Spelling suggestions: "subject:"symmetri"" "subject:"asymmetri""
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Simulations of Quantum Black Hole collisions at the LHC with PYTHIANiblaeus, Carl January 2011 (has links)
In this bachelor's thesis the concept of microscopical black hole production at colliders is investigated. By using extra dimensional models where the value of the Planck mass can be reduced to the TeV scale, gravity can be made stronger at small distances and the Hierarchy problem can be solved. Since gravity is much stronger already at the TeV-scale, there is a possibility that microscopical black holes are produced at the LHC. In this thesis the possibility to produce Quantum Black Holes, black holes with masses around the Planck mass, is implemented in the event generator PYTHIA. Events where the Quantum Black Holes decay into two particles are simulated and studied. A main contribution is successful colour connections between the final states. Something to solve in future simulations is how to give the black holes a spectrum of masses.
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Varumärkeskommunikation via logotyper : en studie om designelementens påverkan / Brand communication through logotypes : a study regarding the impact of design elementsBerglund, Emilia, Wikström, Alexandra, Ljungkvist, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
Den ökade globaliseringen och digitaliseringen har resulterat i en hård konkurrens på marknaden. För att ett företag ska lyckas driva igenom sitt budskap till potentiella kunder krävs det att företagets budskap är kort, koncist och slagkraftig. En företagslogotyp har möjligheten att skapa varumärkeskännedom och konkurrensfördelar samtidigt som den är enkel att lägga på minnet. Företagslogotypen kopplas till kärnan i företaget och består av olika designelement som färg, form, symboler och typsnitt. Syftet med studien var att undersöka de olika designelementen i svenska modeföretags logotyper för förstå hur dom uppfattas och hur dom påverkar varumärkeskommunikationen. Studien använder sig utav en kvantitativ forskningsmetod och är baserad på en enkätstudie där respondenterna hade möjlighet att utvärdera svenska modeföretags logotyper. För att undvika tidigare associationer hos respondenterna innehöll enkäten även fabricerade logotyper, framtagna för studien. Resultaten visade att designelement har en viss påverkan på varumärkeskommunikation. Färg var det designelement som visade sig ha störst påverkan i resultatet. / Due to the increased globalization and digitalization, companies face greater market competition. In order for a company to succeed, they need to be able to communicate with their potential customers. As the market is saturated, the message needs to be short, concrete and powerful. A company logotype carries the ability to create brand awareness and competitive advantages whilst being easy to absorb. It is connected to the core of the company and consists of different visual elements such as colors, shapes, symbols and font. The aim of this study was to examine the different design elements in Swedish fashion companies’ logotypes in order to understand how they are perceived by consumers and what they communicate. The study used a quantitative research method and was based on a survey in which respondents were asked to examine Swedish fashion companies’ logotypes. In order to avoid previous associations, the survey also contained fictitious logotypes invented for the survey. The results of the study presented that design elements impact brand communication to a certain limit. The impacts of the design elements differ from each other, and the influence of color had the most distinct result.
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Mode Matching Analysis of One-Dimensional Periodic StructuresLindberg, Martin January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we analyze the electromagnetic wave propagation in waveguidestructuresexhibiting periodical geometry, including glide symmetry. The analysisis performed using a mode matching technique which correlates the different modecoefficients from separate but, connected regions in the structure. This technique isused to obtain the dispersion diagrams for two one-dimensional periodic structures:a glide-symmetric corrugated metasurface and a coaxial line loaded with periodicholes. The mode matching formulation is presented in Cartesian and cylindricalcoordinate system for the former and the later, respectively. The mode matchingresults are compared to simulated results obtained from the Eigenmode Solver inCST Microwave Studio and are found to agree very well. / I detta examensarbete, analyseras elektromagnetisk v°agutbredning i periodiskav°agledarstrukturer som uppvisar glid symmetri. Analysen genomf¨ordes genom enmod matchnings-teknik som korrelerar de olika mod-koefficienterna fr°an separeraderegioner i strukturen med varandra. Denna teknik anv¨ands f¨or att ta framdispersionsrelationen f¨or tv°a endimensionella periodiska strukturer: en glid symmetriskkorrugerad meta-yta och en koaxial ledare belagd med periodiskt urgr¨opdah°aligheter. Mod matchnings-formuleringen presenteras i Kartesiska och cylindriskakoordinatsystem respektive f¨or de ovan n¨amnda fallen. Mod matchnings-resultatenj¨amf¨ors med data-simulerade resultat erh°allna fr°an CST Microwave Studio och de¨overenst¨ammer v¨al med varandra.
