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Caracterização molecular e fenotípica da disseminação de diferentes sorotipos de Escherichia coli enteroinvasora em células epiteliais intestinais da linhagem Caco-2 / Phenotypic and molecular characterization of dissemination from different serotypes of Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli in intestinal epitelial cells lineage Caco-2Hadassa Cristhina de Azevedo Soares dos Santos 13 March 2012 (has links)
Escherichia coli enteroinvasora (EIEC) e Shigella spp. causam disenteria bacilar, caracterizada pela destruição das células epiteliais da mucosa do cólon do hospedeiro. Ambos os microrganismos apresentam características bioquímicas, genéticas e patogênicas semelhantes, porém a doença causada por EIEC se apresenta numa forma mais branda e auto limitante. Dois genes plasmidiais, icsA e icsB estão envolvidos na disseminação intra e intercelular da bactéria, fator importante na produção e resolução da doença. Trabalhos anteriores mostraram que S. flexneri M90T possui uma capacidade maior de disseminação do que o sorotipo de EIEC O124:H-. Devido a esses resultados surgiu a seguinte pergunta: Será que essas diferenças moleculares e fenotípicas estariam restritas ao sorotipo O124:H- ou é comum ao patotipo EIEC? Assim, neste trabalho avaliamos as características fenotípicas e moleculares de onze diferentes sorotipos de EIEC e as comparamos com as amostras de S. flexneri. Pelo ensaio de placas de lise em células Caco-2 mostramos que a capacidade de disseminação de todos os sorotipos de EIEC é menor quando comparada à Shigella M90T. Ao avaliar as sequências gênicas vimos polimorfismos dos genes icsA e icsB dentro do grupo EIEC, assim como em relação aos sorotipos S. flexneri 2a e S. flexneri 5a. A menor disseminação, apresentado pelo patotipo de E. coli, pode estar associada com o processo de ligação e/ou recrutamento de N-WASP, como também na interação com outras proteínas do hospedeiro. / Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) and Shigella spp cause bacillary dysentery in humans by invading and multiplying within epithelial cells of the colonic mucosa. Although EIEC and Shigella spp share many genetic and biochemical similarities, the illness caused by EIEC is less severe. The effector proteins IcsA and IcsB are important in the physiopathology of the disease triggered by EIEC and Shigella spp. IcsA is required for intracellular actin-based motility, and the role of IcsB is to camouflage IcsA from the autophagic host defense system. Previous studies showed that EIEC O124:H- showed a significantly less efficient cell-to-cell Caco-2 dissemination when compared with S. flexneri. Due to these results the following question arose: Are molecular and phenotypic differences restricted to serotype O124:H- or is it common to EIEC pathotype? Thus, this study evaluated the phenotypic and molecular characteristics of eleven different serotypes of EIEC and compares them to samples of S. flexneri. All EIEC serotypes presented lower cell-to-cell Caco-2 dissemination compared to Shigella M90T, and the differences between this two species expanded to the icsA and icsB gene sequences, in which it was possible to observe a polymorphism of the genes. The smallest spread presented by EIEC E. coli pathotype could be associated with the connection process and/or recruitment of N-WASP, as well as to other important host proteins.
