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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Family caregivers’ quality of life: the case of schizophrenia and affective disorders (A mixed method study)

Soltaninejad, Ali 08 December 2017 (has links)
Schwere psychische Erkrankungen wie Schizophrenie und affektive Störungen haben nicht nur einen erheblichen Einfluss auf das Leben der Patienten, sondern auch ihrer Bezugspersonen. Die Entdeckung der Lebensqualität und ihrer relevanten Faktoren für pflegende Angehörige von Patienten mit psychischen Erkrankungen hilft Gesundheitsfachkräften sowie dem System, besser mit pflegenden Angehörigen zusammenzuarbeiten. Außerdem hilft es den Pflegekräften, auf eine adaptive Weise mit Patienten umzugehen. Die Studie zielte darauf ab, die Belastung und Lebensqualität von Pflegekräften, ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse und Bewältigungsstrategien zu identifizieren. Außerdem sollte ein neuer Fragebogen entwickelt werden, um die Lebensqualität der Pflegekräfte zu messen. Diese Studie wendet einen Mixed-Method-Ansatz mit drei explorativen, quantitativen und ergänzenden Phasen an. Die qualitative explorative Phase der Studie wurde mittels halbstrukturierter Interviews mit 45 Betreuern von Patienten mit Schizophrenie und affektiven Störungen durchgeführt. Die Daten wurden durch qualitative Inhaltsanalyse untersucht. Die quantitative Phase diente der Entwicklung und Validierung eines neuen Instruments zur Messung der Lebensqualität von Pflegekräften sowie der Bereitstellung von Hauptfragen des Interviews für die zusätzliche Phase der Studie. Die Ergänzungsphase der Studie wurde in halbstrukturierten Interviews mit 18 Betreuern von Patienten mit Schizophrenie sowie affektiven Störungen durchgeführt. Die Daten wurden mittels Grounded-Theory-Analyse untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Studie ermittelten die Hauptbelastungen, denen die Pflegepersonen ausgesetzt waren. Darüber hinaus wurden durch die Entwicklung und Validierung eines neuen Fragebogens die wichtigsten Faktoren für die Lebensqualität aufgedeckt. Ergebnisse der Ergänzungsphase der Studie identifizierten das Kernkonzept der Pflegeerfahrung sowie deren Hauptkategorien. Außerdem werden verschiedene Arten von Bewältigungsstrategien vorgeschlagen, die die Pflegekräfte übernommen haben. Weiterhin zeigt diese Phase die Trajektorie von Pflegeerfahrung und Bewältigungsstrategien in verschiedenen Phasen der Erkrankung. Die Studie bietet einige Vorschläge für das System, Fachkräfte im Gesundheitswesen sowie Pflegekräfte an, um die Lebensqualität der Pflegekräfte zu verbessern und die Absicht zu vermindern, Patienten einem institutionellen Pflegezentrum anzuvertrauen. / Severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and affective disorders, have a considerable impact on the lives of not only patients but also their caregivers. Discovering the quality of life and its contributing factors for family caregivers of patients with mental illnesses helps health-care professionals as well as the system to work better with family caregivers. Also, it helps the caregivers to cope with patients in an adaptive way. The study aimed to identify the burden and quality of life of caregivers, their specific needs and coping strategies. Also, it aimed to develop a new questionnaire to measure caregivers’ quality of life. This study applied a mixed-method approach with three exploratory, quantitative and supplementary phases. The qualitative exploratory phase of the study was conducted via semi-structured interviews with 45 caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and affective disorders. Data were analyzed through qualitative content analysis. The quantitative phase was designed to develop and validate a new instrument to measure caregivers’ quality of life as well as to provide main questions of the interview for the supplementary phase of the study. The supplementary phase of the study was conducted by semi-structured interviews with 18 caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and affective disorders. Data were analyzed by grounded theory analysis. Findings of the study identified main burdens that the caregivers endured; additionally, main factors which contributed to the quality of life were revealed by developing and validating a new questionnaire. Findings of the supplementary phase of the study identified the core concept of caregiving experience as well as its main categories. Also, it proposes different kinds of coping strategies that caregivers adopted. Furthermore, this phase shows the trajectory of caregiving experience and coping strategies in different phases of the illness. The study provides some suggestions for the system, health-care professionals as well as caregivers in order to increase caregivers’ quality of life and to lessen the intention to entrust patients to an institutional take care center.