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Symmetry in a free boundary problem / Symmetri i ett frirandsproblemBasilio Kuosmanen, Seuri January 2023 (has links)
We consider a variational formulation of a Bernoulli-type free boundary problem for the Laplacian operator with discontinuous boundary data. We show the existence of a weak solution to the problem. Moreover, we show that the solution has symmetry properties inherited by symmetric data. These results are achieved through the use of comparison arguments, the celebrated method of moving planes, and several elaborated techniques from existing literature. / Vi studerar ett Bernoulli frirandsproblem för Laplaceoperatorn med diskontinuerliga randdata. Detta görs via en variationsformulering av problemet. Vi visar att en svag lösning existerar för problemet. Utöver det visar vi bland annat att den svaga lösningen har symmetriegenskaper. Dessa resultat uppnås genom jämförelseargument, den välkända "moving-plane” metoden, samt flera utarbetade tekniker från befintlig litteratur.
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Thérèse Raquin d’Émile Zola : Répétitions lexicales, réseaux sémantiques et leurs traductions suédoises / Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola : Lexical repetitions, semantic networks and their Swedish translationOlsson Lönn, Eva M. January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is Emile Zola’s novel Thérèse Raquin (1867). The principal aim is to examine lexical repetitions and their importance for semantic networks. The thesis studies the use of the noun cou and certain of its co-occurrences, as well as the use of colours and their derivatives. Employing the methods of Greimas and Rastier, the study is based upon two analyses, one narratological and the other thematic, an approach which allows us not only to study the importance of lexical repetitions, but also to study another aspect of the writing, Zola’s various sources of inspiration. This approach aids in showing the stylistic profile of the novel from a new perspective. Our second aim concerns the Swedish translations of the text. The degree of equivalence of lexical repetitions and their transmission has been studied in three versions (Wilson, 1884, Bjurman, 1911, and Bouleau, 1953). Our analysis draws on Berman’s and Heldner’s ideas about the critical evaluation of translated literary texts. The results of this thesis show that Zola, in Thérèse Raquin, uses lexical repetitions to create a stylistic effect that not only draws inspiration from literary and artistic sources, but that is also inspired by real events of the time. These stylistic properties, such as the system of colour leitmotivs, must be conveyed in a translation that is to be considered faithful to the original. The findings of this study suggest that there is a dependency between two of the examined versions and that it would be desirable to produce a new Swedish translation of the novel, equivalent to Zola’s text. / Le roman Thérèse Raquin (1867) d’Émile Zola est l’objet d’étude de la présente thèse. Le premier but est d’y examiner des répétitions lexicales et leur importance pour des réseaux sémantiques. Nous y étudions l’emploi du nom cou et certaines de ses co-occurrences, ainsi que des couleurs et leurs dérivés présents. Suivant des méthodes de Greimas et Rastier, l’étude s’effectue au moyen de deux analyses, l’une narratologique, l’autre thématique, ce qui nous permet non seulement d’examiner l’importance des répétitions lexicales, mais aussi d’étudier un aspect supplémentaire de l’écriture, les diverses sources d’inspiration de Zola. Cette approche contribue à montrer, dans une perspective nouvelle, le profil stylistique du roman. Notre deuxième but concerne des traductions suédoises du texte. Dans trois versions (Wilson, 1884, Bjurman, 1911, et Bouleau, 1953), est évalué le degré d’équivalence des répétitions lexicales et la transmission des répétitions lexicales examinées. Pour notre analyse, nous nous servons des idées de Berman et de Heldner, qui traitent le sujet d’évaluation critique de textes littéraires traduits. Les résultats de la présente thèse montrent que Zola, dans Thérèse Raquin, utilise les répétitions lexicales pour créer un effet de style qui puise son inspiration non seulement dans des sources littéraires et artistiques, mais aussi dans des événements de la réalité de son époque. Ces propriétés stylistiques, comme la systématique des leitmotivs des couleurs, doivent être rendues dans une traduction censée être fidèle à l’original. Les analyses de notre étude évoquent qu’il y a une dépendance entre deux des versions examinées et qu’il est souhaitable de produire une nouvelle traduction suédoise du roman, équivalente au texte de Zola.
