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”Jag tycker att musikämnet är öppet för anpassningar, men de kommer ju inte gratis” : En kvalitativ studie om musiklärares arbete med att inkludera elever i behov av särskilt stöd. / “In my opinion the subject of music education is openfor accommodation, but it doesn’t come free” : A qualitative crosssectional study on how music teachers work for inclusion of students in need of special aid.Krantz, JohnFredrik January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore how music teachers in grades seven to nine work with adjustments in their teaching practices to include students with special needs. This has been done from a sociocultural perspective where inclusion, special adjustments and a school for everyone were the overall themes. The study has been conducted via qualitative interviews, which has been analysed and the results split threefold; teacher’s perspectives on student’s needs, teacher’s opportunities and limitations, and schools opportunities and limitations. The results found in this study indicate that group size together with resources and the music classroom are limiting factors for the quality of music education and to which degree teachers are able to work with inclusion. Working for inclusion was found a must in music education, where playing together was perceived as a vital part of the education. In most of the cases students always being in the classroom were preferred, but there were exceptions where students leaving the classroom were found to be more beneficial for the students in question. Furthermore, letting all students take advantage from adjustments made for special needs students proved to be beneficial for the group as a whole. The study also shows that teachers need to have adequate education with elements of special education to enable them to properly include students with special needs.
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Inkludering av barn med särskilda behov : En intervjustudie om fyra pedagogers resonemang om sitt arbetssätt för en inkluderande verksamhetGreen, Elin January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain insight of four preschool teacher’s perspectives and reasoning in two different local if they working to counteract exclusion. The questions this study assumes are: How does the teachers in preschool reason about how they working against exclusion of children with diagnosis in the free game, if there are? How does the teachers reasoning about their methods and personal strategies they uses to include children with diagnosis in the free game, if they are excluded? How does the teachers reasoning about the diagnosis effect of these children’s social interaction with other children if the diagnosis became their identity? The method in this study to collect material about the teacher´s perspective on the subject is semi-structured interviews. The collected material has been analyzed and interpreted from a socio-cultural perspective. The conclusion of this study is that you can see pattern of the teachers reasoning about the subject, their methods and their personal strategies to include children with diagnosis. They work very close to the children and focus on the individual child in the group and the importance of excluding work for inclusion. The inclusion work is complex and the teacher’s approach and child perspective affects the inclusion work and if the children get stigmatized because of their diagnosis as identity. Exclusionary practices is necessary for the inclusion work and work close to the individual and also knowing the child´s difficulties and strength to support where it´s needed so the child can be involved in social interaction with other children.
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Inkludering som inkluderar : En empirisk studie om lågstadielärares arbetssätt för en skola för alla / Inclusion that includes : An empirical study on primary school teachers' ways of working towards a school for everyoneKunze, Sanna, Rudin, Maja January 2021 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka hur ett inkluderande arbetssätt kan framstå i svenskundervisningen på lågstadiet ur ett lärarperspektiv och hur inkluderingen samspelar med målsättningen en skola för alla. Studien utgår från det sociokulturella perspektivet där man antar att lärande sker i samspel med andra, liksom från Asp-Onsjös tre inkluderingsaspekter: rumslig, didaktisk och social. Frågeställningarna besvaras genom intervjuer med lärare på lågstadiet. Svaren har sammanställts utifrån en innehållsanalys med fokus på de tre aspekterna av inkludering. Resultaten visar att det uppstår dilemman inom de tre inkluderingsperspektiven eftersom de kan krocka med varandra. Dessa dilemman blir extra tydliga när skolan sätter in individuella åtgärder för att erbjuda en likvärdig utbildning. I resultatet framkommer också att det finns hinder för att inkluderingen ska vara överensstämmande med målsättningen en skola för alla. Aspekter såsom tid, kompetens och skolledningens roll har visat sig avgörande för hur väl målsättningen kan nås och samtliga elever bli inkluderade.