Multidisziplinäre Untersuchung dopaminerger Mechanismen der repetitiven Störungen anhand von zwei Rattenmodellen dopaminerger Dysregulation

Reinel, Claudia 11 December 2015 (has links)
Repetitive Störungen manifestieren sich als Leitsymptom in der Zwangsstörung und dem Tourette-Syndrom. Die Symptome werden als enthemmte Stereotypien eines desinhibierten Basalganglien-thalamo-kortikalen (BGTC) Regelkreises verstanden. Überdies wird als neurochemisches Korrelat ein dysregulatives Dopamin (DA)-System innerhalb dieser Kerngebiete nahegelegt, welches über ein überaktives Dopamintransporter (DAT)-System erklärt werden könnte. In der Induktion repetitiver Erkrankungen ist die Interaktion des BGTC Regelkreises und des DA-Systems dennoch unklar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden daher anhand von zwei Pathologiemodellen (Ratte) mit unterschiedlich induzierter Dysregulation des DA-Systems (transgen versus pharmakologisch) die dysfunktionalen Einheiten im BGTC Regelkreises vergleichend untersucht. Im transgenen Modell führte die zentralnervöse DAT-Überexpression: (1) zu einer verstärkten Genexpression des vesikulären Monoamintransporter 2 (VMAT2) sowie des DA-Rezeptors 1 und DA–Rezeptors 2 (DRD1, DRD2), (2) zu einem reduzierten DA-Spiegel mit erhöhter DA-Umsatzrate und veränderten serotonergen- und GABAergen-System, und (3) zu perserverativen Verhalten. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigte die chronische Applikation mit dem D2-Agonisten Quinpirol im pharmakologischen Modell: (1) eine Reduktion des DAT, VMAT2 und DRD2, (2) eine reduzierte DA-Umsatzrate und (3) zwanghaftes Kontrollverhalten. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die unterschiedlichen klinischen Subtypen der Zwangsstörung unterschiedlichen neurobiologischen Veränderungen zugrunde liegen könnten. Ferner bietet das hier vorgestellte transgene Modell erfolgsversprechende Ansatzpunkte um als neues valides Tiermodell der repetitiven Störungen etabliert zu werden. / Repetitive disorders manifest as the cardinal symptom in obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette syndrome. The symptoms are understood as disinhibited stereotypies of a basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical (BGTC) circuit. Furthermore, it is suggested that a dysregulated dopamine (DA) system within this circuit is the underlying neurochemical correlate which could be explained by an overactive dopamine transporter (DAT). At this point, it is still unclear how the BGTC circuit and the DA system interact in the induction of repetitive disorders. Therefore we investigated the dysfunctional unities within the BGTC circuit by comparing two pathological rat models (transgenic versus pharmacologic) with different induced dopaminergic dysregulation. The DAT overexpressing rat model showed: (1) increased gene expression of the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), DA receptor D1 (DRD1) and DA receptor D2 (DRD2), (2) lower levels of DA with an increased DA metabolism and alterations in the serotonin- and GABA system, and (3) perseverative behavior. In contrast, the chronic application of the D2 receptor agonist quinpirole resulted in the pharmacologic model in: (1) lower gene expressions of the DAT, VMAT2 and DRD2, (2) reduced DA-turnover and (3) compulsive control behavior. These results suggest that different clinical subtypes of obsessive-compulsive disorder caused by different neurobiological alterations. In addition, the presented transgenic model provides the opportunity to be established as a new valid animal model of repetitive disorders.

