Spelling suggestions: "subject:"shelter"" "subject:"helter""
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Qualitätsaspekte bei Voranbauten von Buche [Fagus sylvatica L.] mit variierenden Pflanzverbänden in unterschiedlich aufgelichteten Fichtenaltbeständen [Picea abies (L.) KARST]Blaschkewitz, Birgit 27 November 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie der Buchen-Voranbau als Regelverfahren des Waldumbaus von Fichtenreinbeständen angelegt und bewirtschaftet werden soll, damit keine Qualitätseinbußen entstehen und das Wachstum unter Schirm nicht zu stark geschmälert wird.
Dahinter stehen im Kern drei Fragen. Die erste zielt darauf ab herauszufinden, welche Auflichtung in Fichtenaltbeständen notwendig und zweckmäßig ist. Dabei lässt sich der Bogen über zu dichte Oberstände und die Gefahr des Kümmerns sowie dauerhaft plagiotropen Wuchses sowie eine zu niedrige Schirmdichte spannen, die wiederum das Risiko von Frostschäden verstärken kann und negative Auswirkungen für die Qualität bedeutet.
Zweitens ist von Interesse, ab welchem Alter der Voranbau-Buchen (Standzeit seit der Pflanzung) sich mögliche Qualitätsunterschiede überhaupt bemerkbar machen.
Drittens wird gefragt, ob sich die teure Anlage von Voranbauten mit hohen Stückzahlen lohnt, wenn qualitativ gute Dickungen und angehende Stangenhölzer erzielt werden sollen. Die zu untersuchende Alternative lautet dabei, ob die Pflanzenzahlen abgesenkt werden können und der Verlust an qualitätsförderndem Seitendruck durch einen dichteren Altbestandesschirm aufgefangen werden kann.
Die abgeleiteten Arbeitshypothesen unterstellen der Fichtenüberschirmung und der Pflanzenzahl im Voranbau einen gerichteten Effekt auf Wachstum, Stabilität, Astreinheit, Astreinigung, Stammform und Achsenmorphologie der Buchen-Vorausverjüngung. Es wird außerdem angenommen, dass sich Unterschiede in Überschirmungsdichte und Pflanzenzahl erst ab einem bestimmten Alter bemerkbar machen.
Die zwölf Untersuchungsflächen liegen im nordrhein-westfälischen Sauerland und im sächsischen Elbsandsteingebirge in einer Höhenlage zwischen 250 und 550m ü NN auf terrestrischen Standorten mittlerer bis ziemlich armer Trophie. Die Altbestände sind zwischen 66 und 102 Jahre alt und weisen fünf Jahre vor der Datenaufnahme konstante Schirmdichten auf. Die Buchenvoranbauten sind mindestens horstweise angelegt und seit ihrer Pflanzung ohne Pflege- oder Ästungsmaßnahmen. Das Alter variiert zwischen acht und 20 Jahren, die 1,68 bis 11,70m hoch sind. Eine Verbissbelastung kann ausgeschlossen werden. Die Stückzahl je Hektar variiert zwischen 4.444 und 10.417 Stck./ha.
Die Flächen lassen sich einer zweistufigen Versuchsanlage zuordnen. In der ersten Stufe variieren Alter, Überschirmungsdichte und Dichte im Voranbau. Je nach den Verhältnissen auf der Fläche werden in homogenen Voranbauten rechteckige Kernflächen etabliert und in Subflächen unterteilt. Bei weiten Pflanzverbänden oder ungleichmäßiger Bestockung dient ein Probekreisraster dazu, die Probebuchen auszuwählen. Die Anzahl an Probebuchen wird im Nachhinein um solche bereinigt, die Schäden haben, nicht vital sind, unteren soziologischen Klassen angehören oder von anderen Baumarten in der Verjüngung berührt werden (n=2.991).
Für alle diese Buchen werden im ersten Teil der Arbeit das Alter, der mittlere Standraum und die direkt über dem Wipfeltrieb befindliche Überschirmungsdichte mit der Qualitätseinstufung (sehr gut, gut, zwieselig, unzureichend) in Verbindung gebracht. Dieses Merkmal betrachtet die Gesamtmorphologie als Kombination aus vier Kronen- und drei Stammformklassen.
Als statistische Methode wird ein kumulatives, gemischtes Schwellenwertmodell verwendet. Es ermöglicht, eventuelle unerwünschte räumliche Korrelationen aus dem Regressionsmodell zu eliminieren. Dazu werden die Daten auf Ebene der Plots bzw. Subflächen aggregiert. Der Stichprobenumfang reduziert sich dadurch auf n=619.
Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass ein weiterer Standraum zu einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit schlechterer Qualitätstypen führt und andererseits eine intensivere Überschirmung diesen Trend umkehrt. So sind bei gleicher Wahrscheinlichkeit für sehr gute und gute Buchen entweder 7.140 Stck./ha bei moderatem Schirm oder 2.860 Stck./ha bei intensivem Schirm nötig. In der Validierung des Modells zeigen sich jedoch gravierende Unterschiede anhand der Daten aus den beiden Bundesländern.
