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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Environmental Risk Management Framework for a Nordic Construction Firm

Bajpai, Atish January 2006 (has links)
Construction is one of the oldest of industries in the world, with the first establishedconstruction company being established around 230 BC. One of the biggest industries inEurope, at an estimated €900 billion a year, it also accounts for 40% of total energy consumption and 40% of total waste generation in the EU1 . Although the majority ofthese are from the use phase of the built environment, there is a lack of a comprehensiveenvironmental risk management system for the construction phase. This study proposesan environmental risk management framework based on the Beer-Ziolkowski model of risk management for both site specific and non-site specific construction operations witha stakeholder centric approach. It proposes stakeholder involvement to identify the risksaided with trend analysis of strategic regulatory implications from the concernedauthority - Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and thecurrent orgnisational practice of objective environmental risk identification from ISO14001 guidance. Scope of site specific and non-site specific risks are narrowed down tosite operational setup and construction materials respectively, consistent with theorganisations view of the most important risks from those two classes of risks. Riskassessment is suggested through Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method for site specific risksand European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances (EUSES) for non-sitespecific risks. Total Cost Accounting (TCA) of project alternative evaluation isrecommended with a view to internalise the external costs. A two tiered integration ofrisk information in the buisess process is suggested – categorised risk reduction processat the level of projects and general good practice aided with risk information at the policylevel. Being a framework for management of environmental risk as opposed to a methodfor a specific environmental risk, the principles and suggestions are broadly scoped withcase studies for identification and analysis of risks.Through the practice of prudent engagement of stakeholders and scientific risk assessments, this framework would help the organisation enable safer operational practices in the context of environmental effects. In foresight this in turn will have rendered the host firm more competent in terms of making sustainable business decisions. / Byggindustrin är en av de äldsta industrierna i världen. Det första företaget etabeleradesca 230 BC. Byggindustrin är även en av de största industrierna i Europa med €900miljarder i omsättning varje år, men ansvarar även för ungefar 40% av energiförbrukningen och 40% utav den totalla avfallsgeneringen i EU1. Trots att det mesta av dessa miljöfarliga aspekter kommer ifrån användningsphasen av den byggdamiljön, finns det en brist på omfattande hanteringssystem för miljörisker vid uppbyggnadsphasen. Denna studie föreslår en hanteringsmodell, baserad på Beer-Ziolkowski-modellen för riskhantering, som innehåller både byggplats baserade och icke byggplatsbaserade risker med en centrerad orientering vid just aktieägare samt andraberörda.Denna modell föreslår, att alla som skulle bli berörda vid förändring, engagerar sig för att identifiera risker med assistering utav strategisk vägledning hos den lämpliga förvaltningen - Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet samt med det närvarande organisationspraxisesn av indentifiering av de objektiva miljöriskerna med råd ifrån ISO140001. Omfattningarna av byggplats-beroende och icke byggplatsberoende riskkategorier fokuseras på layouten av byggplats och byggmaterial, enligt företagetsåsikt vilken av dessa två riskgrupper som är viktigast. Riskshantering föreslås med fel träanlys (FTA) metoden till byggplats beroende risker och European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances (EUSES) till icke byggplats beroende risker.Helkostnadsbokföring (TCA) för projektets olika alternativ rekommenderas som åtgärd för att inkludera de vanliga ytterliggande kostnaderna. En två spårig integration av risksbeskedet föreslås – katagoriserad riskminskning vid projektsnivå och vanliga goda affärsprincipier tillsammans med riskmedvetenhet på policy nivå.På grund av att modellen är en ram för riskhantering, som skilljer sig ifrån en metod fören särskild risk, granskas priciperna så som föreslaget med fallstudier för identifieringoch analys av risker.Genom att engagera aktieägare och andra intressenter men även natuvetenskaplig riskbedömning, ska denna modell hjälpa företaget till att möjligöra en säker bedrivningutav företagspraxisen i kombination med ett stärkt intresse utav miljöaspekter. I framtiden ska detta i sin tur ge företaget större kompetens när det gäller att planera och skapa en hållbar affärsplanering. / www.ima.kth.se

Militer à l’ombre des catastrophes : contribution à une théorie politique environnementale au prisme des mobilisations de la décroissance et de la transition / Activism in the shadow of catastrophes : a contribution for a green golitical theory through the cases of degrowth and transition movements

