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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國民小學級任教師全面品質管理特質與班級經營效能之相關研究 / The study of the relationship between TQM and classroom management effectiveness of elementary teachers

陳師榕, Chen, Shih-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國民小學級任教師全面品質管理特質班級經營效能的關係。主要目的有五:(一)瞭解國民小學級任教師全面品質管理特質及班級經營的現況。(二)瞭解國民小學級任教師不同背景變項分別在「全面品質管理特質」與「般及經營效能」上之差異情形。(三)瞭解國民小學級任教師「全面品質管理特質」與「般及經營效能」之關係。(四)瞭解「不同背景變項」及「全面品質管理特質」交互作用對「班級經營效能」之影響。(五)瞭解「不同背景變項」及「全面品質管理特質」對「班級經營效能」之預測情形。並根據研究結果提出建議,做為級任教師班級經營之參考。 本研究以問卷調查為主,研究工具為「國小教師全面品質管理特質量表」以及「國小教師班級經營量表」。以台北市公立國小之現職級任教師為取樣範圍,共抽取 27 所學校,發出問卷 455 份,回收 430 份,有效問卷 426 份,回收率為 94.5 %。統計方法係採用因素分析、信度分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雙因子變異數分析、薛費事後比較法、積差相關以及迴歸分析等方法。研究結果如下: 一.國小級任教師的全面品質管理特質及班級經營效能屬中上程度,現況尚稱良好。 二.在全面品質管理特質上,教師的年齡、年資達顯著差異。年長資深者優於年輕資淺者。性別在整體全面品質管理特質上未達顯著差異,但在「注重回饋」上,女教師顯著高於男教師。 三.在班級經營上,教師的性別、年齡、年資、戴班時間達顯著差異,女教師高於男教師,年長資深者優於年輕資淺者,帶班時間久者優於帶班時間短者。 四.全面品質管理特質與班級經營效能有顯著相關,教師的全面品質管理特質越高,共班級經營效能越佳。 五.在全面品質管理特質各向度中,以「顧客中心」最能解釋並預測班級經營效能。 根據以上結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一.對級任教師的建議 (一)級任教師應多多充實全面品質管理知能,將之應用於班級經營中 (二)級任教師應多吸收教育新知,並主動參加研習活動。 (三)教師應主動與家長溝通聯繫,建立良好的親師關係。 (四)教師應尊重學生及家長的意見,善用家長人力資源,鼓勵全員參與教學品質的改進。 二.對學校的建議 (一)定期辦理全品質管理相關研習活動,以增進教師的瞭解。 (二)鼓勵教師推行全面品質的班級經營。 (三)充分鼓勵教師主動舉辦親師交流活動,建立良好親師溝通管道。 (四)學校應對資深及年長教師心懷敬重,重視其教學經驗。 三.對師資培育機構與教育行政機關的建議 (一)開設親師溝通相關課程,以增進出任教師與家長的溝通能力。 (二)鼓勵教師在職進修。 四.對未來研究的建議 針對研究對象、取樣方式、研究變項、研究方法以及研究工具提出建議,作為後續研究之參考。

我國公立大學教師教學評鑑之研究 / A study on teaching evaluation in public universities in Taiwan

