Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cotransporter"" "subject:"datransporter""
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Rôle de la signalisation LRP1/Wnt5a dans le métabolisme du cholestérol / Role of the LRP1/Wnt5a signaling pathway in cholesterol metabolismJenty, Marion 08 June 2016 (has links)
L’athérosclérose débute par l’accumulation de cholestérol dans les cellules des parois artérielles, formant des plaques d’athéromes. LRP1 protège contre la maladie en inhibant l’accumulation intracellulaire de cholestérol et nous avions montré qu’une signalisation Wnt5a était impliquée dans cette inhibition. Le projet de thèse consistait à caractériser les mécanismes moléculaires de cette inhibition et à vérifier l’effet athéroprotecteur de Wnt5a. Nous avons montré in vitro et in vivo que Wnt5a inhibe l’accumulation de cholestérol via la stimulation de son export et l’inhibition de sa synthèse endogène. Nous avons ensuite observé que l’invalidation de Wnt5a spécifiquement dans les CMLv de souris LDLR-/- conduit à une augmentation des lésions athéromateuses après un régime riche en cholestérol, confirmant alors son rôle athéroprotecteur. Nos travaux ont ainsi permis de révéler le potentiel de Wnt5a en tant que cible thérapeutique dans le traitement contre l’athérosclérose. / Protects against intracellular cholesterol accumulation and we identified the secreted protein Wnt5a as a partner of this inhibitory effect of LRP1. The aim of this thesis is to determine the molecular mechanisms by which the LRP1/Wnt5a signaling pathway prevents cholesterol accumulation in cells and to study the antiatherogenic potential of Wnt5a. We first showed in vitro and in vivo that Wnt5a decreases cellular cholesterol content by stimulating its efflux through the induction of cholesterol transporters expression and by down-regulating the expression of HMGCoA-reductase. Then we used mice deleted for Wnt5a specifically in smooth muscle cells, which present more atherosclerotic lesions than control mice after a high cholesterol diet. This confirms that Wnt5a protects against atherosclerosis and could be an interesting therapeutic target in the treatment of the disease.
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Dopamine transporter in alcoholism:a SPET studyLaine, P. (Pekka) 16 October 2001 (has links)
A large body of animal studies indicates that reinforcement from alcohol is
associated with dopaminergic neurotransmission in the mesocorticolimbic pathway.
However, as most psychiatric phenomena cannot be studied with animals, human
studies are needed. Furthermore, because of the fluctuating nature of phenomena
regarding the status of abuse and withdrawal, repeated observations of the same
study subjects under different situations can elucidate a variety of
pathophysiological mechanisms.
In this study 42 alcoholics were monitored during withdrawal and 30
alcoholics after four weeks of abstinence.
SPET was used as a method for the semi quantification of their striatal dopamine
transporter (DAT) densities reflecting the function and structure of the
dopaminergic system.
DAT density was markedly lower during withdrawal among alcoholics as
compared to control subjects, but it elevated during abstinence to the level of
healthy volunteers. This increases in DAT density during withdrawal and
afterwards correlated with the depression scores of alcoholics. DAT density
correlated with the Novelty Seeking (NS) personality trait, especially among
abstinent alcoholics. After four weeks of controlled abstinence alcoholics with
an A1 allele of dopamine receptor D2 were found to have higher DAT densities than
alcoholics without it.
The results indicate that striatal DAT density is associated with mood,
personality, A1 genotype and the length of the abstinence period after heavy
alcohol drinking.
