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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O direito ao trabalho do preso como concretização do direito ao desenvolvimento : a necessidade de um regime jurídico específico / The right to work of the prisoner as implementation of the right to the development : necessity of a specific legal regime abstract

Carvalho, Gustavo Dantas 23 February 2017 (has links)
This dissertation, adopting the deductive method, aims to study the theoretical framework of the right to work of the incarcerated individuals, defending, initially, the fundamentality of such right as an expression of the fraternal stage of contemporary constitutionalism, as well as its enforceability towoards the State since, by depriving the individual of his freedom, he establishes with the condemned a special juridical relation, assuming the duty to give full effect to the rights of the prisoners, both as a way of guaranteeing their re-socialization, as well as implement the right to development that they hold, particularly because of their status as a socially vulnerable group. Finally, it's discussed the legal regime applied to the incarcerated work in a constitutional perspective, since the absence of normative discipline on the subject, as well as the inadequacy of the norms currently in force with the Federal Constitution of 1988, causes insufficient protection of the legal order to the right to work of the imprisoned. / A presente dissertação, adotando o método dedutivo, tem como objetivo estudar os referenciais teóricos do direito ao trabalho do indivíduo penalmente condenado, defendendo, inicialmente, a fundamentalidade de tal direito como expressão da etapa fraternal do constitucionalismo contemporâneo, bem como a sua exigibilidade perante o Estado, uma vez que este, ao privar o indivíduo de sua liberdade, estabelece com o condenado uma relação jurídica especial, assumindo para o si o dever de dar plena efetividade aos direitos dos presos, tanto como forma de garantir a ressocialização destes, como também concretizar o direito ao desenvolvimento por eles titularizado, particularmente em razão da sua condição de grupo socialmente vulnerável. Por fim, discute-se o regime jurídico aplicado ao trabalho encarcerado em uma perspectiva constitucional, uma vez que a ausência de disciplina normativa sobre o tema, bem como a inadequação das normas atualmente vigentes com a Constituição Federal de 1988 provocam uma proteção insuficiente da ordem jurídica direito de trabalhar do apenado.

日本勞動市場法制之原理探討-兼論臺日青年就業制度之比較 / The legal principle of Japanese labour market system and a comparison of youth employment system between Taiwan and Japan

蕭嫚琳, Hsiao, Man Lin Unknown Date (has links)
自2000年以來隨資本外移與產變化,我國勞動市場彈性化與青年非典型就業擴大,隨之而來的青年高失業率與工作貧窮問題也日益嚴重。在此結構性問題下,除了過去認為在個別與集體勞動法上的欠缺外,更關乎勞動法中另一領域-勞動市場法制上的不足。 我國當前雖已有就業服務法、職業訓練法、就業保險法等共同構成我國就業安全體系的三大支柱,惟就勞動市場領域的討論仍多從法政策面出發,自憲法權利至勞動法的研究相對有限。與此相對,日本則自1950年起,即從日本國憲法第27條第1項之勤勞權出發,進行勞動市場法制理念之討論。而隨社會經濟變遷所帶來的勞動市場變化,日本對於勞動市場法制理念之學說,即自早期之「雇用保障法學」至主張市場原理主義之「勞動市場法學」與自其所衍生之「職涯權」理論,以及在國際趨勢及反應日本勞動市場就業品質惡化下所提出之「尊嚴勞動權」論。 在此學說理念發展下,日本於2015年為自長期觀點解決青年就業問題,而制定之「若者雇用促進法」,其內涵亦反映了相關之理念。其中最重要之制度,即包含了核心之工作卡制度,以及青年就業資訊開示、公共職業安定所之求人不受理、認證制度之創設等,以保障青年就業之權利。 在與日本之勞動市場法制與青年就業促進制度相較之下,可發現我國目前, 1.對整體勞動市場法制討論相對有限 2.長期、明確青年就業促進制度理念之差異 3.未將非典型就業青年納入視野,而建議我國未來首先應自我國憲法與勞動法出發,結合國內經濟、社會、文化環境等,探討我國勞動市場法制的理念核心,建構具有權利保障的勞動市場法制。並在上述理念核心下,針對青年就業問題,則應以青年為主體藉由立法或於現行法中進行修正,明確化青年就業的理念與目的,以作為青年就業促進政策的長期指導方針,並建立保障其權利之體制。

Together We Bargain, Divided We Beg The Question: How Do Minimum Wages Impact Labor Union Election Results?

