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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expected and Achieved Outcomes of Reshoring: A Swedish Perspective

Vestin, Alexander, Sequeira Frank, Movin January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: Over the last couple of decades, globalization has impacted market competition. This results in that companies heavily offshore to low-wage countries to enhance its competitiveness through lower costs. Offshoring constitutes relocation of manufacturing activities to other existing manufacturing sites in foreign countries. In recent years, low-wage countries have grown and developed. Studies show that low cost environments are increasing in cost, eliminating the benefits of offshoring. This phenomenon has sparked a new trend, ‘reshoring’- to bring back manufacturing to the home country, which has been acknowledged by both researchers and practitioners. The trend has become more distinct due to the increasing numbers of cases where companies that previously offshored manufacturing activities are returning them to the home country. The research done on reshoring focuses mainly on a “why” perspective, with drivers that cause reshoring and barriers that prevent them. However, research concerning the outcomes of what a company expected from reshoring and what they achieved afterwards is limited, especially in the high cost environment of Sweden. The purpose of this study is to explore the expected and achieved outcomes of the reshoring process through a multiple case study including four companies from Sweden that have reshored manufacturing back to Sweden. Method: The method used in this thesis was a systematic literature review to gain knowledge of the phenomenon. With the help of the systematic literature review an interview guide was created to assist in the data collection. This thesis used a multiple case study, the data was collected through semi-structured interviews and documents. The findings were analyzed within each case, cross-case, and in comparison to literature. Findings: To analyze the outcomes on the same premises, the researcher had to create a framework. All the outcomes from the literature were categorized based on firms’ operational and competitive capabilities namely cost, quality, delivery, flexibility, service, innovation, environment, culture, risk mitigation, reputation and trust, and government legislations. It was found that all the case companies had a successful reshoring process and all their expected outcomes were achieved. However, in comparison to the expected outcomes found in the literature, the companies expected less from reshoring. The companies were unaware of the full extent of reshoring, since their expectations were limited. The most expected outcome of reshoring, found in all the cases and in theory were: to decrease total cost, increase delivery speed, increase reputation and trust, and use the comfort of the home culture. A thorough analysis of achieved outcomes, in case and in literature, showed that all the case companies have achieved lower total cost, increased delivery speeds and higher reputation and trust. On comparing all the achieved outcomes in case and in literature it is evident that researchers have studied the process of reshoring from a why and theoretical perspective, aside from the effects after the reshoring, which this thesis has accomplished. A comparison between expected and achieved outcomes of all the case companies collectively, showed that they have achieved lower costs, higher quality, better service and higher reputation and trust, beyond what they expected. Implications: Reshoring back to Sweden would bring back more manufacturing jobs and encourage further local sourcing within the country. Strategical collaboration within the supply chain in the home country would make companies more responsive to customer demand. Geographically, the literature lacks case studies from Sweden, therefore, this thesis will contribute to theory by presenting successful reshoring case studies from Sweden

Survey and efficiency study of support- and spare parts inventory at Fiskeby Board in Norrköping / Kartläggning och effektivisering av underhålls- och reservdelslager på Fiskeby Board i Norrköping

Widler, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Pappersbruket Fiskeby Board som är placerat i Norrköping tillverkar kartong av 100% returfibrer. Bruket har tillverkat papper i flera århundranden och är en av Europas äldsta tillverkare av papper och kartong. På pappersbruket finns ett underhålls- och reservdelslager som bistår med artiklar till hela företaget. Målet med studien är att ta fram förslag till hur förrådshanteringsprocessen kan förbättras för att göra den mer effektiv. Studien resulterade i 25 stycken förbättringsförslag, dessa förslag delades upp i två delar, de förbättringsförslag som kunde implementeras direkt och de som behövde vidare undersökningar. Vissa förslag täcker flera möjligheter och problem och andra förslag täcker bara ett. Lika så kan ett problem ha flera möjliga förbättringsförslag för att lösa dem. Även förbättringar i from av nya instruktioner där hela aktiviteter är inkluderade har föreslagits.