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Processo autofágico no reconhecimento de Escherichia coli enteroinvasora: um possível mecanismo da degradação bacteriana por células epiteliais / Autophagy in recognition of Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli: a possible bacterial degradation mechanism by epithelial cells.Hadassa Cristhina de Azevedo Soares dos Santos 13 May 2016 (has links)
O reconhecimento de bactérias invasoras pelas células hospedeiras através do processo autofágico é um fator chave na determinação da infecção bacteriana. Escherichia coli enteroinvasora (EIEC) possui uma proteína, denominada IcsB, que em estudos em Shigella, é responsável pela inativação deste processo de degradação bacteriana. Uma vez que EIEC expressa menos IcsB do que S. flexneri, nos propusemos a investigar o processo autofágico na infecção por EIEC, utilizando as técnicas de mutação gênica por inserção, western-blot, microscopia de fluorescência e eletrônica de transmissão e microarray. Verificamos que a proteína IcsB é um fator de virulência importante na camuflagem de EIEC, pois quando pouco ou nada expresso, há um maior reconhecimento da bactéria pelas células hospedeiras, favorecendo sua menor disseminação. Isto corrobora não somente com a transcrição gênica, mas com a importância da sequência de nucleotídeos deste gene, uma vez que a cepa de E. coli SM124/13 complementada com o icsB de Shigella se mostrou mais eficiente na disseminação dentro da célula hospedeira. De forma interessante, IcsB apresentou um papel inédito na regulação da resposta inflamatória das células HeLa, onde a ausência de IcsB em EIEC promoveu uma intensa perturbação na homeostase da célula hospedeira, com aumento da secreção de IL-6, IL-8 e morte celular. Adicionalmente, ficou evidente que a célula eucariótica responde de maneira distinta frente a infecção por EIEC e Shigella flexneri. EIEC provavelmente ativou o processo autofágico em células humanas de forma não canônica. Nossa hipótese seria de que EIEC é reconhecida pelo processo autofágico, podendo ser este um importante fenômeno de reconhecimento bacteriano que colabore para a menor disseminação intracelular de EIEC, e assim tornar sua doença mais branda, quando comparada com a infecção por Shigella. / The invasive bacteria recognition by host cells through autophagy is a key factor for determining bacterial infection. Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) express a protein IcsB, which in Shigella, is known for inactivating the bacterial degradation process. Once EIEC showed less expression of icsB when compared to S. flexneri, we proposed to investigate the autophagy caused by EIEC infection, using techniques such as gene mutation by insertion, western blot, fluorescence microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and microarray. Our results showed that IcsB protein is an important virulence factor in EIEC because it causes a camouflage of the bacteria in the eukaryotic cell. When there is a low expression of the protein, the cell recognition of the invasive bacteria is high, decreasing the bacteria dissemination. This found confirms the importance of the gene transcription and the gene sequence, since the strain E. coli SM124/13, complemented with icsB from Shigella, showed higher dissemination efficiency inside of the host cell. Interestingly, IcsB showed a new role on regulating the inflammatory response in Hela cells. The absence of IcsB in EIEC generated an intense disturbance of the cell homeostasis, increased the secretion of IL-6 and IL-8, and caused cell death. Additionally, our results revealed that eukaryotic cell infected by EIEC or Shigella flexneri showed distinguish responses. In EIEC infection, the autophagy was activated in human cells, but not in a conventional mode. Our hypothesis is that EIEC is recognized by autophagy, being an important cell process for bacterial recognition. This process can cause a decrease in the intracellular spread of EIEC making the infection less severe when compared to the infection caused by Shigella.
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Listeria monocytogenes em camarão (Penaeus brasiliensis): marcadores sorológicos e genéticos no monitoramento de sua disseminação em uma unidade processadora de pescado / Listeria monocytogenes in shrimp (Penaeus brasiliensis): serologic and genetic markers to trace the dissemination in a sea food processing plantMaria Teresa Destro 25 July 1995 (has links)