Mechanisms of Voice Processing: Evidence from Autism Spectrum Disorder

Schelinski, Stefanie 06 April 2018 (has links)
Die korrekte Wahrnehmung stimmlicher Information ist eine Grundvoraussetzung erfolgreicher zwischenmenschlicher Kommunikation. Die Stimme einer anderen Person liefert Information darüber wer spricht (Sprechererkennung), was gesagt wird (stimmliche Spracherkennung) und über den emotionalen Zustand einer Person (stimmliche Emotionserkennung). Autismus Spektrum Störungen (ASS) sind mit Einschränkungen in der Sprechererkennung und der stimmlichen Emotionserkennung assoziiert, während die Wahrnehmung stimmlicher Sprache relativ intakt ist. Die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen dieser Einschränkungen sind bisher jedoch unklar. Es ist beispielsweise unklar, auf welcher Verarbeitungsstufe diese Einschränkungen in der Stimmenwahrnehmung entstehen oder ob sie mit einer Dysfunktion stimmensensitiver Hirnregionen in Verbindung stehen. Im Rahmen meiner Dissertation haben wir systematisch Stimmenverarbeitung und dessen Einschränkungen bei Erwachsenen mit hochfunktionalem ASS und typisch entwickelten Kontrollprobanden (vergleichbar in Alter, Geschlecht und intellektuellen Fähigkeiten) untersucht. In den ersten beiden Studien charakterisierten wir Sprechererkennung bei ASS mittels einer umfassenden verhaltensbezogenen Testbatterie und zweier funktionaler Magnet Resonanz Tomographie (fMRT) Experimente. In der dritten Studie untersuchten wir Mechanismen eingeschränkter stimmlicher Emotionserkennung bei ASS. Unsere Ergebnisse bringen neue Kenntnisse für Modelle zwischenmenschlicher Kommunikation und erhöhen unser Verständnis elementarer Mechanismen, die den Kernsymptomen in ASS wie Schwierigkeiten in der Kommunikation, zugrunde liegen könnten. Beispielsweise unterstützen unsere Ergebnisse die Annahme, dass Einschränkungen in der Wahrnehmung und Integration basaler sensorischer Merkmale (i.S. akustischer Merkmale der Stimme) entscheidend zu Einschränkungen in sozialer Kognition (i.S. Sprechererkennung und stimmliche Emotionserkennung) beitragen. / The correct perception of information carried by the voice is a key requirement for successful human communication. Hearing another person’s voice provides information about who is speaking (voice identity), what is said (vocal speech) and the emotional state of a person (vocal emotion). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is associated with impaired voice identity and vocal emotion perception while the perception of vocal speech is relatively intact. However, the underlying mechanisms of these voice perception impairments are unclear. For example, it is unclear at which processing stage voice perception difficulties occur, i.e. whether they are rather of apperceptive or associative nature or whether impairments in voice identity processing in ASD are associated with dysfunction of voice-sensitive brain regions. Within the scope of my dissertation we systematically investigated voice perception and its impairments in adults with high-functioning ASD and typically developing matched controls (matched pairwise on age, gender, and intellectual abilities). In the first two studies we characterised the behavioural and neuronal profile of voice identity recognition in ASD using two functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments and a comprehensive behavioural test battery. In the third study we investigated the underlying behavioural mechanisms of impaired vocal emotion recognition in ASD. Our results inform models on human communication and advance our understanding for basic mechanisms which might contribute to core symptoms in ASD, such as difficulties in communication. For example, our results converge to support the view that in ASD difficulties in perceiving and integrating lower-level sensory features, i.e. acoustic characteristics of the voice might critically contribute to difficulties in higher-level social cognition, i.e. voice identity and vocal emotion recognition.

