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À la recherche des liens entre mémoire et identité : études comportementales et en neuroimagerie fonctionnelle des différences liées au sexe et à l'identité de genre en mémoire autobiographique / Seeking for links between memory and identity : behavioral and functional neuroimaging studies of sex and gender identity-related differences in autobiographical memoryCompère, Laurie 28 November 2016 (has links)
Il existe un lien bidirectionnel entre identité et mémoire, la mémoire autobiographique contenant toutes les informations qui permettent à un individu de se définir. Or, un point important de notre identité est de se définir en tant qu'homme ou femme. De plus, d'un point de vue cognitif, hommes et femmes présentent des différences de performances à un certain nombre de tâches dont des tâches de mémoire autobiographique. Dans cette thèse, nous avons souhaité investiguer à partir de méthodes comportementales et en neuroimagerie fonctionnelle les différences entre hommes et femmes dans la mémoire autobiographique épisodique et sémantique et ses liens avec l'identité, afin de déterminer si ces différences sont plutôt dues à des facteurs biologiques inhérents au sexe ou sociaux inhérents à l'identité de genre. Nos résultats convergent vers l'idée que l'identité de genre est plus déterminante que l'appartenance à un sexe dans la construction des souvenirs. / There is a bidirectional link between identity and memory because autobiographical memory contains all the information that allows an individual to define oneself. However an important matter about our identity is to be defined as a man or a woman. In addition, from a cognitive point of view, men and women show differencies in their performance in some tasks including autobiographical memory tasks. In this thesis, we wanted to investigate the differences between men and women in episodic and semantic autobiographical memory with behavioural and functional neuroimaging methods and their links with identity so as to determine if these differences are rather due to biological factors inherent to sex or to social factors inherent to gender identity. Our results converge on the idea that gender identity is more crucial than membership to one sex in the construction of memories.
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Assessing the relationship between resting autonomic nervous system functioning, social anxiety, and emotional autobiographical memory retrievalSmith, Brianna January 2018 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Elizabeth Kensinger / Individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD) tend to have emotional memory biases in the encoding and retrieval of social memories. Research has shown reduced heart rate variability (HRV) in clinical populations suffering from anxiety, including social anxiety. Heightened sympathetic activation—as measured by the electrodermal activity (EDA)—has also been associated with anxiety disorders. The aim of the present study was to examine the relation between HRV, social anxiety, and re-experiencing of emotional autobiographical memories. 44 healthy young adults were recruited from the Boston College campus through SONA. Participants were given an online survey that instructed them to retrieve 40 specific events from the past in response to 40 socially relevant cues. For each event, participants were instructed to provide a brief narrative, make several ratings for the event (on a scale from 1-7), and indicate the specific emotions they experienced both at the time of retrieval and of the event. Approximately one month after the completion of the memory survey, participants engaged in a 2-hour memory retrieval session while undergoing psychophysiological monitoring (heart rate, skin conductance, and respiration). Following the retrieval task, participants completed self-report questionnaires of social anxiety symptom severity and trait emotion regulation strategy (i.e., tendency to reappraise or suppress emotions). The present study found that positive memories had higher re-experiencing ratings as compared to negative memories. Contrary to the original study hypothesis, however, there was no significant interaction between average re-experiencing (or arousal) ratings of positive or negative social autobiographical memories and SAD likelihood. A nonlinear, cubic relationship was found between one of three metrics of HRV and social anxiety symptom severity. A significant effect was found between skin conductance and SAD likelihood, which was likely driven by an almost significance difference in skin conductance between the SAD unlikely and the SAD very probable groups; these findings provide further insight into the relationship between autonomic nervous system (ANS) functioning and social anxiety. Further, the present results suggest the intriguing possibility that there may be a nonlinear relationship between HRV and severity of social anxiety. Future research with a larger sample size is needed to corroborate these findings. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2018. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Departmental Honors. / Discipline: Psychology.
