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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude de la variabilité de l’embryogenèse chez la perche commune : développement d’approches alternatives / Study of the embryogenesis variability in the Eurasian perch : development of alternative approaches

Alix, Maud 15 December 2016 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, la durabilité du modèle de développement de l’aquaculture est de plus en plus questionnée et une des solutions proposées consisterait à diversifier la production piscicole via la domestication de nouvelles espèces comme la perche commune, Perca fluviatilis, une espèce d’eau douce tempérée très intéressante pour la diversification de l’aquaculture continentale européenne. De nombreux aspects de la biologie de sa reproduction sont connus cependant, peu d’informations sont disponibles sur son développement. Or, des défauts de développement précoce, dont les causes sont encore mal définies, impactent actuellement la qualité de la production piscicole. C’est dans ce contexte que cette thèse vise à caractériser les succès et défauts de développement embryonnaire chez la perche commune à travers trois axes principaux : (i) déterminer une table de référence de l’embryogenèse normale permettant (ii) définir les défauts de développement tels que les malformations dans des conditions d’élevage différentes et (iii) identifier les liens entre différents paramètres de développement embryonnaire afin de déterminer des profils de développement variables. La première partie de ce travail a permis d’identifier la séquence précise de l’ontogenèse normale de cette espèce à travers la définition d’une table de développement embryonnaire alternative et flexible pour des espèces non-modèles, facilitant les comparaisons intra- et inter-espèces. Dans un second temps, l’identification la plus exhaustive possible de phénotypes anormaux a révélé 10 grandes catégories de malformations associées à des organes ou fonctions spécifiques. De plus, certains de ces défauts semblent fortement dépendants des conditions d’élevage des géniteurs ce qui permet d’identifier l’effet de potentiels facteurs extrinsèques sur le développement et d’améliorer les techniques de gestion des animaux. Enfin, l’ensemble de ces résultats et des paramètres mesurés durant l’embryogenèse ont permis d’effectuer une classification approfondie des pontes obtenues présentant des profils de développement similaires pour mettre en évidence des liens éventuels entre les divers phénotypes et paramètres utilisés. Les analyses de données effectuées ont montré que seulement 3 paramètres étaient nécessaires à la caractérisation de 4 profils de succès de développement variables : les taux de survie au début de l’organogenèse, d’éclosion et de malformations. A l’avenir, ces paramètres pourraient être généralisés permettant d’homogénéiser les critères d’évaluation du succès de développement chez d’autres espèces d’intérêt de poisson. L’ensemble de ces résultats constituent une base solide pour étudier l’effet des facteurs extrinsèques et/ou intrinsèques sur la qualité et le succès de développement embryonnaire / Currently, the durability of the aquaculture developmental model is clearly challenged and one solution consists to diversify the fish production by the domestication of new species such as the Eurasian perch (P. fluviatilis), a freshwater species promising and valuable for the diversification of European aquaculture. Several aspects of its reproductive biology are well known, nevertheless, only little information is available on its development. However, early developmental impairments, whose causes are unclear, actually impact the fish production quality. In this context, the present work aimed to characterize the developmental success and impairments in Eurasian perch on three main issues: (i) determine a model of normal embryogenesis table helping to (ii) define developmental impairments, in diverse rearing conditions and (iii) identify the relationships between various parameters of embryonic ontogenesis to characterize different patterns of developmental success. The first part of this study allowed identifying the accurate timing of normal ontogenesis of this species through the definition of an alternative and flexible developmental table to describe non-model fish species, allowing the intra- and inter-specific comparisons. In the second part, the exhaustive characterization of abnormal phenotypes revealed 10 categories of deformities linked to specific organs or functions. Moreover, some of these categories seemed to be related to rearing-conditions of the breeders allowing identifying the potential effects of extrinsic factors on the development and improving the management of fish. Finally, the previous results and the parameters measured during embryogenesis help to classify the several spawns obtained with the same developmental pattern and to highlight the potential relationships between diverse phenotypes and parameters. In addition, the data analyses showed that only 3 parameters are reliable to assess the developmental success: survival rate at the onset of the organogenesis, hatching and deformities rates. Henceforth, these parameters and this classification could be generalized as a new strategy to assess the developmental success in other fish species. All of these results provide a good basic knowledge to study the potential effects of various extrinsic and/or intrinsic factors on the developmental success and the embryonic quality

