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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Köpmannen i Stockholm : Grosshandlares ekonomiska och sociala strategier under 1700-talet / The Merchant of Stockholm : Wholesalers’ economic and social strategies during the eighteenth century

Ågren, Karin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis has been to describe and explain why wholesalers in Stockholm during the eighteenth century acted as they did. This analysis is built on the idea that peoples’ possibilities to act depends on the context in which they live and the person’s network. The starting-point for the analysis is an old discussion if the merchants made any difference in the transformation of society; were they a dynamic element or not? </p><p>In this thesis wholesalers’ social and economic relations are studied from different viewpoints: how they married, how their credit network was built up, and what they consumed. The wholesalers are divided into groups depending on their income. The materials used are inventories, parish registers, registers of tax-payments and biographical books.</p><p>The research shows that the differences in behaviour were small between the income groups. Most of the wholesalers married daughters of other merchants, they lent money to their own family, and they consumed more or less in the same way. There was a big economic gap between the wealthiest wholesalers and the less wealthy. Why their behaviour was nonethless so homogenous depended on their need of a network. The importance of this made them act the same.</p><p>However, the study shows one group that acted a bit differently, wholesalers who belonged to the German congregation. In several ways they were an association in themselves. And the way they act can described as dynamic. Because they did not have an obligation to the Swedish network, they could act differently. </p>

Köpmannen i Stockholm : Grosshandlares ekonomiska och sociala strategier under 1700-talet / The Merchant of Stockholm : Wholesalers’ economic and social strategies during the eighteenth century

Ågren, Karin January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis has been to describe and explain why wholesalers in Stockholm during the eighteenth century acted as they did. This analysis is built on the idea that peoples’ possibilities to act depends on the context in which they live and the person’s network. The starting-point for the analysis is an old discussion if the merchants made any difference in the transformation of society; were they a dynamic element or not? In this thesis wholesalers’ social and economic relations are studied from different viewpoints: how they married, how their credit network was built up, and what they consumed. The wholesalers are divided into groups depending on their income. The materials used are inventories, parish registers, registers of tax-payments and biographical books. The research shows that the differences in behaviour were small between the income groups. Most of the wholesalers married daughters of other merchants, they lent money to their own family, and they consumed more or less in the same way. There was a big economic gap between the wealthiest wholesalers and the less wealthy. Why their behaviour was nonethless so homogenous depended on their need of a network. The importance of this made them act the same. However, the study shows one group that acted a bit differently, wholesalers who belonged to the German congregation. In several ways they were an association in themselves. And the way they act can described as dynamic. Because they did not have an obligation to the Swedish network, they could act differently.

Social inequity in health : Explanation from a life course and gender perspective

Novak, Masuma January 2010 (has links)
Background: A boy child born in a Gothenburg suburb has a life expectancy that is nine years shorter than that of another child just 23 km away, and among girls the difference is five years. There is no necessary biological reason to this observed difference. In fact, like life length, most diseases follow a social gradient, even in a country like Sweden where many believe there is no class inequity. This social inequity in health tells us that some of us are not achieving our potential in health or in life length compared to our more fortunate fellow citizens. Aim: This thesis attempts to explore the patterns of health inequities and the pathways by which health inequities develop from a life course and gender perspective. In particular focuses on the importance of material, behavioural, health related and psychosocial circumstances from adolescence to adulthood in explaining social inequity in musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), obesity, smoking, and social mobility. Method: All four papers of this thesis were based on quantitative analyses of data from a 14-year follow-up study. The baseline survey was conducted in 1981 in Luleå, Sweden. The survey included all 16-year-old pupils born in 1965. A total of 1081 pupils (575 boys and 506 girls) were surveyed. They were followed up at ages 18, 21 and 30 years with comprehensive self-administered questionnaires. The response rate was 96.5% throughout the 14-year follow-up. In addition to the questionnaires data, school records, and interviews with nurse and teachers’ were used. Results: There were no class or gender differences in MSDs and in obesity during adolescence, but significantly more girls than boys were smokers. Class and gender differences had emerged when they reached adulthood with more women reporting to have MSDs but more men being overweight and obese. Women continued to be smokers at a higher rate than men through to adulthood. When an intersection between class and gender was considered, a more complex picture emerged. For example, not all women had higher prevalence of MSDs or smoked more than men, rather men with high socioeconomic position (SEP) had lower prevalences of MSDs and smoking than women with high SEP; and these high SEP women had lower prevalences than men with low SEP. The worst-off group was women with low SEP. The obesity pattern was quite the contrary, where women with high SEP had a lower prevalence of obesity than women with low SEP; and these low SEP women had a lower prevalence than men with high SEP. The worst-off group was men with low SEP. Regarding social mobility, health status (other than height in women) and ethnic background were not associated with mobility either for men or women. The results indicated that unequal distribution of material, psychosocial, health and health related behavioural factors during adolescence, young adulthood and adulthood accounted for the observed social gradients and social mobility. However, several factors from adolescence appeared to be more important for women while recent factors were more important for men. Important adolescent factors for social inequity and downward mobility were: unfavourable material circumstances defined as low SEP of parent, unemployed family member, and had no own room during upbringing; unfavourable psychosocial circumstances defined as parental divorce, poor contact with parents, being less liked in school, and low school control; and poor health related behaviour defined as smoking and physical inactivity. Among these factors, being less liked in school showed consistent association with all outcome measures of this thesis. Being less liked by the teachers and students was found to be more common among adolescents whose parents had low SEP. Men and women who were less liked in school during their adolescence were more likely as adults to be smokers, obese (only women), and downwardly mobile. The dominant adult life factor that contributed to class inequity in MSDs for men and women was physical heavy working conditions, which attributed to an estimated 46.9% (women) and 49.5% (men) of the increased risk in MSDs of the lower SEP group. High alcohol consumption among men with low SEP was an additional factor that contributed to class inequities in health and social mobility. Conclusion: Social patterning of health in this cohort was gendered and age specific depending on the outcome measures. Unfavourable school environment in early years had long lasting negative influence on later health, health behavior and SEP. The thesis supports the notion of accumulation of risk that social inequities in health occurs due to accumulation of multiple adverse circumstances among the lower SEP group throughout their life course. Schools should be used as a setting for interventions aimed at reducing socioeconomic inequities in health. The detailed policy implications for reduction of social inequities in health among men and women are discussed.