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Atypical Solute Carriers : Identification, evolutionary conservation, structure and histology of novel membrane-bound transportersPerland, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Solute carriers (SLCs) constitute the largest family of membrane-bound transporter proteins in humans, and they convey transport of nutrients, ions, drugs and waste over cellular membranes via facilitative diffusion, co-transport or exchange. Several SLCs are associated with diseases and their location in membranes and specific substrate transport makes them excellent as drug targets. However, as 30 % of the 430 identified SLCs are still orphans, there are yet numerous opportunities to explain diseases and discover potential drug targets. Among the novel proteins are 29 atypical SLCs of major facilitator superfamily (MFS) type. These share evolutionary history with the remaining SLCs, but are orphans regarding expression, structure and/or function. They are not classified into any of the existing 52 SLC families. The overall aim in this thesis was to study the atypical SLCs with a focus on their phylogenetic clustering, evolutionary conservation, structure, protein expression in mouse brains and if and how their gene expressions were affected upon changed food intake. In Papers I-III, the focus was on specific proteins, MFSD5 and MFSD11 (Paper I), MFSD1 and MFSD3 (Paper II), and MFSD4A and MFSD9 (Paper III). They all shared neuronal expression, and their transcription levels were altered in several brain areas after subjecting mice to food deprivation or a high-fat diet. In Paper IV, the 29 atypical SLCs of MFS type were examined. They were divided into 15 families, based on phylogenetic analyses and sequence identities, to facilitate functional studies. Their sequence relationships with other SLCs were also established. Some of the proteins were found to be well conserved with orthologues down to nematodes and insects, whereas others emerged at first in vertebrates. The atypical SLCs of MFS type were predicted to have the common MFS structure, composed of 12 transmembrane segments. With single-cell RNA sequencing and in situ proximity ligation assay, co-expression of atypical SLCs was analysed to get a comprehensive understanding of how membrane-bound transporters interact. In conclusion, the atypical SLCs of MFS type are suggested to be novel SLC transporters, involved in maintaining nutrient homeostasis through substrate transport.
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N-Alkyl 4-Methylamphetamine enantiomers and the implication for potential modulation of abuse liability and enhancement of psychoactive drug targeting.Sitta, Ramsey 01 January 2017 (has links)
Drugs of abuse have a long history in humanity. Currently however, a subject of great interest is the phenylalkylamine family of drugs. Not only is the abuse liability of interest but also the potential therapeutic expansion of the capabilities of this family of drugs by utilizing the unique stereospecific effects of the newly discovered hybrid compounds. Based upon prior data of N-Alkyl 4-MA the enantiomers of N-Methyl, N-Ethyl, and N-Propyl were analyzed in hDAT, hNET, and hSERT. It was found that there was a negative correlation between chain length and potency and dopaminergic component. In agreement with the currently established paradigm it was also found that in almost all cases the S(+) enantiomer was the more potent.
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The Effects of Acute Running Induced Neuronal Activation on Cerebral GLUT1 and Vascular PlasticityLiang, Jacky January 2011 (has links)
Morphologic and metabolic change is a known property of the adult brain. A number of behavioural tasks alter local cerebral blood flow and glucose utilisation. The expression of the glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1), which allows the entry of glucose to the brain, also has been shown to change in response to long-lasting neuronal activation. However, little is known about the effect of acute neuronal activation on GLUT1 expression. Using immunohistochemistry and Western blot, we investigated cerebral GLUT1 expression and vasculature density in mice undergoing a 48-hour voluntary wheel running period. The results showed that the striatum was the main region where GLUT1 protein was up-regulated: There was a trend for GLUT1 expression and blood vessels density to be associated with the distance run during the experiment. These results indicate that short-term increased neuronal activation is associated with rapid changes in glucose transport and possibly vascular remodelling.
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Možnosti a podmínky využití sociálních sítí v logistice / Possibilities and specifications of usage of social networks in logisticsVrba, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to examine current most important social networks usable in Czech Republic and evaluate usefulness for logistic companies. The aims of thesis are basics of internet marketing, separation of social networks and evaluation their commercial potential. Author attaches his research in form of questionnaire aimed on current usage social networks in logistic companies and compiles recommendations how use social network for commercial purpose.