Development of a Logit model of the transition effect to public transport

Ziedén, Therése January 2017 (has links)
The importance of traffic planning has, throughout the years, been in- creased, providing sustainable developments of traffic and infrastructural investments. The analysis of the current traffic situation and the evalua- tion of the effects of a future investment are crucial for the socio-economic benefits maintenance. These analyses and evaluations are most commonly done using traffic simulation models. One of the main traffic planning aims, nowadays, is to increase the number of public transport users against the number of private car users. This change in mode choice is called transition effect and could be beneficial both from an environmental and socio-economic perspective. This thesis aims to evaluate and improve the macroscopic traffic demand and transition model, used fot the city of Norrköping. Additionally, the thesis investigates if a general transition Logit model can be developed and which parameters are the most important to be included in a modal choice estimation. For the needs of this study, the traffic planning software Visum is used. The travel mode distribution is calculated by Logit models coded in Python-scripts integrated in Visum. Then, a traffic assignment is performed by Visum, computing new travel times as inputs to the Logit model and this iterative procedure continues until the system reaches an equilibrium. The thesis aims for a more reliable prediction of the transition effect by correcting the Python-scripts and estimating the parameters of the Logit model using data from surveys. The study shows that travel times is the most important factor for realistic results generation. However, the data used for the estimation of the Logit model parameters did not include sufficient information of travel times. The travel times had to be calculated, using two different methods, in order to be included in the estimation of new parameters. Although these methods could not provide any positive effects on the transition, they did prove the importance and significance travel time have when developing a traffic model. The result of the study invokes the importance to further develop the method of calculating travel times, when the input data is not sufficient, and shows that the travel time parameters are case specific.

A methodology development for layout planning regarding gates in marine terminals : A case study in a Swedish port

Berglund, Amanda, Altzar, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The research purpose is to, in a systematic way, build a method to develop suggestions regarding layout planning of gates in a marine terminal and additionally conduct a base for a simulation model. Approach: Firstly, a literature review has been conducted in the fields relevant to port security and gate configurations in marine terminals. Secondly, a case study has been executed in a Swedish marine terminal. The case study consisted of interviews and observations at the case company, who also provided this thesis with numerical raw data. Additionally, a benchmarking was conducted at a company in the same port area where interviews and observations was executed.   Findings: The findings in this thesis resulted in a methodology improvement, which contains important procedure steps that need to be considered while conducting a layout for a gate in a marine terminal. The procedure resulted in a conceptual model that was conducted as a result of the literature review and verified by being tested in the case study. Limitation: The thesis is limited to one case company. Even though it verified and validated the findings, additional case companies are recommended to fully validate the conceptual model which applies for further research. Further limitations to this thesis is that the financial- and technical factors will not be executed.   Theoretical implications: Companies who plans to increase the security in their marine terminal area or implement a new gate system can benefit from the findings. This thesis contributes to science by adding new theory.   Practical implications: This thesis conducted a conceptual model for a layout procedure which recommends to follow while planning a layout for a gate in a marine terminal. The model were verified with a case company and provided two layout suggestions that can be implemented at the specific company.

Planning of joint resources - a case study at Seldingerenheten at Linköping University Hospital / Planering av gemensamma resurser - en fallstudie på Seldingerenheten vid Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping

