Spelling suggestions: "subject:"systemicfunctional"" "subject:"sistemicfunctional""
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Análise linguística de textos jornalísticos sobre o processo de impeachment da presidente Dilma Rousseff / Linguistic analysis of journalistic texts on the impeachment process of president Dilma RousseffCopello, Calebe Soares 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-07-16T19:38:31Z
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Dissertacao_Calebe_Soares_Copello.pdf: 1254096 bytes, checksum: c75d0e933ab5c89e4089975c200b2876 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-07-17T21:23:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / Sem bolsa / No ano de 2016 o Brasil vivenciou mais um processo de impeachment em sua recente democracia. A partir de tal acontecimento, foi estabelecido o tema do estudo, qual seja, uma análise linguística dos textos produzidos em mídia digital no período de janeiro a setembro do ano em questão. Assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo geral analisar linguisticamente textos jornalísticos em português brasileiro
que tratam do processo de impeachment da presidente Dilma Rousseff. A Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014) foi o viés teórico escolhido para analisar esses textos e, devido à extensão do corpus, foi necessária a utilização de métodos extraídos da Linguística de Corpus (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004). A Metafunção Ideacional foi escolhida para ser o escopo de análise do estudo. A motivação da pesquisa surge no instante em que há uma necessidade de
descrição do momento histórico pelo qual a sociedade brasileira está passando e de como este vem sendo construído ideacionalmente nas mídias digitais. Houve a compilação de dois corpora: um corpus de estudo e outro de referência. O corpus de estudo é composto de textos jornalísticos e o corpus de referência é composto por textos acadêmicos. A fim de obter as palavras-chave do corpus de estudo, ambos os corpora foram combinados no programa computacional WordSmith Tools. Após essa
etapa, foram selecionadas as dez palavras-chave mais frequentes no papel de substantivos para que os Participantes com tais palavras-chave fossem anotados, utilizando o CROSF (FEITOSA, 2006). Os resultados mostram que os Participantes com as palavras-chave ocorrem em sua maioria no âmbito dos Processos prototípicos (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014). Grande parte dos Participantes
com as palavras-chave também realizam o papel de Sujeito Lógico das orações. Por fim, pode-se concluir que majoritariamente os Participantes com as palavras-chave estão vinculados aos Processos Materiais, Relacionais e Verbais. / Brazil went through an impeachment process in 2016. Based on this event, the theme has been established, that is, a linguistic analysis of online texts in the period from January to September of that year. Thus, this thesis aims to analyse linguistically journalistic texts in Brazilian Portuguese that tackle president Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment process. Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday &
Matthiessen, 2014) has been the theory chosen for analysing these texts. Due to the corpus size, the use of methods from Corpus Linguistics (Berber Sardinha, 2004) was necessary. Ideational Metafunction has been chosen as scope of analysis. The motivation of the research lies in the fact that the description of the historical moment whereby Brazilian society is going through is necessary as well as of how this moment has been constructed ideationally in digital media. A study corpus and a
reference corpus were compiled. The former consists of journalistic texts, and the latter consists of academic texts. In order to obtain the keywords from the study corpus, both corpora were combined on WordSmith Tools software. After that, the ten most frequent keywords, namely nouns, were selected so that the Participants with these keywords were annotated by using CROSF (Feitosa, 2006). Results show that the Participants with the keywords occur mostly in the realm of prototypical Processes (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014). Most Participants with the keywords are also Logical Subjects in the clauses. Lastly, it can be concluded that Participants with the keywords are mainly linked to Material, Relational, and Verbal Processes.
