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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La distinction du fait et du droit par la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne : recherche sur le pouvoir juridictionnel / The distinction between fact and law as determined by the European Court of Justice : a research on judicial power

Guiot, François-Vivien 13 December 2014 (has links)
La distinction du fait et du droit est une problématique centrale dansl’organisation des voies de droit. Elle exerce en effet, au-delà d’une variété de formes et designifications, une influence décisive sur l’office du juge ainsi que sur la fonction desautorités soumises à son contrôle. Pour appréhender pleinement la portée qu’elle revêt dansl’équilibre des pouvoirs établi par la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne, il est nécessairede se défaire de toute préconception de la distinction du fait et du droit (notamment auregard des pratiques observées en droit interne), afin de comprendre comment le juge del’Union européenne exerce un pouvoir de détermination à son égard, que ce soit dans lecontrôle de validité des actes juridiques ou dans les voies de recours dirigées contre desactes juridictionnels. Dans cette opération, elle reste toutefois soucieuse d’assurerl’acceptabilité de ses décisions, et prend donc en considération certaines contraintesjuridiques qui se présentent à elle dans son office. Autorité normatrice et ordonnatrice, laCour de justice en tant qu’interprète authentique utilise en réalité la distinction du fait et dudroit comme un instrument de répartition des compétences entre les différents acteursconcernés par la réalisation du droit de l’Union européenne. Elle définit ainsi, à travers ladétermination de la distinction du fait et du droit dans chacune de ses manifestations,l’habilitation que leur confère le système juridique. En ce sens, elle apparaît comme lajuridiction suprême de cet espace normatif. / The distinction between fact and law is central to the organization of remedies.It exerts, through its variety of forms and meanings, a decisive influence on the Court and onthe function of the authorities that the former reviews. In order to fully grasp its significance inthe balance of power that the European Court of Justice has established, one has to discardany preconception related to the distinction between fact and law (especially those present inmunicipal law). This in turn leads to the understanding of the manner in which the EuropeanCourt specifies the distinction, should it concern the review against legal acts or the ways ofchallenging case law. Whilst doing this, the European Court remains wary of the acceptabilityof its decisions, thus taking into account several legal constraints. As a normative authorityand as the authentic interpreter, the European Court of Justice uses the distinction betweenfact and law as a way to divide the competences of the actors concerned with theimplementation of EU law. By performing this specification, it defines the way the legalsystem entitles these actors. In this way, the European Court of Justice emerges as theSupreme Court of this normative space.

前瞻性績效衡量值運用於全權委託投資業務之經濟分析 / Economics Analysis for the Application of Forward-Looking Performance Measure to the Discretion Account Business

