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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Concevoir des cadres pour agir et faire agir : l'activité de prescription dans une entreprise horticole. / Designing frames to act and frames to make acting : the presctiption activity in a horticultural business.

Agostini, Corinne 19 November 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’activité de prescription de l’encadrement de proximité d’une entreprise horticole appartenant à un groupement de producteurs national. Celle-ci compte une vingtaine de permanents à l’année et accueillant autant de saisonniers durant la pleine saison. Dans cette structure où le travail est peu formalisé et l’organisation de la production pas toujours planifiée en amont, et dans un environnement où tout bouge tout le temps (élément naturel, produits vivants, variabilité industrielle), il est impossible, voire contre-productif de vouloir tout pré-écrire. Dans ce contexte, nous considérons que l’encadrant est un concepteur qui développe son activité en s’appuyant sur des cadres pour l’action préexistants dans la situation de travail et composés en partie de cadres primaires (naturels et sociaux) qu’il interprète, grâce à des ressources qu’il s’est construit sur son expérience, et en interagissant avec ses collègues. Pour organiser le travail à faire et à faire faire, et pour agir de manière efficace, l’encadrement va concevoir de l’organisation et de la prescription, dans et par l’action, en se confrontant en permanence à la réalité de la situation. Prescrire revient alors à concevoir des cadres d’action (cadres pour agir et cadres pour faire agir) en conduisant en simultané des microprojets quotidiens et des microprojets occasionnels ainsi que de séquences de conception, aux empans temporels différenciés. Lors du processus de conception de la prescription, l’encadrement transforme donc les cadres primaires en cadres secondaires, aboutissant ainsi à une succession de cadres transformés dont certains peuvent se cristalliser sous la forme d’artefacts (matérialisés ou oraux). Nous montrons que pour ce faire, l’encadrant procède à des actions de cadrage (microprojet quotidiens), de recadrage (microprojets occasionnels) et de co-cadrage (microprojets occasionnels et séquences de conception).Vue sous cet angle, l’activité de prescription aboutit à une stratification de cadres d’action. Et elle requiert non seulement une activité de conception complexe, mais aussi et surtout, une réelle créativité de l’agir de la part de l’encadrement. / This research focuses on the prescription activity for the supervision of a horticultural company. This company is owned by a group of national producers, with around twenty permanent staff and around the same number of temporary staff during the peak season. In this organisation in which the work is not formalised, the organisation of the production is not always planned ahead and where everything is in flux (natural element, living products, industrial variability), it is impossible, even against counter- productive to try to pre-write everything.In this context, we consider that the supervisor is a designer who develops his activity based on the existing frameworks for action in the work situation. These frameworks are made up of pre-existing primary frameworks (natural and social) that he interprets using the resources that he has built up based on his experience and by interacting with colleagues. To organise the work to do and to be done, and to act efficiently, the supervisor will design the organisation and the prescription (during the action and by the action) by constantly facing the reality of the situation. Prescribing then comes down to designing activity frameworks (frameworks for behaving and frameworks to drive behaviours) by simultaneously driving daily and occasional micro-projects as well as design sequences with differentiated temporal spans. During the design process of the prescription, the supervision therefore transforms primary frameworks in secondary frameworks, resulting in a succession of transformed frameworks some of which may crystallise in the form of artifacts (materialised or oral). We show that for this to happen, the supervisor conducts framing actions (daily microprojects) and re-framing actions (occasional microprojects) and of co-framing (occasional microprojects and design sequences). From this perspective, the prescription activity leads to a stratification of policy frameworks. And it requires not only complex design activities, but also and above all, real creativity of action on the part of the supervisor.

Survivre à la violence organisée : parcours et témoignage de deux femmes rwandaises

