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DD and WD costs : The development of a model for cutting costs in Dep. XHartvigson, Johannes, Cilingiroglu, Gunay, Palmén, Sara January 2008 (has links)
This paper is an exploratory case study of a logistics cost problem at Dep. X, and the normative purpose is to develop a model for Dep. X to aid in solving the problem of large damage costs. Dep. X is the logistic department of a warehouse located in a midsized Swedish city. The warehouse is part of an international furniture chain that operates in more than 40 countries worldwide and has an annual turnover of 211 billion Swedish SEK. This company has a clear cost focus and therefore, it is very important for the different departments to keep costs at a minimum. The problem that Dep. X is facing is related to damaged products, which can be further divided into Delivery Damages [DDs] (damages that are inflicted on products before the freight reaches the department) and Warehouse Damages [WDs] (damages that occur at the department). The warehouse has tried to solve the problem by forming a unit called ‘Cost hunters’. This group has some suspicions but has not yet found out the underlying reasons for the damaged goods. The thing that they know is that this is an unproportionally large cost for the warehouse, compared to other warehouses. In order for the researchers to investigate the cost issue, an abductive research strategy was used. The authors found out in an early stage of the research process that the problem was related to WDs and after a pre-study hypothesized four different problem areas to investigate: <ul type="disc">Flaws in Communicating Knowledge Flaws in Working Environment Flaws in Motivation Flaws Concerning Customers In order to establish whether or not these hypotheses were correct, a benchmarking study was conducted with a department under the same company, which was of basically the same size. Apart from the pre-study, a total of nine interviews were conducted; five at Dep. X and four at Dep. Y. The researchers also sent out surveys to both departments, conducted a damage levels study and had a meeting with a group manager at the distribution central in order to collect the needed information. After data collection, the data were processed and analyzed, and the researchers came to the conclusion that the problem with high WDs at Dep. X was related to, firstly, flaws in communicating knowledge and flaws in the working environment. The two other problem areas, flaws in motivation and flaws concerning customers, were also to some extent related to WDs, but this impact was not considered enough to be a major cause. The authors finish the thesis by illustrating with a model how the problems seem to have arisen and by suggesting improvement areas to deal with in order to eliminate the cost issue.
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DD and WD costs : The development of a model for cutting costs in Dep. XHartvigson, Johannes, Cilingiroglu, Gunay, Palmén, Sara January 2008 (has links)
<p>This paper is an exploratory case study of a logistics cost problem at Dep. X, and the normative purpose is <strong>to develop a model for Dep. X to aid in solving the problem of large damage costs.</strong></p><p>Dep. X is the logistic department of a warehouse located in a midsized Swedish city. The warehouse is part of an international furniture chain that operates in more than 40 countries worldwide and has an annual turnover of 211 billion Swedish SEK. This company has a clear cost focus and therefore, it is very important for the different departments to keep costs at a minimum.</p><p>The problem that Dep. X is facing is related to damaged products, which can be further divided into Delivery Damages [DDs] (damages that are inflicted on products before the freight reaches the department) and Warehouse Damages [WDs] (damages that occur at the department). The warehouse has tried to solve the problem by forming a unit called ‘Cost hunters’. This group has some suspicions but has not yet found out the underlying reasons for the damaged goods. The thing that they know is that this is an unproportionally large cost for the warehouse, compared to other warehouses. In order for the researchers to investigate the cost issue, an abductive research strategy was used. The authors found out in an early stage of the research process that the problem was related to WDs and after a pre-study hypothesized four different problem areas to investigate:</p><ul type="disc"><li>Flaws in Communicating Knowledge</li><li>Flaws in Working Environment</li><li>Flaws in Motivation</li><li>Flaws Concerning Customers</li></ul><p>In order to establish whether or not these hypotheses were correct, a benchmarking study was conducted with a department under the same company, which was of basically the same size. Apart from the pre-study, a total of nine interviews were conducted; five at Dep. X and four at Dep. Y. The researchers also sent out surveys to both departments, conducted a damage levels study and had a meeting with a group manager at the distribution central in order to collect the needed information.</p><p>After data collection, the data were processed and analyzed, and the researchers came to the conclusion that the problem with high WDs at Dep. X was related to, firstly, flaws in communicating knowledge and flaws in the working environment. The two other problem areas, flaws in motivation and flaws concerning customers, were also to some extent related to WDs, but this impact was not considered enough to be a major cause. The authors finish the thesis by illustrating with a model how the problems seem to have arisen and by suggesting improvement areas to deal with in order to eliminate the cost issue.</p>