Semal, Luc 08 December 2012 (has links)
Au cours des années 2000, deux mobilisations parallèles ont contribué à renouveler le paysage de l’écologie politique : la décroissance en France, et les Transition Towns au Royaume-Uni. Nous proposons une approche comparative internationale de ces deux mouvements, d’abord distincts, mais qui se sont progressivement imbriqués à mesure qu’ils s’internationalisaient. Nous nous intéresserons particulièrement à la dimension catastrophiste de ces deux mouvements, entendue comme un mode de pensée politique fondé sur l’anticipation de ruptures écologiques majeures (pic pétrolier, mais aussi réchauffement climatique ou effondrement écosystémique) qui mettraient fin à la version moderne du projet démocratique. Loin de n’être qu’une posture intellectuelle, le catastrophisme s’incarne dans ces mouvements en des pratiques délibératives expérimentales qui invitent à questionner la temporalité continuiste dans laquelle se conçoit généralement la théorie démocratique.L’étude de ces deux mobilisations vise à nourrir une réflexion d’ordre plus théorique sur les outils dont dispose la science politique pour penser l’insertion des communautés politiques dans leur environnement. En nous appuyant sur les travaux pionniers de la green political theory, nous montrerons qu’une théorie politique environnementale pourrait contribuer à interroger la théorie démocratique en invitant à la réinsérer dans un contexte de déstabilisation écologique globale. / During the 2000’s decade, two social movements, the décroissance movement in France and Transition Towns in the United- Kingdom, have contributed, both in parallel, to a renewal of the green political landscape. This thesis is an international comparative analysis of these two movements, which were first distinct, then progressively overlapped as they evolved to become international. This research will focus in particular on the catastrophist dimension of these two movements, understood as a form of political thought based on the anticipation of major ecological shifts (peak oil, climatechange, ecosystems collapse, etc.) that would put an end to the modern version of the democratic project. Far from being an intellectual framework only, catastrophism also gives rise to experimental deliberative practices that put into question the hypothesis of continuity that generally pervades theories of democracy.The analysis of these two movements aims at proposing new material to provide for a theoretical reflection on the intellectual tools that political science uses to investigate the ecological embeddedness of political communities. Dwelling on the pioneer work of green political theory, we will suggest that a théorie politique environnementale could contribute to reconsider theories of democracy, with an invitation for them to fit within the framework of the global ecological disruption.

Integration of Analysis and Deliberation to Evaluate Biodiesel Occupational and Environmental Exposures

Traviss, Nora M. 24 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Affective Rationality

Kerr, Alison Duncan January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Impacts of (un)civil discourse by organized groups on local governance in sustainable development projects

Cowgill, Kimberly Hodge 19 October 2015 (has links)
Anecdotal evidence in the media and from personal conversations suggests that inflammatory rhetoric in the collaborative governance setting is increasing, especially during public meetings about sustainable development projects. Planners, mediators, facilitators, and government officials are facing a shutting down of public deliberation by "new activists" who are engaging in public forums in very emotional and uncompromising ways. This dissertation is a direct examination of actions by new activists. It includes two case studies in Roanoke, Virginia, as well as a broader look at the inflammatory rhetoric and disruptions in local public meetings now occurring across the country. / Ph. D.

The orthos logos in Aristotle’s ethics

Tian, Jie 17 February 2017 (has links)
Der Begriff von Orthos Logos ist zentral für die ethische Lehre Aristoteles’. In der Literatur ist jedoch umstritten, was der Inhalt von OL ist. Das genaue Wesen von OL liegt immer noch im Dunkel. Ziel meiner Dissertation ist es, den Beitrag von OL für Aristoteles’ Ethik zu erforschen. Dabei soll vor allem erläutert werden, was OL ist bzw. was OL leisten kann. Auf dieser Untersuchung basierend versuche ich, eine ausführliche bzw. in sich konsistente Interpretation der wichtigen Bestandteile der Nicomachischen Ethik zu liefern. Ich werde dafür argumentieren, dass OL als der praktische Syllogismus selbst aufzufassen ist, der die moralischen Subjekte darüber informiert, was sie tun sollen bzw. weswegen sie gerade dies und nicht etwas anderes tun sollen. Sofern ein hinsichtlich der Moralität noch lernender Mensch den Syllogismus nicht vollständig begreift, ist es allerdings möglich, dass OL diesem Menschen etwas anderes zu sein scheint. / The notion of the orthos logos (abbr. OL) is vital and decisive for Aristotle’s ethical project. The question of what OL really means is a vigorously debated issue. But what the OL exactly is still remains ambiguous and obscure. The purpose of my dissertation is to inquire into the philosophical contribution of the OL in Aristotle’s Ethics. To fulfil this goal, it is essentially to determine what the OL is and what the OL can do. Through this inquiry I seek to present a comprehensive and consistent reading of important parts of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. I will argue that the OL is the practical syllogism per se, which could tell moral people what should they do and why should they do this or that. But it could also appear to be something else for moral learners, since they are not capable of fully understanding the syllogism yet.