陳琦媛, Chen, Chi Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解目前我國公立大學教師教學評鑑作法及實施上的優缺點,進而發展一套大學教師教學評鑑項目與指標及評鑑實施方式,最後提出有效提升我國當前大學教師教學評鑑作法之建議。文獻探討方面,主要瞭解「大學教學評鑑基本理論」、「大學教學評鑑相關研究」和「國外大學教學評鑑之設計與執行情形」。研究方法方面,本研究採用文件分析法、訪談法和德懷術專家問卷調查法蒐集本研究所需資料。透過文件分析法分析41所公立大學所訂定之教學評鑑辦法、教師評鑑辦法、教師升等辦法、教師教學服務成績考核辦法、優良教學教師評選辦法、教學意見調查表等內容,以瞭解目前公立大學教師之教學評鑑作法。並訪談15位分別於15所公立大學任教之教授,專長含括文、理、商、醫、農、工、社科、藝術、傳播、資電、運管、教育、生命科學、體育等領域,以及3所公立大學學生會會長,以瞭解目前公立大學教學評鑑實施方式之優缺點,及採用同儕評鑑、校友評鑑和公開教學評鑑結果的適切性。更邀請10位專精高等教育教學評鑑之專家學者組成德懷術專家小組,進行3回合德懷術專家問卷調查,以發展大學教師教學評鑑項目與指標及評鑑實施方式。茲將本研究之結論羅列於下,並依據結論提供有效提升大學教師教學評鑑設計之建議。 壹、結論 一、我國公立大學教學評鑑作法之特色和優點 (一)目前我國公立大學定期於學期末舉行教學意見調查,升等和教師評鑑時尚採用授課大綱、論文指導情形、授課時數、課程內容、教材研發、優良教師獲獎和他類課程支援等評鑑項目。 (二)目前我國公立大學教學評鑑之比重,於升等時教學績效比重較低,教師評鑑時教學績效比重較高且調整空間較大。 (三)國內半數以上公立大學設有教學優良教師遴選辦法,由特定委員會負責遴選作業,以鼓勵教學優良教師。 (四)目前國內公立大學最重視亦最普遍之教學評鑑方式為教學意見調查。調查內容主要著重「教師教學情形」、「學生學習成效」、和「課程綜合評述」,並輔以「學生背景資料」調查。 (五)目前國內公立大學教學評鑑作法具有形式上之提醒和警惕作用,可砥礪教師更用心於教學,提升個人教學品質。並藉以了解本身教學和學生學習情形,可作為規劃課程及調整教學方法之依據。 二、我國公立大學教學評鑑執行上之問題 (一)目前公立大學對於教學評鑑結果並無明確之獎懲和追蹤機制,教學評鑑結果對於教學品質之影響並不明顯。 (二)目前公立大學過於強調教師研究績效,間接抑制教師對於教學之熱情和付出。輕忽大學身為教育機構必須擔負之學生教學責任,可能導致未來教學績效每況愈下之隱憂。 (三)多數公立大學採用同一版本教學意見調查問卷評鑑多類課程,無法真實反應各類課程教學情形。 (四)目前公立大學教學意見調查之學生樣本無法掌握,認真填寫之學生亦未必能完整反應真正意見,開放意見填寫人數過少,調查結果並非完整且具代表性,評鑑結果之正確性和助益性有待評估。 (五)目前公立大學所執行之教學意見調查,學生之評分標準易受課程難易、給分情形、教師要求和本身能力所影響,不一定客觀呈現實際教學良窳,應避免作為教學評鑑唯一參考。 三、採用同儕評鑑、校友評鑑和公開評鑑結果之適切性 (一)同儕評鑑雖可借重教師專業以提供教學評鑑重要資訊,但因涉及教師間之相處問題,彼此人際關係良窳、資歷深淺、身分尊卑等原因可能影響評鑑標準之公正性,無法真實反應教學情形。 (二)同儕評鑑之時間、人員和標準難以規劃,教師教學可能因同儕評鑑而受到干擾,或因此調整教學方式以配合評鑑,最後淪為單堂課程教學演示,徒增教師工作負擔,無法深入且完整瞭解教學情形。 (三)全面公開教師教學評鑑結果,雖可做為學生選課參考並惕勵教師提升教學品質。但可能導致教師為提高評鑑成績而改變教學內容或評分方式,僅迎合學生喜惡而非改善教學品質,讓學生以教學評鑑分數評斷教師教學良窳並不妥適。 (四)畢業校友之意見具實用性,但教師每年教學方式持續調整進步,校友對學校事務關切度和瞭解度未必正確,因此,畢業校友之教學評鑑應著重於課程內容規劃是否有助於工作職場需求,而非評鑑教師個人教學優劣。 四、大學教師教學績效評鑑項目與指標及實施方式之規劃 (一)採用單一教學評鑑項目與指標作為升等、教師評鑑、教學評鑑之共同參考依據,並針對不同指標給予不同權重計分。 (二)包括三大教學評鑑面向、十項教學評鑑項目和三十四項教學評鑑指標,其中「教學歷程」最受重視,其次為「教學成果」,再其次為「教學投入」。 (三)採用教師資料提供、同儕教師專業審查、學生意見調查和系所資料審查之多元評鑑人員和評鑑方式。其中學生意見調查應可作為最基礎之評鑑方式,並輔以同儕評鑑以兼顧其專業性。 (四)規劃配合每學年定期舉行之教師評鑑,具備教學成長、人事決策、後續追縱輔導和獎懲機制之教學評鑑流程。 貳、建議 一、對大學教學評鑑制度規劃之建議 (一)應正視當前重研究輕教學之情形,建議設立教學型和研究型教師之制度,減輕教師研究負擔,並提升教學之重要性。 (二)建議設立教學評鑑結果之追蹤輔導和獎懲機制,促使教學評鑑確實發揮提升教學品質之功能。 (三)教學評鑑應和教學專業發展結合,形塑教學專業成長乃教師生涯重要任務之概念,使教師有意願於教學專業之提升和教學評鑑工作之協助。 (四)於學校中建立常設性教學專業成長和教學評鑑單位,提供教師專業相關協助,使其從教學評鑑的被動者轉化為主動者。並規劃評鑑能力培訓課程,以培育評鑑人員定期進行深入且連貫之教學評鑑工作。 二、對大學教學評鑑內容及方式之建議 (一)目前國內公立大學教學評鑑作法以教學意見調查結果為基礎,教學優良教師遴選為鼓勵,兼具全面和拔尖之優點,應繼續維持。 (二)教學評鑑應採多元且客觀之評鑑標準,以提升教學評鑑之公正性。建議參考本研究所研發之「大學教師教學評鑑項目與指標及實施方式」規劃教學評鑑制度。 (三)建議採用焦點團體、評鑑者和受評者討論機制,以使評鑑結果發揮最大效果,並彌補教學意見調查不足之處。 (四)借重同儕教師之專業,協助評鑑教材內容選用之專業性,以避開同儕進行教學評鑑可能面臨之問題,作為推動同儕評鑑之初步作法。 (五)校友評鑑著重於課程內容之實用性,可作為系所課程規劃或教師課程設計之參考資料。 (六)建議由即將畢業的學生票選系所教學最優良之教師,歷年統計下來將可獲得學生心目中教師教學情形之數據資料。 三、大學教學意見調查實施之建議 (一)教學意見調查問卷題目之設計應更具體,並設計可配合不同性質課程進行調整之彈性機制。 (二)設法提高學生填寫教學意見調查表以及開放意見之意願和誘因,以提高樣本之充足性,並設立問卷篩選機制,促使調查結果更具正確性,確實發揮協助教學品質提升之功能。 (三)僅公布教學意見調查結果優良之課程,以取代全面公布教學評鑑結果,應可提升教學品質、提供學生選課參考,並避免增加教師教學壓力之效果。 四、大學教學評鑑未來研究相關建議 (一)「大學教學成果評鑑項目與指標」之研發。 (二)「同儕評鑑專業審查可行性」之調查。 (三)「我國私立大學教師教學評鑑」之研究。 (四)本研究「大學教學評鑑項目與指標及實施方式」可行性調查。 / The purpose of the research is to explore the teaching evaluation system in public universities in Taiwan and to develop a model for teaching evaluation criteria and process. The research adopts documentary analysis, interview and Delhi questionnaire survey to achieve the purpose of the study. First, the researcher analyzed the prescripts and documents about teaching evaluation in 41 public universities to explore the teaching evaluation system now executed in schools. Then, the researcher interviewed university students and teachers who major in Liberal Arts, Science, Social Science, Medicine, Engineering, Bio-Resources and Agriculture, Management, Public Health, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Law and Life Science to find the difficulties and problems of the evaluation system. At the same time, the researcher tried to develop a model of teaching evaluation criteria and process with Delhi questionnaire survey, and adopt AHP to analyze the data to get the indicators’ weights. The major findings were summarized as follows: 1. The characteristics of the teaching evaluation in public universities in Taiwan: (1)All public universities hold student ratings of instruction in the end of each semester; it’s the most prevalent way to evaluate teaching. (2)The universities will evaluate the syllabus, essay instruction, teaching hours, curriculum materials, excellent teaching rewards and curriculum support when promotion and teacher evaluation in process. (3)Most universities ask better instruction accountability in teacher evaluation than in promotion. (4)Half of the public universities have selection systems for excellent teaching teachers. 2. The problems in carrying out the teaching evaluation system: (1) We need to establish the feedback and punishment mechanism for the teaching evaluation. (2) Both instruction and research ability of college teachers should be equally emphasized, not just emphasize the research accountability. (3)Most universities use the same content questionnaires to evaluate different kinds of curriculum, and also can’t control the sample of student rating; this will reduce the accuracy of evaluation result. (4)The instruction rating from students may be influenced by the material, grades, instructional styles and student’s ability; we should try to use multiple evaluation data to make the evaluation results more correct. 3.The practicability of peer review, alumni ratings of instruction and teaching evaluation results publication: (1)The relationship between teachers may affect the objectivity and fairness of peer review. (2)The time, people, and criteria of peer review are difficult to arrange, and teachers may change the teaching way to match the evaluator’s favor, this may only increase the burden of teachers but can’t help evaluators catch the whole picture of teaching. (3)Publication of teaching evaluation result may make teachers change the material and grading to match the students favor to have better rating score; this may not improve the qualities of teaching but increase the pressure of teachers. (4)The opinions of alumni can give suggestion to teachers to adjust the content of material but can work as the criteria of instruction. 4.The characters of the teaching evaluation criteria and process developed by this research: (1)Adopting an assortment of evaluation indicators with different weights for promotion, teacher evaluation and teaching evaluation. (2)Adopting documentary audition, peer review, students rating for multiple evaluation methods. (3)Developing a teaching evaluation process for teaching progression, promotion decision , evaluation feedback and punishment mechanism. Finally, several suggestions have been made for developing and improving the teaching evaluation system in universities.

