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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CUIDA+, App para cuidado de adultos mayores

Córdova Morquencho, Rosario, Diaz Corzo, Julio Daniel, Silva Ramírez, Elard Mauricio, Villalba Delgado, Lucía Belén, Zuzunaga Vílchez, Christian Gonzalo 19 July 2021 (has links)
La idea de negocio que se presenta en este proyecto incluye la creación de una página web y aplicativo móvil denominada CUIDA+, la cual permitirá a los familiares y responsables de adultos de la tercera edad, poder conectarse a una red de geriatras especializados en su cuidado. Con el fin de dar tranquilidad a la familia, los geriatras serán seleccionados durante un estricto proceso de selección para garantizar que nuestros clientes sean aptos con el cuidado de adultos mayores. Para que este proyecto brinde la seguridad requerida de manera global, contaremos con el apoyo del campo legal y de Recursos Humanos, quienes nos apoyarán en la realización de la formación y perfiles para logar un mejor equipo de trabajo. Nuestro aplicativo móvil se puede descargar de forma gratuita desde la AppStore y Play Store, esto dependerá del sistema operativo del usuario. Así mismo, tendremos un diseño web que permitirá una correcta visualización desde diferentes dispositivos, como laptops, notebooks, pc´s, entre otros. CUIDA+ obtendrá un margen de ganancia del 40% para el primer paquete, el cual consiste en 4 horas de servicio, el mismo porcentaje para el paquete de 8 y 12 horas la cual será considerada en las tarifas cobradas al momento de solicitar los servicios. El precio promedio del servicio varía desde los S/116 por un servicio de 4 horas, por un servicio de 8 horas S/206 y por un servicio de 12 horas / The business idea presented in this project includes the creation of a website and mobile application called CARE+, which will allow family members and caregivers of elderly adults to connect to a network of geriatricians specialized in their care. In order to provide peace of mind to the family, the geriatricians will be selected during a strict selection process to ensure that our clients are suitable for the care of older adults. For this project to provide the required security in a global way, we will have the support of the legal field and Human Resources, who will support us in the realization of training and profiles to achieve a better work team. Our mobile application can be downloaded for free from the AppStore and Play Store, this will depend on the user's operating system. Likewise, we will have a web design that will allow a correct visualization from different devices, such as laptops, notebooks, pc's, among others. CARE+ will obtain a profit margin of 40% for the first package, which consists of 4 hours of service, the same percentage for the 8 and 12 hours package which will be considered in the rates charged at the time of requesting the services. The average price of the service varies from S/116 for a 4-hour service, S/206 for an 8-hour service and S/206 for a 12-hour service. / Trabajo de investigación

Äldre personers symptom i livets slutskede utifrån den palliativa vårdens helhetssyn : en litteraturstudie / Elderly persons' symtoms in the end of life seen from the palliative care holistic perspective : a literature review

