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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Vi vill och försöker, men det är inte alltid vi kan.” : En kvalitativ studie om skolpersonalens perspektiv på socialt arbete med elever som lever med föräldrar i missbruksmiljö / “We want to and we try, but we can't always” : A qualitative study of school staff perspectives on social work with students living with parents in a substance abusing environment

Bahrami, Sozan, Muse, Habon January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur skolpersonalen uppmärksammar och arbetar med barn som växer upp med en förälder eller flera föräldrar med ett skadligt bruk av alkohol eller andra droger. Studien undersöker även hur skolpersonalen upplever tillgången till resurser för detta arbete och syftar till att lyfta fram det sociala arbetet i skolan. Med hjälp av intervjuer med de yrkesverksamma i skolan studeras deras perspektiv på förebyggande arbete i relation till barn i utsatta miljöer. Intervjupersonerna arbetar på grundskolan i Stockholms samt Västerås län och har olika yrkesroller. Empirin i denna undersökning omfattas av en kvalitativ intervjustudie och därmed har data samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten visar att skolpersonalen understryker betydelsen av relationsskapande med barn som lever med en eller flera föräldrar med skadligt bruk. Resultatet framhäver även att brist på resurser för skolans arbete med dessa barn minskar möjligheterna att förstärka skyddsfaktorer som kan hindra framtida problem hos barnen. Synliggörande av barnens egna beteenden menas vara betydelsefullt i arbetet med att kunna identifiera och fånga upp de barn som lever i skadliga levnadsförhållanden. Den utvecklingsekologiska teorin används som en ram för denna studie då teorin centrerar kring barnets sammanhang. Begreppet risk- och skyddsfaktor har haft stor relevans för vår studie eftersom den hjälper oss att förstå barnens beteenden, de riskfaktorer som barnet utsätts för och hur skolan kan vara en skyddsfaktor. Begreppet ökar även vår förståelse för barnet som individ på en social och strukturell nivå. Studiens slutsats kan delas upp i tre delar och kopplar till de teman denna undersökning fått fram utifrån den tematiska analysen: (1) Förekomsten av bristande resurser i det förebyggande sociala arbetet i skolan; (2) betydelsen av relationsbyggande mellan elever och skolpersonal; (3) och observationer av barns avvikande beteende. / This study investigates how school personnel notice and work with children who grow up with one or more parents with harmful use of alcohol or other drugs. The study also examines how the school staff perceives the availability of resources for this work and aims to highlight the social work in the school. With the help of interviews with the professionals in the school, their perspective on preventive work in relation to children in vulnerable environments is studied. The interviewees work at primary schools in Stockholm and Västerås counties and have different work roles. The empirical work in this investigation is covered by a qualitative interview study and thus the data has been collected through semi-structured interviews. The results show that school staff emphasize the importance of relationship building with children who live with one or more parents with harmful use. The result also highlights that a lack of resources for the school's work with these children reduces the opportunities to strengthen protective factors that can prevent future problems in the children. Making the children's own behaviors visible is said to be important in the work of being able to identify and catch the children who live in harmful living conditions. The developmental ecology theory is used as a framework for this study as the theory centers around the context of the child. The concept of risk and protective factor has had great relevance to our study because it helps us understand the children's behavior, the risk factors the child is exposed to and how the school can be a protective factor. The concept also increases our understanding of the child as an individual on a social and structural level. The study's conclusion can be divided into three parts and links to the themes that this research has produced based on the thematic analysis: (1) The existence of a lack of resources in the preventive social work in the school; (2) the importance of relationship building between students and school staff; (3) and observations of children's deviant behavior.

"Det handlar inte endast om brottet utan det handlar om mer än så" : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som beaktas av socialsekreterare vid bedömningar avseende ungdomsbrottslighet. / "It is not only about the crime it is about more than that" : A qualitative study of factors considered by social workers when assessing juvenile delinquency.