La fiscalité locale au Cameroun / Local taxation in Cameroon

Konmam, Prosper 13 March 2013 (has links)
La fiscalité locale vue comme l’ensemble des mécanismes juridiques régissant la collecte des impôts locaux au profit en totalité ou en partie des collectivités locales apparaît au Cameroun avec la création formelle des villes en 1944. Avant cette réorientation de la fiscalité dans le Territoire du Cameroun sous tutelle, elle est en réalité un outil de domination coloniale au service des intérêts de la Puissance mandatrice. Au lendemain de l’indépendance du pays en 1960, le système fiscal local demeure inchangé avec la prédominance des CAC et une kyrielle de taxes et redevances dont la productivité demeure faible. La timide reforme de 1974 qui a pour but réel d’uniformiser le système fiscal après la réunification des deux Cameroun (Anglophone et Francophone) n’apporte en définitive aucune innovation majeure. Les mêmes difficultés persistent et s’empirent même avec la crise économique des années 90. Au-delà des facteurs externes, ces difficultés sont liées d’une part à l’archaïsme du mode d’organisation administrative et d’autre part à la faiblesse de la législation. Un espoir naît avec la réforme de 2009, fruit du processus de décentralisation en cours au Cameroun. Cette réforme, malgré ses avancées, reste toutefois en deçà des attentes et les collectivités locales dans leur immense majorité croupissent toujours dans l’extrême pauvreté. De nouveaux processus de recherche de ressources fiscales et non fiscales sont de plus en plus expérimentés, faisant la part belle à des partenariats de tous types et aussi à l’extension plus grande de la matière imposable au niveau local. Ces avancées pour plus d’efficacité auront fortement besoin d’une nouvelle forme d’administration de l’impôt local et d’un renforcement du dispositif législatif et réglementaire en s’efforçant de créer de meilleures relations entre l’Administration et les contribuables et aussi, puiser des expériences réussies ailleurs dans d’autres pays Africains de même niveau de développement. La réforme est possible contrairement à une idée véhiculée par les afro-pessimistes. Pour cela, un diagnostic clair de la situation doit être fait et accepté par l’autorité centrale mais aussi par les autorités locales et ensuite toutes les solutions mises en exergue dans cette étude devraient suffire pour sortir la fiscalité locale au Cameroun de sa torpeur. / Local taxes as all of the legal mechanisms for the collection of local taxes for the benefit in whole or in part of local communities appear in Cameroon with the formal creation of the cities in 1944. Before this reorientation of the taxation in the territory of Cameroon under trusteeship, it is actually a tool of colonial domination in the service of the interests of the colonial power. In the aftermath of the country's independence in 1960, the local tax system remains unchanged with the predominance of the ACC and a myriad of taxes and fees including productivity remain low. The timid reform of 1974 which has the real purpose of standardize the tax system after the reunification of the two Cameroon (Anglophone and Francophone) does in the end no major innovation. The same difficulties persist and worsen even with the economic crisis of the 1990s. Beyond the external factors, these difficulties are related to the bigotry of the administrative organization mode and on the other hand the weakness of legislation. A hope was born with 2009 reform, fruit of the ongoing decentralization process in Cameroon. This reform, despite its advances, rest however only below expectations and local communities in their vast majority are still in extreme poverty. New resources tax and nontax research processes are more experienced, strong partnerships of all kinds and the greater extension also taxable matter at the local level. These advances for efficiency strongly need a new form of administration of local tax and a strengthening of the legislative and regulatory system in striving to create better relations between the Administration and the taxpayers and also draw successful experiences elsewhere in other African countries at the same level of development. Reform is possible contrary to mediated by the afro-pessimists. For this, a clear diagnosis of the situation must be made and accepted by the central authority, but by local authorities and then all the implemented solutions highlight in this study should be sufficient to leave local taxation in Cameroon from its torpor.