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Evaluation of measures to deal with space constraints in BillerudKorsnäs finished goods inventory in Skärblacka. / Utvärdering av åtgärder för att hantera utrymmesbegränsningar i BillerudKorsnäs färdigvarulager i Skärblacka.Wernersson, Emil, Wiksborg, Tim January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie genomfördes på BillerudKorsnäs bruk i Skärblacka och undersökte hur utrymmesbegränsningar i ett färdigvarulager kan hanteras med olika åtgärder. Bakgrunden till studien är att färdigvarulagret i BillerudKorsnäs bruk i Skärblacka redan i dagsläget, när denna studie genomfördes, upplever en hög belastning på grund av en begränsad lagringsyta. Detta är dock hanterbart i dagsläget men i början av 2018 ska en ny pappersmaskin (PM10) implementeras. Detta kommer att medföra en ökad produktion av MG produkter som är de mest svårhanterliga produkterna. Därmed förväntas det att färdigvarulagret överbelastas om inga åtgärder vidtas. Inledningsvis i denna studie presenterade BillerudKorsnäs ett tjugotal åtgärder och av dessa åtgärder valdes åtta åtgärder ut i samråd med BillerudKorsnäs, som vidare kallas för det planerade åtgärdspaketet. De åtta åtgärderna är: lastbilspendel mellan Skärblacka och Norrköpings hamn (Pampus och Öhmansterminalen), ny lagerindelning, flytta all avsalumassa till Pampus, konsolidering av terminaler, alla översjötransporter av MG produkter går via Pampus, en extra ledtidsdag för direktlastbilar, utökad bemanning i magasinet och dokumenterade rutiner för onödig lagring. Studiens syfte är därmed att utvärdera om det planerade åtgärdspaketet är en hållbar lösning för att hantera utrymmesbegränsningarna i färdigvarulagret när PM10 är i drift. För att analysera det planerade åtgärdspaketet skapades två simuleringsmodeller i simuleringsprogrammet Arena. En modell med PM10 och det planerade åtgärdspaketet och en modell med enbart PM10 för att kunna jämföra och analysera effekten av åtgärdspaketet. Analyserna tyder på att färdigvarulagret kommer att överbelastas om inga åtgärder vidtas. Samtidigt tyder analyserna också på att det planerade åtgärdspaketet är en hållbar lösning på de förväntade lagringsproblemen när PM10 är i drift. Vidare indikerade analyserna att andelen lastbilstransporter relativt tågtransporter kommer att öka när PM10 är i drift och att antalet lastbilstransporter per dag har en stor påverkan på lagernivåerna.
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Fisiologia molecular digestiva da larva de Musca domestica / Digestive molecular physiology of Musca domestica larvaeAndré Coppe Pimentel 21 November 2011 (has links)
A digestão nos insetos ocorre no intestino médio de forma compartimentada. A digestão inicial dos polímeros ocorre no interior da membrana peritrófica. Os oligômeros resultantes difundem-se para o espaço luminal exterior à membrana peritrófica onde são atacados por outras enzimas. Na digestão final os dímeros resultantes são hidrolisados por enzimas imobilizadas na superfície do epitélio do intestino médio. Após o processo de digestão final os monômeros são absorvidos pelas células do epitélio intestinal. Os Díptera ditos superiores, incluindo a mosca doméstica, apresentam peculiaridades digestivas que aparentemente resultam de adaptações para digerir uma dieta que consiste principalmente de bactérias. No ventrículo anterior ocorre uma diminuição no conteúdo de amido do bolo alimentar. Na porção seguinte, o bolo alimentar passa para o ventrículo médio onde as bactérias são mortas pela ação combinada de baixo pH, uma lisozima digestiva e uma proteinase tipo catepsina D. O material liberado das bactérias é digerido no ventrículo posterior, como ocorre no ventrículo inteiro da maioria dos insetos de outros grupos taxonômicos. Com o objetivo de compreender a peculiar digestão em Musca domestica, foram utilizadas suas larvas para identificar funcionalmente as regiões absortivas de nutrientes, identificar as moléculas envolvidas na absorção de nutrientes, identificar as moléculas envolvidas com tamponamento e fluxos de fluidos intestinais, sequenciar as enzimas digestivas principais e identificar os seus sítios de secreção. Experimentos fisiológicos de absorção de glicose e análises de atividade enzimática permitiram acessar de maneira direta os aspectos da digestão. Contudo, experimentos de sequenciamento de bibliotecas de cDNA, análise de sequências transcritas e verificação de expressão de genes em diferentes tecidos foram abordagens fundamentais na identificação das moléculas subjacentes aos processos