Les Estrategies familiars i la mobilitat social dels menestrals a Catalunya, segles XVII-XIX. El cas de Mataró.

Ros Navarro, Carme 21 April 2004 (has links)
L'organització del treball artesà de les societats preindustrials en gremis o confraries d'ofici semblava reforçar les tesis que postulaven la rigidesa i la immobilitat de les societats d'Antic Règim. Però, els pocs treballs realitzats a Catalunya sobre les estratègies familiars adoptades pels menestrals han apuntat que la transmissió intergeneracional de l'ofici i les estratègies matrimonials dirigides a casar-se amb membres del mateix entorn professional potser no es donaven d'una manera tan general com la historiografia havia subratllat. Aquestes haurien estat dues de les fórmules seguides per les famílies menestrals a fi de preservar un patrimoni força eteri en un marc econòmic ple d'incerteses i serien les responsables de la imatge de societats estàtiques o poc mòbils. Respondre aquestes dues qüestions és el punt de partida d'aquest treball. Per dur-lo a terme s'han analitzat les estratègies familiars dels menestrals d'un centre urbà català, Mataró, entre els segles XVII i XIX. / La organización del trabajo artesanal de las sociedades preindustriales en gremios o cofradías de oficio parecía reforzar las tesis que postulaban la rigidez y la inmovilidad de las sociedades de Antiguo Régimen. Pero, los pocos trabajos sobre las estrategias familiares seguidas por las familias menestrales basados en Cataluña, han apuntado como la transmisión intergeneracional del oficio y las estrategias matrimoniales dirigidas a casarse con miembros del mismo entorno profesional, quizá no se daban tan extensiblemente como siempre había subrayado la historiografía. Éstas habrían estado dos de las fórmulas seguidas por las familias menestrales para preservar un patrimonio bastante etéreo en un marco económico lleno de incertidumbre y serian las responsables de la imagen de sociedades estáticas o poco móviles. Responder a estas dos preguntas es el punto de partida de este estudio. Para ello, se han analizado las estrategias familiares de los menestrales de un centro urbano catalán, Mataró, entre los siglos XVII y XIX. / The organization of the home-produced work in pre-industrial societies in guilds or brotherhoods seemed to reassert the thesis which postulates the rigidity and immovability of societies during the Old Regime. But the few jobs done in Catalonia about the familiar strategies adopted by artisans, have pointed out that the intergenerational transmission of professions and marriage strategies in order to get married to members from the same professional area was not as usual as the historiography had shown. These strategies had been two of the ways followed by families of artisans in order to preserve an ethereal patrimony in an economical setting full of uncertainties, and they would be the responsible of the static and immovable societies. The aim of this study is to answer these two questions. In order to do so, familiar strategies of artisans from Mataró, an urban Catalan settlement during the XVIIth-XIXth centuries, have been analysed.

