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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Seminary Life and Formation under Mary’s Mantle: An Exploration of Mary’s Presence and Mission in Initial Priestly Formation

Maroney, Fr. Simon Mary of the Cross, M. Carm. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Artistic and Architectural Patronage of Countess Urraca of Santa María de Cañas: A Powerful Aristocrat, Abbess, and Advocate

McMullin, Julia Alice Jardine 09 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Countess Urraca Lope de Haro was the daughter of the noble Lord Diego Lope de Haro, friend and advisor to King Alfonso VIII of Castilla-León and granddaughter of Lord Lope Díaz de Haro and Lady Aldonza Ruiz de Castro, aristocratic courtiers as well as popular monastic patrons. As a young and wealthy widow, Countess Urraca took monastic vows at the Cistercian nunnery of Santa María de Cañas founded by her grandparents. Within a short time of uniting herself to this monastery, she was chosen as its fourth abbess in 1225, a position she held for thirty-seven years until her death in 1262. Following the tradition of monastic patronage established by her noble family members, Countess Urraca expanded the monastery's small real estate holdings, oversaw extensive building projects to create permanent structures for the nunnery, and patronized artistic projects including statuettes of the Virgin Mary and St. Peter in addition to her own decorative stone sarcophagus during her term as abbess. This thesis examines the artistic decoration and architectural patronage of this powerful woman and the influences she incorporated into the monastic structures at Cañas as she oversaw their construction. In dating the original buildings of the monastery at Cañas to the period of Countess Urraca's leadership, the predominant architectural features and decorative details of female Cistercian foundations in northern Spain are discussed. Comparisons with additional thirteenth-century Cistercian monasteries from the same region in northern Spain are offered to demonstrate the artistic connections with the structures Countess Urraca patronized. In addition, this thesis examines Countess Urraca's obvious devotion to the Virgin Mary and St. Peter by considering the medieval monastic world in which she lived and the strong emphasis the Cistercian Order placed on such worship practices. The potent spiritual connections Countess Urraca made by commissioning images of essential, holy intercessors testifies to her devotion to them and the powerful salvatory role she herself played in the lives of the nuns for whom she was responsible. As a nun and abbess, Countess Urraca was urged to emulate Mary's mothering, nurturing qualities, and, as she did so was simultaneously empowered by the Virgin's heavenly authority as administrator of mercy. Indeed, through studying her art it is clear that she saw herself as an intercessor on behalf of the nuns for whom she was responsible. Furthermore, discussion of the imagery displayed on Countess Urraca's decorative stone sarcophagus demonstrates not only a similar message of salvation through intercessors such as Peter and Mary, but also testifies of Abbess Urraca's aristocratic lineage. Through this artistic commission, the Abbess creates another direct, personal link between herself and the Virgin by including the symbol of the rosary throughout the iconography of her tomb. Such a symbol represents her devotion to Mary as Queen of Heaven and simultaneously empowers Countess Urraca as an intercessor herself. All of these architectural and artistic commissions confirm that she was a powerful woman who wielded a great deal of influence.

“She said she was called Theodore” : -        A modality analysis of five transcendental saints in the 1260’s Legenda Aurea and 1430’s Gilte Legende

Atterving, Emmy January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores modalities in two hagiographical collections from the late Middle Ages; the Legenda Aurea and the Gilte Legende by drawing inspiration from post-colonial hybridity theories.. It conducts a close textual analysis by studying the use of pronouns in five saints’ legends where female saints transcend traditional gender identities and become men, and focuses on how they transcend, live as men, and die. The study concludes that the use of pronouns is fluid in the Latin Legenda Aurea, while the Middle English Gilte Legende has more female pronouns and additions to the texts where the female identity of the saints is emphasised. This is interpreted as a sign of the feminisation of religious language in Europe during the late Middle Ages, and viewed parallel with the increase of holy women at that time. By doing this, it underlines the importance of new words and concepts when describing and understanding medieval views on gender.