fisiológicos intestinas de Musca domestica. Os indícios de que absorção de glicose no intestino de Musca domestica se dê por transportadores do tipo SGLT, com a possível participação de facilitadores do tipo GLUT, permitem estabelecer um foco para futuros estudos. A descrição de sequências relacionadas ao tamponamento intestinal permitiu ampliar a discussão sobre tal processo. Ao detalhar os sítios de expressão da subunidade a da V-ATPase, do canal de cloreto e do transportador de amônia foi possível testar o modelo de tamponamento proposto anteriormente e propor a participação de outras moléculas no processo. Sequências correspondentes as atividades de carboxipeptidase, maltase e aminopeptidase descritas na literatura foram pesquisadas, gerando sequências candidatas a codificarem as referidas enzimas. Com isso, é possível descrever a digestão de oligômeros e dímeros com base nos genes transcritos e nas sequências de aminoácidos que formam as enzimas digestivas. A descoberta da sequência que transcreve uma metaloproteinase, por sua vez, abre caminhos para a descrição e caracterização de sua atividade proteolítica nos tecidos digestivos da larva de Musca domestica. Essa análise permitiu também elucidar a localização dos sítios de expressão e, portanto, as zonas de secreção de enzimas. De maneira geral, este estudo contribuiu para a compreensão de diversos aspectos da digestão de Musca domestica, elucidando questões da particular fisiologia digestiva desse inseto. / Digestion in insects occurs in the midgut in a compartmentalized way. Initial digestion takes place inside the peritrophic membrane. The resulting oligomers diffuse into the luminal space outside the peritrophic membrane where they are hydrolyzed by other enzymes. In the final digestion, the resulting dimers are hydrolyzed by enzymes immobilized on the midgut epithelium. After the final digestion, the monomers are absorbed by intestinal epithelial cells. The so-called higher Diptera, including the house fly, have digestive peculiarities apparently resulting of adaptations to digest a diet consisting mainly of bacteria. In the anterior midgut there is a decrease in the starch content of the food bolus. The bolus now passes into the middle midgut, where bacteria are killed by the combined action of low pH, a special lysozyme and a cathepsin D-like proteinase. Finally, the material released by bacteria is digested in the posterior midgut, as is observed in the whole midgut of insects of other taxa. In order to understand the peculiar digestion in Musca domestica, the larvae were used to identify (a) the functionally the nutrient absorptive regions, (b) the molecules involved in the absorption of nutrients, (c) the molecules involved in buffering and fluid flows, (d) the cDNA sequences corresponding to intestinal digestive enzymes, (e) the main sites of secretion. Physiological experiments of glucose absorption and enzyme activity analysis allowed a direct access to aspects of digestion. Otherwise, cDNA library sequencing followed by sequence annotation and tissue-specific expression analysis were fundamental approaches in the understanding of intestinal physiology of Musca domestica. Evidence that glucose absorption in the gut of Musca domestica occurs through SGLT-like transporters, with the possible participation of facilitators GLUT-like, allowed us to establish a focus for future studies. The description of cDNA sequences corresponding to proteins putatively responsible for intestinal buffering widened the discussion of this process. The finding of the expression sites of V-ATPase subunits, chloride channel, and ammonia transporter led to revising the present buffering model and the inclusion of other molecules in the process. The cDNA sequences corresponding to the activities of carboxypeptidase, aminopeptidase and maltase described in the literature were searched for as candidate sequences to encode those enzymes. This made it possible to describe the digestion of oligomers and dimers based on transcribed genes and enzyme amino acid sequences. The discovery of the metalloproteinase transcribing sequence opened a new research line: the description and characterization of its proteolytic activity in the midgut of the Musca domestica larvae. This study also allowed elucidating the location of digestive enzyme expression sites and, therefore, the putative zones of enzyme secretion. Overall, this study contributed to understanding many aspects of digestion of Musca domestica, clarifying aspects of the peculiar digestive physiology of this insect.
