Spelling suggestions: "subject:"systemicfunctional"" "subject:"sistemicfunctional""
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The Effectiveness of Corpus-Aided Instruction Using Lexical Bundles to Improve Academic Writing in Instructed Second Language Acquisition: A Multimethod Research DesignPark, Eun Jeong 27 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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”Vill du ha plusmeny till det samhällsansvaret?” : - En språkvetenskaplig och filmanalytisk studie om effekten av Covid-19 på svenska hamburgerkedjors marknadsföring / “Would you like to supersize that social responsibility?” : – A linguistic and film analytic study about the effects of Covid-19 on the marketing of Swedish hamburger restaurantsLindqvist, Wilhelm January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur Sveriges tre största hamburgerkedjor tagit sig an Covid-19- krisens utmaningar i sina reklamfilmer. Förhoppningen är att resultatet ska kunna bidra med kunskap om hur kriser av det här slaget kan hanteras när det handlar om marknadsföring samt hur marknadsföringen i sig kan uppfattas, både av mottagare och av de som står bakom den. Studien har analyserat åtta reklamfilmer, hälften från 2019 och hälften från 2020 för att kartlägga dels vad som kännetecknar de olika hamburgerkedjornas reklam under dessa år men också hur kedjorna vill framställa sig i sina mottagares ögon och om det har förändrats i och med Covid-19. Detta har gjorts med filmanalyser för de visuella och semiotiska resurserna i reklamfilmerna men också textanalyser med hjälp av den systemisk-funktionella lingvistikens metafunktioner för en bredare förståelse av de övergripande budskapen. Resultaten visar på likheter i kedjornas sätt att bygga upp sina reklamfilmer 2020 runt det övergripande budskapet att man tar Covid-19-viruset på allvar och prioriterar kundsäkerhet och samhällsansvar. Alla tre verksamheter är också noga med att framstå som givande och inte krävande. Det finns dock också skillnader i hur man förmedlar detta, exempelvis när det gäller distans till mottagaren, kampanjer och rollen som respektive kedja ämnar ta på sig i relation till mottagaren. Vidare går det även att identifiera återkommande mönster i resultaten från både tidigare forskning och reklamfilmerna från 2019 i alla tre kedjors Covid-19-anpassning där framförallt lättsamhet kontra allvar är tydligt.
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[pt] Intrigada e curiosa por entender possíveis razões que levam as pessoas a dar
prosseguimento a seus estudos, o principal intuito desta pesquisa é compreender, através
do discurso, quais motivações levaram três amigos e a mim a continuarmos nossa
formação acadêmica, ingressando em cursos de mestrado e doutorado. Partindo da
verbalização de nossas motivações, procuro refletir criticamente sobre o modo que as
identidades e emoções moldam nossas percepções em relação a nós mesmos e aos
motivos que nos levaram a dar continuidade à nossa formação. Para tal, recorro a um
arcabouço teórico interdisciplinar, que compreende: a perspectiva contemporânea da
Linguística Aplicada; a Prática Exploratória; identidades; narrativas; emoções; a
autoetnografia e o Sistema de Avaliatividade. Esta pesquisa se insere no paradigma
qualitativo-interpretativista, estando intrinsecamente relacionada à Linguística Aplicada
Contemporânea, ao viés ético-metodológico que caracteriza a Prática Exploratória e à
pesquisa do praticante. Analiso o discurso gerado em conversas exploratórias, que são
processos dinamizadores de reflexão e de novos entendimentos sobre as questões que
perpassam a vida em diversos contextos, como o acadêmico. A partir da análise dessas
conversas, entendi que, ao contarmos narrativas, meus amigos e eu nos coconstruimos
identitariamente como pesquisadores e professores através de manifestações linguísticas
explícitas de afetos e de julgamentos positivos e negativos. Essas manifestações também
ocorreram ao abordarmos as relações que tivemos e temos com amigos e familiares, com
nossas orientadoras de mestrado e de doutorado e com outros docentes ao longo de nossa
formação, fazendo-me refletir sobre a importância do incentivo da família e dos amigos,
bem como de professores e educadores nas vidas de seus alunos. / [en] Intrigued and curious to understand possible reasons that lead people to continue
their academic studies, the main purpose of this research is to understand, through
discourse, what motivations led three friends and I to continue our academic education,
enrolling in master s and doctorate programs. From the verbalization of our motivations,
I reflect critically on the way that identities and emotions shape our perceptions of
ourselves and the reasons that led us to continue our education. In order to do this, I turn
to an interdisciplinary theoretical framework, which includes: the contemporary
perspective of Applied Linguistics; Exploratory Practice; identities; narratives; emotions;
autoethnography and Appraisal System. This research is part of the qualitativeinterpretative paradigm, being closely related to Contemporary Applied Linguistics, to
the ethical-methodological perspective that characterizes Exploratory Practice and to
practitioner research. I analyse exploratory conversations, conceptualized as reflective
dynamic processes that generate new understandings about issues that emerge from life
in different contexts, including the academic one. From the analysis of these
conversations, I understood that, when we tell narratives, my friends and I co-construct
our identities as researchers and teachers through explicit linguistic manifestations of
positive and negative affects and judgments. These manifestations also occurred when we
addressed the relationships we had and still have with friends and family, with our
master s and doctoral advisors and with other professors throughout our education. These
findings make me reflect on the importance of the encouragement of family and friends,
as well as that of teachers and educators in students lives.