Im zweiten Teil der Untersuchung wird von den vorausgewählten Probebuchen eine Unterstichprobe von n=186 gezogen um daran Höhe, Wurzelhalsdurchmesser, hd-Wert, den maximalen Grünastdurchmesser je Schaftabschnitt (Schaftabschnitt 1: 0,0-1,5m, Schaftabschnitt 2: 1,5-3,0m, Schaftabschnitt 3: 3,0-4,5m), den relativen maximalen Grünastdurchmesser (ASIX von STRUCK & DOHRENBUSCH 2000), den kleinsten Grünastansatzwinkel, den Astwinkelindex von HAGEMANN (2005), das Vorhandensein von steilen Ästen, den Schaftanteil ohne Grünäste, den neu eingeführten Ästigkeitsindex, den Durchmesser des stärksten Totastes, den relativen Durchmesser des stärksten Totastes (ASIX), das Auftreten von Tiefzwieseln, die Ansatzhöhe des untersten Zwiesels, die Stammneigung und die Krummschaftigkeit zu messen, einzuschätzen bzw. aus Hilfsmessgrößen zu berechnen.
Die Konkurrenzsituation dieser Einzelbuchen wird in Bezug auf den Oberstand und den Voranbau erfasst. Beim Oberstand sind es die Grundfläche je Hektar und der HEGYI-Index, die auf eingemessenen Stammverteilungsplänen der Kernflächen bzw. Plotrasterflächen beruhen, die um einen Rahmenbereich von 15m Breite ergänzt werden. Innerhalb der Verjüngung sind es der mittlere Standraum, der HEGYI-Index mit zwei verschiedenen Suchmodi (Suchradius 1/3 der Höhe und Suchkegel mit 60° Öffnungsweite am Baumfußpunkt) und der neu eingeführte Ast-Index nach CLUZEAU et al. (1994), der nahe am Baum stehende Buchen mit ihrem am weitesten auf den Zentralbaum zuragenden Ast und dessen Parametern einbezieht.
Die berechneten Regressionsmodelle sind alle gemischt und fangen über einen gestuften Zufallseffekt mögliche unerwünschte räumliche Korrelationen auf. Die verwendeten Modelltypen sind die lineare und die binäre logistische Regression. Bei der Auswertung werden die unabhängigen Variablen in acht festen Varianten miteinander kombiniert. Neben der Homoskedastizität der Residuen beim linearen Modell sind die Modelle u.a. auf eine mögliche erhöhte Multikollinearität hin überprüft. Aus den maximal acht Regressionsmodellen pro Qualitätsmerkmal ist dasjenige das Endmodell, welches den niedrigsten Strafterm (AIC-Kriterium) verbunden mit einer akzeptablen Multikollinearität aufweist.
Im Ergebnis ist der HEGYI-Index sowohl für den Oberstand als auch für die Verjüngung überdurchschnittlich häufig in den Endmodellen vertreten. In der Diskussion steht die Frage nach der Genauigkeit der Oberstands-Indices, die durch den zu kleinen Rahmenbereich von 15m und daher möglicherweise fehlenden, aber wirksamen Konkurrenten beeinträchtigt wird.
Die Ergebnisse für die Einzelmerkmale zeigen, dass ein enger Standraum unverzichtbar ist, wenn qualitativ hochwertige Buchen herangezogen werden sollen. Kein Merkmal verhält sich in Bezug darauf indifferent.
Zusätzlich bedarf es eines dichten Schirms, wenn die absoluten Grünastdurchmesser in allen drei Schaftabschnitten gering, der relative Grünastdurchmesser im Schaftabschnitt 3,0 bis 4,5m niedrig, der Grünastansatzwinkel in Bezug auf die Vertikale weit, der astfreie Schaftanteil hoch und die relative Dimension des stärksten Totastes groß sein sollen.
Demgegenüber stellt eine niedrige Überschirmungsintensität bei engem Standraum in der Verjüngung sicher, dass sich die Höhe nicht zu stark reduziert, der relative Grünastdurchmesser minimal wird, der Durchmesser bereits abgestorbener Äste steigt, Tiefzwiesel weniger wahrscheinlich sind und der unterste Zwiesel hoch ansetzt. Steile Äste sind nur dann weniger wahrscheinlich, wenn der Standraum eng ist. Der Überschirmung gegenüber verhält sich dieses Merkmal dagegen indifferent.
Ein weiter Standraum bewirkt in Kombination mit einem intensiven Schirm, dass die Schäfte junger Buchen weniger stark gekrümmt sind oder schief stehen. Die jungen Stämme sind bei weitem Standraum häufiger zweischnürig, was unabhängig von der Überschirmungsdichte ist. Bezüglich der Wurzelhalsdurchmesser und der hd-Werte wirkt sich ein weiter Standraum positiv aus, wenn gleichzeitig ein Schirm geringer Dichte über dem Voranbau stockt.