Mobilidade social e agricultura familiar no Brasil do século XXI / Mobilidade social e agricultura familiar no Brasil do século 21 / Mobilidade social e agricultura familiar no Brasil do século vinte um

Neves, Jonas Anderson Simões das January 2013 (has links)
Considérant le contexte brésilien de la première décennie du XXI siècle, d’intense mobilité sociale, on cherche vérifier dans quelles mesures tels mouvements de mobilité se sont fait présents entre les jeunes agriculteurs familiaux, en délimitant comme champ empirique pour cet étude la commune de São Lourenço do Sul – RS. Ainsi, on étabilit comme objectif principal de cette thèse l’analyse les dynamiques de mobilité sociale entre les jeunes agriculteurs familiaux, à partir du plan des individus, en consideránt leurs families comme unités analytiques. On cherche, donc, dans les parcours intergénérationales parcourus par les families de ces jeunes, soit vérifier les mouvements des mobilités social qui ont eu lieu, soit comprendre les éléments qui ont contribué à sa concrétisation. Pour repérer la construction de cette thèse on se sert du référentiel théorique proposé par Archer (1998), a partir duquel la réalité sociale es conçue selon trois temporalités différents, interdépendantes entre soi, mais qui permettent l’analyse indépendante de chacune d’elles, en définissant comme contexte d’immersion sociale des jeunes – antérieur à l’action – aussi bien les mouvements de mobilité social qui ont eu lieu dans le pays pendant la première décennie du XXI siècle, au plan macro, que se parcours intergénérationnels, au plan micro ; en ce qui concerne la portée des interactions – simultanées à l’action – des différents types et formats de relations sociales établis par les acteurs ont été analysés, à l’intérieur et à l’exterieur des ses unités de production. Finalment, pour aborder la troisième temporalité, de l’élaboration des structures – en ce qui concerne le futur -, on s’est adressé aux projets des jeunes comme des anticipations présents d’un avenir désiré, bornés par l’interméde de la réflexivité. A fin de réaliser cette analyse les jeunes ont été séparés on trois groupes distincts, en observant que le point de repère principal pour la mobilité ascendante entre les jeunes de families plus aisées a été l’acquisition de propriétés ; entre les jeunes des familles moins aisées le principal aspect a été la croinssance des garçons ; puisqu’ils ajoutent la main d’oeuvre à la famile ; finalement, entre les jeunes de familles marginalisées on n’a pas remarqué des dynamiques significatives de mobilité, car les générations actuelles possèdent des conditions aussi précaries que les anteriéures. A la fin, on observe que, d’une façon géneral, les dynamiques de mobilité sociale ascendante que ont caractérisé le pays au cours de la première décennie du XXI siècle ont été également remarqués entre les familes des jeunes agriculteurs familiaux interviewés. / Considerando-se o contexto brasileiro da primeira década do século XXI, de intensa mobilidade social, busca-se verificar em que medida tais dinâmicas de mobilidade se fizeram presentes entre os jovens agricultores familiares, definindo-se como campo empírico para o estudo o município de São Lourenço do Sul – RS. Assim sendo, estabelece-se como objetivo principal da tese a análise das dinâmicas de mobilidade social entre os jovens agricultores familiares, a partir do plano dos indivíduos, tomandose as famílias dos jovens como unidade analítica. Busca-se, então, nas trajetórias intergeracionais percorridas pelas famílias dos jovens tanto verificar as dinâmicas de mobilidade social ocorridas quanto compreender os elementos que contribuíram com sua concretização. Para balizar a construção desta tese utiliza-se o referencial teórico proposto por Archer (1998), a partir do qual a realidade social é concebida a partir de três diferentes