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[pt] Nesta dissertação, eu investigo como três docentes de línguas, atuantes em contextos acadêmicos, unem-se e constroem discursivamente emoções como micropolíticas de resistência em um processo de (trans)formação docente. Desse modo, lanço mão de construtos do Sistema de Avaliatividade (MARTIN; ROSE, 2007) da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1994; VIAN JR., 2009) para uma análise microdiscursiva das avaliações em negociação. Observo, ainda, em que medida nossas avaliações desafiam Discursos (GEE, 2005) que mobilizam essencialismos como instrumentos de despolitização e de dominação quanto à relação docente-discente. Para tanto, alinho-me a uma perspectiva indisciplinar de Linguística Aplicada (MOITA LOPES, 2006; FABRÍCIO, 2006) com interseção epistemológica entre as concepções de micropolítica das emoções (REZENDE; COELHO, 2010), amizade ética (ORTEGA, 2000) e emoções como atos contra-hegemônicos na relação pedagógica (hooks, 2013; FREIRE, 2013). Ao desenvolver uma pesquisa de cunho (auto)etnográfico (ONO, 2018), considero minha voz atrelada às das professoras coparticipantes em uma conversa reflexiva com potencial exploratório (MILLER et al., 2008). Nesta metodologia exploratória, buscamos entendimentos tocantes à qualidade de vida, ao entrelugar institucional de docentes em pré-serviço e ao sofrimento humano (MILLER, 2013), potencializados por questões políticas de gênero, classe e raça (hooks, 2013). Os resultados apontam que emoções são constitutivas desse processo, atuando ora como instrumentos de dominação, ora de emancipação. Em instâncias de resistência, emergem predominantemente emoções micropolíticas de confiança, de acolhimento e de empatia, com o reconhecimento de relações de poder institucional e assimetrias sociopolíticas em jogo. / [en] In this dissertation, I probe how three language teachers, agents in academic contexts, come together and discursively construct emotions as micropolitics of resistance in an ever-transforming process of teacher education. In this sense, I make use of constructs from the Appraisal Theory (MARTIN; ROSE, 2007), embedded in Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1994; VIAN JR., 2009), so as to employ a microdiscursive analysis of our negotiated evaluation. Also, I observe to what extent our evaluations challenge Discourses (GEE, 2005) which mobilize essentialisms as instruments of depoliticization and domination towards teacher-student relationship. In doing so, I align myself with an indisciplinary perspective of Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006; FABRÍCIO, 2006), with epistemological intersections between the conceptions of the micropolitics of emotions (REZENDE; COELHO, 2010), ethical friendship (ORTEGA, 2000) and emotions as anti-hegemonic actions in pedagogical relations (hooks, 2013; FREIRE, 2013). In developing some (auto)ethnographic research, I deem my voice intertwined with those of the coparticipants in a potentially exploitable reflective conversation (MILLER et al., 2008). In this exploratory methodology, we seek understandings as to quality of life, an in-between institutional place of pre-service teachers and human suffering (MILLER, 2013), issues which are intensified by political matters of gender, class and race (hooks, 2013). Results indicate that emotions are constitutive of this process, acting both as instruments of domination as well as of emancipation. In instances of resistance, micropolitical emotions of trust, support and empathy emerge predominantly, with the acknowledgment of institutional power relations and sociopolitical asymmetries at play.