Calculating control variables with age at onset data to adjust for conditions prior to exposure

Höfler, Michael, Brueck, Tanja, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 20 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background: When assessing the association between a factor X and a subsequent outcome Y in observational studies, the question that arises is what are the variables to adjust for to reduce bias due to confounding for causal inference on the effect of X on Y. Disregarding such factors is often a source of overestimation because these variables may affect both X and Y. On the other hand, adjustment for such variables can also be a source of underestimation because such variables may be the causal consequence of X and part of the mechanism that leads from X to Y. Methods: In this paper, we present a simple method to compute control variables in the presence of age at onset data on both X and a set of other variables. Using these age at onset data, control variables are computed that adjust only for conditions that occur prior to X. This strategy can be used in prospective as well as in survival analysis. Our method is motivated by an argument based on the counterfactual model of a causal effect. Results: The procedure is exemplified by examining of the relation between panic attack and the subsequent incidence of MDD. Conclusions: The results reveal that the adjustment for all other variables, irrespective of their temporal relation to X, can yield a false negative result (despite unconsidered confounders and other sources of bias).

Analyzing pathways from childhood maltreatment to internalizing symptoms and disorders in children and adolescents (AMIS)

White, Lars O., Klein, Annette M., Kirschbaum, Clemens, Kurz-Adam, Maria, Uhr, Manfred, Müller-Myhsok, Bertram, Hoffmann, Katrin, Sierau, Susan, Michel, Andrea, Stalder, Tobias, Horlich, Jenny, Keil, Jan, Andreas, Anna, Resch, Leonhard, Binser, Martin J., Costa, Anna, Giourges, Elena, Neudecker, Eva, Wolf, Christiane, Scheuer, Sandra, Ising, Marcus, Klitzing, Kai von 10 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Effective interventions for maltreated children are impeded by gaps in our knowledge of the etiopathogenic mechanisms leading from maltreatment to mental disorders. Although some studies have already identified individual risk factors, there is a lack of large-scale multilevel research on how psychosocial, neurobiological, and genetic factors act in concert to modulate risk of internalizing psychopathology in childhood following maltreatment. To help close this gap, we aim to delineate gender-specific pathways from maltreatment to psychological disorder/resilience. To this end, we examine the interplay of specific maltreatment characteristics and psychological, endocrine, metabolomic, and (epi-)genomic stress response patterns as well as cognitive-emotional/social processes as determinants of developmental outcome. Specifically, we will explore endocrine, metabolomic, and epigenetic mechanisms leading from maltreatment to a higher risk of depression and anxiety disorders.

Das Quantifizierungs-Inventar für somatoforme Syndrome (QUISS) / Ein neues Instrument zur Erfassung des Schweregrades somatoformer Störungen / The Quantification Inventory for Somatoform Syndromes (QUISS) / A new instrument for the registration of the severity level of somatoform syndromes

Trümper, Patricia 13 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Über die Entstehung von "Heulern" im Nationalpark Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer / The causes behind the abandoning of seal pups in the Wadden Sea National Park of Lower Saxony

Lienau, Peter 10 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Early specific cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy in subjects at high risk for bipolar disorders: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Pfennig, Andrea, Leopold, Karolina, Bechdolf, Andreas, Correll, Christoph U., Holtmann, Martin, Lambert, Martin, Marx, Carolin, Meyer, Thomas D., Pfeiffer, Steffi, Reif, Andreas, Rottmann-Wolf, Maren, Schmitt, Natalie M., Stamm, Thomas, Juckel, Georg, Bauer, Michael 21 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Bipolar disorders (BD) are among the most severe mental disorders with first clinical signs and symptoms frequently appearing in adolescence and early adulthood. The long latency in clinical diagnosis (and subsequent adequate treatment) adversely affects the course of disease, effectiveness of interventions and health-related quality of life, and increases the economic burden of BD. Despite uncertainties about risk constellations and symptomatology in the early stages of potentially developing BD, many adolescents and young adults seek help, and most of them suffer substantially from symptoms already leading to impairments in psychosocial functioning in school, training, at work and in their social relationships. We aimed to identify subjects at risk of developing BD and investigate the efficacy and safety of early specific cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy (CBT) in this subpopulation. Methods/Design: EarlyCBT is a randomised controlled multi-centre clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of early specific CBT, including stress management and problem solving strategies, with elements of mindfulness-based therapy (MBT) versus unstructured group meetings for 14 weeks each and follow-up until week 78. Participants are recruited at seven university hospitals throughout Germany, which provide in- and outpatient care (including early recognition centres) for psychiatric patients. Subjects at high risk must be 15 to 30 years old and meet the combination of specified affective symptomatology, reduction of psychosocial functioning, and family history for (schizo)affective disorders. Primary efficacy endpoints are differences in psychosocial functioning and defined affective symptomatology at 14 weeks between groups. Secondary endpoints include the above mentioned endpoints at 7, 24, 52 and 78 weeks and the change within groups compared to baseline; perception of, reaction to and coping with stress; and conversion to full BD. Discussion: To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate early specific CBT in subjects at high risk for BD. Structured diagnostic interviews are used to map the risk status and development of disease. With our study, the level of evidence for the treatment of those young patients will be significantly raised.