temporalidades, interdependentes entre si, mas que permitem a análise independente de cada uma delas, definindo-se como contexto de imersão social dos jovens – anterior à ação - tanto as dinâmicas de mobilidade social ocorridas no país durante a primeira década do século XXI, num plano macro, quanto suas trajetórias intergeracionais, em plano micro; já no âmbito das interações – simultâneas à ação – foram analisados os diferentes tipos e formatos de relações sociais estabelecidas pelos atores, no interior e exterior de suas unidades de produção. Finalmente, para tratar da terceira temporalidade, da elaboração das estruturas - referente ao futuro -, abordaramse os projetos dos jovens como antecipações presentes de um futuro desejado, mediados pela reflexividade. Para realizar a análise os jovens foram separados em três grupos distintos, observando-se que o marco principal para a mobilidade social ascendente entre os jovens de famílias mais capitalizadas foi a aquisição de propriedades; entre os jovens de famílias descapitalizadas o aspecto principal foi o crescimento dos filhos homens, que agregaram mais mão de obra à família; finalmente, entre os jovens de famílias marginalizadas, não se observaram dinâmicas significativas de mobilidade, pois as gerações atuais possuem condições tão precárias quanto as anteriores. Ao final, observa-se que, de um modo geral, as dinâmicas de mobilidade social ascendente que caracterizaram o país ao longo da primeira década do século XXI também foram observadas entre as famílias dos jovens agricultores familiares entrevistados. / Considering the Brazilian context of the first decade of this century, the intense social mobility, it seeks to ascertain to what extent such mobility dynamic were present among the young farmers, defining itself as the empirical field of the study the municipality of São Lourenço do Sul - RS. Therefore, establishing itself as the main objective of the thesis analyse the dynamics of social mobility among young farmers, from the plane of the individuals, taking the families of young people as analytical unit. Search, so, is the intergenerational trajectories traversed by families of young people both verify the dynamics of social mobility occurred as understanding the elements that contributed to its realization. To mark the construction of this thesis uses the theoretical framework proposed by Archer (1998), from which social reality is conceived from three different temporalities, interdependent, but which allow independent analysis of each of them, it defining itself as context for social embeddedness of youth - before the action - both the dynamics of social mobility occurred in the country during the first decade of this century, a macro level, as their intergenerational trajectories in micro level, already in the context of interactions - simultaneous action – was analyzed the different types and formats of social relations established by the actors, inside and outside of their production units. Finally, to treat the third temporality, of the elaboration of structures – relative to future – was approached projects of young people as gifts anticipations of a desired future, mediated by reflexivity. To perform the analysis, the young were separated into three groups, noting that the main landmark for upward social mobility among young of the capitalized families was the property acquisition; among young families without capital the main aspect was the growth sons, which added more manpower to the family, and finally among young of the marginalized families, there were no significant dynamic of the mobility, because the current generations have poor condition such as the previous ones. Finally, we observe that, in general, the dynamics of upward mobility that characterized the country during the first decade of this century were also observed among families of young farmers interviewed.

