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Intressenternas ställningstagande till förändrade utbildningskrav för blivande revisorer / Stakeholders’ opinions on changing educational requirements to become authorized auditorLeckborn, Cornelis, Andreasson, Ludvig January 2020 (has links)
In 2018, Revisorsinspektionen (RI) revised the requirements to become an authorized auditor. The new requirement aims to make the education more efficient and to make the auditor profession more attractive. RI considered the previous auditor education both too long and too complicated compared to other high-education professions and sometimes it could take ten years to become an authorized auditor. The reform aims to make it possible for more people to become an auditor because now you only need a bachelor’s degree. The length of the education is now reduced and the bachelor’s degree does not need to be in business administration. The future auditor thus needs less education than today's auditors and not the same demands in business administration. What, in fact, do the RIs stakeholders think of the new requirements to become an authorized auditor? In 2017, RI published a memorandum with proposals for the new requirements and mentioned44 stakeholders who was affected of the revise and gave them a chance to express their opinions. Until 8th of March 2018, 25 organisations had comment on RI revision. The purpose of the study is to examine the stakeholders’ views about the revision of the requirements to become an authorized auditor. By categorize the organisations into stakeholder groups and then analyze every answer, this study contributes with knowledge about which stakeholders’ who had the most influence in the revision. The Comment letters received on RIs memorandum have been categorized by the following stakeholder groups: Authorities, Universities, Accounting firm and Trade association. The results shows that there is different opinions depending on the interest of the organizations and the stakeholder group with least influence were universities. Furthermore the study shows that the universities did not have any influence in the revision and the stakeholders with most influence were the audit firms and authorities. The essay is hereinafter written in Swedish. / Revisorsinspektionen (RI) ändrade 2018 på de formella kraven för att bli auktoriserad revisor. De nya bestämmelserna syftar framförallt allt till att effektivisera utbildningen och göra revisorsyrket mer attraktivt. RI anser att den tidigare revisorsutbildningen var både för lång och komplicerad jämfört med andra kvalificerade akademiska yrken och att det kan ta upp till tio år att bli auktoriserad revisor. Reformen gör det möjligt för fler att bli revisorer eftersom det i nuläget räcker med en valfri kandidatexamen från högskola eller universitetsutbildningens längd reduceras samtidigt som kravet på akademisk examen inom företagsekonomi tas bort. Framtidens revisorer behöver alltså mindre akademisk utbildning än dagens revisorer för att bli auktoriserad och behöver dessutom inte vara ekonomer. Vad har egentligen Revisorsinspektionens intressenter för synpunkter och ställningstagande till de nya reglerna för att bli auktoriserad revisor? RI skickade 2017 ut en promemoria till 44 olika remissinstanser där åsikter och svarefterfrågades på myndighetens framtagna förslag. Av dessa var det till slut 25 instanser som valde att inkomma med remissvar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka intressenters ställningstaganden till de nya utbildningskraven för att bli auktoriserad revisor genom att granska och sammanställa de remissvar som inkom till RI. Dessa intressenter har delats in i olika intressentgrupper utifrån en egen modifierad intressentmodell. Studien har bidragit med att skildra intressenternas ställningstaganden till Ris utbildningsreform. Resultatet visar att det totalt sett var ungefär lika många som tillstyrker som avstyrker förslaget, men inom intressentgrupperna var det mer enhetliga ställningstaganden och det är framförallt lärosätena som är kritiska till reformen. I studiens analys och slutsatser presenteras ett antal mönster bland intressenternas ställningstaganden. Dessutom redogörs för möjliga underliggande orsaker och motiv tillintressenternas ställningstaganden.