MAGNUM SIGNUM MEXICANUM - " Révélations " autour de l'image de la Vierge de Guadalupe. XVIe - XXIe siècles / MAGNUM SIGNUM MEXICANUM - "Revelations" around the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. 16th - 21st centuries

Augier de Moussac, Nathalie 15 November 2017 (has links)
L'image miraculeuse de la Vierge de Guadalupe mexicaine est bien plus qu'une icône religieuse : aujourd'hui symbole national, c'est un objet politique qui s'est trouvé au coeur de rivalités constantes entre le pouvoir civil et l'Eglise depuis son " apparition " au XVIe siècle. Sans pour autant négliger les liens qui la rattachent à chacun, ou presque, des Mexicains, nous nous sommes efforcés de mettre en lumière cet aspect trop souvent négligé de son histoire qui se déroule sur près de cinq siècles. / The miraculous image of the Mexican Virgin of Guadalupe is much more than a religious icon : It is a national symbol and a political object which has been at the heart of constant rivalities between the civil authorities and the Church since her "apparition" in the XVIth century. Without neglecting the intimate relationship most Mexicans have developed with her, we have been focusing on this aspect, too often forgotten from most scholar studies on the matter.

Regina Cœli : les images de la Vierge et le culte des reliques : tableaux-reliquaires polonais à l’époque médiévale / Regina Cœli : the images of the Virgin Mary and the cult of relics : polish picture-reliquaries of the Middle Ages / Regina Cœli : die Darstellungen der Muttergottes und der Kult der Reliquien : polnischen Reliquien-Bilder vom Mittelal

