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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The discontinuity between education policy and implementation in secondary school education in Zambia : 1964-1998

Sakyi, Kwesi Atta. 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation focuses attention on the trends in secondary school education globally, with the Zambia backdrop providing a platform for a comparative study of the global scenario. Research results reveal that analysis of education planning and the process of policy formulation may be hinged on different ideological, economic, technological and social premises. Shifts in regimes and ideologies have often left behind paradigm shifts and discontinuities in the educational sectors of countries. The processes of globalisation and internal accommodation of national forces have conjoined to impact heavily on educational policies. Be it in commandist Russia or neo-liberal USA, there. has always been the felt need to use education planning as a leverage to score multiple points, including the gaining of national competitive advantage on the frontiers of knowledge and intelligence. There is strong evidence in this dissertation to suggest that exhaustive policy analysis is cardinal to the successful implementation of education policies in Zambia, more especially in this post-modern age of information sharing / Public Administration and Management / M. Admin. (Public Administration)

Nie-gewelddadige aksie (NGA) en die ontwikkeling van swart plaaslike regering : 'n histories-kritiese ontleding, 1982 tot 1994

Du Toit, Petrus Jacobus Vivier 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Suid-Afrika het as gevolg van apartheid vir etlike dekades oor 'n gedeeltelik legitieme plaaslike regeringstelsel beskik. Die probleem is dat die land se apartheidsregering afsonderlike stelsels vir blankes en swartes in aparte woongebiede in stand gehou het, welke beleid vir meeste Suid-Afrikaners onaanvaarbaar was. Swart plaaslike owerhede wat swart plaaslike regering moes bedryf, was nog polities nog ekonomies lewensvatbaar. Die rede hiervoor is dat hul enersyds deur die gemeenskap verwerp is en andersyds nie voldoende inkomstebronne gehad het om plaaslike owerheidsdienste finansieel onafhanklik te lewer nie. Stedelike swart gemeenskappe was aan 'n, vir hulle, onaanvaarbare apartheidsgestruktureerde swart plaaslike regeringstelsel onderworpe. Swart plaaslike owerhede was voorts as gevolg van hul ekonomiese nie-lewensvatbaarheid, gekniehalter in die lewering van plaaslike owerheidsdienste asook die daarstelling en instandhouding van kapitale ontwikkelingsprojekte. Stedelike swartes was dus blootgestel aan gebrekkige dienslewering in aparte, onderontwikkelde "slaapdorpe" waar hulle noodgedwonge moes woon. 'n Vraag waarna gevolglik gekyk word, fokus op die kenmerke van 'n ideeeltipiese model van plaaslike regering wat die gedeeltelik legitieme stelsel behoort te vervang. As gevolg van die onaanvaarbaarheid van die swart plaaslike regeringstelsel was swart plaaslike owerhede sedert die vroee tagtigerjare die teikens van aksioniste teen hierdie apartheidsproduk. Aksioniste het nie-gewelddadige aksie (NGA), geskoei op die Gandhiaanse filosofie en metodiek van Satyagraha, aangewend ten einde swart plaaslike owerhede te vernietig. NGA (wat dikwels ook tot gewelddadigheid gelei het), het tot gevolg gehad dat die owerheid later noodgedwonge 'n nuwe plaaslike regeringstelsel vir die totale Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, met alle deelvennote moes beding. Onderhandelings het vervolgens meegebring dat 'n oorgangsproses na legitieme (demokratiese) plaaslike regering vir alle Suid-Afrikaners ingevolge die Oorgangswet op Plaaslike Regering, 1993 (Wet No. 209 van 1993) geaktiveer is. In hierdie proefskrif is gevolglik vasgestel: (1) welke invloed die politieke bedeling (apartheidsbedeling) op die ontwikkeling van stedelike swart gemeenskappe en die bedryf van swart plaaslike regering gehad het; (2) wat die aard en effek van NGA op die ontwikkeling van swart plaaslike regering was; en (3) hoe geldig die onderhandelde plaaslike regeringstelsel is, vergeleke met die ideeel-tipiese model wat geidentifiseer is. / As a result of apartheid South Africa possessed a partially legitimate local government system for several decades. The problem is that the country's apartheid government maintained separate systems for whites and blacks in separate residential areas, a policy that was unacceptable to the majority of South Africans. Black local authorities who had to maintain black local government were neither politically nor economically viable because they were rejected by the community and lacked sufficient sources of revenue to render financially independent local government services. Urban black communities were subject to what, for them, was an unacceptable apartheid-structured black local government system. Black local authorities were also prevented by their economic nonviability from delivering local government services effectively and from instituting and maintaining capital development projects. Urban blacks were therefore subjected to poor service delivery in separate, underdeveloped "dormitory towns" where they were forced to live. An issue to be considered in this regard concerns the characteristics of an ideal-typical model of local government that should replace this partially legitimate system. As a result of the unacceptability of the black local government system local authorities became the targets of activists who waged a campaign against this product of apartheid since the early eighties. Activists used non-violent action (NV A), based on the Gandhian principle of Satyagraha, to destroy black local authorities. As a result of NVA (which often led to violence) the central government was eventually forced to negotiate a new local government system for the whole of South African society with all stakeholders. Negotiations led to a process of transition to legitimate (democratic) local government for all South Africans as promulgated in the Local Government Transition Act, 1993 (Act No. 209 of I 993). Consequently the following has been established in this thesis: (1) the influence of the political dispensation (apartheid dispensation) on the development of urban black communities and the maintenance of black local government; (2) the nature and the effect of NV A on the development of black local government; and (3) how valid the negotiated local government system is, compared to the identified ideal-typical model. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Ontwikkelingsadministrasie)