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Law Enforcement Methods to Improve Relationships Within the Illinois CommunitiesReilly, James F. 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Will County community supports community policing efforts and wants their law enforcement agencies to be transparent, service-orientated, and committed to their diverse neighborhoods. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore current policing methods and tactics to improve community relationships within Will County, Illinois. Six different focus group studies were completed where 33 participants completed questionnaires and follow-up, in-depth interviews were conducted to gather data on personal police experiences and perceptions. The questionnaire responses were separated into three categories including Likert-scale response questions, dichotomous (yes and no answers), and ranking police tactics by levels of importance. Nine statistically data driven tables were generated into percentage totals that created comparisons of police methods, police tactics, and issues. The main policing tactics that Will County residents expected from their policing agencies were rapid response for service and police professionalism (appearance, conduct, communication skills). The participants expected that police agencies solve major crimes (high-profile murders, assaults, robberies). The lowest ranked police tactics discovered in all 4 subcategories surveyed were aggressive enforcement efforts (even for minor offenses) and traffic enforcement. The participants demonstrated support for community policing efforts that requires law enforcement agencies to work with their neighborhoods. The results of this study can be used to create a policing culture that incorporates traditional policing efforts and combines these efforts with the newer community policing methods that are positively impacting the Will County communities.
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The CPTED principles in physical planning in Vivalla : An analysis of how safety and security can be improved through the design of urban environments in a particularly vulnerable area in Sweden / CPTED - principerna i den fysiska planeringen i Vivalla : En utredning av hur trygghet och säkerhet kan förbättras genom utformningen av stadsmiljön i ett utsatt område i SverigeSameer, Massara, Brolin, Mathilda January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how physical planning can prevent crime and increase safety in an urban environment, with the theoretical starting point in Crime prevention through environmental design, CPTED, and the Vivalla area. Vivalla is located in Örebro and was chosen because it is a particularly vulnerable area. The district is under reconstruction with a completely renovated quarter, Visgatan. The questions and purpose are fulfilled through a literature study and document study supplemented with an interview and a location observation. The interview was held in place at Örebro Bostäder's office and the interviewees were the company's district manager and a project developer. The theoretical part of the report aims to provide an understanding of how safety, security and crime are connected to the physical urban environment. Also how planners can make use of different theories and apply these in practice to achieve as safe and secure an environment as possible. The results of the study show that the project did not follow any theoretical model in terms of physical design, but that several of the CPTED-principles can still be connected to the reconstruction of Vivalla. The analysis chapter describes how the principles have been implemented and to what extent. The case study leads to the conclusion that the safety on Visgatan has increased after the redevelopment and there are fewer crimes on Visgatan than the rest of Vivalla, which could potentially be due to the measures taken during the redevelopment. / Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka hur den fysiska planeringen kan förebygga brott och öka tryggheten i en stadsmiljö, med teoretiska utgångspunkten i Crime Prevention through environmental design, CPTED, och området Vivalla. Vivalla ligger i Örebro och valdes på grund av att det är ett särskilt utsatt område. Stadsdelen är under ombyggnation med ett färdigrenoverat kvarter, Visgatan. Frågeställningarna och syftet uppfylls genom en litteraturstudie och dokumentstudie kompletterat med en intervju och ett platsbesök. Intervjun hölls på plats på Örebro Bostäders kontor och de som intervjuades var bolagets distriktschef och en projektutvecklare. Rapportens teoridel syftar till att ge en förståelse kring hur trygghet, säkerhet och brottslighet hänger ihop med den fysiska stadsmiljön. Även hur planerare kan ha användning av olika teorier och tillämpa dessa i praktiken för att uppnå en så trygg och säker miljö som möjligt. Studiens resultat visar att projektet inte följt någon teoretisk modell vad gäller fysisk utformning, men att flera av CPTED-principerna ändå går att koppla till ombyggnationen av Vivalla. Analysavsnittet redogör hur principerna har implementerats och i vilken utsträckning. Fallstudien leder fram till slutsatsen att tryggheten på Visgatan har ökat efter ombyggnationen och det sker färre brott på Visgatan än övriga Vivalla, vilket potentiellt skulle kunna bero på åtgärderna som vidtagits under ombyggnationen.