Matkovic, Ljiljana January 2016 (has links)
Ca 1.6 miljoner människor i Sverige är 65 år gamla eller äldre. Äldre människor insjuknar i olika sjukdomar som har olika sjukdomsförlopp men själva dödsförloppet är tämligen det samma trots diagnos. När sjukdom inte kan botas blir all vård och behandling som ges lindrande - palliativ vård. Med dagens åldrande befolkning där allt fler äldre patienter behöver tillgång till god omsorg inom olika vårdinstanser, krävs det en välfungerande hälso-och sjukvård samt en bättre tillgänglighet av allmän palliativ vård. Det är viktigt att beakta alla behov den äldre har, det vill säga de psykiska, fysiska, sociala och andliga behoven i syfte att främja den äldres livskvalitet. Att vara beroende av andra och förlora kontrollen över sitt liv sänker livskvalitén hos de gamla och gör att de upplever sig själva som en ”börda” för de andra, både anhöriga och vårdpersonal. Förutom lindring ska palliativ vård bekräfta livet och betrakta döden som en normal process som inte ska fördröjas eller påskyndas. Palliativ vård ska baseras på en helhetssyn. En helhetssyn där kropp, känslor, socialt sammanhang och meningsfrågor är hopflätade. Detta krävs för att kunna se på det totala lidandet. Lidandet är en personlig upplevelse som är förknippad med smärta. Det finns fyra dimensioner inom palliativ vård, alla är lika viktiga och beroende av varandra.  Det är fysisk, psykisk, social och existentiell dimension. Människan är en helhet och reagerar som en helhet. Hur den sista tiden i livet kan gestalta sig varierar från människa till människa.   Syfte med studien var att belysa symptom hos äldre i slutet av livet utifrån den palliativa vårdens helhetssyn.   Metod som användes för denna studie var litteraturöversikt. Resultaten grundas på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserades utifrån syftet.   Resultat visar att äldre har en bred symptombild i livets slut. De kan genomgå ett fysiskt, psykiskt, socialt och andligt lidande i slutet av livet. Olika symtom påverkar varandra. Av alla fysiska symptom är smärta svårast att uthärda. Resultatet visar att sjukvården har brister i bedömning och behandling vid livets slut bland de äldre.   Slutsatsen är att äldre människor inte har omvårdnadsbehov som skiljer sig från andra i livets slut. Ändå verkar de äldre vara mer utsatta för risker att deras behov inte skulle tillgodoses. De behöver bli sedda i sin helhet, lyssnade på, betrodda och respekterade. Den fysiska smärtan är ofta bara en del av hela döende processen. / Around 1.6 million people in Sweden are 65 years or older. Are diagnosed with various diagnosis with divergent progress of the disease. The death process is relatively the same regardless diagnosis. Once the disease takes over the care becomes all-relieving palliative care.  With today’s ageing population when more elderly patients need access to medical and nursing facilities there is a need of a good functioning health services and better access to palliative care. It is important to take in consideration all the needs of the elderly which is the physical, psychic social and spiritual needs to promote a better quality of life. Losing control over one’s life and being dependent on others can make the elderly people feel as a burden for others, both family and health care personnel. Palliative care should not only give relief but also reinforce life and see death as normal process which can either denied or postponed.  Palliative care should be seen as a whole, where body, feelings and the social surroundings are braided. This is needed to see the complete suffering. Suffering is a personal experience which is associated with pain. There are four dimensions in palliative care and all four are equally important and depend on each other. They are the physical, psychical, social and existential dimensions. The human being is a whole entity and reacts as such. How the last time on earth is shaped varies from person to person Aim of this study was to highlight the symptoms in the elderly at the end of life based on the holistic approach of palliative care. The method used for this study was a literature review. The results are based on 16 scientific articles were analyzed according to the purpose. The results show that elderly have a wide spectrum of symptoms in the end of life. They endure psychic, social, physical and spiritual suffering. The symptoms affect each other. Pain is the most difficult of all the physical symptoms to endure. The results show that the health service has deficiencies both in the assessment and treatment at the end of life for the elderly. The conclusion shows that older people do not have care needs that are different from others in the end of life. It seems though that the older population are at larger risk of not having their needs met. They need to be seen as a whole, listened to, believed in and respected. The physical pain is only a part of the dying process.

Kärlek på särskilda boenden : Enhetschefers perspektiv på och strategier för att hantera etiska dilemman kopplat till kärleksrelationer på särskilda boenden för äldre. / Love in care homes : Managers' perspectives on and strategies for dealing with ethical dilemmas linked to romantic relationships in care homes for the elderly.