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En skola för alla - gäller det alla? : Statliga styrdokuments betydelse i skolans verksamhet / A School for Everyone. Does it Apply to Everyone? : The Importance of National Steering Documents for Schools.Gadler, Ulla January 2011 (has links)
The thesis aim is to visualize and understand what happens to intentions formulated in national steering documents to be interpreted and implemented in schools to give every pupil without exception access to an equivalent education. The principal starting point is that the individual official, or “street bureaucrat”, working inside school is the key person in interpreting steering document content. A theory-based analysis model was constructed from the different levels of national school steering systems, including knowledge appropriation and knowledge transfer as theoretical concepts. In the model, state, municipality, school and pupil constitute separate institutional concepts forming four frames, with three levels, macro, meso and micro, with school and pupil on the latter level. Following the process involving national steering documents, the actual steering of schools and the interpretation and implementation of the mission at different system levels highlights these documents’ importance. The empirical material comprises five studies: Study 1, a literature study focusing on the expression A school for everyone; Study 2, a document study on the steering of schools in two systems; Studies 3 and 4, two mutually independent questionnaire studies about national steering documents involving school leaders undergoing school leadership education and special needs teachers-to-be during their education and Study 5, a document study of pupil assistants’ role as officials in the two steering systems. The conclusion of the thesis may be that the pedagogical significance of the steering documents depends on how administrative and school officials, individually and collectively, interpret and implement the mission among the pupils. Claiming that A school for everyone applies to everyone requires routines in whichever system which ensure that all steering process officials absorb the steering document content and agree on a common pedagogical foundation about who are all pupils, which ones need special support and what measures will give all pupils access to an equivalent education.
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Inkluderad men ändå exkluderad? : Elevers berättelser om gemenskapen i skolanHultberg, Elinor, Persson, Marie January 2008 (has links)
Som blivande lärare har vi många gånger funderat på om elever kan vara inkluderande med samtidigt vara exkluderade i den gemensamma grupp en klass bildar. Inkludering har i detta arbete fått betydelsen att vara en social företeelse som innebär gemenskap, delaktighet och trygghet. Syftet med studien blev därmed att utröna vad det är som gör att elever känner sig inkluderade respektive exkluderade i gemenskapen i skolan. I den teoretiska bakgrunden presenteras tanken med en skola för alla samt vad inkludering som social företeelse innebär. Studien är baserade på en narrativ metod där tolkning av elevers berättelser om gemenskapen i skolan är en del av arbetet. Resultatet visade att gemenskapen i klassen, kamrater, lärare, aktiviteter i klassrum och på skolgården är faktorer som påverkar känslan av att vara inkluderade respektive exkluderad. Generellt sett upplever sig alla elever vara trygga i klassrummet och på skolan. Även om eleverna ansåg att ingen i klassen var utanför var det några elever som ansåg sig själva vara detta. Om lärare i en skolverksamhet tar för givet att en elev är inkluderad i gemenskapen men inte är det kan det vara förödande för den eleven. Detta medför att lärare kontinuerligt bör granska de sociala relationerna mellan eleverna. Grupparbeten där samarbete är det övergripande syftet är något som kan stärka elevernas acceptans för varandras olikheter vilket kan leda till en bättre gruppgemenskap. / As proposed teachers, we have often speculated on if pupils can be included respectively excluded in that common group a class forms. Inclusion has in this work got the meaning of being a social phenomenon that means spirit of togetherness,participation and wellbeing. The aim with the study became thereby to find out what it is that makes pupils feel included respectively excluded in the spirit of togetherness within their school. In the theoretical background, the thought with a school for everyone is presented and what inclusion as social phenomenon means. The study is based on narrative method where interpretation of pupils' stories is a part of the work. The result showed that the spirit of togetherness in the class, friends, teachers, activities in the classroom and on the playground are factors that involve the feeling of being included respectively excluded. All the pupils generally experience themselves to be safe in the classroom and on the school. Although the pupils wrote that nobody in their class where left outside, being out of it, some pupils regarded themselves to be this. If teachers in a school take for granted that a pupil is included in the spirit of togetherness, but is not, it can be devastating for that pupil. This means that teachers continuous should check the social relationships between the pupils. Groupwork where cooperation is the overall aim is something that can strengthen the students' acceptance for each others differences which can lead to a better group spirit.