Martinez, Elssa 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur la survivance des femmes en contexte de violence organisée. Notre recherche s’appuie sur le témoignage de deux femmes rwandaises réfugiées au Canada dont le récit sera exploré afin de comprendre leurs points de vue sur trois dimensions de la survivance : la victimisation et la revictimisation qu’elles ont subi, les actes qu’elles ont pu poser pour survivre et le sens qu’elles ont donné aux situations vécues. D’abord, ces femmes rapportent qu’au-delà du génocide de 1994, elles ont vécu dans un climat d’insécurité, d’incertitude et d’impunité durant la guerre au Rwanda (1990-1994) et en exil, durant la guerre qui a visé le renversement de Mobutu, le massacre des ressortissants rwandais et le pillage des ressources naturelles par l’AFDL. Leurs récits confirment donc la continuité de la violence organisée d’un régime politique à un autre. De plus, les femmes témoignent de la non-reconnaissance de leur statut de réfugié par les bureaux qui traitent outre-mer les demandes d’asile, du traitement déshumanisant et accusateur des administrateurs de l’aide humanitaire et, de manière plus importante, de la non-reconnaissance des crimes commis par les forces armées du gouvernement actuellement au pouvoir au Rwanda et de leur impunité. Ensuite, les témoignages recueillis montrent des actrices sociales engagées dans l’activisme politique, l’action collective, la protection, la sécurité, la survie et l’établissement de leurs proches, du début du conflit jusqu’à leur arrivée au Canada. En effet, pour surmonter les difficultés engendrées par la violence organisée, elles ont mobilisé et transformé de manière créative toutes les ressources de leur capital humain, social et économique pour subvenir aux besoins de leurs proches et de leur communauté, et ce, tout au long de leur parcours migratoire. Enfin, au sujet du sens, nous verrons d’une part comment les femmes conçoivent leurs expériences individuelles de souffrances comme une histoire de victimisation collective, ce qui semble les aider à normaliser leurs expériences. D’autre part, nous verrons comment une identité de femmes fortes, résilientes et capables de s’adapter dans un climat d’adversité se dégage de leur témoignage, ce qui semble favoriser chez elles un sentiment de cohérence, de continuité et nourrir une certaine fierté. / This Master’s Thesis is about the survival of women in contexts of organized violence. Our research is supported by the testimonials of two women living in Canada who are refugees from Rwanda. We seek to explore their perspectives on three dimensions of survival: the victimization and re-victimization to which they were subjected, the actions they were able to perform to survive, and the meanings they gave to these experiences. First, these women express that in addition to the genocide in 1994, they lived in a climate of insecurity, uncertainty and impunity during the war in Rwanda (1990-94); in exile, during the war to overthrow Mobutu; the massacre of Rwandan refugees; and the pillage of natural resources by the AFDL. They describe the continuity of organized violence from one political regime to another. From the beginning of the war to their arrival in Canada, they were victims and witnesses of human rights violations perpetrated by various armed groups. In addition, these women testify to the non-recognition of their refugee status by the officials that deal with overseas requests for asylum, of the dehumanizing treatment by administrators of humanitarian aid, and more importantly, of the non-recognition and impunity of crimes committed by the military and the government currently in power in Rwanda. In addition, these testimonies show social actors engaged in political activism, collective action and the protection, security, survival of their loved ones, from the beginning of the conflict to their arrival in Canada. In fact, to overcome the difficulties imposed by organized violence, they creatively mobilized and transformed all of the resources available to them in their human, social and economic capital to meet the needs of their loved ones and of their community, and this, throughout the entire migration process. Finally, in regards to meaning, we discuss how women perceive their individual experiences of suffering as a history of collective victimization, which seems to help them normalize their experiences. We also see emanating from their testimony, the identity of strong, resilient women capable of adapting in a climate of adversity, which seems to encourage coherence, continuity and a sense of pride.

Jeux et enjeux de la violence infantile : pour une métapsychologie du geste / "Infantil violence" : plays and issues : for a metapsychology of the gesture

Durozard, Claire 29 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse explore la clinique de l’enfant violent au travers du concept de « violence infantile » qui permet d’en dégager toutes les potentialités et de maintenir un regard créatif sur les « cliniques de l’extrême ». Loin de défendre un point de vue innéiste ou déficitaire, cette thèse envisage le recours à l’acte violent, chez des enfants présentant des troubles de la personnalité « narcissiques-identitaires », comme le témoin des faillites précoces de l’organisation du narcissisme. Au-delà de ses aspects manifestes, la « violence infantile » constitue donc un organisateur central des pathologies narcissiques dont nous retrouvons les traces jusque dans la vie adulte. Son articulation avec le geste explore la manière dont l’enfant a pu trouver à organiser sa vie pulsionnelle au contact de l’objet maternel. En lieu et place du jeu de la destructivité, l’enfant a fait l’expérience d’une destruction. La thèse envisage les destins du geste spontané confronté à un environnement qui ne s’est pas laissé utiliser. La « violence infantile » témoigne d’un jeu de bébé qui aurait dégénéré, elle est envisagée comme une tentative d’exploration de la psyché de l’objet. Cela implique des remaniements du cadre et de la posture du clinicien, qui l’engagent corporellement, condition nécessaire pour qu’une symbolisation des enjeux précoces contenus dans la « violence infantile » puisse avoir lieu. / In this thesis, the violent child’s clinical exploration is questionned using the concept of « infantile violence », which allows us to extract all the potentialities and to maintain a creative view on the extreme situations of subjectivity. In this work, children with serious personality disorder using violent acts are considered as witnesses of early failures of narcissistic organization. « Infantile violence » constitutes a central organizer of the narcissistic pathologies whose traces may be found in the adult state. His articulation with the gesture explores the way by which the child has organized his instinctual life in contact with the maternal object. In state of playing destructivity the child has experimented destruction.This work discusses the destiny of a spontaneous gesture which is confronted by an environment that does not allow for it to be used. « Infantile violence » shows a baby’s play that could have been degenerated, it is seen as an attempt to explore the object’s psyche. These facts involve revisions of setting and clinician’s posture. This leads him to a corporal engagement which is a necessary condition to allow an infantile violence symbolization.