Sadiku, Sofia, Sadiku, Teuta January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att utreda och analysera vilka faktorer socialsekreterare på mottagningsenheten för barn och unga beaktar vid bedömandet av inledande av utredning efter anmälan avseende ungdomsbrottslighet. Studien bygger på sex kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare som arbetar på mottagning för barn och unga i socialtjänsten. Vidare analyserades samtliga intervjuer utifrån tematisk analys. Genom en tematisk analys visar det övergripande resultatet att brottets karaktär, föräldraförmåga, ungdomens beteende, tidigare kännedom och polisens beskrivning av ungdomen påverkar socialsekreterarnas bedömning gällande att inleda utredning på unga som begår brott eller är misstänka för brott. Socialsekreterarna i vår studie klargjorde att brottets karaktär var av betydelse vid bedömning om att inleda utredning, sett till brottets allvarlighet. Föräldraförmåga belystes som en faktor som antingen skapade oro hos socialsekreterarna eller minskade deras oro då föräldrarna uppvisade god föräldraförmåga. De beskrev även ungdomens beteende som en faktor som togs i beaktning vid socialsekreterarnas bedömning, men ungdomens beteende var av störst vikt vid mindre allvarliga brott. Tidigare kännedom om en ungdom resulterade i att socialsekreterarna många gånger bedömda att inleda utredning. Utifrån resultatet kunde vi dra slutsatsen att socialsekreterarnas bedömning inte endast påverkas av själva brottet, utan en helhetsbedömning av faktorer runt ungdomen tas främst i beaktning. / The purpose of this essay has been to investigate and analyze which factors social workers, at the reception unit for children and young people, take into account when assessing the initiation of an investigation after a report regarding juvenile delinquency. The study is based on six qualitative semi-structured interviews with social workers who work at reception for children and young people in social services. Furthermore, all interviews were analyzed based on thematic analysis which as an overall, results in showing that the nature of the crime, parenting skills, the youth's behavior, previous knowledge, and the police's description of the youth influence the social workers' assessment of whether to initiate an investigation into young people who commit crimes or are suspected of crimes. Moreover, the social workers in our study clarified that the nature of the crime was important when deciding whether to initiate an investigation, given the seriousness of the crime. Parental ability was highlighted as a factor that either created concern for the social workers or reduced their concern when the parents demonstrated good parenting ability. Similarly, they also described the youth's behavior as a factor, considering the social workers' assessment, but the youth's behavior was of greatest importance for less serious offences. Previous knowledge of a young person resulted in the social workers many times deciding to initiate an investigation. In short and based on the results, we could conclude that the social workers' assessment is not only influenced by the crime itself, but an overall assessment of factors surrounding the young person is mainly taken into account.

Developmental Assets in Urban Youths’ Mentoring Networks: Relationships with Important Adults

McLaughlin, Marc D. 18 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Santé psychologique des patients ou des travailleurs de la santé faisant face à un stresseur: étude de la prévalence et des facteurs de protection