Die rol van 'n pastorale berader in 'n gemeentediensjaarspan

Biggs, Johanna Wilhelmina Margareta 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing handel oor die pastorale begeleiding van 'n gemeentediensjaarspan deur 'n pastorale berader. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard en vind plaas binne die diskoers van praktiese teologie. Die pastoraal-narratiewe metodologie wat aangewend is in die begeleidingsproses, en die narratiewe mikrokaarte van onderskeidelik not-knowing, deursigtigheid, ekstemalisering, dekonstruksie, her-skrywe, rituele, die vermyding van 'n taal van tekortkoming, briewe, re-membering, metafore, die skep van 'n gehoor, vraagstelling en reflektering word bespreek. De Jongh van Arkel se onderskeidings vir die pastoraat word indringend bespreek. Besondere aandag word geskenk aan die vierde onderskeiding wat hy byvoeg, naamlik pastorale terapie. Die navorsing is gerig op almal wat betrokke is by die opleiding en begeleiding van diensjaarspanne, asook op gemeentes wat diensjaarspanne huisves. Voorstelle vir die toekomstige opleiding en begeleiding van diensjaarspanne word gemaak. / This research deals with the pastoral accompaniment (by a pastoral counsellor) of a congregational team that does a service year for Christ. The study is of a qualitative nature and takes place within the discourse of practical theology. The pastoral-narrative methodology that is used in the counselling process, and the narrative micro maps of notknowing, transparency, externalisation, deconstruction, re-authoring, rituals, the avoidance of a language of shortcoming, letters, re-membering, metaphors, the creation of an audience, questioning and reflection, are discussed. De Jongh van Arkel's distinctions for the pastorate are discussed in detail. Special attention is paid to the fourth distinction that he makes, namely pastoral therapy. The research is directed towards everyone who is involved in the training and accompaniment of teams that do a service year for Christ, as well as congregations who host teams that do a year of service. Suggestions for future training and accompaniment of such teams are made. / Theology / M. Th.

Les mécanismes de la solidarité territoriale : essai comparatif (Brésil - France) / The mechanisms of territorial solidarity, : a comparative essay (Brazil-France)