A ocorrência de Listeria monocytogenes em alimentos vem sendo estudada desde o início dos anos 80, após seu envolvimento em vários surtos de doença de origem alimentar. Os frutos do mar são o grupo de alimentos que despertou menor atenção por parte dos pesquisadores, apesar de terem sido envolvidos em casos esporádicos de listeriose e mesmo em surtos da doença. A amostragem ambiental e de produto, ao longo de uma linha de processamento é uma forma de localizar áreas relacionadas à contaminação do alimento permitindo que sejam feitas correções para evitar a produção de bens que exponham o consumidor a doenças. Com a finalidade de avaliar a contribuição da matéria prima e fatores ambientais na ocorrência e distribuição de L. monocytogenes em uma indústria processadora de pescados, e mais especificamente, numa linha processadora de camarão rosa (penoeus brasiliensis), é que desenvolveu-se a presente pesquisa. Também buscou-se determinar as diversidades antigênica e genética das cepas de L. monocytogenes isoladas, e correlacionar esta diversidade à sua distribuição na indústria. Assim, um total de 363 amostras coletadas em diferentes pontos de uma linha de processamento de camarão rosa foram examinadas para a presença de L. monocytogenes, empregando-se a metodologia recomendada pelo Health Protection Branch, do Canadá. A seguir, 115 cepas de L. monocytogenes representativas das amostras positivas para o microrganismo foram sorotipadas e o polimorfismo do seu DNA cromossomico avaliado com o auxílio dos métodos RAPD (\"randon amplified polimorphic DNA\") e PFGE (\"pulsed-field MTDestro - Doutorado - Listeria monocytogeneses em camarao... 140 gel electrophoresis\"). Um grupo de 25 cepas foi também submetido a sorotipagem completa, fagotipagem e ribotipagem pelo sistema RiboPrint da DuPont. Do total de amostras examinadas, 64 (17,6%) apresentaram-se contaminadas por L. monocyfogenes. As amostras ambientais apresentaram 25,0% de positividade (14 positivas/56 examinadas). As amostras de utensílios 24,2% (8/33) e as de água 23,8% (5/21). As amostras de camarão apresentaram 18,0% de contaminação (32/178) e as de manipuladores 7,6% (5/66). Nenhuma das amostras de gelo foi positiva para L. monocyfogenes. Durante o processamento observou-se um aumento na percentagem de amostras positivas para L. monocytogenes, chegando esta percentagem a 35,0% em algumas etapas, mas reduzindo-se a 16,0% no produto final. O perfil composto gerado pela combinação dos resultados obtidos com a tipagem molecular das 115 cepas de L. monocyfogenes selecionadas, permitiu a sua divisão em 24 grupos, de acordo com seus perfis de DNA. A sorotipagem das 25 cepas selecionadas mostrou que 11 pertenciam ao sorovar 4b, 7 ao sorovar 1/2b, 2 ao sorovar 1/2c e 5 ao sorovar 1/2a. A fagotipagem permitiu que elas fossem divididas em 7 fagovares, sendo que a maior parte das cepas do sorovar 4b (81,8%) não foi fagotipável. A ribotipagem destas 25 cepas originou 6 RiboGroupsTM. Os resultados indicaram que cepas de L. monocytogenes de origem ambiental pertenciam a perfis compostos exclusivos para o ambiente, enquanto que cepas provenientes da água e de utensílios possuiam um perfil composto em comum. Amostras de camarão coletadas nas diversas etapas doprocessamento apresentaram L. monocytogenes com pelo menos um perfil composto em comum, perfil este também presente nas cepas isoladas das mãos dos manipuladores. / The importance of seafood in the spread of foodborne pathogens is well known, however, until the last few years, little attention has been paid to the role of seafood in disseminating L. monocytogenes. Two foodborne listeriosis outbreaks have been linked to the consumption of seafood. L. monocytogenes and other Listeria species have been isolated from different types of raw or processed seafood, but the main source of contamination is unknown. For this reason, it is important to monitor the potential sources of this pathogen in food processing plants, in order to minimize product contamination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of raw material and environment in the occurrence and distribution of L. monocytogenesin shrimp (Penaeus brasiliensis) processing plant. The antigenic and genetic diversities of L. monocytogenes strains were also determined. A total of 363 samples, collected in different areas of a shrimp processing plant in Santos, SP, were examined using the methodology recomended by the Health Protection Branch, Canada. One hundred and fifteen strains of L. monocytogenes representing the L. monocytogenes positive samples were first serotyped and then sub-typed by molecular typing (RAPD and PFGE). A group of 25 strains were also ribotyped and phage-typed. L. monocytogeneswas isolated from 64 (17.6%) of the total samples analysed. Environmental samples showed the highest positivity rate (25%) followed by utensils (24,2%) and water (23.8%) samples. Shrimp samples presented 18% of positivity for L. monocytogenes while food handlers samples presented 7.6%. None of the ice samples was positive for the microorganism. When the composite profile from \"both (RAPD-PFGE) methods was generated, the 115 strains could be separated in 24 groups, according to their DNA pattern. The results indicated that environmental strains of L. monocytogenes ali feel into composite profile groupings unique to the environment, while strains from both water and utensils shared another composite profile group. L. monocytogenes fresh shrimp iso/ates belonging to one profile group, were found in the different areas of the processing line. This same latter group was also present in food handlers from the processing and packaging areas of the plant.