陳燕錫, Chen,Yahn-Shir Unknown Date (has links)
全權委託投資業務(俗稱代客操作),在證券市場中提供專業投資管理服務。我國證期會於民國81年,政策性地決定將開放此項業務。雖然整個規範體系已在民國87年建立,但它忽略掉經濟層面之考量,勢必造成全權委託投資契約無效率。 目前規範體系所允許之委託報酬的計算方法,稱之為「固定佣金制度」,由於此制度無法對業者提供經濟誘因,它會引發業者有嚴重之道德危險發生。因此,為解決誘因問題,應該使用「績效佣金制度」,不過在目前股市環境下,此一制度則引入過高之風險。因此,為解決兩種制度所帶來之問題,本文提出「改良式績效佣金制度」,在此制度下,委託報酬除基於傳統財務績效衡量值外,並基於非財務性績效衡量值,本文稱之為前瞻性績效衡量值(簡稱F-LPM)。 本文使用兩期之「主理人-代理人」模型,推導出最適委託報酬制度以及相關之比較靜態。在基本模式之下,本文進一步探討F-LPM之相關屬性及功能。所得結果與相關文獻一致,首先是,在最適委託報酬制度下,納入F-LPM可降低業者過度地重視短期,因而犧牲了委任人之報酬,這表示F-LPM具有增額資訊內涵。其次,無成本地提高F-LPM之精確度,可增加委任人之報酬。最後,改良式績效佣金制度優於固定佣金制度與績效佣金制度,因為它可降低風險,因而帶給委任人之報酬增加。 第壹章 緒論 第一節 / Discretion account business provides professional investment management service in the securities market. The Securities and Futures Commission decides in policy to approve the business in 1992. Althrough the regulation system of the discretion account business has been established, it will make the advisory contract inefficient with the negligence of economic consideration. The form of advisory fees permitted by the regulation system is 'constant fee system'. Under the system, advisory contract provides no incentive and serious moral harazd will occur. In order to solve the motivation problem, 'performance fee system' should be used. Under the circumstance of Taipei securities market, however, the performance fee system will bring in high risk. Hence, this paper suggests the 'improved performance fee system' to overcome the dilemma born by the performance fee system. In the improved system, advisory fees are based on the traditional performance measure and the fordward-looking performance measure (hereafter F-LPM). With a two-period principal-agent model, this paper develops the optimal reward system and related comparative static. Following the basic model, the paper examines the attributes and function of F-LPM. The findings are consistent with the related literature. First, the inclusion of a F-LPM in reward system can mitigate the potential for the advisor to focus excessively on the short-term at the expense of the investor. That is, F-LPM is incremental informative. Second, costless increases in precision of F-LPM will lead to increase in payoffs for the inveator. Finally, the improved performance fee system is superior to the constant fee system and the performance fee system in that it can reduce risk and results in higher payoffs to the investor.

海外投資及避險策略與保險公司價值之探討 / Striving for home advantages? an empirical study of currency hedging of Taiwan life insurers

許素珠, Hsu,Su Chu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文包含台灣壽險業資產配置國際化及匯率避險兩個主題。首先,探討台灣壽險業積極向主管機關申請核准提高國外資產配置比率,與美國投資人偏好投資自己國家資產不一致的現象,是台灣壽險業資產配置不得不的策略,或是國際化的迷思? 以25家壽險公司2004 年至2008年財務資料實證結果發現,國外資產納入投資組合對壽險業投資績效有利。如果將樣本公司依據所有權區分為本資公司與外資公司,資料顯示,本資公司國際資產配置較為積極,惟其報酬績效與外資公司差異並不顯著。研究亦發現,2008年美國次貸風暴顯著負向影響台灣壽險公司國外投資報酬,即提高國外資產配置雖可提高報酬,惟匯率風險、信用風險及系統風險暴露亦相對提高,建議壽險公司於追球較高報酬同時,應同時加強風險管理。另實證亦發現,資產規模愈大公司之投資報酬率相對較遜,建議於追求保費市占率成長時,應重視投資報酬績效的實質提升。 第二部分探討2004年至 2008年台灣壽險業國外投資匯率風險管理策略對投資績效影響。以整體產業觀察,匯率避險對投資報酬率有正面效果;本資公司避險策略相較外資公司積極,報酬率亦相對較優;股票上市公司有財報揭露股價波動之壓力,經理人有較強誘因採取避險策略,投資報酬率相較優於股票未上市公司,惟差異並不顯著。實證結果支持Glen and Jorion (1993) and Campbell et al. (2010)避險可以降低匯率風險提升投資報酬績效之研究結論,2006年實施之34號會計公報,顯著影響本資公司與上市公司之避險行為。 / In this study, we study two essays on international asset allocation and the currency hedging problem for Taiwan life insurer industry. In the first essay, we investigate the high percentage of foreign investments placed by Taiwan life insurers and how this phenomenon is at odds with the bias for investing at home common among American investors. The holdings of 25 Taiwan life insurance companies, between the years 2004 and 2008, are scrutinized with a view towards evaluating home bias and its financial impact. We find that foreign investment has proven profitable for the life insurance industry. However, if the life insurance industry is divided into two categories according to its ownership structure, i.e., domestic-owned and foreign-owned companies, and that while the performance of investments made by domestic-owned life insurers differs from that of foreign-owned life insurers, the difference is insignificant. We also found that global financial turmoil in 2008 had a massively negative impact on the foreign investments of Taiwan life insurance companies and firm size and return on investment is negative correlated, suggesting that life insurers should focus on enhancing investment performance and risk management. In the second essay, we examine the currency hedging strategy and its impact on the performance of Taiwan life insurance industry investments from 2004 to 2008. We find that currency hedging strategies have yielded positive results, overall, for the industry. However, if the life insurance industry is divided into two categories according to its ownership structure, i.e., domestic-owned and foreign-owned companies, the results show that the currency hedging strategies employed by the domestic-owned companies enjoy advantages over those of foreign-owned firms. If the sample is further divided into those publicly listed on the TAIEX and others, our results show that a hedging strategy has positive effects on listed company. Our findings support the work in Glen and Jorion (1993) and Campbell et al. (2010), which reveal that hedging strategies improve foreign investment returns and can reduce currency risks in comparison to non-hedging strategies. Our empirical results indicate that SFAS No. 34 has a significant effect on currency hedging behavior among domestically owned and listed companies.

