии “Digital storytelling” в обучении говорению на английском языке учащихся начальных классов в рамках проектной деятельности. Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью выявления новых путей развития и пополнения средств обучения, направленных на улучшение навыков говорения в обучении английскому языку. Объект исследования – процесс обучения монологической речи на иностранном языке в начальной школе. Предмет исследования – цифровая технология “Digital storytelling” при обучении монологической речи на иностранном языке. Цель исследования – выявление, определение и обоснование особенностей использования цифровой технологии “Digital storytelling” в обучении монологической речи на иностранном языке учащихся младшей школы. / This work is devoted to the study of digital technology "Digital storytelling" in teaching English speaking to primary school pupils during the project activities. The relevance of the study is determined by the necessity to identify new ways of development and updating of means of education aimed at improving speaking skills in teaching English. The object of the research is the process of teaching monologue speech in a foreign language in primary school. The subject of the research is the digital technology “Digital storytelling” in teaching monologue speech in a foreign language. The goal of the study is to identify, define and substantiate the peculiarities of using the digital technology “Digital storytelling” in teaching monologue speech in a foreign language of primary school pupils.

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