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Estudo da progressão, das complicações induzidas pela levodopa e do polimorfismo do transportador de dopamina relacionados na doença de ParkinsonMantese, Carlos Eduardo Aliatti January 2018 (has links)
A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é a segunda doença neurodegenerativa mais comum. Atinge 3,3% das pessoas com mais de 64 anos. Com o envelhecimento populacional, sua prevalência deve dobrar. A doença classicamente se caracteriza por degeneração dos neurônios da substantia nigra, afetando principalmente a transmissão dopaminérgica. O tratamento mais eficaz na DP continua sendo a levodopa, um precursor dopaminérgico com excelente resposta motora. Entretanto, à medida que a doença progride, aparece uma série de complicações motoras e não motoras que limitam o tratamento. Para facilitar o reconhecimento destas complicações, foram criados questionários que aumentam a possibilidade de diagnóstico, abordando aspectos motores e não motores. O principal deles é um questionário de 19 itens. Ele consiste em 19 manifestações que o paciente deve assinalar, caso tenha determinado sintoma, e se ele melhora com a próxima dose da medicação. Quando existem pelo menos duas respostas positivas, o questionário tem ótima sensibilidade e especificidade. A Doença de Parkinson tem evolução heterogênea, sendo que uma das causas atribuídas para tal é genética. Tem se estudado muitos genes da rota de dopamina por sua relação íntima com a fisiopatologia e tratamento da doença. O transportador de dopamina (DAT), que realiza a retirada da dopamina da fenda sináptica, desempenha papel fundamental nesta rota. Existe um polimorfismo VNTR com cópias de uma unidade de repetição variando de 3 a 11 com as repetições 9 e 10 sendo os alelos mais comuns. Diversos estudos correlacionaram esse polimorfismo com transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade quando há 10 repetições e com a Doença de Parkinson quando há 9 repetições. Seria um candidato ideal para avaliação com relação às complicações do tratamento e progressão. Assim, avaliamos pacientes com Doença de Parkinson longitudinalmente para comparar a progressão da doença com polimorfismo do DAT e verificar as complicações associadas ao tratamento. Inicialmente, realizamos uma revisão sistemática das propriedades clinimétricas dos questionários de wearing off. Esta revisão mostrou que o questionário de 9 itens tem sensibilidade de 0,87-1 e especificidade de 0,1-0,69. Já o questionário de 19 itens tem sensibilidade de 0,81-0,9 e especificidade de 0,63-0,8 com ponto de corte igual a 2 itens positivos. Realizamos a validação deste último para português, com boa estabilidade no teste-reteste com correlação intraclasse de 0,87 (IC 95% 0,69-0,95 p < 0,01) e sensibilidade de 0,97 (IC 95% 0,94-1 p < 0,01) e especificidade de 0,71 (IC 95% 0,56-0,85 p < 0,01). Para progressão, foi demonstrada uma associação de sexo feminino e a presença de alelo com 9 repetições como fatores de risco para progressão mais rápida. A progressão em homens medida pelo UPDRS 3 era menor em 1,277 (IC 95% 2,18-0,38 p < 0,01) e pelo UPDRS total era menor em 1,50 (IC 95% 2,92-0,11 p = 0,031). Com presença de alelo com 9 repetições, a progressão do UPDRS 3 era menor em 1,92 (ICC 95% 0,04-1,01 p = 0,0317), e presente mesmo controlando para sexo. Não houve diferença na escala de discinesias ou questionário wearing off. Assim, os resultados obtidos mostraram que o questionário de 19 itens é uma boa ferramenta diagnóstica, sendo validado para português. Além disso, o polimorfismo DAT está associado à progressão mais rápida da DP com 9 repetições. / Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease. It affects 3.3% of people over 64 years. With population aging, its prevalence should double. The disease is classically characterized by degeneration of substantia nigra neurons, mainly affecting dopaminergic transmission. The most effective treatment for PD continues to be levodopa, a dopaminergic precursor with excellent motor response. However, as the disease progresses, there is a number of motor and non-motor complications that limits the treatment. To facilitate the recognition of these complications, questionnaires were created to increase the possibility of diagnosis, addressing motor and non-motor aspects. The main one is a questionnaire of 19 items. It consists of 19 symptoms that the patients should indicate, if they feel particular symptom, and if they get better with the next dose of medication. When there are at least two positive responses, the questionnaire has optimal sensitivity and specificity. Parkinson’s disease has a heterogeneous evolution, and one of the reasons attributed for that is genetic. Many genes of the dopamine route have been studied for their intimate relationship with the pathophysiology and treatment of the disease. The dopamine transporter, with synaptic cleft reuptake, plays a key role in this route. It has a VNTR polymorphism with copies of a repeating unit ranging from 3 to 11 with repetitions 