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Nesąžiningų kainų nustatymas kaip piktnaudžiavimo dominuojančia padėtimi forma / Unfair Pricing as the Form of an Abuse of the Dominant PositionBacevičiūtė, Asta 05 May 2006 (has links)
This work includes analysis of application of rules of the Competition law in European Community and in the Republic of Lithuania, those concerned to the abuse of the dominant position connected to unfair pricing. There is laid the detailed explanation of concept of the unfair pricing, distinguishing the four groups of such pricing – excessive pricing, „predatory” pricing, discriminatory pricing and unfair discounts and rebates.
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Le traitement du harcèlement discriminatoire et du harcèlement psychologique en milieu de travail : continuité ou rupture?Tanguay, Valérie 12 1900 (has links)
La Charte des droits et libertés de la personne (CDLP) interdit de harceler sur la base d’un motif prohibé. Depuis juin 2004, la Loi sur les normes du travail (LNT) interdit le harcèlement psychologique au travail. Par cette disposition, le législateur a voulu augmenter l’accessibilité aux recours pour les salariés. Désormais, la personne salariée victime de harcèlement discriminatoire en milieu de travail a accès aux deux recours. Les victimes se prévalent maintenant presqu’exclusivement du recours fondé sur la LNT. En effet, le Tribunal des droits de la personne (TDP) n’a rendu qu’une seule décision en la matière après 2004. Ce nouveau recours a aussi modifié le traitement juridique du harcèlement discriminatoire en milieu de travail.
Notre objet d’étude aborde la question de l’incidence d’une loi du travail sur la protection des salariés ainsi que le concept de constitutionnalisation du droit du travail. Nous nous intéressons à la continuité dans le temps de la notion de harcèlement discriminatoire en milieu de travail non syndiqué (de 1990 à 2010).
Notre étude repose sur des méthodes qualitatives variées: comparaison des recours existants; revue de la doctrine et étude comparative de soixante-dix (70) décisions jurisprudentielle du TDP et de la Commission des relations du travail (CRT). Nos résultats ont déterminé qu’il y a rupture dans la façon de traiter les plaintes de harcèlement discriminatoire au travail depuis l’entrée des dispositions de la LNT. Outre la juridiction saisie, des ruptures sont constatées au plan des éléments constitutifs du harcèlement et des sources de droit utilisées. Cette recherche permet de fournir une évaluation essentielle à la compréhension de l’efficience des recours récents mis à la disposition des personnes salariées victimes de harcèlement discriminatoire. / The Québec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms prohibits harassment on the basis of a discriminatory ground. Since June 2004, the Act respecting Labour Standards (ARLS) prohibits harassment in the workplace. By this provision, the legislature intended to increase the availability of recourse for employees. Now, the employee who is victim of discriminatory harassment in the workplace has access to both remedies. Currently, the victims rely almost exclusively on the action based on the ARLS. Indeed, the Human Rights Tribunal (HRT) has only pronounced one decision on the matter after 2004. This new remedy has also modified the legal treatment of discriminatory harassment in the workplace.
Our study focuses on the impact of a Labour Act on the protection of employees as well as on the concept of constitutionalized Labour Law. We examine the continuance of discriminatory harassment in the non-unionized workplace from 1990 to 2010.
Our study is based on various qualitative methods: comparison of existing remedies; review of the doctrine and comparative study of seventy (70) law cases of the HRT and the Commission des relations du travail (CRT). Our results show that failures exist in the treatment of complaints of discriminatory harassment in non-unionized workplace since the provisions enforcement of the ARLS. Except from the court seized, discontinuities are identified in the constitutive elements of the harassment and the sources of law. This research provides an essential assessment to understand the efficiency of the recent recourses available for employees who are victim of discriminatory harassment in the workplace.