L’enfermement des adolescents auteurs d’actes transgressifs : de la contention à la contenance / Confinement of adolescents authors transgressive acts : from contention to contenance

Martinez, Stephanie 17 June 2011 (has links)
La prise en charge des adolescents auteurs d’actes transgressifs consiste à assurer la relance du processus de subjectivation entravé par le processus adolescent et les traumas infantiles. Les transformations liées à l’adolescence laissent les jeunes sujets aux prises avec une excitation désorganisatrice ou absente et une souffrance non reconnue, qui se manifestent dans des somatisations et des agirs répétitifs. Ces modalités d’expression de la souffrance sur la scène institutionnelle sont en attente d’une réponse de l’environnement. L’organisation du dispositif de prise en charge permet la relance des processus adolescent et de subjectivation et apporte une réponse à la souffrance des adolescents :- s’il prend les caractéristiques du rite d’initiation (contention dans un espace en vue d’une réinsertion dans la société après avoir subi des transformations).- s’il permet un emboîtement d’enveloppes (intrainstitutionnelles ou interinstitutionnelles) contenantes et pare-excitantes, utilisées par les adolescents pour suppléer aux défaillances de certaines fonctions de leur appareil psychique (espace psychique élargi).- s’il propose un accompagnement caractérisé par le « vivre avec » et le « faire avec ». Ces modalités d’intervention favorisent les processus de transformations psychiques grâce aux réponses apportées par les professionnels, et, autorisent les adolescents à trouver-créer ce dispositif pour construire leur avenir (notion de contenir). Dans ce cadre, l’enfermement sert de médiation éducative et thérapeutique. La place du psychologue, dans le « vivre avec », favorise la mise en sens des projections des adolescents et une restitution auprès d’eux de leurs vécus internes matérialisant une continuité psychique entre la réalité externe et la réalité interne. Dans sa fonction de réceptivité et de présence, il assure la réappropriation des vécus projetés et de la groupalité interne. / The care of teenage authors of transgressive acts consists in ensuring the revival of the subjectivation process hampered by the adolescent process and the infantile traumas. The transformations that adolescence involves let the young people in the grip of a disorganising or inexistant excitation and a denied distress they express through somatizations and repetitive passages to the act. These means of suffering expression on the institutional scene are expecting an environment answer. The organisation of the care plan reactivates both the adolescent and subjectivation processes and responds to the suffering of the young:- if it has the features of the initiation rite (the contention aims at a reinsertion into society after transformations occurred).- if it allows a stacking of the envelopes (intrainstitutional or interinstitutional) which have containing and counter-excitation functions, and that adolescents employ for filling the deficiences of some of their psyche functions (enlarged psychic space).- if it provides a support made with the « vivre avec » and the « faire avec ». These terms of intervention facilitate the psychic transformations processes thanks to the support professionnals provide and permit the adolescents to find-create this mechanism for building their future (notion of contain). In this context, the contention means educative and therapeutic mediation. The function of the psychologue, in the « vivre avec », helps in giving a meaning to the projections of the adolescents and a restitution to them of their internal experiences materializing a psychic continuity between external reality and internal reality. As part of his receptivity and presence functions, he ensures reappropriation of the projected experiences as well as the internal groupality.