Englund, Joanna, Lösnitz, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
I och med ett ökat vårdbehov i samhället ställs det utöver medicinska krav också krav på att svensk sjukvård ska öka effektiviteten i sina vårdprocesser. Denna studie utfördes på Seldingerenheten som tillhör den Kardiologiska kliniken vid Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping. På Seldingerenheten utförs behandling av hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar med avancerad kateterteknik i specialutrustade labb. Utöver labben finns det en övervakningsavdelning där patienter som ska behandlas i labben kan få för- och eftervård. Arbetet på Seldingerenheten är uppdelat efter olika sektioner beroende på vilken typ av hjärt- och kärlsjukdom som behandlas. Det finns övergripande planeringsgrupper som planerar på en mer strategisk (långsiktig) nivå medan den mer specifika planeringen på övervakningsavdelningen sker uppdelat efter de olika sektionerna. Tanken med studien var att presentera vilken planering som borde göras på de olika nivåerna samt hur dessa kan integreras med varandra. Varje sektion planerar idag sitt eget patientflöde och bokar in patienter för behandling i labben. När en patient ska behandlas i labben krävs för- och eftervård som antingen kan ske på någon vårdavdelning om patienten är inneliggande eller på övervakningsavdelningen för dagsjukvård. Hur patienter bokas in påverkar därmed patientflödet på dessa vårdavdelningar. Att det inte finns någon gemensam planering eller ett verktyg där de olika sektionerna kan se när patienter är inbokade på Seldingerenheten leder till ett ojämnt patientflöde på övervakningsavdelningen. Studiens resultat visade på ett flertal olika åtgärder som kan tas för att skapa ett jämnare patientflöde och en mer hållbar arbetsmiljö på övervakningsavdelningen. De teorier som åtgärdsförslagen baserats på visar att den negativa effekten av ett ojämnt patientflöde kan minskas genom att antingen påverka patientflödet och dess variation eller genom att vidta åtgärder på övervakningsavdelningen för att hantera situationen som den är.

Evaluation of measures to deal with space constraints in BillerudKorsnäs finished goods inventory in Skärblacka. / Utvärdering av åtgärder för att hantera utrymmesbegränsningar i BillerudKorsnäs färdigvarulager i Skärblacka.

Wernersson, Emil, Wiksborg, Tim January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie genomfördes på BillerudKorsnäs bruk i Skärblacka och undersökte hur utrymmesbegränsningar i ett färdigvarulager kan hanteras med olika åtgärder. Bakgrunden till studien är att färdigvarulagret i BillerudKorsnäs bruk i Skärblacka redan i dagsläget, när denna studie genomfördes, upplever en hög belastning på grund av en begränsad lagringsyta. Detta är dock hanterbart i dagsläget men i början av 2018 ska en ny pappersmaskin (PM10) implementeras. Detta kommer att medföra en ökad produktion av MG produkter som är de mest svårhanterliga produkterna. Därmed förväntas det att färdigvarulagret överbelastas om inga åtgärder vidtas. Inledningsvis i denna studie presenterade BillerudKorsnäs ett tjugotal åtgärder och av dessa åtgärder valdes åtta åtgärder ut i samråd med BillerudKorsnäs, som vidare kallas för det planerade åtgärdspaketet. De åtta åtgärderna är: lastbilspendel mellan Skärblacka och Norrköpings hamn (Pampus och Öhmansterminalen), ny lagerindelning, flytta all avsalumassa till Pampus, konsolidering av terminaler, alla översjötransporter av MG produkter går via Pampus, en extra ledtidsdag för direktlastbilar, utökad bemanning i magasinet och dokumenterade rutiner för ”onödig” lagring. Studiens syfte är därmed att utvärdera om det planerade åtgärdspaketet är en hållbar lösning för att hantera utrymmesbegränsningarna i färdigvarulagret när PM10 är i drift. För att analysera det planerade åtgärdspaketet skapades två simuleringsmodeller i simuleringsprogrammet Arena. En modell med PM10 och det planerade åtgärdspaketet och en modell med enbart PM10 för att kunna jämföra och analysera effekten av åtgärdspaketet. Analyserna tyder på att färdigvarulagret kommer att överbelastas om inga åtgärder vidtas. Samtidigt tyder analyserna också på att det planerade åtgärdspaketet är en hållbar lösning på de förväntade lagringsproblemen när PM10 är i drift. Vidare indikerade analyserna att andelen lastbilstransporter relativt tågtransporter kommer att öka när PM10 är i drift och att antalet lastbilstransporter per dag har en stor påverkan på lagernivåerna.