Bergqvist, Hanna, Javidi, Shervin January 2023 (has links)
The objective of this study is to examine the perspectives and preferred actions by managers at elderly care home facilities regarding ethical dilemmas that may emerge when elderly people fall in love. Previous research is mainly focused on ageism and the sex-life of elderly people at care homes. Less attention is paid to their love-life and the view of the managers is often overlooked. Researchers tend to interview and observe the staff, such as nurses and assistant nurses, rather than the managers. In order to provide information to reduce this knowledge gap, this study is based on interviews with managers at elderly care homes in Sweden using the vignette-method.The analysis of this study is based on ethical theory, which is divided into two main orientations called duty-based ethics and consequentialist ethics. Ethical theory is used as a tool for analyzing the data in order to discover which ethical orientation the managers prefer to base their arguments on. The conclusion of this study shows that neither duty-based ethics, nor consequentialist ethics is more often used than the other. The managers motivate their arguments and actions on both ethical orientations without being solely reliant on neither one. Furthermore, the conclusions of this study state that the managers value autonomy and the well-being of the elderly as well as their spouses. However, they all pointed out that ethical dilemmas derived from love in elderly care homes are complex to deal with and more knowledge is needed.

Hem, men inte hemma : Äldres upplevelser av att flytta från eget boenden till äldreboende -En kvalitativ studie / Home, but not at home : Older people’s experience of transiting from their own home to an elderly care - a qualitative study

Rajpar, Farhana, Grant, Annie January 2023 (has links)
Past research has shown that there are many factors that affect the elderly when moving from their own home to an elderly home. The main aim of this study was therefore to (i) describe the reasons and feelings of the elders associated before transiting into the elderly home (ii) experience and support during the transition and adapting to the life in the elderly home for the first few months after the transition and (iii) whether there lies any difference in sex amongst the elderly men and women in adjusting to the elderly home. Due to ethical issues, the study was conducted through interviewing the professionals who worked with elderly around the clock. Therefore, questions have been answered by the professionals in regard to their view on the subject. A total of six (6) semi structured interviews were conducted by two social work students who interviewed 9 professionals i.e. five (5) individual interviews and one group interview with four (4) professional participants. Of these nine (9) interview participants, eight (8) professionals were either working as domestic workers (hemtjänst) or as professional caregivers at the elderly home or as both and one (1) participant was the chief of department in the elderly home. The results showed that functional impairment or disability was the first and foremost reason as to why elderly must move from their own home to elderly home. However, for many elders this decision feels like a “force” upon them and their experience following is vastly differed. While other elders may feel a loss of identity in the elderly home, lonely and disappointed, many feel a sense of security to be around people who can look after them 24/7 and be able to create a meaningful relationship with both, other residents and the professional staff. It was as well noted that factors like activities and personality played a major role in the adjustment of the elderly in the elderly home. Lastly, the study did not show any differences between the sexes i.e. there was no difference between elderly men and elderly women when adjusting in the elderly home. However elderly women were shown as a sex who were more lenient to adapt to the changes.

Aktivizační a edukační aktivity v domovech pro seniory v období koronavirové krize / Activation and educational activities in retirement homes during the coronavirus crisis

Kučerová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the issue of offering activation and educational activities in retirement homes during the coronavirus crisis. The main goal of this work is to analyze the offer of educational and activation programs in retirement homes and findings and definition of differences in the offer of these programs in the period before and during the coronavirus crisis. The aim of this work should be to describe the current offer of activation and educational activities in homes for the elderly, how it differs from the normal situation and whether the current state affects the participation of seniors in these activities or their preferences. The work is divided into theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part describes the definition of basic concepts of this problematics, describes the quality of life of elderly and society's attitude towards the elderly, functions and goals of education of elderly, possible ways of motivation and barriers in education of elderly and finally the importance and staffing for educational and activation activities in retairment homes. The empirical part will focus on the already mentioned analyze of offering activation and educational activities in retirement homes during the coronavirus crisis. Questionnaire survey and interviews with activation...