A pertinência temática e o controle concentrado de constitucionalidade: o interesse de agir à luz do papel do Supremo Tribunal Federal como guardião da Constituição

Vainer, Bruno Zilberman 08 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Zilberman Vainer.pdf: 3889501 bytes, checksum: 3832c3bcef618dbd8664d7ba3e852499 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-08 / This Masters thesis is intended to review the so-called pertinência temática [subject matter pertinence, as a free translation], a specific legal-interest demonstration requirement introduced by the Federal Supreme Court, and which it imposed on some of the entities that have jurisdiction to enforce concentrate constitutional control. Indeed, the aforesaid requirement actually limits concentrate constitutional control, insofar as the Federal Supreme Court thus avoids review of relevant constitutional matters, simply by denying further processing to actions on grounds of lack of legal interest to sue.The subject-matter requirement becomes all the more deleterious when it reaches strict actions involving concentrate control, where, typically, there are neither parties nor a claim of one s interest, and where there is no litigation in the strict sense of the term. As a matter of fact, the subject matter of such actions is but the in abstracto determination of constitutional grounds of a given rule, with a view at safeguarding the system from rules that might otherwise violate the Federal Constitution. To that effect, this work begins with a brief introduction that deals with the main issues and features of concentrate control and reviews base-control systems (of the USA, Austria and France) with particular emphasis on their influence on the Brazilian Law. Likewise, this work provides a summarized background on constitutional control in Brazil and a critical discussion on each appropriate entity, particularly in the light of the Federal Supreme Court case law and best-reputed collection of legal studies. This work is completed with some recommendations intended to change the current scenario, such as to lessen access-limitation to the entities that have jurisdiction to enforce concentrate constitutional control and to assure that the Federal Supreme Court s highest purpose to safeguard the Constitution is attained in an effective manner / A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo realizar uma análise da pertinência temática, exigência oriunda do Supremo Tribunal Federal que impõe a alguns dos legitimados para o controle concentrado de constitucionalidade a demonstração de interesse de agir específico. De fato, referida exigência se apresenta como um fator limitativo ao controle concentrado de constitucionalidade, a partir do momento em que importantes questões constitucionais deixam de ser analisadas sob o fundamento da ausência de interesse de agir. A exigência da pertinência temática torna-se ainda mais questionável no âmbito dos processos objetivos de controle concentrado, onde, via de regra, não há defesa de interesse próprios, não se verificando um litígio propriamente dito. Com efeito, tais processos possuem como objeto tão-somente a verificação in abstracto da constitucionalidade de determinado ato normativo, no intuito de proteger a Constituição, buscando preservar o sistema de normas contrárias à Carta Magna. Ademais, o nítido desenvolvimento do controle concentrado de constitucionalidade no Brasil em contraposição à análise, pelo Supremo, da pertinência temática (que dificulta o acesso de alguns legitimados ao controle concentrado) conduz à discussão no sentido de se identificar o papel do Supremo Tribunal Federal nos dias atuais. Isso porque o número assustador de processos que desembocam no Tribunal Maior todos os anos acarretou a necessidade de se modificar o sistema atual, principalmente com relação ao grande número de competências desta Corte. Nesse sentido, são apresentadas algumas propostas para a modificação deste panorama, de modo a redefinir as prioridades do Supremo Tribunal Federal, diminuindo a limitação no acesso dos legitimados ao controle concentrado de constitucionalidade, no intuito de resgatar a sua principal função: a guarda da Constituição

Prescrição virtual: uma realidade no direito penal brasileiro: estudo sobre o reconhecimento antecipado da prescrição retroativa e o interesse de agir no direito pátrio

