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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Läroverksläraren lämnar läroverket : Identifikation i förändring 1963-1972

Örtegren, Alex January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Spiller yrkesbakgrunn og rolle en rolle? : En kvalitativ studie om kommunikasjon i det tverrfaglige folkehelsearbeidet. / Professional background and roles : A qualitative study of communication in the interprofessional collaboration of public health

Tysland, Kjersti Høibø January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrunn: Forskning viser at tverrfaglig samarbeid er vanskelig. Folkehelsearbeid er sektorovergripene og krever ofte at ulike fag og sektorer samarbeider. Hensikt:Formålet med denne studien er å få større innsikt i hva roller og yrkesbakgrunn betyr for kommunikasjonen i samarbeideti folkehelse. Metode:Studien har benyttet triangulering som strategi med dokumentgranskning, tre teamobservasjoner og 12 individuelle semistrukturerte intervju. Det er benyttet en fenomenografisk tilnærming til analyse av intervjuene. Resultat: Dokumentgranskningen ga forståelse for sammensetningen i de observerte teamene.Observasjonen ga rom for å analysere den muntlige kommunikasjonen og metakommunikasjonen, mens intervjuene ga innblikk i kommunikasjonen som helhet og dens kompeksitet. Intervjuanalysen ga de fire hovedkategoriene; Representasjon av yrker og sektorer,Deltakere som samarbeider i team, Person og menneske i samarbeidet og Betydning av helhet. I analysen kom det fram at yrkesbakgrunn har betydning for kommunikasjon og samarbeid. En er preget av faget som yrkesutøver. Ulik kompetanse og bredde i representasjon bidrar til en rikere diskusjon og et breiere grunnlag for løsninger. Mange av faktorene var ellers uavhengig av yrke og kunne heller relateres til egenskaper hos den enkelte. Evne til å se utover eget fag og ha forståelse for betydningen av andre yrkesgrupper er vesentlig. Konklusjon: Studien viser tverrfaglig samarbeid og kommunikasjon som fungerer og synliggjorde betydningen av trygge fagpersoner med blikk for helhet og evne til refleksjon. Funnenepeker på ulike faktorer av betydning for roller og kommunikasjon slik som tillit, respekt, likeverd, læring og åpenhet. Rollen og hvordan den bekles harbetydning for kommunikasjonen. Yrkesbagrunnen får betydning gjennom den enkelte deltaker og dennes rolle,men da som en del av hele personenmed sine egenskaper, sin personlighet og innstilling. Folkehelsearbeid er et område ingen eier men alle har del i og ansvar for. / Background:Research shows that interdisciplinary collaboration is difficult. Public health work spansmany sectors and demands collaboration among different professionsand sectors. Purpose:This study aimed to gain greater insight into the impact of roles and professional backgrounds on communication in the collaborative process of public health. Method:This study used a triangulation strategy involving document analysis, three observations and 12 semi-structured interviews. A phenomenographic approach was used to analyze the interviews. Result: Document analysis enhanced understanding of the composition of the teams observedin this study. The observations allowed for analysis of verbal communication as wellas meta-communication, and the interviews offeredinsight into communication both as an entiretyandinits complexities. Interviewanalysis produced four main categories:representationof professionals and sectors, participants who collaborate in teams, the individual and the human in collaboration,and the meaning of the whole. Analysis showed that professional background plays a significantrole incommunication and collaboration (i.e.aperson is characterized by his/her profession). Differences in competence and breadth ofrepresentation contribute to richer discussion and a wider ground forsolutions. Many of the factors that emerged were otherwise independent ofprofession and related instead to individual characteristics.The ability to see beyond one`sown profession and understand the importance of other professional groups is essential. Conclusion: The study shows functionality of interprofessional collaboration and communication,it’s revealingthe meaning of confidentprofessionals who areable to see the big pictureand reflect upon its meaning. The findings point to various factors that are important for roles and communication such astrust, respect, dignity, learning and openness. Roles and their interpretation are important incommunication. Professional background derivesmeaningnot only through the individual participant andhis/herrole, but also through his/her properties, personality and perspectives. Public health is an area no one owns but everyone takes part in and has responsibility fo / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-39-3</p>

An educational law perspective on educator professionalism / Tladi Petros Taunyane