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Influences of Intergenerational Transmission of Autobiographical Memories on Identity Formation in Immigrant ChildrenBuquoi, Yuliya Illinichna January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] O presente trabalho investiga preditores clínicos de incapacidade e especificidade
episódica da memória autobiográfica no Transtorno Bipolar (TB). Além disso, investiga
a relação entre incapacidade e insight nesses indivíduos. Os resultados destacam o
impacto da depressão e o papel generalizado da perda de insight no TB, indicando que o
insight pode levar ao aumento da incapacidade e reforça a associação entre sintomas
depressivos e incapacidade, o que tem sido consistentemente relatado na literatura. Além
disso, os resultados deste estudo indicam que sintomas mais graves de depressão, maior
nível de ideação suicida e menor gravidade da doença atuam como preditores de prejuízos
na habilidade de recordação de detalhes autobiográficos no TB. Preditores clínicos são
frequentemente usados na prática clínica para identificar pacientes em risco de resultados
adversos. Portanto, esta pesquisa visa contribuir para o avanço da compreensão da doença
com relevância direta para avaliação clínica e possíveis intervenções. / [en] The current work explores clinical predictors of disability and autobiographical
memory episodic specificity in bipolar disorder (BD). In addition, it investigates the
relationship between disability and insight in this disease The results highlight the impact
of depression and pervasive role of loss of insight in BD, indicating that it may also lead
to increased disability and reinforces the association between depressive symptoms and
disability, which has been consistently reported in literature. Additionally, the results of
this study indicate that more severe symptoms of depression, higher level of suicidal
ideation and lower illness severity act as predictors of impaired recall of specific
autobiographical details in BD. Clinical predictors are frequently used in clinical practice
to identify patients at risk of adverse outcomes. Therefore, this research aimed at
contributing to advance the understanding of the disease with direct relevance for clinical
assessment and possible interventions.
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A Narrative Inquiry into International Students’ Learning Experiences in Sweden : From the Perspective of Existential LearningSunakawa, Yuto January 2022 (has links)
Study abroad has received much attention as an effective educational practice in today’s globalized world, and a wide range of skills, attitudes, and knowledge has been recognized as potential learning outcomes resulting from it. Accordingly, in the context of higher education, international students’ learning experiences have been understood in terms of measurable outcomes. Outcome-oriented understanding, however, has put international students’ learning experiences into a binary category of successful or failed learning experiences, based on whether they learned what they were supposed to learn during study abroad. This study takes a critical stance that binary understanding of student learning during study abroad fails to grasp the uniqueness and complexity of each international student’s learning experiences and aims to go beyond binaries to provide a more nuanced understanding of them. Through autobiographical narrative interviews, five students’ narratives about their learning experiences during study abroad were collected. The five students were graduate students studying in Sweden, which represent an under-researched group in the previous literature. Their narratives were comparatively analyzed using thematic narrative analysis, from the perspective of existential learning theory. The results demonstrated the uniqueness of the five international students’ learning experiences, by showing that they experienced existential learning with different dimensions of their existence and in different settings, including formal and informal settings. The results also highlighted the complexity of their learning processes, where each student sought to learn in a way in which the new values, beliefs, or knowledge that they encountered could be consistently integrated into their own biographies. This study shed new light on international students’ learning experiences, highlighting the uniqueness and complexity of them from the perspective of existential learning theory.
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Seeing feelingly through the Feet : A Design Space for MicroopportunitiesValaszkai, Karolin January 2021 (has links)
The thesis consists of autobiographical soma research-oriented design for bringing somatic attention to the feet by the concept of micro-opportunities embedded in external artifacts to defamiliarize experiences. There is a growing body of work within the HCI community reporting on pressure-sensitive prototypes for raising bodily awareness alongside heat as a positive embodied response. Informed by these, I lead by questioning: How could the feet as the eyes of the body open a space for design estrangement and micro opportunities? Through Research through Design (RtD), I explore where these applications make sense in everyday living. I provide an overview of my somatic explorations within physiotherapy, foot analysis, and physical engagements of materials depicting bodily adjustments, materials, prompts, and objects as tools for estrangement. Lastly, I offer the Soma Design Bodystorming Foot-kit humo encapsulating these insights and drawing on the given premise, seeing feelingly through the feet, to speculate around potential applications and outcomes in everyday living granted by micro-opportunities. Through humo, I provide designers with an open-ended kit for sparking an awakening out of familiar bodily experiences towards somaesthetic (strange) reflections of the being of the feet.