Insofern werden die Arbeitshypothesen nicht vollumfänglich bestätigt, weil auch indifferente Reaktionsmuster der jungen Buchen vorkommen. Der Alterseffekt bzw. die Auswirkungen der unterschiedlichen Buchenhöhen sind in Bezug auf die Höhe, den Wurzelhalsdurchmesser, den stärksten Grünastdurchmesser im mittleren Schaftabschnitt, den grünastfreien Stammanteil, die Astreinigung in den unteren beiden Abschnitten, den absoluten und relativen Durchmesser des stärksten Totastes, der Stammneigung und die Krümmungsstärke besonders ausgeprägt.
In der Diskussion wird die Reaktion der jungen Buchen auf unterschiedliche Auswirkungen der Konkurrenz in Raum und Zeit aufgegriffen. Die Bäumchen reagieren sowohl auf physiologischer, histologischer, anatomischer und morphologischer Ebene, was sich im Laufe der Entwicklung in der Bedeutung für den gesamten Organismus verschiebt. Diese vielfältigen Reaktionen können dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden, dass Unterschiede bei den ausgewerteten Qualitätsmerkmalen hervortreten. Zusätzlich wird die Frage diskutiert, welchen Einfluss genetische Komponenten oder der Standort auf die Qualität haben können.
Für die Praxis wird empfohlen, die Pflanzenzahlen nicht unter 7.700 Stck./ha abzusenken. Für die Überschirmung ist eine Grundfläche von 25-40m²/ha empfehlenswert, wobei der Altbestand erst nach 20 Jahren vollständig geräumt werden soll. Zu dichte Fichtenoberstände sind u. a. aus Gründen der Wuchshemmung für den Voranbau, der damit einhergehenden Produktionszeitverlängerung und dem gesteigerten Risiko von Bruch und Wurf des Oberstandes nicht anzuraten. Für eine Absenkung der Pflanzenzahlen ist aus Sicht der Qualität im Voranbau lediglich ein Rahmen von 5.000 bis 7.700 Stck./ha denkbar. Diese Absenkung geht zu Lasten der Astreinigung und Feinästigkeit und sie erfordert außerdem, den Oberstand bei Grundflächen über 40m²/ha zu halten und in einem Zeitraum von mehr als 20 Jahren langsam abzuräumen. Das Bestreben bei den Pflanzen- und Pflanzungskosten einzusparen, wird insgesamt als risikobehaftet eingestuft. / The following study deals with the problem how to install and to manage advance-planting as a standard method for forest conversion in order to obtain a good quality combined with an adequate growth of young beech trees.
There are three main questions that have to be answered. First, it is necessary to point out the intensity of a spruce shelter which is needed for the mentioned aims. On the one hand nor it is favourable for the vitality nor it is for the morphology of the underplanted beeches if spruce shelters are too dense. On the other hand a too sparse shelter increases the risk of frost damage and other negative effects on beech quality.
Second, it has to be revealed at which time since plantig differences in quality due to various competition conditions become visible.
Third, one needs to know if the use of a high amount of plants is worthwile in order to obtain the desired quality traits of thickets and young poles. Maybe it could be a meaningful alternative to plant less beeches under a more dense spruce shelter.
It is hypothesized that there exists a directional effect of spruce shelter intensity as well as underplanting density on growth, stability, branchiness, stem form and morphology of advance-planted beeches. Furthermore it is supposed that young beeches show a visible reaction not immediatly after planting.
Within the scope of the study, twelve sample areas were established in North-Rhine-Westphalia in the Sauerland region as well as in Saxony in the Sandstone Mountain region. The stands stock at terrestrial sites which are elevated between 250 and 550 m above sea level. The spruce shelters vary in age from 66 to 102 years and have had a constant density five years before data collection started. The underplantings have at minimum clump size and vary in age since planting from eight to 20 years with heights from 1,68 to 11,70m. They are not damaged through browsing and no thinning or pruning have taken place. The density within the underplantings lies between 4.444 and 10.417 pieces per hectare.
At the study site, a two-staged sampling design is used. The first stage varies age of the young trees, shelter density and density within the underplanted area. If the beeches are homogeneously planted, rectangular plots were established, subdivided into smaller units. If the planting resulted in wide-spread or a scattered, inhomogeneous spatial distribution of young beech trees, circular sample plots were established fixed in a regular grid pattern. The relevant sample trees are vital beeches of a high sociological order without damage and without a visible competition caused by young naturally established individuals of other tree species (n=2.991).
The first part of the study analyzes the effect of age, mean standing area per beech and shelter density on morphological quality (very good, good, forked, not sufficient). This trait focuses on the habitus of a young beech where crown form (four classes) and stem form (three classes) are combined. As statistical method for the analysis a mixed proportional-odds regression model is used. By this means undesirable spatial autocorrelation residual structures can be eliminated which can potentially be found. In order to reach this, sample data had to be aggregated on subplot respectively on circular sample plot level (n=619).
The result shows on the one hand the negative effect of widely spaced beeches. This leads to a higher probability of worse quality classes. On the other hand, a more dense shelter can reverse the mentioned effect of a sparse density in underplanted areas. Either 7.140 beeches per hectare at a moderate shelter density or 2.860 pieces per hectare at a dense shelter will lead to the same probability level of very good and good beeches. The validation of the regression model shows great differences between the data from NRW and SAX.