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From Shrieks to Technical Reports : technology, disability and political processes in building Athens metro / Från skri till tekniska rapporter : Teknik, handikapp och politiska processer vid uppbyggandet av Atens metroGalis, Vasilis January 2006 (has links)
Avhandlingen beskriver och analyserar hur frågor kring tillgänglighet/handikapp för första gången aktualiserades och implementerades i planeringen och utformningen av den byggda miljön i Aten, nämligen processen i samband med beslut, planering och implementering av jätteprojektet Atens Metro. Studien tecknar framväxten av olika handikapporganisationer, som från att ha varit svaga aktörer successivt lyckades få gehör för sina krav inom stadens förvaltning, politiska organ, den grekiska riksdagen och inte minst inom de företag som byggde metrosystemet. Avhandlingen diskuterar hur handikapporganisationer och metrosystemet växte fram och påverkade varandra, hur viktiga forum för att diskutera/problematisera olika perspektiv på handikapp skapades där aktörsgrupper med delvis olika intressen förde fram sina ståndpunkter och förhandlade samt vilka konkreta avtryck som dessa processer ledde till i form av en - slutligen - handikappvänlig teknisk konfiguration av metrosystemet. Studien knyter också an till den europeiska diskussionen, bl.a. inom EU, kring handikapp och vilken betydelse som denna diskussion hade för det framväxande metroprojektet, inte minst inför Atens OS-värdskap 2004. Avhandlingen tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i dels samhällsvetenskapliga teknik- och vetenskapsstudier, dels "disability studies". / The idea of building a metro network in Athens dates back to the 1950s. It took almost fifty years for the Greek government to develop plans, secure funds and to carry out an effective procurement process for the construction of the Athens metro. In February 1987 the government announced an invitation to tender for the design and construction of the metro. Thirteen years later, in January 2000 the first two lines began operation. The construction of the metro consisted of numerous preliminary studies, different public organizations which dealt with its development and several controversies concerning its design. One of these controversies referred to the issue whether the metro would be accessible to disabled people or not. Integrating accessibility provisions in the metro design constituted a controversial issue where different actors argued and acted for and against its implementation. This study describes and analyses the process of making the metro accessible. The analysis focuses on how questions regarding accessibility/disability were actualized for the first time in the planning and design of the Greek built environment and in particular on the process of building the biggest and most complicated infrastructure project in Greece, the Athens metro. At the same time, the study describes the evolution of disability organizations in Greece: they changed from being weak actors who were unable to influence socio-political configurations to actors that successively gained attention within the public administration, political organs, the Greek Parliament and the company that constructed the metro. The study discusses how disability organizations and the metro were developed and influenced each other and how important forums, where several actors with diverse interests problematized and produced different perspectives on disability, were initiated. These forums constituted public spaces within the public administration and eventually contributed to the construction of an accessible metro network. The analysis is also connected to Athens hosting of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2004 which created increasing demands for constructing an accessible built environment, including the metro. Furthermore, the study also draws upon the discussion within the EU on disability and on which kind of consequences this discussion implied for the developing metro. The theoretical basis for this study is located at the intersection of two broad fields, namely science and technology studies (S&TS) and disability studies.
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Elkvalitetsmätning på en av Trafikverkets signalanläggningar inom ERTMS : En undersökning av elkvalitetPoppe, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
The thesis work was carried out within the Swedish Transport Agency's ERTMSproject to assist in deciding on the power supply of the facilities along the railways related to the project. This work applies to areas such as the implementation of the new rectifier, the Rectiverter, and power supply design with focus on redundancy and the overall electricity quality. The work was carried out by processing data from one week's power quality measurement at one of the signal plants where there was an installed Rectiverter. The results were set against current standards and causes of events discussed. The work indicates that the tested facility where power quality was measured meets the applicable standards. However, measures can be made to increase the efficiency of the facility, concerning both redundancy and direct power losses. This refers to the choice of power supply at facilities around the country and the conversion of AC to DC before the UPS and DC to AC-voltage after UPS to the Rectiverter. In chapter one terminology and abbreviations are listed. Chapter two contains an introduction to the report where background, purpose and objectives are formulated. Theory of power quality concepts, data processing, prevailing standards and information about the facilities of the Swedish Transport Administration can be found under chapter three. In chapter four, the methodology used for the power quality measurement and how it was carried out is presented. This includes the collection of sources, used equipment, practical set-up and used method for analysis. In chapter five, the results from the measurement are presented, which are then discussed further in the discussion (chapter six). The report is then summarized with conclusions and suggestions for further work in chapters seven and eight.