Service Design to Examine the Ecosystem of Safety Alarms for Elderly in Malmö City / Användarcentrerad tjänsteutveckling för trygghetskedjans ekosystem i Malmö Stad

Haldosén, Markus, SANDGREN, Max January 2018 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är ett projekt inom metodiken tjänstedesign som utforskar ekosystemet av aktörer i kedjan av trygghetslarm för äldre i Malmö Kommun. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utforma förslag till tjänstekoncept som uppfyller de behov som användaren av trygghetslarmet upplever. Detta med hänsyn till alla involverade aktörer inom ekosystemet i kedjan av trygghetslarm för äldre. Dessa skulle utformas genom att identifiera de främsta problemområdena, samt relaterade primära behov, som uppstår i relationerna mellan de olika involverade aktörerna i den nuvarande tjänsten. Denna kvalitativa forskningsmetod har främst använts för att, utifrån insikter insamlade genom kundinteraktioner, designa om och utveckla en användarcentrerad tjänst. Parallellt har den tillika använts för att skapa en hållbar och konkurrenskraftig tjänst gentemot tjänsteleverantören. Denna metod utgår från en iterativ process där varje iteration består av fyra steg: kundinteraktioner, kundinsikter, idégenerering och triggermaterial. De kundinteraktioner som genomfördes genererade insikter som analyserades och användes för att generera konceptidéer som iterativt utvecklades under fyra iterationer till två slutkoncept.  Utifrån de identifierade problemområdena, med relaterade primära behov, identifierades två behovsgrupper; Ensamanvändare och Primäranvändare. Med hänsyn till de primära behoven för behovsgruppen Ensamanvändare utformades ett tjänstekoncept som benämndes Äldreguiden. För behovsgruppen Primäranvändare utformades riktlinjer för utveckling av det befintliga systemet som benämndes Design guidelines för Information. Slutsatsen av examensarbetet är att det framtagna förslaget för tjänstekoncept samt de utformade riktlinjerna ses ha potential att tillmötesgå de analyserade primära behov som de två identifierade behovsgrupperna upplevde. / This Master’s degree project is a project in the methodology of Service Design that explores the ecosystem of actors within the chain of security alarms for the elderly in Malmö Municipality. The purpose of this degree project was to draft proposals for service concepts that meet the needs of the security alarm user. This takes into account all involved actors in the ecosystem in the chain of security alarms for the elderly. These proposals would be designed by identifying the main problem areas, as well as related primary needs arising in the relationships between the various involved actors in the current service. This qualitative research method has been used primarily to design and develop a user-centered service based on insights collected through customer interactions. In parallel, it has also been used to create a sustainable and competitive service towards the service provider. This method is based on an iterative process where each iteration consists of four steps: customer interactions, customer insights, idea generation and triggers. The customer interactions conducted generated insights that were analyzed and used to generate concept ideas that were developed iteratively during four iterations into two final concepts. Based on the identified problem areas, with related primary needs, two needs groups were identified; Ensamanvändaren and Primäranvändaren. Considering the primary needs of the need group Ensamanvändaren, a service concept was developed, called Äldreguiden. For the Primäranvändaren need group, guidelines were developed for the development of the existing system, called Design guidelines för Information. The conclusion of the thesis is that the draft proposal for service concepts as well as the guidelines developed are seen as having the potential to meet the primary needs identified for the two analyzed needs groups.

Enhetschefers perspektiv på kompetensläget inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie av kompetensläget och eventuell kompetensbrist inom äldreomsorgen / Unit managers' perspective on the state of competence in municipal care for the elderly : A qualitative study of the competence situation and possible competence shortage in elderly care

Isaac, Oriama, Gashi, Ema January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding and to contribute with new knowledge on how unit managers in elderly care, manage the competence of assistant nurses. Furthermore, the study discusses what type of challenges assistant nurses might encounter. In their work, due to the increasing age. amongst residents in Sweden. Assistant nurses in Swedish elderly homes make a great effort to increase the quality of life for elderly people. However, in the long term unit managers in elder care will need to increase their amount of staff and also increase their unit of assistant nurses work competence. This is to give elderly people an even higher quality of care since the demands in healthcare are increasing in society and also people's life span is longer than before. Through semistructured qualitative interviews with eight unit managers in the elderly care field from the southern part of Sweden. We discovered that there are three types of competences unit managers define as an important source for working as an assistant nurse which are: language, technology and mental illness. Results show that unit managers have different ways to increase the competence of their staff, but it differs depending on what county they are in.