The role of Physical Science subject advisors in enhancing the quality of the teaching of Physical Science in the FET phase (grade 10-12)

Stephen, Magdeline Mmapaseka 31 January 2018 (has links)
Poor Physical Science performance in South African schools is due to ineffective Physical Science teaching. Quality Physical Science teaching stems from quality Physical Science subject advisory services. Traditionally interventions to raise teaching standards were done by inspectors who established if schools functioned according to set rules rather that supporting teaching staff. School inspection was considered a fault finding mission with punitive objectives; hence principals and teachers were negatively disposed to it. The Department of Basic Education since has re-interpreted intervention from checking compliance to support and development of school personnel. This task is allocated to units in district offices in provincial Departments of Education and district staff members’ responsibilities are linked to responsibilities of principals and teachers. The subject advisory unit focuses on curriculum matters in each school subject; thus Physical Science subject advisors support Physical Science teachers with content, pedagogical content knowledge, assessment and Interventions for improved results. This study investigated the role of Physical Science subject advisors in enhancing the quality of Physical Science teaching. Requirements for employment of a subject advisor (qualifications, work experience, interest, attitude and competence), challenges and solutions were explored by a mixed method study. A Physical Science provincial DCES, Physical Science subject advisors, principals, Physical Science teachers in four districts and four PLC support groups were purposefully sampled to explore perceptions of the subject advisor’s role in improving Physical Science teaching. Quantitative data collected by document analysis and questionnaires and qualitative data collected by individual and focus group interviews were analysed. Findings showed that the Physical Science subject advisors possessed minimum qualifications and experience; however, the school subject (Physics and Chemistry combined) does not match the specialization in tertiary institutions (divided into Physics and Chemistry). Thus, some subject advisors may major in one of two parts. Further, certain school content is not included in the university syllabus. This may limit advisors’ content knowledge, the core of content support in Physical Science. This influences support offered to Physical Science teachers and requires advisors’ professional development which is not currently offered by the Department of Basic Education. Recommendations based on the findings include immediate and long term solutions to improve effective subject advisory. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Gestão da escola, qualidade do ensino e avaliação externa: desafios na escola