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Vänner eller fiender? : En språkvetenskaplig studie av en idéburen organisations positionering genom pressmeddelanden / Friends or enemies? : A linguistic study of a non-profit organization’s positioning in press releasesWiberg, Jenny January 2013 (has links)
I denna uppsats presenteras en textanalytisk studie av ett urval pressmeddelanden från organisationen Djurens Rätt. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur Djurens Rätt positionerar sig bland de deltagare som beskrivs i deras pressmeddelanden. Djurens Rätt är en ideell och idéburen organisation vilket gör det intressant att undersöka hur dessa förhåller sig till andra aktörer i samhället i sina pressmeddelanden. Studien ut-går teoretiskt och metodologiskt främst från den systemisk-funktionella grammati-ken med fokus på det ideationella och erfarenhetsmässiga. Utöver detta är även positioneringsbegreppet och Greimas aktantmodell centrala för studien. Resultatet visar att Djurens Rätt använder sig av andra aktörer i flera avseenden för att positionera sig i de undersökta pressmeddelandena. Organisationen framstår exempelvis som sakliga och objektiva representanter för djuren genom att avstå från känslomässiga uttryckssätt, ibland tala om djuren i statistiska termer och även lägga fokus på opponenters handlingar istället för opponenterna i sig. / This paper presents a linguistic study of a number of press releases issued by the organization Djurens Rätt. The study aims to examine in which way Djurens Rätt positions itself among other participants being described in their press releases. Djurens Rätt is a non-profit organization based on an ideological idea, which makes it an interesting target for investigating their approach towards other societal opera-tors in their press releases. The study is theoretically and methodologically mainly based on Halliday’s functional grammar, focusing on the ideational and experiential part of language use. In addition to these perspectives, positioning as a concept and Greimas’ actantial model are also essential to the study. The results show that Djurens Rätt uses several other societal operators in order to position themselves in the analyzed press releases. The organization appears to represent the animals in an objective and impartial way, for instance by refraining emotional expressions, occasionally describing the animals in statistical terms and mostly focusing on their opponent’s actions instead of the opponents themselves.
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Gratis medlemskap! : En språkvetenskaplig studie av genre, diskurs och identitetsskapande i presentationen av kundklubbar / Free membership! : A linguistic study of genre, discourse and construction of identity in the self-presentation of a customer clubLiedberg, Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
Denna språkvetenskapliga studie syftar till att synliggöra och diskutera kring hur olika genredrag, diskurser och identiteter tas i uttryck genom kundklubbars självpresentationer. Detta för att se på vilket sätt kundklubbar framställer sig själva i jakten på att värva, behålla och främja lojala kunder. I studien deltar åtta företag, vars kundklubbar har presenterats textuellt på respektive företags hemsida. För att hitta betydelsebärande moment i texterna har den systemisk-funktionella grammatiken tillämpats, och genom interpersonella och ideationella textanalyser har genredrag och diskurser synliggjorts. Det dras även paralleller till hur genredragen kan fungera identitetsskapande, och det diskuteras utifrån detta om hur kundklubben skapar en åtråvärd identitet både hos sig själv och sina medlemmar. Detta kopplas även till riktlinjer inom reklamgenren. Resultatet visar en tydlig struktur där kunder erbjuds exklusiva förmåner och en åtråvärd identitet i utbyte mot att registrera sig i klubben. Medlemmar intar en passiv roll som ansträngningslöst får eller tjänar på klubbens alla fördelar, medan kundklubbarna framställs som aktiva skapare och resursrika försörjare. Här framträder även en säljdiskurs, som ställs i kontrast till en dold konsumtionsdiskurs. Negativa aspekter, så som kostnader och villkor, osynliggörs och fokus ligger snarast på att beskriva den positiva upplevelsen och lönsamheten med att vara medlem i kundklubben. / This linguistic study aims to find, highlight and discuss how different genre features, discourses and identities are constructed in text based self-presentations of a customer club. The purpose is to see how these presentations are produced in the quest to recruit, retain and promote loyal customers. The study involves eight companies, whose customer clubs has been presented textually on each company's website. To find important features in the texts, the systemic-functional grammar is applied, and through interpersonal- and ideation text analyzes, the genre features and discourses can be identified. Parallels are also drawn to the genre features connection and creation in works of identity. A comparison to the advertising genre is also made. Based on this, a discussion of what linguistic methods customer clubs use to create a desirable identity both in themselves and their members, becomes a central part in the analysis. The result shows that there is a clear structure, in which customers are offered exclusive benefits and a coveted identity in exchange for enrolling in the club. In the presentations, members play a passive role that effortlessly gets or earns all the listed benefits while the customer clubs on the other hand, are portrayed as an active and resourceful distributor. A sales discourse also emerges here, which contrasts with a hidden consumption discourse. Negative aspects, such as costs and conditions, are made invisible and the presentation mainly focuses on describing the positive experience and all the benefits of being a member of the customer club.