以特別預防角度探討緩起訴制度 / Examine the Deferred Prosecution from the Aspect of Specific Deterrence

李元棻, Lee, Yuan Fen Unknown Date (has links)
我國緩起訴制度於2002 年制定,立法者於立法時已明文緩起訴係立基於訴訟經濟之目的,以及預防被告再犯之特別預防之刑事政策為出發。而緩起訴制度自2002 年施行至今約莫13 年,是否確能落實當年立法者所預期達成之目的,有效達成被告再犯預防之特別預防目的?或反而因為附條件緩起訴存在太過便利,附條件緩起訴之相關指示與負擔選擇多元且包羅萬象,而忽視制度本身原應該追求的目的?對於制度之目的產生問題後,因我國立法時參考的外國法制為日本的起訴猶豫制度,在日本法上起訴猶豫制度之運用是否也有類似的問題?而因緩起訴制度為一種刑事政策之轉向處分,美國法制上亦有性質類似的審前轉向原則,是否有得以參考的地方?所謂「他山之石,可以攻錯」,若想要達成緩起訴預防再犯之功能,以外國法制作為借鏡下,有無可提供我國法制得以參考的地方?在這樣的思考脈絡下,最後提出本文的一點想法以及參考。 本文希望藉由檢討目前實務上緩起訴之運作狀況,以預防被告再犯之立法初衷為著力點,探討在現行法制下附條件緩起訴之應然面與實然面之落差,並以外國法制作為借鏡,提出緩起訴制度重新思考的方向與建議。期使未來實務上檢察官在作成附條件緩起訴處分時,能夠從預防被告再犯的角度出發,思考附條件緩起訴「應該」要達到怎樣的效果,並藉由參考外國法制之程序上配套措施,相關配套之引進必要性與可能性之探討,希冀附條件緩起訴能夠發揮達到預被被告再犯之目的與效果。

Étude du pouvoir d’ordonnance du ministre de l’environnement en matière de décontamination des sites au Québec