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Illustrating autobiography : rearticulating representations of self in Bitterkomix and the visual journalMillan, Roberto 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores an analysis of autobiographical illustration, as it relates directly
to autobiographical devices employed in Bitterkomix and my own visual journals. The
result is a practitioner-specific approach that frames my own work within a discourse
of comics and consequently within the larger discourse of visual narrative. These
devices are analysed in the works of artists in Bitterkomix who employ
autobiography, not only as a means of effecting more intimate interactions between
the reader and the narrative, but also as a form of legitimising narrative. A principal
deduction that I have made is that autobiographical writing operates through the filter
of memory and language translation. A divergence occurs within Bitterkomix, as well
as within my own work, between the artist as himself and the artist as his
autobiographical self - the two are never identical. I choose to define
autobiographical illustration as an interpretative and experimental visual writing
process used to affirm and negate perceived concepts of self through the filters of
memory, language translation and imagination. Imagination acts as an extension of
current memory from which perceived past, present and future identity constructs
emanate and extend. These constructs are by no means indicative of historical fact
but often appear to be so given autobiography's association as a referential text. The
visual journal as an autobiographical object, like Bitterkomix, seeks to legitimise itself
in 'naturalising narrative' by feigning to make it the outcome of a documentative
process. It is exactly the tension between autobiography's perceived characteristic as
a genre that involves 'real' experiences and its actual function as a narrative
construction of identity that merits its use as a strategic device. I argue how my visual
journals constitute autobiographical narrative objects and archives of
autobiographical illustrative form and content. This tension is amplified in my visual
journals in their association as deeply personal objects and as a result of what is
perceived to be the artist's natural process. Most importantly, these narrative objects
are placed within the public's gaze and are made to be read as autobiographical
texts, ultimately as documents of this process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek outobiografiese illustrasie wat direk verband hou met
outobiografiese praktyke wat in Bitterkomix en in my eie visuele joernale gebruik
word. Die resultaat is 'n praktisyn-spesifieke aanslag wat my eie werk binne die
diskoers van stripkuns plaas, en sodoende binne die groter diskoers van visuele
narratief. Hierdie praktyke word geanaliseer in die werk van Bitterkomix-kunstenaars
wat outobiografie gebruik, nie net as 'n manier om meer intieme interaksies tussen
die leser en die narratief te bewerkstellig nie, maar ook om die narratief legitiem te
maak. Ek maak die afleiding dat outobiografiese skryfwerk deur die filters van
geheue en taal werksaam is. In beide Bitterkomix en my eie werk is 'n skeiding
tussen die kunstenaar self en die kunstenaar se outobiografiese self sigbaar – die
twee is nooit identies nie. Ek verkies om outobiografiese illustrasie te definieer as 'n
interpretatiewe en eksperimentele visuele skryfproses wat gebruik word om
waargenome begrippe van die self deur die filters van geheue, vertaling en
verbeelding te bevestig en te negeer. Die verbeelding dien as 'n voortsetting van
huidige geheue waaruit waargenome identiteitskonstrukte van die verlede, hede en
toekoms voortvloei. Hierdie konstrukte is geensins aanduidend van historiese feite
nie, maar kom dikwels so voor gegewe outobiografie se assosiasie as verwysende
teks. My argument is dat my visuele joernale beide outobiografiese narratiewe
objekte én argiewe van outobiografiese illustratiewe vorm en inhoud is. Visuele
joernale as outobiografiese objekte, soos in die geval van Bitterkomix, probeer sigself
legitiem maak deur middel van 'naturaliserende narratief', deur voor te gee dat dit die
resultaat van 'n dokumenterende proses is. Dit is juis die spanning tussen
outobiografie se aard as 'n genre wat gegrond is op 'ware' ervaringe, en outobiografie
se funksie as 'n narratiewe konstruksie, wat die gebruik daarvan as 'n strategiese
middel die moeite werd maak. Hierdie spanning word in my visuele joernale verhoog
deur hulle diep persoonlike aard, en as gevolg van wat gesien word as die
kunstenaar se natuurlike proses. Belangriker nog is dat hierdie narratiewe objekte
binne die publiek se sigveld geplaas word om as outobiografiese tekste gelees te
word, en ook uiteindelik as dokumente van die proses.