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Desafios da avaliação em larga escala no estado do Amazonas: contribuições para a divulgação e apropriação dos resultados do SADEAMSilva, Jane Bete Martins Nunes da 15 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-07-03T20:20:32Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-15 / A presente dissertação é desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação (PPGP) do Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). O caso de gestão estudado discutiu sobre novas contribuições para a divulgação e apropriação dos resultados do SADEAM. Os objetivos definidos para este estudo foram analisar as estratégiasde divulgação dos resultados já existentes e propor seu aprimoramento. Assumido como hipótese, os mecanismos de divulgação de dados do SADEAM ainda podem ser mais eficazes, assim como é possível promover uma melhor apropriação deles entre os profissionais da educação. Para tanto, foram utilizados como métodos de pesquisa: análise documental, pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevista com roteiro semiestruturado e questionários. Esta investigação aborda, no primeiro momento, o contexto de surgimento das avaliações em larga escala no Brasil, cujo marco inaugural foi a implantação do SAEB. Na sequência, descreve-se a implementação e o funcionamento do SADEAM. Expõe-se elementos como as matrizes de referência, as disciplinas avaliadas, as formas de divulgação dos resultados e os resultados obtidos. O foco é, sobretudo, a análise do processo de divulgação dos resultados. Ao final, são propostas novas ações nas estratégias de divulgação dos resultados do SADEAM, as quais poderão contribuir para facilitar a sua compreensão e apropriação entre os profissionais da área educacional. / This thesis is developed in the Professional Master in Management and Education Assessment (PPGP) context from the Public Policy and Education Evaluation Center of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (CAEd / UFJF). The management case studied discussed new possibilities for effectiveness in disseminating actions of SADEAM results. The objectives defined for this study were to analyze existing strategies for disseminating the results and propose an improvement of these strategies. We assume as hypothesis that SADEAM data dissemination mechanisms can be even more effective and promote a better appropriation of them by the education professionals. Therefore, we use as research methods: document analysis, bibliographic research, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. This research approaches, at first, the context of the emergence of large-scale assessments in Brazil, which first milestone was the implementation of Saeb. Following, it describes the implementation and operation of SADEAM. It exposes elements as the reference matrices, the evaluated subjects, the forms of dissemination of the results and the results obtained. The main focus is the analysis of the results dissemination process. At last, new actions are proposed in the dissemination strategies of SADEAM results which may help to facilitate the understanding and the appropriation of them by the professionals in the educational area.
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Mulher e extrativismo na comunicação da pesquisa agropecuária : o caso das catadoras de mangaba / Women and extractivism in agricultural research communication : the case of mangaba's picker womenCosta, Valéria Cristina, 1961- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Mónica Graciela Zoppi-Fontana / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T15:05:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A tarefa de conciliar produção de alimentos e uso sustentável de recursos naturais depende também da eliminação de restrições de gênero no campo, onde a mulher é mais de 40% da força de trabalho, em países em desenvolvimento, mas detém apenas 2% das terras agricultáveis, no Brasil. Assim, problematizamos acerca da invisibilidade da mulher rural na atuação da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, focalizando o caso da comunidade tradicional das Catadoras de Mangaba, afetada pela perda de remanescentes da fruteira nativa do Brasil. No entendimento de que invisibilidade implica em silenciamento, buscamos na Análise Materialista de Discurso, meios de refletir sobre as formas e sentidos do silêncio nas práticas discursivas e comunicacionais da Empresa refletidas em duas peças de divulgação científica e confrontadas com material colhido, em 2013, por meio de entrevistas e de observação participativa da interlocução pesquisa-agroextrativistas em dois povoados sergipanos. Tal abordagem metodológica foi adotada para, ao atender o quadro analítico da Teoria Ator-Rede, potencializar o alcance da Análise de Discurso e observar que tecnologias, extrativistas, instituições, pesquisadores/as se entrelaçam em práticas discursivas que constituem redes ¿ entendidas como posições-sujeito ¿ que ou reproduzem os sentidos dominantes ou expressam práticas de resistência, respectivamente, silenciando ou revelando o protagonismo das catadoras, na conservação da fruteira e na sobrevivência física e cultural da família e da comunidade, na medida em que tais sentidos são negociados pelos sujeitos em interação. Ao colocar a comunicação da Embrapa entre os atores investigados na interlocução com a mulher rural, observou-se a pertinência da efetiva atuação multidisciplinar da equipe (agronomia, sociologia, comunicação), desde 2003 no caso, junto à comunidade tradicional com impacto na identificação da diversidade de segmentos afetados pela perda de remanescentes da mangabeira, na simetria do diálogo entre os saberes científico e popular, e na ampliação do leque de soluções de pesquisa / Abstract: Reconciling food production and sustainable use of natural resources also depends on the removal of gender restrictions in the countryside, where women represent over 