Paquet, Geneviève 06 1900 (has links)
La protection de l’environnement est un enjeu capital de la société contemporaine. Suite à la révolution industrielle, la contamination de l’environnement a pris divers chemins pour se retrouver dans notre eau, notre atmosphère et, de manière parfois moins évidente, dans nos sols. Considérant le nombre de sites contaminés répertoriés par le ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, on peut s’interroger sur l’efficacité des dispositions prévues à la section IV.2.1 de la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement qui prévoit des pouvoirs d’ordonnance de caractérisation et de réhabilitation pouvant viser de manière rétroactive non seulement le pollueur et celui ayant permis la contamination, mais également, dans certains cas, le gardien, à quelque titre que ce soit, du terrain. En 2003, le cadre réglementaire en matière d’ordonnances de décontamination a fait l’objet d’une réforme majeure, dont les grandes lignes sont rapportées dans la première partie de cette étude. Toutefois, l’application de ces mesures relève d’un pouvoir de nature discrétionnaire pour le ministre, cette discrétion faisant l’objet de développements dans la deuxième partie de notre mémoire. Le nombre d’ordonnances rendues par le ministre en matière de décontamination des sites est si peu élevé qu’on ne peut éviter de traiter, dans la dernière partie de notre étude, de l’éventuelle responsabilité de l’État en lien avec la contamination des sols, considérant les principes de développement durable et surtout, d’équité intergénérationnelle qui, selon nous, devraient se refléter dans l’application des pouvoirs d’ordonnance du ministre de l’Environnement. / The protection of the environment is a vital issue for modern society. Following the Industrial Revolution, the contamination of the environment found many avenues, and now can be found in the water, the atmosphere and, sometimes less obviously, in the soil. Considering the number of contaminated lands indexed by the ministère du Dévoloppement durable, l’Environnement et des Parcs, one might well wonder about the effectiveness of the measures in section IV.2.1 of the Environment Quality Act which include powers of ordering land characterization and rehabilitation retroactively over not only the polluter and whoever allows the contaminants to be emitted, but also in certain cases the one who has or has had the custody of the land, in any capacity. In 2003, the regulatory structure for remediation orders underwent a major reform, whose main features are described in the first part of this essay. However, the application of these measures derives from the minister’s discretionary power. Developments that affect this discretion are described in the second part of our study. The number of orders delivered by the minister is so low that we have to consider, in the third part of our essay, the eventual liability of the State in relation with contaminated grounds, considering the principles of sustainable development and above all of intergenerational equity which, in our view, should be reflected in the application of minister of the environment’s power to order.

Public Procurement at the Local Government Level : Actor roles, discretion and constraints in the implementation of public transport goals / Offentlig upphandling på lokal nivå : Aktörs roller, handlingsutrymme och begränsningar vid implementering av kollektivtrafik mål

Hansson, Lisa January 2011 (has links)
The overall purpose of this thesis is to gain further knowledge of how the Swedish local government level is affected by requirements to use public procurement through competitive tendering and, more specifically, understand the actions taken by included actors when public procurement is required in implementation of public transport goals. Through case study method, an in specific process tracing, various implementation processes have been examined. One studied process complied with the procurement regulations, while the others included elements that circumvented them. In each process, the actions taken by involved actors have been the focus. The findings are presented in four papers. An overall conclusion is that, when public procurement is required in implementation at the local government level, several actors need to interact. These actors may use procurement to expand, maintain, or restrain their discretion towards others actors. In addition, various control mechanisms, such as e.g. monitoring, are used to restrain an actor’s discretion when the actor is circumventing procurement legislation. / Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är att öka kunskapen om hur den lokala nivån i Sverige är påverkad av kravet på att använda offentlig upphandling, och mer specifikt att förstå de handlingar som olika aktörer vidtar vid implementering av kollektivtrafik mål, då konkurrensutsatt upphandling är ett krav. Genom fallstudie metod har olika implementeringsprocesser undersökts. I en process har upphandlingsreglerna följts, medan i de andra har upphandlingslagen kringgåtts. Resultaten har analyserats utifrån principal-agent teori och presenteras i form av fyra artiklar. I studien konstateras det att flera aktörer är beroende av varandra i implementeringen. Aktörerna kan använda upphandling för att både behålla och expandera sitt handlingsutrymme gentemot andra aktörer, men upphandling kan även vara begränsande. I studien diskuteras även olika kontrollmekanismer som användas då aktörer kringgår upphandlingslagstiftningen.