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[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar processos verbais nominalizados e analisar suas funções na produção textual de alunos do Ensino Médio, considerando-se o uso de nominalizações do ponto de vista da oração como mensagem, que se organiza em torno do sistema de Tema e Rema. A pesquisa baseia-se na teoria sistêmico-funcional (Halliday, 1994, Halliday e Matthiessen, 2004) para o estudo da metáfora gramatical através da identificação de formas metafóricas que apresentam variação léxico-gramatical na expressão de um dado significado e são consideradas como mais elaboradas do que as formas congruentes. Essas transformações na estrutura lingüística têm início a partir da adolescência e variam em função de contextos que demandam novos usos da língua. Para analisar o uso de formas nominalizadas na escrita escolar, cinquenta textos dissertativo-argumentativos em língua portuguesa, produzidos por alunos da terceira série do Ensino Médio, foram coletados em uma escola pública e uma particular. Além disso, os participantes da pesquisa responderam a um questionário socioeducacional cujos resultados foram quantificados visando a
evidenciar fatores individuais e/ou sociais que pudessem estar relacionados à sua produção textual. A análise qualitativa identificou o uso de nominalizações (Basilio, 2003) com diferentes funções discursivas. Em relação à estrutura temática, observou-se que as nominalizações estabelecem relações lógicas e
favorecem o fluxo das informações no texto. A comparação entre textos evidenciou uma variação no uso da linguagem metafórica nos diferentes contextos educacionais. A partir desses resultados, propõe-se a conscientização de alunos e professores quanto aos efeitos textuais e discursivos que certos mecanismos linguísticos podem criar, visando evitar a produção de textos pouco proficientes para a finalidade a que se propõem. / [en] The aim of this study is to identify nominalized verbal processes and analyze their functions in the written production of secondary school students. These nominalizations are examined in clauses viewed as messages, which are organized according to the Theme and Rheme system. The research is based on
systemic-functional theory (Halliday, 1994, Halliday e Matthiessen, 2004) for the study of grammatical metaphor through the identification of metaphorical constructions which present lexico-grammatical variation in the expression of meaning, being therefore considered as more complex than congruent forms.
These transformations within linguistic structures start to appear in early adolescence, varying according to new contexts that require specific uses of the language. In order to study the use of nominalized forms in school writing, fifty argumentative essays in Portuguese were collected among 12th grade students from public and private secondary schools. Research participants also answered a socioeducational questionnaire that generated quantitative data so that social and/or individual features could be associated with students textual production. Qualitative analysis led into the identification of nominalizations (Basilio, 2003)
with different discursive functions. Concerning the thematic structure, it was observed that nominalizations establish logical relations and help develop the flow of information in texts. A comparison between texts pointed out variation in metaphorical language use in different school contexts. These results indicate that
it is important to make students and teachers aware of the textual and discursive effects that some linguistic mechanisms can produce, and based on this knowledge possibly avoid the production of texts that are not adequate to their intended purpose.
