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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utbildning på vetenskaplig grund : En studie om lärares diskursiva antaganden och uppfattningar om vetenskaplig grund i skola och förskola / Education based on research : A study about teachers discursive understanding about research in school and pre-school

Sjögren, Torun January 2016 (has links)
Denna masteruppsats syfte är att vidga förståelsen för de förutsättningar som finns för att utbildning skall kunna vila på vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet enligt skollagen från 2011. Detta genom att undersöka några av de diskursiva tankemodeller som kan finnas i lärares uppfattningar runt skrivningen och vilka roller som kan skapas utifrån dessa. Emperin har skapats utifrån två fokusgruppsamtal hos åtta verksamma lärare i skola och förskola och sedan analyserats i en diskursanalys. Studiens teoretiska ramar utgår ifrån Foucaults teorier om makt, kunskap och subjektets formande och Habermas teorier om kommunikativa handlingar.   Resultaten formar fyra diskurser; Kunskapssyn, vetenskap ses som utifrån en Klassisk kunskapssyn; Främlingskap, vetenskap ses som främmande eftersom lärare har ringa erfarenhet och kunskap av detta; Avståndstagande, lärare behöver inte befatta sig med vetenskap då den uppfattas som väsensskild från vardagen, som elitistiskt och som kan försvåra lärares profession; Möjlighet; det finns intresse av att använda vetenskap för att lösa specifika problem i verksamheten eftersom lärare ser sig som experter med möjlighet att utveckla utbildning i skolan. Undersökningen visar motstridiga roller; forskningsfrämling som upplever vetenskapen som svår, förvirrande och obegriplig; forskningsavståndstagare med en distans och ett förkastande av forskning; forskningsutövare där lärares egna initiativ och intresse hittar forskning utifrån specifika problem.   Diskussionen menar att lärares roll gentemot en utbildning på vetenskaplig grund är komplicerad och motstridig. Rollerna; främling, avståndstagare och utövare visar på utifrån Foucaults termer; subjektets underkastelse och motstånd och lärare kommer att förhålla sig till vetenskap på ett sätt som gör att deras självbild som professionell och skicklig kan hållas intakt, vilket kan innebära ett större avståndstagande. För att lagen skall kunna realiseras måste skolans styrning utgå ifrån läraren som utövare med möjlighet att påverka, inspirera och utöva inflytande i ett vetenskapliga samtal. Detta kommer att kräva att man ger lärare kunskap och verktyg för att kunna ge sitt kunnande en vetenskaplig form. / This master thesis aims to widening the understanding of the conditions that exist so education can rest on a research base and well-tried experience according to the school law from 2011. This through an investigation of some the discourses of thought that could be found in assumptions to the law. The emperical data have been created from two focus group talks with eight teachers working in school and pre-school and have then been analysed in a discourse analysis. The theoretical frames of the study come from Foucault´s theories on power, knowledge and the formation of the subject and Habermas´ theories on communicative actions. The results has formed four discourses; View of knowledge, where research is seen as  Classical view of knowledge, Alienation, research is something strange and something they have very little experience and knowledge of, Dissociation, where teachers don´t need to concern themselves with research, as they regard as completly different from the work-day and as something elitism and which partly despises the profession of the teachers, Possibility, there is an interest to use research to solve a specific problem in their work as they regard themselves as experts with a will to develop education at school. The study shows contradictory roles; the research stranger, who experiences research as difficult, confusing and incomprehensible; the research repudiator, with a distance to and a rejection upon research; the research practiser, where own initiative, interest and will find research to solve specific problems. The discussion means that the teacher’s role in relation to research is complicated and contradictory. The roles; the stranger, the repudiator and the practiser display the submission and the resistance as seen form Foucault´s terms, and teachers will look upon research in a way that makes that their selfimage as a professional can be held intact, which could mean a stronger repudiation. In order to make the law realizable the governing of the schoolsystem must emanate from the teacher as a practiser with a possibility to influence, inspire and exercise influence in a talk about research. This will demand that the teachers are given knowledge and tools to be able to give their ability a research form.