社會網路與貨幣政策: 兼論「權衡」與「法則」 / Social network and monetary policy: rule versus discretion

溫明昌 Unknown Date (has links)
本文建構代理人基之社會網路新凱因動態隨機一般均衡模型(Social Network-Based DSGE model),並分別使用權衡性門檻型泰勒法則與一般線型泰勒法則作為代理人基之社會網路新凱因斯動態一般均衡模型中的貨幣政策方程式,模擬產出缺口、通貨膨脹、利率等總體經濟變數資料,接著利用模擬資料,探討不同網路結構對產出缺口、通貨膨脹等總體經濟變數的影響,同時比較權衡性貨幣政策與法則性貨幣政策穩定經濟的有效性。   透過產出缺口與通貨膨脹的波動性分析,本研究發現某些特定社會網路結構的影響力大於貨幣政策的影響力,決定了經濟變數的波動程度。在完全連結網路(Fully)的結構下,通貨膨脹與產出缺口的波動度明顯低於其他結構,而無標度網路(Scalefree)的結構會使產出與通膨的波動程度最大。經過驗證,本研究發現群聚度大、平均路徑短的網路結構內節點之間資訊流通速度較快,對穩定經濟有正面助益;相反的,由於無標度網路強大的中心性,使該網路內指標性節點對其餘節點具有龐大影響力,增加節點內決策的不確定性,連帶造成經濟的大幅波動。另外,在相同的網路結構下比較權衡與法則貨幣政策,研究結果指出權衡性政策會造成較大的產出缺口波動,但對抑制通貨膨脹波動的效果較佳;相對的,法則性政策對產出缺口的穩定效果較好,但卻無法兼顧通貨膨脹的波動性。 / We construct an agent-based New Keynesian DSGE model (Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium) with different social network structures to investigate the effects of the rule and discretion monetary policy. According to our simulation results, we find the economic stability depends on the specific social network structure rather than the monetary policy basis like rule and discretion. Generally speaking, the more average path length (the less average clustering coefficient) the network structure is, the more economic fluctuation would be. Also, the results show that scalefree network will lead the most dramatic economic fluctuations. These results are ascribed to scale -free’s high centrality. However, if the social network structure is too complicate to control, the central banker can only manipulate the monetary policy to stabilize the economy. With different policy basis, we find the rule monetary policy will lead less output gap volatility.