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En trädgård, en boksamling och det väl valda ordet : genrepedagogik för skriftspråksutveckling hos framgångsrika respektive mindre framgångsrika skriftspråkare i gymnasietBjörk, Oscar January 2014 (has links)
This is a qualitative analysis that, based on systemic functional linguistics, or SFL, and genre theory, has aimed to study the genre pedagogical implications on written language as they occur in narrative stories and expositions whilst the model is introduced. Systemic functional linguistics is a linguistic theory that views the organisation of language as functional options for meaning; language is a set of resources to channel meaning through realisation. Genre theory elucidates the pragmatic and educational uses of SFL in the categorizing of language in configurations of meanings as they are set and understood in different cultures. The purpose of the survey is to do so with focus on successful and less successful writers by attempting to answer two primal issues: How is development of written language in reference to the introduction of the genre pedagogical model visible in the studied texts? How does genre pedagogical teaching influence successful and less successful writers as visible in their writing with a certain purpose? To answer these issues the survey is based on narratives and expositions written by high school students who have been divided into two groups according to the purpose of the survey. One text in each genre has been written by the students before and after lessons based on the genre pedagogical learning wheel explaining the relevant genres. Thereafter the texts have been analysed, both in accordance to the staging of the relevant genres, but also with an inductive focus on the variations of the texts. The results show that significant development of the texts, after the genre pedagogical lessons, is visible in both student groups in different ways. This demonstrates how the genre pedagogical approach to teaching language is a method that is able to lift students regardless of their prior merits.
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Langage, engagement et émotions : les ressources de la génération linguistique et de l'intégration émotionnelle dans le discours scientifique / No titlePichard, Hugues 03 December 2012 (has links)
L'émotion et le discours scientifique sont traditionnellement deux domaines considérés comme incompatibles du fait du caractère subjectif de la première et des exigences d'objectivité et de neutralité du dernier. La thèse propose une étude des processus en œuvre dans la génération des émotions en relation avec la constitution du discours, et ensuite des stratégies ou modes d'intégration des phénomènes de manifestations émotionnelles dans le discours final. L'étude combine une approche psychologique et linguistique des émotions et s'articule autour de la transition entre le domaine mental et celui de la préparation et de l'expression finale des émotions générées dans le discours (lien entre l'évaluation cognitive et l'Appraisal theory en linguistique). Une synthèse de grandes typologies des modes d'inclusion, ainsi que des grands types de manifestations de charges émotionnelles-affectives globale est présentée dans la thèse. Cette même synthèse est issue de la recherche et de l'analyse de manifestations d'émotions incluses volontairement ou non dans un corpus d'articles de la presse scientifique anglophone soumise à comité de relecture. L'un des objectifs étant de déterminer si le discours scientifique présente des manifestations de subjectivité des auteurs, et par quels biais ces phénomènes de subjectivité et d'émotion s'encodent dans des textes devant, selon les normes et conventions, être aussi objectifs et neutres que possible, quelle que soit la discipline concernée. A donc été soulevée la question de la part prise par l'émotion dans le discours en général, de sa constitution à son expression. / Emotion and scientific discourse are, by tradition, considered to be incompatible due to the subjective nature of the former and the objectivity requirements of the latter. The thesis deals with a study of the processes involved in emotion generation in relation with discourse generation. This is followed by the approach of the modes or strategies of inclusion of emotion manifestation phenomena in the final discourse. The study combines a psychological and linguistic approach of emotions, and revolves around the transition stage between the mental domain and that of language elaboration, leading to communicating the previously generated emotions in discourse (link between cognitive appraisal and the Appraisal theory in linguistics). The thesis sums up the broad categories of inclusion modes, as well as the main global emotion/affect load manifestation types. This very synthesis is the result of the research and analysis of emotion manifestations deliberately or accidentally included into a selection of articles sampled out from english-speaking peer-reviewed scientific press. One of the goals was to determine if scientific discourse contains and displays the authors' subjectivity and emotion manifestations, and how these phenomena are encoded in texts that are primarily meant (according to norms and conventions) to be as objective and neutral as possible, regardless of the subject. Thus was raised the question of the importance of the share taken by emotion in any discourse, from its generation to the moment it is uttered.