Uniform Error Estimation for Convection-Diffusion Problems

Franz, Sebastian 27 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Let us consider the singularly perturbed model problem Lu := -epsilon laplace u-bu_x+cu = f with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on the unit-square (0,1)^2. Assuming that b > 0 is of order one, the small perturbation parameter 0 < epsilon << 1 causes boundary layers in the solution. In order to solve above problem numerically, it is beneficial to resolve these layers. On properly layer-adapted meshes we can apply finite element methods and observe convergence. We will consider standard Galerkin and stabilised FEM applied to above problem. Therein the polynomial order p will be usually greater then two, i.e. we will consider higher-order methods. Most of the analysis presented here is done in the standard energy norm. Nevertheless, the question arises: Is this the right norm for this kind of problem, especially if characteristic layers occur? We will address this question by looking into a balanced norm. Finally, a-posteriori error analysis is an important tool to construct adapted meshes iteratively by solving discrete problems, estimating the error and adjusting the mesh accordingly. We will present estimates on the Green’s function associated with L, that can be used to derive pointwise error estimators.

Early specific cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy in subjects at high risk for bipolar disorders: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Pfennig, Andrea, Leopold, Karolina, Bechdolf, Andreas, Correll, Christoph U., Holtmann, Martin, Lambert, Martin, Marx, Carolin, Meyer, Thomas D., Pfeiffer, Steffi, Reif, Andreas, Rottmann-Wolf, Maren, Schmitt, Natalie M., Stamm, Thomas, Juckel, Georg, Bauer, Michael 21 July 2014 (has links)
Background: Bipolar disorders (BD) are among the most severe mental disorders with first clinical signs and symptoms frequently appearing in adolescence and early adulthood. The long latency in clinical diagnosis (and subsequent adequate treatment) adversely affects the course of disease, effectiveness of interventions and health-related quality of life, and increases the economic burden of BD. Despite uncertainties about risk constellations and symptomatology in the early stages of potentially developing BD, many adolescents and young adults seek help, and most of them suffer substantially from symptoms already leading to impairments in psychosocial functioning in school, training, at work and in their social relationships. We aimed to identify subjects at risk of developing BD and investigate the efficacy and safety of early specific cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy (CBT) in this subpopulation. Methods/Design: EarlyCBT is a randomised controlled multi-centre clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of early specific CBT, including stress management and problem solving strategies, with elements of mindfulness-based therapy (MBT) versus unstructured group meetings for 14 weeks each and follow-up until week 78. Participants are recruited at seven university hospitals throughout Germany, which provide in- and outpatient care (including early recognition centres) for psychiatric patients. Subjects at high risk must be 15 to 30 years old and meet the combination of specified affective symptomatology, reduction of psychosocial functioning, and family history for (schizo)affective disorders. Primary efficacy endpoints are differences in psychosocial functioning and defined affective symptomatology at 14 weeks between groups. Secondary endpoints include the above mentioned endpoints at 7, 24, 52 and 78 weeks and the change within groups compared to baseline; perception of, reaction to and coping with stress; and conversion to full BD. Discussion: To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate early specific CBT in subjects at high risk for BD. Structured diagnostic interviews are used to map the risk status and development of disease. With our study, the level of evidence for the treatment of those young patients will be significantly raised.

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