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Att förändra en gatas rykte : En fallstudie om Malmskillnadsgatan i Stockholm / To change the reputation of a street : A case study of Malmskillnadsgatan in StockholmBerggren, Linus, Pettersson Capasso, William January 2023 (has links)
Malmskillnadsgatan i Stockholm har trots sitt centrala läge mitt i Stockholm där mycket folk är i rörelse runtom, blivit synonymt med kriminella aktiviteter och blivit en gata som folk anser vara dyster och oattraktiv. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur aspekter inom den bebyggda miljön påverkar aktivitet och trygghet i gatumiljöer samt hur de påverkar människors upplevelse av gatumiljön. Fokus kommer att ligga på Malmskillnadsgatan och det upprustningsprojekt som Vasakronan, tillsammans med Stockholms stad, har utfört. För att uppfylla syftet har en fallstudie av Malmskillnadsgatan gjorts i form av dokumentanalys, platsbesök och intervjuer med brukare samt en anställd på Vasakronan. Arbetet har utgått från ett teoretiskt ramverk där kopplingen mellan bebyggd miljö, attraktivitet och aktivitet samt bebyggd miljö och trygghet har analyserats. De teorier som använts är Gehls perspektiv på attraktiva gatumiljöer. Ewing och Handys fem kvaliteter för ett aktivt gatuliv, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), Broken window theory samt Routine activity theory. Dokumentanalysen visade att en kombination av brist på utbud av aktivitet, oattraktiv och stängd arkitektur och gatans läge jämfört med omkringliggande gator bidrog till att skapa låg naturlig genomströmning och lågt flöde på gatan. Platsbesöket visade att gatan har förbättrats utifrån flera av de teorier som nämnts i det teoretiska ramverket. De tidigare stängda fasaderna har öppnats upp och införandet av aktivitet i bottenvåning, främst i form av restaurangverksamhet, har bidragit till ett större flöde. Brukarintervjuerna visade att en klar majoritet tyckte att Malmskillnadsgatan blivit mer attraktiv och trygg efter ombyggnationen, dock främst enbart vid fastigheten Hästskon 12. Flera respondenter tycker att övriga delar av gatan fortfarande är oattraktiva och otrygga och bilden av att gatan dör ut på kvällar och helger finns fortfarande kvar. Arkitekturen och införandet av restaurangverksamhet nämndes främst som faktorer som fått gatan att bli mer attraktiv. Flödet av människor som dessa skapat var den främsta orsaken till att flera av respondenterna kände sig trygga. Förslag på ytterligare förbättringar var större variation i aktivitetsutbudet, mer aktiva bottenvåningar på övriga delar av gatan samt bättre belysning. / Malmskillnadsgatan in Stockholm, despite its central location in the heart of Stockholm with a lot of people moving around, has become synonymous with criminal activities and has been perceived as a gloomy and unattractive street. This study aims to investigate how aspects of the built environment affect activity and safety in urban environments, as well as how they influence people's perception of the street environment. The focus will be on Malmskillnadsgatan and the redevelopment project carried out by Vasakronan, in collaboration with the City of Stockholm. To fulfill the purpose, a case study of Malmskillnadsgatan has been conducted through document analysis, site visits, and interviews with users and an employee of Vasakronan. The study is based on a theoretical framework that analyzes the connection between the built environment, attractiveness, and activity and between the built environment and safety. The theories used include Gehl's perspective on attractive street environments, Ewing and Handy's five qualities for vibrant street life, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), the Broken Window theory, and the Routine Activity Theory. The document analysis revealed that a combination of a lack of activity offerings, unattractive and closed architecture, and the street's location compared to surrounding streets contributed to the low natural flow and low activity on the street. The site visit showed that the street has improved according to several of the theories mentioned in the theoretical framework. The previously closed facades have opened up, and the introduction of activities on the ground floor, mainly in the form of restaurants, has contributed to increased flow. User interviews indicated that a clear majority felt that Malmskillnadsgatan had become more attractive and safer after the redevelopment, primarily in the vicinity of Hästskon 12. However, several respondents still found other parts of the street unattractive and unsafe, and the perception that the street dies out in the evenings and on weekends persists. The architecture and the introduction of restaurant activities were primarily mentioned as factors that made the street more attractive. The flow of people they created was the main reason several respondents felt safe. Suggestions for further improvements included greater variety in the range of activities, more active ground floors in other parts of the street, and better lighting.