Inocente, Bruno Romeu 29 January 2015 (has links)
À l'intérieur d'un État, la distribution des ressources publiques sur le territoire a une importance fondamentale, parce qu'elle représente un facteur de justice dans les rapports entre collectivités territoriales, de sorte qu’elle conditionne la capacité à assurer les charges liées à l’exercice de leurs compétences, dans le respect de leur autonomie, au profit des habitants qui doivent pouvoir bénéficier d’une qualité minimale des services publics. Cette thèse vise d’abord à étudier et à comparer quelle est l’influence de la forme d’État (unitaire pour la France et fédérative pour le Brésil) sur les mécanismes de la solidarité territoriale. Elle se propose de décrire et d’analyser l’efficacité des mécanismes plus importants (financiers : impôt local, dotations, fonds et transferts facultatifs ; coopératifs : institutions représentatives, politiques publiques nationales, mutualisation et contrats entre collectivités territoriales) mis en place, dès le prélèvement des impôts (nationaux ou locaux), en passant par les incitations fiscales, jusqu’au transfert des ressources aux bénéficiaires. Toute d’abord par une description de l’évolution historique qui explique l’organisation territoriale et la naissance des mécanismes de solidarité actuels, puis en montrant les inégalités importantes qui existent, principalement entre communes pour, enfin, finir avec une analyse prospective de l’efficacité et des défauts (guerre fiscale, corruption et évasion fiscales) de ces mécanismes qui visent à réaliser une péréquation (verticale ou horizontale) des ressources publiques. / Within a state, the distribution of public resources inside the territory have a fundamental importance, because it represents a factor of justice in the relationship between local authorities, so that it affects the ability to provide their obligations related to the exercise of their powers in respect of their autonomy, in benefit of citizens who need to have a minimum quality of public services. This thesis aims first to examine and compare what is the influence of the form of state (Unitary for France and Federal for Brazil) on the mechanisms of territorial solidarity. It aims to describe and analyze the effectiveness of the most important mechanisms (financial: local taxes, grants, funds and discretionary transfers; cooperative: representative institutions, national public policies, pooling and contracts between central state and local authorities). Firstly with a description of the historical evolution of territorial organization and the birth of the current solidarity mechanisms and showing the significant existant inequalities, moreover among municipalities, to finally end up with a prospective analysis of effectiveness and defects (tax war, corruption and tax evasion) of these mechanisms designed to achieve equalization (vertical or horizontal) of public resources.

La rationalisation de l'organisation territoriale de la République. / The rationalisation of the territorial organisation of the French Republic

Baubonne, Mickaël 05 February 2015 (has links)
L’abondance des propositions de redécoupage de la carte des collectivités territoriales témoigne du décalage persistant entre leur taille et leur rôle. Leur territoire ne permet plus à certaines collectivités d’exercer efficacement leurs compétences. La première solution consisterait à redécouper le territoire des collectivités territoriales ; la seconde consisterait à modifier le rôle de chaque niveau de collectivités territoriales. Dans les deux cas, c’est l’organisation territoriale de la République qu’il faudrait réformer. Il appartient alors au juriste de déterminer si le législateur est compétent, à droit constitutionnel constant, pour mener seul ces réformes. Le droit constitutionnel, s’il ne prévoit pas toujours la compétence de l’État pour réformer l’organisation territoriale de la République, ne s’oppose pas à ce que l’État engage seul de telles réformes. Pourtant le législateur s’est montré soucieux des intérêts des collectivités territoriales existantes en évitant d’en supprimer des unités et en ne mettant pas en place une hiérarchie normative entre elles. En conséquence, les réformes menées par l’État n’ont pas permis de résorber le décalage entre la taille des collectivités et leur rôle. Cet échec ne saurait témoigner de contraintes constitutionnelles contrairement à ce qui est parfois soutenu dans le discours politique. Il révèle en revanche le poids des contraintes politiques qui s’exercent sur le législateur, notamment par le biais du cumul des mandats. La fin de cette originalité française viendra peut-être confirmer cette affirmation. / The abundance of proposals aiming to redraw the map of the local authorities reflects the remaining gap between their size and their role. Some authorities cannot effectively exercise their powers anymore. The first solution would be to redraw the boundaries of the local authorities; the second one would be to change the role of each level of local authorities. In both case, it is the territorial organisation of the Republic which should be reformed. It is then up to legal experts to determine whether the legislative power is allowed by the Constitution to carry out alone those reforms. If the Constitution does not always assert the jurisdiction of the State to reform the territorial organisation of the Republic, it does not forbid the State to engage alone such reforms. However, the attitude of the legislative power was to protect the interests of the existing local authorities by avoiding to remove units and by not setting a normative hierarchy between them. Consequently, the reforms carried out by the State have failed to resorb the gap between the size and the role of the local authorities. This failure does not give proof of constitutional constraints, contrary to what is argued in the political discourse. It reveals by contrast the weight of the political constraints which the legislative power has to face with, especially because of the combination of elective offices. The end of this French peculiarity will maybe confirm this assert.

