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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social organisering runt naturresurser

Breitholtz, Adelina January 2017 (has links)
Resource management have been, and still are essential for humans, partly because of the constantly changing environment. The landscape provides basic material for survival and therefore it becomes important to understand the different stages of environmental influences and developments in parallel to the increasing complexity of Bronze- and Iron Age societies. Investigating the causes for human interactions with the environment and the following consequences for the biodiversity provides crucial information about organized systems for a sustainable resource management in our modern society. Finding archaeological traces of “hävd” (claimed land) and other types of manifestations in the landscape stress the fact that land becomes a more valuable resource from both a social and practical view. Over a longer perspective the process of going from a mobile hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a sedentary agricultural one also becomes a process of going from a collective to a private managing of resources. This project aims to investigate that development.

En hårdkokt historia : En studie av äggskalfynd från vikingatida gravkontext med särskilt fokus på Uppland och Gotland / Hard-Boiled Mysteries : A study of archaeological eggshell finds within Viking Age grave contexts in Uppland and Gotland provinces

Jelicic, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines archaeological eggshell finds from cremation graves in the Swedish province of Uppland as well as inhumation graves from the island of Gotland. All graves are dated to the Viking Age, however, the chronology varies by the region, with the period´s ending placed around year 1050 AD in Uppland and around year 1150 AD at the island of Gotland. An attempt is made to create a list of all known cases of egg depositions in graves during the period of interest, and to subsequently analyse them all in order to get a better understanding of this practice. The comparative analysis of the artefact assemblages within the graves and grave constructions is undertaken in order to identify possible regularities in how and when the egg was used within the ritual sequence. Although notable regional variations and differences in Viking Age burial customs are known to exist between the two investigated regions, and artefacts deposited within the graves are adapted to regional conditions, it is possible, amongst other things, to observe similarities in the timing of egg deposition. By understanding the funeral as a rite of passage that signified the transition between the states of life and death, and with the final goal of achieving the distinction between the world of the living and the realm of deceased ancestors, it is possible to better comprehend the funeral rituals and their archaeological remains – in this case avian eggshells. By applying van Gennep's rites of passage tripartite structure, involving separation, liminality, and incorporation, it is concluded that eggs, as we see them in the archaeological material presented in this study, are used in the last stage of this model. This is the part of the process where the main goal is reintegration of those who participated in ritual into a new social order. It is thus proposed here that eggs might be seen as hierophanies:  profane, everyday objects that have manifested into something sacred and who are clearly understood as such to those involved in burial but not necessary to outsiders: as symbols for fertility, regeneration, rebirth and transformation.

När lögnare blir lugnare : En sociofonetisk studie av sammanfallet mellan kort ö och kort u i uppländskan

Wenner, Lena January 2010 (has links)
The phenomenon of an ongoing sound change leads in some cases to the pronunciation of short ö becoming more like that of short u. This thesis examines the relationship between short ö and u in Uppland Swedish. The localities included in the investigation were Uppsala, Norrtälje, Östervåla and Gräsö. In particular, the thesis examines the effects of age, gender and social status on the acquisition of a pronunciation where the phonemes are produced in a similar way, and whether the change occurs earlier in some words than others. The informants on Gräsö appear to have the highest occurrence of the merger, while those in Norrtälje are best at keeping ö and u apart. In general, men have a smaller difference between ö and u than women. Three different age groups were analysed and the results show that the oldest informants have the largest difference between ö and u and the youngest informants have the smallest difference. There are no significant differences between the three social status groups, but there is a tendency for those with the lowest social status to be better at keeping the phonemes apart than those with the highest social status. 13 minimal (or near-minimal) pairs were analysed to investigate whether the phonetic context has an effect on the degree to which ö and u are becoming more similar. The study shows that the smallest phonetic difference is found for word pairs with r occurring in the preceding or following context. The largest phonetic distance was found in word pairs beginning with a vowel. The study also examined whether there is a relationship between production, perception and attitude to u-sounding ö in Uppsala. By combining the production test results with the informants’ categorisation of u and ö in the perception test, the study shows that the informants with a small phonetic distance in their own speech were better at categorising stimuli correctly than the speakers who had a larger phonetic distance between ö and u in their own speech.