Décentralisation et dynamiques locales de développement durable au Burkina Faso : étude de cas dans les communes rurales dans la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun dans la partie nord-ouest du pays / Decentralization and local dynamics of sustainable development in Burkina Faso : case study in the rural districts of Mouhoun, the northwest region of the country

Ouedraogo, Moussa 30 September 2016 (has links)
Face à la persistance des crises multiformes socio-politico-économiques et l’inefficacité des pratiques de gestion centralisée des questions de développement à endiguer leurs causes profondes, le Burkina Faso à l’instar de nombreux pays africains subsahariens fut obligé d’adopter de nouvelles réformes politiques. Ces réformes qui sont plus ouvertes à la promotion de la démocratie et au partage du pouvoir entre l’État et les autres acteurs sont perçues comme des moyens adéquats pour améliorer la gouvernance au niveau local et comme un catalyseur pour asseoir les bases plus solides du développement. C’est dans cet objectif que le processus de décentralisation fut promu par les autorités gouvernementales. Cependant, ces réformes de décentralisation sont perçues par les autorités gouvernementales et les acteurs en charge de la mise en œuvre des politiques de développement comme un moyen devant permettre l’implémentation plus efficace du développement durable. C’est au tour de cette problématique de corrélation entre le processus de décentralisation et le développement durable que se sont organisés les travaux de notre thèse. La méthodologie de recherche qui a combiné des approches qualitatives et quantitatives a permis de recueillir d’importantes informations et données sur les aspects théoriques et pratiques des expériences dans six communes rurales dans la Région Nord-Ouest du Burkina Faso. Outre la revue de la littérature, des enquêtes ont été conduites dans ces six communes cibles. Ces enquêtes ont concerné les populations résidentes, les productrices et les producteurs, les associations locales de développement, les maires, les agents des administrations des municipalités, les agents des services techniques déconcentrés de l’Etat. / Due to the persistence of socio-politico-economic multifaceted crises and the inefficient of the centralized of the practice development management issues to curb the underlying causes, Burkina Faso like many sub-Saharan African countries were obliged to adopt new political reforms. These reforms which are more opened to the promotion of the democracy and the sharing power between the state and other actors are perceived as adequate ways to improve governance at the local level and as a catalyst to establish the most solid foundation for development. It’s in this objective that the process of decentralization was promoted by the governmental authorities. However, these decentralization reforms are imposed by governmental authorities and actors in charge of the implementation of development policies as a way that must allow the more effective implementation of sustainable development. It’s the turn of this problem of correlation between the process of decentralization and the sustainable development that have organized the work of our thesis. The methodology of research which combined qualitative and quantitative approaches has allowed collecting important information and data on theoretical and practical aspects of the experiences in six rural communities in the Northwest Region of Burkina Faso. Besides the magazine of the literature, surveys have been conducted in six target municipalities. These surveys concerned resident populations, and producers (men and women), local development associations, the mayors, the agents of the administrations municipalities, agents of the technical department decentralized by the state.

Le statut des ressortissants de pays tiers sous le signe de la diversité / The status of third country nationals under the sign of diversity