In the second part of the study at a subsample of 186 beeches following quality treats are measured respectively calulated afterwards: height, girth at a height of 20cm above ground, hd-ratio, diameter of the thickest living branch per stem sector (stem sector 1: 0,0-1,5m, stem sector 2: 1,5-3,0m, stem sector 3: 3,0-4,5m height above ground), relative branch diameter of the thickest living branch (ASIX after STRUCK & DOHRENBUSCH 2000), minimal branching angle out of all measured living branches, branch-diameter-angle-index of HAGEMANN (2005) for the thickest alive branch, steep branches, relative length of the branch-free bole, a new branchiness-index, absolute and relative diameter of the thickest dead branch, occurence of low forks, height of the first fork, stem leaning and crookedness. The competitional situation is assessed related to shelter as well as to regeneration. Several competition indices are used. For the spruce shelter, basal area per hectare and the index after HEGYI are calculated, based on stand maps which are established at the sample plots and additionally at a surrounding area as a margin with width of 15m. Within the regeneration, the mean standing area, two variants of the index after HEGYI based on two selection modi (radius 1/3rd of the height and searching cone with an angle of 60°) and a newly introduced branch competition index after CLUZEAU et al. (1994) are the tools to quantify the intensity of competition. The new branch competition index uses competitors nearby and in particularly their branch which is directly oriented to the sample tree and has simultaneously the greatest horizontal elongation.
The regression models are mixed ones and use a spatially hierachical random effect in order to eliminate undesirable spatial correlation structures of residuals. As model types, linear and binary logistic regression types are used. The analysis combines independent variables to eight fixed variants. All linear models are investigated if their residuals are homogeneously distributed, furthermore all models are checked for an acceptable extent of collinearity amongst others. The further analysed and interpreted model ist the result of a selection process focused on an acceptable extent of collinearity and a low AIC-value.
The competition index after HEGYI is the one which has the best performance among all used indices, for shelter density as well as in relation to regeneration density. Methodically, accuary of the shelter-competition-indices is discussed. The unaccuracy evolved from the fixed margin width of 15m and the fact that relevant competitors outside of this zone are missing.
The results clearly show the importance of a narrow spacing in the underplanting in order to reach the goal. There is no quality trait which does not show a reaction to a varying spacing. Additionally, a dense shelter is needed if diameters of the thickest alive branches in all stem sections and the relative branch diameter at a stem height from 3,0 to 4,5m shall be small, if the branching angle shall be wide in respect to the stem axis, if the branch-free bole shall be long and if the relative branch diameter of the thickest dead branch shall be of great dimension.
In contrast, a low shelter density combined with narrowly planted beeches supports other quality traits: height is not reduced so much, relative branch diameter of the thickest living branch decreases, dead branch diameter reaches a high level, low forks do not occur frequently and forking appears in the uppermost parts of the stem. Steep branches do less prevail only, if there is a narrow spacing independent of shelter density.
If spacing is wide, highly crooked stems or vertical intensively leaned ones are rare. Independently of shelter density, stem form ist less crooked. Wide spacings and simultaneously a low shelter density lead to tight stem diameters of underplanted beeches and therefore to a good stability.
That is why the postulated hypotheses can not completely be accepted – there are indifferent growth reactions related to quality traits, too. Age effect and impact of varying beech heights, respectively, can mainly be detected in relation to height, stem diameter, diameter of the thickest living branch in the second stem section, branch-free bole length, pruning dynamics in the lowermost stem sections, absolute and relative branch diameter of the thickest dead branch, stem leaning intensity and to intensity of crookedness.
The general discussion argues the reaction of the young beech trees to different effects of competition dependent of space and time. The young beeches show a clear physiological, histological, anatomical and morphological response which is attended by a shift of importance during life time. The sum of response is the reason for differences in quality traits detected in the study. Additionally the discussion focuses on genetic aspects and site conditions which also may have an impact.
Practical recommendations lead to an amount of 7.700 pieces per hectare as a minimum to let management match the quality goals. Spruce shelter density should vary between 25 to 40m² per hectare, optimally lasting ca. 20 years before complete removing. If the spruce shelter becomes too dense, this is not any more appropriate for an acceptable regeneration growth intensity which leads to a prolonged production time for the beech understorey. Also the risk of dying old overstorey stocking is increased. If regeneration density has to be decreased for operative reasons, 5.000 to 7.700 pieces per hectare are recommended. Nevertheless pruning dynamics will deteriorate and branchiness will also increase. Furthermore an approach like this requires a dense spruce shelter beyond 40m² per hectare whith a longer lasting period, longer than 20 years, until complete removing. If someone wants to economize on planting costs one should keep in mind the mentioned risks and efforts on the whole.
At the end the study takes into account how forest conversion is generally discussed with respect to the needs of wood-working industry which are in contrast to the widely used silvicultural method.