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Kommunikationsbrus inom revisorsprofessionen? : En kvalitativ studie om uppfattningar kring förväntningsgapet, revisionens syfte och revisorns roll inom revisorsprofessionen. / Noise within the audit profession? : A qualitative study of perceptions about the purpose of audit, the role of the auditor and the expectation gap within the audit profession.Carling, Emma, Mobarak Nilsson, Alicia January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förväntningsgapet inom revision är ett fenomen som länge har varit ett problem för revisorsprofessionen. Även om revisorsprofessionen har hanterat förväntningsgapet som ett kommunikationsproblem som kan lösas genom att kommunicera bättre med allmänheten om vad revisionens syfte och revisorns roll är, kvarstår förväntningsgapet fortfarande. En anledning till att förväntningsgapet kvarstår, kan vara att aktörer inom revisorsprofessionen har olika uppfattningar om revisionens syfte och revisorns roll, vilka ger upphov till ett kommunikationsbrus som hämmar revisorsprofessionens kommunikation med allmänheten. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för varför förväntningsgapet kvarstår genom att utforska hur aktörer inom revisorsprofessionen uppfattar förväntningsgapet, revisorns roll och revisionens syfte. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en i huvudsak deduktiv ansats. Empiri har dels samlats in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med aktörer inom revisorsprofessionen, dels genom en dokumentstudie baserad på konsultationssvaren till det brittiska konsultationsdokumentet ’Call for Views’ från aktörer inom revisorsprofessionen. Empirin har analyserats genom innehålls- och nätverksanalys. Slutsats: Studiens empiriska underlag påvisar att det inom revisorsprofessionen förekommer olika uppfattningar om revisionens syfte och revisorns roll, men även om förväntningsgapet. De olika uppfattningarna om revisionens syfte och revisorns roll skulle kunna orsaka ett kommunikationsbrus, som leder till att revisorsprofessionens försök till att minska förväntningsgapet genom ökad kommunikation inte har lyckats. Därtill kan de olika uppfattningarna om förväntningsgapet ge upphov till ett internt kommunikationsbrus inom revisorsprofessionen som också hämmar att förväntningsgapet minskas. / Introduction: The audit expectation gap is a phenomenon that has been a problem for the audit profession during a long time. Although the audit profession has handled the expectation gap as a communication problem that can be solved by communicating better with the public about the purpose of the audit and the role of the auditor, the expectation gap still remains. A possible reason to why the expectation gap remains may be that members of the audit profession have differing perceptions about the purpose of the audit and the role of the auditor, which cause noise within the audit profession. This noise might in turn inhibit the audit profession’s communication with the public. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of why the expectation gap remains, by exploring how actors within the audit profession perceive the expectation gap, the purpose of the audit and the role of the auditor. Method: The study has a qualitative researching method with a mainly deductive approach. The empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with actors within the audit profession and through a document study based on the consultation responses sent to the British consultation document 'Call for Views' from actors within the audit profession. The empirical data has been analyzed through content and network analysis. Conclusion: The empirical evidence shows that there are different perceptions about the purpose of the audit and the role of the auditor, but also about the expectation gap, within the audit profession. The differing perceptions about the purpose of the audit and the role of the auditor could cause a noise, which in turn causes the failure of the audit profession in its attempt to reduce the expectation gap through increased communication. In addition, the different perceptions about the expectation gap might give rise to an internal noise within the audit profession, which can also inhibit attempts to reduce the expectation gap.
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Vad gör revisionsbyråer åt den höga personalomsättningen bland revisorsassistenter? / What do audit firms do for the high staff turnover among auditor assistants?Biltmo, Caroline, Petersson, Ebba January 2019 (has links)