Tymann, Grace January 2022 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Geoffrey Sanzenbacher / Labor unions are generally considered to be beneficial for workers wages and benefits, but have been on the decline for decades. This analysis questions why workers appear more hesitant to vote for labor unions now than in the past by investigating what factors influence individual labor union votes. Specifically, this analysis aims to pinpoint the effect that outside minimum wages have on union election outcomes. Using data from the United States National Labor Relations Board, Michigan State, IPUMS USA and the US Census Bureau, I generated two models – a logistic regression, and an ordinary least squares regression – that each predict the likelihood of union support based upon outside minimum wages, after controlling for a variety of factors including but not limited to the county unemployment rate, the existence of the Right to Work law, and county-level demographics. I find that the difference between state-level or city-level minimum wages and the federal minimum wage has a positive relationship with the likelihood of union certification. Specifically, I find that union support is most likely in areas where the local-level minimum wage is $4.18 higher than the federal minimum wage in the logistic model, and $5.13 higher than the federal minimum in the ordinary least squares model, ceteris paribus. Put differently, with a federal minimum wage of $7.25, areas with minimum wages around $12 are most likely to see union elections pass. Overall, these results suggest that workers are more likely to vote for a union when local exogenous economic environments are strong. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2022. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Departmental Honors. / Discipline: Economics.

Le service minimum et les services essentiels : étude française confrontée au droit québécois

Fontaine, Laurence Léa 11 1900 (has links)
"Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en droit (L.L.D)" / II n'existe plus de grève dans les services publics sans que soit evoqué, voire réclamé ou exigé le service minimum. Le droit français n'offre qu'une législation très parcellaire et floue en la matière. Malgré de nombreuses propositions de loi, le législateur fait preuve d'inertie. Cette attitude s'explique notamment par la grande difficulté technique de la tâche imposant de concilier les deux principes de valeur constitutionnelle que sont le droit de grève et la continuité des services publics. Cette étude tend a mettre en exergue les interrogations relatives au service minimum et s'efforce de déceler la solution qui serait la mieux adaptée dans le système juridique français. Afin de donner plus de relief à la recherche, le choix a été fait de l'aborder en s'inspirant du droit étranger. Le modèle choisi est originaire du Canada, et plus exactement du Québec. II bénéficie d'un recul d'une vingtaine d'années et offre de ce fait, une expérience riche d'enseignements. La création d'un service minimum applicable aux services publics exige une analyse tant de la notion que de sa mise en ceuvre. Concrètement, iI s'agit d'identifier les fondements du service minimum, de délimiter son champ d'application mais aussi de le définir en termes qualitatif et quantitatif, d'envisager sa mise en ceuvre par la voie négociée avec des acteurs spécifiques et de présenter les moyens permettant d'assurer son effectivité. / Every public sector strike brings up the question of a need for a skeleton service. In this area French law is extremely fragmentary and vague. In spite of numerous attempts to introduce legislation no law has been voted. The main reason has been the considerable technical difficulty in reconciling the two basic constitutional principles ofthe right to strike and the continuity of public services. This study brings into focus the problems and questions arising from the idea of a skeleton service and attempts to identify the most practical solution in the context of French law. To give clearer defmition to the study, the Quebec legislation in this field was used as a model. It has been in force for twenty years and this offers many practical lessons. Setting up a skeleton service in the public sector has to be based on an accurate definition of the notion itself as well as its concrete application. Its underlying principles and field of application have to be defined. Qualitative and quantitative aspects, bargain procedures and partners, necessary resources, all have to be identified.

Direito ao trabalho: um direito fundamental no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro / Right to work: a fundamental right in the Brazilian legal system