Romão, César Eduardo Lavoura 13 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cesar Eduardo Lavoura Romao.pdf: 896008 bytes, checksum: 54e55907f1bbf721ad0fe4dd90f12edf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-13 / The present work aims at to deepen the study of virtual or anticipated lapse, analyzing its use for the Brazilian Judiciary Power, mainly for the magistrates of lower court. This controversial institute comes being understood as cause of elimination of the interest of action in the criminal proceeding whenever evidenced the possibility of decrements of the punitive lapsing pretension in the retroactive modality, early in the process, even before of the act of receiving the denunciation or of pronounced the sentence, leading in consideration a hypothetical penalty surveyed by the refined circumstances until that moment. For times, after a long procedural proceeding with an intricate probatory instruction, the magistrate is obliged to pronounce the sentence, convicted the defendant and, immediately afterwards, to recognize the extinguishing of the punshability for the retroactive lapsing of the punitive pretension, playing for the thin one, all the developed intellective work in the course of the process and, mainly, at the moment of the elaboration of the condemnatory decree. It is accurately in this scene, and on behalf of the procedural economy and of the effective and coherent search of the application of the penalties, that the virtual lapsing demonstrates to its force and utility. This because it searches to move away from the Judiciary Power useless processes, that will not have resulted beneficial, contributing, only, to generate, unnecessary, more service and, consequently, greater slowness in the procedural proceeding. For the understanding of subject so controversial, surrounded of favorable and contrary arguments, one searched to analyze, in this research, in order to select its validity before the legal system, each one of the arguments advantages and against the institute. First, the consistent ones in the absence of action right; in the criminal proceeding as a pledge of the defendant and not as sanction; in the beginning of the judgment quickly; in the uselessness of the judgment of the prescribed process; e in the similarity of the decision that receives the lapsing with the acquittal. The seconds, contrary to its application, in the pretense breaking the beginning of the legality; the beginning of the innocence presumption; to the obligatoriness of the criminal action; to the possibility of amendment of complain (mutatio libelli); and to the condition of the victim in the process. However, before the ingression in the object of the controversy, there was the analysis of related institutions, such as the right to punish, the purposes of punishment, the criminal action and the proper lapsing, as extinctive cause of ius puniendi / O presente trabalho visa aprofundar o estudo da prescrição virtual ou antecipada, analisando sua utilização pelo Poder Judiciário brasileiro, principalmente pelos magistrados de primeira instância. Esse polêmico instituto vem sendo entendido como causa de eliminação do interesse de agir no processo penal sempre que constatada a possibilidade de decretação da prescrição da pretensão punitiva na modalidade retroativa, logo no início do processo, antes mesmo do recebimento da denúncia ou de proferida a sentença, levando em consideração uma pena hipotética aferida pelas circunstâncias apuradas até aquele momento. Por vezes, após um longo trâmite processual com uma intrincada instrução probatória, o magistrado é obrigado proferir a sentença, condenado o acusado e, logo em seguida, a reconhecer a extinção da punibilidade pela prescrição retroativa da pretensão punitiva, jogando pelo ralo todo o trabalho intelectivo desenvolvido no curso do processo e, principalmente, no momento da elaboração do decreto condenatório. É exatamente nesse cenário, e em nome da economia processual e da busca efetiva e coerente da aplicação da sanção penal, que a prescrição virtual demonstra sua força e utilidade. Isto porque busca afastar do Poder Judiciário processos inúteis, que não terão resultado proveitoso, contribuindo, apenas, para gerar, desnecessariamente, mais serviço e, consequentemente, maior lentidão no trâmite processual. Para a compreensão de tema tão controvertido, cercado de argumentos favoráveis e contrários, buscou-se analisar, nesta pesquisa, de modo a apurar-se sua validade perante o ordenamento jurídico, cada um dos argumentos prós e contra o instituto. Os primeiros, consistentes na ausência de interesse de agir; no processo penal como garantia do acusado e não como sanção; no princípio da celeridade do julgamento; na inutilidade do julgamento do processo prescrito; e na semelhança da decisão que acolhe a prescrição com a sentença absolutória. Os segundos, contrários à sua aplicação, na pretensa violação ao princípio da legalidade; ao princípio da presunção de inocência; à obrigatoriedade da ação penal; à possibilidade de aditamento da denúncia (mutatio libelli); e à condição da vítima no processo. Porém, antes do ingresso no objeto da controvérsia, realizou-se a análise de institutos correlatos, tais como, o direito de punir, as finalidades da punição, a ação penal e a própria prescrição, como causa extintiva do ius puniendi

O poder de agir de trabalhadoras da assist?ncia social no contexto neoliberal / The power to act of social assistence workers in the neoliberal context