Inom revisionsbranschen står många revisionsbyråer inför utmaningen med att behålla sina revisorsassistenter. Många tidigare studier har gjorts kring vad som orsakar att ett stort antal anställda tar beslutet att lämna revisionsbranschen. Eftersom fokus tidigare riktats på revisorsassistenten, har revisionsbyråerna och deras arbete kring frågan hamnat i skymundan. Detta väckte intresset av att undersöka hur revisionsbyråer upplever och hanterar den höga personalomsättningen bland revisorsassistenter. För att uppfylla studien syfte har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod använts, i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med revisorer som uppgetts vara insatta i revisorsassistenternas rotation på revisionsbyrån. Intervjuerna genomfördes med revisionsbyråer i Kristianstad med omnejd. Ämnet har studerats utifrån litteratur inom följande perspektiv: personalomsättning bland anställda, effekter av personalomsättning, managementmetoden Up or Out och motivationsfaktorer. Studiens resultat visar att en majoritet av studiens medverkande byråer inte upplevde sig ha problem med hög personalomsättning bland sina revisorsassistenter. Meningarna var desamma oavsett om revisionsbyrån tillhörde de Big 4-byråerna eller representerade en mindre revisionsbyrå. Studiens resultat visar att de medverkande revisionsbyråerna hanterar den höga personalomsättningen bland revisorsassistenter genom åtgärder som utbildningar, fysiskt och mental stöttning, varierande arbetsuppgifter och medverkan i personliga aktiviteter för att försöka få revisorsassistenten att känna utvecklingspotential och känna sig sedd och därmed är villig att stanna kvar på byrån. Studien kom fram till att storleken på den medverkande byrån, samt om byrån tillhör de Big 4-byråerna eller ej, inte tenderar att ha någon påverkan för hur revisionsbyrån upplever eller hanterar den höga personalomsättningen bland revisorsassistenter. / In the auditing industry, many auditing firms face the challenge of retaining their auditing assistants. Previous research focuses heavily on the perspective of the auditors 'assistants and has asked what factors are behind the auditors' choice in seeking opportunities outside the auditing industry. Since earlier research has been focused from the audit assistant perspective, the audit firms and their work on how to handle this challenge, has received little attention. It would therefore be interesting to examining how the audit firms perceive and handle the high staff turnover among auditing assistants. To fulfill the study purpose, a qualitative research method has been used, in the form of semi-structured interviews with auditors stated to be familiar with the audit assistants' rotation at the auditing firm. The interviews were conducted with auditing firms in Kristianstad and the surrounding area. The subject has been studied from literature in the following perspective: personnel turnover among employees, effects of staff turnover, management method Up or Out and motivation factors. The results of this study show that a majority of the participating firms did not find themselves having problems with high staff turnover among their auditors' assistants. The opinions were the same whether the audit firm belonged to the “Big 4” or represented a small auditing firm. This study shows that the participating audit firms handle the high staff turnover among auditor assistants through measures such as training, physical and mental support, varying tasks and participation in personal activities to try to get the auditor assistants to feel a potential for professional development, getting acknowledgement, and thus are willing to stay on Office. The study concluded that the size of the participating firms, whether the firm belongs to the “Big 4” or not, does not tend to have any impact on how the audit firms perceives or manages the high staff turnover among auditor assistants.
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Effects of Auditor-provided Tax Services on Book-tax Differences and Investors’ Mispricing of Book-tax DifferencesLuo, Bing 05 1900 (has links)
In this study, I investigate the effect of auditor-provided tax services (ATS) on firms’ levels of book-tax differences and investors’ mispricing of book-tax differences. The joint provision of audit and tax services has been a controversial issue among regulators and academic researchers. Evidence on whether ATS improve or impair the overall accounting quality is inconclusive as a result of the specific testing circumstances involved in different studies. Book-tax differences capture managers’ earnings management and/or tax avoidance intended to maximize reported financial income and to minimize tax expense. Therefore, my first research question investigates whether ATS improve or impair audit quality by examining the relation between ATS and firms’ levels of book-tax differences. My results show that ATS are negatively related to book-tax differences, suggesting that ATS improve the overall audit quality and reduce aggressive financial and/or tax reporting. My second research question examines whether the improved earnings quality for firms acquiring ATS leads to reduced mispricing of book-tax differences among investors. Recent studies document that despite the rich information about firms’ future earnings contained in book-tax differences, investors process such information inefficiently, leading to systematic pricing errors among firms with large book-tax differences. My empirical evidence indicates that ATS mitigate such mispricing, with pricing errors being lower among firms acquiring ATS compared with firms without ATS. Collectively, these results support the notion that ATS improve audit quality through knowledge spillover. Moreover, the improved earnings quality among firms acquiring ATS in turn helps reduce investors’ mispricing of book-tax differences.