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Les raisons impérieuses d’intérêt général en droit de l’Union européenne / The mandatory requirements in European Union lawSjöden, Eric 05 December 2016 (has links)
Les raisons impérieuses d’intérêt général en droit de l’Union européenne sont des intérêts permettant la justification de restrictions aux différentes libertés de circulation. Ces raisons impérieuses sont donc un mode de justification. Un mode de justification essentiellement prétorien car c’est la Cour de justice qui l’a théorisé. Elle a instauré ces raisons dans l’arrêt Cassis de Dijon, étendu leur application à toutes les libertés de circulation et encadré cette application. Ainsi, ces raisons impérieuses sont soumises à la volonté de la Cour et à ses incertitudes. Par conséquent, si la jurisprudence est incertaine concernant les intérêts qualifiés de raisons impérieuses d’intérêt général voire contradictoire à propos des conditions liées aux raisons impérieuses, les raisons impérieuses d’intérêt général sont un mode de justification par essence prétorien. D’ailleurs, si certains textes de droit de l’Union européenne reprennent la théorie élaborée par la Cour de justice, ils restent vraiment fidèles à la jurisprudence. Ces textes, aussi bien de droit primaire que de droit dérivé, reprennent des éléments essentiels de la théorie des raisons impérieuses d’intérêt général et notamment les conditions élaborées par la Cour. Ces textes copient aussi les imperfections prétoriennes concernant la théorie des raisons impérieuses. On va même jusqu’à avoir une frontière entre les raisons impérieuses et les autres modes de justification tout aussi floue dans les textes que dans la jurisprudence de la Cour. Ainsi, malgré la reprise de la théorie des raisons impérieuses dans des textes, ce mode de justification reste par essence jurisprudentiel. / The mandatory requirements in the European Union law are reasons who can justify restrictions to the differents freedom of movements. So, those mandatory requirements are a justification method. An essentially jurisprudential justification method because it is the Court of justice who theorized it. It established thoses reasons in the Cassis de Dijon case, extended their application to every free movements and regulated their application. So, those mandatory requirements are also subject to the will of the Court and to its uncertainties. Therefore, if the jurisprudence is uncertain about interests named as mandatory requirements and even conflicting about its conditions, the mandatory requirements are an essentially jurisprudential justification method. Although, if some European Union law texts resume the jurisprudential made theory, they are truly loyal to the jurisprudence. Those texts, both primary and secondary law, pick up essential elements of the theory, in particular the conditions created by the Court. But those texts also copy the Courts imperfections about the theory. They even have a border between mandatory requirements and other justification methods equally blurred in the texts and in the jurisprudence. Thus, despite the retake of the theory of mandatory requirements in texts, this justification method stays essentially jurisprudential.
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Zur genderneutralen Sprache in der deutschen StraßenverkehrsordnungHersel, Elisabeth 07 August 2014 (has links)
Am 01.04.2013 ist in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eine neue Straßenverkehrsordnung (StVO) in Kraft getreten, die Frauen gleichermaßen ansprechen soll wie Männer. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die Frage, inwieweit die sprachliche Gleichbehandlung der Geschlechter in der StVO tatsächlich umgesetzt werden konnte. Auf Grundlage einer Online-Befragung wird zudem die öffentliche Einstellung zu den in der StVO primär verwendeten Formen genderneutraler Sprache untersucht.
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The leadership role of the school principals in managing HIV/AIDS in secondary schools in the Stutterheim area, Eastern Cape ProvinceHewu-Banjwa, Helena Nozengezi 03 1900 (has links)
Education is a human basic right. The process of education and learning is the key to social, cultural and political participation, personal and community economic empowerment and national development.
Human immunodeficiency virus and Acquired Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) represent the largest single threat to this education process. In 2004, the estimated number of people living with HIV in the Eastern Cape Province was 828 993. HIV prevalence in the Eastern Cape showed an increase from 28% in 2004 to 29, 1% in 2005, which is comparative to the overall prevalence in South Africa.