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Street Art: Its Display in Public Space and Issues within a MunicipalityGunnell, Katherine 17 December 2010 (has links)
Hip Hop graffiti has been marking our urban landscapes for decades. However street art, a much less researched topic, has claimed notoriety in recent years. Much of the existing research groups hip-hop graffiti, gang graffiti and street art together and calls for a uniform response from communities, city officials and law enforcement. While street artists have made their mark in the urban landscapes of the United States as well as internationally, it is important to define the terms "street art"and "graffiti" and where they deviate from one another in order for cities to begin to address these expressions with any level of success. As municipalities grapple with visual public expression--street art and graffiti--a framework must be established taking into consideration legal parameters for both cities and artists.
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Brott & Plats - brottsförebyggande och trygghetsskapande stadsplaneringAparicio, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har sin utgångspunkt ihållbar stadsutveckling och inriktar sigsärskilt på social hållbarhet men även påekonomisk hållbarhet. Arbetet behandlarhuruvida den fysiska strukturen (gator,byggnader, parker, vägar) och markanvändningen(mötesplatser, funktionsblandning,aktivitetsytor) kan verka brottsförebyggandeoch trygghetsskapande och som kontextundersöks delområdet Herrgården iRosengård, Malmö. Med utgångspunkt i deteoretiska principerna; människans skala,befolkade stadsrum, naturlig övervakningoch förvaltning härleds en förståelse försambandet mellan fysisk miljö, brott ochotrygghet. En nulägesbeskrivning och enhållbarhetsanalys av situationen i Herrgårdengörs. Området Herrgården kartläggsoch analyseras utifrån ett observationsschemabaserat på de teoretiska principerna.Analysen av den fysiska strukturenkompletteras med brottsstatistisk, analysav brottskoncentrationers geografiskaplacering tillsammans med input från denfördjupade trygghetsundersökningen. Intevjuermed verksamma i området kompletterarstudien.Hållbarhetsanalysen visar att Herrgårdenär ett utsatt och resurssvagt område samtatt Herrgårdenborna saknar förankring tillsamhället genom sin låga delaktighet. Invånarnai Herrgården känner en låg gradav trivsel, tillit och kollektiv styrka,lägst för stadsdelen.Vidare uppger invånarna i Herrgården attde känner en hög otrygghet och en storandel av invånarna avstår aktiviteter pågrund av otrygghet fastän utsattheten förbrott inte är anmärkningsvärd hög.Analys av den fysiska strukturen och markanvändningenutifrån principerna ur teorigenomgången;människans skala, befolkadestadsrum, naturlig övervakning ochförvaltning visar att det finns mycket attgöra.Analysen av brottsstatistik visar på treutmärkande mikroplatser i delområdet; Rosengårdsskolan,koloniområdet och Rosengårdsherrgård (inrymmer Drömmarnas hus).Hållbarhetsanalysen visar att jämlikhetenoch delaktigheten i Herrgården behöverstärkas. För att öka den upplevda trygghetenoch minska brottsligheten i Herrgårdenkrävs insatser som inbegriper mångaaktörer och en bred samverkan, inte minstpå lokal nivå. Vidare är det nödvändigtmed en lokal förankring till de boende iområdet inte minst barn och unga som utgören stor andel av invånarna. För attförändringar i den fysiska strukturen skaförbli långsiktiga investeringar och intedrabbas av vandalisering och nedskräpningså är det viktigt att befolkningen i områdetkommer till tals och får möjlighetatt lämna synpunkter och förslag tidigt iprocessen.Som en del av examensarbetet upprättas enprojektplan med syfte att stärka främstden sociala men även ekonomiska hållbarhetensom omfattar att ta fram en generiskmodell för ett lokalt brottsförebyggandeoch