Garcia, Ana Lúcia [UNESP] 18 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-10-18Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:32:38Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 garcia_al_me_mar.pdf: 318446 bytes, checksum: 8cabb861ee47aa73bd32b8d5cdd5d81c (MD5) / A avaliação externa tem se constituído uma política com presença marcante na escola pública atual como um meio de garantir ou assegurar a qualidade do ensino. Partindo da necessidade de o Estado avaliar o ensino oferecido, a avaliação vai além, servindo para atender às exigências dos organismos internacionais em um contexto marcado pela retirada do Estado, com políticas públicas de cunho neoliberal. Na escola, a avaliação do ensino como indicativo da qualidade tem sido objeto de muita discussão entre os professores causando muita polêmica. Assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar como a escola, na percepção da equipe gestora e dos professores organiza o trabalho pedagógico, a gestão da escola, tendo em vista as políticas de avaliação externa e a necessária qualidade do ensino. Foi realizada a pesquisa qualitativa, em uma escola da rede estadual do município de Cafelândia/SP seu objeto de estudo. Além do contato direto do investigador com a realidade investigada, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com a equipe gestora e com alguns professores, assim como um levantamento e estudo da bibliografia que aborda a temática da avaliação. As percepções dos sujeitos entrevistados, longe de um consenso, apresentam divergências. Enquanto a equipe gestora planeja o trabalho de acordo com as competências avaliadas externamente visando o alcance das metas propostas, os professores assumem uma posição contrária com ensino voltado para as necessidades dos alunos e, segundo os professores, os índices da avaliação externa não indicam a qualidade na e da escola / The evaluation expresses it has been constituting if a politics with outstanding presence in the current public school as a middle of to guarantee or to assure the quality of the teaching. Leaving of a need that the State has to evaluate the teaching that offers, the evaluation goes beyond, being to assist to the demands of the international organisms in a context marked by the retreat of the State with public politics of neoliberal stamp. In the school, the evaluation of the results of the teaching as indicative of the quality of the school has been object of a lot of discussion among the teachers causing a lot of controversy. Like this, this work has for objective to investigate as the school, in the team manager's perception and of the teachers it organizes the pedagogic work tends in view the evaluation politics it expresses and the necessary quality of the teaching. A qualitative research was accomplished, that did of a school of the state net of the municipal district Cafelândia/SP study object. Besides the direct contact of the investigator with the investigated reality, interviews were accomplished semistructured with the team manager and with some teachers, as well as a rising and study of the bibliography that it approaches this thematic one. The subjects interviewees' perceptions, far away from a consent, present divergences. While the team manager plans the work in agreement with the competences evaluated seeking the reach of the proposed goals, the teachers assume a position contrary with teaching gone back to the students' needs and, according to the teachers, the indexes of the evaluation express they don't indicate the quality in the and of the school

Da escola de excelência à escola de aparência: análise das condições e interferências na qualidade do ensino médio regular, em duas escolas da rede pública estadual de Minas Gerais / From school of excellency to school of appearance: analysis of conditions and interferences on regular secondary school quality, in two schools from Minas Gerais public education network