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Kan jag tjänstgöra om jag har barn? : En multimodal studie om hur Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetssatsning år 2015–2018 kom till uttryck i reklamkampanjer / Can I serve if I have children? : A multimodal study of how Försvarsmaktens equality initiative in 2015–2018 was expressed in advertising campaignsHofling, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur myndigheten Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetssatsning mellan åren 2015 och 2018 visuellt och språkligt kom till uttryck i två reklamkampanjer som lanserades under samma tidsperiod. Studien vill även ge ökad förståelse för hur bild och text samspelar i reklam som ämnar bidra till ökad jämställdhet. Utifrån studiens syfte lyder frågeställningarna: Hur framställs män respektive kvinnor i reklamkampanjerna? Hur kan framställningen av män respektive kvinnor relateras till handlingsplanen och Försvarsmaktens definition av jämställdhet? Hur samspelar text och bild i reklamkampanjerna för att påvisa jämställdhet? Materialet som studien bygger på består av totalt 12 reklambilder från reklamkampanjerna Vi låter Sverige vara ifred (2017–2018) och Många har många frågor (2018), sex bilder från vardera kampanj. Studien utgår från ett sociosemiotisk perspektiv och bygger teoretiskt främst på språkmodellen för systemisk-funktionell grammatik (SFG). Materialet undersöks genom metoden sociosemiotisk multimodal analys och fokuserar på den ideationella och den interpersonella metafunktionen i bild och språk. Resultatet av analysen visade att Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetssatsning kom till uttryck i reklamkampanjerna genom att framställa män och kvinnor som jämlikar. Kvinnor, och till viss del även män, förekommer i sammanhang och roller de inte vanligtvis syns i, vilket är uttryck för en icke-stereotyp framställning av könen. Kvinnor får ta plats både visuellt och språkligt i militära sammanhang som historiskt varit mansdominerade. Slutligen visade analysen att bilderna är det som starkast påvisar jämställdhet i reklamkampanjerna. Bilderna hjälper i flera fall mottagaren att förstå textens betydelse i reklambilderna.
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"SATS-medlemmar är lyckligare, mindre oroliga och mindre deprimerade..." : En studie av hur modelläsaren konstrueras i SATS MagazineFins, Moa January 2019 (has links)
I denna uppsats analyseras fyra olika artiklar från gymkedjan SATS egen tidning, SATS Magazine. Syftet är att undersöka vilken modelläsare som konstrueras. Modelläsaren är den ideala läsaren som skribenten tillägnar texten till, det är den identitet som läsaren blir erbjuden i en text och som skribenten föreställer sig. Med hjälp av den systemisk-funktionella grammatiken samt kritisk diskursanalys är syftet att med en kvalitativ metod undersöka vilka krav gällande träning som ställs på modelläsaren, och hur detta bidrar till hur modelläsaren konstrueras. Den interpersonella betydelsen kommer att beröra språkhandlingar, modalitet, tilltal och värdeladdade ord. Den ideationella analysen är något avgränsad och kommer endast att fokusera på vilka ideationella processer som förekommer i texterna. Den interpersonella analysen visar att kravställandet på modelläsaren är högt men att det realiseras genom råd. Läsaren görs delaktig i texten vilket skapar närhet mellan avsändaren och läsaren. Den ideationella analysen visar att det främst förekommer materiella och relationella processer där de materiella visar att modelläsaren är aktiv och positivt inställd till att träna, medan de relationella processerna i flera fall används för att realisera uppmaningar. Diskursanalysen visar att artiklarna förutom hälso- och träningsdiskurser även innehåller en medicinsk samt en kommersiell diskurs.
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"I have often tried to write myself a pass": A Systemic-Functional Analysis of Discourse in Selected African American Slave NarrativesPischel de Ascensao, Tobias 03 September 2004 (has links)
This dissertation uses a functional systemic approach to language to examine the construction of the respective first-person narrators of nine of the most popular, commercially successful and therefore influential African American slave narratives published between 1837 and 1862 (Roper, Grandy, Douglass, Brown, Bibb, Northup, Ball, Jacobs, Picquet). This corpus of more than 410,000 words was scanned for various linguistic features such as transitivity of verbs, nominalizations, and several syntactic features.