Belysa äldre människors upplevelse av livskvalité vid urininkontinens / Elucidate older people's experience of quality of life with urinary incontinence

Amjadi, Leila, Årstrand, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Urininkontinens hos äldre är ett vanligt förekommande problem. Fler människor lever längre och drabbas av urininkontinens när kroppen åldras. Kopplingar mellan urininkontinens och den äldres fysiska förmåga kan vara komplexa och omfattande. Livskvalité hos den äldre människan handlar om vad som gör livet värdefullt och kan skilja sig åt från person till person. I vårdandet är specialistsjuksköterskans ansvar att främja hälsa och arbeta för patientens välbefinnande på ett sätt som bemöter individens behov. Syfte: Belysa äldre människors upplevelse av livskvalité vid urininkontinens. Metod: Integrativ litteraturstudie enligt Whittemore och Knafl:s beskrivning med data från kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar. Resultat: Analys av nio artiklar ledde fram till tre teman och sex subteman. Bilden av sig själv, praktisk anpassning i livet och social anpassning som påverkas och kan förändras när den äldre människan drabbas av urininkontinens. Människor med urininkontinens beskriver att livskvalitén förändras och väcker känslor som oro och rädsla. Självbilden och självkänslan påverkas av urininkontinens samtidigt som självbilden kan stärkas av vård och omvårdnad. Besvär som läckage och täta toalettbesök orsakade av urinkontinens påverkar vardagen och leder till minskade dagliga aktiviteter och mindre umgänge. Slutsats: Minskade besvär av urininkontinens bidrar till att möjliggöra fysisk aktivitet och sammantaget ökar det livskvalitén. / Background: Urinary incontinence in the elderly is a common problem. More people live longer and suffer from urinary incontinence as the body ages. Links between urinary incontinence and the physical ability of the elderly can be complex and extensive. Quality of life for the elderly is about what makes life valuable and can differ from person to person. In care, the specialist nurse's responsibility is to promote health and work for the patient's well-being in a way that meets the individual's needs. Purpose: Elucidate older people's experience of quality of life with urinary incontinence. Method: Integrative literature study according to Whittemore and Knafl's description with data from quantitative and qualitative articles. Results: Analysis of nine articles led to three themes and six subthemes. Self-image, practical adaptation in life and social adaptation that are affected and can change when the elderly suffer from urinary incontinence. People with urinary incontinence describe that the quality of life changes and arouses feelings such as worry and fear. Self-image and self-esteem are affected by urinary incontinence, while self-image can be strengthened by care and nursing. Problems such as leakage and frequent toilet visits caused by urinary incontinence affect everyday life and lead to reduced daily activities and less socializing. Conclusion: Reduced symptoms of urinary incontinence help to enable physical activity and overall it increases the quality of life.

Histomorphometry of the Elderly Rib: A methodological approach with implications for biomechanics, function, and fracture risk

Agnew, Amanda Marie 20 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Den skadliga ensamheten : En systematisk litteraturstudie om effekter av interventioner och livsmiljöer på välbefinnandet hos äldre / The harmfull loneliness : A systematic literature study about the effects of the interventions and living environments on the well-being of the elderly