Rezende, Valeria Moreira 31 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:33:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VALERIA MOREIRA REZENDE.pdf: 2582387 bytes, checksum: 35dd6d9b682c61d5ce26130456fdddcc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This investigation, made in the perspective of the studies about school culture focuses, specifically, on what is understood by quality of regular high school in the state public network in Minas Gerais, in the ambit of the Reference Schools Program PER. As the target for our research, two public schools from the countryside of Minas Gerais were chosen as reference schools. The data collection was done from 2005 to 2007, with help from built and tested instruments, including: analysis of documents, observations of the school reality, interviews, application of inquiries and chats were held and involving, in both schools, the different school agents involved in the PER (2 technicians from the Regional Secretary s office, 2 supervisors, 2 school managers, 12 teachers and 24 students from High-school). With the theoretical support of authors such as: Barroso, Bourdieu, Canário. Hutmacher, Krawczik, Kuenzer, Marchesi and Martin, Mitrulis, Nóvoa and Zibas, the research investigates the hypothesis that the quality of teaching that both schools offer is linked to the way how they conceive the general formation of its students (as one school privileges a kind of high school marked by the expectative related to the SAT, by its rigidity in the way to behave and disciplinary action, by offering a content-based and traditional teaching and by the distancing in the teacher-student relation, the other school, prioritizes the social formation and integration of the student in society, attending his/her social difficulties, trying to work them to go beyond the simple offering of the contents studied). These were orienting questions of the research: What are the determinants of the differences in the offered quality at high-school by the two schools researched, which belong to a same school network and that develop the same improvement project of teaching quality? How do these factors interfere in the pedagogical activities, in the administrative and financial organization of the school and in the development started by both? How do these differences detected relate to the teaching quality of regular high-school inside both schools? Thus, the objectives of the research predicted: a) to analyze differences and similarities in the organization of both schools, understanding that these determinant traces mark the limits and possibilities of the school work and of the general formation of students, and b) to present and analyze the ways of working the PER and in what measure the characteristics of each school interfere in this differentiated development. The data collected were organized and analyzed from three great index groups of school realities, which are: school management, pedagogical work and curriculum. The results confirmed the hypothesis investigated and revealed a Program, whose rhetoric proposes to rescue teaching quality still susceptible to vague stances. The curricular upgrade proposed revealed itself as distant from the reality of the schools researched and each and every one of them, as an answer, finds it own ways to escape from the mismanagements and makes its own identity prevail. At last, the results also allowed limiting conceptually the idea of quality in education in general and, particularly, in teaching, be it high school teaching or not / Esta investigação, realizada na perspectiva dos estudos sobre a cultura escolar focaliza, especificamente, o que se entende por qualidade do ensino médio regular na rede pública estadual em Minas Gerais, no âmbito do Programa Escolas de Referência PER. Tomou-se como alvo da pesquisa, duas escolas públicas do interior de Minas Gerais, escolhidas como escolas-referência. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de 2005/2007, com auxílio de instrumentos construídos e testados, incluindo: análise de documentos, observações da realidade escolar, entrevistas, aplicações de questionários e realização de rodas de conversa e envolvendo, em ambas as escolas, os diferentes agentes escolares envolvidos no PER ( 2 Supervisoras das escolas, 2 Técnicas da Secretaria Regional, 2 gestores escolares, 12 professores e 24 alunos do ensino médio). Com o apoio teórico de autores como: Barroso, Bourdieu, Canário, Hutmacher, Krawczik, Kuenzer, Marchesi & Martín, Mitrulis, Nóvoa e Zibas, a pesquisa investiga a hipótese de que a qualidade do ensino que ambas as escolas oferecem está ligada à forma como concebem a formação geral de seus alunos (enquanto uma escola privilegia um ensino médio marcado pela expectativa do exame vestibular, pela rigidez na forma de conduta e ação disciplinar, pelo oferecimento de um ensino conteudista e tradicional e pelo distanciamento na relação professor-aluno, a outra escola prioriza a formação social e integração do aluno na sociedade, com atendimento às suas dificuldades sociais, procurando trabalhá-las para além do oferecimento dos conteúdos ensinados). Foram questões norteadoras da pesquisa: Quais são os determinantes das diferenças na qualidade da oferta do ensino médio oferecido pelas duas escolas pesquisadas, que pertencem a uma mesma rede de ensino e que desenvolvem o mesmo projeto de melhoria da qualidade do ensino? Como tais fatores interferem nas atividades pedagógicas, na organização administrativa e financeira da escola e no desenvolvimento iniciado em ambas? Como as diferenças detectadas relacionam-se com a qualidade do ensino médio regular no interior das duas escolas? Assim, os objetivos da pesquisa previam: a) analisar as diferenças e similitudes na organização das duas escolas, compreendendo que esses traços determinantes marcam os limites e possibilidades do trabalho escolar e da formação geral dos alunos, e b) apresentar e analisar as formas de operacionalização do PER e em que medida as características de cada escola interferem nesse desenvolvimento diferenciado. Os dados coletados foram organizados e analisados a partir de três grandes grupos de indicadores das realidades das escolas, a saber: a gestão escolar, o trabalho pedagógico e o currículo. Os resultados confirmaram a hipótese investigada e revelaram um Programa, cuja retórica se propõe a resgatar uma qualidade do ensino ainda suscetível a indefinições. A reforma curricular proposta mostrou-se distante da realidade das escolas pesquisadas e cada uma delas, em resposta, encontra seus próprios meios para fugir às ingerências e fazer prevalecer sua identidade. Finalmente, os resultados permitiram também delimitar conceitualmente a idéia de qualidade na educação em geral e no ensino, em particular, seja ele médio ou não

Qualidade em Educação: relação entre o PDE- Escola e a evolução do índice de desenvolvimento da educação básica nas escolas públicas de Maceió / Quality in education: relationship between the PDE-School and the evolution of the development of basic education in the public schools of Maceió