Judging in the Public Realm : A Kantian Approach to the Deliberative Concept of Ethico-Political Judgment and an Inquiry into Public Discourse on Prenatal Diagnosis / Att bedöma i den offentliga sfären : Ett kantianskt perspektiv på etisk-politisk bedömning och en undersökning av det offentliga samtalet om fosterdiagnostik

Dekker, Cornelis January 2009 (has links)
This thesis discusses how to enhance the public discussion of moral and political questions. Enhancing public ‘deliberation’ is desirable since it provides citizens with influence, it enables coming to an understanding, and it ensures legitimacy. The concept of ethico-political judgment, with its two conditions, is elaborated on as an ideal that suggests how we should deliberate. In order to understand how we actually deliberate, an empirical inquiry into the public discourse on prenatal diagnosis and screening in the Netherlands and Sweden is conducted. On the basis of Kant’s ethics and his theory of the faculty of judgment, the two conditions for public deliberation are developed. These conditions are the giving of and asking for normative reasons as well as aiming at impartiality of judgment. Normative reasons are prescriptive, universal, and internal and these are related to Kant’s ethics. Impartiality is related to Kant’s ‘enlarged thought’, to think from the standpoint of others, as well as Kant’s practical philosophy. We need to think from the standpoints of others in order to consider whether or not the principle of our action applies to all. Four thematic foci in the public discourse on prenatal diagnosis are investigated – the unborn life, attitudes toward the disabled, implications of new choices, and the limits of medicine. The conclusion is that – if we wish to enhance public deliberation on the basis of the two conditions of ethico-political judgment – we should deal with both interpretive differences over universal principles (such as respect for autonomy and human dignity) and varying representations of ‘the other’ (such as the fetus, disabled persons, mothers-to-be, and future parents). / I denna avhandling diskuteras hur offentlig diskussion kring moraliska och politiska frågor kan intensifieras. Att intensifiera offentlig diskussion är önskvärt för att ge medborgare inflytande, för att främja förståelse och för att skapa legitimitet. Begreppet etisk-politisk bedömning utvecklas som ett ideal för hur vi bör diskutera. För att undersöka hur vi faktiskt diskuterar görs en empirisk undersökning av det offentliga samtalet om fosterdiagnostik i Nederländerna och Sverige. Med utgångspunkt i Kants etik och hans teori om omdömesförmågan utvecklas två villkor för offentlig diskussion. Dessa villkor är att ge och efterfråga normativa skäl och att sträva efter opartiskhet av omdömesförmågan. Normativa skäl är preskriptiva, universella och interna. Begreppet utvecklas utifrån Kants etik. Opartiskhet baseras på Kants ’utvidgade tänkande’: att tänka utifrån andras perspektiv. Denna idé relateras till Kants praktiska filosofi. Det ’utvidgade tänkandet’ innebär att vi tar ställning till om principen som vi väljer för en handling gäller alla. Fyra teman i det offentliga samtalet om fosterdiagnostik analyseras – det ofödda livet, attityder gentemot handikappade, implikationer av nya val och den medicinska praktikens gränser. Slutsatsen är att om vi önskar intensifiera offentlig diskussion med utgångspunkt i de två villkor som utvecklas, bör vi ta itu med tolkningsskillnader när det gäller universella principer (som respekt för autonomi och människovärde) samt olika representationer av ’den andra’ (som fostret, handikappade, gravida kvinnor och blivande föräldrar).