Boonyasait, Koolanant 24 June 2014 (has links)
La politique commune d'immigration et d'asile de l'UE possède comme objectif l'harmonisation des politiques nationales des Etats membres. Toutefois, suite aux nombreux aménagements imposés par ces derniers, elle bute toujours sur les diverses modalités d'application de la gestion commune des frontières et les différents droits attribués aux ressortissants de pays tiers. Un tel contexte de diversité a un impact sur le statut de ces derniers en ce que la protection de leurs droits fondamentaux apparaît secondaire au regard des inquiétudes des Etats membres de conserver leur maîtrise dans le domaine de l'entrée, du séjour et de la sortie des étrangers sur leur territoire. Pou1tant, il est à souligner qu'il ne s'agit que des premiers jalons de la politique migratoire commune de l'UE. Malgré leur manque d'efficacité dû aux clauses optionnelles et dérogatoires, les premières normes européennes adoptées forment indéniablement une base à approfondir en la matière pour les Etats membres. Aujourd'hui, en prenant davantage en compte de la situation vulnérable des ressortissants de pays tiers dans l'Union européenne, les nouveaux textes législatifs, adoptés conformément à la procédure de codécision, ainsi que les décisions prises par la Cour de justice qui, voyant sa compétence étendue en matière migratoire, vient interpréter des clauses ambiguës, procurent un brin d'optimisme aux ressortissants de pays tiers. Finalement, il reste certes certains points à approfondir et certains aspects à améliorer, mais ces nouveaux changements constituent une preuve importante de la volonté de l'UE de trouver un équilibre entre les intérêts étatiques et ceux des ressortissants de pays tiers. / The EU's common policy on immigration and asylum aims to harmonise the national policies of its Member States. Nonetheless, following numerous adjustments imposed by the Member States, this common policy still stumbles on the diverse modalities of application in the joint borders management and the different rights attributed to the third country nationals. Such context of diversity bas an impact on the status of the third country nationals in the way that the protection of theirs fundamental rights appears secondary to the Member States concerns to maintain their control in the area of the entry, stay and exit of the strangers on their territory. However, it should be pointed that this is only the first milestone of the EU's common migratory policy. Despite their lack of efficacy due to optional and derogatory clauses, the first adopted European norms form undeniably a basis for the Member States to further deepen in this field. Nowadays, taking more into account the vulnerable situation of the third-country nationals in the EU, the new legislative texts, adopted according to the codecision procedure, as well as the decisions taken by the Court of justice which, seeing its jurisdiction extended in the migratory field, has interpreted some ambiguous clauses, give a strand of optimism to third-country nationals. Finally, there are certainly still some issues to deepen and some aspects to improve but these new changes constitute an important proof of the willingness of the EU to establish a balance between State interests and those of third-country nationals.

Educação e luta de classes : a experiência da educação na Comuna de Paris (1871) / Education and classstruggle : the experience of education in the Paris Commune (1871)

Almeida, Jane Barros, 1979 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jesus José Ranieri / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T13:09:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Almeida_JaneBarros_D.pdf: 5705010 bytes, checksum: af659b08f920224fab05b5d198719227 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Esta tese realizou uma análise, a partir da relação entre educação e luta de classes, tendo como objeto de estudos a experiência da Educação na Comuna de Paris de 1871. Esta curta experiência foi capaz de revelar a contribuição da educação no processo de construção de uma consciência de classe dos trabalhadores, mediante os debates e disputas políticas em prol de melhores condições de vida e direitos, travados no período anterior à Comuna, a antessala, quando a educação assumiu papel central ao canalizar os elementos de descontentamento e denúncia do projeto aplicado pelo Império de Napoleão III, ao mesmo tempo em que revelou elementos de um novo projeto de sociedade. A experiência da educação na Comuna de Paris foi capaz de apontar rupturas com o projeto de educação republicano, no sentido de indicar elementos para uma educação verdadeiramente democrática, emancipadora, omnilateral, laica, integral, crítica e reflexiva, para ambos os sexos. Assim como resignificou a ideia de público através da educação, desvinculando-o da lógica atribuída pelo particularismo burguês. A educação pública e popular criticou o papel do Estado, delegando aos trabalhadores organizados a tarefa de direção e formulação do novo projeto educacional. Avanços capazes de revelar a importância da educação no interior da luta dos trabalhadores, na construção de um novo projeto societal / Abstract: This thesis conducted an analysis, starting from the relationship between education and class struggle, using as the object of study the experience of education at Paris Commune in 1871. This short experience was able to reveal the contribution of education in building a class consciousness of workers through the debates and political disputes in favor of better living conditions and rights, conducted in the period that preceded the Commune, the precursor, when education assumed a central role, channeling the elements of discontent and denunciation of the project implemented by the Empire of Napoleon III, at the same time that it revealed elements of a new project of society. The experience of education at Paris Commune was able to indicate breaks with the republican educational project, in order to suggest elements for a truly democratic, emancipator, comprehensive, secular, critical and reflective education, for both sexes. It also redefined the idea of public, through education, separating it from the logic given by bourgeois particularism. The public and popular education criticized the role of the state, delegating to the organized workers the task of leadership and formulation of the new educational project. Advances able to reveal the importance of education within the struggle of workers in the construction of a new societal project / Doutorado / Sociologia / Doutor em Sociologia

Chitosan-glukanový komplex izolovaný ze Schizophyllum commune. / The chitosan-glucan complex isolated from Schizophyllum commune