Azevedo, Jacy de Araújo 31 July 2013 (has links)
This dissertation examines the relationship between PDE-School and the evolution of the Index of Basic Education Development (IDEB) in Maceió, in the years 2007 to 2011 The IDEB was instituted as an index that measures the quality of Brazilian education, and PDE-school constitutes a management strategic planning process, aimed at providing financial support school units, and is coordinated by the school's leadership and developed in a participatory manner by the school community, with the goal of improving the management of the school improve the quality of education it offers and ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness in the processes it develops. In this research, we sought to answer the following question: schools that are receiving PDE-School feature are raising your IDEB? Thus, the work was characterized by a qualitative approach, with the object of study of the evolution of the relationship IDEB with PDE-School. The methodology used to collect data was the analysis of bibliographic and documentary analysis. Systematization of data as a parameter had drawn up by the MEC / INEP, among them, laws, decrees, orders, manuals, reports and plans. The organization of the study was structured into four sections: the first deals with the State Reform and its impact on Brazilian Educational Policy, in 1990; the second, the issue of quality in education policy in Brazil; the third addresses the PDE-School and IDEB: concepts and implementation in the school context, and the fourth section discusses the Education Policy in Maceio elements for analysis of PDE-School and IDEB. This work shows to be relevant to the area of policy and management education, the extent of explicit contradictions own educational policy and quality of education within the school units. The results demonstrated that it can not join the rising IDEB Public Schools Maceió, in the years 2007-2011, the receipt and application of resources of the PDE-School. / A presente dissertação analisa a relação entre o PDE-Escola e a evolução do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB) em Maceió, nos anos de 2007 a 2011. O IDEB foi instituído como um índice que mede a qualidade da educação brasileira, e o PDE-Escola se constitui em um processo gerencial de planejamento estratégico, que visa dar suporte financeiro as unidades escolares, e é coordenado pela liderança da escola e desenvolvido, de maneira participativa, pela comunidade escolar, com o objetivo de aprimorar a gestão da escola, melhorar a qualidade do ensino que oferece e garantir maior eficiência e eficácia nos processos que desenvolve. Nesta pesquisa, buscou-se responder a seguinte questão: as escolas que estão recebendo o recurso PDE-Escola estão elevando o seu IDEB? Assim, o trabalho caracterizou-se por uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, tendo como objeto de estudo a relação da evolução do IDEB com o PDE-Escola. A metodologia utilizada para a coleta de dados foi a de análise de bibliografias e análise documental. As sistematizações dos dados tiveram como parâmetro os documentos elaborados pelo MEC/INEP, dentre eles, leis, decretos, portarias, manuais, relatórios e planos. A organização do estudo foi estruturada em quatro seções: a primeira trata da Reforma do Estado e seus impactos na Política Educacional Brasileira, nos anos de 1990; a segunda, a questão da qualidade nas Políticas Educacionais no Brasil; a terceira aborda o PDE-Escola e o IDEB: concepções e implantação no contexto escolar, e a quarta sessão trata da Política Educacional em Maceió: elementos para análise do PDE-Escola e do IDEB. Esse trabalho mostra-se relevante para a área da política e gestão da educação, na medida em explicita contradições da própria política educacional e qualidade da educação no âmbito das unidades escolares. Os resultados demonstraram que não se pode associar a elevação do IDEB das escolas públicas de Maceió, nos anos de 2007 a 2011, ao recebimento e aplicação dos recursos do PDE-Escola.

Une analyse économique de la qualité et de l'efficience des universités et des systèmes universitaires : une comparaison au niveau international / An economic analysis of the quality and the efficiency of universities and university systems : an international comparison

Ferhat, Fouad 25 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse économique de la qualité et de l'efficience des universités et des systèmes universitaires au niveau international, à travers l'utilisation des indicateurs intrants et extrants et la méthode d'enveloppement des données (Data Envelopment Analysis DEA). La thèse est composée de quatre chapitres. Le premier chapitre intitulé "les classements des universités : une mise en perspective critique" présente et évalue la pertinence des indicateurs intrants/extrants les plus utilisés par les classements des universités. Il est l'occasion d'exposer un certain nombre de critiques présentes dans la littérature et de focaliser sur un problème méthodologique répandu dans les classements. Il s'agit de l'utilisation des inputs (intrants) comme des mesures de la qualité des universités. Une telle pratique confond moyen et résultat et fait l'impasse sur les concepts de base des modèles de comptabilité en termes de fonction de production et d'efficience. Le deuxième chapitre intitulé "caractéristiques et classements des universités : autour de quelques facteurs capables d'expliquer les différences de performance entre les universités", compare les résultats de deux classements: QS-Times et Shanghai et propose une liste de facteurs capables d'expliquer pourquoi il existe de telles différences de qualité, selon ces classements, entre les universités. [...] Le troisième chapitre intitulé "la performance et l'efficience des universités et leurs déterminants: une évaluation à partir des classements mondiaux des universités et de la méthode DEA" évalue sur la base d'une méthode DEA l'efficience de 214 universités issues de 13 pays différentes afin de savoir si les universités les mieux classées parmi les classements traditionnels sont aussi les universités qui utilisent le mieux leurs ressources. [...] Enfin, le quatrième chapitre, titré "l'efficience des systèmes universitaires de 35 pays et leurs déterminants: une évaluation par la méthode DEA et le calcul des indices de Malmquist (2006-2012)" évalue l'efficience et les performances des systèmes universitaires de 35 pays. Il propose de nouveaux scores d'efficience globale qui viennent compléter les deux premières études sur ce sujet d’Agasisti (2011) et St. Aubyn et al (2009). Les nouveautés par rapport à l'article d'Agasisti (2011) sont au nombre de cinq: l'échantillon est plus important (35 pays au lieu de 18), la période d'observation est actualisée, l'évolution de l'efficience entre deux périodes est calculée, le nombre des intrants et des extrants incorporé dans chaque modèle est plus élevé et un modèle spécifique d'évaluation de l'efficience de la recherche est proposé. Il conforte la thèse selon laquelle les systèmes universitaires de la Suisse et du Royaume-Uni sont les plus efficients. Il montre aussi sur la base d'un calcul des indices de Malmquist qu'entre 2006 et 2012 l'efficience en matière d'enseignement des 35 systèmes universitaires évalués a eu tendance à diminuer alors que l'efficience de la recherche et de l'attractivité- réputation de ces mêmes systèmes a plutôt eu tendance à augmenter. Ce qui permet de mieux évaluer l'effet des réformes inspirées par l'usage du classement de Shanghai sur les systèmes universitaires. Ces réformes conduisent les enseignants-chercheurs à délaisser l'enseignement pour la recherche. / This thesis aims to economically analyze the quality and efficiency of universities and university systems at an international level of comparison, by using input/output indicators and the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. The thesis is composed of four chapters. The first chapter entitled "university rankings: a critical perspective" presents and evaluates the relevance of inputs/outputs indicators used by most university rankings. It is the opportunity to present a number of criticisms found in the literature and focus on a common methodological problem in the rankings. It is the use of inputs as measures of university quality. This practice confuses means and results and ignores the basic concepts of accounting models in terms of production functions and efficiency. The second chapter entitled "characteristics and rankings of universities : around some factors that can explain the differences in performance between universities", compares the results of two rankings: QS-Times and Shanghai and offers a list of factors that may explain why there are such differences in quality, according to these rankings between universities. [...] The third chapter entitled "performance and efficiency of universities and their determinants: an evaluation using world university rankings and DEA methodology" evaluates on the basis of a DEA methodology the efficiency of 214 universities from 13 different countries, in order to find if the top ranked universities among traditional rankings are also universities that best utilize their financial and human resources. [...] The fourth chapter titled "efficiency of university systems in 35 countries and its determinants: an assessment by DEA methodology and the calculation of Malmquist indices (2006-2012)" assesses the efficiency and performance of university systems of 35 countries. It offers new scores for overall efficiency that complement the first two studies on this topic in the literature by Agasisti (2011) and St.Aubyn et al (2009). Compared to the article of Agasisti (2011), we identify five new developments in our study : the sample is higher (35 countries instead of 18), the observation period is updated, the evolution of efficiency between two periods is calculated, the number of inputs and outputs incorporated into each model is higher and a specific model for evaluating the efficiency of research is proposed. Our study confirms the thesis that the university systems of Switzerland and the United Kingdom are the most efficient. It also shows based on the calculations of Malmquist indices between 2006 and 2012 that teaching efficiency of 35 reviewed university systems has a tendency of declining while the research efficiency and that of attractivity-reputation is rather increasing. This allows a better assessment of the impact of reforms inspired by the Shanghai ranking on university systems. These reforms led the academic staff of universities to abandon their focus on teaching in favor of research activities.