Kostenbewertung der Anpassung zentraler Abwasserentsorgungssysteme bei Bevölkerungsrückgang

Schiller, Georg 23 September 2014 (has links)
Rückläufige Bevölkerungszahlen und Siedlungsflächenwachstum führen zu steigenden Kosten für leitungsgebundene Infrastrukturen. Dies gilt besonders für die Abwasserentsorgung, die in Deutschland überwiegend über die öffentliche Kanalisation erfolgt. Bei Neuerschließung können im Falle geringer Siedlungsdichten dezentrale Abwassersysteme Kostenvorteile gegenüber zentralen Systemen aufweisen. Lassen sich aber durch Dezentralisierung auch Kosten im bereits erschlossenen, von Schrumpfung betroffenen, Siedlungsbestand reduzieren? Um hierauf Antworten zu geben, werden Kosten der Transformation zentraler Abwassersysteme hin zu stärker dezentral angelegten Strukturen berechnet. Am Beispiel eines realen Abwasser-Entsorgungsgebietes wird ein Verfahren entwickelt, das eine Kostenbewertung der schrittweisen Dezentralisierung technischer Abwassersysteme ermöglicht.:Zusammenfassung............................................................................... 13 Summary............................................................................................... 15 Kurzfassung.......................................................................................... 17 1 Einführung......................................................................................... 27 A Grundlagen........................................................................................ 45 2 Abwasserentsorgung – Begriffe und Strukturdaten.......................... 45 3 Zentral oder Dezentral...................................................................... 53 4 Kostenwirkungen des Nachfragerückgangs im System der zentralen Abwasserentsorgung........................................................... 61 B Entwicklung des Bewertungsverfahrens............................................ 71 5 Untersuchungsgebiet........................................................................ 71 6 Siedlungsmodell................................................................................. 75 7 Infrastrukturmodell.......................................................................... 107 8 Bezugsmodell................................................................................. 123 9 Sequenzanalyse.............................................................................. 137 10 Kostenmodell................................................................................. 151 C Modellrechnungen........................................................................... 171 11 Zukunftsprojektion Siedlungsmodell.............................................. 171 12 Kostenrechnung............................................................................ 179 D Interpretation und Ergebnisse........................................................ 203 13 Auswertung und Interpretation..................................................... 203 14 Ergebnisse und Fazit..................................................................... 221 15 Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf............................................ 231 Literatur...............................................................................................235 Abbildungsverzeichnis........................................................................ 247 Tabellenverzeichnis............................................................................ 251 Anlage Kostenkennwerte................................................................... 253 / Declining populations and an expansion in settlement areas have led to a rise in the cost of pipeline networks for household supply and waste removal. This is particularly true of waste-water removal, which in Germany is primarily managed using public sewage systems. The work at hand tries to give answer to the question, if decentralisation can lower costs in the building stock affected by shrinkage, which is already connected to the waste-water network.:Zusammenfassung............................................................................... 13 Summary............................................................................................... 15 Kurzfassung.......................................................................................... 17 1 Einführung......................................................................................... 27 A Grundlagen........................................................................................ 45 2 Abwasserentsorgung – Begriffe und Strukturdaten.......................... 45 3 Zentral oder Dezentral...................................................................... 53 4 Kostenwirkungen des Nachfragerückgangs im System der zentralen Abwasserentsorgung........................................................... 61 B Entwicklung des Bewertungsverfahrens............................................ 71 5 Untersuchungsgebiet........................................................................ 71 6 Siedlungsmodell................................................................................. 75 7 Infrastrukturmodell.......................................................................... 107 8 Bezugsmodell................................................................................. 123 9 Sequenzanalyse.............................................................................. 137 10 Kostenmodell................................................................................. 151 C Modellrechnungen........................................................................... 171 11 Zukunftsprojektion Siedlungsmodell.............................................. 171 12 Kostenrechnung............................................................................ 179 D Interpretation und Ergebnisse........................................................ 203 13 Auswertung und Interpretation..................................................... 203 14 Ergebnisse und Fazit..................................................................... 221 15 Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf............................................ 231 Literatur...............................................................................................235 Abbildungsverzeichnis........................................................................ 247 Tabellenverzeichnis............................................................................ 251 Anlage Kostenkennwerte................................................................... 253