Galbiatti, Fabiano 26 May 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FABIANO GALBIATTI.pdf: 953117 bytes, checksum: 46929cc6b53b293c05e9beb393178beb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-26 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This dissertation, situated in the line of Research and Prevention Psychological Intervention from the Graduate Program stricto sensu of the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, intends to investigate the ?power to act? in workers of the Social Assistance Specialized Reference Center (CREAS). For this purpose, a brief historical review of social assistance policies was produced in order to understand the current scenario, marked by neoliberal reforms. The study, from an ethnographic inspiration, there was basically through three stages. At first, the researcher followed meetings with the CREAS team. For each meeting it was developed a Field Diary. In the second, the researcher conducted reflexive interviews with four workers. The third and last, was developed the interpretation, analysis and discussion of the collected material in the previous steps. This process revealed the constant changes that the work in public service suffers according to Social Assistance policies in the municipality and its relationship with neoliberal processes in the broadest sense. If, on the one hand, despite this context, the workers have the capacity to also turn on and organize their activities, giving new meanings, collectively, on the other, it was observed that the mental strain is present in their daily lives. It seems to be associated to the numerous impediments to the realization of the work activity raised by management, as well as the workload related to the nature of services to families who have suffered violations of their rights. To handle these situations, the workers take more individual tactics rather than a collective organization. / A presente disserta??o, situada na linha de Pesquisa Preven??o e Interven??o Psicol?gica do Programa de P?s-gradua??o Stricto Sensu da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, busca investigar o poder de agir de trabalhadoras do Centro de Refer?ncia Especializado de Assist?ncia Social (CREAS) de um munic?pio do interior do estado de S?o Paulo. Para tanto, realizou-se um breve resgate hist?rico das pol?ticas de assist?ncia social, a fim de entender o atual cen?rio, marcado pelas reformas neoliberais. O estudo, de inspira??o etnogr?fica, deu-se, basicamente, atrav?s de tr?s etapas. Na primeira, o pesquisador acompanhou reuni?es junto ? equipe do CREAS. Para cada reuni?o foi desenvolvido um Di?rio de Campo. Na segunda, o pesquisador realizou entrevistas reflexivas com quatro trabalhadoras. Na terceira e ?ltima, realizou-se a interpreta??o, an?lise e discuss?o do material levantado nas etapas anteriores. Este processo revelou as constantes mudan?as que o trabalho nesse servi?o p?blico sofre de acordo com as pol?ticas de Assist?ncia Social no munic?pio e sua rela??o com processos neoliberais mais amplos. Se, por um lado, apesar desse contexto, as trabalhadoras possuem relativa capacidade de tamb?m transformar e organizar suas atividades, atribuindo novos sentidos, coletivamente, por outro, observou-se que o desgaste mental est? presente no seu cotidiano. Ele parece estar associado aos in?meros impedimentos para a realiza??o da atividade de trabalho colocados pela gest?o, bem como pela carga de trabalho relacionada ? natureza do atendimento a fam?lias que sofreram viola??es de seus direitos. Para lidar com essas situa??es, as trabalhadoras se valem mais de t?ticas individuais do que de uma organiza??o coletiva.

A atividade de ensino de história: processo de formação de professores e alunos / The story of teaching activity: training process of teachers and students

Soares, Olavo Pereira 24 June 2005 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar e propor uma metodologia para o ensino de história. Tal metodologia considera duas características específicas das sociedades tecnológicas na inter-relação com as práticas escolares: a cultura midiática que o aluno e o professor carregam em seu interior para o interior da escola, e os processos de formação continuada do professor. Visa-se com tal metodologia colaborar com um ensino de história significativo para alunos e professores, e que a história seja instrumento de compreensão da vida cotidiana e processo contínuo de formação. A pesquisa possibilitou a elaboração de uma proposta teórico-metodológica denominada como atividade de ensino de história. Os referenciais teóricos que sustentam esta proposta são: a teoria da atividade de Aléxis Leontiev que se insere no conjunto da corrente histórico-cultural em psicologia; os pressupostos da pedagogia da comunicação que traz em seu interior o princípio didático do agir comunicacional; as pesquisas que analisam os conceitos de professor reflexivo-investigativo e o professor pesquisador; a historiografia que se identifica com a análise da cultura em diferentes temporalidades. Os referenciais teórico-metodológicos foram utilizados para analisar um conjunto de quatro atividades de ensino de história realizadas entre os anos de 1997-2000 em escolas da rede pública e particular de ensino da cidade de São Paulo. Os dados deste conjunto de aulas foram coletados pelo pesquisador que se serviu dos princípios metodológicos da pesquisa-ação. A análise dos dados à luz da fundamentação teórico-metodológica assumida possibilitou a explicitação de princípios orientadores da construção de atividades de ensino de história. Concluiu-se pela viabilidade de tal proposta e de sua inclusão nos debates sobre ensino de história. / The main goal of this research is to analyze and to propose a methodology for history teaching. Such methodology takes into account two specific characteristics of technological societies in the interrelationship with school practices: the media culture that both student and teacher bring along to school, and teachers continuing education process. Such methodology is intended to contribute towards a more meaningful teaching of History for both parties involved teachers and students in such a way that History becomes a more comprehensive tool in interpreting day-to-day events as well as a continuing education process. The research made it possible to elaborate a theoretical-methodological approach we called History teaching activity. The theoretical milestones upon which such approach is based are: Aléxis Leontiev´s theory of activity, which is part of the historic-cultural approach in psychology; the fundamentals of communication pedagogy and its didactic principle of a communication-oriented attitude; the research which analyzes the concepts of the investigative teacher and the researcher teacher; historiography which identifies itself with culture analysis in different periods in time. The theoretical-methodological references were used to analyze a set of four History teaching activities that took place along the years 1997 to 2000, in public and private schools in the city of São Paulo. The data of these classes were gathered by the researcher who then used the research-action methodological principles. The analysis of the data in the light of such theoretical-methodological principles made it possible for the researcher to show the principles that oriented the construction of History teaching activities. Such proposal was believed to be valid as well as its inclusion in the debate about history teaching.