A juridical foundation for accountability to enhance the security of the Higher Education lecturer in South Africa / Franciska Bothma

Bothma, Franciska January 2015 (has links)
The widening of access to Higher Education (HE) with a concomitant call for more accountability in the HE sector locally and globally, has altered the former elitist status of the university and impacted the professional standing, autonomy, and working conditions of lecturers negatively. Lecturers are increasingly held to account for providing quality teaching and delivering employable graduates. Yet their work environment has been characterised by poor support, dwindling resources, lack of recognition and reward for teaching efforts and excellence, and absence of legal protection when failing to fulfil the undefined yet high accountability expectations in their teaching-related work. This state of affairs has had an inevitable influence on lecturers’ perceived security in their labour environment. The overarching purpose of this study was therefore to generate guidelines to improve the existing juridical foundation for accountability of South African (SA) HE lecturers with a view to enhance their security in their employment context. In order to assist in the fulfilment of this central purpose, the study aimed to develop understanding of how lecturers perceive their accountability and security in light of diverse teaching-related responsibilities and vagueness in terms of expected conduct; and the protection (or lack of protection) of their rights and professional status. An international perspective on these issues was imperative to shed some light on how regulation elsewhere could improve practices in the SA context. While SA lecturers are equally entitled to all the rights stipulated in the Bill of Rights, they are also subject to and accountable for upholding the provisions of the SA Constitution and derived labour legislation relevant within the HE environment. The founding values of the Constitution, namely equality, human dignity and the protection of human rights and related freedoms, form not only the basic standard for measuring lecturer conduct, but also the legal basis for challenging policy, system or conduct that might threaten constitutional or labour rights. Yet, despite the existing juridical foundation for the regulation of accountability and rights protection of SA lecturers, comprising the SA Constitution, general labour and HE legislation, there is an absence of HE-specific teaching-related accountability regulation, resulting in lecturer insecurity regarding expected conduct, professional recognition and support, and accountability expectations in their teaching-related work. In comparison, a number of Australian legal imperatives, including the Commonwealth of Australia Learning and Teaching Council’s standard for quality teaching with corresponding quality indicators, provide for more clearly defined teaching-related accountability regulation. In addition, the Mission Based Compacts, the Threshold Standards, and the national Modern Award for the Higher Education Industry, afford Australian lecturers the protection of HE-specific rights relevant to enhance security in their unique work environment. These legal imperatives proved to be significant for informing the improved juridical foundation for lecturer teaching-related accountability in the SA context to enhance the security of the SA lecturer. With a focus on the development of in-depth understanding of the phenomena of lecturer accountability and security via the perspectives and interpretations of lecturers themselves, the empirical study was grounded in an inductive qualitative methodology from an interpretive-phenomenological perspective. To ensure richness of descriptive data, lecturers actively involved in undergraduate teaching at three different local, and one Australian university, were purposively selected to participate in semi-structured individual and focus group interviews. The analysis and interpretation of the interview data included a comparative component to explore perceptions of lecturer accountability regulation and security protection in an Australian context with a view to identify inadequate legal provisioning for these phenomena in the SA HE environment. From the data analysis and interpretation, seven meaningful themes were identified, associated with either lecturer accountability or lecturer security. The findings offered not only a clear delineation of internal and external lecturer teaching-related accountability, but also a comprehensive definition of lecturer professional security that was found wanting in all legal sources and other literature studied for this thesis. Moreover, in realisation of the primary aim of this study, twelve significant guidelines are presented to establish an improved juridical foundation for lecturer accountability that will enhance lecturer security in the SA Higher Education context. Amongst these are: the development of a clear delineation of teaching-related roles and responsibilities articulated for different academic post levels; the establishment of a professional HE teaching-oriented career path affording professional recognition via a professional body for lecturers, and requiring continuous professional teaching development; and the development of minimum conditions of employment unique to the work of the HE lecturer. / PhD (Education Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