trygghetsskapande program med inriktningpå fysisk struktur och markanvändning,TRYGG & SÄKER. Projektet syftartill att öka tryggheten och minska tillfällenaför brott men även till att ökajämlikheten och delaktigheten bland de boendeoch verksamma.Sökord/nyckelord: hållbar stadsutveckling,social hållbarhet, brottsförebyggande ochtrygghetsskapande stadsplanering, brott,säkerhet, trygghet, GIS, fysisk planering,geografisk analys, markanvändning, befolkadestadsrum, stadsliv, ögon på gatan,delaktighet, hotspots, mikroplats / This thesis is based on sustainable urbandevelopment and focuses particularlyon social sustainability, but also economicsustainability. The thesis addresseswhether the physical structure (streets,buildings, parks, roads) and land use (venues,function mixing, activity areas) cansupport crime prevention and reduce thefear of crime and the context for thissurvey is Herrgården in Malmö, Sweden. Basedon the theoretical principles; humanscale, populated urban space, natural surveillanceand management an understandingof the relationship between physical environment,crime and fear of crime is derived.A status report and a sustainabilityanalysis of the situation in the Herrgårdenis made. The area Herrgården is mappedand analyzed through an observationschedule based on the theoretical principles.The analysis of the physical structureis complemented by crime statistics,analysis of hotspots` geographic positiontogether with input from the security survey.Interviews with people working in thearea complements the study.The sustainability analysis shows thatHerrgården is a vulnerable and weak resourcearea and the residents lacks anchoringto the community by their low participation.The inhabitants of Herrgårdenfeel a low degree of satisfaction, trust,and collective strength, lowest for thedistrict.Furthermore, residents in Herrgården statethat they feel a high level of fear ofcrime and a high proportion of residentsrefrain activities due to fear of crime,although victimization is not remarkablyhigh.Analysis of the physical structure andland use based on the principles of thetheory; human scale, populated urban spaces,natural surveillance and managementshows that there still is much to do.The analysis of crime statistics shows threedistinctive hot spots in the area;Rosengårdsskolan, area with the allotmentsand the old mansion of Rosengård(today Drömmarnas hus, multiactivities forchildren and young).The sustainability analysis shows thatequality and participation in Herrgårdenneeds to be strengthened. In order to reducethe crime and the fear of crime in Herrgården efforts involving many stakeholdersand a broad collaboration, especiallyat the local level, is needed.Furthermore, it is necessary to have alocal connection to the residents especiallychildren and young people who make upa large proportion of the inhabitants. Tochange the physical structure to remainlong-term investment and not suffer fromvandalism and littering, it is importantthat people in the area have a voice andthe opportunity to make comments and suggestionsearly in the process.As part of the thesis a projectplan is established,aimed at strengthening primarilysocial but also economic sustainability,which includes developing a genericmodel for a local crime prevention andsecurity-building program that focus onphysical structure and land use, SAFE &SECURE. The project aims to reduce fear ofcrime and reduce opportunities for crimebut also to increase the equality and fullparticipation of people living and working.Keywords/tags: sustainable urban development,social sustainability, crime preventionand reduced fear of crime, urbanplanning, crime, safety, security, GIS,spatial planning, spatial analysis, landuse, populated urban space, city life, eyeson the street, participation, hot spots
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