The Pitted Ware Site and People of Vendel : A study of the Pitted Ware site Vendel, Vendel parish, Uppland, based on vessel use through analysis of lipid residue absorbed in Pitted Ware pottery

Isacson, Mimmi January 2012 (has links)
Analysis of organic residue absorbed in to the walls of ceramic vessels has proved to be a valuable contributor to the knowledge of prehistoric societies. Based on the analysis of absorbed lipids in the wall of ceramic vessels and existing knowledge and theories about the Pitted Ware culture, an attempt of understanding of the Pitted Ware site Vendel is made. Based on the obtained results and evidences presented throughout the paper it is argued that the Vendel site is a permanent or seasonal settlement, and furthermore that the results seem to reflect a change in vessel use towards the end of the Pitted Ware Culture, and possibly even a change of society, ideology and economy.

Fåglarna som följeslagare till människorna. : Osteologiska material av fågel från båtgravarna i Valsgärde. / Birds as companions to humans. : Remains found in boat graves from Valsgärde.

Jordahl, Jane January 2018 (has links)
This paper reviews the osteological material from birds which are found in the boat graves from Valsgärde in Sweden. Based on my own work with boat grave number 13, I have studied the avian bone material to find out what kind of bird species there are in the grave. Birds have a significant meaning in many religions from all around the world and are symbolic for different kinds of beliefs. Although many written sources from the past indicate the cultural importance of birds, there is still little zooarchaeological research done in the subject of bird findings in graves. The boat graves from Valsgärde is from the Vendel period about 550–800 AD. My interest with the species analysis is that it furthermore will lead to discussions about interpretation of the graves. I want to examine questions like what birds of certain species can tell about the individual that the grave belongs to. For example, findings of predatory birds often refer to wealth, due to fact that it’s difficult to raise them in captivity. This is an interesting fact that should be consider when a grave is examined, because it reveals many more questions. Also, I want to examine how birds at that time were used in everyday life, and if there were any other practices concerning birds like for example hunting.

Att stanna eller flytta? : Kontinuitet och diskontinuitet i det uppländska kulturlandskapet mellan mellersta och yngre järnåldern / To Stay or to Leave? : Continuity and Discontinuity in the Cultural Landscape of Uppland during the Transition between the Middle and Late Swedish Iron Age

Jansson, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
This paper studies continuity and discontinuity in the eastern Mälaren valley during the transition between the middle and late periods of the Swedish Iron Age. Historically this period has been seen as a period of population decline and turbulence but newer research has questioned this premise. In the areas studied in this paper one showed signs of discontinuity whereas the other seemed to have expanded. The discontinuity could possibly be explained with tectonic uplift causing the waterways over time to become non-traversable. Furthermore I could show a potential link between high status settlements and control over important paths for communication over water.

Deformerade vikingasvärdi Uppland under yngre järnåldern : En undersökningomfenomenets djupare betydelser

Berglund Svensson, Robin January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the deformed Viking swords as seen in the historical Swedish province of Uplands during the Late Iron Age.Three sites have been selected for their concentration of deformed and fragmented swords,as well as other phenomena that are part of the phenomenon. Birka,Kiplingeberg and Söderby are the three choose parts of Upland chosen for the similarities and difference of the swords appearing in cremation graves. To get a deeper understanding of the phenomenon beyond “killing of an object”, the theoretical perspective of charismatic objects, personhood and ritual theories have been used to approachthe swords.This will allow the essay to address the question of why different forms of swords appear and discuss who the form was for.

Block och skärvig sten. En arkeologi av det abiotiska : Ett symmetriskt perspektiv på blockanläggningar från yngre bronsålder - äldre järnålder med utgångspunkt i Kättsta i Uppland.

Bergström, Philip January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation investigates how a symmetrical approach to archaeology can be applied to identify the properties and effects of the non-living, abiotic materials. And to reconfigure the relationship between humans and non-human objects, bridging the divide between what has been termed ‘cultural’ and ‘natural’ and thus placed in different ontological realms. This is examined by studying the practices surrounding “boulder graves”, from the Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age (approx. 1000 – 0 BC) in Kättsta, Ärentuna parish in Uppland, Sweden. The boulders tend to be studied from an anthropocentric point of view, in which they are seen primarily as passive objects, interpreted only for what they represent. The objective of this research, however, is to gain new insights into the agency of boulders, and how they contributed to the practices carried out adjacent to them. The dissertation is based on a case study where a thematic analysis is performed, focusing on the properties and characteristics of boulders, their affordances, the distribution of finds and their interrelations, and the effects their relations generated. The results show that the boulders themselves contributed in human-stone relations and were vital in the formation of the grave-like features they became part of. It is argued that a symmetrical, non-anthropocentric approach to these features will broaden our view on materialities in the past, affording ontological as well as ecological implications.