Cyr, Samuel 08 1900 (has links)
Dans l’optique d’améliorer l’efficience du réseau de la santé, le concept du « quadruple objectif » souligne l’importance de prendre en considération autant la santé des patients que celle des travailleurs de la santé. Par ailleurs, le concept de « vulnérabilité/stress » réfère au risque de développer des problématiques en santé psychologique lorsqu’un individu possédant une certaine vulnérabilité est soumis à un stresseur. En envisageant ces deux concepts, cette thèse s’est intéressée aux patients et aux travailleurs de la santé faisant face à un stresseur. Quoique peu connus et véhiculés, ces derniers constituent une population avec une certaine vulnérabilité sur le plan psychologique, avec une présence plus élevée de problématiques en santé psychologique que dans la population générale. D’abord, un premier article de revue systématique et méta-analyse de la littérature a vérifié la prévalence du trouble de stress post-traumatique chez des patients ayant subi un traumatisme de type médical. L’objectif était de comparer cette prévalence à la suite de huit différents traumatismes médicaux. Les prévalences les plus élevées 24 mois ou plus après avoir subi l’expérience du trauma étaient celles à la suite d’une conscience peropératoire (18,5 %), d’un séjour aux soins intensifs (14,8 %) et d’une transplantation d’organe (10,3 %), avec en huitième rang l’épilepsie (4,5 %). Cette étude a permis de clarifier les contextes médicaux les plus associés au développement d’un trouble de stress post-traumatique. Ensuite, les trois autres articles de cette thèse se sont intéressés aux travailleurs de la santé à la suite de la pandémie de COVID-19. Dans le premier article, les résultats d’une étude transversale menée trois mois suivant le début de la pandémie sont présentés. L’objectif était d’évaluer la prévalence de la santé psychologique (l’épuisement professionnel et trois psychopathologies : le trouble de stress post-traumatique, l’anxiété et la dépression) et vérifier les facteurs de protection associés. La moitié (51,8 %) des travailleurs interrogés présentaient une symptomatologie d’épuisement professionnel et environ le tiers (35,6 %) présentaient des symptômes élevés d’au moins une des psychopathologies. La résilience et le soutien organisationnel perçu étaient les facteurs de protection significativement associés à l’épuisement professionnel. Le deuxième article avait pour objectif d’ajouter une variable biologique à nos modèles statistiques, le cortisol au niveau capillaire, dans le but de vérifier l’effet sur la prédictibilité de ces modèles. Un lien significatif entre l’épuisement professionnel et l’évolution du cortisol a été déterminé, et cette association permettait d’améliorer la prédictibilité du modèle de régression pour l’épuisement professionnel. Finalement, une nouvelle étude transversale douze mois après le début de la pandémie a été répétée dans le but de vérifier l’évolution de la santé psychologique et des facteurs associés. La santé psychologique chez les travailleurs de la santé s’est soit stabilisée (pour l’épuisement professionnel et l’anxiété) ou améliorée (pour le trouble de stress post-traumatique et la dépression) entre trois et douze mois après le début de la pandémie. Les principaux facteurs de protection contre l’épuisement professionnel sont demeurés la résilience et le soutien organisationnel perçu. En somme, ce travail de doctorat a permis d’enrichir les connaissances sur la santé psychologique des patients ou des travailleurs de la santé faisant face à un stresseur. / To improve the efficiency of the healthcare network, the concept of “quadruple objective” underlines the importance of considering the health of patients and healthcare workers. Moreover, the concept of “vulnerability/stress” refers to the added risk of developing psychological distress when an individual with a specific vulnerability is subjected to a stressor. Considering these two concepts, this thesis focused on patients and healthcare workers facing a significant stressor. Although little known and not widely publicized, these groups represent populations with a particular psychological vulnerability, with higher distress rates than the general population. First, a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature verified the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in patients who had suffered a medical trauma. The aim was to compare the prevalence of eight different types of traumas. The highest prevalence 24 months or more after experiencing the medical condition was following intraoperative consciousness (18.5%), intensive care unit stay (14.8%) and organ transplantation (10.3%), with epilepsy (4.5%) coming in eighth place. This study clarified the medical contexts most associated with developing posttraumatic stress disorder. The other three articles in this thesis focused on healthcare workers in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first article presents the results of a cross-sectional study conducted three months after the pandemic’s start. The aim was to assess the prevalence of psychological distress (burnout and three psychopathologies: posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression) and verify associated protective factors. Half (51.8%) of the workers surveyed had symptoms of burnout and around a third (35.6%) had high levels of at least one of the psychopathologies. Resilience and perceived organizational support were the protective factors significantly associated with burnout. The aim of the second paper was to test the effect of adding a biological variable to our statistical models, namely hair cortisol accumulation. A significant association between burnout and cortisol evolution was determined, and this association improved the predictability of the regression model for burnout. Finally, another cross-sectional study was conducted twelve months after the pandemic’s start to verify the evolution of psychological distress and associated factors. Distress among healthcare workers either stabilized (for burnout and anxiety) or improved (for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression) between three and twelve months after the start of the pandemic. The main protective factors against burnout remained resilience and perceived organizational support. In summary, this doctoral work has enriched the knowledge of the psychological health of patients or healthcare workers facing a significant stressor

”En psykotisk mamma har ju absolut inte förmåga att tillgodose lilla bebisens alla behov” : En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella arbetar för att skydda barn (0–17 år) och hjälpa föräldrar i familjer med psykisk ohälsa / "A Psychotic Mother is Absolutely Not Able to Meet All the Needs of The Little Baby" : A qualitative study on how professionals work to protect children (0-17 years) and help parents in families with mental illness