Based on the research findings, school principals need training to get knowledge, managerial and counseling skills and management strategies to write, implement and monitor a school HIV and AIDS policy and how to integrate HIV and AIDS education in curriculum in all grades. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Action antidumping et droit de la concurrence dans l’Union européenne / Anti-Dumping action and competition law in the european unionReymond, Damien 08 July 2014 (has links)
Le droit de l’Union européenne appréhende les comportements d’entreprises en matière de prix par des règles antitrust et par une législation contre le dumping. Ces deux réglementations diffèrent à de nombreux égards. Elles poursuivent des objectifs différents : défense des intérêts de certains concurrents européens versus promotion de la libre concurrence au bénéfice des consommateurs. Cependant, toutes deux contribuent à protéger la loyauté de la concurrence (i.e. promotion d’une certaine homogéniété des conditions de concurrence). Elles appréhendent des pratiques tarifaires différentes : les marchés concernés sont définis différemment (produit concerné exporté depuis un pays tiers et produit similaire fabriqué par l’industrie de l’Union versus marché de produit et marché géographique en cause) et les caractéristiques des entreprises concernées sont également différentes (aucune forme d’accord entre entreprises ou de pouvoir de marché minimum requis par la législation antidumping) ; le dumping discriminatoire n’équivaut à aucun prix discriminatoire anticoncurrentiel, et le dumping à perte n’est pas l’équivalent du prix prédateur ni de tout autre prix bas anticoncurrentiel. Nonobstant leurs différences, les deux réglementations doivent coexister paisiblement. Pourtant, les opportunités de biais protectionnistes dans la détermination du dumping préjudiciable sont toujours nombreuses dans la législation antidumping et la pratique de la Commission. En outre, la mise en oeuvre de la législation antidumping peut être néfaste pour la concurrence dans le marché intérieur via l’incidence des procédures et des mesures antidumping et les effets anticoncurrentiels de certains comportements d’entreprises dans le cadre des procédures antidumping ou environnant ces dernières. De telles incidences nocives pour la concurrence sont déjà réduites par des dispositions telles que la règle du droit moindre et la clause d’intérêt public (intérêt de l’Union), mais pourraient et devraient l’être davantage. / European Union law addresses pricing practices of undertakings through antitrust provisions and an anti-dumping legislation. These two sets of regulations differ in many respects. They pursue different aims: protection of the interest of some European competitors versus promotion of free competition for the benefit o f consumers. However, they both hept to ensure fair competition (i.e. promotion of alevel playing field). They address different pricing practices: the markets concerned are differently defined (concerned product exported from one third country andsimilar product produced by the Union industry versus relevant product and geographic markets) and the characteristics of the undertakings concerned are also different (no sort of agreement between undertakings and no minimum market power required in anti-dumping law); price discrimination dumping in not equivalent to any anti-competitive price discrimination and below cost dumping is not equivalent to predatory pricing or to any other low anti-competitive price. Not with standing their differences, both sets of regulations have to coexist peacefully. Yet, opportunities of protectionist biases in the determination of injurious dumping are still numerous in the anti-dumping legislation and Commission’s practice. Moreover, the enforcementof the anti-dumping legislation may negatively affect competition in the internal market through the impact of the anti-dumping proceedings and measures and the anti-competitive effects of some undertakings’ behaviors within the ambit of, or surrounding the anti-dumping proceedings. Such harmful effects on competition of the anti-dumping action are already reduced by provisions such as the lesser duty rule and the public interest clause (Union interest), but could and should be further reduced.
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多標記接受者操作特徵曲線下部分面積最佳線性組合之研究 / The study on the optimal linear combination of markers based on the partial area under the ROC curve許嫚荏, Hsu, Man Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目標是建構一個由多標記複合成的最佳疾病診斷工具,所考慮的評估準則為操作者特徵曲線在特定特異度範圍之線下面積(pAUC)。在常態分布假設下,我們推導多標記線性組合之pAUC以及最佳線性組合之必要條件。由於函數本身過於複雜使得計算困難。除此之外,我們也發現其最佳解可能不唯一,以及局部極值存在,這些情況使得現有演算法的運用受限,我們因此提出多重初始值演算法。當母體參數未知時,我們利用最大概似估計量以獲得樣本pAUC以及令其極大化之最佳線性組合,並證明樣本最佳線性組合將一致性地收斂到母體最佳線性組合。在進一步的研究中,我們針對單標記的邊際判別能力、多標記的複合判別能力以及個別標記的條件判別能力,分別提出相關統計檢定方法。這些統計檢定被運用至兩個標記選取的方法,分別是前進選擇法與後退淘汰法。我們運用這些方法以選取與疾病檢測有顯著相關的標記。本論文透過模擬研究來驗證所提出的演算法、統計檢定方法以及標記選取的方法。另外,也將這些方法運用在數組實際資料上。 / The aim of this work is to construct a composite diagnostic
tool based on multiple biomarkers under the criterion of
the partial area under a ROC curve (pAUC) for a predetermined specificity range. Recently several studies are interested in the optimal linear combination maximizing the whole area under a ROC curve (AUC). In this study, we focus on finding the optimal linear combination by a direct maximization of the pAUC under normal assumption. In order
to find an analytic solution, the first derivative of the
pAUC is derived. The form is so complicated, that a further validation on the Hessian matrix is difficult. In addition,
we find that the pAUC maximizer may not be unique and sometimes, local maximizers exist. As a result, the existing algorithms, which depend on the initial-point, are inadequate to serve our needs. We propose a new algorithm by
adopting several initial points at one time. In addition,
when the population parameters are unknown and only a
random sample data set is available, the maximizer of the sample version of the pAUC is shown to be a strong consistent estimator of its theoretical counterpart. We further focus on determining whether a biomarker set, or one specific biomarker has a significant contribution to the disease diagnosis. We propose three statistical tests for the identification of the discriminatory power. The proposed tests are applied to biomarker selection for reducing the variable number in advanced analysis. Numerical studies are performed to validate the proposed algorithm and the proposed statistical procedures.