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高社交焦慮者的自傳式記憶特性--關於記憶清晰度的探討梁記雯 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果得出高社交焦慮者在進行社交焦慮事件的回憶時,傾向回憶出比低社交焦慮組更多的自身相關訊息;且高社交焦慮組在回憶社交焦慮事件時比低社交焦慮組更傾向評估自身相關訊息的記憶清晰度高於外界環境訊息,研究結果較支持Clark和Well(1995)的說法。 / The purpose of the present study was to utilize the autobiographical memory task to investigate the memory bias in socially anxious individuals. According to Clark and Wells’ (1995) view, socially anxious individuals were hypothesized to preferentially allocate almost attentional resources to self-related information and remember self-related information better than external information on entering an anxiety-provoking social situation. However, according to Repee and Heimberg’ s (1997) model, they supposed that socially anxious individuals tend to focus on negative self-evaluated information regardless of it were self-related or external information. The present study tried to examine the two models simultaneously.
Sixty-four undergraduate students were assigned to either high or low social-anxiety group. All subjects were asked to recall one anxiety-provoking social situation about public-speaking and another neutral situation. They were requested to form an image of the event and write a detailed description about it. They then completed rating of memory vividness for each situation.
The results revealed that high social anxiety group showed to retrieve more self-related information than low social anxiety group and displayed more preferential to rate the vividness of self-related information higher than external environmental information than low social anxiety group did when recalling anxiety-provoking social situation. The result supported Clark and Wells’ s model.
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Exploration du lien entre la qualité de la mentalisation et l'efficacité du rappel autobiographiqueDauphin, Julie January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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La mémoire matérielle : évocation des souvenirs et photographie dans Les années, d’Annie ErnauxBissonnette, Karine 08 1900 (has links)
L’imbrication de l’écriture et de la photographie sera examinée dans Les années, d’Annie Ernaux, de façon à montrer la tension au cœur du double désir de l’auteure de documenter des moments révolus et de les transmettre à autrui. Seront étudiées, d’un point de vue poétique et esthétique, la mise en œuvre des documents et les modalités d’inscription des souvenirs, lesquels sont généralement présentés sous forme d’images mémorielles. Nous verrons que ces images sont liées à un effet photographique, destiné au lecteur dans le but de partager une mémoire matérielle, intime et collective, s’étalant sur des années.
Cet angle d’approche devrait permettre de relire Les années suivant une perspective critique nouvelle, et de contribuer aux recherches portant sur la narration, la trace et la mémoire dans la littérature contemporain. / The interweaving of writing and photography will be examined in Annie Ernaux’s Les années, showing the central tension of the author’s double desire to document past events and pass them on to others. The implement of documents and the engraving modes of memories are generally presented as mental images that will be studied here from a poetic and aesthetic point of view. We will see that those images are linked to a photographic effect, in order to share with the reader an intimate and collective material memory that spreads over many years.
This approach would allow a rereading of Les années from a new critical perspective and a contribution to research about narrative, trace and memory in contemporary writing.
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