Krčmář, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Chitosan-glucan complex is fungal origin copolymer that finds application in medicine and cosmetics. Traditionally mycelium of Aspergillus and Penicillium is considered as industrial chitosan-glucan complex source, though utilization of Micromycetes in biotechnological productions is sometimes undesirable. The aim of the work was to study the possibility of Basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune submerged cultivation for industrial scale chitosan-glucan complex production use. Within the work there was studied effect of cultivation conditions (type and concentration of carbon sources in nutrient medium, ratio of carbon source to nitrogen source, medium initial pH and aeration intensity) on Sch. commune #127 mycelium growth, chitosan-glucan complex formation and exopolysaccharide synthesis. As the result, the method for chitosan-glucan complex production increase and exopolysaccharide synthesis suppression was suggested. Chitosan-glucan complex from Sch. commune #127 submerged mycelium was separated by successive alkali and acid treatments. Effects of alkali concentration and application technique, and type of acid on physical and chemical properties of chitosan-glucan complex were described. Analytical methods for in process control and final product characteristics were suggested.

Le libéralisme politique et l’éducation à l’autonomie individuelle

Cormier, Andrée-Anne 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire explore la question des conséquences de l’interprétation rawlsienne du pluralisme éthique pour la légitimité de l’autonomie individuelle comme objectif d’éducation publique. Rawls (1993, 2003) soutient que seuls des objectifs éducatifs strictement politiques peuvent guider l’élaboration des politiques publiques en matière d’éducation obligatoire et justifier une intervention étatique dans l’éducation des enfants. Or, puisque Rawls définit l’autonomie individuelle comme un idéal éthique privé, il conclut qu’elle n’est pas un objectif légitime d’éducation publique. La thèse principale qui est défendue dans le cadre de ce mémoire est que Rawls est aveugle aux implications réelles de sa propre théorie politique en matière d’éducation commune, qui, contrairement à ce qu’il soutient, exigent précisément la promotion de l’autonomie individuelle comme idéal éthique (et non politique). Cette thèse remet en question le principe de neutralité de l’État envers toutes les doctrines éthiques, y compris l’idéal d’autonomie individuelle, qui caractérise et distingue la théorie rawlsienne des versions classiques du libéralisme. La deuxième partie de cette étude considère une stratégie possible pour sauver la neutralité du libéralisme politique, qui consiste à définir le concept d’autonomie individuelle de manière procédurale et éthiquement neutre. Ce chapitre montre que, indépendamment de la plausibilité strictement conceptuelle d’une telle caractérisation de l’autonomie individuelle, elle n’est pas appropriée au projet éducatif rawlsien, parce que celui-ci demande la valorisation de la pensée critique, et comporte donc un élément éthique incontournable. Enfin, la troisième partie de cette étude explore la problématique des moyens de promotion de l’autonomie individuelle et, plus spécifiquement, de la légitimité des écoles séparées religieuses. Elle soutient, d’un côté que l’école religieuse peut avoir une importante valeur instrumentale vis-à-vis du développement de l’autonomie individuelle, mais de l’autre côté, que l’école commune est nécessaire à un certain stade de développement. / This study explores the consequences of the rawlsian interpretation of ethical pluralism for the legitimacy of individual autonomy as a goal of public educational policies. Rawls (1993, 2003) affirms that the only educational goals that can legitimately justify public policies and the state’s intervention in children’s education are strictly political goals. Now, Rawls defines personal autonomy as a private ethical ideal. Therefore, he concludes that personal autonomy is not a legitimate goal of public education. The main thesis defended in this study is that Rawls fails to realize the implications of his own political theory for educational policies. His ideal of citizenship demands in fact a public promotion of individual autonomy. One effect of this thesis is to challenge the principle of the state’s neutrality towards all ethical doctrines, which characterizes and distinguishes Rawls’ theory from the classical versions of liberalism. The second part of the study considers an alternative strategy that aims at defending the principle of neutrality by redefining the very concept of personal autonomy in procedural and non-ethical terms. However, this study shows that, independently of its conceptual plausibility, a purely procedural notion of personal autonomy is not appropriate in the context of the rawlsian educational project. Rawls’ political theory demands in fact the valorization of the practice of autonomy and involves thereby an unavoidable ethical partiality for certain ways of life. Finally, the third part of this study explores the normative debate about the means needed for the promotion of personal autonomy in public education. More specifically, it focuses on the question of the legitimacy of religious schools. It argues, on the one hand, that religious schools can play an important instrumental role for the development of personal autonomy, but that, on the other hand, common schooling is, at the certain stage, necessary for a full development of children’s personal autonomy within a pluralistic society.