Fonseca, Maria Hemília 27 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaHemiliaFonseca.pdf: 2656512 bytes, checksum: aebfeefb5fb86e73a1f74707d4d5951d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-09-27 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / In view of the importance and meaning placed on work presently when there is unemployment everywhere, the right to work arises again to the world scene grounded on the support and promotion of human dignity. Assuming that the right to work is a universal right of all men, and that its acknowledgement as a fundamental right is conditioned to the guidelines drawn up by every legal system, the study herein searched to show that the right to work in the Brazilian legal system (i) is acknowledged as a fundamental social-economic right , (ii) it adopts the structure of a principle in the constitutional text dated back to 1988, that is, it is shown as an optimization commandment which imposes prima facie rights and duties , and thus it demands that it is carried out according to the phatic and legal possibilities foreseen in each concrete case , based on the theory about rules and principles developed by Robert Alexy; (iii) its analysis can be performed on an individual and collective dimension , which are closely related to the distinct application fields of the fundamental rights, that is, the one that involves the State and its citizens and the one that is centered in the relations among the private ones; (iv) in its individual range , it is shown circumscribed by the work contract and in the collective range it is associated to the objective of full employment, especially the public policies of work and employment; (v) its accomplishment is a needed consequence of the legal system of special protection that the Constitution has granted to these rights , and this can be done through political and legal mechanisms. It was checked , therefore, in the Brazilian scene , that the right to work is not an unrealizable chimera. There are, indeed, different political and legal mechanisms for its accomplishment; will and courage in small doses are required to overcome old paradigms / Ante a importância e o significado que o trabalho humano adquiriu nos tempos atuais de desemprego, o direito ao trabalho figura no cenário mundial como base de sustentação e de promoção da dignidade humana. Partindo do pressuposto de que o direito ao trabalho é um direito universal de todos os homens e que o seu reconhecimento como um direito fundamental está condicionado às diretrizes traçadas por cada ordenamento jurídico, o presente estudo procura demonstrar que o direito ao trabalho no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro (i) é reconhecido como um direito econômico-social fundamental; (ii) assume a estrutura de um princípio no texto constitucional de 1988, ou seja, apresenta-se como um mandamento de otimização que impõe direitos e deveres prima facie, exigindo, assim, a sua realização segundo as possibilidades fáticas e jurídicas previstas em cada caso concreto, nos moldes da teoria sobre regras e princípios desenvolvida por Robert Alexy; (iii) a sua análise pode se dar em uma dimensão individual e em uma dimensão coletiva, que têm correlação direta com os distintos campos de aplicação dos direitos fundamentais, ou seja, aquele que envolve o Estado e seus cidadãos e aquele que se centra nas relações entre os particulares; (iv) em seu âmbito individual aparece circunscrito ao contrato de trabalho e no âmbito coletivo associado ao objetivo do pleno emprego, especialmente às políticas públicas de trabalho e emprego; (v) a sua efetivação é uma conseqüência necessária do regime jurídico de proteção especial que a Constituição concedeu a estes direitos, e esta pode se dar através de mecanismos políticos e jurídicos. Verifica-se, portanto, que no cenário brasileiro o direito a trabalhar não se trata de uma quimera irrealizável. Existem, sim, distintos mecanismos políticos e jurídicos a serem utilizados para a sua efetivação, bastando um pouco de vontade e coragem para ultrapassar velhos paradigmas

Le droit des femmes au travail : étude comparée des droits camerounais et français / Women’s rights at work : a comparative study of French and Cameroonian rights

Siakam, Victorine-Jolie 23 May 2015 (has links)
La faculté de travailler et les droits qui se rattachent à l’exercice d’une activité professionnelle par les femmes résultent d’une longue évolution juridique en France comme au Cameroun et en dépit de la reconnaissance du droit au travail, diverses entraves subsistent et génèrent des discriminations. Les discriminations sont tantôt de fait, et trouvent alors leur fondement dans des mentalités rétrogrades, tantôt de droit et se traduisent par des insuffisances juridiques. Les outils juridiques de promotion des droits des femmes au travail et de la lutte contre toute forme de discrimination professionnelle ne sont pas totalement identiques en France et au Cameroun. Mais, les acquis d’un pays pourraient parfaitement être transposés dans l’autre pays. / The ability to work and the rights that go with women exercising a professional activity are the result of lengthy legal developments both in France and Cameroon. Despite recognition of this right to work, various constraints persist and give rise to discrimination. Discrimination is sometimes de facto, in which case it is based in retrograde attitudes, and sometimes it is legal, in which case it is manifested in legal shortcomings. The legal tools used to promote women’s rights at work and to fight against all forms of professional discrimination are not completely identical in France and Cameroon. Nevertheless, the gains of one country can be perfectly transposed onto the other.