A juridical foundation for accountability to enhance the security of the Higher Education lecturer in South Africa / Franciska Bothma

Bothma, Franciska January 2015 (has links)
The widening of access to Higher Education (HE) with a concomitant call for more accountability in the HE sector locally and globally, has altered the former elitist status of the university and impacted the professional standing, autonomy, and working conditions of lecturers negatively. Lecturers are increasingly held to account for providing quality teaching and delivering employable graduates. Yet their work environment has been characterised by poor support, dwindling resources, lack of recognition and reward for teaching efforts and excellence, and absence of legal protection when failing to fulfil the undefined yet high accountability expectations in their teaching-related work. This state of affairs has had an inevitable influence on lecturers’ perceived security in their labour environment. The overarching purpose of this study was therefore to generate guidelines to improve the existing juridical foundation for accountability of South African (SA) HE lecturers with a view to enhance their security in their employment context. In order to assist in the fulfilment of this central purpose, the study aimed to develop understanding of how lecturers perceive their accountability and security in light of diverse teaching-related responsibilities and vagueness in terms of expected conduct; and the protection (or lack of protection) of their rights and professional status. An international perspective on these issues was imperative to shed some light on how regulation elsewhere could improve practices in the SA context. While SA lecturers are equally entitled to all the rights stipulated in the Bill of Rights, they are also subject to and accountable for upholding the provisions of the SA Constitution and derived labour legislation relevant within the HE environment. The founding values of the Constitution, namely equality, human dignity and the protection of human rights and related freedoms, form not only the basic standard for measuring lecturer conduct, but also the legal basis for challenging policy, system or conduct that might threaten constitutional or labour rights. Yet, despite the existing juridical foundation for the regulation of accountability and rights protection of SA lecturers, comprising the SA Constitution, general labour and HE legislation, there is an absence of HE-specific teaching-related accountability regulation, resulting in lecturer insecurity regarding expected conduct, professional recognition and support, and accountability expectations in their teaching-related work. In comparison, a number of Australian legal imperatives, including the Commonwealth of Australia Learning and Teaching Council’s standard for quality teaching with corresponding quality indicators, provide for more clearly defined teaching-related accountability regulation. In addition, the Mission Based Compacts, the Threshold Standards, and the national Modern Award for the Higher Education Industry, afford Australian lecturers the protection of HE-specific rights relevant to enhance security in their unique work environment. These legal imperatives proved to be significant for informing the improved juridical foundation for lecturer teaching-related accountability in the SA context to enhance the security of the SA lecturer. With a focus on the development of in-depth understanding of the phenomena of lecturer accountability and security via the perspectives and interpretations of lecturers themselves, the empirical study was grounded in an inductive qualitative methodology from an interpretive-phenomenological perspective. To ensure richness of descriptive data, lecturers actively involved in undergraduate teaching at three different local, and one Australian university, were purposively selected to participate in semi-structured individual and focus group interviews. The analysis and interpretation of the interview data included a comparative component to explore perceptions of lecturer accountability regulation and security protection in an Australian context with a view to identify inadequate legal provisioning for these phenomena in the SA HE environment. From the data analysis and interpretation, seven meaningful themes were identified, associated with either lecturer accountability or lecturer security. The findings offered not only a clear delineation of internal and external lecturer teaching-related accountability, but also a comprehensive definition of lecturer professional security that was found wanting in all legal sources and other literature studied for this thesis. Moreover, in realisation of the primary aim of this study, twelve significant guidelines are presented to establish an improved juridical foundation for lecturer accountability that will enhance lecturer security in the SA Higher Education context. Amongst these are: the development of a clear delineation of teaching-related roles and responsibilities articulated for different academic post levels; the establishment of a professional HE teaching-oriented career path affording professional recognition via a professional body for lecturers, and requiring continuous professional teaching development; and the development of minimum conditions of employment unique to the work of the HE lecturer. / PhD (Education Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Wozu noch ein E-Learning-Projekt?

Bergert, Aline 01 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Der vorliegende Artikel diskutiert die aktuellen Erscheinungs- und Wirkformen Neuer Medien in der Hochschullehre und setzt sich kritisch, am Beispiel der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, damit auseinander, was E-Learning im akademischen Bereich ist/sein kann und vor allem, wo ein Einsatz nachhaltig und sinnvoll möglich ist.

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