Wigårde Musyimi, Josephine January 2024 (has links)
Behandlingsarbete med familjer med psykisk ohälsa är komplext, därför diskuteras det sällan i forskningen. Genom att undersöka hur behandlare arbetar för att skydda barn (0–17 år) och hjälpa föräldrar i familjer med psykisk ohälsa, finns det möjlighet att studera komplexiteten i det behandlingsarbetet inom socialtjänsten. Kvalitativ forskningsmetod har använts i denna studie. De empiriska underlagen utgörs av 12 intervjuer med behandlare som aktivt arbetar med behandlingsarbete med familjer med psykisk ohälsa. Denna studie diskuterar sex teman: familjer med psykisk ohälsa inom socialtjänsten, konsekvenser för barn till föräldrar med psykisk ohälsa, det praktiska sociala arbetets utmaningar och svårigheter, utvecklingsområde i arbete med familjer med psykisk ohälsa, organisatoriska utmaningar i det sociala arbetet samt möjligheter i det sociala arbetet med familjer med psykisk ohälsa. Studiens resultat visar att interventioner som erbjuds till familjer med psykisk ohälsa är främst inriktad till familj som en enhet. Som en följd av detta menar behandlarna att de upplever en rollkonflikt mellan att skydda barnen och hjälpa föräldrarna. Alltså en svår balans mellan vårdade respektive tillitsbrytande funktion i arbete med dessa familjer. Sammanfattningsvis tenderar fokuset att dels flyttas från att skydda barnet till att motivera föräldrar, dels att försöka hjälpa föräldrarna att inse problemen och deras konsekvenser. / Treatment work with families with mental illness is complex, which is why it is rarely discussed in research. By examining how therapists work to protect children (0-17 years) and help parents in families with mental illness, there is an opportunity to study the complexity of that treatment work within social services. Qualitative research method has been used in this study. The empirical data consists of 12 interviews with therapists who actively work with treatment work with families with mental illness. This study discusses six themes: families with mental illness in social services, consequences for children of parents with mental illness, practical social work challenges and difficulties, areas of development in work with families with mental illness, organizational challenges in social work and opportunities in social work the work with families with mental illness. The results of the study show that interventions offered to families with mental illness are primarily aimed at the family as a unit. As a consequence of this, the therapists believe that they experience a role conflict between protecting the children and helping the parents. So, a difficult balance between nurturing and trust-breaking functions in work with these families. In summary, the focus tends to shift from protecting the child to motivating parents, and trying to help the parents understand the problems and their consequences.

”Det pratas om att vara inriktade på 14-åringar, men vissa ser att det är för sent” : En kvalitativ studie om fältarbetares upplevelser av det brottsförebyggande arbetet med barn och unga / "There is talk about targeting 14-year-olds, but some say it's too late" : A qualitative study on field workers' experiences of crime prevention work with children and youth

Ramadani, Anita, Lundberg, Linnéa January 2024 (has links)
Youth crime is a continuously growing social problem, where professionals face the complexity of the phenomenon. To manage and prevent youth crime, it is essential to implement measures and preventive interventions where field workers play a crucial role. Therefore, it is interesting to examine how field workers experience and actively implement crime prevention measures for children and youth in Sweden. This is a qualitative study based on two semi-structured group interviews with field workers. The analysis of the empirical material was conducted using a qualitative methodology, previous research, and two selected theories relevant to the study's purpose. The results of the analysis generated various themes describing the field workers' experiences and insights.  The results section of the study is divided into different parts related to the three research questions we aim to investigate. Additionally, the results section outlines the difficulties field workers face in their professional roles, where resources, time, and collaboration have proven to be lacking. Finally, it has emerged that relationship building, and early interventions are effective methods for preventing youth crime in Sweden. / Ungdomskriminalitet är ett ständigt växande samhällsproblem där yrkesverksamma står inför fenomenets komplexitet. För att kunna hantera och förebygga ungdomsbrottsligheten är det av vikt att genomföra åtgärder och förebyggande insatser där fältarbetare utgör en viktig insats. Det blir därför intressant att undersöka hur fältarbetare upplever och aktivt genomför brottsförebyggande åtgärder för barn och unga i Sverige. Detta är en kvalitativ studie som grundar sig på två semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer med fältarbetare. Analysen av det empiriska materialet genomfördes genom en kvalitativ metodik, tidigare forskning och två valda teorier som är av relevans för studiens ändamål. Resultaten från analysen genererade i olika teman som beskriver fältarbetarnas upplevelser och erfarenheter.Studiens resultatdel är fördelad i olika delar relaterat till de tre frågeställningar som vi ämnar undersöka. Utöver detta redogör resultatdelen för fältarbetarnas svårigheter i deras yrkesroll där resurser, tid och samverkan har visat sig vara bristfällig. Slutligen har det framkommit att relationsskapande och tidiga åtgärder är effektiva metoder för att förebygga ungdomsbrottslighet i Sverige.