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技術標準必要專利與禁制令救濟之研究 / A Study of Injunctive Relief and Standard Essential Patent Infringement王柏翔, Wang, Bo-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
標準制訂組織(Standard Setting Organization, SSO)訂定F/RAND授權原則承諾(Fair, Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory)於其智慧財產權政策,要求標準專利權人應以公平、合理且無歧視的授權條件,向所有標準實施者提供授權。F/RAND授權原則承諾之發展,目前趨向於強調專利權人的契約義務,以第三方受益人的立場來平衡授權當事人的談判地位;如何「符合F/RAND授權原則之授權」,目前各國尚未有明文法律解釋,對於F/RAND授權原則承諾之清楚定義與規範,目前僅有法院及競爭法主管機關之見解。
在標準必要專利訴訟中,台灣廠商處於被告之身分的狀況居多。面對禁制令的威脅,如何更清楚地了解目前各管轄法院的看法以決定訴訟或談判策略更是重要。本文整理美國、歐洲及亞洲國家之管轄法院案例,加上對競爭法架構下的標準專利授權規範的分析,最後整理如何讓F/RAND授權原則承諾成為對抗禁制令有效抗辯。希望本文能為涉及標準專利訴訟之台灣廠商提供有價值的參考意見。 / Technology standardization and intellectual property protection has been an overlapping and controversial issue between Intellectual Property laws and Competition Law, particularly when it comes to infringement on F/RAND encumbered Standard Essential Patent, SEP. From both standard essential patent owner and potential licensee’ perspectives, the most questionable issue is whether injunctive relief should be available to the holder of F/RAND encumbered SEP who committed to license on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (F/RAND) terms, in order to prevent a third-party implementer from practicing a standard reading on that SEP, when such implementer is willing to take a license but the parties disagree on the terms of the license.
Furthermore, the definition of F/RAND has never been clearly defined by statutes or interpreted by any judiciary; interested parties could only refer to decisions or guidelines made by the judiciaries or competition authorities in different countries. It is rather common for Taiwanese companies to face F/RAND encumbered SEP law suits as the defendants. Given the even severer threat of injunctive relief, it becomes more important to understand the position each judiciary takes on this issue to have appropriate strategies on law suits and negotiation.
This thesis is accordingly written on the following perspectives: firstly, starting with discussion about F/RAND-encumbered SEP law suits in the United States, Europe and Asia; secondly, bringing in SEP encumbered disputes or investigations into framework of Competition Law from competition authorities among different countries and lastly trying to present possibilities that F/RAND commitment as a cause of action under Contract Law can be applied as defense to overcome injunctive relief sought by F/RAND-encumbered SEP licensors. Meanwhile, this thesis is expected to provide Taiwanese companies valuable strategies to law suits or disputes involving F/RAND-encumbered SEPs.
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The leadership role of the school principals in managing HIV/AIDS in secondary schools in the Stutterheim area, Eastern Cape ProvinceHewu-Banjwa, Helena Nozengezi 03 1900 (has links)
Education is a human basic right. The process of education and learning is the key to social, cultural and political participation, personal and community economic empowerment and national development.
Human immunodeficiency virus and Acquired Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) represent the largest single threat to this education process. In 2004, the estimated number of people living with HIV in the Eastern Cape Province was 828 993. HIV prevalence in the Eastern Cape showed an increase from 28% in 2004 to 29, 1% in 2005, which is comparative to the overall prevalence in South Africa.
Based on the research findings, school principals need training to get knowledge, managerial and counseling skills and management strategies to write, implement and monitor a school HIV and AIDS policy and how to integrate HIV and AIDS education in curriculum in all grades. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Bullying: Out Of The School Halls And Into The WorkplaceCooney, Lucretia 01 January 2010 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study is to identify those people at most risk of being bullied at work. While much research is being conducted on school bullying, little has been conducted on workplace bullying. Using data gathered from a 2004 study conducted by the National Opinion Research Center for the General Social Survey, which included a Quality of Work Life (QWL) module for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), linear regressions indicated significant findings. As predicted, workers in lower level occupations, as ranked by prestige scoring developed at National Opinion Research, are more likely to be victimized. Data also suggest that being young, Black, and relatively uneducated may contribute to being bullied in certain situations. Future research is needed to examine influences of socio-economic, legal, and other demographic factors that may predict the chance of being bullied.
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