40% of the workforce in the developing countries, and here in Brazil have only 2% of agricultural land. Thus, we question about country women¿s invisibility in Embrapa¿s procedures, focusing on the case study of the traditional mangaba¿s picker women community, which is affected by the loss of these native remaining trees. Considering that invisibility implies a "silence", we search, by the Materialist Discourse Analysis, for means to reflect upon senses and meanings of this "silence" in the Embrapa¿s discursive and communicative practices, which appear in two scientific articles, and confronting them with some material collected in 2013 from interviews and participative observations from the interaction between researchers and mangaba¿s picker women that live in two villages in Sergipe. Such a methodological approach has been adopted to boost the reach of the "Discourse Analysis", considering the analytical description of the "Actor-Network Theory", and to show that technologies, picker women, institutions, and researches interact, using discourse practices which constitute a network ¿ this latter meaning subject positions ¿ which either reproduces hegemonic meanings or express resistance practices, respectively, silencing or disclosing the picker women¿s major role in the preservation of native trees, and in the physical and cultural survival of family and community, to the extent that such meanings are negotiated by subjects in interaction. By putting Embrapa among the actors investigated in the interaction with rural women, we could observe the relevance of the effective multidisciplinary group activity (Agronomy, Sociology, Communication), which is working with the traditional community since 2003, noticing the impact on the identification of the segments diversity affected by the loss of native remaining trees, the symmetry of the dialogue between scientific and popular knowledges, and the growth of the range of scientific solutions as well / Mestrado / Divulgação Científica e Cultural / Mestra em Divulgação Científica e Cultural
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Os blogs de divulgação científica = informação, notícia, divulgação / The scientific dissemination blogs : information, news, disseminationOliveira, Simone de Mello de, 1976- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Roberto Junqueira Guimarães / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem. / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T02:41:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Esta tese se propõe a pensar a questão da ciência, sua circulação e mais especificamente sua divulgação para o grande público - não especialista, considerando as novas tecnologias da comunicação e da informação. Para tanto, analisamos os blogs de divulgação científica do Anel de Blogs Científicos da USP, sob três aspectos: a autoria nos blogs de divulgação científica, o espaço de enunciação dos blogs científicos e as designações de divulgação, notícia e informação/ monitoramento, palavras centrais nos blogs analisados. Para essas análises fazemos uso de dois corpora diferentes, são eles, recorte um, a presença nos blogs da 61º Reunião Anual da SBPC e recorte dois, anúncio de início e término da pandemia de Gripe Suína ou Influenza A H1N1. Para tanto, tomamos como procedimentos de análise aqueles apresentados pela Semântica do Acontecimento, de Eduardo Guimarães e também os da Análise de discurso, de Eni Orlandi / Resumé: Cette thèse a pour but examiner la question de la Science, sa circulation, et plus particulièrement sa diffusion auprès du grand public - non expert, compte tenu des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication, nous analysons les blogs de vulgarisation scientifique de l'Anneau des Blogs Scientifiques de l'Université de São Paulo. Par conséquent, nous proposons une analyse de l'auctorialité des blogs de vulgarisation scientifique, de l'espace d'énonciation des blogs scientifiques et des désignations vulgarisation, nouvelles et information / surveillance, mots centraux dans les blogs analysés. Pour cette analyse, nous utilisons deux corpora différents.Ce sont: coupure un, la présence de blogs dans la 61 ème Réunion Annuelle de la SBPC et coupure deux, l'annonce du début et de la fin de la pandémie de la grippe porcine, ou grippe A H1N1. Nous nous appuions sur les procédures qui sont présentées dans la Sémantique de l'Evénement, d'Eduardo Guimarães et également celles de l'Analyse de Discours, d' Eni Orlandi / Abstract: This thesis proposes to consider the question of science, its circulation and more specifically its dissemination to the general public - not expert, considering the New Technologies of Communication and Information, we analyze the scientific dissemination blogs of the Ring of Science Blogs at USP. Therefore, we propose an analysis of authorship on scientific dissemination blogs, of the enunciation space of scientific dissemination blogs and the designation of dissemination, news and information/ monitoring, central words on the analyzed blogs. For this analysis we use two different corpora, they are: snip number one, the presence of blogs in 61th Annual Meeting of SBPC, and snip number two, the announcing of the beginning and the end of the swine flu pandemic, or influenza A H1N1. Aiming that, we review procedures as those presented by the Semantic of the Event, by Eduardo Guimarães and also the Discourse Analysis, by Eni Orlandi / Doutorado / Linguistica / Doutor em Linguística