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Hur personalens arbetsmiljö och samverkan relaterar till möjligheterna att stödja skyddsplaceradeEklund, Celena, Eriksson, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
En tredjedel av världens kvinnor har blivit våldsutsatta och år 2022 blev tio personer mördade av sin partner i Sverige. Personal på kvinnojourer och skyddade boenden har en viktig roll att erbjuda skydd och stöd. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka personalens upplevelser av krav, resurser och utomorganisatorisk samverkan i arbetet med de skyddsplacerade med Jobb-Krav-Resursmodellen som teoretiskt perspektiv. Elva semistrukturerade intervjuer tematiserades med personal från tre olika kvinnojourer och ett privatägt skyddat boende. Ur analysen framkom tio teman som besvarade frågeställningarna. Resultatet visade att personalen upplevde en tung arbetsbelastning med en mängd ovissa arbetsinsatser, ambivalenta skyddsplacerade och snäva tidsramar vilket gav känslor av frustration samt stress. Betydelsefulla arbetsresurser var kollegialt stöd, möjligheter till kompetensutveckling och god påverkan på arbetsplatsen. Samverkan var bristfällig med andra organisationer vilket upplevdes vara relaterat till bristande helhetssyn och okunskaper om våldets konsekvenser, vilket försvårade möjligheterna att hjälpa de skyddsplacerade att återuppbygga sina liv. / One-third of the world´s women have experienced violence, and in 2022, ten people were murdered by their partners in Sweden. Staff at women´s shelters and safe houses play a crucial role in providing protection and support. The purpose of this study is to examine the staff´s experiences of work demands, work resources and interorganizational collaboration in their work with the victims of intimate partner violence using Job-Demand-Resource Model as a theoretical perspective. Eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with staff from three different women´s shelters and one privately owned safe house. From the analysis, ten themes emerged that addressed the two research questions. The resultats showed that the staff experienced a heavy workload with a multitude of uncertain tasks, ambivalent victims and tight time frames, leading to feelings of frustration and stress. Significant work resources included collegial support, opportunities for competence development, and positive workplace influence. Collaboration with other organizations was insufficient which was perceived to be related to a lack of holistic perspective and ignorance about the consequences of violence, making it difficult to assist the victims in rebuildning their lives.
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Varför får inte jag hjälp när hon får? : En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnojouren arbetar och bedriver ett förbättringsarbete till kvinnor med en vålds- och missbruksproblematikAndersson, Lovisa, Hedlund, Sanna January 2023 (has links)
Studien syftade till att undersöka hur kvinnojourer arbetar med missbrukande och våldsutsatta kvinnor och hur de bedriver ett förbättringsarbete. Studien visade att arbetet med de dubbelt utsatta kvinnorna är ett komplext område där de missbrukande och våldsutsatta kvinnorna råkar ut för dubbel exkludering- och stämpling. Fem kvinnojourer har intervjuats där en yrkesverksam från varje jour har presenterat kvinnojouren. Bristande resurser, kunskap och en begränsad ekonomi är faktorer som påverkar möjligheten till att hjälpa de dubbelt utsatta. En stark vilja uppdagades hos kvinnojourerna i att förbättra och utveckla arbetet till de dubbelt utsatta kvinnorna. Analysen utfördes med hjälp av teorin om social exkludering och stämplingsteorin. Den teoretiska analysen bekräftade situationen med dubbel stigmatisering och social exkludering av de kvinnorna med missbruksproblematik och våldsutsatthet. När det gäller socialt arbete finns det ett akut behov av att uppmärksamma de dubbelt utsatta kvinnorna och förbättra deras livssituation utifrån ett könsperspektiv. / The aim of the study was to investigate how women's shelters work with women who are victims of substance abuse and violence (double vulnerable) and how they carry out improvement work. The results of the study showed that the work with the double vulnerable women is a complex area where the double vulnerable women are exposed to double exclusion and stamping. Five women's shelters have been interviewed where one professional from each shelter has represented the shelter. Lack of resources, knowledge and limited economy are factors that affect the possibility of helping the double vulnerable. A strong will was revealed in the shelters to improve and develop the work for the double vulnerable women. The analysis is based on the theory of social exclusion and the stamping theory. The theoretical analysis confirmed the situation of double stigmatization and social exclusion of the double vulnerable women. In terms of social work, there is an urgent need to pay attention to the doubly vulnerable women and improve their life situation from a gender perspective.