Furtenback, Tuss, Sahlin, Ulrica January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Åldrande är en naturlig och oundviklig del av livet, som det finns delade meningar om men där många är överens om att det är en process. När individen åldras är det naturligt att inte längre ha samma nivå av socialt engagemang som tidigare på grund av minskad fysisk förmåga och möjlighet att träffa sitt nätverk, samt förlust av delar av sitt sociala nätverk genom pensionering och förlust av livskamrat. Brist på socialt engagemang leder till ensamhet, som kan upplevas både positivt och negativt. Ensamhet finns i olika former såsom social, emotionell och existentiell ensamhet. Befolkningen blir allt äldre, vilket ökar belastningen för socialt arbete och därför betonas det hur viktigt det är att förlänga arbetslivet och för att upprätthålla välfärden. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att utforska och analysera hur olika typer av interventioner och livsmiljöer påverkar psykologiska, fysiska och sociala aspekter av välbefinnandet hos äldre. Särskilt fokus ligger på att undersöka hur dessa interventioner och livsmiljöer kan bidra till att minska skadlig ensamhet. Metod och teori: Studien är i form av en systematisk litteraturstudie där tretton utvalda artiklar utgör empirin. För att förstå hur olika typer av interventioner och livsmiljöer påverkar psykologiska, fysiska och sociala aspekter har vi identifierat ett teoretiskt ramverk av KASAM, disengagemang- och kontinuitetsteorierna utifrån den empiri vi har funnit. Artiklarna analyserades med en tematisk analys, och de mest använda sökorden var elderly people, aging, loneliness, social isolation, prevention och intervention. Resultat: Studien utmynnar i fem huvudteman: Interventioner och livsmiljöer, Effekter på välbefinnande, Teoretiska perspektiv, Utmaningar och hinder samt Rekommendationer för framtiden. Slutsatser: Studien visar att olika interventioner och livsmiljöer kan förbättra äldres livskvalitet genom att minska skadlig ensamhet och öka socialt stöd. Aktiviteter som konst, fysisk träning, sociala måltider samt trygga grannskap, har positiva effekter på välbefinnandet hos äldre. Individuella behov och upplevelser av ensamhet varierar, dessutom ger teoretiska perspektiv som KASAM och disengagemang- och kontinuitetsteori, insikter om dessa effekter. Framtida rekommendationer är längre uppföljningar och individuellt anpassade insatser. En genomgående rekommendation i samtliga studier är att fortsatt forskning och anpassning till specifika sammanhang behövs. / Background: Aging is a natural and inevitable part of life, in which there are divided opinions on the subject but where many agree that it is a process. As the individual ages, it is natural to no longer maintain the same level of social engagement as before due to physical limitations and reduced opportunities to meet with their network, through retirement and the loss of a life partner. Lack of social engagement leads to loneliness, which can be experienced both positively and negatively. Loneliness exists in various forms, such as social, emotional, and existential loneliness. The population is growing older, which increases the burden on social work and therefore emphasizes the importance of, among other things, extending working life in order to maintain welfare. Aim: The aim of this study is to explore and analyze how different types of interventions and living environments affect psychological, physical and social aspects of well-being in older adults. The study particularly focuses on how these interventions and living environments can help reduce harmful loneliness. Method and theory: The study is conducted as a systematic literature review, with thirteen selected articles forming the empirical basis. In order to understand how different types of interventions and living environments affect psychological, physical and social aspects, we have identified a theoretical framework of SOC, short for Sence of Coherence, the disengagement- and continuity theories based on the empirical evidence we have found. The articles were analyzed using a thematic analysis, and the most used keywords were elderly people, aging, loneliness, social isolation, prevention and intervention. Findings: The study generated five main themes: Interventions and living environments, Effects on well-being, Theoretical perspectives, Challenges and obstacles and Recommendations for the future. Conclusion: The study shows that various interventions and living environments can improve older adults' quality of life by reducing loneliness and increasing social support. Activities such as art, physical exercise and social meals, as well as safe neighborhoods, have positive effects on well-being among elderly. Individual needs and experiences of loneliness vary, in addition the theoretical perspectives such as SOC, short for Sense of Coherence, the disengagement- and continuity theories provide insights into these effects. Challenges include high dropout rates and the need for customized methods. Future recommendations are longer follow-ups and individually adapted interventions. A consistent recommendation in all studies is that continued research and adaptation to specific contexts is needed.

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