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Arqueologia em notícia = pesquisas impressas, sentidos circulantes e memórias descobertas = Archeology in the news: printed researches, circulating meanings and discovered memories / Archeology in the news : printed researches, circulating meanings and discovered memoriesTéga-Calippo, Glória Maria V., 1980- 08 September 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Rodrigo Bastos Cunha / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T06:52:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Neste trabalho, analisou-se o modo como o conhecimento arqueológico foi divulgado em matérias publicadas na Folha de S. Paulo antes e depois da entrada em vigor da lei federal que determina a realização de pesquisas arqueológicas para o licenciamento de obras. Por meio da seleção de 935 textos que tratam de arqueologia e temas correlatos, publicados entre os anos de 2000 e 2010, foi possível uma comparação quantitativa entre eles e os levantamentos, realizados por Wichers (2010) e Zanettini (2009), de portarias emitidas pelo IPHAN para a realização de pesquisas arqueológicas. Em um segundo momento, com a análise qualitativa dos textos, tendo como referencial teórico a Análise do Discurso de Linha Francesa, identificou-se que a Folha divulga uma Arqueologia muito aquém daquela praticada no Brasil. Para a AD, todo discurso tem suas condições de produção, entre as quais destacam-se na análise dos textos a memória, o cenário, mecanismos de antecipação do que os leitores pensam sobre o tema e a força dos discursos citados. O efeito de sentido gerado nas matérias da Folha é comumente ligado ao caráter aventureiro de uma Arqueologia praticada em lugares remotos, associando a importância dos achados à sua antiguidade, enfatizando mais as peças encontradas do que a história que elas contam ou as pessoas que as estudam e reforçando, mesmo quando se propõe a desmistificar, o imaginário ligado à caça ao tesouro. Enfim, com base em diferentes noções teóricas da Análise do Discurso, a conclusão é que pesquisas sobre civilizações antigas e grandiosas na Amazônia, seja para a Folha, seja para o senso comum, indiscutivelmente é ciência. Já a Arqueologia preventiva, que cresceu exponencialmente no Brasil após a portaria do Iphan, não aparece nos textos da Folha com a mesma força de ciência que a pesquisa acadêmica. E o resgate de peças por aventureiros ou empresários no fundo do mar, por sua vez, é eventualmente tratado na Folha como sendo tão ciência quanto a pesquisa acadêmica / Abstract: In this study, it was analyzed how the archaeological knowledge was released in stories published in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, before and after the implementation of the federal law that determines the conducting of archaeological researches for building permits. Through the selection of 935 texts about Archeology and related topics, published between 2000 and 2010, it was possible to draw a quantitative comparison between them and the survey, done by Wichers (2010) and Zanettini (2009), of the ordinances emitted by IPHAN, for conducting archaeological researches. In a second stage, through the qualitative analysis of the texts, using the Discourse Analysis of the French tradition as a theoretical reference, it has been noted that Folha releases an Archeology below the one practiced in Brazil. For the Discourse Analysis, every speech has its conditions of production, among which stands out, in the analysis of the texts, the memory, the scenery, the anticipation mechanisms about what the readers think of the subject and the power of the cited discourses. The meaning effect raised in the stories is usually connected to the adventurous image of an Archeology conducted in remote places, associating the importance of the findings to their antiquity, emphasizing more the objects found than the story they tell or the people that study them and reinforcing, even when its purpose is to demystify, the fantasy connected to the treasure hunting. Based on different theoretical notions from the Discourse Analysis, the conclusion is that the researches about great ancient civilizations in Amazon, for the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo or for the common sense, it's undoubtedly science. The Preventive Archeology, which grew exponentially in Brazil after IPHAN's ordinance, doesn't appear in Folha's stories with the same scientific authority than the academic research. By the other hand, the recovery of objects in the sea bottom by adventurous people or by business people, it's eventually released by Folha de S. Paulo as been as much scientific as the academic research / Mestrado / Divulgação Científica e Cultural / Mestre em Divulgação Científica e Cultural
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Trade association strategies for providing technology intelligence to small and medium sized enterprises : a study of UK technology foresight processesPhillips, S. January 2010 (has links)
In the UK many industries are suffering as a result of business being lost to competition abroad. Raising the technical content of a company’s product or service may enable them to increase its competitiveness and hence retain or even increase business. A Trade Association exists to represent the interests of its members. One way that this can be realized is by provision of technical information to its members to support raising the technical content of their members’ products or services. The provision of technical information entails sourcing information, collecting it and then disseminating it in an appropriate format. Ways of undertaking this are identified. The factors that are likely to influence the provision of technical information are determined. This is so that a Trade Association can build upon its strengths, diminish weaknesses, exploit opportunities and avoid threats. A strategy for provision of engineering technical information to trade association members was given. Four mechanisms were implemented on a test-bed Trade Association; utilising information technology communication capabilities, newsletters, collaborations and conferences. Feedback and parameters were used to assess the strategy chosen for implementation on the test-bed. Taking this into consideration a revised strategy was established that can be adapted and applied by Trade Associations who wish to provide such a service in the future.