9 and 10 being the most common alleles. Several studies correlated this polymorphism with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with 10 repetition allele and Parkinson’s disease with 9 repetition alleles. It would be an ideal candidate for evaluation regarding treatment complications and progression. Thus, we evaluated patients with Parkinson’s disease longitudinally to compare disease progression with DAT polymorphism and to verify treatment-related complications. Initially we performed a systematic review of the clinimetric properties of the wearing off questionnaires. That showed that the questionnaire of 9 items has sensitivity of 0.87-1 and specificity of 01-0.69. The questionnaire of 19 items has a sensitivity of 0.81-0.9 and a specificity of 0.63-0.8 with a cut-off point of 2 items. We performed the validation of the latter for Portuguese, with good stability in the testretest with intraclass correlation of 0.87 (95% CI 0.69-0.95 p < 0.01) and sensitivity of 0.97 (CI 95% 0.94-1 p < 0.01) and specificity of 0.71 (95% CI 0.56-0.85 p < 0.01). We demonstrated a female association and presence of 9 DAT allele repetition as risk factors for faster progression. The progression in men ofwith UPDRS 3 was lower in 1.277 (95% CI 2.18-0.38 p < 0.01) and total UPDRS was lower in 1.50 (95% CI 2.92-0.11 p = 0.031). With the presence of allele with 9 repetitions the progression of UPDRS 3 was lower in 1.92 (ICC 95% 0.04-1.01 p = 0.0317), and present even correcting sex. There was no difference in the dyskinesia scale or wearing off questionnaire. Thus, the results obtained showed wearing off questionnaire is a good tool for clinical and research, and it is validated to Portuguese. Also, DAT polymorphism is associated with faster PD progression with 9 repetition allele.
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Le transporteur de médicaments anticancéreux, ABCG2, et son implication dans la chimiorésistance : étude structurale et mécanistique / The anti-cancer drug transporter, ABCG2, and its involvement in chemoresistance : structural and mechanistic studyKassis, Josiane 14 October 2019 (has links)
ABCG2 ou BCRP est une protéine membranaire de la famille des transporteurs ABC. Elle utilise l’énergie de l’hydrolyse de l’ATP pour exporter des composés endogènes et exogènes hors des cellules. Elle participe ainsi à la protection et la détoxication de l’organisme. En revanche, dans le cas des cellules cancéreuses, elle est surexprimée et participe donc au phénotype de résistance à de multiples médicaments (MDR : Multi Drug Resistance). En effet, lors de la surexpression de cette protéine, les agents anti-cancéreux sont exportés hors des cellules tumorales, ce qui diminue leurs concentrations intracellulaires sous leurs seuils de cytotoxicité et les rend inefficaces. De par l’importance d’ABCG2 dans la chimiorésistance, de nombreux efforts sont effectués pour concevoir des inhibiteurs afin de restaurer la sensibilité des cellules cancéreuses. Dans ce contexte, le projet de thèse vise à caractériser ABCG2 sur les plans structural et fonctionnel afin de comprendre son mécanisme d’action. La protéine ABCG2 exprimée chez E. coli, a été purifiée, sous forme stable et homogène et le rendement est de 1,5 mg de protéine par litre de culture. La caractérisation fonctionnelle de celle-ci témoigne de son repliement correct. En effet, il a été démontré qu’elle est capable de fixer différents substrats (naturels et agents anti-cancéreux) avec des affinités différentes. Des essais préliminaires de cristallisation ainsi que des observations par microscopie électronique révèlent des résultats encourageants pour la suite de la caractérisation structurale / ABCG2 or BCRP is a membrane protein that belongs to the ABC transporter family. It uses the hydrolysis energy of ATP to export endogenous and exogenous compounds out of cells. It is thus involved in the protection and detoxification of the body. However, it is overexpressed by cancer cells and participates in the multidrug resistance phenotype (MDR); in fact, anti-cancer agents are exported out of the tumor cells, which reduce their concentration below their cytotoxicity threshold and renders them ineffective. Because of its importance in chemoresistance, many efforts are made to design inhibitors to restore the sensitivity of cancer cells. In this context, the PhD project aims to characterize ABCG2 at structural and functional levels in order to understand its mechanism of action. We have succeeded in purifying ABCG2 expressed in E. coli, the protein obtained is stable and homogeneous, with a yield of 1.5 mg of protein per liter of culture. The functional characterization of ABCG2 demonstrates its correct folding. In fact, we have demonstrated that it is able to bind different substrates (natural and anti-cancer agents) with different affinities. Preliminary crystallization assays and electron microscopy observations reveal encouraging results for subsequent structural characterization
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