A produção do homem e da natureza no campo: a Comuna da Terra \'Irmã Alberta\' na reorganização da dinâmica da paisagem e seu inverso / The production of man and nature in the field: The Commune Earth \"Sister Alberta\" in the reorganization of the landscape dynamics and its inverse

Catarucci, Amanda de Fátima Martin 25 April 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa aborda a compreensão da relação sociedade-natureza no campo, através do estudo de caso da Comuna da Terra Irmã Alberta, estabelecida como assentamento rural pelo Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), desde 2002, no distrito de Perus, município de São Paulo/SP e em processo de regularização pelo INCRA. Houve a preocupação de apreender a influência do meio físico na determinação dos modos de exploração agrícola da área em questão e o impacto desses sistemas de produção agrícola na dinâmica da paisagem, problematizando as práticas das famílias em relação à gestão do meio físico. Nesse sentido, entende-se que há uma produção da paisagem pelo processo histórico de apropriação da terra e vice-versa. A reconstituição histórica da estrutura agrária da região e a elaboração dos mapeamentos temáticos do meio físico subsidiaram o estudo das interações dos sistemas pedológicos e os sistemas de produção agrícola do assentamento. A caracterização dos sistemas pedológicos se deu a partir da caracterização do impacto das ações antrópicas sobre a morfologia dos solos através da técnica do Perfil Cultural. O trabalho abrange, ainda, a discussão das limitações da modalidade de assentamento rural de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, proposto pelo INCRA, e respectivamente, de Comuna da Terra, pelo MST, na promoção do bem-estar e reprodução material das famílias camponesas e no alcance dos objetivos de sustentabilidade que se propõem / The research addresses the understanding of the relationship between society and nature in the field, through the case study of the Commune Earth \"Irmã Alberta\", established as a rural settlement by the Movement of Landless Rural Workers ( MST ), since 2002, in the district of Perus São Paulo / SP and regularization process by INCRA. We were careful to grasp the influence of the physical environment in determining modes of farm area in question and the impact of agricultural production systems in the dynamic landscape, questioning the practices of families in relation to the management of the physical environment. In this sense, it is understood that there is a production landscape by historical process of appropriation of land and vice versa. The historical reconstruction of the agrarian structure of the region and preparation of thematic maps of the physical subsidized the study of interactions of the pedological and agricultural production systems of the settlement. The characterization of pedological systems occurred from the characterize the impact of human actions on the morphology of the soil using the technique of Cultural Profile. The work also covers the discussion of the limitations of the type of rural settlement of \"Sustainable Development\" proposed by INCRA and respectively the Commune of the Earth, the MST, in promoting well - being and material reproduction of peasant families and achievement of sustainability goals proposed

L'officier de l'état civil en droit des personnes et de la famille / The officer of civil status in the law of persons and the family law

Poure, Valérie 30 June 2015 (has links)
L’officier de l’état civil est l’autorité désignée par la loi pour constater, enregistrer, conserver et exploiter, en la forme authentique, les actes constitutifs de l’individu et de la famille. Le maire, avec ses adjoints, est l’officier de l’état civil par excellence. En sa qualité de représentant de l’État à l’échelon communal, il assure l’administration d’un service accessible et proche des administrés. Le dédoublement fonctionnel qu’induit cette charge tend à satisfaire des besoins tant nationaux qu’individuels. À la fois organe exécutif de la commune et autorité publique déconcentrée, le maire est un acteur original en droit des personnes et de la famille qui lui vaut souvent d’être comparé à un notaire ou à un greffier. Si sa position hybride, à la frontière entre le droit privé et le droit public, présente un intérêt certain au regard des impératifs d’organisation sociale, elle n’en est pas moins perfectible. / The Officer of Civil Status is the authority designated by law to observe, register, keepand exploit, in their authentic form, the constituting acts of individuals and families. The mayor, with his assistants, is the Officer of Civil Status par excellence. As a State's representative at municipal level, he ensures the administration of a service which is accessible and close to the citizens. The two-fold responsibility arising from this function tends to meet both State and individual needs. As an executive municipal body and a decentralized public authority, the mayor plays a unique role in the law of persons and the family law. Therefore, he is often compared to a notary or a registrar. On the borderline between private law and public law, his hybrid position which has a definite interest with regard to the requirements of social organisation, could nevertheless be improved.