Essays on the Liquidity Trap, Oil Shocks, and the Great Moderation

Nakov, Anton 19 November 2007 (has links)
The thesis studies three distinct issues in monetary economics using a common dynamic general equilibrium approach under the assumptions of rational expectations and nominal price rigidity. The first chapter deals with the so-called "liquidity trap" - an issue which was raised originally by Keynes in the aftermath of the Great Depression. Since the nominal interest rate cannot fall below zero, this limits the scope for expansionary monetary policy when the interest rate is near its lower bound. The chapter studies the conduct of monetary policy in such an environment in isolation from other possible stabilization tools (such as fiscal or exchange rate policy). In particular, a standard New Keynesian model economy with Calvo staggered price setting is simulated under various alternative monetary policy regimes, including optimal policy. The challenge lies in solving the (otherwise linear) stochastic sticky price model with an explicit occasionally binding non-negativity constraint on the nominal interest rate. This is achieved by parametrizing expectations and applying a global solution method known as "collocation". The results indicate that the dynamics and sometimes the unconditional means of the nominal rate, inflation and the output gap are strongly affected by uncertainty in the presence of the zero lower bound. Commitment to the optimal rule reduces unconditional welfare losses to around one-tenth of those achievable under discretionary policy, while constant price level targeting delivers losses which are only 60% larger than under the optimal rule. On the other hand, conditional on a strong deflationary shock, simple instrument rules perform substantially worse than the optimal policy even if the unconditional welfare loss from following such rules is not much affected by the zero lower bound per se. The second thesis chapter (co-authored with Andrea Pescatori) studies the implications of imperfect competition in the oil market, and in particular the existence of a welfare-relevant trade-off between inflation and output gap volatility. In the standard New Keynesian model exogenous oil shocks do not generate any such tradeoff: under a strict inflation targeting policy, the output decline is exactly equal to the efficient output contraction in response to the shock. I propose an extension of the standard model in which the existence of a dominant oil supplier (such as OPEC) leads to inefficient fluctuations in the oil price markup, reflecting a dynamic distortion of the economy's production process. As a result, in the face of oil sector shocks, stabilizing inflation does not automatically stabilize the distance of output from first-best, and monetary policymakers face a tradeoff between the two goals. The model is also a step away from discussing the effects of exogenous oil price changes and towards analyzing the implications of the underlying shocks that cause the oil price to change in the first place. This is an advantage over the existing literature, which treats the macroeconomic effects and policy implications of oil price movements as if they were independent of the underlying source of disturbance. In contrast, the analysis in this chapter shows that conditional on the source of the shock, a central bank confronted with the same oil price change may find it desirable to either raise or lower the interest rate in order to improve welfare. The third thesis chapter (co-authored with Andrea Pescatori) studies the extent to which the rise in US macroeconomic stability since the mid-1980s can be accounted for by changes in oil shocks and the oil share in GDP. This is done by estimating with Bayesian methods the model developed in the second chapter over two samples - before and after 1984 - and conducting counterfactual simulations. In doing so we nest two other popular explanations for the so-called "Great Moderation": (1) smaller (non-oil) shocks; and (2) better monetary policy. We find that the reduced oil share can account for around one third of the inflation moderation, and about 13% of the GDP growth moderation. At the same time smaller oil shocks can explain approximately 7% of GDP growth moderation and 11% of the inflation moderation. Thus, the oil share and oil shocks have played a non-trivial role in the moderation, especially of inflation, even if the bulk of the volatility reduction of output growth and inflation is attributed to smaller non-oil shocks and better monetary policy, respectively. / La tesis estudia tres problemas distintos de macroeconomía monetaria utilizando como marco común