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Revisorns oberoende : En kvalitativ uppsats om relationen mellan revisorer på mindre revisionsbyråer och deras klientföretag / Auditor independence : A qualitative thesis about the relationship between auditors in smaller accounting firms and their client companiesNilsson, Moa, Mårtensson, Cornelia January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Flertalet internationella och nationella kriser har skakat om revisionsvärlden till följd av att revisorn inte alltid har agerat oberoende. En betydande faktor som kan påverka revisorns oberoende är relationen mellan revisorn och klientföretaget. Utifrån tidigare forskning finns det ett behov av att studera revisorns oberoende på mindre revisionsbyråer genom att titta på relationen ur både revisorns och klientföretagets perspektiv. För att skapa en djupare förståelse för relationen kommer den sociala identitetsteorin att användas. Teorin innebär att en gemensam identiteten kan uppstå till följd av att revisorn och klientföretaget spelar inom samma sociala kontext. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till en fördjupad förståelse för revisorns oberoende, med ett särskilt fokus på relationen mellan revisorer på mindre revisionsbyråer och deras klientföretag. Metod: Uppsatsen utgår från en deduktiv forskningsansats och en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att samla in uppsatsens empiriska material där komparativ design har använts som forskningsdesign. Analysen av det empiriska materialet har utgått från en tematisk analys. Slutsats: Uppsatsen visar på att klientföretagen har andra förväntningar på revisorn än vad revisorn möjligen kan prestera. Dessutom utför revisorer uppgifter som kan stå i strid med analysmodellen. Revisorn och klientföretaget kan identifiera sig med varandra eftersom de befinner sig i samma sociala kontext. Relationen mellan revisorn och klientföretaget kan ses vara mer komplex än vad man tänker sig, varför revisorns oberoende ibland kan ifrågasättas till följd av relationen. / Background and problem discussion: Several international and national crises have shaken the audit world because of the auditor not always acting independent. A significant factor that may affect the auditor's independence is the relation between the auditor and the client company. Based on previous research, there is a need to study the auditor’s independence at smaller accounting firms by looking at the relation from the perspective of both the auditor and the client company. To create a deeper understanding of the relation, the social identity theory will be used. The theory means that a common identity can arise because of the auditor and the client company playing within the same social context. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to a deeper understanding of auditor independence, with a particular focus on the relationship between auditors at smaller audit firms and their client companies. Method: This thesis is based on deductive research approach and a qualitative research strategy. Semi-structured interviews have been used to collect the thesis’s empirical material where comparative design has been used as research design. The analysis of the empirical material has been based on a thematic analysis. Conclusion: This thesis shows that the client companies have different expectations of the auditor than what the auditor can perform. In addition, the auditors perform tasks that may conflict the analysis model. The auditor and the client company can identify with each other because they are in the same social context. The relationship between the auditor and the client company can be seen as more complex than imagined, which is why the auditor's independence can sometimes be questioned because of the relationship.
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Revisorns oberoende i en mindre stadBirnstingl Jönsson, Lisa, Grindensjö, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
Auditor independence is a well-discussed topic. Previous research shows that it is difficult to know where to draw the line of independence and highlights several factors that affect the auditor's independence in a negative direction. However, there is a lack of studies on how auditors' independence is affected by being active in a smaller city. The purpose of this study was therefore to increase the understanding of how auditors' independence is affected by operating in smaller cities. To achieve the aim, a qualitative method has been used, in the form of semi-structured interviews with accountants operating in smaller cities. The results of the study show that there are certain problems with being an active accountant in a small town. It can be stated that the familiarity threat is more tangible, which is natural as relationships and contact networks become more intertwined. However, this does not mean that the auditors compromise their independence, but it requires higher demands on the individual auditor's morals and integrity in his professional role in order to withstand threats and pressure. Threats of self-interest and threats of self-review were also threats that increased in the smaller city. However, these threats could be counteracted through implemented procedures, which resulted in these threats not being considered to affect the auditors' independence. Something that was considered to strengthen independence was the awareness of the importance of maintaining a good reputation and trust in the smaller city.
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Auditors' Risk- and Materiality Assessment During Times of High Exogenous Risk : A Quantitative Study Analysing the Effects of the Covid-19 PandemicBrissman, Adam, Watson, Thomas January 2023 (has links)
Background: Research has shown that the risk of material misstatements increases during exogenous risk shocks. Simultaneously, auditors shall identify and assess the emergent risks. During the GFC, auditors' response was considered satisfactory by some but criticized byothers. Covid-19 presents a new exogenous risk shock which should entail a similar response by auditors. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect that exogenous risks during uncertain economic times have on the risk- and materiality assessments of auditors. Further, to determine if auditor independence and trait scepticism affect the relationship between exogenous risk and risk- and materiality assessments. Methodology: This study used a quantitative method by sending out questionnaires to Swedish authorized and approved auditors. The answers were analysed through Spearman correlation matrixes, Paired-samples T-tests, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regressions and a binary logistics regression. This study is based on a positivistic perspective and a deductive approach was used. Conclusion: The findings indicated that auditors did make more conservative risk assessments in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, they did not adjust the materiality assessments nor performance materiality assessments significantly. Moreover, that the individually situated factors of auditors had impact on the assessments during the pandemic.