Historisk myggplåga vid nedre Dalälven : En miljöhistorisk granskning av myggproblematiken vid Tärnsjö, Heby kommun, mellan åren 1985-1995.

Åslund, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att utreda ett område som tidigare forskning inom miljöhistoria inte har utforskat rörande myggproblematiken vid Nedre Dalälvsområdet mellan åren 1985-1995. Tanken var att utreda de möjliga myggbekämpningsmetoderna som föreslogs, vilka aktörer det var som förespråkade dessa, samt naturens påverkan på närområdet under samma tid. Forskningsläget beskriver tankesättet bakom miljöhistorisk forskning, ger en bakgrund till myggförekomsten i Nedre Dalälvsområdet från år 2000 och framåt, och belyser relationen mellan människa och natur. Länsstyrelsen Västmanlands rapport från 2003 täcker hur invånare i Heby kommun lyfte frågan om myggproblematik till kommunal nivå år 1985. Hebys kommunarkiv erhöll två samlade ärenden rörande den aktuella perioden. Undersökningen utgår från en förklarande kvalitativ analys av två kommunstyrelseärenden hos Heby kommunarkiv namngivna som KS.1985.292 och KS.1991.552. Källmaterialet omfattar 95 sidor av sammanträdesprotokoll, inbjudningar till informationsträffar, forskningsrapporter,informationsdokument och diverse övriga handlingar som ej kan kategoriseras. Undersökningsresultaten visar att Heby kommun under den aktuella perioden av 1985-1995 inte vidtog åtgärder i form av myggbekämpning, även om flertalet förslag fanns representerade i kommunstyrelsens sammanträdesprotokoll. Anledningen till varför myggbekämpningen uteblev har troligtvis flertalet faktorer som exempelvis kommunens ekonomiska begränsning, kommunstyrelsens motvilja att bruka kemiska bekämpningsmetoder, eller att kommunstyrelsen inväntade svar från andra, större samhällsorgan.Bekämpningsmetoderna som förespråkades var dels biologiska metoder som inplantering av inhemsk fisk och groddjur, eller kemisk bekämpning i form av besprutning med insekticider.

I bronsålderns gränsland : Uppland och frågan om östliga kontakter

Ojala, Karin January 2016 (has links)
In archaeological research, the province of Uppland has often been viewed as the northern ‘periphery’ of the Nordic Bronze Age region. At the same time, many researchers have also emphasized the distinctive and ‘independent’ regional character of Uppland and northern Mälardalen. Throughout the twentieth century, Late Bronze Age contacts between Uppland and areas to the east – especially Finland, the Baltic countries and Russia – were much discussed and played an important role in the creation of Mälardalen as a distinctive Bronze Age region. This dissertation examines how images of the Late Bronze Age in the Mälardalen region, more specifically Uppland, have been formed from the late nineteenth century until today, and how views on eastern contacts have affected interpretations of Bronze Age Uppland. The study consists of three parts: 1) A critical discussion on political dimensions of archaeology and archaeological concepts of contact, interaction, similarity and difference, with a special focus on Bronze Age research. 2) A historical examination of representations of the Late Bronze Age in Mälardalen and Uppland, including a discussion about contacts with northern Sweden and a case study of Broby, a Late Bronze Age site near Uppsala. 3) An analysis of debates on contacts between Mälardalen and areas further to the east, through case studies of bronze axes, so-called Mälar celts and Ananino celts, ceramics and inhumation burials. In the analysis, special focus is placed on the Volga-Kama region in Russia and archaeological research in Russia and the Soviet Union. The study shows that discussions on contacts and interaction between ‘East’ and ‘West’ have, in many ways, been affected by the changing political situation during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Knowledge about archaeological research in Russia and the Soviet Union has been very limited among archaeologists in Sweden. In order to further investigate the character and importance of eastern contacts during the Late Bronze Age, more collaboration and exchange between researchers in the different countries is needed. Furthermore, in order to better understand eastern contacts, it is also necessary to investigate in greater depth the relations between Mälardalen and northern Sweden.

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