”Allt handlar om en bra och säker framtid - Om ensamkommande ungdomars strävan efter att bli en del av svensk arbetsmarknad” / “Everything is about a good and secure future - About unaccompanied young people’s striving to become part of the Swedish labor market”

Esfandiari, Enrico January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett centralt motiv för forskning mot ensamkommande ungdomar är att återge ungdomarnas egna röster och upplevelser och arbeta utifrån deras egna perspektiv (Darvishpour, Månsson, 2019). I tidigare forskning är utgångspunkten ofta myndighets -eller det offentligas perspektiv (Månsson, 2016). Flyktingar har generellt ofta beskrivits som ett hot mot den nationella kollektiva identiteten (Ahmadi & Lilja, 2018). Samhälleliga förändringar påverkar i stor grad nyanlända barn och ungdomar. För den ensamkommande gruppen av barn innebär flykten i sig en särskilt otrygg situation utan egen familj och det skyddsnät som denna utgör (Darvishpour & Månsson, 2019). För den ensamkommande gruppen är förvärvsarbetet (i studien refererat till som ”arbetet”) viktigt för en lyckad integration. Detta kan bidra till bättre möjligheter att få stanna kvar i landet. Därför är det av särskild vikt att genomföra samtal med ungdomarna och introducera ungdomens perspektiv i ledet mot en lyckad integration i det svenska samhället. Vuxenförebilder, familjehemsföräldrar och gode män kan innebära stor praktisk nytta för de ensamkommande ungdomarna. Det handlar om att samtliga dessa parter måste ta hänsyn till ungdomsperspektivet för en lyckad integration (Stretmo & Melander, 2013).  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att ta reda på ensamkommande ungdomars upplevelser i anskaffandet av ett arbete i Sverige. Det handlar om att undersöka vilken hjälp ungdomarna anser vara mest centralt i vägen mot ett arbete. Följande frågeställningar beaktas i studien;  • Vilka utmaningar och möjligheter upplever de ensamkommande ungdomarna när det gäller att söka arbete? • Vilket professionellt stöd upplever de ensamkommande ungdomarna att de erbjuds på vägen mot ett arbete? • Vilket vuxenstöd upplevs av ungdomarna som mest avgörande på vägen mot integration?  Metod: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod. Dataproduktionen bestod av tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med ensamkommande ungdomar som rekryterades via privata kontakter i formen av ett bekvämlighetsurval. Denna ansats ansågs möjlig även under rådande pandemi. Intervjuerna transkriberades och en tematisk analys gjordes utifrån ett fenomenologiskt ramverk. Resultat och slutsatser: Genom en tematisk analys sammanställdes de ensamkommande ungdomars upplevelser. De teman som framkom var fem stycken och handlade om: 1. ”Nycklar till en lyckad integration” som handlar om att integreras i samhället, ”Ensamkommande ungdomar utan permanent uppehållstillstånd” som handlar om oro och osäkerhet hos ungdomarna,  2. ”Samhälleligt stöd skapar trygghet för den ensamkommande individen” som centralt handlar om vuxenstöd utifrån. 3. ”Vikten av nätverk för etablering på arbetsmarknaden” som handlar om kontaktnät och att knyta socialt nätverk,  4. ”Framtidsplaner för den ensamkommande individen” som till stor del handlar om inre ambitioner. Studieområdet är inte utforskat och det handlar om att fokusera uppmärksamhet på att ungdomarnas egna upplevelser bidrar med mycket nytta till forskningsfältet inom barn och ungdomsvetenskap. Fokus bör vara att prioritera synsättet som inkluderar ungdomarnas tolkningar och synsätt, istället för att beskriva ungdomarna utifrån ett om-perspektiv. Forskningen bör handla om arbetet med ungdomarna istället för att berätta om ungdomarna. Dessutom förutsätter ett lyckat integrationsarbete att ungdomarna bedöms som individer och inte som kategorier av ensamkommande, flyktingar eller migranter. När ungdomarnas perspektiv belyses, bidrar detta till värdefulla perspektiv. Inte minst i ledet att integrera ensamkommande ungdomar i den svenska arbetsmarknaden. / Background: A central motive for research against unaccompanied young people is to reproduce the young people's own voices and experiences and work from their own perspective (Darvishpour, Månsson, 2019). In previous research, the starting point is often the government or public perspective (Månsson, 2016). Refugees have generally often been described as a threat to the national collective identity (Ahmadi & Lilja, 2018). Societal changes greatly affect newly arrived children and young people. For the unaccompanied group of children, the refugee situation in itself means a particularly insecure situation without an own family and the safety net that this constitutes (Darvishpour & Månsson, 2019). For the unaccompanied group, employment (referred to in the study as “work”) is important for successful integration. This can contribute to better opportunities to stay in the country. Therefore, it is of particular importance to conduct conversations with the young people and introduce the young people's perspective in the direction of a successful integration into Swedish society. Adult role models, foster parents and good men can be of great practical benefit to the unaccompanied young people. It is about all these parties having to take into account the youth perspective for a successful integration (Stretmo & Melander, 2013).  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out the experiences of unaccompanied young people in acquiring a job in Sweden. It is about examining what help young people consider to be most central in the path to a job. The following issues are considered in this study;  • What challenges and opportunities do unaccompanied minors experience when it comes to looking for work? • What professional support do the unaccompanied young people feel they are offered on the way to a job? • Which adult support is perceived by young people as most crucial on the road to integration? Method: This study is based on a qualitative method. The data production consisted of twelve semi-structured interviews conducted with unaccompanied young people who were recruited 5via private contacts in the form of a convenience sample. This approach was considered possible even during the current pandemic. The interviews were transcribed and a thematic analysis was made based on a phenomenological framework.  Results and conclusions: Through a thematic analysis, the experiences of unaccompanied young people were compiled. The themes that emerged were five and were about:  1. “Keys to a successful integration”, which deals with integration into society,  2. “Unaccompanied young people without a permanent residence permit”, which deals with the anxiety and insecurity of young people. 3. “Social support creates security for the unaccompanied individual”, which is centrally about adult support from outside. 4. “The importance of networks for establishment in the labor market”, which deals with contact networks and the connection of social networks,  5. “Future plans for the unaccompanied individual”, which is largely about inner ambitions.  The study area has not been explored and it is a matter of focusing attention on the fact that the young people's own experiences contribute with great benefit to the field of research in children and youth science. The focus should be on prioritizing the approach that includes the young people's interpretations and views, instead of describing the young people from a re-perspective. The research should be about working with young people instead of telling about young people. In addition, successful integration work presupposes that young people are assessed as individuals and not as categories of unaccompanied minors, refugees or migrants. When young people's perspectives are highlighted, this contributes to valuable perspectives. Not least at the stage of integrating unaccompanied young people into the Swedish labor market.