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This study examines the impact of U.S. states’ staggered adoption of the inevitable disclosure doctrine (IDD) on rival companies’ auditor choice. I posit that, in states where the IDD limits employee mobility among rival companies, the IDD adoption exogenously increases the costs of disclosing proprietary information through other channels. I find that on average peer companies do not show any changes in the probability of audit office sharing after the companies’ headquarter states adopt the IDD. I also find that companies with trade secrets respond to IDD adoption by avoiding audits conducted by the same audit office as their competitors’ audit office, supporting the proprietary cost hypothesis. The results are robust not only in various levels of auditor sharing but also after I incorporate factors including Mergers and Acquisitions, SOX, and differentiations of IDD adoption and rejection. Cross-sectional results related to Big N auditors suggest that peer companies with trade secrets that hire Big N auditors increase audit office sharing because Big N auditors’ higher levels of reputation, higher litigation costs, and deep pockets alleviate concerns of potential information leakage through audit office sharing in the post IDD adoption periods. My cross-sectional results related to audit committee experts show that peer companies with trade secrets respond to IDD adoption by engaging in more frequent audit office sharing when they have industry experts and accounting financial experts on audit committees. Supervisory financial expertise on audit committees of peer companies with trade secrets does not seem to affect the probability of audit office sharing after the IDD adoption. To my knowledge, this study is the first to document the causal effect of proprietary information costs on audit office choices of U.S. companies with trade secrets. / Business Administration/Accounting
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Revisorns roll i mindre företag : En kvalitativ studie som beskriver revisorns roll utifrån ett nätverksperspektiv / The role of the auditor in small companies : A qualitative study that describes the auditor's role from a network perspectivePersson, Elin, Hultman, Linn January 2022 (has links)
Mindre företag tenderar att ha ett behov av att samarbeta med externa aktörer för att tillgodogöra sig de resurser som krävs för att åstadkomma en lönsam verksamhet. Revisorn är en extern aktör som samtliga företag, i den här studien, är tvungna att ha enlig svensk lag. En annan extern aktör på ekonomiområdet är redovisningskonsulten, vilket företag frivilligt kan välja att anlita för att underlätta den löpande verksamheten. Tidigare forskning redogör för teorier om nätverk, vilken roll en revisor respektive redovisningskonsult har i mindre företag samt hur goda relationer kan uppnås. Den här studien kopplar samman dessa ämnen genom att beskriva hur mindre företags nätverk gällande ekonomitjänster påverkar revisorns roll. Studien består av tolv kvalitativa intervjuer med företag i Karlstad. Resultatet visar på att det finns fyra huvudsakliga sätt för mindre företag att bygga upp sitt nätverk på ekonomiområdet. Nätverket har i sin tur en viss påverkan på revisorns roll. Dock är det inte enbart förekomsten av andra aktörer som påverkar revisorns roll utan även vilken roll övriga aktörer antar. Får företagen mycket rådgivning från en annan aktör, exempelvis en redovisningskonsult, är behovet av att kontakta revisorn för rådgivning inte lika stort. Studien har även visat på att relationen till de olika aktörerna i nätverket har en påverkan på vilken roll och betydelse olika aktörer får. I en relation har aspekter som tillit och engagemang lyfts fram av stor vikt. Huruvida revisorn, respektive redovisningskonsulten, lever upp till företagets förväntningar påverkar deras upplevelse av revisorns roll. / Small companies tend to have a need for collaboration with external actors in order to utilize the resources required to achieve a profitable business. In this study, all companies are required by Swedish law to have an auditor. Another possible external actor on the subject of business is an external accountant. Unlike the auditor, companies have the option of hiring an external accountant voluntarily to facilitate operations. Previous research sheds light on theories about networks, the auditor, and the external accountants’ roles in smaller companies and how to create a good business relationship. This study connects these topics by describing how the business networks of smaller companies affects the role of the auditor. The study consists of twelve qualitative interviews with companies in Karlstad. The results show that there are four main ways for smaller companies to structure a business network. The network, in turn, has a certain impact on the auditor's role. However, it is not only the presence of other actors that affects the auditor's role but also the role those other actors assume. If a company receives a lot of advice from another actor, such as an external accountant, the need to contact the auditor for advice is not as great. The study has also shown that the relationships with actors in the network has an impact on the role and significance of other actors. In a relationship, aspects such as trust and commitment have been highlighted as being of great importance. Whether or not the auditor or the external accountant lives up to the company's expectations affects their experience of the auditor's role.