Abordagem cl?nica da atividade de trabalho do cozinheiro: intera??o de saberes, g?nero profissional e inova??o criativa

Oliveira, Samid Danielle Costa de 12 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SamidDCO_DISSERT.pdf: 3198329 bytes, checksum: da9e62040622bcdb6874c2a88a51e34d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The focus of this dissertation is the study of work activities developed in the context of professional occupations characterized by varied previous schooling levels amongst those that work in them, and, at the same time, a high degree of complexity related to the typical tasks performed in the context of such professional practices. This dissertation intends to investigate the cook s professional activity, based on data from a determined specific professional genre in Natal (RN), in order to establish aspects related not only to the activity performed (activity which manifests itself empirically in registered behaviors), but also related to the real aspects of the work activity, that also compromises the non-realized options of the guiding of professional activity, be it by a matter of choice, be it due to the activity s own impediment. In this context, we tried to evaluate how much the professional activity observed keeps in relation to the reference practices of the professional genre, be it in terms of conformity, be it in terms of innovation (stylization) in relation to this genre. In addition, we tried to verify the contribution of the school and extra-school knowledge to the professional activity observed. Such work plan took on a preliminary step of the description of the socialprofessional profile of a cook in the city of Natal (RN), followed by a step of clinical labor approach, specifically utilizing as a methodological tool the simple and crossed self-confrontation procedure guided by the francophone theoretical referential of the Activity Clinic. The preliminary step in the description of profile of cooks from Natal (RN), of which 138 cooks took part in, evidenced three professional groupings, all predominantly masculine in their composition and fundamentally differentiated amongst each other by the time of professional activity, schooling type and time, work place and salary. The clinical approach step, composed by a pair of cooks, allowed us to verify elements of the cooks subordination to the professional genre, but also evidences of individual innovation (stylization) by these cooks, as well as the predominance of usage of extra-school knowledge when compared to school knowledge. We tried, in this step, to demonstrate how much the inclusion and submission to the genre dynamic, coordinated with the stylization initiatives, was able to contribute to the maintenance and amplification of the cook s power of acting in his professional practice. / A problem?tica geral desta disserta??o ? a explora??o de atividades de trabalho desenvolvidas no contexto de ocupa??es profissionais caracterizadas por n?vel de escolaridade vari?vel dentre aqueles que as exercem, e, ao mesmo tempo, grau de complexidade elevado no que diz respeito ?s tarefas t?picas implicadas em tais pr?ticas profissionais. Assim, esta disserta??o se prop?s a investigar a atividade de trabalho do cozinheiro, a partir dos dados de determinado g?nero profissional em Natal (RN), buscando estabelecer aspectos relacionados n?o somente ? atividade realizada (atividade que se manifesta empiricamente em comportamentos registr?veis), mas tamb?m relacionados ao real da atividade de trabalho, que abarca igualmente as op??es n?o-realizadas de encaminhamento da atividade profissional, seja por simples escolha, seja por impedimento da atividade. Nesse contexto, buscou-se, como objetivo geral, avaliar como a atividade de trabalho observada relaciona-se com as pr?ticas de refer?ncia do g?nero profissional, seja em termos de conformidade, seja em termos de inova??o (estiliza??o) em rela??o a este g?nero, buscando verificar a contribui??o dos saberes escolar e extraescolar para a pr?tica profissional observada. Tal plano de trabalho comportou uma etapa preliminar de descri??o do perfil socioprofissional de cozinheiro na cidade de Natal (RN), seguido da etapa de abordagem cl?nica do trabalho, cuja ferramenta metodol?gica utilizada foi o procedimento de autoconfronta??o cruzada - norteada pelo referencial te?rico franc?fono da Cl?nica da Atividade. A etapa de descri??o do perfil do cozinheiro de Natal (RN), da qual participaram 138 cozinheiros, evidenciou tr?s agrupamentos de profissionais, todos predominantemente masculinos em sua composi??o e diferenciados entre si fundamentalmente pelo tempo de inser??o profissional, tipo e tempo de escolariza??o, local de trabalho e faixa salarial. A etapa de abordagem cl?nica, composta por uma dupla de cozinheiros, permitiu verificar elementos de conformidade dos cozinheiros ao g?nero profissional, mas simultaneamente evid?ncias de inova??o individual (estiliza??o) por parte desses cozinheiros, bem como a predomin?ncia de utiliza??o de saberes extraescolares quando comparados ao saberes escolares. Buscou-se nessa etapa demonstrar o quanto a din?mica da inclus?o e submiss?o ao g?nero, concatenada com as iniciativas de estiliza??o, puderam contribuir para a manuten??o e amplia??o do poder de agir dos cozinheiros em sua pr?tica profissional.