Efeito da exposição ao tabagismo e da mobilidade social sobre o crescimento e ganho de peso do nascimento à adolescência em uma coorte de base populacional de Cuiabá-MT / Effect of exposure to passive smoking and social mobility on growth and weight gain from birth to adolescence in a population-based cohort in Cuiabá

Ana Paula Muraro 26 September 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta tese é composta por três artigos que permitiram avaliar o efeito da exposição ao tabagismo durante a gestação e no início da infância sobre o crescimento linear e ganho de peso do nascimento à adolescência, além de verificar o efeito do nível socioeconômico no início da infância e da mobilidade social sobre a adiposidade até a adolescência. Foram utilizados para este fim os dados de uma coorte de crianças nascidas entre 1994 e 1999 na cidade de Cuiabá-MT. Essas crianças fizeram parte de um estudo de base populacional realizado na cidade de Cuiabá, entre 1999 e 2000, com 2405 crianças (0 a 5 anos) e foram selecionadas aleatoriamente em unidades básicas de saúde quando da vacinação. As mães foram entrevistadas após a vacinação, quando foram obtidos dados relativos à exposição ao tabagismo gestacional, tabagismo passivo, nível socioeconômico das famílias e dados antropométricos. Entre 2009 e 2011, após aproximadamente 11 anos, essas crianças foram localizadas por meio do Censo Escolar e então 1716 adolescentes entre 10 e 17 anos de idade (71,4% da população) foram reavaliados nas escolas da rede pública e privada de Cuiabá, de 18 municípios do estado e outras 5 capitais do país. A análise por modelos lineares de efeitos mistos permitiu verificar a mudança de estatura e Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) entre o nascimento e a adolescência. O primeiro e o segundo artigo desta tese avaliaram o efeito da exposição ao tabagismo materno durante a gestação e no início da infância sobre o crescimento linear e o IMC entre o nascimento e a adolescência. Crianças expostas ao tabagismo materno durante a gestação e no início da infância apresentaram menor estatura desde o nascimento até a adolescência quando comparadas às crianças não expostas. Quanto à adiposidade, entre o nascimento e a infância a mudança do IMC foi similar entre as crianças expostas e não expostas ao tabagismo materno, porém, entre a infância e a adolescência, aquelas expostas apenas durante a gestação mostraram maior ganho de IMC. Em conjunto, os dados corroboram o efeito deletério do tabagismo sobre o crescimento, efeito já bastante estudado, mas também indicam que avaliar e comparar exposição gestacional com pós-gestacional é importante, dado que seus efeitos parecem ser diferentes. O terceiro artigo avaliou o efeito do nível socioeconômico no início da infância e da mobilidade social entre a infância e a adolescência sobre o IMC do nascimento à adolescência. Para avaliar o nível socioeconômico, as famílias foram classificadas em nível econômico alto, médio e baixo, a partir do Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil. Foi observada expressiva mobilidade social na população, principalmente entre os de menor nível econômico. Houve maior aumento do IMC entre o nascimento e a adolescência entre aqueles de maior nível econômico na infância e aqueles que permaneceram nas classes mais elevadas, indicando que a posição inicial foi o maior determinante das mudanças observadas no IMC. / This thesis consists of three papers that allowed us to evaluate the effect of exposure to smoking during pregnancy and early childhood on linear growth and weight gain from birth to adolescence, and to verify the effect of socioeconomic position in early childhood and social mobility on adiposity until adolescence. For this purpose, we used the data of a cohort of children born between 1994 and 1999 in the city of Cuiabá. They were part of a population-based study conducted with 2,405 children (05 years) who attended one of the ten basic health units selected for vaccination in the city of Cuiabá between 1999 and 2000. Between 2009 and 2011, after approximately 11 years, these children were located through the School Census; thus, 1,716 adolescents aged 10 to 17 years old (71.4% of the population) were reassessed in the public and private schools of Cuiabá, of 18 counties in the state and five other capitals in the country. The mothers were interviewed after vaccination to obtain data regarding their exposure to smoking during pregnancy, passive smoking, socioeconomic status, and anthropometric information. The linear mixed-effects analysis showed the change in height and body mass index (BMI) from birth to adolescence. The first and second articles in this thesis evaluate the effect of exposure to maternal smoking during pregnancy and early childhood on linear growth and BMI from birth to adolescence. Children exposed to maternal smoking during pregnancy and early childhood were shorter from birth to adolescence than the children not exposed. As for adiposity between birth and childhood, the BMI change was similar between children exposed and not exposed to maternal smoking; however, between childhood and adolescence, those exposed only during gestation showed greater gains in BMI. Together, these data not only confirm the deleterious effect of smoking on growth, which has been extensively studied, but also indicate that it is important to evaluate and compare gestational to post-pregnancy exposure because their effects seem to be different. The third paper examines the effect of socioeconomic status in early childhood and social mobility from childhood to adolescence on BMI from birth to adolescence. To assess socioeconomic position, the families were classified into high, medium, and low economic levels based on the Brazil Criterion of economic classification. We observed significant social mobility in the population, especially among the lower economic group. We observed a greater increase in BMI from birth to adolescence among those from higher socioeconomic position in childhood and those who remained in the higher classes, indicating that the starting position was the major determinant of the observed changes in BMI.