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Effektivisering av teknikhusens grundläggningar längs järnvägar : Ett arbete som behandlar behovet om att effektivisera standarden för grundläggningen av ett teknikhus. / Making the foundation of equipment shelters along the railway more efficient : A project that addresses the need to improve the standard for the foundation of an equipment shelter.Yildirim, Siho, Rashid, Omar January 2017 (has links)
Trafikverket har ansvaret för ett av Sveriges största infrastrukturprojekt, nämligen att ersätta det nuvarande signalsystemet längs landets järnvägar till ERTMS. Med bytet av signalsystemet kommer behovet av att byta ut 1 500 teknikhus. Syftet med arbetet är att genom en analys av kostnader för den nuvarande grundläggningsstandarden med U-betongplintar för teknikhus, försöka hitta billigare lösningar. Arbetet utförs främst genom en analys av alternativa material- och grundläggningstyper, men hänsyn tas även till tillverkning, installation, logistik, påverkande laster och geologi. Delmålet är att kunna sänka den nuvarande kostnaden för projektet och huvudmålet är att hitta en ny framtida standard för grundläggningen av Trafikverkets teknikhus. De vanligaste grundläggningstyperna för teknikhusen visade sig vara kryp- och plintgrunder, utav plåt respektive betong. I arbetet presenteras även markskruvar, som är en ny idé för teknikhusen. Slutsatsen av rapporten är att markskruvar är det billigaste och smidigaste grundläggningsvalet för teknikhus. Även plåtramar, som idag är ett mer vanligt förekommande alternativ för teknikhus, är billigare än den nuvarande standarden. Arbetets totala besparing för projektet är nära 34 miljoner kronor med markskruvar, och därför har delmålet uppnåtts. Huvudmålet om att hitta en ny standard kräver däremot framtida undersökningar av Trafikverket innan fastställning. En rekommendation för Trafikverket är att vidareundersöka priset för utländska leverantörers markskruvar och avgöra om installationen ska utföras på egen hand. För vidare studier rekommenderas en noggrann analys på transportkostnader för grundläggningar och hur stora kostnader de fribärande teknikhusen tillför. / Trafikverket is responsible for one of Sweden’s largest infrastructure project, namely replacing the current signal system along the countries railway to ERTMS. With the replacement of the signal system comes the need to replace 1 500 equipment shelters. The task is to analyze costs for the equipment shelter’s current foundation standard and try to find cheaper solutions. The work is mainly executed by analyzing alternative materials and foundations, but also manufacturing, installation, logistics, impacting loads and geology. One of the goals is to reduce the current costs of the project, and the main task is to find a new foundation standard that Trafikverket can use for future equipment shelters. The most common foundation types for equipment shelters turned out to be crawling spaces and plinth foundations out of sheet-metal and concrete. The report also presents ground screws, which is a new idea for equipment shelters. The report’s conclusion is that ground screws are the cheapest and most flexible foundation for equipment shelters. Even sheet-metal frames, which are a more common option today, proved to be a more economical choice than the current standard. The total saving turned out to be near 34 million SEK with ground screws and therefore one of the objectives has been achieved. The main goal of possibly finding a new standard, however, requires future investigations by Trafikverket before it can be determined possible. A recommendation to Trafikverket is to further investigate the price of foreign suppliers’ ground screws and determine if the installation is to be carried out on its own. For further studies, a detailed cost analysis of cantilevered houses and transports is recommended.
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Landet som går under jorden : Morgontidningars gestaltning av skyddsrum i Sverige. / The land that goes underground : Morning newspapers' representation of shelters in Sweden.Antonia, Hammarström January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning I Sverige finns det ungefär 65 000 skyddsrum som ska räcka till cirka 10 miljoner människor. Skyddsrummen började byggas i slutet av 1930-talet fram till 2002. Eftersom Sverige inte har varit involverat i något krig på många år har skyddsrumsbyggnationen kunnat fortgå. 2022 inledde Ryssland en invasion av Ukraina som ledde till ett förändrat säkerhetspolitiskt läge i världen men även för Sverige. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur betydelsen av skyddsrum i Sverige har diskuterats i svenska morgontidningar över tid. Hur behovet av skyddsrum har framställts, samt hur det har pratats om skyddsrum kopplat till riskperception. Frågeställningar: · Hur har skyddsrum diskuterats i svenska morgontidningar? · Har inställningen till skyddsrummets relevans i Sverige förändrats över tid i svenska morgontidningar och hur i så fall? Tidningsartiklar från Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet mellan åren 1994–2022 har analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Gestaltningsteorin och riskperception är de teoretiska ramverk som har använts för att tolka resultatet. De teman som varit mest framträdande i svenska morgontidningar rörande skyddsrum var sex: Skyddsrumsbehov, Kommer alla få plats i skyddsrummen? Tidsaspekten, Sverige har varit skonat från krig, Stolthet, Påverkade av Ukrainakriget. Inställningen till skyddsrum har förändrats under tidsperioden 1994–2022. Från och med 1994 fram till 2021 framställdes inställningen till skyddsrummets relevans i Sverige övervägande negativ eller neutral. Ett tydligt skifte i denna fråga ägde rum 2022 då en mer positiv inställning till skyddsrummets relevans började gestaltas. Rysslands invasion av Ukraina har varit en högst påverkande faktor för den nya positiva inställningen till skyddsrum i Sverige. Nyckelord: Skyddsrum, gestaltningsteori, riskperception, kvalitativ innehållsanalys / Summary In Sweden, there are around 65,000 shelters, which should be enough for approximately 10 million people. The building of shelters began in the late 1930s until 2002. Since Sweden has not been involved in any war for many years, shelter construction has been able to continue. In 2022, Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine which led to a changed security policy situation in the world but also for Sweden. The purpose of the study is to examine how the importance of shelters in Sweden has been discussed in Swedish morning newspapers over time. How the need for shelters has been presented, as well as how there has been talk about shelters linked to risk perception. Questions: · How have shelters been discussed in Swedish morning newspapers? · Has the attitude to the relevance of the shelter in Sweden changed over time in Swedish morning newspapers and if so, how? Newspaper articles from Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet between the years 1994–2022 have been analyzed using the analytical method qualitative content analysis. Framing theory and risk perception are the theoretical frameworks that have been used to interpret the results. The themes that were most prominent in Swedish morning newspapers regarding shelters were six: Need for shelters, Will everyone have a place in the shelters? The time aspect, Sweden has been spared from war, Pride, Influenced by the Ukraine war. The attitude towards shelters has changed during the period 1994–2022. From 1994 until 2021, the attitude towards the relevance of the shelter in Sweden was predominantly negative or neutral. A clear shift in this matter took place in 2022, when the attitude to the relevance of the shelter was portrayed as positive. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been a highly influencing factor for the new positive attitude towards shelters in Sweden. Keywords: Shelter, framing theory, risk perception, qualitative content analysis