Hur kan det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet förbättras? : En fallstudie av barn- och utbildningsförvaltningens kvalitetsarbete i en kommun / How can the systematic quality work be improved? : -

Ryberg, Lis January 2020 (has links)
A case study has been conducted in a municipal child and educationadministration. The aim was to develop a management system for thesystematic quality work at an overall level and identify what isimportant to think about to make the system work in theorganization. The studied organization has low student results and alarge proportion of the students do not gain admission to the uppersecondary school. The study is based on theories of systematicquality work and laws within the school and theories about offensivequality development. Surveys, interviews, document reviews, processmapping and literature studies have been used in the study. Theprocess mapping shows that the current systematic quality work has atop-down perspective. The results of surveys, interviews anddocument review indicate that there is a lack of commitment at theunit level. The current systematic quality work doesn´t lead to anydevelopment, partly because the follow-ups and analyzes, that arecarried out in the units, do not constitute a sufficient basis forthe top management to prioritize what is needed to do to develop thebusiness. The current top-down perspective is challenged and abottom-up perspective is proposed to gain greater involvement andparticipation. A new process, a management system as well as aproposal for implementation is suggested for the organization. Themanagement system is based on total quality management (TQM). / En fallstudie har genomförts i en kommunal barn- och utbildningsförvaltning i syfte att ta fram ett ledningssystem för det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet på en övergripande nivå och identifiera vad som är viktigt att tänka på för att få systemet att fungera i organisationen. Den studerade organisationen har låga elevresultat och en stor andel av eleverna uppnår inte behörighet till gymnasiet. Studien baseras på teorier och lagstiftning om systematiskt kvalitetsarbete inom skolan och teorier om offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Enkäter, intervjuer, dokumentgranskningar, processkartläggning och litteraturstudier har använts i studien. Processkartläggningen visar att det nuvarande systematiska kvalitetsarbetet har ett top-downperspektiv och resultatet av enkäter, intervjuer och dokumentgranskningen tyder på att det finns ett bristande engagemang på enhetsnivå. Det nuvarande systematiska kvalitetsarbetet medför inte att verksamheterna utvecklas, bland annat beroende på att de uppföljningar och utvärderingar som genomförs på enheterna inte utgör ett tillräckligt underlag för att huvudmannen skall kunna prioritera insatser som leder till att verksamheten utvecklas. Det nuvarande top-down-perspektivet ifrågasätts och ett bottom-up-perspektiv föreslås för att få ett större engagemang och delaktighet på enhetsnivå. Ett förslag på ny process, ett ledningssystem baserat på offensiv kvalitetsutveckling samt ett implementeringsförslag redovisas i studien.