el equilibrio general dinámico bajo expectativas racionales y con rigidez nominal de los precios. El primer capítulo trata el problema de la "trampa de liquidez" - un tema planteado primero por Keynes después de la Gran Depresión de 1929. El hecho de que el tipo de interés nominal no pueda ser negativo limita la posibilidad de llevar una política monetaria expansiva cuando el tipo de interés se acerca a cero. El capítulo estudia la conducta de la política monetaria en este entorno en aislamiento de otros posibles instrumentos de estabilización (como la política fiscal o la política de tipo de cambio). En concreto, se simula un modelo estándar Neo-Keynesiano con rigidez de precios a la Calvo bajo diferentes regimenes de política monetaria, incluida la política monetaria óptima. El reto consiste en resolver el modelo estocástico bajo la restricción explícita ocasionalmente vinculante de no negatividad de los tipos de interés. La solución supone parametrizar las expectativas y utilizar el método de solución global conocido como "colocación". Los resultados indican que la dinámica y en ocasiones los valores medios del tipo de interés, la inflación y el output gap están muy influidos por la presencia de la restricción de no negatividad. El compromiso con la regla monetaria óptima reduce las pérdidas de bienestar esperadas hasta una décima parte de las pérdidas obtenidas bajo la mejor política discrecional, mientras una política de meta constante del nivel de precios resulta en pérdidas que son sólo 60% mayores de las obtenidas bajo la regla óptima. Por otro lado, condicionado a a un choque fuerte deflacionario, las reglas instrumentarias simples funcionan mucho peor que la política óptima, aun si las pérdidas no condicionales de bienestar asociadas a dichas reglas no están muy afectadas por la presencia de la restricción de no negatividad en si. El segundo capítulo de la tesis estudia las implicaciones de la competencia imperfecta en el mercado del petróleo, y en concreto la existencia de un conflicto relevante entre la volatilidad de la inflación y la del output gap de un país importador de petróleo. En el modelo estándar Neo Keynesiano, los choques petroleros exógenos no generan ningún conflicto de objetivos: bajo una política de metas de inflación estricta, la caída del output es exactamente igual a la contracción eficiente del output en respuesta al choque. Este capitulo propone una extensión del modelo básico en la cual la presencia de un proveedor de petróleo dominante (OPEP) lleva a fluctuaciones ineficientes en el margen del precio del petróleo que reflejan una distorsión dinámica en el proceso de producción de la economía. Como consecuencia, ante choques provinientes del sector de petróleo, una política de estabilidad de los precios no conlleva automáticamente a una estabilización de la distancia del output de su nivel eficiente y existe un conflicto entre los dos objetivos. El modelo se aleja de la discución los efectos de cambios exógenos en el precio del petróleo y se acerca al análisis de las implicaciones de los factores fundamentales que provocan los cambios en el precio del petróleo en primer lugar. Esto último representa una ventaja clara frente a la literatura existente, la cual trata tanto los efectos macroeconómicos como las implicaciones para la política monetaria de cambios en el precio del petróleo como si éstos fueran independientes de los factores fundamentales provocando dicho cambio. A diferencia de esta literatura, el análisis del capitulo II demuestra cómo frente al mismo cambio en el precio del petróleo, un banco central puede encontrar deseable bien subir o bajar el tipo de interés en función del origen del choque. El tercer capitulo estudia el grado en que el ascenso de la estabilidad macroeconómica en EE.UU. a partir de mediados de los 80 se puede atribuir a cambios en la naturaleza de los choques petroleros y/o el peso del petróleo en el PIB. Con este propósito se estima el modelo desarrollado en el capitulo II con métodos Bayesianos utilizando datos macroeconómicos de dos periodos - antes y después de 1984 - y se conducen simulaciones contrafactuales. Las simulaciones permiten dos explicaciones alternativas de la "Gran Moderación": (1) menores choques no petroleros; y (2) mejor política monetaria. Los resultados apuntan a que el petróleo ha jugado un papel no-trivial en la moderación. En particular, el menor peso del petroleo en el PIB a partir de 1984 ha contribuido a una tercera parte de la moderación de la inflación y un 13% de la moderación del output. Al mismo tiempo, un 7% de la moderación del PIB y 11% de la moderación de la inflación se pueden atribuir a menores choques petroleros.