Drug abuse in the secondary school in Kenya : developing a programme for prevention and intervention

Maithya, Redempta W. 11 1900 (has links)
Drug abuse is becoming an increasing problem in Kenya. A number of studies carried out in the country show that almost every Kenyan youngster at one time or another experiments with drugs, especially beer and cigarettes. The major cause of concern is that a significant proportion of these young people eventually get addicted posing a threat to their own health and safety, while creating difficulties for their families and the public at large into difficulties. This study sought to establish the current trend of drug abuse among students in Kenyan secondary schools, and to analyze the strategies used to address the problem. The ultimate aim was to propose a programme for prevention and intervention. The study is a descriptive survey. In view of this, the field survey method was adopted to collect quantitative and qualitative data, using questionnaires and interviews. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in data analysis, thus there was a mixed model research design approach to data analysis. The analysis of structured items was mainly done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The key findings from the study were that drug abuse among students is common; both boys and girls have abused drugs with the majority being in boys‟ schools; the greatest ratio of drug abusers to non-abusers among the sampled schools are aged between 20 and 22 years; there is a significant relationship between drug abuse and age, use of drugs by other family members and easy access to drugs. A variety of factors contribute to drug abuse with the majority of students citing curiosity, acceptance by peers and ignorance as to the dangers of drug abuse as the main reasons. Both the school administrators and teachers face a number of challenges in an attempting to curb drug abuse in schools. The study makes a number of recommendations for policy and further research. A number of guidelines are proposed for developing a programme for prevention and intervention. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Socio-Education)

Verkenning van buffer- en risikofaktore wat ’n rol speel in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters / Exploring the risk and protective factors that contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers

Roux, Marike 02 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die doel van die studie is om buffer- en risikofaktore te verken wat ‟n rol in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters kan speel. Gehoorgestremde kleuters presenteer met ‟n gehoorverlies, wat hul van normaalhorende kleuters onderskei. Tog beskik alle kleuters oor primêre behoeftes. Lewenskwaliteit word verbeter deur behoeftevervulling, wat die ontwikkelingsproses beïnvloed. Hierdie behoeftes word vervul deur die kleuter, asook faktore vanuit die omgewing. ‟n Literatuurstudie is onderneem as teoretiese raamwerk, wat teorieë omtrent die omgewing en behoeftes, buffer- en risikofaktore en kleuterontwikkeling insluit. Data is vanuit ‟n kwalitatiewe benadering ingesamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en ekokaarte saamgestel deur ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters. Kontrolering en integrering van data het deur triangulering geskied. Buffer- en risikofaktore binne kleuters self, die gesin en die breër gemeenskap is verken. Die studie is verkennend en beskrywend, en toegepaste navorsing is gebruik. So is gevolgtrekkinge en aanbevelings gemaak om toepaslike ondersteuning aan ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters te bewerkstellig. / The aim of the study is to explore the protective and risk factors that may contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers. Hearing impaired toddlers present with a hearing loss, which distinguish them from toddlers with normal hearing. However, all toddlers have primary needs. Quality of life is improved by the fulfilment of needs, which influences the developmental process. These needs are fulfilled by the toddler, as well as by factors from the environment. A literature study was conducted as theoretical framework. This included theories regarding the environment and needs, protective and risk factors, and toddler development. In this qualitative study, data collection was conducted by semi-structured interviews and the compilation of ecomaps by parents of hearing impaired toddlers. Triangulation was used to verify and integrate data. Protective and risk factors were explored within the toddler, the family and the wider community. This study is exploratory and descriptive and applied research was used. In this way conclusions and recommendations were made to provide appropriate support to parents of hearing impaired toddlers. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Co-Abhängigkeit und Resilienz von Frauen mit alkoholabhängigen Angehörigen : ein Beitrag zur Biografieforschung für die Seelsorge / Codependence and resilience of women with alcohol-addicted relatives : a contribution to biographical research for pastoral counselling