Taunyane, Tladi Petros January 2006 (has links)
This research study deals mainly with the educator professionalisation in the post democratic South Africa, paying attention to the role of a professional council in promoting educator professionalism. The status and image of teaching in this country seem to have been viewed From the racial and cultural differences of communities previously. The democratic dispensation brought an end to this unfair racial and cultural discrimination in the education system through the establishment of a non-racial professional council for educators (i.e. SACE). The research aims are to determine: - The characteristics of a professions and those needed for educator professionalism; and - the role of the a professional council in promoting educator professionalisation. In order to attain the above-mentioned research aims, a literature review and an empirical investigation were undertaken. The literature study was used to clarify concepts such as occupation, semi-profession, profession, professionalisation and professional status. Secondly, characteristics or common features associated with traditional models of professions (ie. accounting, law and medicine) were discussed from a theoretical point of view. Lastly, the literature study highlighted the establishment of professional councils for educators in other parts of the world, including South Africa. The different forms of legislation and policy documents applicable in education were discussed. In order to determine the extent to which teaching adheres to or fulfils the characteristics associated with a profession, teaching was tested against these characteristics. The history of the establishment of SACE was briefly discussed and the objectives or role of this organisation in educator professionalisation concluded this chapter. The empirical research was conducted by using the questionnaire as a measuring instrument. The advantages and disadvantages of the questionnaire as measuring instrument were highlighted. The target population comprises of 239 educators from a total population of 2070 educators in Lejweleputswa and Northern Free State Education Districts -Free State Province. The data collected in the investigation was processed through the SAS computer package to establish frequencies and percentages of responses mean scores ranking, t-test procedures and the effect sizes. The results were then presented tables, analysed and interpreted in accordance with the literature study. The literature study revealed that like all other occupations, teaching aspires to attain recognition and status as a profession. It was also revealed that teaching partially satisfy characteristics associated with professions. The empirical study revealed that the employment of un- or under qualified educators is still prevalent in South African schools. In the last chapter, Chapter 5, conclusions from the literature review and empirical investigation were drawn. The recommendations with regard to the role of SACE in educator professionalisation were provided. Finally based on the research, future research studies in SACE and educator professionalism were recommended. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Maatskaplikewerk, voorvonnisverslae : die ontwikkeling van riglyne / Susan Petru de Koning

De Koning, Susan Petru January 2007 (has links)
Research has shown that courts and practising jurists increasingly use social work pre-sentence reports. Pre-sentence reports can be requested from probation officers and social workers in private practice. These reports are prepared with the purpose of assisting courts in determining the most appropriate sentence taking into account the criminal, the victim and the community. Worldwide research as confirmed by this investigation indicates that jurists generally regard the quality of pre-sentence reports as unsatisfactory. This research focussed on jurists' quality grading and their pointing out of shortcomings and problems regarding certain aspects of the pre-sentence report. Twenty respondents took part in this research among whom were advocates (some with senior status), regional magistrates, magistrates and attorneys with experience in the criminal court as well as being experienced in employing pre-sentence reports. The aspects of the pre-sentence reports concentrated on is the report format, report content, the discussion of the facts (evaluation), motivation underlying the recommendations, general appearance, use of assessment instruments, presentation in court, as well as skills and knowledge required to write the reports. The respondents were also requested to indicate they prefer the service of either a probation officer or a social worker in private practice. Their preferences are highlighted and discussed. / Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Towards the CAMisation of health? : the countervailing power of CAM in relation to the Portuguese mainstream healthcare system

Almeida, Joana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the research reported here is to answer the following primary research questions: Is the relationship between CAM, the medical profession and the State changing in Portugal? If there has been a change, how and why has such a change occurred? Two CAM therapies, acupuncture and homeopathy, have been chosen as case studies. The main sources of data were in-depth individual interviews and documents. The research sample (n=41) was made of three groups of interviewees: (1) 20 traditional CAM practitioners, (2) 10 orthodox medical doctors not committed to CAM and (3) 11 orthodox medical doctors committed to CAM. This research draws on a neo-Weberian perspective of professions which emphasises the power relations between related occupational groups who seek to gain or maintain power and status in their field of work. This research also makes extensive use of the concept of ‘countervailing powers' (Light, 2010), as it attempts to illuminate the influence of CAM practitioners on Portuguese healthcare, as well as the influence of other powerful players, such as the State, and major corporations, such as pharmaceutical and health insurance companies, on CAM's relationship with the medical profession. On the basis of this research, I argue that the relationship between CAM, the medical profession and the State has changed in Portugal over the last 16 years. I suggest a concept that helps to explain CAM practitioners' recent countervailing actions within the Portuguese mainstream healthcare. This concept is ‘camisation', a process through which everyday human problems are transformed into health problems which are treated in CAM terms and within a CAM framework. Although the main drivers of camisation have been CAM practitioners, I also show how the Portuguese State, the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry have all been active collaborators in this process, whilst maintaining different interests and constantly bargaining and negotiating to maximise their power and status within the field of healthcare.