A importância da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) para o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST): o exemplo da Comuna Irmã Alberta São Paulo-SP / The importance os Education for Youth and Adults (EJA) for the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST): the example of the Commune Spanish Sister Alberta São Paulo-SP

Jofre, Andréia 27 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:15:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andreia Jofre.pdf: 5990402 bytes, checksum: 035bc6de7a86fd9d4584d77bf31f0a2e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-27 / This study aimed to examine the education of youth and adults (EJA) into the Movement of Landless Workers (MST) and a proposed new settlement close to major urban centers, called the Commune of the Earth. To carry out this research, we seek to understand at first as this kind of education aimed at young people and adults takes place within the State of São Paulo and later in a movement of struggle for land as the MST. We analyzed statistical data relating to illiteracy among youth and adults of both the city and the countryside was also possible to compare them and come to the conclusion that there is still a large number of illiterates, particularly in the field. We note the efforts of the MST, so that these negative numbers disappear; inspiration in the great educator Paulo Freire and their pedagogy and use of new teaching methods, such as the Cuban literacy method "Yes I Can" are part of efforts to implementation of a quality education for members of the landless. To understand the organization of a commune of the earth, we as a reference from field work, the Commune of Earth Sister Alberta, located in the borough of Perus, in São Paulo. We analyzed the experiences of its settlers and migrants from rural areas and also in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, and their prospects for a new life in the commune's land. These perspectives begin with the purchase of a lot more than that a decent home, to the use of land, with farming techniques in the production of food, which will provide not only the livelihood of the resettled families as well as income generation to marketing part of agricultural production to the neighboring settlement. The long way to go is education, however, has yielded excellent results literacy made from the Cuban method "Yes I can young adults and settlers, who were mostly illiterate. In addition, there are great prospects for continuity of education, from primary school completion and until the arrival to the University by some settlers from the Commune / Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar a educação de jovens e adultos (EJA) dentro do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), bem como uma nova proposta para assentamentos próximos aos grandes centros urbanos denominado Comuna da Terra . Para a realização da referida pesquisa buscamos entender, num primeiro momento, como esse tipo de educação voltada aos jovens e adultos se dá no âmbito do Estado de São Paulo e, posteriormente, num movimento de luta pela terra como o MST. Analisamos dados estatísticos referentes ao analfabetismo entre jovens e adultos tanto da cidade como do campo e, comparando esses dados, verificamos que ainda existe um número grande de analfabetos, sobretudo no campo. Para compreender a organização de uma Comuna da Terra, realizamos trabalhos de campo na Comuna da Terra Irmã Alberta , localizada no bairro de Perus, no município de São Paulo. Analisamos as experiências de seus assentados - migrantes das áreas rurais e também da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo - e suas perspectivas de uma nova vida na comuna. Essas perspectivas começam com a aquisição de um lote, que tem o significado de uma moradia digna, até o uso da terra, com técnicas agroecológicas na produção dos alimentos, que propiciará não só o sustento das famílias assentadas bem como a geração de renda com a comercialização de parte da produção agrícola aos vizinhos do assentamento. Consideramos que o caminho mais longo a percorrer é o da educação, embora entre as diferentes ações do MST figure o método cubano de alfabetização denominado - Sim, eu posso - que tem surtido ótimos resultados com jovens e adultos assentados, analfabetos na sua maioria. Há perspectivas favoráveis para a continuidade do processo educativo, a partir da conclusão do ensino básico, e mesmo a chegada à Universidade por parte de alguns assentados da Comuna. Ações do MST, inspiradas no importante educador Paulo Freire e em sua pedagogia libertadora objetivam a superação do analfabetismo e o alcance de uma educação de qualidade para os integrantes dos sem-terra

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