A Case Study of a Public Higher Education Institution’s Engagement in Authorizing Charter Schools

Gomaa, Nabila 19 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Private education in South Africa : the legal status and management of private schools

Squelch, Joan Maureen 01 1900 (has links)
World-wide, the nature, purpose and existence of private education has evoked intense interest and controversial debate. For many, private education presents a legal-moral dilemma. On the one hand, it is recognised as a fundamental right in terms of freedom of association, religion and culture. On the other, it raises perplexing moral and philosophical issues about social exclusivity, selectivity and elitism. Notwithstanding the equally compelling legal, social, economic, educational and political arguments for and against private education, private schools in South Africa, which are increasing in number, continue to form an essential and permanent part of the education system. Private education is a complex subject which can be researched from a myriad of perspectives. This study is essentially a legal enquiry into the legal status of private schools in South Africa within the new democratic constitutional dispensation and how the law affects the organisation, governance and management of private schools. To this end, the study is confined to a discussion on legal aspects relating to private school governance, public funding of private schools, teachers' appointments and discipline, student admission and discipline and religious freedom. In discussing the legal context of such topics, a number of issues emerged concerning the complex nature and diversity of private schools, the relationship between the State and the private school sector, the right of private schools to exist and the implications of the bill of rights for private schools. Furthermore, the study raises challenging questions about the issues of choice, autonomy, religious freedom and diversity, which lie at the heart of the establishment and maintenance of private schools in a democratic society. Finally, one of the difficulties of conducting such a study is that South African law is complex and changing, and it is still in a state of evolution, given the recentness of the Constitution and the bill of rights. This means that while some legal issues pertaining to private schools are fairly well settled, for the most part it is not possible to provide a comprehensive or definitive statement about complex and often highly sensitive issues but merely to pose various legal-education questions and problems for consideration. In time, many of the issues raised will no doubt be settled by the courts / Educational Leadership and Management / D.Ed. (Educational Management

Private education in South Africa : the legal status and management of private schools

Squelch, Joan Maureen 01 1900 (has links)
World-wide, the nature, purpose and existence of private education has evoked intense interest and controversial debate. For many, private education presents a legal-moral dilemma. On the one hand, it is recognised as a fundamental right in terms of freedom of association, religion and culture. On the other, it raises perplexing moral and philosophical issues about social exclusivity, selectivity and elitism. Notwithstanding the equally compelling legal, social, economic, educational and political arguments for and against private education, private schools in South Africa, which are increasing in number, continue to form an essential and permanent part of the education system. Private education is a complex subject which can be researched from a myriad of perspectives. This study is essentially a legal enquiry into the legal status of private schools in South Africa within the new democratic constitutional dispensation and how the law affects the organisation, governance and management of private schools. To this end, the study is confined to a discussion on legal aspects relating to private school governance, public funding of private schools, teachers' appointments and discipline, student admission and discipline and religious freedom. In discussing the legal context of such topics, a number of issues emerged concerning the complex nature and diversity of private schools, the relationship between the State and the private school sector, the right of private schools to exist and the implications of the bill of rights for private schools. Furthermore, the study raises challenging questions about the issues of choice, autonomy, religious freedom and diversity, which lie at the heart of the establishment and maintenance of private schools in a democratic society. Finally, one of the difficulties of conducting such a study is that South African law is complex and changing, and it is still in a state of evolution, given the recentness of the Constitution and the bill of rights. This means that while some legal issues pertaining to private schools are fairly well settled, for the most part it is not possible to provide a comprehensive or definitive statement about complex and often highly sensitive issues but merely to pose various legal-education questions and problems for consideration. In time, many of the issues raised will no doubt be settled by the courts / Educational Leadership and Management / D.Ed. (Educational Management

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