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Evaluating The Performance Of Animal Shelters: An Application Of Data Envelopment AnalysisHeyde, Brandy 01 January 2008 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is the application of data envelopment analysis to understand and evaluate the performance of diverse animal welfare organizations across the United States. The results include identification of the most efficient animal welfare organizations, at least among those that post statistics on their operations, and a discussion of various partnerships that may improve the performance of the more inefficient organizations. The Humane Society of the United States estimates that there are 4000 - 6000 independently-run animal shelters across the United States, with an estimated 6-8 million companion animals entering them each year. Unfortunately, more than half of these animals are euthanized. The methods shared in this research illustrate how data envelopment analysis may help shelters improve these statistics through evaluation and cooperation. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is based on the principle that the efficiency of an organization depends on its ability to transform its inputs into the desired outputs. The result of a DEA model is a single measure that summarizes the relative efficiency of each decision making unit (DMU) when compared with similar organizations. The DEA linear program defines an efficiency frontier with the most efficient animal shelters that are put into the model that "envelops" the other DMUs. Individual efficiency scores are calculated by determining how close each DMU is to reaching the frontier. The results shared in this research focus on the performance of 15 animal shelters. Lack of standardized data regarding individual animal shelter performance limited the ability to review a larger number of shelters and provide more robust results. Various programs are in place within the United States to improve the collection and availability of individual shelter performance. Specifically, the Asilomar Accords provide a strong framework for doing this and could significantly reduce euthanasia of companion animals if more shelters would adopt the practice of collecting and reporting their data in this format. It is demonstrated in this research that combining performance data with financial data within the data envelopment analysis technique can be powerful in helping shelters identify how to better deliver results. The addition of data from other organizations will make the results even more robust and useful for each shelter involved.
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[pt] Esta tese de doutorado investiga o acolhimento humanitário de pessoas LGBTI+
pela Operação Acolhida (2018-2022) como resposta do Brasil para o fluxo de
migrantes e refugiadas venezuelanas no país, pensando um panorama dos serviços
oferecidos e das questões que surgem no acolhimento e na integração dessa
população no território brasileiro. Uma abordagem da performatividade de Judith
Butler amparada por Jacques Derrida será usada como estratégia analítica para
entender as práticas, os discursos, os protocolos e as regras empreendidas nesse
caso pensando a reiteração de normas de gênero, sexo e sexualidade, do
humanitarismo e de Estado. Nesse sentido, o texto é um enquadramento parcial de
reiterações performativas da Operação Acolhida que podem (re)criar
(im)possibilidades não-intencionais para migrantes e refugiadas venezuelanas
LGBTI+. A realidade social LGBTI+fóbica traz consigo atravessamentos culturais
locais e transfronteiriços em que imperam lacunas, silêncios, segregação e
violências. Enquanto a lógica humanitária traz consigo as narrativas e protocolos
da crise, da emergência estabelecendo pressa e reforçando ausências constitutivas;
e o Estado traz consigo a demanda da contenção, da gestão e governo das
populações e espaços, criando narrativas de (des)acolhida. Nessa sobreposição
normativa e regulatória do contexto de acolhimento da Operação Acolhida, a
população migrante e refugiada LGBTI+ necessita de integração a médio e longo
prazo e de políticas que garantam seus direitos no país. Demandas de
empregabilidade, saúde e assistência social se multiplicam em um universo em que
o pensamento de curto prazo é reproduzido de forma central. Os limites, problemas
e avanços da estrutura logística humanitária são foco do trabalho e delinearão os
achados da pesquisa apontando para uma reflexão em torno da adaptação de
protocolos e de uma crítica dialógica. / [en] This PhD thesis investigates the humanitarian reception of LGBTI+ people from
Operação Acolhida (2018-2022) as a response from Brazil to the flow of
Venezuelan migrants and refugees in the country, thinking about an overview of
the services offered and the issues that arise in the encounter and integration of this
population in the Brazilian territory. An approach to Judith Butler s performativity
supported by Jacques Derrida will be used as an analytical strategy to understand
the practices, discourses, protocols and rules undertaken in this case thinking about
the reiteration of norms of gender, sex and sexuality, humanitarianism and the State.
In this sense, the text is a partial framing of performative reiterations of the
Operação Acolhida that can (re)create unintentional (im)possibilities for
Venezuelan LGBTI+ migrants and refugees. The LGBTI+phobic social reality
brings with it local and international cultural crossings in which gaps, silences,
segregation and violence prevail. While the humanitarian logic brings with it the
narratives and protocols of crisis, of emergency, establishing haste and reinforcing
constitutive absences; and the State brings with it the demand for containment,
management and government of populations and spaces, creating (un)welcoming
narratives. In this normative and regulatory overlap of the reception context of
Operação Acolhida, the LGBTI+ migrant and refugee population needs medium
and long-term integration and policies that guarantee their rights in the country.