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Inkluderad men ändå exkluderad? : Elevers berättelser om gemenskapen i skolanHultberg, Elinor, Persson, Marie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Som blivande lärare har vi många gånger funderat på om elever kan vara inkluderande med samtidigt vara exkluderade i den gemensamma grupp en klass bildar. Inkludering har i detta arbete fått betydelsen att vara en social företeelse som innebär gemenskap,</p><p>delaktighet och trygghet. Syftet med studien blev därmed att utröna vad det är som gör att elever känner sig inkluderade respektive exkluderade i gemenskapen i skolan. I den teoretiska bakgrunden presenteras tanken med en skola för alla samt vad inkludering</p><p>som social företeelse innebär. Studien är baserade på en narrativ metod där tolkning av elevers berättelser om gemenskapen i skolan är en del av arbetet. Resultatet visade att gemenskapen i klassen, kamrater, lärare, aktiviteter i klassrum och på skolgården är</p><p>faktorer som påverkar känslan av att vara inkluderade respektive exkluderad. Generellt sett upplever sig alla elever vara trygga i klassrummet och på skolan. Även om eleverna ansåg att ingen i klassen var utanför var det några elever som ansåg sig själva vara</p><p>detta. Om lärare i en skolverksamhet tar för givet att en elev är inkluderad i gemenskapen men inte är det kan det vara förödande för den eleven. Detta medför att lärare kontinuerligt bör granska de sociala relationerna mellan eleverna. Grupparbeten där samarbete är det övergripande syftet är något som kan stärka elevernas acceptans</p><p>för varandras olikheter vilket kan leda till en bättre gruppgemenskap.</p> / <p>As proposed teachers, we have often speculated on if pupils can be included respectively excluded in that common group a class forms. Inclusion has in this work got the meaning of being a social phenomenon that means spirit of togetherness,participation and wellbeing. The aim with the study became thereby to find out what it</p><p>is that makes pupils feel included respectively excluded in the spirit of togetherness within their school. In the theoretical background, the thought with a school for everyone is presented and what inclusion as social phenomenon means. The study is based on narrative method where interpretation of pupils' stories is a part of the work. The result showed that the spirit of togetherness in the class, friends, teachers, activities in the classroom and on the playground are factors that involve the feeling of being included respectively excluded. All the pupils generally experience themselves to be safe in the classroom and on the school. Although the pupils wrote that nobody in their class where left outside, being out of it, some pupils regarded themselves to be this. If</p><p>teachers in a school take for granted that a pupil is included in the spirit of togetherness, but is not, it can be devastating for that pupil. This means that teachers continuous should check the social relationships between the pupils. Groupwork where cooperation</p><p>is the overall aim is something that can strengthen the students' acceptance for each others differences which can lead to a better group spirit.</p>
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"En skola för alla" med specialklasser? : En intervjustudie bland lärare angående deras uppfattning om specialklasserKiryakos, Fady January 2012 (has links)
This study is about different teacher’s ´conception of remedial classes and its function in Today´s School. “A school for everyone” the utopia that all schools and teachers aspire for. All pupils, regardless of ethnic background, class, and religious affiliation should be able to go to school without being segregated and are seen as different. A large part of the research at this moment shows a picture of segregated schools with remedial classes. If remedial classes cause segregation or inclusion is a dilemma that should be highlighted and discussed. Pupils who are in need of special support should be supported, without being segregated and perceived as different. To perform this study, qualitative interviews were made. Seven teachers have participated and gave their views on remedial classes and what function they fill for the school. My theory that has been used highlights two conditions at school. One is segregating integration with the compensatory perspective (kompensatoriska perspektivet), and the other is including integration with the democratic participatory perspective (deltagarperspektiv). The result shows that the teachers who were interviewed, despite the intentions of the “A school for everyone” and with all risk that remedial classes carries with it, consider it compensatory perspective should be followed to accommodate all the pupils’ needs according to their conditions.