Evaluation of bus terminals using microscopic traffic simulation

Askerud, Caroline, Wall, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Traffic simulation is a safe and efficient tool to investigate infrastructural changes as well as traffic conditions. This master thesis aims to analyse a microscopic traffic simulation method for evaluation of bus terminal capacity. The evaluation is performed by investigating a case study of the bus terminal at Norrköping travel centre. The analysed method, referred to as terminal logic in the thesis, uses a combination of time based and event based simulation. Through the combination of time and event, it is possible to capture all movements within the terminal for individual vehicles. The simulation model is built in the software Vissim. A new travel centre for Norrköping is under development. Among the reasons for a new travel centre is the railway project Ostlänken in the eastern part of Sweden. An evaluation of the bus terminal is interesting due to a suspicion of overcapacity and the opportunity of redesigning. To investigate both the terminal capacity and the terminal logic, three scenarios were implemented. Scenario 1: Current design and frequency Scenario 2: Current design with higher frequency Scenario 3: Decreased number of bus stops with current frequency The results from the scenarios confirm the assumption of overcapacity. The capacity was evaluated based on several different measures, all indicating a low utilization. Even so, the utilization was uneven over time and congestion could still occur when several buses departed at the same time. This was also seen when studying the simulation, which showed congestions when several buses departed at the same time. The case study established the terminal logic to be useful when evaluating capacity at bus terminals. It provides a good understanding of how the terminal operates and captures the movements. However, it was time-consuming to adjust the logic to the studied terminal. This is a disadvantage when investigating more than one alternative. The thesis resulted in two main conclusions. Firstly, a more optimised planning of the buses at Norrköping bus terminal would probably be achievable and lead to less congestions at the exits. Secondly, the terminal logic is a good method to use when evaluating bus terminals but it is not straight forward to implement.

Barriers to Sustainable UCC-Cooperation and Coopetition in Municipality Goods Distribution in Swedish Mid-Sized Cities : A Cross-Case Analysis

Carlsson Einhaus, Philip, Fuchs, Benedikt January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the barriers for and their impact cooperation and coopetition for sustainable distribution of Municipality goods in three selected cities. Design/Methodology/Approach: This thesis is based on a qualitative approach using a multiple case study as data collection strategy. The population building up three cases consists of ten Swedish mid-sized cities with an urban consolidation center. Of these are the three cities Växjö, Kalmar and Borlänge sampled and both the municipality and two locally active freight forwarders (one RFP-winner and one non-RFP-winner) per city are interviewed. These interviews aimed at identifying barriers to cooperation between municipalities and freight forwarders and barriers to coopetition between private freight forwarders for a sustainable distribution of municipality goods. The secondary data is based upon three literature streams: Sustainability, Distribution in Urban Environments and, Cooperation and Coopetition. Findings: The results indicate that the main barriers to cooperation from a freight forwarder perspective are incorrect or missing data in the RFP, price for municipality goods distribution and prohibition of goods consolidation. The main barrier to cooperation, fossil fuel free trucks, is a potential future barrier. The main barriers to coopetition are higher costs, lack of trust and price. These barriers have mainly an impact on the economical sustainability but can, and in some cases, will have effects on the other TBL-aspects. Research Limitations/Implications: The findings of this thesis provide the municipality with knowledge about barriers from the perspective of the freight forwarders which can aid construction of future RFPs. It also provides both municipality and freight forwarders with knowledge of the potential future barriers which could affect ongoing cooperation. Lastly it provides involved actors with knowledge of barriers hindering a coopetition approach in distribution, enabling the next step of solving the barriers. The value of this thesis is the knowledge of the implications as well as the combination of the three chosen literature streams which have not been researched in this context previously

Begränsande faktorer i orderplocksprocesser : Identifiering av faktorer som begränsar orderplocksprocesser i manuella plocksystem och förslag på hur dessa kan förbättras / Constraining Factors in the Order Picking Process

Thompsson, Eric January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Logistiska effektivitetsmått och dess påverkan på lagerservicenivå : Utvärdering av dimensioneringsmetoder för att uppnå resultatsförbättring