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"Vi förstår reaktionerna" : En textanalytisk studie av Parken Zoo:s kriskommunikation i pressmeddelanden och på Facebook / "We understand the reactions" : A text analytical study of Parken Zoo:s crisis communications in press releases and on FacebookRöckner Lindgren, Joanna January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur Parken Zoo försökte rädda sin image och påverkabilden av krisen parken befann sig i under hösten 2012. Uppsatsen har även som avsikt att undersökahur kriskommunikationen utvecklas under krisförloppet och hur den skiljer sig mellan två texttyper,samt belysa vilka språkliga resurser som används för att realisera strategierna inom image repair theory,som i denna uppsats benämns som Benoits teori om imagereparation. Materialet består av trepressmeddelanden och tre uttalanden publicerade på Facebook från Parken Zoo. Dessa har analyseratsutifrån Benoits (1997) teori om imagereparation samt systemisk-funktionell textanalys. Resultatetindikerar att Parken Zoo har försökt rädda sin image genom att ifrågasätta uppgifterna som framkommit,framhäva goda egenskaper och värderingar samt redogöra för åtgärder som vidtagits och ska vidtas.Jämförelsen av kriskommunikationen i pressmeddelandena och Facebook-uttalandena tyder på attkommunikationen på Facebook kännetecknas av en mer personlig och närhetsskapande strategi medankommunikationen i pressmeddelandena är mer auktoritär. Resultatet visade också att val av strategi ochhur många strategier som används förändras under krisens förlopp, troligen beroende på vilken krisfasparken befinner sig i. Under akutfasen använde Parken Zoo samtliga strategier, i jämförelse med krisensförstadium då endast en strategi användes. Analysen har även synliggjort mönster för vilka språkligaresurser som verkar bidra till realiseringen av respektive strategi ur Benoits teori om imagereparation.Transitivitetsanalysen visade bland annat att den förnekande strategin i första hand realiseras genomattributiva relationella processer medan den tillrättaläggande strategin karakteriseras av materiellaprocesser. Avslutningsvis diskuteras även delar av materialet som inte har kunnat kategoriseras som enstrategi på ett tydligt sätt men som ändå kan ses som försök att rädda Parken Zoo:s image, exempelvissynliggörs möjligheten till en ny strategi som går ut på att visa förståelse.
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Drömkandidaten : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur den ideale sökande konstrueras i platsannonser inom bygg- och fastighetssektorn / The Dream Candidate : A critical discourse analysis of how the ideal applicant is constructed in job advertisements in the construction and real estate sectorÅström, Ida January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how an ideal job applicant is described when searching real estate janitors and real estate managers in job advertising using a Swedish linguistic perspective. This is achieved by looking at how the model reader is constructed i.e. if the ways to describe the two occupational groups differ, if the descriptions tend to include or exclude groups of applicants, and if and how a relationship is created between the employer and the recipient and if so what kind of relationship. The material consists of ten job advertisements where the employer is looking for real estate janitors and ten job advertisements where the employer is looking for real estate managers. The choice of method for the study is systemic functional grammar, critical discourse analysis and gender coding. Theoretically I also start from the systemic functional grammar and the critical discourse analysis, though with an emancipatory approach. The descriptions of the dream candidates that is created in the ads differ between the two occupations. Real estate janitor is a job which requires more practical skills, while the job as a manager requires more theoretical skills. The ideal real estate janitor has equal numbers of masculine and feminine qualities. The dream candidate is self-propelled, service-oriented and is able to plan the working day in an efficient way. Since the employer seems to have a dominant attitude towards the janitor their relationship tends to not be very close. The ideal dream candidate created for real estate managers is also very self-sufficient, but he or she also has a strong internal drive and likes to run projects in combination with a strong sense of responsibility. The ideal real estate manager has a little more feminine than masculine qualities. The relationship between the employer and the ideal real estate manager is more symmetrical than the relationship that is constructed with the ideal real estate manager.
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Determining Purpose through Metafunctional Meanings: A Discourse Analysis of Two Speeches in Acts 2 and 17Jung, Jae Cheon 11 1900 (has links)
There are a large number of character speeches in Acts. Scholars have used various means and methods to contribute to a feasible and plausible answer regarding the functions of speeches in Acts. Unfortunately, the studies have often been focused on the authenticity of the speeches: were they Luke's creation or simply his compilation? This dissertation presents another set of tools for scholars to revisit Luke's speeches in Acts in order to add insight into their questions, and also to broaden the realm of this narrow focus. In particular, I will implement and demonstrate how to use modern linguistics, namely discourse analysis based on Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics. The present study ventures to apply this linguistic insight by focusing on two speeches in the Acts of the Apostles, Acts 2:14-36 and 17:22-31. If scholars wish to study the speeches of Acts further, or any New Testament speeches, hopefully this dissertation will provide a helpful approach to meet their needs. Thus, analyzing and comparing the author's functionally linguistic choices in these two speeches with regards to similarities and differences will describe his specific use of these speeches. The most notable contribution of the dissertation will be found in implementing a new approach to the study of speeches in Acts. I also hope such a due recognition of the language will motivate and inspire further linguistic explorations into various areas, which remain perplexed by other approaches.