A construção da denúncia: o caso dos fiscais do ISS em São Paulo e as práticas processuais de repressão à corrupção

Prado, Arthur Sodré 05 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Arthur Sodré Prado (arthurprado@gmail.com) on 2017-04-28T01:23:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação.pdf: 1534989 bytes, checksum: 1b6a97b7575ab02982a348774ca888e9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vera Lúcia Mourão (vera.mourao@fgv.br) on 2017-04-28T18:18:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação.pdf: 1534989 bytes, checksum: 1b6a97b7575ab02982a348774ca888e9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-02T12:17:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação.pdf: 1534989 bytes, checksum: 1b6a97b7575ab02982a348774ca888e9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-05 / This work examines the Prosecutorial discretion in corruption cases through a case study. Using a qualitative approach, I have observed a group of criminal procedures since their common beginning until the Judge’s appraisal of several indictments of São Paulo’s city hall public agents, their family members and colleagues accused for public extortion, conspiracy and money laundering (called by me as 'The ISS agents case'). The idea was to understand how the Public Prosecutors, in the Brazilian practice, chooses the investigation targets and selects individuals to be considered liable for corruption events. I observed the results under three main theoretical models frequently used to explain the Prosecutorial discretion: The mandatory model, the opportunity model and a model in their middle, the legally bounded opportunity model. I also have adopted a cross-cut view to see how the differences between public extortion and bribery are considered in both criminal and criminal procedure angles. The conclusion was that the ISS agents case shows a trend to enlarge the prosecutorial discretion with no clear indicia of how to control their choices. The prosecutors work in an institutional multiplicity environment; they choose corruption crimes to investigate 'following the money'. The need of evidences of the quid pro quos and about new facts, however, stimulates the Prosecutors to settle with suspects. In the ISS agents case, the use of an unclear distinction between bribery and public extortion reveals a way to bypass the Brazilian criminal plea agreement statutes by the exchange of immunity to the companies for evidences of bribe payments and data about new facts. This trend is not necessarily sign of an evolution. Brazil is dealing with a dilemma: Massive corruption scandals are being revealed, but the civil rights can be affected and seriously harmed by the guidance of the criminal procedure just for the increase of the social control without considering the respect for the due process clauses and the right for a fair trial. / Por meio de um estudo de caso, este trabalho investiga como, na prática, o Ministério Público seleciona quem serão os investigados e denunciados por crimes contra a Administração Pública. A amostra selecionada para um estudo qualitativo foi o que chamei de 'caso dos fiscais do ISS'. Adotei como estratégia de pesquisa o exame documental e a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas. As unidades de análise foram um procedimento interno de investigação, denúncias e decisões que as apreciaram, relativas a acusações de pertinência a organização criminosa, concussão e lavagem de dinheiro, imputadas a um grupo de funcionários públicos do Município de São Paulo, seus colegas e familiares. Os resultados foram observados sob o ponto de vista das diferentes concepções sobre o funcionamento do sistema de justiça criminal, no que toca à liberdade do Ministério Público para decidir quem será denunciado em determinado caso. Foram considerados os modelos teóricos da obrigatoriedade da ação penal, da oportunidade pura e da oportunidade regrada (ou obrigatoriedade mitigada). Também adotei uma abordagem transversal entre o direito penal material e adjetivo, para investigar como exigências processuais, relacionadas à estratégia de coleta de provas, podem influenciar os critérios diferenciadores de crimes contra a Administração Pública. Foi possível observar uma tendência de aumento nas margens de discrição dos Promotores em casos de corrupção, sem que se possa notar claros indícios de um controle das seleções ministeriais. O Ministério Público atua em um ambiente de multiplicidade institucional; a instituição prioriza os casos de corrupção investigar seguindo o caminho do dinheiro, no âmbito de procedimentos internos. A necessidade de obter provas de que a incompatibilidade patrimonial de funcionários públicos decorria do recebimento de propinas, entretanto, estimulou os Promotores a celebrar acordos com envolvidos. O caso dos fiscais do ISS indica que a falta de clareza na distinção entre corrupção e concussão pode ser um meio para celebrar acordos informais em que a imunidade criminal é concedida mediante a confissão dos fatos, a entrega de provas e a regularização tributária. Essa tendência não necessariamente indica uma evolução, mas expõe um dilema atual: Diversos escândalos envolvendo corrupção estão sendo revelados, mas os direitos fundamentais podem ser letras mortas se o Processo Penal estiver unicamente orientado para o aumento o controle social, sem considerar as garantias e formalidades inerentes ao exercício do direito de defesa.

The law giveth and the law taketh away : Marriages out of community of property excluding accrual post 1984/88

Welsh, Shirley Anne Vera 11 1900 (has links)
Because women are predominantly responsible for childcare, men are the primary income earners. Having acquired the marital assets, on divorce the husband would retain them in a marriage out of community of property. The wife would be left deskilled, financially dependent, with little likelihood of receiving spousal maintenance and with no marital assets. In 1984 the Matrimonial Property Act and in 1988 the Matrimonial Property Law Amendment Act introduced a judicial discretion to equitably redistribute marital assets in certain marriages out of community. This dissertation argues that the bases for the limitation of the judicial discretion to women married before a certain date are unsound and that the limitation arguably violates the equality clause of the Constitution. / Law / LL.M.

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