Efeito da exposição ao tabagismo e da mobilidade social sobre o crescimento e ganho de peso do nascimento à adolescência em uma coorte de base populacional de Cuiabá-MT / Effect of exposure to passive smoking and social mobility on growth and weight gain from birth to adolescence in a population-based cohort in Cuiabá

Ana Paula Muraro 26 September 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta tese é composta por três artigos que permitiram avaliar o efeito da exposição ao tabagismo durante a gestação e no início da infância sobre o crescimento linear e ganho de peso do nascimento à adolescência, além de verificar o efeito do nível socioeconômico no início da infância e da mobilidade social sobre a adiposidade até a adolescência. Foram utilizados para este fim os dados de uma coorte de crianças nascidas entre 1994 e 1999 na cidade de Cuiabá-MT. Essas crianças fizeram parte de um estudo de base populacional realizado na cidade de Cuiabá, entre 1999 e 2000, com 2405 crianças (0 a 5 anos) e foram selecionadas aleatoriamente em unidades básicas de saúde quando da vacinação. As mães foram entrevistadas após a vacinação, quando foram obtidos dados relativos à exposição ao tabagismo gestacional, tabagismo passivo, nível socioeconômico das famílias e dados antropométricos. Entre 2009 e 2011, após aproximadamente 11 anos, essas crianças foram localizadas por meio do Censo Escolar e então 1716 adolescentes entre 10 e 17 anos de idade (71,4% da população) foram reavaliados nas escolas da rede pública e privada de Cuiabá, de 18 municípios do estado e outras 5 capitais do país. A análise por modelos lineares de efeitos mistos permitiu verificar a mudança de estatura e Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) entre o nascimento e a adolescência. O primeiro e o segundo artigo desta tese avaliaram o efeito da exposição ao tabagismo materno durante a gestação e no início da infância sobre o crescimento linear e o IMC entre o nascimento e a adolescência. Crianças expostas ao tabagismo materno durante a gestação e no início da infância apresentaram menor estatura desde o nascimento até a adolescência quando comparadas às crianças não expostas. Quanto à adiposidade, entre o nascimento e a infância a mudança do IMC foi similar entre as crianças expostas e não expostas ao tabagismo materno, porém, entre a infância e a adolescência, aquelas expostas apenas durante a gestação mostraram maior ganho de IMC. Em conjunto, os dados corroboram o efeito deletério do tabagismo sobre o crescimento, efeito já bastante estudado, mas também indicam que avaliar e comparar exposição gestacional com pós-gestacional é importante, dado que seus efeitos parecem ser diferentes. O terceiro artigo avaliou o efeito do nível socioeconômico no início da infância e da mobilidade social entre a infância e a adolescência sobre o IMC do nascimento à adolescência. Para avaliar o nível socioeconômico, as famílias foram classificadas em nível econômico alto, médio e baixo, a partir do Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil. Foi observada expressiva mobilidade social na população, principalmente entre os de menor nível econômico. Houve maior aumento do IMC entre o nascimento e a adolescência entre aqueles de maior nível econômico na infância e aqueles que permaneceram nas classes mais elevadas, indicando que a posição inicial foi o maior determinante das mudanças observadas no IMC. / This thesis consists of three papers that allowed us to evaluate the effect of exposure to smoking during pregnancy and early childhood on linear growth and weight gain from birth to adolescence, and to verify the effect of socioeconomic position in early childhood and social mobility on adiposity until adolescence. For this purpose, we used the data of a cohort of children born between 1994 and 1999 in the city of Cuiabá. They were part of a population-based study conducted with 2,405 children (05 years) who attended one of the ten basic health units selected for vaccination in the city of Cuiabá between 1999 and 2000. Between 2009 and 2011, after approximately 11 years, these children were located through the School Census; thus, 1,716 adolescents aged 10 to 17 years old (71.4% of the population) were reassessed in the public and private schools of Cuiabá, of 18 counties in the state and five other capitals in the country. The mothers were interviewed after vaccination to obtain data regarding their exposure to smoking during pregnancy, passive smoking, socioeconomic status, and anthropometric information. The linear mixed-effects analysis showed the change in height and body mass index (BMI) from birth to adolescence. The first and second articles in this thesis evaluate the effect of exposure to maternal smoking during pregnancy and early childhood on linear growth and BMI from birth to adolescence. Children exposed to maternal smoking during pregnancy and early childhood were shorter from birth to adolescence than the children not exposed. As for adiposity between birth and childhood, the BMI change was similar between children exposed and not exposed to maternal smoking; however, between childhood and adolescence, those exposed only during gestation showed greater gains in BMI. Together, these data not only confirm the deleterious effect of smoking on growth, which has been extensively studied, but also indicate that it is important to evaluate and compare gestational to post-pregnancy exposure because their effects seem to be different. The third paper examines the effect of socioeconomic status in early childhood and social mobility from childhood to adolescence on BMI from birth to adolescence. To assess socioeconomic position, the families were classified into high, medium, and low economic levels based on the Brazil Criterion of economic classification. We observed significant social mobility in the population, especially among the lower economic group. We observed a greater increase in BMI from birth to adolescence among those from higher socioeconomic position in childhood and those who remained in the higher classes, indicating that the starting position was the major determinant of the observed changes in BMI.