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Hur blir du en framgångsrik tiggare i Sverige? : en undersökning av tiggandets och givandets bilder 2011 till 2016 / How do you become a successful beggar in Sweden? : an inquiry into the images of begging and giving 2011 to 2016Parsberg, Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
Mitt första möte med en tiggande föranledde mig att under fem år undersöka den nya situationen för tiggeriet och giveriet i Sverige. Förutsättningen är att vardagliga handlingar och reaktioner gentemot en annan människa kan synliggöras estetiskt med en etisk klangbotten. Min undersökning utspelar sig i första hand i gaturummet och i medierna. Det är hela tiden bilderna som är utgångspunkten för resonemangen och de gestaltande verken. Bilder som både separerar och länkar samman kroppar. Vilka bilder är i spel i tiggeriets och giveriets sociala koreografi? Hur kan bilder i detta sammanhang aktiveras på nya sätt? Hur kan nya genereras? Tiggandet är en uppmaning till social interaktion, och vare sig givaren socialt interagerar eller inte med den tiggande människan på gatan så involveras givaren i det europeiska samfundets asymmetriska värdesystem. I min första gestaltning anlitas en professionell marknadsundersökare för att ta reda på hur en tiggare i Sverige skulle kunna göra för att bli framgångsrik. Det blir en film som jag sedan visar mittemot en film där tiggande pratar om hur givare ger. Ur detta verk följer så en rad gestaltningar och en interdisciplinär teoretisk diskussion med bland andra Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed och Hannah Arendt, samt med en rad konstnärers arbeten, kring hur bilder – och kroppsliga handlingar – är kopplade till samhällsbilden och samhällskroppen? Körernas uppställning i gestaltningen Tiggandets kör och Givandets kör anger ett utrymme för social interaktion och demonstrerar därmed en annan ordning som kräver andra insatser, i språk, rörelse och attityd gentemot varandra. Det är en social koreografi: när körerna tränade och sjöng tillsammans uppstod en politisk form. Min förhoppning är att estetiskt synliggöra ett politiskt handlingsutrymme mellan tiggandet och givandet som kan utnyttjas för fortsatta etiska förhandlingar, och nya gestaltningar. / My first encounter with a begging person led me to spend five years investigating the new situation regarding begging and giving in Sweden. The premise is that every-day actions and reactions to another person can be made visible through aesthetics with ethical underpinnings. My investigation takes place mainly in the urban landscape and in the media. The images always constitute the point of departure for the reasoning and for the staged works. Images that separate as well as connect bodies. Which images are at play in the social choreography of begging and giving? In this context, how can images be activated in new ways? How can new images be generated? Begging is a call to social interaction, and regardless of whether the giver interacts socially with the begging person on the street, the giver is implicated in the asymmetrical value systems of the European Union. In my first staged work I hire a professional market researcher to find out how a beggar in Sweden should behave to be successful. This becomes a film that I then show opposite another film in which begging people talk about how givers give. This is followed by a number of staged works and an interdisciplinary theoretical discussion involving, among others, Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed, and Hannah Arendt, as well as a number of artistic works concerning how images – and bodily actions – are linked to the social image and the body politics. The arrangement of the choirs in the staged work The Chorus of Begging and The Chorus of Giving, indicates a space for social interaction and thus demonstrates a different order that demands different actions in terms of language, movement, and attitude toward each other. It’s a social choreography: when the choirs rehearsed and sung together a political form emerged. My hope is to make visible a space for action between the begging and the giving that can be used for continued ethical negotiations and new staged works. / <p>Föreliggande doktorsarbete har genomförts och handletts i forskarutbildningen i Fri konst vid Konsthögskolan, Umeå universitet. Doktorsarbetet läggs fram vid Lunds universitet inom ramen för samverkansavtalet mellan Konstnärliga fakulteten vid Lunds universitet och Konsthögskolan Umeå angående utbildning på forskarnivå i ämnet Fri konst inom ramen för Konstnärliga forskarskolan.</p><p>This dissertation has been carried out and supervised within the graduate programme in Fine Arts at Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå University. The dissertation is presented at Lund University in the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University, and Umeå Academy of Fine Arts regarding doctoral education in the subject Fine Arts in the context of Konstnärliga forskarskolan.</p><p>Avhandlingen är även utgiven i serien: Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University: Doctoral Studies and Research in Fine and Performing Arts, 14. ISSN: 1653-8617</p>
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