La distinction des nullités relative et absolue / The distinction of relative and absolute nullities

Lebret, Anne-Sophie 12 December 2015 (has links)
La distinction doctrinale des nullités relative et absolue apparaît dans notre droit au XVIe siècle. Depuis, la doctrine enseigne que de sa mise en oeuvre, découle l’entier régime d’une cause de nullité. Le caractère opératoire de cette distinction est régulièrement interrogé, voire contesté. Cette circonstance, ajoutée à celle de sa probable consécration lors de la prochaine réforme du droit des obligations, incite à éprouver la pertinence de cette distinction. Pour assurer sa fonction d’instrument de connaissance du droit, la distinction des nullités relative et absolue doit, comme toute distinction binaire, posséder trois caractéristiques : premièrement un critère de distinction solide assurant son caractère opératoire, deuxièmement une différence de régime significative entre les deux éléments composant la distinction et conférant tout son intérêt à celle-ci, troisièmement une différence de nature entre les deux composantes, établie par le critère choisi, et justifiant la disparité de régime. Or, à l’analyse, la distinction des nullités relative et absolue ne possède ni critère de distinction sûr, ni différence de régime incontestée, ni dualité de nature. L’étude de la nature de la nullité nous conduira à retenir une nature unique : la nullité sera analysée comme une sanction de la légalité, qui doit être prononcée. Le plus souvent, elle le sera par le juge et revêtira alors un caractère judiciaire. Dès lors, à l’unique nature de sanction judiciaire de la légalité il est proposé d’attacher un seul régime, autrement dit, des règles communes à toutes les causes de nullité. La nature commandant le régime, ce dernier doit être élaboré en considération de la nature de la nullité proposée. Il conviendra néanmoins de prendre également en considération les dispositions légales spécifiques à certaines causes de nullité. / The scholarly distinction of relative and absolute nullities appeared in our law during the sixteenth century. Ever since, scholarly opinion has been that the entire regime of a cause of nullity depends on the implementation of this distinction. The operational nature of this distinction is regularly questioned, and even discussed. Yet, its probable establishment by the upcoming reform of the law of obligations urges a scrutiny of this distinction’s relevance. In order to fulfil its task of knowledge of the law, the distinction of relative and absolute nullities must, like every binary distinction, possess three characteristics: firstly, a solid criterion of distinction must enable it to be operational; secondly, the two parts of the distinction must correspond to two sets of significantly different rules, this difference being the heart of the distinction; and thirdly, a difference in the nature of the two parts of the distinction, established by the chosen criterion, and justifying the difference of regimes. However, after close analysis, the distinction of relative and absolute nullities possesses neither a reliable criterion of distinction, nor an uncontested difference in the regimes, nor a duality of nature. The study of the nullity’s nature will enable us to state that nullity has a uniform nature: nullity will be analysed as a sanction of the act’s legality that must be imposed. More often than not, it will be imposed by the judge and will have a judicial nature. Thus, the uniform nature of judicial sanction of the act’s legality must correspond to a single regime, in other words it must correspond to rules that are common to all causes of nullity. Since the nature conditions the regime, the latter must be established by taking into consideration the nature of the proposed nullity. Nevertheless, it is necessary to also take into consideration the legal provisions specific to certain causes of nullity.

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