Migdal, Anna 14 June 2010 (has links)
Le corpus d’œuvres et la synthèse des études menées sur les images de dévotion à l’époque médiévale n’ont jamais approfondi, dans le contexte européen, la question des peintures mariales ayant fonction de porte-reliques. Le modèle de tableau-reliquaire : panneau unique, diptyque et triptyque comprenant le portrait de la Vierge à l’Enfant peint sur bois (plus rarement sur verre églomisé) enchâssé dans un large cadre incrusté de reliques (parfois de pierres précieuses) se répandit particulièrement sur le territoire de la Petite-Pologne à partir des environs de 1420. Les reliquaires polonais, connus jusqu’au début du XVIe siècle, doivent sans doute être considérés comme une adaptation des types iconiques et formels de provenance byzantine, lesquels furent réinterprétés dans la peinture du Trecento italien. Il s’agit notamment du modèle siennois de retable portatif marial popularisé dès les années 1330-1340. D’après l’étude comparative des œuvres, relative à leurs caractéristiques similaires et leur ancienneté, on envisage l’arrivée d’un tel concept formel en Pologne soit directement de l’Italie, soit par l’intermédiaire de la Bohême.L’expansion des tableaux-reliquaires, typiques de l’art toscan, s’inscrivit au XVe siècle en Europe centrale dans le mouvement général du renouveau de piété, qu’était la devotio moderna. De sorte qu’à côté des représentations singulières, spécialement vénérées au cours des offices liturgiques et paraliturgiques, on voit se répandre des reliquaires moins coûteux dans l’espace privé. Appréciés dans l’intimité des couvents – franciscains et dominicains –, ainsi que dans celle du quotidien des laïcs, ils étaient utilisés comme des autels domestiques ou bien comme des autels pliables de voyage. Ces images d’affection religieuse constituent un phénomène artistique du bas Moyen Âge. Et, quelques-uns des reliquaires semblables connus postérieurement n’assurent pas une véritable continuité de l’ancien modèle à l’époque moderne. / Scholarly investigation of devotional images from the medieval period has never explored, in a European context, the question of Marian paintings functioning as portable relics. The model of the « picture-reliquary » : a single, diptych, or triptych panel comprsing the por-trait of the Virgin and Child painted on wood (or, more rarely, on gilded glass, verre églomisé) set in a large framework encrusted with relics (occasionally with precious stones) was particularly widespread in the territory of Little Poland from c. 1420. Polish reliquaries, known until the beginning of the 16th century, should be considered as an adaptation of iconic types and forms of Byzantine provenance, which were reinterpreted in the painting of the Italian Trecento. Of particular note is the Siennese model of the portable Marian altar piece made popular from the 1330s-40s. From the comparative study of the works, concerning their similarities and their antiquity, one envisages the advent of such a formal concept in Poland either directly from Italy, or by the intermediary of Bohemia.The diffusion of picture-reliquaries, typical of Tuscan art, forms part of the general movement toward a renewal of piety in central Europe in the 15th century, the devotio moderna. As a result, alongside singular representations, especially venerated in the course of liturgical or paraliturgical offices, one sees less costly reliquaries spread in private space. Appreciated in the intimate setting of convents – Franciscan and Dominican – as well as that of the daily life of the laity, these relics were used as domestic altars or as folding altars for travel. These images of religious affection constitute an artistic phenomenon of the late Middle Ages. And, several similar reliquaries known later do not guarantee a veritable continuity of the ancient model to the modern era. / Die erhaltenen Überblicksdarstellungen und Spezialuntersuchungen zu den Frömmigkeitsbildern des Mittelalters haben sich niemals – im europäischen Kontext – mit der Frage derjenigen Mariendarstellungen auseinandergesetzt, die die Funktion von Tragereliquien inne hatten. Das Modell des Reliquien-Bildes – einfaches Tafel-bild, Diptychon oder Triptychon mit einer Darstellung der Jungfrau mit dem Kind, gemalt auf Holz (seltener auf Glas), umschlossen von einem breiten Rahmen, in den Reliquien (mitunter auch Edelsteine) eingefügt sind – verbreitet sich ca. ab 1420 ins-besondere auf dem Gebiet Kleinpolens. Diese polnischen Reliquiare, bekannt bis zum Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts, können ohne Zweifel als Adaptation ikonischer und formaler Typen byzantinischer Provenienz angesehen werden, die in der Malerei des italienischen Trecento wiederinterpretiert wurden. Dabei handelt es sich vor allem um das Sieneser Model des marianischen Tragaltars, verbreitet seit den Jahren 1330-1340. Folgt man den vergleichenden Untersuchungen der erhaltenen Stücke mit Blick auf ihre übereinstimmenden Charakteristika und ihr Alter, wird das Auf-greifen eines solchen formalen Konzepts in Polen entweder direkt aus Italien oder indirekt über Böhmen wahrscheinlich.Die Ausbreitung dieser Tafel-Reliquiare, typisch für die toskanische Kunst, verbindet sich im 15. Jahrhundert in Mitteleuropa mit der umfassenden Bewegung einer Er-neuerung der Frömmigkeit, bekannt auch unter dem Namen devotio moderna. Dies führt dazu, daß neben einzelnen, vor allem im Rahmen liturgischer oder paraliturgi-scher Veranstaltungen verehrten Darstellungen, zunehmend weniger kostspielige Reliquiare auch in den privaten Raum vordringen. Gehütet sowohl in der Intimität der Klöster – franziskanisch und dominikanisch – als auch im täglichen Lebensraum der Laien, wurden sie als Hausaltäre oder auch als zusammenklappbare Reisealtäre verwendet. Diese Darstellungen religiösen Affekts stellen ein künstlerisches Phäno-men des Spätmittelalters dar. Einige der ähnlichen, allerdings später entstandenen Reliquiare garantieren allerdings keine überzeugende Kontinuität vom alten Modell hin zur Neuzeit.

