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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UCAV- Rättfärdighet och ansvarsutkrävande i obemannade luftanfall / UCAV- Justice and accountability in unmanned air-to-ground missions

Regfeldt, Christoffer January 2010 (has links)
Obemannade flygplan med attackförmåga (UCAV) används i allt större utsträckning i konflikter idag. En av de främsta fördelarna med dessa är att det inte finns någon risk att mista en pilot, då dessa är fjärstyrda. I attacker utförda av amerikanska UCAV:er i framför allt Afghanistan och Pakistan, har collateral damage inträffat vid ett flertal tillfällen. Det innebär att civila oavsiktligt fallit offer för attacker. Enligt krigets lagar kan sådana händelser rättfärdigas av att militär nödvändighet föreligger, men det är tveksamt om det går att hävda det när man inte riskerar egna förluster. Detta innebär i så fall att collateral damage alltid är krigsbrott när det orsakats av UCAV. Då är det viktigt att det går att utkräva ansvar ur obemannade system och det finns farhågor att ansvarsförhållandena blir otydligare när det inte sitter en pilot i flygplanet som ”trycker på knappen”. Men så länge den obemannade farkosten fjärrstyrs och besluten tas av en människa går det inte att se några skillnader i möjligheten till ansvarsutkrävande från bemannade system. / The use of Unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAV) has seen an increasing use in modern conflicts. One of the main advantages of these is the fact that there is no risk of losing a pilot, as the aircraft are remote-controlled. The attacks carried out by U.S. UCAVs in Afghanistan and Pakistan have resultet in a number of incients with collateral damage. According to the laws of war, only military necessity can justify such incidents and it is highly doubtful if you can claim such necessity when you do not risk any loss of life yourself. This would mean that collateral damage caused by UCAVs automatically becomes a war crime. This raises the issue of accountability and wether it is possible to extract such from unmanned systems. There are fears that this would be difficult when no pilot is present in the aircraft to ”pull the trigger”. However, as long as operators remotely control the unmanned aircraft and the decision to release weapons in anger are made by humans, there are no differences to be found in terms of accountability between manned and unmanned systems.

Sökandet efter en regional rumslig planering : Regional Strukturbild för Östergötland

Josefsson, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie avser att undersöka hur och varför planeringsprocesser äger rum vid sidan av formellt reglerade strukturer i en samhällsstyrning genom governance. Detta ses mot bakgrund av att det finns en uttryckt svag koppling mellan regional och kommunal nivå som anses kunna stärkas med hjälp av en rumslig regional planering. Fallet som studeras är upprättandeprocessen för Regional Strukturbild för Östergötland, där fd. Regionförbundet Östsam och nuvarande Region Östergötland tillsammans med tre av regionens kommuner är mål för studien. Studien avgränsas till att besvara (1) vilka drivkrafter och intressen kan förklara att regionala planeringsprocesser äger rum utanför formellt reglerade strukturer (2) inom vilka institutionella ramar äger utvecklingen äger rum och vilka aktörer har involverats, samt (3) vilka möjligheter för insyn och påverkan har funnits i upprättandeprocessen. För att kunna besvara dessa frågeställningar samlas data in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som styrs av Nuissl & Heinrichs (2011) fyra analysparametrar (1) aktörer (2) relationer (3) institutionella ramverk och (4) beslutsprocesser, vilka är ämnade för att studera planeringsprocesser i en samhällsstyrning genom governance.   Utifrån det insamlade intervjumaterialet kan en viss spänning urskönjas mellan det regionalt tillväxtansvariga organet och kommunerna som främsta samrådspart i strukturbildsprocessen. Det kan förklaras av att ansvarsrollerna mellan regionen och kommunerna ännu inte har blivit tydligt definierade sedan bildandet av Region Östergötland. Kommunernas syn på regionens roll är att de ska vara av rådgivande karaktär snarare än bestämmande, men vissa kommunala respondenter menar att regionen har försökt ta en mer bestämmande roll än vad kommunerna anser ska vara fallet. Den kritik som finns mot soft planning om bristande legitimitet och demokratiskt inflytande går att känna igen i det studerade fallet, både ur ett demokratiskt perspektiv men också gentemot kommunerna som främsta samrådspart, där vissa informanter inte anser att kommunerna har kunnat påverka den reella utformningen av strukturbilden. Trots att det går att ifrågasätta processens legitimitet så verkar strukturbilden trots avsaknad av formellt lagstöd få genomslag i andra lagstadgade planeringsdokument, vilket innebär att den formella planeringen (hard space) utmanas och att det institutionella ramverket förändras. Det visar också på drivkrafterna kring planeringsinstrument med avsaknad av formellt lagstöd. Strukturbildsprocessen tillskrivs som ett första steg och en sökande- och lärandeprocess, något som förefaller paradoxalt genom att det påverkar andra planeringsdokument, vilka i sin tur påverkar kommunernas förutsättningar i den fysiska planeringen.