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Ett inkluderande fritidshem : En kvalitativ studie om organisatoriskt och pedagogiskt ansvarigas uppfattningar kring fritidshemmets inkluderingsuppdragDinc, Bawer, Madani, Mohamed January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken förståelse och vilka erfarenheter pedagogiskt och organisatoriskt ansvarig personal har för att skapa en inkluderande miljö för alla elever i fritidshemmet, samt att i ljuset av detta diskutera i vilken mån fritidshemmets uttryckta inkluderingsmål kan sägas uppfyllas. Detta är en kvalitativ studie där vi använt oss av semi-strukturerade intervjuer. I studien har vi besökt två skolor där vi intervjuat två grundlärare i fritidshem som är pedagogiskt ansvariga för respektive fritidshem. Vi har även intervjuat två biträdande rektorer som är organisatoriskt ansvariga för respektive fritidshem. För att analysera intervjuerna i studien har vi tagit stöd från det interkulturella perspektivet samt det relationella och kategoriska perspektivet. Vi har även i analysen använt oss av fenomenografisk analysmetod. Genom att tillämpa en fenomenografisk ansats har vi kunnat få fram en breddad och fördjupad bild av intervjupersonernas förståelse och erfarenheter kring skapandet av en inkluderande miljö. I studien framkom en gemensam förståelse kring inkluderingsbegreppet men att det skiljde sig i hur pedagogiskt och organisatoriskt ansvariga resonerar kring det inkluderande arbetet i praktiken. Studien visar även hur fritidshemmets olika förutsättningar kan vara en hävande faktor till att skapandet av en inkluderande miljö inte kan göras till fullo. / The purpose of this study is to investigate what understanding and what experiences pedagogically and organizationally responsible staffhave in creating an inclusive environment for all students in the leisure-time center, and to discuss in the light of this the extent to which the leisure center's expressed inclusion goals can be said to be fulfilled. This is a qualitative study where we used semi-structured interviews. In the study, we visited two schools where we interviewed two primary teachers in leisure centers who are pedagogically responsible for each leisure center. We have also interviewed two deputy vice-chancellors who are organizationally responsible for each leisure center. To analyze the interviews in the study, we have taken support from the intercultural perspective as well as the relational and categorical perspective. We have also used phenomenographic analysis methods in the analysis. By adding a phenomenographic approach, we have been able to develop a broadened and in-depth picture of the interviewees' understandings and experienced units around the creation of an inclusive environment. The study revealed common understandings of the concept of inclusion, but that it differed in how pedagogically and organizationally responsible reason about the inclusive work in practice. The study also shows how the different conditions of the leisure center can be revoking to the fact that the creation of an inclusive environment cannot be done in full.
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Utmaningar och strategier för attinkludera elever med Autismspektrumtillstånd : En litteraturstudieBorrestad, Evelina, Larsson, Anna-Lotta January 2017 (has links)
Antalet barn med någon form av funktionsnedsättning har ökat i världen och detta innebär även att intresset för att inkludera elever med funktionsnedsättning i de vanliga klasserna (där det endast finns barn utan någon typ av funktionsnedsättning) också har ökat. En av de vanligaste diagnoserna tillhörande de neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningarna är autismspektrumstillstånd (AST) och inkluderar såväl diagnoserna Asberger som Autism syndrom. Inkluderingen av elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättning med diagnoser tillhörande AST har visat sig vara komplicerad. Denna litteraturstudie har för avsikt att undersöka vilka svårigheter och utmaningar som pedagoger möter vid inkludering av AST- elever i klassrummet, samt vilka strategier och metoder som är gynnsamma att använda sig av som pedagog vid inkludering av AST-elever i klassrummet. Resultaten visar att mycket ansvar ligger hos pedagogen för att klassrumsmiljön ska bli inkluderande och för att AST- eleverna ska kunna skapa kompisrelationer. Resultatet visar även tydligt på att pedagogernas största utmaning är att underlätta AST-elevernas svårigheter i att hantera sociala relationer.Även underlätta sociala relationer med såväl klasskamrater som andra vuxna i klassrummet.
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Výuka svátků a významných dnů v hodinách výchovy k občanství / Teaching of bank holidays and next significant days in Education to Citizenship classesZEZULOVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on important cultural and social connections of bank holiday and next significant days incorporation into Education to Citizenship on the second grade of primary schools. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical part. The theoretical one is dealing with the definition and characterization of bank holidays and next significant days in the Czech Republic. In the next part there is described curricular reform of schooling and its documents. In the practical part there is analysed Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education into which are reflected problems of teaching of bank holidays and significant days in primary schools. Afterwards is researching focused on analysis of School Education Programme of Primary School and Kindergarten School for everyone in Osová Bítýška. The author is looking at bank holidays and next significant days incorporation into Education to Citizenship curriculum. In this part there are analysed Education to Citizenship textbooks with valid clause of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports as well. Subsequently there were created model education units which were used in chosen primary school. The conclusion of diploma thesis is dealing with evaluation of realized classes and appraisal of contribution of created activities to pupils.
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