Employability, health and social assistance demands multiply in a universe in which
short-term thinking is centrally reproduced. The limits, problems and advances of
the humanitarian logistical structure are the focus of this work and will outline the
research findings, pointing to a reflection around the adaptation of protocols and a
dialogic critique.
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Migrerande kvinnor i anknytningsrelationer : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnojourers arbete med våldsutsatta kvinnor i anknytningsrelationer / Migrant women in attachment relationships : A qualitative study on women´s shelters work with abused women in attachment relationshipsAvagyan, Lusine, Secerovic, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Studien har syftat till att belysa kvinnojourers arbete med migrerande kvinnor i anknytningsrelation och deras utmaningar i arbetet. Tidigare forskning har framhållit att det brister i forskning om migrerande kvinnor och hur kvinnojourer arbetar med berörda kvinnor i anknytningsrelation. Studien grundar sig i kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta respondenter från olika kvinnojourer i Sverige. Resultatet visar att det finns utmaningar i kvinnojourers arbete med migrerande kvinnor. Utveckling och förbättring är nödvändigt av bland annat myndigheter i form av basal samhällsinformation, kunskap om vart kvinnor ska vända sig och vilka rättigheter de har. I enlighet med tidigare forskning och teorier appliceras intersektionella perspektivet i deras arbete, då migrerande kvinnor har andra behov gentemot vad en svenskfödd kvinna har. Genusordningen påvisar mäns maktövertag över kvinnor utifrån kön och normaliseringen redogör att kvinnor normaliserar våldet. Det finns befintliga lagar som skyddar migrerande kvinnor, men i själva verket är det sällan dessa lagar tillämpas. Vi som forskare tolkar att respondenterna upplever utmaningar i deras arbete, särskilt när det gäller tvåårsregeln. Kvinnojourer är delaktiga i migrerande kvinnors liv och hjälper utifrån befintliga resurser och möjligheter, men i själva verket ligger inte allt i kvinnojourers händer vilket försvårar deras arbete med migrerande kvinnor. / The purpose of this study is to enlighten women's shelters work with migrant women in an attachment relationship and their challenges. Previous research shows a lack of research on migrant women and women’s shelters work with women in attachment relationships. The study is based on qualitative interviews with eight respondents from various women’s shelters in Sweden. The results show challenges in women’s shelters work with migrant women. Development and improvement is necessary by authorities based on giving basic social information, knowledge of where women can seek help and knowing her rights. In accordance with previous research and theories, intersectional perspective is applied in women’s shelters work, as migrant women have different needs compared to what a Swedish-born woman has. The gender order demonstrates men's dominance over women based on sex and the theory of normalization explains that women normalize violence. There are existing laws that protect migrant women, but in reality, these laws are rarely enforced. We interpret that the respondents experience challenges in their work, especially regarding the two-year rule. Women's shelters are involved in migrant women's lives and help them based on their resources and opportunities, but in reality, not everything is in the hands of women's shelters, which makes their work with migrant women difficult.
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Climatic variability at Modoc Rock Shelter (Illinois) and Watson Brake (Louisiana): biometric and isotopic evidence from archaeological freshwater mussel shellCaughron, Sarah Mistak 11 December 2009 (has links)
This thesis assesses climate change during the Hypsithermal Climatic Interval through the analysis of freshwater mussel remains from archaeological sites in Eastern North America. Modern climate data was used as a model to test the mosaic consequences of climate change. Freshwater mussels: can be used as indicators of precipitation by examining changes in overall size through time: larger mussels are found in larger streams, while smaller mussels are found in smaller streams. This study combines morphometric and isotopic data from archaeological freshwater mussels at Modoc Rock Shelter, Watson Brake, Plum Creek, Owens site, and Landerneau mounds to assess past climatic conditions. At Modoc Rock Shelter, oxygen isotopic data corroborate morphometric data and show that climate was fluctuating with a period of stability at the onset of the Hypsithermal. The oxygen isotopic data sets from the Louisiana sites show that the mid-Holocene was much warmer than the late-Holocene.
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The Nature of a Wooden Boat: Boat - House - AnalogyHarris, Kyle Hunter 27 June 2019 (has links)
This work seeks to explore the nature of a wooden boat and how a boat's design and construction can influence the building of a house. It is a search for a structure that bears a memory of a boat and celebrates the craft and care of which boats are built.
The house is located on the north side of a secluded reservoir in the Northwest Georgia mountains. It is raised up on and supported by a structure that is reminiscent of the way a keel of a boat supports and connects the boat together. This structure extends out from the house to a small shelter for a boat over the water. On the interior, heavy frames support and give shape to the thin shell of the house. Their repetition encourages a view of the boat and its shelter. The house itself is thought of as a vessel, a place that provides a sense of holding, of protecting and keeping safe, and of strength. / Master of Architecture
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