Mentorskap - professionsutveckling i förskolan

Nebes, Amelie January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Journalistrollens rivaler : Om public service-reportrars syn på sin roll i relation till användarskapat innehåll och medborgarjournalistik

Westerberg Olsson, Mia January 2010 (has links)
Journalists´ role in society has traditionally been of representative nature with a task to distribute news and scrutinize those in power. But technological changes have created a new publishing world outside the traditional media institutions. In today’s redactional society anyone can become a publisher in a blog or through other channels on online. This process can be seen as contributing to increased democratization giving everyone the opportunity to publish. However for those used to having monopoly on distributing news and scrutinizing society these changes are forcing journalists to adapt to a new competitive environment.   There have been several previous studies of how this new digital milieu is affecting journalism from societal, organizational and news room perspectives. Little or no focus has been on how journalists themselves experience their changing professional status as a result of this new media world. Journalists employed by the public service broadcasters have got the most specified and explicitly expressed task with their responsibilities for contributing to a democratic society and an active citizenship, as stipulated by the government. How do these journalists deal with citizens now challenging the journalists´ previous well-guarded access to publishing?   This essay examines the affect of these changes on journalists within two public service organizations in Sweden, asking journalists to reflect on the impact on their professional roles. The study is based on ten interviews with regional journalists employed by the Swedish public service radio and television corporations: Sveriges Radio and Sveriges Television. The analyze is based on theories on public service, professionalism and boundary maintenance. The study shows that the interviewed journalists identify more strongly with being a part of a public service ethos than being a journalist as such. They value the relationship with the audience and express a wish for even more contact with listeners and viewers. At the same time they want to continue to keep the in-house control over the journalistic process where they are the producers of the content. It is clear that the journalists appreciate publishing initiative allowing the general public to ‘be journalists’ but they warn against mixing the citizen reports with journalism. Citizen contribution in terms of user generated content or citizen journalism, is considered as something to satisfy people’s “creativity and wish to express themselves” – not a valuable contribution to journalism. Boundary maintenance mechanisms can be clearly observed among the journalists in an attempt to keep their journalistic authority and the arguments used refer to the “other´s” lack of credibility, accountability and impartiality. A similar role hierarchy can also be identified within the occupational group, where some characteristics and qualities are considered to contribute to a more “genuine” journalism than other. Nevertheless, a journalistic “us” always appears when boundaries are marked against what is looked on as non-journalism, for example user generated content and grass root journalism.

”Det viktigaste är att elever ska hitta rörelseglädje för en hälsosam livsstil!” : En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares tolkning av begreppet hälsa i ämnet idrott och hälsa.

Bengtsson, Louise January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur fem idrottslärare tolkar begreppet hälsa och hur de beskriver arbetet med att synliggöra hälsa för elever i sin undervisning. Jag anser att studien är gynnsam för skolverksamheten eftersom det är ett viktigt element i dagens samhälle samt ett aktuellt ämne. I grundskolans läroplan står det att elevers erfarenheter till fysiska aktiviteter är avgörande för hur aktiva de blir i framtiden. Därför är det viktigt att elever ges kunskaper om hälsa i skolan, både praktiskt och teoretiskt. I teoriavsnittet kommer läroplansteorin lyftas fram samt profession och läraryrket. Data har samlats in med hjälp av personliga intervjuer med idrottslärare. Frågeställningarna har fokus på vilka tolkningar som kan finnas kring begreppet hälsa bland idrottslärare och hur de arbetar med hälsa i sin undervisning. I studiens resultat har det framkommit att de intervjuade idrottslärarna i denna studie tolkar begreppet hälsa med välmående och att må bra helhetsmässigt. Det har även framkommit att de föredrar att ämnesintegrera samt att blanda teori och praktik i undervisningen för att främja lärande hos eleverna.