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Traversing the 24-Hour News Cycle: A Busy Day in the Rhetorical Life of a Political SpeechOddo, John 11 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Polisen vs kriminella : En kritisk diskurs- & textanalys om hur kriminella och Polismyndigheten konstrueras i en myndighetsgemensam broschyr från år 2019Jansson, Liv January 2023 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats är att presentera den verklighetsbild Polismyndigheten förmedlar i det valda materialet och diskutera de samhälleliga påföljder diskursen kan få. För att uppnå syftet undersöker jag hur den språkliga konstruktionen av kriminella och Polismyndigheten ser ut i ett urval av material från en myndighetsgemensam broschyr från år 2019. Metoden som används för att uppnå detta är en transitivitetsanalys med fokus på den ideationella metafunktionen, vars resultat leder fram till den kritiska diskursanalys som möjliggör en djupare förståelse kring den verklighetsbild konstruktionerna i utdragen förmedlar. Resultatet av analyserna visar att Polismyndigheten konstruerar de kriminella utifrån egen uppfattning, och kategoriserar dem genom att tilldela dem attribut. Konstruktionen av Polismyndigheten är inte attributiv på det sättet, och riskerar därför inte att påverka attityder på samma sätt som konstruktionen av de kriminella. Uppsatsens övergripande slutsats är att konstruktionen av de kriminella är diskriminerande och därför potentiellt skadlig för den folkgrupp de kriminella associeras med, och att Polismyndigheten utnyttjar sina språkliga val på ett sätt som kan vara skadligt för samhället. / The overall purpose of this paper is to present the reality depicted by the Police Authority in the selected material and discuss the societal consequences this discourse may have. To fulfill the purpose, I examine the linguistic construction of criminals and the Police Authority in a selection of materials from a joint agency brochure from the year 2019. The method that’s used to achieve this is a transitivity analysis, with focus on the ideational meta function, whose results lead to the critical discourse analysis, enabling a deeper understanding of the worldview the constructions in the excerpts convey. The results of the analysis indicate that the Police Authority constructs criminals based on their own perception and categorizes them by assigning attributes. The construction of the Police Authority is not attributive in the same way and therefore does not risk influencing attitudes in the same manner as the construction of criminals. The overall conclusion of the essay is that the construction of criminals is discriminatory and therefor potentially harmful for the group of people the criminals are being associated with, and that the Police Authority utilizes their linguistic choices in a way that may be harmful to society.
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En jämförelse av medierande skrivredskaps verkan på realiseringen av idéationella betydelser i mellanstadiets skolskrivande / A comparison of mediating artefacts effects on ideational functions in school writing among students in primary school years 4 - 6Szybowski, Sofie January 2024 (has links)
I den digitala utveckling som sker inom skolans värld använder eleverna datorn i allt större utsträckning när de producerar texter. Som en del i att skapa en vetenskaplig grund för att förstå hur digitala verktyg kan påverka textskapande är syftet med denna studie att undersöka på vilket sätt det medierande redskapet för att producera text, i detta fall tangentbord, skärm och ordbehandlingsprogram eller papper och penna, förändrar texters transitivitet och hur idéationella betydelser realiseras i de olika texttyperna. Studien ämnar även undersöka hur agentiviteten i texter förändras beroende på medierande redskap och vilka skillnader som det går att identifiera i nyttjandet av olika pronomen i agentiva processer. Tjugo texter skrivna av elever i årskurs 4 och 5 analyserades med utgångspunkt i systemisk funktionell textanalys och analysmetoderna transitivitetsanalys och ergativitetsanalys. Studiens resultat är inkonklusiva och ingen slutsats kan dras om skrivverktygens påverkan på texternas transitivitet eller agentivitet. Studien visar hur uppgiftbeskrivningar för elevers skolskrivande är mer avgörande för hur innehållet konstrueras än om de skriver för hand eller på datorn och bidrar med kunskap för vidare forskning. / In today’s developing digital era, students in school rely to an increasing extent when producing texts. As part of an effort to contribute to creating a scientific basis in regard to understanding how digital tools affects how text is constructed, this study aims to explore in which way the mediating tool for text production, in this case keyboard, screen, and word processing software versus paper and pen, changes the transitivity in texts and how ideational meaning is realised. Additionally, the study investigates how the ergativity in texts change depending on mediating tool and what differences in the use of pronouns can be identified in ergativ processes. Twenty texts written by fourth and fifth grade students are analysed based on Systemic-Functional text analysis and the analysis methods of transitivity analysis and ergativity analysis. The study’s results are inconclusive, providing no clear conclusions on the impact of writing tools on the transitivity or agency of texts. However, the study reveals that task descriptions for students' writing are more critical in shaping content than the choice between handwriting or typing, contributing valuable insights for further research.
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