Arbete och utanförskap : RUT-arbetares upplevelse av eget inflytande och inklusion

Matevski, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The premises of the Swedish tax deduction for domestic services (RUT) could in part be said to be based upon the assumption that formal employment will lead to social and gender equality. But is this always the case? The purpose of this paper is to examine ways in which the experience of influence and inclusion has been affected by formal employment amongst women from migrant backgrounds working in the Swedish domestic service sector. This group could be described as one of the more disadvantaged in society. To what extent do they experience an increased sense of influence and inclusion due to their work? Using a feminist, intersectional approach based on gender, social class and ethnicity, the experiences of these women have been analysed in order to answer the research question. Unlike related, previous research, this paper is based on a best-case scenario. Yet it still reveals a limited experience of influence and inclusion amongst women from migrant backgrounds. Working in the Swedish domestic service sector hasn’t affected their experience to any greater extent. Although the RUT employment can be said to strengthen these women’s resources in various ways, for instance by coming to the conclusion that you won’t be satisfied with poor working conditions, which in turn can lead to trade union membership, the opposite is also present. Negative assumptions about the capabilities of domestic workers and the exhausting nature of the work act as barriers. The combined experience can therefore be described as limited. If the purpose is to increase social and gender equality by affecting these women’s experience of influence and inclusion, there are other, more efficient ways, than RUT employment, to do it.

Inclusive Deliberation (ID): A Case Study Of How Teachers Experience The Decision-Making Process For Change Initiatives Within A School Committee

Frank, Adam Harrison 16 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

La sentenza penale. Profili giuridici ed epistemologici. / LA SENTENZA PENALE. PRIFILI GIURIDICI ED EPISTEMOLOGICI / The Criminal Judgment. Legal and Espistemological Aspects.

PRESSACCO, LUCA 11 September 2018 (has links)
In linea di principio, la sentenza può essere definita come il provvedimento giurisdizionale con cui il giudice definisce la controversia, confermando o negando – nel contesto specifico del processo penale – l’ipotesi di colpevolezza dell’imputato. Sennonché, l’impostazione tradizionale – fedele ai consueti metodi dell’indagine giuridica – considera la sentenza esclusivamente in qualità di atto processuale, esaminando la relativa disciplina per individuare i requisiti di validità ed efficacia dell’atto stesso. La presente ricerca, invece, si propone di approfondire lo studio della sentenza penale quale “giudizio”, vale a dire come epilogo del percorso conoscitivo compiuto dall'organo giurisdizionale per giungere alla ricostruzione dei fatti controversi, nonché, alla loro adeguata qualificazione giuridica. In questa prospettiva, le disposizioni che regolano la formazione e i contenuti della sentenza penale vengono prevalentemente in rilievo, in quanto stabiliscono i confini e i percorsi normativi delle operazioni gnoseologiche compiute dal giudice nella fase conclusiva del processo. Esaurite le premesse di carattere metodologico (capitolo I), l’indagine prende le mosse (capitolo II) dalla ricostruzione storica e dogmatica della “sentenza penale”, poiché l’estensione della categoria in esame dipende sia dalla complessiva struttura del processo, sia dalle scelte contingenti operate dal legislatore. In seguito, si approfondisce (capitolo III) la posizione specifica della sentenza nel contesto del procedimento penale, muovendo dalle dottrine generali del processo e giungendo al ruolo che la decisione giurisdizionale assume nell’ambito del cosiddetto “giusto processo”. Nel capitolo IV, si opera un confronto fra le operazioni conoscitive che costituiscono il proprium dell’attività giurisdizionale, rispetto alle metodologie adottate – rispettivamente – nell’indagine di carattere storico e nell’ambito delle scienze sperimentali. Successivamente (capitolo V), si trattano i principali profili di ricostruzione fattuale che caratterizzano la sentenza penale: in particolare, l’attenzione si sofferma sulla configurazione delle regole decisorie tipiche del processo penale e sul dovere di motivazione che incombe sull’organo giurisdizionale. Infine (capitolo VI), viene analizzata la configurazione strutturale del cosiddetto “post dibattimento”, per dimostrare che la decisione giurisdizionale può essere solo convenzionalmente considerata come una realtà processuale unitaria (la sentenza penale), laddove l’analisi normativa lascia intravvedere una serie di comportamenti, che integrano una complessa fattispecie a formazione progressiva. / Sentence can be defined, as a matter of principle, like the decision through which the Court puts an end to the dispute, validating or denying – particularly in criminal cases – the original accusation formulated by the public prosecutor. Given this assumption, legal scholars usually consider the judicial decision merely as a procedural document, interpreting the relevant provisions in order to establish conditions for its validity and enforceability. Instead, the aim of this research is to deepen the study of the criminal judgment, understood as the conclusion of the knowledge path accomplished by the tribunal for the porpuse of reconstructing controversial events and find an adequate legal classification therof. In this perspective, legal provisions concerning the criminal decision (art. 525 ss. of the Italian code of criminal procedure) are mainly examined in so far as they determine routes and limitations for the gnoseological process, which takes place during the closing moments of the trial.

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