Mobilidade social e agricultura familiar no Brasil do século XXI / Mobilidade social e agricultura familiar no Brasil do século 21 / Mobilidade social e agricultura familiar no Brasil do século vinte um

Neves, Jonas Anderson Simões das January 2013 (has links)
Considérant le contexte brésilien de la première décennie du XXI siècle, d’intense mobilité sociale, on cherche vérifier dans quelles mesures tels mouvements de mobilité se sont fait présents entre les jeunes agriculteurs familiaux, en délimitant comme champ empirique pour cet étude la commune de São Lourenço do Sul – RS. Ainsi, on étabilit comme objectif principal de cette thèse l’analyse les dynamiques de mobilité sociale entre les jeunes agriculteurs familiaux, à partir du plan des individus, en consideránt leurs families comme unités analytiques. On cherche, donc, dans les parcours intergénérationales parcourus par les families de ces jeunes, soit vérifier les mouvements des mobilités social qui ont eu lieu, soit comprendre les éléments qui ont contribué à sa concrétisation. Pour repérer la construction de cette thèse on se sert du référentiel théorique proposé par Archer (1998), a partir duquel la réalité sociale es conçue selon trois temporalités différents, interdépendantes entre soi, mais qui permettent l’analyse indépendante de chacune d’elles, en définissant comme contexte d’immersion sociale des jeunes – antérieur à l’action – aussi bien les mouvements de mobilité social qui ont eu lieu dans le pays pendant la première décennie du XXI siècle, au plan macro, que se parcours intergénérationnels, au plan micro ; en ce qui concerne la portée des interactions – simultanées à l’action – des différents types et formats de relations sociales établis par les acteurs ont été analysés, à l’intérieur et à l’exterieur des ses unités de production. Finalment, pour aborder la troisième temporalité, de l’élaboration des structures – en ce qui concerne le futur -, on s’est adressé aux projets des jeunes comme des anticipations présents d’un avenir désiré, bornés par l’interméde de la réflexivité. A fin de réaliser cette analyse les jeunes ont été séparés on trois groupes distincts, en observant que le point de repère principal pour la mobilité ascendante entre les jeunes de families plus aisées a été l’acquisition de propriétés ; entre les jeunes des familles moins aisées le principal aspect a été la croinssance des garçons ; puisqu’ils ajoutent la main d’oeuvre à la famile ; finalement, entre les jeunes de familles marginalisées on n’a pas remarqué des dynamiques significatives de mobilité, car les générations actuelles possèdent des conditions aussi précaries que les anteriéures. A la fin, on observe que, d’une façon géneral, les dynamiques de mobilité sociale ascendante que ont caractérisé le pays au cours de la première décennie du XXI siècle ont été également remarqués entre les familes des jeunes agriculteurs familiaux interviewés. / Considerando-se o contexto brasileiro da primeira década do século XXI, de intensa mobilidade social, busca-se verificar em que medida tais dinâmicas de mobilidade se fizeram presentes entre os jovens agricultores familiares, definindo-se como campo empírico para o estudo o município de São Lourenço do Sul – RS. Assim sendo, estabelece-se como objetivo principal da tese a análise das dinâmicas de mobilidade social entre os jovens agricultores familiares, a partir do plano dos indivíduos, tomandose as famílias dos jovens como unidade analítica. Busca-se, então, nas trajetórias intergeracionais percorridas pelas famílias dos jovens tanto verificar as dinâmicas de mobilidade social ocorridas quanto compreender os elementos que contribuíram com sua concretização. Para balizar a construção desta tese utiliza-se o referencial teórico proposto por Archer (1998), a partir do qual a realidade social é concebida a partir de três diferentes temporalidades, interdependentes entre si, mas que permitem a análise independente de cada uma delas, definindo-se como contexto de imersão social dos jovens – anterior à ação - tanto as dinâmicas de mobilidade social ocorridas no país durante a primeira década do século XXI, num plano macro, quanto suas trajetórias intergeracionais, em plano micro; já no âmbito das interações – simultâneas à ação – foram analisados os diferentes tipos e formatos de relações sociais estabelecidas pelos atores, no interior e exterior de suas unidades de produção. Finalmente, para tratar da terceira temporalidade, da elaboração das estruturas - referente ao futuro -, abordaramse os projetos dos jovens como antecipações presentes de um futuro desejado, mediados pela reflexividade. Para realizar a análise os jovens foram separados em três grupos distintos, observando-se que o marco principal para a mobilidade social ascendente entre os jovens de famílias mais capitalizadas foi a aquisição de propriedades; entre os jovens de famílias descapitalizadas o aspecto principal foi o crescimento dos filhos homens, que agregaram mais mão de obra à família; finalmente, entre os jovens de famílias marginalizadas, não se observaram dinâmicas significativas de mobilidade, pois as gerações atuais possuem condições tão precárias quanto as anteriores. Ao final, observa-se que, de um modo geral, as dinâmicas de mobilidade social ascendente que caracterizaram o país ao longo da primeira década do século XXI também foram observadas entre as famílias dos jovens agricultores familiares entrevistados. / Considering the Brazilian context of the first decade of this century, the intense social mobility, it seeks to ascertain to what extent such mobility dynamic were present among the young farmers, defining itself as the empirical field of the study the municipality of São Lourenço do Sul - RS. Therefore, establishing itself as the main objective of the thesis analyse the dynamics of social mobility among young farmers, from the plane of the individuals, taking the families of young people as analytical unit. Search, so, is the intergenerational trajectories traversed by families of young people both verify the dynamics of social mobility occurred as understanding the elements that contributed to its realization. To mark the construction of this thesis uses the theoretical framework proposed by Archer (1998), from which social reality is conceived from three different temporalities, interdependent, but which allow independent analysis of each of them, it defining itself as context for social embeddedness of youth - before the action - both the dynamics of social mobility occurred in the country during the first decade of this century, a macro level, as their intergenerational trajectories in micro level, already in the context of interactions - simultaneous action – was analyzed the different types and formats of social relations established by the actors, inside and outside of their production units. Finally, to treat the third temporality, of the elaboration of structures – relative to future – was approached projects of young people as gifts anticipations of a desired future, mediated by reflexivity. To perform the analysis, the young were separated into three groups, noting that the main landmark for upward social mobility among young of the capitalized families was the property acquisition; among young families without capital the main aspect was the growth sons, which added more manpower to the family, and finally among young of the marginalized families, there were no significant dynamic of the mobility, because the current generations have poor condition such as the previous ones. Finally, we observe that, in general, the dynamics of upward mobility that characterized the country during the first decade of this century were also observed among families of young farmers interviewed.