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Muinaisesineestä kauppahyödykkeeksi:arkeologia, kulttuuriperintö ja kolonialistiset tutkimuskäytänteetModarress-Sadeghi, M. (Mirette) 30 January 2018 (has links)
My research deals with the valuation of cultural heritage, knowledge production practises, illicit trade in antiquities and colonialism in archaeology. The research material covers source literature, online material and questionnaires on the subject. The material is examined and analysed from an ethical and historical perspective, mainly within a postcolonial theoretical framework. I highlight one-sided paradigms and operating practices in past research. I also examine the concepts of heritage discourse and the values of heritage.
In my research, I make evident how colonial practices have had an impact in archaeology, research publications and accessibility to knowledge. These impacts extend widely to the appraisal and exploitation of material cultural heritage. Colonial practices, such as the export of archaeological data and objects from research locations to overseas collections and centres of science, have had an adverse effect on the information available to locals about their ancient past. The trade of antiquities has contributed to an increase in the monetary valuation of archaeological heritage. Ancient objects disappear into private collections, which reduces the possibility to learn about heritage. An example of this is the illegal trade in bronze objects in the region of Lorestan in Iran, which has been going on for almost a century. These artefacts are still on sale in Western antique markets and widely on the Internet. However, the lack of contextual information reduces them to mere visual exhibits, even when they are in the museums. Most people value cultural heritage as collective heritage. This is also shown by a survey I completed amongst upper secondary school students in Oulu, Finland; the majority of the respondents felt that antiquities belong in the public domain, accessible to the general public and researchers.
The appreciation of tangible heritage requires, among other things, the accessibility of knowledge received from archaeological studies. Ease of access entails informing and publishing in the languages of the areas of investigation. The diversity of research and interpretations, and the dissemination of information broaden the influence of knowledge acquired. They increase interest in the past and protection of its heritage, as well as strengthen the public’s participation in the cultural heritage process. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimukseni käsittelee kulttuuriperinnön arvottamista, tiedon tuotannon käytäntöjä ja muinaisesineistön laitonta kauppaa sekä kolonialismia arkeologiassa. Tutkimusaineisto käsittää aihepiirin liittyvää lähdekirjallisuutta, verkkomateriaalia ja kyselyjä. Tarkastelen ja analysoin aineistoa eettisestä sekä historiallisesta näkökulmasta, pääosin jälkikoloniaalisessa viitekehyksessä. Tuon esille menneisyyden tutkimuksen epäsuhtaisia ajatusmalleja ja toimintatapoja. Lisäksi tarkastelen perintödiskurssin käsitteitä ja kulttuuriperinnön merkityksiä suuren yleisön kannalta.
Tutkimuksessani tuon ilmi, miten kolonialistiset käytänteet ovat vaikuttaneet arkeologiassa ja tutkimustiedon julkaisussa ja sen saavutettavuudessa. Vaikutukset ulottuvat laajalle materiaalisen kulttuuriperinnön arvostukseen ja hyödyntämiseen. Kolonialistiset käytänteet, kuten arkeologisen datan ja esineistön vienti tutkimuskohteista ulkomaisiin kokoelmiin ja tieteen keskuksiin, ovat heikentäneet paikallisten tiedonsaantia menneisyyden tutkimuksista. Muinaisesineistön osto ja myynti ovat vaikuttaneet arkeologisen perinnön rahallisen arvottamisen kasvuun. Muinaisesinekauppaa edeltää ryöstökaivu ja sitä seuraa esineiden katoaminen yksityisiin kokoelmiin, mikä tuhoaa arkeologista aineistoa ja vähentää ihmisten mahdollisuutta tutustua kulttuuriperintöön. Tästä esimerkkinä Iranin Lorestanin alueen pronssiesineiden laiton kauppa, joka on jatkunut lähes vuosisadan ajan. Esineitä on edelleen myynnissä länsimaiden antiikkimarkkinoilla ja laajalti internetissä. Muinaisesineiden kontekstitietojen puuttuessa ne ovat museoissakin pelkkiä visuaalisia näyttelyesineitä. Suuri osa ihmisistä arvostaa kulttuuriperintöä kollektiivisena perintönä. Tämän osoittaa myös lukiolaisnuorille tekemäni kysely; enemmistö vastaajista katsoi muinaisesineiden kuuluvan julkisiin tiloihin, suuren yleisön ja tutkijoiden saavutettaville.