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Slopandet av revisionsplikt för mindre aktiebolag : En studie om faktorer som påverkar valet att anlita en revisor i mindre aktiebolag / The abolition of audit obligation for small limited companies : A study of factors that influence the choice to hire an auditor in small limited companiesInal, Mattias, Adilovic, Dino, Nguyen, Elina January 2022 (has links)
Revisionsplikten slopades 1 november 2010 i Sverige, vilket innebar att mindre aktiebolag som inte uppfyller vissa krav blev fria från revision. Efter slopandet av revisionsplikten har det skett ständiga debatter mellan olika parter över detta beslut. Somliga parter ser det utifrån en positiv aspekt, medan andra ur en negativ aspekt. Den höga kostnaden som revision avlämnar är en faktor till att flertal mindre aktiebolag väljer att inte anlita en revisor, främst hos nystartade aktiebolag. Studiens syfte är att undersöka varför mindre aktiebolag vänder sig till revision och använder sig av den även om de inte omfattas av revisionsplikt. Samt identifiera vilka önskvärda konsekvenser och icke önskvärda konsekvenser frivillig revision medför utifrån aktiebolagets synvinkel och utifrån institutionell teori. För att svara på studiens syfte har vi tillämpat oss av en kvalitativ metod, eftersom vi anser att den kan tillämpas för vårt arbete på bästa sätt. Frågeställningarna kommer sedan besvaras genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som görs med nio olika aktiebolag inom Sverige. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att de flesta aktiebolagen på marknaden har varierande synpunkter och åsikter kring revision samt slopandet av revisionsplikten. Utifrån våra intervjuer kan vi dra slutsatsen att det förekommer fler positiva kommentarer om revision än negativa. Det som ansågs vara bra med revision var att företagare får mer kontroll över bolaget samt att de får väldigt bra rådgivning som kan leda till en ekonomisk utveckling för bolagen. Utifrån revisorernas perspektiv har det förekommit en försämring på årsredovisningar, men även att det har skett en ökning av ekonomisk brottslighet. Det som de flesta bolagen gemensamt ansåg vara det stora problemet med revision var den höga kostnaden. Många av bolagen ansåg inte det som en nödvändig respektive värd investering, utan ansåg att likviditeten kan användas för något bättre. / The audit obligation was abolished on 1 November 2010 in Sweden, which meant that smaller limited companies that did not meet certain requirements were exempted from auditing. Following the abolition of the audit obligation, there have been constant debates between different parties over this decision. Some parties see it from a positive aspect, while others from a negative aspect. The high cost of auditing is a factor that several smaller limited companies choose not to hire an auditor, mainly with newly started limited companies. The purpose of the study is to investigate why smaller limited companies turn to auditing and use it even if they are not subject to auditing obligations. But also identify what desirable consequences and undesirable consequences voluntary audit entails from the company's point of view and from institutional theory. To answer the purpose of the study, we have applied a qualitative method, as we believe that it can be applied to our work in the best way. The questions will then be answered with semi-structured interviews conducted at several different limited companies in Sweden. The conclusion that can be drawn is that most limited companies in the market have varying views and opinions on auditing and the abolition of the auditing obligation. Based on our interviews, we can conclude that there are more positive comments about auditing than negative ones. What was considered good about auditing was that entrepreneurs get more control over the company and that they get very good advice that can lead to financial development for the companies. From the auditors' perspective, there has been a deterioration in annual reports, but also that there has been an increase in financial crime. What most companies jointly considered to be the major problem with auditing was the high cost. Many of the companies did not consider it a necessary or worthwhile investment, but considered that liquidity could be used for something better.
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