Les chemins internationaux de la mobilité sociale : expériences de mobilité et d’immobilité sociale dans les parcours migratoires comparés d’émigrés comoriens et togolais / International paths of social mobility : experiences of social mobility and immobility in Comorian and Togolese's migrant life course

Bréant, Hugo 27 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse prend pour objet les parcours biographiques d'émigrés comoriens et togolais, en s'intéressant à la double dimension de ces mobilités internationales, entendues à la fois comme des processus de mobilité spatiale et comme des trajectoires de mobilité sociale. Pour étudier ces mobilités, l'enquête a été menée en France et dans les deux pays d'origine. Près de 200 récits de vie, complétés par des observations au sein des familles, ont pu être réalisés auprès de non-émigrés, d'émigrés, d'émigrés de retour et de leurs proches. La recherche questionne le franchissement des frontières internationales comme moyen de s'affranchir des frontières sociales nationales, c'est-à-dire les manières dont les émigrés s'approprient la mobilité internationale et peuvent converti leurs expériences migratoires en ressources leur permettant de s'engager dans un processus de mobilité sociale ascendante. Cette enquête souligne que les histoires migratoires nationales, les conditions politiques restrictives de la mobilité internationale et les dispositions familiales à la migration se combinent pour construire des parcours inégaux. La comparaison multidimensionnelle entre des émigrés originaires de deux pays, aux propriétés sociales diverses, met d'abord en lumière l'influence centrale des histoires familiales et du milieu social d'origine des émigrés dans l'explication des parcours individuels. L'enquête démontre par ailleurs que les mobilités internationales conduisent les émigrés à traverser plusieurs espaces sociaux et nationaux et à s'engager dans des trajectoires qui mêlent à la fois des expériences d'immobilité et de mobilité sociale. Au-delà de ces expériences individuelles contrastées, la thèse indique enfin que la migration participe tout autant à reproduire les inégalités qu'à brouiller les frontières sociales du pays d'origine. / This thesis explores the life course of Comorian and Togolese migrants by focusing on. the dual dimension of international mobility, understood both as a spatial mobility process and as a social mobility trajectory. In order to investigate this mobility, the study was both conducted in France and in the two countries of origin. Nearly 200 life stories of non-migrants. migrants, returning migrants and their close relations were collected and completed by observations within the families. The research questions the crossing of international borders as a mean to overcome national social boundaries, that is to say, the ways migrants appropriate international mobility and convert their experiences into resources allowing them to begin a process of upward social mobility. This study stresses that the national migration history, the restrictive political conditions of international mobility and the families' dispositions for migration ail combine to create unequal individual courses. The multidimensional comparison of migrants from both countries that show diverse social characteristics highlights the central influence of family history and migrants' social background in the explanation of their persona! trajectories. The study also demonstrates that international mobility pushes migrants to cross several national and social spaces and to engage in paths that combine both experiences of immobility and social mobility. Beyond these contrasting individual experiences, the thesis finally shows that the migration process is perpetuating inequalities as well as blurring the social boundaries in the countries of origin.

Les limites du concept de transclasse dans la mobilité sociale chez les individus racisés : études de quelques représentations cinématographiques et projet documentaire

Ducados, Quentin 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire analyse le phénomène de mobilité sociale chez les individus racisés en prenant comme fondement de la réflexion le concept de « transclasse » de la philosophe française Chantal Jaquet. Prenant comme point de départ les travaux de Jaquet, cette étude interrogera dans un premier temps les caractéristiques de cette figure du transclasse, les partis pris de la philosophe ainsi que les limites d’un tel concept. Les analyses de films qui ponctuent le second mouvement de cette étude viendra compléter les hypothèses et illustrer nos propos ; ces analyses – portant sur un corpus de films français exclusivement – permettront d’étudier la place du transclasse-racisé au cinéma et les façons dont il est représenté à l’écran par les cinéastes. Ces deux grands temps du mémoire prendront en considération les contextes historique, politique et social français de la fin de la colonisation française à nos jours. Enfin, cette réflexion autour du transclasse-racisé s’appuiera sur la création qui accompagne ces recherches, un film documentaire, Le seul de la classe, tourné tout au long de l’année et réalisé au Québec. Ce film a pour objet le parcours d’individus racisés, leur rapport à une identité multiple et leur place dans la mobilité sociale dans la société québécoise. / This dissertation analyzes the social mobility phenomenon within racialized group basing its reflection on the French philosopher Chantal Jaquet’s « cross-class » concept. Considering the philosopher’s studies as a starting point, this dissertation will first question the cross-class’s features, the philosopher’s bias in her studies as well as the limits of such a concept. The film analysis which are present in the second part of this study will complete the hypothesis and illustrate our statements; these analysis – which exclusively focus on a corpus of French movies – will enable to study the racialized cross-class’s place in the cinema and the ways filmmakers represent him on the screen. These two parts of the study will take into account the historical, political and social contexts from the end of the French colonization until nowadays. Finally, this reflection around the racialized cross-class character will be based on the creation which accompanies this study, a documentary Le seul de la classe which was shot during this year and directed in Québec. This movie tackles the issue of racialized individuals’s journey, their relation to a multiple identity and their own place in the social mobility in the Quebec society.

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