Aineellisen kulttuuriperinnön arvostus edellyttää muun muassa arkeologisista tutkimuksista saadun tiedon saavutettavuutta, mikä tarkoittaa myös tutkimusalueiden kielillä tiedottamista ja julkaisemista. Tutkimuksen ja tulkintojen moninaisuus, osallistaminen ja tiedon levittäminen laajentavat hankitun tiedon vaikuttavuutta. Ne lisäävät kiinnostusta menneisyyteen ja sen perinnön suojeluun. Ennen kaikkea ne vahvistavat suuren yleisön mahdollisuuksia osallistua kulttuuriperintöprosessiin.
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Investing In Change: Illuminating Interactive Systems in HIV Research, Communication Diffusion, and Financing in LesothoWatson, Sharon Elizabeth 07 April 2017 (has links)
In the field of HIV, more than 30 years into the epidemic, the need to ensure that what researchers learn makes its way into tangible actions in the real world is especially poignant. This dissertation addresses the critical divide between research production and its translation into practice. It advances ways to measure the investments of citizens and stakeholders in qualitative studies and offers new perspectives on the losses inadvertently caused by particular investments in health research and services. Unfortunately, many of the problems in how we practice and disseminate research are rampant throughout the health and development research sector. Therefore, while this anthropological dissertation focuses on HIV and Lesotho, several of the findings are applicable in other geographical and topical settings.
This dissertation explores how the practice of conducting qualitative research becomes a type of disease prevention intervention itself cutting across systems. Using a large qualitative HIV sexual, social, and behavioral health research project, as a case study, I illuminate how health research knowledge makes its way (or not) to the populations for whom it is intended. Following up four years later, using in-depth semi-structured and structured interviews, I probe practical and theoretical issues involving the original research assistants, a comparison group, and representatives from organizations targeted to be most likely to use the research findings. I pilot a communication diffusion measurement tool that visualizes the researchers’ ability to apply what they learned from the research experience in talking to their families, partners, acquaintances, work colleagues, and students/trainees. The results indicate significant differences between the original team and the comparison group’s communication diagrams, demonstrating the tool’s usefulness in visualizing who is talking to whom, with what magnitude, and the types of life moments that trigger opportunities to have quality conversations about HIV, sex, and Multiple Concurrent Partnerships (MCP).
As evidenced in this study, team members are part of the larger social system. They have the potential to influence the formal dissemination of HIV prevention information into policy and programming as well as the informal diffusion into their own life and in the lives of those they encounter in their social network. Nowhere in translation and dissemination research descriptions are the research team members discussed. Based on this research, I argue that, in addition to greater involvement of the public and stakeholders in translational research, there is a need to include the “implementers” of research beyond that of the principal investigators: the research staff. There is a need to further conceptualize the role of the “research team” in the translation of research to practice paradigm.
Data have been collected from grey documents, project reports, scientific papers, newspapers, and websites establishing current points of focus for well-funded global entities in context with our understanding of transmission and prevention dynamics and debates. Analysis of these sources reveal strong rhetoric for combined biomedical, social, behavioral and structural approaches but programming and funding reports reflect much more weight and financing to biomedical solutions. The findings from organizational representatives interviewed in this study reveal that the creation of research and diffusion of information will follow the funding. Similar to Lesotho, many researchers and health professionals in developing countries are hired into biomedical or clinical projects for employment. This project explores the HIV response as part of economic, social and health development in Lesotho supported by the aid industry, and presents data on how the investments of money influence the ways in which local leaders and everyday citizens define, communicate, and conceive solutions to the problem of HIV.
In the mid-term, translating biomedical findings into real world realities requires qualitative research. Ethically sound and well-trained qualitative researchers are fundamental in the creation and diffusion of knowledge. As the findings in this study indicate, the qualitative experience provides an opportunity to understand the epidemic that leads people to change their own behaviors, influence those around them, and have the desire to facilitate conversations to provoke social action and change. However, this study also demonstrates how people can go years talking, studying, and working in HIV without ever having an “awakening” or deeper understanding of HIV in their local reality. Study results delve into the long-term effects on the local researchers, furthering our understanding of the different ways in which “capacity” is built in the local involvement. The dissertation also explores critical questions about qualitative research methods and ethics within a context of investigating a disease where everyone—researchers and the researched—are either infected or affected.
Based on this research, I argue that true education about HIV is a dialogical perpetual process of interrogating what we know, imagining what should be done and trying: Praxis. This heightened awareness of how our daily research practices link to larger systems will help us not to allow our do-gooder attempts to blind us to the harm we may inadvertently do, or to the lost opportunities we squander. Instead, we must capture and maximize our investments in research and people as agents of change and not only as patients, participants, or employees.
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