Developmental local government as a catalyst or an impediment towards a South African developmental state

Mohale, David Matheakuena 06 1900 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references: leaves 201-224 / South African authorities formalised their goal to pursue a developmental state with the adoption of the National Development Plan (NDP) in 2012. It is clear from the reading of the NDP that the authorities are convinced that the developmental state approach is a cause for development. The declaration to construct a developmental state is interesting at best or bizarre at worst in that developmental states are often identified by assessing their (economic) performance over a period. They hardly sought out to intentionally build developmental states. The South African governance system has implications for a quest to construct a developmental state. Whereas the literature on East Asian countries tends to focus on the role of central governments in economic development, the South African governance places a huge emphasis on cooperative governance between the three spheres of government. To this end, the constitution spells out the specific developmental objectives that must be pursued by municipalities. This essentially means that the system of cooperative governance, and the extent of effectiveness of local government, will either catalyse or impede the realisation of South African developmental state. Developmental states are often distinguished from others by their structures, roles and outcomes. Their structures and roles are developmental and are a cause for soaring outcomes. This logic was employed to analyse the nature of structures and roles in eight (8) selected municipalities over a 15-year period and how these influenced the actual policy performance. Findings that emerged from over 30 interviews with high ranking officials in various institutions and the thorough analysis of a number of documents confirm that structures and roles in municipalities are far from being developmental. The study also found that informal factors have effectively ‘juniorised’ local government as a sphere of government despite the constitution emphasising the equality of all three spheres. In the final analysis, local government is incapacitated to carry out its developmental mandate. It is against this reality of incapacitation of local government that the study argues that the performance of local government, measured against its constitutional objectives, effectively impedes the realisation of a developmental state in South Africa. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

Teacher participation in site-based management in schools: a case study

Khoza, Shonaphi Fanecky 30 November 2004 (has links)
Site-based management (SBM) is recent restructuring initiative in schools. The study is carried out with the aim of investigating the extent to which teachers participate in site-based management in schools. The researcher assumes that teachers are sidelined in site-based management in schools. An extensive literature review provides a theoretical foundation of the study and exposes the nature of site-based management. The qualitative approach is used in the case study. Data are collected through interviews that were conducted between July and September 2004. The interpretive paradigm is used in data collection, analysis and interpretation. The collected data are analysed through inductive analysis. The major research finding is that teachers are marginalised in site-based management in schools and that school-based decision making is still largely in the hands of school principals. It is recommended that principals and SMT's improve their management and leadership styles in order to allow for real participation of teachers in decision-making to take place. / Educational Studies / M.Ed (Education Management)

The role of the school governing bodies in managing finances in no-fee schools in the Maraba circuit of Limpopo Province

Dibete, Kgabo Johannes 06 1900 (has links)
Seventeen years after the passing and enactment of the South African Schools Act (SASA), Act 84 of 1996 which regulates the establishment of democratically elected school governing bodies (SGB) and which contains directives on how to organise and manage school funds, SGBs are still struggling to understand their roles and responsibilities. This study is aimed at investigating the perceptions of school governing body members as regards to their financial management roles in selected no-fee schools in the Maraba Circuit of the Limpopo Province, South Africa. The study used a qualitative research design within the interpretive paradigm. In addition, decentralisation theory served as the theoretical framework for the study. A sample comprising 22 participants from six selected no-fee schools was purposefully selected to act as the research participants. Semi-structured interviews and document analyses of official documents were conducted in order to collect the requisite data. The research participants included school principals, SGB chairpersons, treasurers and finance officers. The data collected was qualitatively analysed through coding and categorisation. The study revealed that the perceptions, experience and understanding of their financial management roles of SGB members often differ. In addition the study discloses that many of the participants lacked competency. In other words they lacked the proper knowledge and skills required to manage their school funds effectively. It would appear that their lack of the proper knowledge and skills was related primarily to their literacy levels and lack of training. The study concluded with the recommendations that SGB members be empowered through continuous and effective training to enable them to understand and fulfill their financial management roles. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Bewegungssteuerungen auf Basis des Hybriden Funktionsplanes