The texts chosen differ as to their methods of production. Some of them were written by the first person narrators themselves, while others were either extensively edited, dictated to an amanuensis, or in some other way controlled.
The dialectics of creation and representation through language results in the leading question in this study: how do the first-person slave narrators identify and create a personality for themselves through their texts? This dissertation thus focuses on the linguistic means by which the first-person slave narrator creates what is defined as a “discoursal self”, which helped the narrators to achieve one of their most important goals, namely, to be accepted as reliable.
The dissertation consists of six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces a sociohistorical account of slavery, resistance against slavery, abolition, and the development of the slave narrative. The chapter shows that the African American slave narrative was not a completely new and original genre but an amalgamation of a variety of preexisting white and black literary forms.
The second chapter is more theoretical and deals with discourse, power, and ideology in the slave narrative. Chapter 3 approaches the language of the slave narrative. The small corpus of scholarly texts that tackle language and style in this genre is reviewed. As an alternative to these approaches, critical discourse analysis (CDA) according to Norman Fairclough is suggested. It eliminates the a priori categorization of specific linguistic features as stylistically significant, because it is based on a functional view of language that perceives linguistic expression as choice on various levels. Every choice is considered meaningful and, according to its presence, absence, or clustering in a given co-text, potentially stylistic. Michael Halliday’s systemic functional grammar is introduced as the basis for the ensuing text analysis. Chapter 4 introduces the first quantitative observations about the density and distribution of the first-person singular pronoun in the narratives. This characteristic is then placed in relation to syntactic condensation in the forms of ellipsis, finiteness and nominalization, all of which are reviewed quantitatively. Finally, this chapter introduces the system of transitivity according to Halliday, Matthiessen, and others. It explains the distinction between the individual process types and provides a quantitative overview of the individual transitivity profiles within each narrative.
Chapter 5 represents the main part of this dissertation. Each of the nine narratives is analyzed individually as to the presence of the I-pronoun in the text and the use and distribution of process types. In this way patterns of foregrounded or favored usages against absences of others emerge and contribute to the discoursal selves that the individual narrators present/construct of themselves. These preferred usages in general as well as in their local distributions are examined in detail. The quantitative observations supply the basis for further qualitative analyses derived from a large number of examples from the texts. Thus it is possible to show that each of the narratives is linguistically unique, which results in an individual construction of the respective I-narrator. The use of pronouns, process types and syntactic reconfigurations reveals how control over the activities as well as over the text is constructed, which can be directly related to issues of power.
The Summary provides a synopsis of the previous quantitative and qualitative analyses and associates the quantitative results with characteristics of written and oral texts in general. Finally, it thus becomes possible to rank the nine narratives on a cline between predominantly oral and chiefly written characteristics.
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Responsibility and the Media : A critical discourse analysis of climate change representations in the U.S and Nigerian news outletsFujiwara, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Scientists have reached a consensus that human activities have contributed to global climate change, yet its outcomes affect societies disproportionately. Often the least responsible countries are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. This study will therefore be looking at vulnerable countries and highest carbon emitters, by engaging in a critical discourse analysis of climate change representations in the U.S and Nigerian news. Through the analysis of the Nigerian floods in 2018 and the U.S Campfires in 2018, functions of systemic functional linguistics and critical discourse analysis such as frame analysis, transitivity analysis, deemphasis/emphasis were used as tools to investigate how responsibility was discursively constructed in the media. The analyses show that the media coverage of Nigerian floods present frames of ‘government accountability’ and ‘victim accountability’ while the U.S Camp Fires media coverage present frames of ‘heroism’ and ‘victims’. No explicit mention of climate change is present in the texts and responsibility is discursively constructed away from climate change and human activities as a responsible agent and towards the actual fires themselves, government, or victims.
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