Rape-revenge film: "empowering" eller förnedrande sexualisering av kvinnor? : en jämförande analys av Paul Verhoevens Elle gentemot tradition / Rape-revenge film: "empowering" or degrading sexualization of women? : a comparative analysis of Paul Verhoeven's Elle against the tradition

Rosén, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om rape-revenge film. Närmare bestämt undersöker den hur de kvinnliga karaktärerna representeras i de utvalda filmerna och om, och i så fall hur, de kan ses som ”empowering” eller om det endast handlar om en sexualiserande porträttering av våld mot kvinnor. Uppsatsen använder sig utav en film- och textbaserad analys och den grundläggande teorin för uppsatsen är den feministiska filmteorin, samt teorier om kvinnor i rape-revenge. De tre filmerna som står i fokus är I Spit on Your Grave (Meir Zarchi, 1978), Ms. 45 (Abel Ferrara, 1981) och Elle (Paul Verhoeven, 2016). Slutresultatet visar att de tre filmerna inte porträtterar deras våldtäktsscener på ett sexualiserat eller erotiskt sätt utan snarare framhäver brutaliteten i våldet för åskådarna i form av bland annat karaktärsidentifiering med offret istället för våldtäktsmannen. Däremot, skiljer sig filmerna i hur deras respektive kvinnliga karaktärer väljer att hämnas och huruvida deras agerande kan ses som empowering eller inte. Av de tre filmerna är Elle den som tydligast uppvisar olika versioner av empowering och hur det som stärker en person är väldigt individuellt.

Mary, Summa Contemplatrix in Denis the Carthusian

Maroney, Fr. Simon Mary of the Cross, M. Carm. 25 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Sochařství krásného slohu ve Vratislavi / Sculpture of beautiful style in Wroclaw

Šleichrtová, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is divided into two main parts. The First cultural-historical part is dedicated to introduction of cultural-historical context between Bohemian kingdom and Silesia. Historical development of Silesia and its joining into the union of Lands of Bohemian crown is also shortly discussed. The second art-historical chapter in first part brings the resume of literature dedicated to phenomenon of beautiful style. The second part brings resume of literature dedicated particularly to the Silesian centre of beautiful style. And the last part of this chapter consists of a catalogue of chosen works of beautiful style from Wroclaw. Those are Pietà of St. Elisabeth in Wroclaw, Pietà of Virgin Mary on Sand church in Wroclaw, Man of sorrows from Goldsmith's altar, Pietà from St. Stanislaw and Wenzel church in Sweidnitz, Pietà from St. Matthew church. For each of these works a detailed formal analysis is made and existing research outputs are summarized. As a conclusion of researches mentioned above an attempt is made to improve accuracy of dating and to answer some questions related to those works of art.

Counter Revolutionary Programs: Social Catholicism and the Cristeros

Newcomer, Daniel 20 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Through the Eyes of Shamans: Childhood and the Construction of Identity in Rosario Castellanos' "Balun-Canan" and Rudolfo Anaya's "Bless Me, Ultima"

Nava, Tomas Hidalgo 09 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study offers a comparative analysis of Rosario Castellanos' Balún-Canán and Rudolfo Anaya's Bless Me, Ultima, novels that provide examples on how children construct their identity in hybrid communities in southeastern Mexico and the U.S. southwest. The protagonists grow and develop in a context where they need to build bridges between their European and Amerindian roots in the middle of external influences that complicate the construction of a new mestizo consciousness. In order to attain that consciousness and free themselves from their divided selves, these children receive the aid of an indigenous mentor who teaches them how to establish a dialogue with their past, nature, and their social reality. The protagonists undertake that negotiation by transgressing the rituals of a society immersed in colonial dual thinking. They also create mechanisms to re-interpret their past and tradition in order to create an image of themselves that is not imposed by the status quo. In both novels, the protagonists have to undergo similar processes to overcome their identity crises, including transculturation, the creation of sites of memory, and a transition from orality to writing. Each of them resorts to creative writing and becomes a sort of shaman who pulls together the "spirits" from the past, selects them, and organizes them in a narration of childhood that is undertaken from adulthood. The results of this enterprise are completely different in the cases of both protagonists because the historical and social contexts vary. The boy in Bless Me, Ultima can harmoniously gather the elements to construct his identity, while the girl in Balún-Canán fails because of the pressures of a male-centered and highly racist society.

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