Detta var inte för mig : En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares val att byta yrke / This was not for me : A qualitative study of PE teachers' choice to switch careers

Ek, Anton January 2017 (has links)
I detta arbete studeras varför idrottslärare i större utsträckning väljer att lämna sitt yrke för ett annat. Tidigare studier visar att 18 procent av nyutbildade idrottslärare slutar inom loppet av fyra år. Den genomsnittliga arbetsperioden som idrottslärare är ungefär nio år. Med en metod av öppna intervjuer kommer fem före detta idrottslärare att svara på varför just de slutade som idrottslärare för att fortsätta arbeta inom något annat. Dessa svar har sedan granskats ur en handlingsteori och jämförts med tidigare kända anledningar till varför arbetstagare slutat sin yrken. Detta för att få en djupare förståelse till varför respondenterna har valt att sluta och vad som fick dem att arbeta med det de gör idag. Resultaten av denna undersökning visar att flera av de före detta idrottslärarna redan har fått eller riskerade att få skador på kroppen på grund av sitt yrke så som i rygg, knän, öron och röst. Andra anledningar som gjorde att respondenterna slutade som idrottslärare var bland annat för lite frihet då de nu känner att de har mer frihet i sitt arbete gällande vad de ska göra och planera. De känner att de kan påverka mer med sina nuvarande yrken än mot vad de kunde som idrottslärare. I diskussionen diskuteras det om hur respondenterna mår idag och hur de tror att deras livstillvaro hade varit om de fortsatt som idrottslärare. Det diskuteras också om hur dessa anledningar är riktade för enbart idrottslärare eller mot personer som slutar sitt jobb för ett annat överlag. Slutsatsen är att den faktor som påverkar en idrottslärares val att sluta är att jobbet eller arbetsplatsen inte var som förväntat enligt den anställde på grund av skaderisken, missanpassning mellan arbetet och individ, få utvecklings-, påverkansmöjligheter inom sitt arbete eller stress på grund av överansträngning och känsla av obalans i sig själv. Samtliga respondenterna fick bättre livstillvaro av att byta yrke. / In this work, it is taken up reasons for why PE teachers increasingly choosing to leave their profession for another. Previous studies show that 18precent of newly qualified PE teacher quits within four years. The average period of employment as a PE teacher is about nine years. With a method of open interviews, five former PE teacher answer why just they ended leaving the profession as a PE teacher to continue to work in something else. These responses are then examined from an action theory and compared with previously known reasons why workers leave their jobs. This is to get a deeper understanding as to why respondents have chosen to stop and what made them work with what they do today. The results of this survey show that many of the former PE teachers have already received or are at the risk of damage to the body because of their profession in the back, knees, ears and voice. Other reasons that made respondents who ended PE teachers included too little freedom as they now feel they have more freedom in their work regarding what to do and plan. They feel that they can influence more with their current professions than towards what they could as a PE teacher. In the discussion that discussed how respondents feel today and how they think their lifestyle absence would have been if they continued as a PE teacher. It also discusses how these reasons are targeted solely PE teachers or persons who ends his job for another general. The conclusion is that the main factor influencing the PE teachers' choice to quit is to the job or workplace was not as expected, according to the employee cause of injury risk, the mismatch between job and person. to get development, advocacy opportunities in their work or stress due to overwork and sense of imbalance itself. All respondents received better life existence of changing profession.

The Development of Professional Military Education at the United States Air Force Academy

Kennedy, Douglas January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of History / Donald J. Mrozek / This dissertation examines the development of the professional military studies curriculum at the United States Air Force Academy. The study explores the rationale behind establishing an Air Force Academy, along the lines similar to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point or the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. The quest for an additional academy emphasized the need for specialized training of air force cadets and creating a common bond for its future officer corps, rather than recognizing the necessity to equip them with a professional military education regarding warfare and how air power influences war, for example. This trend continued in the two main studies used to justify the Air Force Academy, as well as the development of the initial curriculum, where an integrated academic curriculum, one that emphasized both the sciences and engineering as well as the social sciences and humanities, placed any discussion of professional military studies on the back burner. The challenge of the Academy’s general academic curriculum on the cadet’s time left little room for the development of a strong, rigorous professional military studies program. However, the confluence of a cheating scandal at West Point and the resulting report, as well as a reflection during the 25th anniversary of the Academy’s founding in 1979, which developed questions on the professional military studies program within the curriculum, led to the establishment of a Permanent Professor within the Deputy Commandant for Military Instruction, and resulted in drastic changes to the curriculum for the cadets, specifically involving professional military studies. Today, the United States Air Force Academy has a Department of Military and Strategic Studies under the overall authority of the Dean of Faculty. This department has as its charter the role to provide “the study of the context, theory, and application of military power”—with special emphasis on the role of airpower to the art and science of war. The document that helps define the duty of the department also states that this necessary study for officer candidates constitutes “the essence of a military academy education” and, most certainly, the central core of a professional military studies program.

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