Geitner, Gert-Helge 18 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Für ereignisgesteuerte Systeme mit mehrdimensionalen Bewegungsabläufen wurde im Fachausschuss 4.12 "Bewegungssteuerungen für Be- und Verarbeitungsmaschinen" der VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) die VDI/VDE-Richtlinie 3684 "Beschreibung ereignisgesteuerter Bewegungsabläufe mit Funktionsplänen" als interdisziplinär verständliches und anschauliches Dokumentationsmittel und Entwurfswerkzeug erarbeitet. Mit der Blockbibliothek Funktionsplan auf Grundlage der in der Richtlinie 3684 vorgeschlagenen Systembeschreibung ist ein durchgängiger Entwurfsweg bis zur Überprüfung des Systemverhaltens ereignisgesteuerter Systeme mittels Simulation einschließlich frühzeitiger Erkennung von Fehlern im Entwurfsprozess und Kodegenerierung möglich. Die FUP Blockbibliothek liegt als Erweiterungs-Blockbibliothek für SIMULINK vor und wurde hinsichtlich ihrer wesentlichen Eigenschaften zur Simulation von ereignisgesteuerten Prozessen speziell in mechatronischen Systemen entwickelt. Die Blockikonen gewährleisten schon nach kurzer Einarbeitungszeit einen sicheren Einsatz der Blöcke, damit kann auf Blockkürzel im Sinne der Richtlinie zwecks besserer Übersichtlichkeit verzichtet werden. Zweisprachige Blockhilfen sind in Version 3.1 für alle Blöcke on-line verfügbar. Graphisch programmierte Funktionspläne können mittels Toolbox Funktionsplanprüfung vorzugsweise über GUI, bei Bedarf auch durch MATLAB Skripte, auf Eingabe- und Programmierfehler geprüft werden. Die Prüfung kann wahlweise vollständig oder auf ausgewählte Fehler erfolgen. Ergebnisausgaben sind entweder in gestraffter Form oder ausführlich einschließlich von Hinweisen möglich. Überprüft werden können Parameter (z.B. Zustands- u. FUP-Nummern, Variablen, Fehlerbehandlung), Syntax (vgl. Richtlinie), Sackgassen (erste/alle) und Rückführschleifen (Entkopplung). Hybride Funktionspläne sind in Echtzeitkode für eine Zielhardware übersetzbar. Voraussetzung ist ein Standard ANSI C Compiler. Die Blockbibliothek Funktionsplan ist eine kostengünstige, richtliniennahe Alternative und ermöglicht eine vom Normalablauf separate, graphisch programmierte Fehlerbehandlung ohne Verlust an Übersichtlichkeit. Die Anwendung der Blöcke wird durch 11 Beispiele veranschaulicht. / The department committee 4.12 "Motion control of machine tools and processing machines" of the VDI/VDE Society for Measurement and Automatic Control (GMA) has established a manufacturer-neutral guideline No. 3684 for event-driven systems with multi-dimensional motion sequences. This guide-line is entitled "Description of event-driven motion processes by function charts" and constitutes a graphically clear design and documentation tool that is well-suited for interdisciplinary application. The block library Function Chart has been defined based on system descriptions suggested in guideline 3684. This library makes available a uniform design procedure. It covers the documentation, the behaviour test of event-driven systems by means of simulation including the early detection of design process faults, the test of realization variants as well as the code generation. Block library Function Chart is an add-on library for SIMULINK. With regard to its essential features it has been developed for the design, simulation, code generation and the description of event-driven systems especially for mechatronics, mechanical and electrical engineering. The created block icons make it possible to get familiar with add-on library Function Chart within a short period of time whereupon block mnemonics may be hidden in order to get a high graphical clearness and to fulfil the requirements of the guideline. Versions 3.1 bilingual on-line block help is available for all blocks. Graphically programmed function charts may be checked for input and programming errors preferably with help of Toolbox "Function Chart Check" by means of GUI's and if necessary also by MATLAB scripts. The check may be done completely or alternatively for selected errors. Output of result is possible either in detail inclusively eventual hints or in shortened form. A function chart may be checked for parameter errors (e.g. state and FUP numbers, variables, error handling), syntax errors (see guideline), dead ends (first or all) and uncoupled loops (arithmetic loops). Standard ANSI C compiler availability stands for a precondition for real time code generation. The block library Function Chart offers a reasonable alternative and allows separate motion error handling sequences which are separated from normal motion sequences without any loss of a well-ordered graphical arrangement. Currently 11 examples demonstrate the application of the blocks.

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