Hörauf, Waltraud 01 1900 (has links)
German text / Die Alkoholabhängigkeit ist die am stärksten verbreitete Abhängigkeitserkrankung in Deutschland. Unbekannt ist die Zahl der betroffenen Angehörigen. Nach Erarbeitung not-wendiger theoretischer Grundlagen und Vorstellung aktueller Forschungsergebnisse stan-den narrative Interviews mit Frauen von alkoholabhängigen Partnern im Mittelpunkt der Forschungsarbeit. Durch Datenanalyse und Dateninterpretation mit Methoden der rekon-struktiven Sozialforschung wurde ein tieferes Verständnis für die Lebensgeschichte der beiden ausgewählten Biografinnen gewonnen. Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren konnten diffe-renziert erfasst und resilienzfördernde Maßnahmen für Seelsorge und Beratung abgeleitet werden. Besondere Beachtung fand die Bedeutung des christlichen Glaubens als Resilienz-faktor. Weitere Beobachtungen durch Einbeziehung aller Interviews als Datenmaterial wurden als Hilfen für das Verständnis der Gesamtproblematik ausgewertet. Aus der Dis-kussion der Ergebnisse ergaben sich Handlungsempfehlungen für die christliche Gemeinde und richtungsweisende Impulse für Seelsorge und Beratung. Schlüsselbegriffe: / Alcohol dependence is the most widespread addictive disease in Germany, the number of affected relatives unkown. After acquiring theoretical foundations and current research results, my research focused on narrative interviews with wives of alcohol dependent part-ners. By the use of reconstructive social research methods, data analysis and interpretation a deeper understanding of the life history of the two selected biographers was obtained. After detecting risk and protective factors, resilience promoting factors for pastoral care and counselling could be derived. Special attention was paid to the importance of Christian faith. For an understanding of the overall problem, all interviews were included as data material and evaluated. From the discussion of the results, recommendations for the Chris-tian Church and impulses giving direction for pastoral care and counselling were derived. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Symptômes dépressifs et consommation problématique de substances psychoactives : effets modérateurs du contexte social

Rochon, Audrey 08 1900 (has links)
Seulement une minorité d’adolescents qui consomment des substances psychoactives développe des problèmes significatifs reliés à cette consommation. Il importe donc de connaître et de comprendre les processus par lesquels se développe la consommation problématique afin de pouvoir la prévenir. Cette étude examine le rôle des symptômes dépressifs et des relations sociales dans le développement de la consommation problématique à l’adolescence. Plus précisément, elle vise à déterminer, à l’aide d’un devis longitudinal corrélationnel prospectif, si le soutien des pairs, le soutien des parents et la qualité de la relation maître-élève ont des effets modérateurs protecteurs sur la relation entre les symptômes dépressifs et la consommation problématique. L’échantillon utilisé pour cette étude est tiré de la Stratégie d’Intervention Agir Autrement et comprend 4473 adolescents. Des régressions linéaires multiples ont été effectuées et ont démontré que les symptômes dépressifs et le soutien des parents augmentent le risque d’une consommation problématique, alors que le soutien des pairs le diminue. De plus, les résultats confirment le rôle protecteur du soutien des pairs, mais indiquent que le soutien des parents exacerbe le lien entre les symptômes dépressifs et la consommation problématique. Par ailleurs, la qualité de la relation maître-élève est associée à une consommation moins problématique uniquement chez les jeunes qui n’ont pas beaucoup de symptômes dépressifs. Les implications de ces résultats sont discutées. / Of adolescents who use drugs, only a minority develops significant problems related to this drug use. It is then relevant to know and understand the processes by which this problematic consumption develops itself in order to be able to prevent it. This study examines the roles of depression symptoms and social relationships in the development of problematic drug use at the adolescence. More precisely, it aims at determining, with the help of a prospective correlational longitudinal design, if peers support, parental support and the quality of the teacher-student relationship have moderator effects on the relationship between depressive symptoms and problematic drug use. The sample used for this study is taken from the Stratégie d’Intervention Agir Autrement and is comprised of 4473 teenagers. Multiple linear regressions were completed and showed that depressive symptoms enhance the risk of a problematic drug use to be developed, whereas peers support impairs it. Contrary to what was expected, results show that parental support enhances the risk of developing a problematic drug use and that the teacher-student relationship has no significant impact. Moreover, peers support has a protective role, parental support intensifies the relationship between depressive symptoms and problematic drug use, whereas the quality of the teacher-student relationship attenuates it.

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