Le service minimum et les services essentiels : étude française confrontée au droit québécois

Fontaine, Laurence Léa 11 1900 (has links)
II n'existe plus de grève dans les services publics sans que soit evoqué, voire réclamé ou exigé le service minimum. Le droit français n'offre qu'une législation très parcellaire et floue en la matière. Malgré de nombreuses propositions de loi, le législateur fait preuve d'inertie. Cette attitude s'explique notamment par la grande difficulté technique de la tâche imposant de concilier les deux principes de valeur constitutionnelle que sont le droit de grève et la continuité des services publics. Cette étude tend a mettre en exergue les interrogations relatives au service minimum et s'efforce de déceler la solution qui serait la mieux adaptée dans le système juridique français. Afin de donner plus de relief à la recherche, le choix a été fait de l'aborder en s'inspirant du droit étranger. Le modèle choisi est originaire du Canada, et plus exactement du Québec. II bénéficie d'un recul d'une vingtaine d'années et offre de ce fait, une expérience riche d'enseignements. La création d'un service minimum applicable aux services publics exige une analyse tant de la notion que de sa mise en ceuvre. Concrètement, iI s'agit d'identifier les fondements du service minimum, de délimiter son champ d'application mais aussi de le définir en termes qualitatif et quantitatif, d'envisager sa mise en ceuvre par la voie négociée avec des acteurs spécifiques et de présenter les moyens permettant d'assurer son effectivité. / Every public sector strike brings up the question of a need for a skeleton service. In this area French law is extremely fragmentary and vague. In spite of numerous attempts to introduce legislation no law has been voted. The main reason has been the considerable technical difficulty in reconciling the two basic constitutional principles ofthe right to strike and the continuity of public services. This study brings into focus the problems and questions arising from the idea of a skeleton service and attempts to identify the most practical solution in the context of French law. To give clearer defmition to the study, the Quebec legislation in this field was used as a model. It has been in force for twenty years and this offers many practical lessons. Setting up a skeleton service in the public sector has to be based on an accurate definition of the notion itself as well as its concrete application. Its underlying principles and field of application have to be defined. Qualitative and quantitative aspects, bargain procedures and partners, necessary resources, all have to be identified. / "Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en droit (L.L.D)"

Etický rozměr lidské práce v kontextu svobody a důstojnosti člověka / Labor aspects from the perspective of ethics and Christianity, developing countries workers' protection projects

VLČKOVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation I am analysing certain aspects of labour, especially the ones that are of significant interest to moral philosophy within the church and its catholic doctrine. In the same time I identify the foundation for freedom and dignity of labouring human being that are being degraded especially in the present time economisation process. Further, I outline the issues associated with the changes within the division of labour from industrial revolution to present day and in the same time I present issues connected with labouring human being vs. human capital. Because freedom is the foundation of humanity I also describe issues connected with human rights in the context of universal and natural law. In this way I analyse Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its defence in an intercultural environment. Lastly, besides those theoretical concepts, I evaluate an Amnesty International CR project called "Business That is Worth It" which aims at supporting companies to a responsible management of employees rights protection especially in developing countries.

Vägen till heltid : Om institutionell förändring i kommunal jämställdhetspolitik / The Road to Fulltime : Institutional Change in Local Gender Equality Politics

Johansson, Emil January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze why or why not Swedish municipalities implement the gender equality policy – ”right to work fulltime”. In order to understand this institutional change, the analysis is based on a theoretical framework consisting of two fields: political representation and feminist institutionalism. The study is divided into two empirical inquiries. The first part is based on a quantitative survey that describes the casual relationship between two independent variables; women´s political representation and party ideology, and the dependent variable; political decision about “right to work fulltime”. The findings are that women´s representation does not explain the existence of political decision. Rather, political ideology has a higher explanatory factor. The second inquiry is divided into two single-case studies; Nynäshamn, a municipality that has implemented the policy, and Eskilstuna, that failed the implementation process. Four theoretical concepts are developed and one analytical model is used to understand institutional change in these cases. The study concludes that in order to understand the implementation process in these municipalities, local and contextual institutions must be emphasized; both formal and informal institutions need to be in favor for the agents promoting change. However, to fully understand these processes, focus should be directed towards the ways in which gendered power relations shape the construction of new institutions.

Aplikace politiky zaměstnanosti ve vztahu k lidem se zdravotním postižením v České republice / Administration of labour policy in the relation to people with disabilities in the Czech Republic

Svobodová, Johana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis "Administration of labour policy in the relation to people with disabilities in the Czech Republic" presents the actual usage of labour policy instruments in supporting employment of people with disabilities in practice. It analyses limitations of the handicapped which are caused by physical and mental disabilities, their right to work and labour policy instruments providing employment support to people with disabilities and practical usage of these instruments based on the statistical information in the theoretical part. Research is focused on finding out whether and in which aspects do the needs of people with disabilities while looking for a job and the needs of employers coinside with the support provided by labour offices in Benešov and Česká Lípa districts."

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