Durlind, Alma, Karlson, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med studien är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för samband mellan effektivitetsmått och lagerservicenivå. För att uppnå syftet har studien dels undersöktklassificeringskriteriums användbarhet i lagerverksamhet, dels olika dimensioneringsmetoders påverkan på effektivitetsmått. För att besvara syftet har två frågeställningar formulerats:(3) Hur kan en artikelklassificering nyttjas för att planera lagerhållning?(4) Hur påverkar olika dimensioneringsmetoder en verksamhets olika logistiska effektivitetsmått? Metod – En fallstudie genomfördes för att verifiera det teoretiska ramverket, där teorier kopplade till ämnesområdet samlats in samt litteraturstudie utförts för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. I genomförandet av fallstudien samlades empiri in med hjälp av historiska data från affärssystemet, vilket tillsammans med teori utgjorde grunden för analysen. Resultat – Studien fann att en flerdimensionell artikelklassificering kan nyttjas som underlag om kriterium utses efter lämpligt ändamål. Av de statistiska metoderna visade SERV2 störst förändring på lagernivåerna och var även den metod som skapade störst effekt på effektivitetsmåtten och därmed genererade störst resultatförbättring. Studienpåvisades en koppling mellan sänkt servicenivå och sänkt kapitalbindning och även mellan sänkt servicenivå och en ökad lageromsättningshastighet. Implikationer – Studien erbjuder en samlad bild på hur en ABC- analys kan tillämpas samt nyttjas för att planera lagerhållning. Vidare erbjuder studien en bild av hur de statistiska dimensioneringsteknikerna kan påverka olika logistiska effektivitetsmått. Studien kan användas som underlag för företaget samt stöd för vidare arbeten och projekt. Begränsningar – Avgränsningar i studien är på verksamhets-, mått och mätprocessnivå. På verksamhetsnivå har följande studie avgränsats till området logistik. På måttnivåberörs de interna mått som bedöms via outboundmåtten. Effektivitetsmåtten sombehandlas är kapitalbindning, servicenivå och lageromsättningshastighet. Forslund & Mattsson (2017) presenterar en mätprocess på fem steg, där studien endast omfattar steg fyra, vilken är ”mäta”. Nyckelord – Effektivitetsmått, Lagerservicenivå, Artikelklassificering, Dimensioneringsmetoder / Purpose – The purpose of the thesis is to contribute to a greater understanding of the correlation between logistics metrics and service level. To fulfill the purpose, the thesis has partly studied the usefulness of criteria for classification in warehouse operations, partly studied the impact of different stock dimensioning methods on metrics. To answer the purpose, two research questions has been formulated:(1) How can an item classification be used to plan inventory? (2) How does different stock dimensioning techniques affect a company’s different logistical metrics?  Method – A case study was conducted to verify the theoretical framework, where theories related to the subject area were collected and a literature study was performed to answer the study's research questions. While conducting the case study, empirical data were collected using historical data from the business system, which together with literature, constituted the groundwork of the analysis. Findings – The thesis found that a double ABC- analysis can be used as a good basis if criteria are chosen with regards to the suitable purpose. Of the statistical methods, SERV2 showed the largest change in inventory levels and was also the method that created the greatest effect on the metrics and thus, generated the greatest improvement in profit. The thesis demonstrated a link between reduced service level and reduced tied up capital, and between reduced service level and an increased inventory turnover rate. Implications – The thesis offers an overview of how an ABC- analysis can be applied and used to plan inventory. Furthermore, the thesis shows how the statistical dimensioning techniques can affect different logistical efficiency measures. The study can be used as framework for the case company as well as support for new projects. Limitations – Delimitations in the thesis are at a business, measure, and measure process level. At a business level, the thesis has been limited to the area of logistics. Where focus is on the internal measurements that are being assessed by outbound measurements. The metrics that are included in the study are tied up capital, service leveland inventory turnover rate, where the tied-up capital is limited to capital in stock. Forslund & Mattsson (2017) present a five-step measurement process, where the thesis only covers step four, which is “measurement”. Keywords – Metrics, Service level, Criteria for classification, Stock dimensioning techniques

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