Statsförvaltningen och dess problem : En fallstudie om orsaker till transportstyrelseskandalen och genomgång av processen som ledde till avsteget från lagen

Öberg, Jonathan January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Effekter av mellankommunal samverkan : om skalfördelar och demokratiska implikationer / Effects of intermunicipal cooperation : a study regarding benefits of scale and democratic implications

Flemgård, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Swedish local governments participate in different forms of intermunicipal cooperation in particular policy fields to achieve benefits of scale. This is often thought to improve efficiency and/or facilitate recruitment of experts and other competent personnel, aspects which are considered deficient in many municipalities as a consequence of demographical changes. Intermunicipal cooperation has become a widely used measure to face these challenges.However, there is little empirical evidence supporting that benefits of scale are realized – and the many forms of cooperation municipalities participate in is considered to affect local governments’ democratic anchorage negatively due to the principal-agent problem that arises. In this essay the effects of intermunicipal cooperation have been studied in an explorative way, with both quantitative and qualitative methods. Firstly, the effects on efficiency and need of additional personnel are examined with descriptive statistics from local government environmental inspection (food safety). Secondly, interviews have been conducted with local politicians and local government head officials exploring how the democratic deficit arising from intermunicipal cooperation is perceived from a transaction cost perspective. The interviewees represent a total of four municipalities (medium or small sized), two of which engage in a joint committee in local government environmental authority (which includes food control), the other two engage in a joint administration in the same policy field.The findings from the descriptive statistical analysis does not give solid evidence of improved efficiency or improved organizational competencies. However, the interviewees percieve these aspects as improved by intermunicipal cooperation. The findings from the qualitative approach is that the democratic deficit is perceived as problematic by the local politicians, but that several circumstances influence how problematic it really is. If the municipality needs cooperation to function, and the cooperation delivers satisfactory service, the principal-agent problem is more likely to be tolerated by the principal i.e. the citizens. Other factors seem to matter as well, factors such as: which policy field the cooperation is conducted, if the service is kept in the municipality’s vicinity, and if there is trust between the cooperating municipalities.

Redigering och skuld : Ett kognitivt perspektiv på redigeringensfunktioner i ansvarsutkrävande tv-reportage / Editing and Guilt : A cognitive perspective on editing in investigative TV reporting

Urniaz, Piotr January 2013 (has links)
Abstract: During the past decade, media researchers have intensified the study of media scandals and the role of journalism as an institution that holds social actors responsible for malfeasance and wrongdoings. On a micro level of analysis, the main attention has beendirected towards the journalistic interview and its use to promote the impression of guilt and journalistic neutrality. However, such studies have not been able to address the editing dimension of TV journalism that transforms conversation to another type of communicativepractice – that of communication through TV-flows composed of speech sequences, pictures,and sounds. This doctoral thesis develops a theoretical framework for analysis of the functions of editing inthe process of guilt attribution by journalistic TV-flows – e.g. investigative TV reporting. The purpose is also to contribute to an understanding of the relationship between the communicative competences of viewers and the contextualization of speech acts through the composition of TV-flows. The developed perspective consists of three parts: 1) A division of viewers’ reception of TV-flows in two types of interpersonal relations (to a speaker and to the composer) that involves six levels of cognitive activities. This division is based on the Habermasian notion of communicative rationality; 2) An intent-model, that lists communicative intentions expressed by the composer when speech sequences are merged and pictures are inserted; 3) A guilt-model, that encompasses guilt as a mental structure of ontologically separated elements (e.g. deed,intention, norm) and the associative relations that the viewer uses to create a meaningful whole– a fabula of guilt. The conveyed analysis of three cases of investigative reporting illustrates how the developed framework can be applied in the study of guilt attribution. The analyses also describe several compositional strategies by which the viewer is encouraged to make certain meaning, evaluate, and judge. The strategies concern the following areas: promotion of certain understanding of speech, promotion of certain evaluation of the validity claims, and promotion of certain understanding of the speaker’s intentions. Also strategies of positioning of the reporter in constructed discourses, that enhance the impression of her performances and argumentation, are explored. Furthermore, the composer’s strategies for masking intentions to interfere with the speech acts, by increasing intent ambiguity, are described. The guilt-model is used to understand the workings of the TV-flow on an overreaching level of meaning (the fabula level). Here, the analysis explains the interplay between portrayed intentions and acts, and the different ways in which condemning norms can be activated and highlighted. Furthermore, the model explores the possible employment of categorization in theprocess of guilt attribution (e.g. when properties of an individual are transferred to a group). In sum, this thesis contributes to a new way of understanding the reception of current affairs programs and TV journalism, as relation building between composer and viewer, by means of contextualization of speech acts.

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